Presentations on the theme of National Unity Day, free download for classroom hours. Presentation for primary classes "day of national unity" Explanation of new material

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On Unity Day we will be together, We will be together forever, All the peoples of Russia In distant villages, cities! Live, work, build together, Sow bread, raise children, Create, love and argue, Protect the peace of people, Honor the ancestors, remember their deeds, Avoid wars, conflicts, To fill life with happiness, To sleep under a peaceful sky!

People's Unity Day They don't argue with history, They live with history, It unites On a feat and on work! One state, When one people, When He moves forward with great power!

In 1612, the whole Russian land stood up against the Polish invaders and traitors. The battles for Moscow began. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kozma Minin, not sparing his life, fought under the walls of the capital, like a simple warrior.

And then a glorious day came: the enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the victors! Prince Pozharsky entered Kitai-Gorod with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and vowed to build a temple in memory of this victory

In 1649, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, November 4, was declared a public holiday, for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the invasion of the Poles in 1612. This day was celebrated for centuries until 1917.

Minin and Pozharsky were rewarded with the people's memory. It is not for nothing that a monument to them stands on Red Square - in the very heart of Russia.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky - the very first in Moscow! However, initially it was planned to install it in Nizhny Novgorod - in the city where the militia was assembled. Fundraising began in 1803, and the work was entrusted to Ivan Martos. The sculptor depicted the moment when Kuzma Minin, pointing to Moscow, hands Prince Pozharsky an old sword and urges him to stand at the head of the Russian army. Leaning on a shield, the wounded governor rises from his bed, which symbolizes the awakening of national consciousness at a difficult time for the Fatherland. It was decided to erect a monument in Moscow, on Red Square.

Battle for Moscow

Entrance of Minin and Pozharsky to Kitay-gorod

Moscow burned, but was liberated.

The people welcome the liberators

Kazan icon of the Mother of God

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod

Since 2005, November 4 is a public holiday National Unity Day To the glory of those heroes We live with one destiny, Today is Unity Day We celebrate with you!

Commemorative medal "November 4 Day of national unity" Gone in the history of the year, Tsars and peoples changed, But the time is troubled, Rus' will never forget adversity! Villages, villages, cities With a bow to the Russian people Today they celebrate freedom And Unity Day forever!

Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky - Russian national heroes Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Sculptor - IP Martos Installed in 1818 on Red Square. On it is the inscription: "Grateful Russia 1818 to Prince Pozharsky and citizen Minin"

The sculptor depicted: Kuzma Minin points to Moscow with his hand. He gives Prince Pozharsky an old sword and urges him to stand at the head of the Russian army. Leaning on a shield, the wounded governor rises from his bed.

The methodological development of a class hour script on the theme "National Unity Day on November 4" is offered to visitors, and is recommended for holding in the middle school. In addition to the script, there is also a fascinating and visual presentation of 44 slides in development.

The material of the educational hour makes it possible to organize it in the form of a civil-patriotic orientation, timed to coincide with the Day of National Unity on November 4th. Main goals classroom hours are as follows:

development of feelings of patriotism and citizenship, love for the motherland;
increased interest in historical events that took place in the Russian state;
fostering feelings of respect and pride in;
formation of responsibility for the future, for the fate of their homeland.

National Unity Day November 4 - a brief description of the class hour

From the first minutes of the class hour "Day of National Unity", the teacher reports, accompanied by presentation slides, about the state holiday of Russia, to which the event is dedicated and announces the performance of the country's anthem ( first verse and chorus).

And after listening to an excerpt from the anthem of the Russian Federation, the conversation with the students of the class is activated on the following questions:
Tell me, what does this holiday call for all citizens of our country?
What do you think is the meaning of National Unity Day?
Why do you think our people need unity?

Having introduced students into the topic on the above questions, we proceed to reading thematic poems: "Unity Forever", .

The history of the celebration of National Unity Day

At the next stage of the classroom, we introduce the children to the history of the origin of this holiday. And this holiday was established in memory of the events that took place in the Russian state on November 4, 1612. On this day, more than four hundred years ago, under the leadership of Dmitry Pozharsky, as well as Kuzma Minin, the militia soldiers were able to storm Kitay-gorod, which led to the liberation of Moscow from the Polish interventionists.

But, the most important thing is that this event demonstrated an example of genuine unity and heroism of the whole people, regardless of religion, position in society, material well-being or origin.

If we consider this holiday from a historical perspective, then it can be associated with the end of the Time of Troubles, which took place in Russia during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. When the Moscow throne staggered after the death of Ivan the Terrible, and none of his three sons stood at the head of the throne for a long time, Boris Godunov came to power. Here began a period of history called the Troubles.

Contribution of Minin and Pozharsky and National Unity Day

Despite the fact that Boris Godunov was going to do a lot of good for his country, the people did not forgive him in the midst of famine and crop failure, the death of the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Dmitry. Here False Dmitry I ascends the throne with the support of the Polish king. However, he did not suit the boyars and Poles, since he did not allow Rus' to be freely ruined.

Then False Dmitry II ascends the throne, wishing to place the son of the Polish king Vladislav on the Moscow throne. However, the King of Poland Sigismund decided to take the throne of Moscow himself, making Rus' part of the Kingdom of Poland. Here the patience of the people burst, which began to form a militia one after another.

Minin and Pozharsky

These militias were headed by Procopius Lyapunov, and then by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, to whose militia the merchant Kozma Minin was one of the very first to donate all his property, urging others to follow his example. And now the militia of Minin and Pozharsky managed to gather a large army and besiege Moscow occupied by the Poles. Two months later, on November 4, 1612, the so-called Kitay-Gorod was taken, and the enemy army surrendered to the victors.

National Unity Day November 4 and Ivan Susanin

Do not forget about another feat accomplished in 1613 by Ivan Susanin. He managed to lead a detachment of Polish invaders into the dense forest, who was going to capture only the elected Russian Tsar, the son of Patriarch Filaret, Romanov Mikhail Fedorovich. At the cost of his death, Susanin managed to destroy the invaders, bringing them into the swamps of a dense forest.

In honor of Ivan Susanin, poems and musical works were composed. In the course, the script writer offers to organize a dramatization "Ivan Susanin" based on the poem by Ryleev K.

We also remind students that November 4 is also celebrated as the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. These two holidays have become identical since 2005, since the celebration in honor of the icon named "Kazan", was established precisely as a token of gratitude for the liberation of Rus' from the Poles in 1612.

At the end of the class hour, the results are summed up, and a quiz is held on questions, accompanied by presentation slides. A detailed development of the classroom script, which is called "National Unity Day", can be downloaded along with the presentation at the beginning of the article. In the player below, we recommend viewing the slides of the specified presentation ↓

From the lessons of history, you all know that the events that took place in the Muscovite kingdom at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries are called the Time of Troubles. Never before has Russia been in such a plight. External enemies, internal strife, betrayal of the boyars, all threatened death.

It was not the tsars and boyars who saved the Motherland from the invasion of foreign invaders and the civil war, but the people's militia. It brought together peasants and ordinary townspeople, merchants and service nobility, artisans and clergymen.

This is the only example in our history when the fate of the Fatherland was decided by the people themselves, without the participation of the authorities.

In June 1611, the Polish army took Smolensk. Russia was on the brink of disaster. The invaders, one after another, took away more and more new lands from it. The administration of the state was broken. The country plunged into chaos and anarchy.

The Polish garrison rampaged in the Moscow Kremlin.

Under these conditions, the people found the strength to rise to the new liberation movement.

Kuzma Minich Sukhoruky

In September 1611, in Nizhny Novgorod, the mayor Kuzma Minin called on the people to liberate the Motherland. Under his leadership, fundraising and the organization of a new militia began. Many people gave their last for the sake of saving the Motherland.

Minin perceived the troubles of the Fatherland as his personal pain. He was the first to give his property to the organization of the militia.

Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky

An experienced commander, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, stood at the head of the militia troops.

Having led the Nizhny Novgorod militia, Pozharsky gathered all the military men and forced them to take an oath: “Be in council and unity, stand for the Muscovite state, do not beat each other, do not rob and do no harm to anyone.

For three months, the militia, located not far from Yaroslavl, were preparing for a campaign against Moscow. Pozharsky closely followed their training. We had to fight with one of the best armies in Europe. The Polish cavalry in those days was considered invincible, the Poles had strong artillery.

Kuzma Minin was engaged in the supply of the Nizhny Novgorod militia.

The voivodeship tent stood in the center of the camp. Pozharsky and Minin walked among the militia without guards, ate with them from the same boiler, if it was necessary to build something, they took an ax in their hands.

Pozharsky and Minin

In the summer of 1612, the troops of the Second Home Guard approached Moscow and united with the remnants of the first home guard, led by Prince Trubetskoy.

After exhausting, long battles, the Kremlin was liberated on October 22, 1612 (November 4, according to a new style).

The chronicle tells that on the eve of the decisive battle for China-city and the Kremlin, the Russian army fasted for three days and prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos to grant them victory.

In honor of this victory, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich established the celebration of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God on October 22, and the Kazan Cathedral, a monument to the Nizhny Novgorod militia, was built on Red Square at the expense of Dmitry Pozharsky.

Kazan Cathedral in Moscow

The names of Minin and Pozharsky and other heroes of the liberation war live in people's memory. Streets are named after them, and monuments have been erected to them in many cities.

The most famous monument to Minin and Pozharsky stands in Moscow, on Red Square. It was designed by the architect Ivan Petrovich Martos with the money collected by the people. The inscription is carved on the pedestal: "Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky." Summer 1818"

When the famous literary critic Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky saw this monument, he wrote: “Their names are immortal, as are their deeds. They will ignite love for the Motherland in the hearts of their descendants. Enviable lot! Happy fate!

Why do you think?


In memory of what event was the Kazan Cathedral erected in Moscow?

  • Extracurricular activities: Grade 9 / ed.-comp. O.G. Chernykh. -M.: VAKO, 2011. – 256 p. - (Mosaic of children's recreation);
  • Russian history. XVII-XVIII centuries: a textbook for grade 7. - 4th ed. - M.: OOO "TID "Russian Word" - RS", 2005. - 280 p.: ill.
  • Children's encyclopedia: Cognitive magazine for girls and boys No. 11-2012;

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Tsars - impostors Unexpectedly, a fugitive monk Grigory Otrepyev appeared in Lithuania and called himself Tsarevich Dmitry, who miraculously escaped! The Polish king recognized him and gave an army - to win back the "father's" throne. Boris Godunov did not have time to restore order in the country: he died. The heart failed. Or did his conscience torture him?.. Without waiting for the approach of the Polish army, the boyars dealt with the children of Boris Godunov: they killed their son Fyodor, and imprisoned their daughter Xenia in a monastery. The Pretender reigned in Moscow. This Pretender - he remained in history as False Dmitry I - turned out to be a good sovereign. It prevented the Poles and boyars from ruining Rus'. Therefore, they killed him, replacing him with another - an insignificant one, who also called himself Tsarevich Dmitry. And then he decided to put the Polish prince Vladislav on the Moscow throne. They sent ambassadors to the Polish king Sigismund. And he said: "I myself will sit on the throne in Moscow. Rus' will become part of the Polish kingdom!" Then the patience of the people came to an end.

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National unity Prokopy Lyapunov from Ryazan gathered a militia and moved to Moscow. The Poles and the boyars-traitors were frightened, they drew up a letter with the order to disband the militia. And they went to Patriarch Hermogenes: "You are the most important in the Russian church. The people will listen to you. Sign the letter!" The patriarch refused and called on the Russian people to oppose the invaders. Lyapunov's militia was small and could not take Moscow. But the appeal of the patriarch spread throughout all Russian cities. Heard it in Nizhny Novgorod. The local merchant Kozma Minin was the first to give all his wealth to the militia. The inhabitants of Nizhny gathered a large army. It was headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. The militia moved to Moscow and on the way grew by leaps and bounds. People flocked from everywhere. And in Moscow, the Poles again demanded from the patriarch: "Order the militia, let them disperse!" - "May the mercy of God and our blessing be upon them!" replied Hermogenes. "The traitors will be damned both in this century and in the future."

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Monument to Minin and Pozharsky The monument to Minin and Pozharsky by sculptor IP Martos (1752 - 1835) is one of the most famous monuments in Moscow. It was created from 1804 to 1815. on public donations and was installed on February 20, 1918 (according to the old style) on Red Square opposite the entrance to the Upper Trading Rows. The sculptor depicts the moment when Kuzma Minin, pointing to Moscow, hands Prince Pozharsky an old sword and urges him to stand at the head of the Russian army. Leaning on a shield, the wounded governor rises from his bed, which symbolizes the awakening of national consciousness at a difficult time for the Fatherland. On the pedestal of the monument, decorated with two bas-reliefs, there is an inscription: "Grateful Russia to Prince Pozharsky and citizen Minin. 1818". In 1930, it was decided to move the sculpture so that it would not interfere with the parades. From that time to the present day, the first monument in Moscow is located at the Pokrovsky Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral).

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Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God The celebration of the Most Holy Theotokos on November 4, in honor of Her icon, called "Kazan", was established on this day in gratitude for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the invasion of the Poles in 1612. The miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos was sent from Kazan to the militia, which was headed by Prince Pozharsky. Knowing that the disaster was allowed for sins, all the people and the militia imposed a three-day fast on themselves and with prayer turned to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother for heavenly help. And the prayer was heard. Open the doors of Mercy to us, Blessed Mother of all of us, Mother of God. Those who hope in You, let us not perish, but let us be delivered from troubles by You, for You are the salvation of the Christian race! ..

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Quiz questions 1. What was the name of the state that interfered in the affairs of Russia during the Time of Troubles? 2. Who led the first militia in 1611? 3. What historical event took place on November 4 (October 22, old style), 1612? 4. To whom do the words of the call belong: "... if we want help for the Moscow State, and then we will not spare our lives, but not only our lives, and sell our yards, and mortgage our wives and children ..."? 5. Name the city where the militia of Minin and Pozharsky stopped for several months to replenish the newly arrived forces before marching on Moscow. 6. Which of the contenders for the Moscow throne was called the "Tushino thief"? 7. In gratitude for the help and intercession, Prince Pozharsky built at his own expense in the 20s of the 17th century a wooden cathedral in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. What Temple are you talking about? 8. What event is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in Rus'? 9. In what year was the Celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on November 4 first established? 10. What is the name of the public holiday we celebrate on November 4th?

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“Throughout the centuries, the lot of the Russian people has repeatedly fallen to severe trials. But every time we found the strength to gather, to unite in love for the Fatherland, in trust in God, in fidelity to the traditional spiritual values ​​bequeathed by our ancestors. To overcome adversity, to defend their independence and statehood. “Throughout the centuries, the lot of the Russian people has repeatedly fallen to severe trials. But every time we found the strength to gather, to unite in love for the Fatherland, in trust in God, in fidelity to the traditional spiritual values ​​bequeathed by our ancestors. To overcome adversity, to defend their independence and statehood. This is a great spiritual achievement of our people. This is his strength. This is his future!”