Calculation of economic value added example. Added value

Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated 31.05.2012 N 48/71

On the basis of subparagraph 6.1 of paragraph 6 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 29, 2006 N 967 "Certain Issues of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus", subparagraph 7.1 of paragraph 7 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 N 1589 "Issues of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection", the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus DECIDE:

2. This resolution comes into force after its signing.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection

APPROVED Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus on May 31, 2012 N 48/71



1. Guidelines for calculating value added and value added per person average employee(labor productivity in value added) at the organization level (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) are intended to guide the work of the republican bodies government controlled and other government organizations subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee.

2. The Guidelines apply to organizations that are subordinate (run) to the republican government bodies and other state organizations subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee, as well as to business companies whose shares (stakes in authorized funds) are state-owned.


3. Value added at the level of an organization is that part of the value of products (works, services) that is created in a given organization. Added value is the source economic growth and the formation of income for the owners of the organization, employees, the state.

4. The economic effect of maximizing the added value of the organization is expressed in the realization of the interests of:

owners - in providing the opportunity to decide managerial tasks development of the organization, including the supply, sale of manufactured products (works, services) and the receipt of dividends, interest, income;

investors - in the payback of invested capital and its profitability over time;

workers - in the opportunity to receive decent wages;

states - in the fulfillment by organizations of obligations to pay taxes to the republican and local budgets, which allows the latter to solve social and environmental problems society.

The added value, in contrast to the profit indicator, coordinates the interests of not only corporate, but also of a state nature, since it takes into account the requirements of the legislation to ensure social and environmental guarantees.

5. The value added by the organization is calculated for all types of activities carried out. economic activity in the following way:

the volume of production of products (works, services) in selling prices less accrued taxes and fees from proceeds minus material costs (excluding fees for natural resources) and other costs, consisting of rent, entertainment expenses and services of other organizations.

DS \u003d V - MZ - PrZ,

where DS is the value added by the organization;

V - the volume of production (works, services) in selling prices, net of accrued taxes and fees from the proceeds;

MZ - material costs minus payments for natural resources;

RZ - other costs, consisting of rent, entertainment expenses and services of other organizations.

6. The formation of indicators of the volume of production of products (works, services) and the costs of their production is carried out on the basis of synthetic and analytical data. accounting in accordance with regulatory legal acts on accounting.


7. Labor productivity at the organization level is calculated in actual prices as the ratio of value added, calculated in accordance with paragraph 5 of these Guidelines for the reporting period, to average headcount employees of the organization during the same period.

8. The growth rate of labor productivity at the organization level is calculated in actual prices as the ratio of labor productivity at the organization level in actual prices for the reporting period to labor productivity at the organization level in actual prices for the corresponding period of the previous year.

9. The ratio of the dynamics of labor productivity at the level of organization and wages of employees of the organization is calculated as the ratio of the growth rate of labor productivity at the level of the organization in actual prices and the nominal accrued average monthly wage.

If the value of the ratio of labor productivity growth rates at the organization level in actual prices and the nominal accrued average monthly wage is greater than one, it is assumed that there is a faster growth in labor productivity.

10. The calculation of labor productivity and its analysis with the linkage of the wages of workers to agricultural organizations, taking into account the specifics of agricultural production, it is advisable to carry out at the end of the year.

  • Resolution of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus dated November 20, 2013 N 249 On approval of the Methodology for the calculation of statistical indicators "Revenue from the sale of products, goods, works, services per one employed in the economy" and "Revenue from the sale of products, goods, works, services per one average employee"
  • Resolution of the Board of the Fund for Social Protection of the Population of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated February 16, 2009 N 3 On recognizing invalid the resolution of the board of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of January 26, 2007 N 5 and a separate provision of the resolution of the board of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of November 28, 2007 N 14
  • On approval of the Guidelines on the procedure for determining the cost of design and survey work and the Guidelines for determining the cost of design and survey work performed design organizations Republic of Belarus, based on labor costs


If you know the company's gross profit (BB), the amount of material costs for production (M) and the amount of depreciation (A), calculate the value added (VA) using the formula DS \u003d BB - (M + A).

Material production costs (M) include raw materials, materials, fuel, electricity and general production costs for the repair and maintenance of equipment.

The volume of the company's gross revenue (BB) is equal to the sum of the cost of production and the company's profit before tax (SB + P). Therefore, if you have this data, you can calculate the value added using the formula DS = (SB + P) - (M + A).

Expand the formula indicated in the second paragraph: DS \u003d (M + ZP + A + PR +% + P) - (M + A), that is, DS \u003d (ZP + P + PR + %). In this way, you can determine the value added by simply adding up the accrued wages, the company's profit before tax, and the interest paid on the loan. If the organization bears the cost of renting the premises, do not forget to include them in the value added.

The company's profit before tax (P) is equal to the difference between the company's gross revenue and the cost of production, P = (BB - SB).

VAT is an indirect tax paid on consumer goods or services. It is levied on almost all types of goods and "falls on the shoulders" of the final consumer. At the same time, the amount of VAT that is intended to be paid to the budget is determined in the form of the difference in the amount of tax calculated with the amount of payment for the products sold by the taxpayer and the tax that was paid to suppliers for the purchased materials.


In order to receive VAT, certain conditions must be met:
- the goods must be purchased for the implementation of any production activities or, as well as other transactions that are subject to VAT;
- was actually paid customs authorities for goods, the customs territory;
- the goods have been registered;
- the invoice must be correctly drawn up.

In order to receive a VAT deduction when acquiring intangible assets and fixed assets, it is necessary to accept objects for accounting.

In order to receive VAT deductions withheld from foreign persons, you must first pay it to the budget and comply with the condition on the use of purchased goods for production activities.

The deduction of VAT calculated from the advance payment on account of the forthcoming export of goods sold outside the territory of the Russian Federation is made only after the date of sale of these goods.

All VAT deductions that relate to goods used in production activities and the sale of these exported goods can only be made upon submission of documents confirming the export to the tax authorities.

To understand why there is no VAT, you need to figure out what this abbreviation means. Value added tax is one of the indirect taxes that is formed at different stages of production and further sale of goods and is payable to the budget. To date, there are 3 VAT rates: the standard rate of 18%, the reduced rate of 10% (on essential goods) and the rate of 0%.


There are two types of VAT - import and domestic. Import VAT is paid at customs when goods are imported from Russia. The exception is when the product falls under the 0% rate. This happens if the goods are exported according to the procedure established by law or fall under the free trade regime. customs zone on the territory of the participating countries Customs Union.

The second type of tax - internal VAT - is paid when selling goods, as well as works or services on the territory of our country. However, not all legal entities must know the intricacies of calculating this tax. In order to reduce small businesses, those firms that apply the single tax on imputed income or the simplified taxation system as a taxation regime are exempt from VAT. On the one hand, this is convenient for them, but if such organizations work with companies on a general taxation regime, and VAT is allocated in a separate line in the invoice, they, unfortunately, cannot return this money from the budget. And, conversely, it is unprofitable for organizations working on the DOS to work with those who apply the simplified tax system, since the cost of goods is indicated without VAT, while in a similar company with a general taxation regime, the cost may be the same, but with VAT included in it. , which can be returned from the budget.

It turns out that if you do not see the VAT line on the check, then perhaps the company from which you buy the goods is just one of the taxpayers that do not apply common mode taxation. Otherwise, no VAT in cash receipt can serve as a basis for holding the company liable by tax office.

Often, for consumers of goods, the presence or absence of allocated VAT in an invoice or receipt is not fundamental. In any case, only legal entities can return the amount of input VAT from the budget, that is, the tax is ultimately paid out of the pockets of individuals.

With the help of the FinEcAnalysis 2019 program, you can quickly conduct Estimation of economic value added.

An example of a report automatically generated by the FinEcAnalysis 2019 program.

Estimation of economic value added
CJSC "Arsenal" as of 01.01.2010

Economic value added is a method of measuring financial condition company, which calculates the real economic income. EVA can be calculated as the difference between net operating income after taxes and the opportunity cost of capital invested.

The main idea and meaning of the EVA indicator is that the capital of the company must work with such efficiency to provide the rate of return required by the investor, shareholder or other owner on the invested capital.

Economic value added is calculated by the formula:


where NOPAT is net income according to financial reporting subject to necessary adjustments;

WACC is the weighted average cost of capital;

CE - invested capital.

Economic value added arises in the company in the event that over a given period of time it was possible to earn a return on invested capital higher than the rate of return of the investor.

A positive EVA means growth market value compared to the book value of net assets and an incentive for owners to make further investments in the enterprise. The negative one leads to a decrease in the market value of the company and the loss of the invested capital by the owners due to the non-receipt of alternative profitability. At zero EVA, the market value of the enterprise and the book value of net assets are the same, which means that the market gain for the owner is zero.

It is advisable to calculate EVA in 3 stages:

1) determination of the weighted average cost of capital;

2) making adjustments to the indicator of profit and capital;

3) determination of return on invested capital, return spread and economic value added.

The weighted average cost of capital of CJSC "Arsenal" is 3.99% (see the section "Calculation of the weighted average cost of capital")

Balance sheet adjustments are made to convert NOPAT and EQUITY from accounting book value to economic book value. In the conditions of Russia, it is advisable to use an approach with a financial perspective to calculate NOPAT.

NOPAT calculation

Indicators for 2008 for 2009
1 2 3
1. Profit available to ordinary shareholders 18364 21769
2. Costs related to financing and interest income 3981 2527
3. Interest expense after taxes 3981 2527
4. Estimated interest on non-capitalized leases
5. Investment income after taxes -9081.24 -5854.28
6. Changes in equity equivalents 1444 -658
7. Increase in provisions for deferred income tax 1061 -1007
8. Increase in provision for bad debts
9. Increasing deferred income -37 -48
10. Increasing spending on R&D and marketing research
11. Increase in reserves for future expenses and payments 418 395
12. Depreciation of goodwill 2 2
13. NOPAT 32870.24 29492.28
14. Net profit 18364 21769

Peculiarities accounting policy enterprises allowed to make adjustments in the calculation of economic profit by the amount of: expenses related to financing and interest income, investment loss. Due to this economic profit exceeded the accounting one by 7723.3 thousand rubles.

When calculating the CAPITAL indicator, the approach with an operational perspective seems to be the least time-consuming.

CAPITAL calculation

Indicators for 2008 for 2009
1 2 3
1. Total assets 153876 183030
2. Short term financial investments 100 200
3. Construction in progress 321 442
4. Accounts payable 42922 65046
5. Present value of non-capitalized lease
6. Capital Equivalents 1218 1220
7. Provision for bad debts 1000 1000
8. Total amortization of goodwill 218 220
9. Net spending on R&D and marketing research
10. CAPITAL 111751 118562
11. Equity, loans and borrowings and payments 110954 117984

In 2009, the amendments made when converting the balance sheet value of the "capital" indicator into the economic one increased its level by 578 thousand rubles.

Calculation of EVA indicators - menagment

In 2009, CJSC "Arsenal" earned a yield exceeding the required by the investor by 20.91%. The increase in the market value of the enterprise over the balance sheet value of assets amounted to 24,791 thousand rubles. This encourages the owner to further invest in the enterprise.

EVA (Economic Value Added)- economic profit - is one of the most important indicators in assessing the company's production efficiency. Reflects economic value added. EVA is usually estimated for one reporting period (quarter, year, less often - a month) and reflects economic profit after taxes, interest on attracted and equity(invested for the period).

EVA calculation algorithm

Net operating income NOPAT is reduced by the amount of payment for the use of own and attracted (borrowed) capital.
Economic meaning of EVA is that the enterprise must not only ensure break-even functioning (more about the calculation of the break-even point), including the return on investment, but also create additional value (the school of classics calls it additional value).

Methods and formulas for calculating EVA

In practice, there are many ways to calculate the EVA indicator, here are some of them:

RENT - return on investment, calculated RENT = NOPAT/SOS;
WACC - weighted average cost of capital;
SOS - own working capital(capital employed) = total assets - current liabilities.

NOPLAT - indicator of net operating profit;
NPC - normal costs of capital;
IC is the amount of investment.

In the reports of the largest Russian companies the formula that takes into account ROCE- return on invested capital. EVA calculation logic in this case is simple - economic profit arises only if the company managed to achieve a return on invested capital that exceeds the weighted average cost of capital.

SPRED (spread) - the difference between ROCE and WACC.
If SPREAD > 0, then the company's return exceeds the expected return of investors (initially set based on the cost of capital WACC).

EVA formula by B. Stewart

Without exception, all formulas and methods for calculating economic value added are based on B. Stewart's formula, which looks like this:


In order to maximize the accuracy of the EVA calculation, Stewart suggested using 164 indicator adjustments, but nevertheless, to simplify management reporting, he applied only a number of the most significant adjustments.
EVA Model is one of the most common models in enterprise valuation. It is the assessment operating activities for significant a period of time can give the most accurate result in the valuation of the company. It is supposed to set a normative target value for tracking the activities of all departments of the enterprise. The EVA assessment is transparent both for the company's management and for its shareholders and creditors. The analysis of the indicator of economic value added by divisions is able to identify the most valuable and profitable products for the company, on which it is worth focusing attention and in which to direct the vast majority of investment funds.

Disadvantages of the EVA method and model

The main disadvantage of the method for assessing economic value added is the calculation of the many possible formulas (given above). Due to the difference in calculation methods, we cannot objectively compare two companies in terms of EVA without knowing which of the calculation methods was used to evaluate the indicator in each company.

Stages of implementing the EVA management model in the enterprise

Stage 1. The first step is to draw up a long-term strategy for the development prospects for the company. Alternative strategies are analyzed and the most attractive and appropriate market situation is selected.
Stage 2. Meeting managers with ideology of EVA. A vector is set for long-term tasks, for the growth of the indicator of economic added value. The rationality of the use of resources in the areas of activity is monitored.
In general, it is necessary to strive for profitability ROCE exceeded the cost WACC.
Stage 3. Development of a unified methodology for goal-setting and evaluation of the result by EVA. Formation of basic models and accounting for indicators involved in the formation of economic value added. Methods for calculating all indicators that have many calculation formulas are determined.
Stage 4. Implementation in operations. EVA is included in the list of indicators that are evaluated in the analysis of the company's operating activities.

Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.01.01 N 48/71 “On approval of guidelines for calculating value added and value added per average employee (labor productivity value added) at the organization level”




1. Guidelines for the calculation of value added and added value per average employee (labor productivity in terms of value added) at the organization level (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) are intended to guide the work of republican government bodies and other state organizations subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee.

2. The Guidelines apply to organizations in the sphere of production (industrial, construction and agricultural organizations) that are subordinate (run) to the republican government bodies and other state organizations subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee.



3. Value added at the level of an organization is that part of the value of products (works, services) that is created in a given organization. Value added is a source of economic growth and the formation of income for the owners of the organization, employees, and the state.

4. The economic effect of maximizing the added value of the organization is expressed in the realization of the interests of:

owners - in providing the opportunity to solve managerial problems of the organization's development, including the supply, sale of manufactured products (works, services) and the receipt of dividends, interest, income;

investors - in the payback of invested capital and its profitability over time;

workers - in the opportunity to receive decent wages;

states - in the fulfillment by organizations of obligations to pay taxes to the republican and local budgets, which allows the latter to solve social and environmental problems of society.

The added value, in contrast to the profit indicator, coordinates the interests of not only corporate, but also of a state nature, since it takes into account the requirements of the legislation to ensure social and environmental guarantees.

5. The value added by the organization is calculated for all types of economic activity carried out as follows:

the volume of production of products (works, services) at selling prices less accrued taxes and fees from the proceeds minus material costs (excluding fees for natural resources) and other costs consisting of rent, entertainment expenses and services of other organizations.

DS \u003d V - MZ - PrZ,

where DS is the value added by the organization;

V - the volume of production (works, services) in selling prices, net of accrued taxes and fees from the proceeds;

MZ - material costs minus payments for natural resources;

RZ - other costs, consisting of rent, entertainment expenses and services of other organizations.

6. The formation of indicators of the volume of production of products (works, services) and the costs of their production is carried out on the basis of synthetic and analytical accounting data in accordance with regulatory legal acts on accounting.



7. Labor productivity at the organization level is calculated in actual prices as the ratio of value added, calculated in accordance with paragraph 5 of these Guidelines for the reporting period, to the average number of employees of the organization for the same period.

8. The growth rate of labor productivity at the organization level is calculated in actual prices as the ratio of labor productivity at the organization level in actual prices for the reporting period to labor productivity at the organization level in actual prices for the corresponding period of the previous year.

9. The ratio of the dynamics of labor productivity at the level of the organization and the wages of employees of the organization is calculated as the ratio of the growth rates of labor productivity at the level of the organization in actual prices and the nominal accrued average monthly wage.

If the value of the ratio of labor productivity growth rates at the organization level in actual prices and the nominal accrued average monthly wage is greater than one, it is assumed that there is a faster growth in labor productivity.

10. The calculation of labor productivity and its analysis with the linkage of the wages of workers to agricultural organizations, taking into account the specifics of agricultural production, it is advisable to carry out at the end of the year.