Certification of employees: what the employer needs to know? Personnel certification: what and how? What you need to know for certification.

Attestation is a procedure for checking the suitability of an employee for a position.

Firstly, certification will help determine the professional level of employees. Its results will show what kind of specialists are missing, who should be sent for training, what new positions should be introduced into the staff, etc.

Secondly, properly organized and conducted personnel certification will legal basis for such personnel decisions as transfer and dismissal due to inconsistency with the position held due to insufficient qualifications (clause 3 of the first article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And besides, certification of workers will allow you to control the results of the decisions made.

Thirdly, the results of certification are important when carrying out the dismissal procedure due to a reduction in the number or staff (clause 2, part one, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to Article 179 Labor Code RF, the preferential right to leave at work is granted to employees with higher labor productivity and qualifications, which will help to determine assessment of workplaces.

Fourth, place attestation motivates employees to work with full dedication. Knowing that knowledge is to be tested, employees try to excel - they improve their skills, perform tasks with high quality, and do not violate labor discipline.

Is the company required to conduct performance appraisal?

For most firms employee attestation- It's voluntary. However, there are employees who are required by law to undergo certification. For example, civil servants and transport employees are required to undergo certification.

Categories of employees for which attestation is required

Employees Base
Civil servantsFederal Law No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004 on the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”
Heads of federal state unitary enterprisesFederal Law No. 161-FZ of November 14, 2002 on state and municipal unitary enterprises”
Aviation personnel and other transport workersAir Code of the Russian Federation; Regulations on the procedure for attestation of persons holding positions of executive heads and specialists of organizations and their divisions engaged in the transportation of passengers and goods (approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 1, 1994 No. 13/11)
If, following the results of the appraisal, you plan to dismiss the employee, take into account not only the results of the appraisal, but also other factors that affect the assessment of the employee.

When considering a reinstatement case, the court will evaluate the findings attestation commission in conjunction with other evidence in the case (testimony of witnesses, characteristics of the personality of the employee, his work experience, family circumstances, etc.). And if it turns out that these factors were not taken into account, the employee will be reinstated at work with payment for forced absenteeism.

How is performance appraisal different from staff appraisal?

Certification, in contrast to the usual assessment of personnel, is a formalized and regular procedure. In addition, attestation and assessment have completely different legal status and different consequences. According to the results of the assessment, it is impossible to dismiss an employee, but according to the results of certification, it is possible (paragraph 3 of the first article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, the dismissal will be lawful only if the company has a position on certification, drawn up and approved in accordance with all the rules of labor legislation.

How to draw up a position on certification

This document can be based on the Regulations on the procedure for certification of managers, engineering and technical workers and other specialists of enterprises and organizations in industry, construction, agriculture, transport and communications (approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR and the USSR State Committee for Labor dated October 5, 1973 No. 470 / 267). When developing a position, adhere to the following rules:

  • be sure to specify in the position which employees are subject to certification. And remember that certification cannot be carried out for one employee, with the aim of firing him;
  • Certification of employees should be carried out periodically (say, once every three years). If, in addition to regular certifications, you plan to conduct extraordinary ones, then clearly define the grounds on which such certifications will be assigned (for example, if a decision has been made to train staff in order to improve qualifications or a competition has opened to fill a vacant position);
  • if the results of the attestation can serve as a basis for dismissal of an employee, the attestation commission should include a member trade union body(Article 82 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Of course, in the absence of a trade union in the company, it is not necessary to include an employee representative in the commission. And yet, if he is present there, it will give you additional arguments in favor of your objectivity;
It is possible to dismiss an employee based on the results of certification only if it is impossible to transfer him to another job with his consent (part 2 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If you file a dismissal without first offering the employee a transfer, the court may reinstate him at work with payment for forced absenteeism.
  • in the attestation regulation, it is necessary to specify by what criteria you will evaluate employees. Moreover, the criteria should be the same for everyone. For example, how do employees comply with labor standards, do they observe labor discipline, what results did they show at the previous certification;
  • in the position it is necessary to describe in detail the entire certification procedure. Personnel certification may take the form of an interview, a written examination or a practical session. Be sure to specify exactly how certification will take place in your company.

Regulations on attestation are put into effect by the order of the General Director. After the regulation comes into force, it must be introduced to all current employees and each new employee upon hiring against receipt. IN standard labor contract include the obligation of the employee to undergo certification. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain any restrictions for employees to conduct certification. But you can exempt from it, for example, pregnant women.

Attestation procedure

Any certification begins with a decision to conduct it. Such a decision is made by the head of the company or an employee in whose competence is the appointment of certification. The decision is issued by order. It includes information:

  • on the timing (schedule) and place of certification;
  • on the circle of employees subject to certification;
  • on the appointment of an attestation commission or on the timing of its formation (appointment or election, if the commission is elected);
  • if the attestation is extraordinary - about the grounds for the attestation.

The order may also impose duties on the personnel service, heads of departments for the preparation of documents for certification. For example, the personnel department must timely prepare and submit to the certification commission information about which of the employees improved their qualifications and when, certification sheets for the previous certification, etc.

The attestation commission prepares the materials necessary for attestation (copies of documents on education, work experience, job descriptions, characteristics, etc.). The commission acquaints the employees who will undergo certification against receipt with the prepared materials and criteria for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities.

After all the necessary preparations, the certification itself is carried out in accordance with the regulation on certification (an interview is conducted with employees, they perform written assignments, etc.).

Should an employee be present at a meeting of the certification committee?

Certification, as a rule, is carried out in the presence of an employee at a meeting of the certification commission. At the same time, not only the submitted written materials can be discussed, but also questions can be asked on the merits of the work being performed. If certification is carried out in the form of an exam (oral, written, testing), the employee must be familiar with the questions in advance in order to prepare for such an exam. The procedure for keeping minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission, the quorum, the procedure for making a decision, familiarizing the employee with it should be established in the attestation regulation.

Then the commission, based on the results of the certification, makes a decision on the compliance or non-compliance of the employee with the position held. The reasoned decision is reflected in the certification sheet, with which the employee must be familiarized against receipt. Employees should be given the opportunity to express their opinion on the results of certification, appeal them if they do not agree with the conclusions of the commission.

Upon completion of certification, all materials are provided to the head of the company (another authorized person). After it takes place final examination he makes a decision.

Information about the results of the certification must be included in the employee's personal card ( unified form No. T-2 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

Before certification, check whether job descriptions have been drawn up for all positions in your company.

If a labor dispute arises and you do not have job descriptions, the court will most likely invalidate the certification results. After all, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the compliance or non-compliance of an employee with a position held without clear evaluation criteria.

How to dismiss an employee based on the results of certification

If the attestation commission has come to the conclusion that the employee is not suitable for the position held due to insufficient qualifications, the director of the company, taking into account other factors characterizing the employee, may dismiss him under paragraph 3 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But at the same time, the following basic rules must be observed, which were also pointed out by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in paragraph 31 of the resolution of March 17, 2004 No. 2.

First, certification must be carried out strictly in the manner prescribed by federal law or other regulatory legal act, or in the manner prescribed in the local normative act firms (regulations on certification). Of course, the local act must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, collective agreements, agreements.

Secondly, you do not have the right to terminate the employment contract with an employee on the above grounds, if this employee has not been assessed or the certification commission has concluded that the employee is suitable for the position held.

After certification recommendations were made to lay off some employees. In what form should we offer them other work?

The offer of another job is made in free text form. It lists all available vacant positions which an employee can occupy according to his qualifications and state of health. The employee's refusal from the proposed positions can be formalized, for example, in the form of an inscription on the notification itself (I refuse the lot of the proposed work) or in the form of an employee's statement. If an employee refuses to receive a notification or refuses to be translated orally, this must be recorded in the relevant act.

Features of the program: flexible staffing without limiting the level of nesting with the ability to include branches with their own structure; import and export of data on employees from 1C programs (Accounting, Payroll and Personnel, Complex, etc.); saving orders and reports in editable XLS formats , DOC or ODT, ODS (regardless of whether you have Microsoft Office or Open Office); a time sheet that is automatically generated based on existing orders for an employee and his work schedule. The time sheet has a convenient interface for editing and entering hours worked. All changes made to the time sheet are immediately reflected in the workflow in the form of appropriate orders; the possibility of storing external documents in various formats (Word, Excel, images, etc.) inside the program; the possibility of hiring several employees with different rates per one staff unit; the possibility of one employee working in different positions within the same organization at different rates; 26 MB
Convenient and simple program personnel records, which allows you to automatically form the majority personnel documents(staffing, personal card, orders, reports for the FIU). The main features of the "Personnel Department" program: storing personal data about each employee in the database, calculating the total length of service, continuous length of service and length of service at a given enterprise, accounting for vacations, accounting for business trips, vacations and incentives. Automatic drafting staffing, personal card and all personnel orders. 2.7 MB

Periodic personnel appraisal allows the manager not only to find out the training and attitude of employees, but also to assess how much their personal and business qualities correspond to the position.

Contrary to popular belief, the main task of certification is not to control employees, but to search for a reserve and unlock potential opportunities to increase the level of performance of each employee.

The concept of personnel certification

Employee evaluation involves a series of tests, interviews or interviews.

At the same time, the goals of personnel certification are not limited directly to assessment. Their main value is to identify employees who could work more efficiently in other positions. Based on the results of certification activities, the manager decides on the transfer, promotion, direction for training or retraining of individual employees.

The Importance of Objectivity for Reliable Results

The most important component of the certification procedure is its meaning that when evaluating employees, specific criteria and methods are used to avoid the influence of subjective factors.

It cannot be said that personal impressions only interfere with the work of the manager during the certification, but they can significantly distort the results of the procedure. One-sided perception of employees develops into wrong personnel decisions and management errors.

Appointment of certification of employees of the enterprise

Often, personnel appraisal is a great chance to prove themselves for those employees who "rest their heads against the ceiling." Having mastered their field of activity and not seeing opportunities for further growth, employees lose motivation. They become inefficient and inactive, their productivity declines.

Holding personnel changes, based on the results of attestation, allows you to optimally use the organization.

The purpose of certification activities can be:

  • Drawing up new Such changes affect the material interest of the staff (wages change, the system of punishments and rewards, motivation increases).
  • concerning the development of the organization, optimization personnel policy(feedback is being established, potential is being manifested, the employee has the opportunity for personal and professional development, he receives information about what the organization expects from him). The company, having received and analyzed the data, can adjust its plans and manage human resources more efficiently.
  • Reflection of the actual state of the enterprise at the current moment, detection possible problems in the labor field. Given this goal, personnel certification is the study and evaluation of the employee's past activities, their results, the need for training, as well as the identification of existing work problems and the search for ways to eliminate them.

The main components of the certification process

Taking into account the goals for which the certification procedure is carried out, the manager plans:

  1. Staff appraisal.
  2. Evaluation of the work of employees.

Personnel certification is the study of the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform specific labor tasks (those that he does at his workplace). In addition, this type of assessment involves identifying the level of the employee's potential abilities, which is necessary to predict his professional growth.

The essence of labor assessment measures is to compare the actual results with those that were predicted (they check the content, quality, volume of the work done). The study of planned indicators for technological maps, plans and work programs of the organization allows you to form an objective concept of the actual quantity, quality and intensity of labor.

In the process of certification activities, managers evaluate the work of not only employees, but also their entire department. To do this, there is a special procedure in which information from other (related) divisions is involved and used, as well as data provided by external partners and clients of the company.

As a rule, the company can obtain the most reliable, objective and useful data when using both directions in carrying out certification activities (assessment of labor, as well as the qualities and abilities that influenced the result).

Evaluation of employees and the results of their activities

Certification of personnel at the enterprise includes a whole range of different procedures: it can be written tests or an interview.

To summarize the results and facilitate their analysis, the manager fills out an evaluation form with two sections (a description of the qualities of the employee and the results of his work). In doing so, he uses score, as well as written explanations, comments, justifications.

The objectives of staff appraisal are to make the best use of labor resources, which is why it is so important to discuss the results of the procedures and the final assessments with the employees themselves. Being familiarized with how they passed the certification, they must sign the appropriate document. The advantage of such a system is the ability for employees to indicate whether they agree with the assessment given to them. If there are special circumstances that prevented the full performance of their duties, the employee can bring them.

How often is the certification

Most successful companies choose to hold an attestation event every year. Some of them perform such checks more frequently - once every six months, often in combination with a simplified assessment procedure.

Also, the certification of the organization's personnel may include the periodic organization of informal interviews. Such actions are accompanied by a discussion of the results of labor, and also contribute to the ongoing monitoring of the labor process. With a good formalization of labor assessment procedures, the manager can introduce assessment activities even more often: weekly, monthly or quarterly. Of course, such procedures cannot be called attestation procedures, but they can be used to monitor the dynamics of the labor efficiency of the staff and the entire unit.

Who is assessed and assessed

Supervision by the manager is necessary for employees who have just been hired or have received a new appointment (transfer, promotion).

For example, McDonald's, famous for its management strategies, provides for mandatory certification of all managers and specialists who have received an increase (decrease).

In addition, six months after the employee joined the organization or was transferred to a new place, he also undergoes an assessment.

Psychological aspect of assessment

Beyond Control labor activity and identifying potential opportunities, the essence of personnel certification is to get into new conditions. Careful and regular monitoring helps the manager to see how quickly the employee got involved in the work, how effectively he copes with his duties and what kind of behavioral adjustment he needs.

For many corporations human resource” is a rather expensive investment, so they are interested in getting a quick return on its use. For this purpose, personnel changes and experiments are used. These actions are inevitably accompanied by strict control, assessment of strengths and weaknesses employee, as well as providing necessary assistance in correcting deficiencies. At the same time, the relevance of the appointment is checked.

Assessment results

If we are talking about checking the correctness of the appointment of an ordinary performer or a lower-level manager, then the conclusion is made after a few months. To evaluate the middle and top managers, analyze the data for the year.

In the event that an employee does not cope with the duties assigned to him, and his activities cannot be adjusted, the manager is forced to resort to demotion or even dismissal.

Why companies are interested in reducing the attestation period

Majority large corporations have their own code, set of standards, the so-called " corporate rules". The administration cannot allow a new employee to independently and uncontrollably master these standards. As you know, few American or domestic companies can boast of the same stable "group norms" of labor behavior as, for example, Japanese ones.

In this context, the essence of personnel certification (especially its regularity and high frequency) is to instill in the employee the norms of behavior and the basics of work activity. The standards laid down in the first months are consolidated and maintained in the process of regular annual assessment procedures.

How is the certification of employees in the enterprise

Despite the fact that most companies have their own procedures for preparing and conducting certification events, there are several universal steps that are applicable in almost any production area:

  • Preparation: at this stage, they prepare an order for the assessment, approve the certification commission, prepare documentation and forms, inform labor collective about when and how the certification procedure will take place.
  • Form the composition of the commission and approve it. As a rule, it consists of the Director of Human Resources (Chairman), the Head of Human Resources (Deputy Chairman), the Head of the Department under evaluation (Member), the Legal Counsel (Member), the Social Psychologist (Member).
  • The main activities, that is, directly the certification of personnel: this is the work on assessing the individual contribution of each employee, entering data into questionnaires, as well as computer analysis of the information received.

  • Completion of the appraisal: specialists sum up the results, make personal decisions about whether to promote the employee, send them to study, relocate or fire (if the employee did not cope with the appraisal).

The assessment is not subject to those managers and specialists who have worked in their place for less than a year, pregnant women, mothers with children under one year old and other employees in preferential categories.

and staff appraisals. Today it is difficult to imagine an effective model of personnel management without the institution of certification.

Personnel certification- Personnel activities designed to assess the compliance of the level of work, qualities and potential of the individual with the requirements of the activity performed.

Main purpose (task) of certification- identify the potential capabilities of an employee (person) and, if necessary, send them to additional training, as well as financially encourage and motivate the most competent and experienced.

Personnel appraisal serves as a legal basis for transfers, promotions, awards, sizing wages as well as demotions and layoffs. Certification is aimed at improving the qualitative composition of personnel, determining the degree of workload of employees and using them in their specialty, improving the style and methods of personnel management. She
aims to find growth reserves, increase labor productivity and the employee's interest in the results of his work and the entire organization, the most optimal use of economic incentives and social guarantees, as well as creating conditions for a more dynamic and comprehensive development of the individual.

There are four types of certification of employees:

1. Another certification is mandatory for all and is held at least once every two years for management and at least once every three years for specialists and other employees.

2. Certification upon expiration probationary period is carried out in order to develop reasonable recommendations for the use of an attested employee based on the results of his labor adaptation at a new workplace.

3. Purpose promotional appraisals is to identify the potential capabilities of the employee and the level of his vocational training to occupy a higher position, taking into account the requirements of the new workplace and new responsibilities.

4. Certification when transferring to another structural subdivision necessary when there is a significant change official duties and the demands of the new job.

Certification is carried out in all departments of the organization. The list of positions subject to certification, and the timing of its implementation are established by the head of the organization.

Methods for conducting attestation

There are many different attestation methods, but in practice they are mainly variations on the following methods:

  • Ranging, within which it is required to arrange subordinates in order depending on their merits (achievements), and, as a rule, according to their real ability to perform work, although sometimes the ranking is carried out according to several selected characteristics.
  • Classification, within which employees are distributed into several pre-established categories of achievements (merits) based on the overall performance of employees. As a rule, these categories are five.
  • Rating scale is the most commonly used validation method. It is based on a list of personal characteristics or factors, against each of which a scale consisting, as a rule, of five points is placed, and the manager (supervisor) notes on the scale to what extent this or that factor or characteristic is inherent in the employee.
  • Open Appraisal Method is a relatively recent innovation that was introduced due to the unsatisfactory design of the rating scale. Instead of forcing the manager to assess a range of personal characteristics that are not always appropriate for appraisal, the new method focuses on the nature of the job, requiring the manager to say a few words about the person being assessed instead of ticking boxes.

Stages of certification

Certification is carried out in several stages: preparation, certification itself and summing up.

Preparation, carried out by the personnel service, includes:

  • development of principles and methodology for certification;
  • edition normative documents on the preparation and conduct of certification (order, list of the certification commission, methodology for conducting certification, certification plan, training program for managers, instructions for storing personal information);
  • preparation of a special program to prepare for certification activities (when conducting certification for the first time according to the new methodology);
  • preparation of certification materials (forms, forms, etc.).

Carrying out certification:

  • certified and managers independently (according to the structure developed by the personnel department) prepare reports;
  • certified and not only managers, but also employees and colleagues fill out evaluation forms;
  • the results are analyzed;
  • meetings of the attestation commission are held.

Summing up the results of certification:

  • analysis of personnel information, input and organization of the use of personal information;
  • preparation of recommendations on work with personnel;
  • approval of certification results.

Analysis of certification results:

Evaluation of labor:

  • identification of employees who do not meet labor standards;
  • identification of employees who meet labor standards;
  • identification of employees who significantly exceed labor standards.

Personel assessment:

  • diagnostics of the level of development of professionally important qualities;
  • comparison of individual results with standard job requirements (by levels and specifics of positions);
  • identification of employees with qualities deviating from the standards;
  • assessment of the prospects for effective activity;
  • growth assessment;
  • rotation.

Mixing and data processing, as a rule, are carried out at the end of certification. To summarize

  • Comparative tables of employee performance are compiled;
  • risk groups are identified (inefficient workers or workers with a non-optimal level of development of professionally important qualities);
  • growth groups are distinguished (employees who are oriented and capable of development and professional conduct);
  • recommendations are being prepared on the use of certification data.

Conducting interviews based on the results of certification. Except feedback with the person being certified, during the conversation, the data are clarified and additional personnel information is collected. Then new and updated data are entered into generalized forms and analyzed.

Organization of data storage. In order for personnel information to be used in making personnel and other decisions, it is necessary to properly organize the storage of information based on the results of certification. It is necessary to develop a special form of input and storage of information (by personalities, departments, hierarchy levels, areas of activity of departments). It is also necessary to be able to search for information on these parameters, and on the parameters of the quality and quantity of labor.

At the decision-making stage special attention is paid to compliance with certified labor discipline manifestation of independence in solving tasks, the desire for self-improvement, professional suitability employee.

The attestation commission makes recommendations for the promotion of the person being certified to a higher position, encouragement for progress made, on increasing wages, transferring to another job, on dismissal, etc. The conclusions and recommendations of the attestation commission are used in the future to form the personnel policy of the administration of the organization and the personnel management service.

For social protection of the conclusions of the attestation commission certified from subjectivity, the weight of the assessments and conclusions that are given to the employee is taken into account.

The head of the organization, taking into account the recommendations of the certification commissions, encourages employees in the prescribed manner. Within a period of not more than two months from the date of certification, he may decide to transfer an employee who, according to the results of certification, is recognized as inappropriate for the position held, to another job with his consent. If this is not possible, the head of the organization may, within the same period, in the prescribed manner, terminate the contract with the employee in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

After the expiration of the specified period, the transfer of the employee to another job or termination with him employment contract according to the results of this certification is not allowed.

Labor disputes related to the dismissal and reinstatement of an employee who, according to the results of the certification, is not appropriate for the position held, are considered in accordance with the current legislation on labor disputes.

What are the benefits of certification social workers? What are the features of certification medical workers per category? What regulates the regulation on certification for compliance with the position held?

Arriving at work, you will find out that personnel changes have taken place in the team! Chief Economist Maria Ivanovna urgently wanted to retire. Senior accountant Natalya is glowing with happiness - she is now the deputy chief accountant. But the leading economist Lyudochka is in tears - with today she's just an economist.

The reason for this is the certification of workers, which no one attached much importance to two weeks ago. As you can see, in vain!

In order not to get into trouble and be fully armed, to know all the pros and cons of this procedure, I, Alla Prosyukova, have prepared for you a new article on the subject of personnel assessment!

As always at the end of the post - useful tips and an overview of reliable companies offering personnel certification services!

1. What is the certification of employees and why is it carried out?

Every year, business leaders and business owners pay more and more attention to the company's personnel. Popular expression "Cadres decide everything!" finally got to buy practical significance.

In order to remain competitive, companies must have a highly professional workforce, the level of training of which corresponds to its size.

How to determine this level correctly? It's very easy to get certified!

This is a periodic examination of personnel for professional suitability and compliance with the position held.

The purpose of this event is different. We have presented some of them in our diagram.

Legislatively, the frequency of attestation activities is provided for at least 1 time in 3 years. Based on this, each company independently approves the terms acceptable for it. They are fixed in a local act regulating this process, developed and approved within the company.

You should know which categories of workers are not certified:

  • working in the organization for less than a year;
  • employees over the age of 60;
  • employees expecting a child;
  • workers-vacation workers for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • women who have taken leave to care for a child up to 3 years.

Now certification has become popular in the field social work. Examination of the professionalism of social workers makes it possible to form a staff of highly qualified specialists, which positively affects the quality of the services they provide.

It is also important to remember the peculiarities of certification of certain types of employees. For example, certification of medical workers for a category. These employees have the right to independently initiate an examination for the assignment of a category. The voluntariness of the test is its distinguishing feature.

Examinations of this kind are conducted by an expert group of a specially formed commission.

2. What are the forms of certification of employees - 3 forms of conducting

Depending on the goals, the method of certification is also selected. The most well-known 3 forms of this procedure. In practice, there are many more of them, because mixing often occurs and as a result a combined format is obtained.

Within the framework of this publication, I propose to consider only the main ones: two oral (individual and collegiate interviews) and written testing.

Form 1. Oral in the form of an individual interview

An individual interview is conducted, as a rule, by the head of the department in which the employee works. The results serve as the basis for compiling a review-characteristic.

In the process, the attitude of the certified person to work is clarified. The problems that the employee has in the performance of labor duties are determined.

Form 2. Oral in the form of a collegiate interview

A collegiate interview is conducted by a commission approved for this purpose. First, they listen to the report of the subject himself about his duties within the framework of the position, the positive and negative aspects of the work. If necessary, clarifying questions are asked.

During the conversation, the level of professional training of a specialist and his compliance with the position are determined.

Form 3. Written in the form of tests

Testing is considered the most objective form. Certification testing requires serious preparation.

First, it is necessary to form and approve test questions. They must fully correspond to the specialty and qualifications of the certified employees.

Secondly, the % of correct answers should be determined in advance to determine the success of the test.

3. How is the certification of employees - 5 main stages

Such a serious and important procedure as certification of employees requires thorough preparation.

In order for the results of this event to have value and practical significance, it is necessary to know some of its organizational subtleties and features of the conduct.

Stage 1. Drawing up a local regulatory act

The main document regulating the attestation procedure is the “Regulations on the attestation of employees”.

Its approximate structure is shown in the table.

Approximate structure and composition of sections:

1 Concept, goals, tasksspecific goals and objectives are indicated specifically for the company that approved the Regulation (for example, the formation of a personnel reserve)
2 List of categories of personnel not subject to certificationnon-certified categories of employees are legally established (pregnant women, working less than a year, etc.)
3 Datesscheduled, unscheduled, frequency and duration
4 Forms of attestationindividual or collegiate interview, testing
5 Composition and powers of the commissionthe composition of the commission with the functions assigned to them is indicated
6 The procedure for certificationthe most complete description of all stages of the process, a list of submitted documentation, a list of those responsible for the preparation of documents
7 Criteria for evaluationthe number of points for successfully passing the test, the compliance of the employee’s work with his work instructions, etc.
8 Types of final conclusionscorresponds / does not correspond to the position held, corresponds to the position held and is recommended for enrollment in the personnel reserve

The local act is approved by the head of the company. After that, all staff are familiarized with it under the signature. Subsequently, newly employed people get acquainted with the situation in a similar way.

Stage 2. Formation of the certification commission

The commission is approved by the organization order.

The composition includes:

  • chairman;
  • vice-chairman;
  • secretary;
  • members of the commission.

The number of members is not limited by law. Minimum - 3 people. Chosen from among the most professional workers, heads of departments, chief specialists.

If a trade union operates in the company, then its representative must be included in the commission. Otherwise, the certification results may be invalidated.

Stage 3. Preparation of the necessary documents for the attestation commission

The order of the head on certification has been issued. A schedule for its implementation has been developed and approved. Now comes the turn of preparing documentation for the commission.

List of standard documents:

  • form for assessing working and business qualities;
  • reports of certified;
  • qualification sheets;
  • form of conclusion of the commission;
  • form for recording proposals from employees.

Stage 4. Certification

Certification is carried out by the commission strictly according to the approved schedule. During the meeting, the submitted documents for each certified person are considered, the employees themselves, their immediate supervisors are heard.

Stage 5. Obtaining certification results

Based on the results of certification, the commission issues a verdict for each certified person. The wording of the decision is prescribed in the local act and usually looks like: “corresponds to the position held” and “does not correspond to the position held”.

The attestation conclusion is drawn up in the form. The results are formed into a summary report, which is then presented to the manager for a final decision.

4. Who provides employee appraisal services - an overview of the TOP-3 companies

Are you having difficulties with the personnel appraisal procedure and you don't know where to start? I suggest you turn to professionals.

We have selected companies that will quickly and efficiently carry out certification of employees in any field, including such as: education, medicine, public and social service.

"HR-praktika" is a St. Petersburg company that has been operating for more than 20 years throughout the Russian Federation in the field of personnel management. During this period, the company has become an expert in the field of its professional interests.

The company provides services in the field of personnel management in the following areas:

  • audit;
  • outsourcing;
  • education;
  • consultations;
  • design work.

Managers and business owners, applicants and employees of companies, specialists personnel services- everyone will find useful information on the corporate Internet resource of the company "HR-praktika". You can get an initial consultation by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

Hermes is a licensed center from Moscow, established in 2006. The company has all the necessary certificates and licenses to carry out the declared activities.

Services of Germes LLC:

  • quality management certification;
  • licensing;
  • SRO permits;
  • training and retraining courses of various kinds;
  • certification: personnel,;
  • sale of ready-made companies with a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and KGIOP.

Having started its activity in the distant 2006 as a division of the holding, the company "Kadry is!" became a separate business unit with a wide network of specialized agencies.

Recruiting and consulting services are the main activities of the firm. The most popular among customers were personnel certification and.

The results of the events held by highly qualified specialists of the Kadry Is! allow customers:

  • identify the causes of inefficient work of personnel;
  • determine directions for optimizing personnel and organizational work;
  • develop measures that increase motivation and productivity;
  • revise job responsibilities and wages;
  • redistribute the workload among specialists.

5. How to get objective results of employee appraisal - 3 useful tips

Objectivity is an important component of the attestation examination of personnel.

Our advice will help you avoid problems in this matter.

As I already wrote, the number of participants in the attestation commission is not limited. Include as many specialists as necessary for the quality of the procedure.

The main condition: all members of the commission must enjoy authority, be competent in the professional specializations of those being certified. Such a composition will inspire more trust and reduce the risk of conflicts.


In the process of certification at Albatros LLC, a conflict situation arose during the assessment professional competencies system administrator Fedor Kuzkin.

The commission decided to downgrade Kuz'kin's category. Fedor wrote a complaint addressed to the director of the company, in which he drew attention to the incompetence of the commission members in matters of system administration.

Indeed, the commission did not have a single specialist in this area, and, therefore, they could not properly assess professional quality sysadmin Fedor.

The director of Albatros LLC agreed with Kuzkin's arguments and the recommendations of the attestation commission were not accepted.

Tip 2. Carry out certification only in the presence of an employee

Despite the fact that the law provides for cases of certification in the absence of an employee (unreasonable absence, unwillingness to undergo an examination), it is better to conduct it in his presence.

So you reduce the risk of conflict and challenging the result on the part of the assessed employee.

Tip 3. Trust third-party certification

If you want to get really high-quality certification results and get rid of a headache about this, I recommend ordering this event in specialized companies.

Such companies can be entrusted not only with the certification of personnel, but also, for example, with a special assessment of working conditions ().

Appraisal can be used to evaluate the work of employees in accordance with accepted standards and make a decision whether or not to increase wages, pay bonuses or impose and fine for violations, expand the social package. Certification also helps to determine the future development prospects of the company - are employees ready for progressive innovations, is it worth training for them, and if so, which ones, who can be appointed to a management position or promoted, and who, on the contrary, can be demoted. The results may also be such that the staff does not have time to cope with all the responsibilities due to understaffing, and the company will need to hire additional employees. Certification also helps to identify the effectiveness of work, progress or regression over a certain period of time.

Before proceeding to certification activities, it is worth formulating the goal very clearly, if possible, clarify it and break it down into components - subgoals. It is also worth considering why certification is needed, how it is planned to use its results, whether the results will be taken into account at all, or certification activities are carried out only because “it is necessary”. If the results are not taken into account at all, it is not worth wasting time and money on additional work. If the decision to conduct certification is made, then it is advisable to notify employees about this in advance and explain to them what will be carried out and for what purpose, so that there is no panic in the team - especially if certification is carried out at the enterprise for the first time.

Depending on who conducts the certification of personnel and for what purpose, there are several types of certification.

1. Certification is carried out directly by the head - in order to determine the effectiveness of work. It is much easier for the manager to evaluate the work of employees, since he faces this task regularly. But such an assessment can be too subjective - overestimated or underestimated, depending on the attitude towards the subordinate.

2. Certification is carried out by the head of the head in order to compare the performance of several departments. The certification itself can be carried out as the head of the department for his subordinates, or as a higher management. As a rule, such an assessment is more objective and gives each employee the opportunity to communicate with the management of the enterprise, to express their highly qualified and abilities.

3. Certification is carried out by the personnel manager. The main purpose of such certification is to determine the effectiveness of teamwork, especially if employees from different departments work in the same team. The quality of certification in this case depends on how much the HR manager is a specialist in his field.

4. The employee himself evaluates his capabilities and abilities in order to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of his work and contribution to the common cause. Such self-assessment can become the basis for an attestation interview, but in most cases a person tends to overestimate or underestimate his merits.

5. The work of an employee is evaluated by his employees. This form of certification is rarely used, as it can cause disagreement in the team. Difficulties may arise due to subjective attitudes or competition within the team.

6. The actions of the leader are evaluated by subordinates. This is also a rather rare type of certification. Subordinates, on the one hand, are well aware of the work of the leader and his potential, but in addition to an objective assessment, in such a situation there may be two more scenarios: subordinates may underestimate the leader for personal reasons (for example, if they are going to apply for this post in the future) , or vice versa - to praise the leader, so as not to cause a negative attitude towards yourself.

7. Certification is carried out by the assessment center - mainly such certification is carried out not for ordinary employees, but for department heads and top management. It is applicable in the event that a promotion to a higher position is planned or a candidate for a high position is being sought among lower-level managers. However, such certification will be expensive for the company.

The most difficult thing in the certification process is to correctly develop an assessment system. After all, not only the performance and skills of the employee are taken into account, but also its observance. internal regulations and discipline, pace of work, features of his character, how he behaves in a team, whether he manages to win the favor of other employees, etc. For a correct assessment, you need to clearly know what responsibilities fall within the competence of each individual employee. Perhaps the employee does not fully cope with his duties, but these duties belong to the group of those that he performs for someone - they were additionally transferred to him by his superiors, or he is forced to replace an absent specialist. Competent and correct certification will be only if it is carried out in several areas, and separately evaluates the level of qualification of the employee, the efficiency and effectiveness of his work, and also separately evaluates him as a person.

The qualifications of an employee can be determined in two ways - using an oral or written exam, which may include both theoretical knowledge and practical skills - depending on the characteristics of the job. For this, it is prepared questionnaire or a list of exam questions, tasks are selected for them. Evaluation of an employee's performance consists of evaluating the time he spends on a certain amount of work, how well he does it, and these indicators are compared with his duties in accordance with his position. Personality assessment is carried out in order to determine how emotionally a person is at work, whether he is satisfied with the microclimate in the team, how he builds his relationships with employees. This data helps determine whether a person needs additional raise qualifications, whether he occupies a suitable position, whether he is ready to cope with promotion and additional responsibilities, how he behaves in conflict situation And how often does it cause it? To assess the personality of an employee, a special test or an attestation interview can be used.

Certification helps to get to know the employee better, assess his potential for this stage and plan for the future. The company gets the opportunity to find out why a person works well or poorly, what hinders him, and what, on the contrary, stimulates him, what conditions need to be created so that he works more efficiently. Both large and small companies, both start-ups and companies with experience and reputation, need certification. But often small companies that have been operating recently cannot afford to spend money on certification, to take up the time of employees. often they themselves are not ready or do not want to know the truth that their team is not up to the level of qualification, or vice versa, can give excellent results in the right conditions. In order to qualify, you need to spend time studying job descriptions, develop a model and test plan, evaluation criteria, and so on. This requires experienced professionals - at least for advice.

But this does not mean at all that enterprises can do without attestation. It is possible to carry out at least a minimum certification even with a small budget, the main thing is that the work is carried out in good faith, and not just to report on the event to the higher management. Before carrying out certification, we should choose a specific method for evaluating the results.

For example, the rating method allows you to determine the place of an employee in a company. This certification is carried out by the manager, who evaluates the work of a particular employee on a certain scale, and assigns points to him for certain evaluation criteria. The comparative method provides comparative analysis the work of several employees and allows you to highlight leaders and outsiders in the team. The recording method is an assessment of the employee's activities during the year - the manager notes all the merits and misconduct, and then analyzes them during the appraisal.

When all these points are determined, it's time to determine the cost of the event. In addition to the costs of consulting specialists, printing forms, etc., it is necessary to calculate how much the company will lose during the time that subordinates will undergo certification. This is easy to do: knowing the time it will take for the certification of one employee, the number of employees and the cost of an hour of work and the amount that an employee brings to the company's budget per hour of work, you can calculate how much the company will receive less as a result of certification. If it turns out that the costs are too high, it is worth reviewing all expenditure items and adjusting the program. Before you start certification, you need to draw up a document that everyone can read. In this document, you must specify the objectives of the certification, its features and timing. Then it is worth informing employees so that they are mentally prepared to undergo certification. It is also worth thinking about how to inform employees about the results of certification - whether these will be posted lists with the amount of points scored, mailing the results to e-mail or an individual conversation with each employee.