Training how to become successful. Psychological training "how to achieve success"

There is never enough money. (folk wisdom)

How many people around you are satisfied with their level of income?

Most likely a little (maybe you are one of them).

What's stopping them?

In fact, there are several reasons, and they can be either all together or separately:

  • 1 Misconception about money
  • 2 Wrong Beliefs (Poor Mentality)
  • 3 Lack of real desire to be rich
  • 4 Lack of money management skills
  • 5 Wrong environment

Can this situation be changed?

Of course 🙂

Our training just solves the problem of becoming rich people. After training, you will not wake up a millionaire. The path to wealth will take time and effort. But if you really want to become rich, we will teach you how to do it. Really, without beautiful phrases and false illusions.

Who is this training for?

  • 1 Who wants to get rich by earning many times more
  • 2 Who wants to open own business without investment
  • 3 Who wants to leave their children an inheritance, not loans
  • 4 Who wants to teach their kids how to handle money

In the training program:

  • 1 How to become rich. Key differences between millionaires and the poor
  • How to make your first million quickly
  • 3 Rules of money management. Where to invest money
  • 4 Money and the state. How to become rich in Russia
  • 5 Increasing income. Myths about passive income
  • 6 Banks and loans. financial traps

The uniqueness of the training:

  • 1 The training is conducted by a person who knows firsthand what it means to be rich
  • 2 We will offer you a simple and logical model of wealth that is understandable even to children
  • 3 We will tell you about what is not written in books for aspiring millionaires
  • 4 All participants of previous trainings got real results, although not all of them became millionaires

Not all people can become coaches, it is given to someone, but not to someone. This myth poisons the lives of many participants in ours who want to become coaches, as well as all those who dream of any profession, but doubt that they are "given". Unfortunately, many of us adhere to the so-called "given paradigm", i.e. believe that there are a number of professions in which, in order to succeed, it is necessary to have some special properties, talent or gift. And if you are “not given”, then, no matter how hard you try, you will not find success in this field. Many refer to coaching as one of these professions. And since it is very difficult (if at all possible) to understand whether it is “given” or “not given”, many suffer, sometimes for months, and sometimes even years, without daring to try themselves in a new profession.

Fortunately, a growing body of research now confirms what we already wanted to believe: the given paradigm is not true, but the developmental paradigm is true: if you put in effort and practice a lot, you can undoubtedly become a first-class specialist in your field. You can read more about this in Carol Dweck's Mind Flexible and Malcolm Gladwell's Geniuses and Outsiders. If you tend to doubt whether something is “given” to you or not, we recommend that you definitely read both of these books.

So, we have just dispelled the first myth: "To become a coach, you need to have some special talent in this area." By the way, it is also a myth that you need to have a certain gender (both men and women are successful in this profession), age (one of our business coaches has been successfully working since the age of 19, we also know people who who came to this profession after fifty), external data, special complexion, height, hair color, etc. In this article, we will look at what other myths exist regarding this profession and which are often expressed by those who want to become a coach.

Interested in becoming a business coach? You can view the program


To become a coach in any area, you must have extensive experience in that area (to conduct sales training, you need to be a first-class salesperson). Myth. Customers really often ask about this, but rarely insist. Because in fact, everyone knows that a person who knows how to do something well is far from always able to teach others to do it. Moreover, it is common for a person with great experience in some field to consider his experience as the most correct, and it is natural that he will teach others to work as he does. And not always his style of work will suit all participants of the training. Moreover, in this case, the training runs the risk of turning into a seminar or even a lecture, during which the lecturer will tell the participants “how to do it right” (and maybe even show the highest class), but will not create conditions in which the participant can learn on his own do it. This does not mean that such training is bad. It's just not training. This is a master class by a pro or guru, in which he will tell you the "chips" from his experience. If you are lucky, you will be able to use them in your work and be satisfied. If you are not lucky, then you will puzzle over how to apply this in your business for a long time, you won’t think of it and you will be dissatisfied. In the training, you will look for your "chips" and create them yourself.

For example, we had an experience when, after the training, one of the participants approached us and said that literally a month before our training she had been trained by a well-known throughout Russia trainer on this topic, who himself perfectly knows how to do what he was devoted to training. So, this participant said the following: “You know, I sat, looked at him and understood that I could never do that. After that training, I left almost depressed. And with you, I realized that I can, moreover, that I already know a lot of things and know exactly what I now need to continue to practice. This does not mean that the trainer may not be able to do what the training is about at all. If you've never sold anything in your life, don't take sales training. Because sometimes you really need to “show class” to the participants or give some example from your experience in order to gain their trust. But you don't have to have twenty years of sales experience to teach how to sell. If the customer insists on having such experience, most likely, he needs a seminar or lecture, not training.

To become a coach, you do not have to pass special education (). And this is also a myth. From the outside, the work of a coach seems simple and understandable to many, what is there to learn? But, firstly, look at the vacancies of training managers - in almost every candidate you will see “ Additional education in the field of conducting trainings (training of trainers). That is, at least for the sake of having a certificate, you will most likely need to learn. And besides, in the profession of a coach lies a huge number of nuances, often invisible from the outside, but playing a key role in whether the training will be successful or not. What rules to introduce at the training and why? What is labilization, is it needed in trainings and how to plan it? What exercises to use and depending on what? How to build the logic of training? How to work with difficult participants? As a rule, all these questions are dealt with in the training of trainers.

In addition, it is imperative to choose one in which you will conduct any exercises per group at least three times with high-quality analysis and feedback. When choosing training coaches, be guided by this criterion. And it is important that this work takes place throughout the entire training, and does not represent your speech for one hour at the end of the course. To be a good coach, you need to be aware of your strengths and areas for immediate development, and you can get this information only by conducting exercises and training blocks in a group with professional and high-quality feedback.

To become a coach, you need to have a psychological or pedagogical education. Myth. Let's start with teacher education. "Ped" is a root meaning "childish" (for example, "pediatrician" is a children's doctor). Pedagogy is the science of teaching children. And adult education has its own, very significant features. By the way, it can be very difficult for people with a pedagogical education to work with adults, and they need time and effort to relearn (otherwise, the “teacher turns on”, and the adult participants of the training do not like it)! So in most cases it is better if you do not have a pedagogical education and work experience, believe our experience (there are, of course, exceptions ... But very, very rarely).

Now with regard to psychological education. Everything is not so clear here. If you want to become a coach and lead personal growth trainings, then a psychological education can be useful for you, in addition, the leaders of such trainings are more likely to be expected to be psychologists. If you want to become a business coach, then a psychological education can become a hindrance to you. Business people do not like psychological terminology and are extremely annoyed when a psychologist tries to “treat” them at a business training (which happens very often). On the other hand, if you are a psychologist with experience, then I would like to hope that you have already learned to cope with your desire to treat someone “without asking” and make diagnoses for everyone. Then the practical experience psychological work will of course help you. It will be easier for you to understand some processes and patterns of what is happening in the group. But education on its own won't help you much. If you do not have such an education, then, as a rule, the basics of psychology, which contains the training of trainers, will be enough for you. As a last resort, if you want, you can later get additional practical psychological education (by practical I mean training in which you will have a large number of practices and where they will really teach you, for example, to advise; unlike academic education, where you learn a bunch of smart theories, studying which you never have time to learn how to work with real people).

What does it take to become a coach?

You will be surprised, but in order to become a coach, you must first of all conduct trainings.

GBOU OOSH s.Zavolzhye

Psychological training

Responsible for health protection: Antonova N.G.

2014 – 2015 academic year


  1. to acquaint students with the goals and objectives of the lesson;
  2. to introduce students to the concept of "success" from the point of view of R. Bandler, E. Bern;
  3. teach students how to write a “success formula”.

Equipment and materials:notebook for electives, pens, felt-tip pens, badges, computers, Internet

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational

1. Exercise "My name"

The students say their name in a circle and for each letter that makes it up they say positive quality. For example, “My name is Love. It means Affectionate, with Humor, Fighting, Sociable, Faithful, Kommersant - soft.

The exercise starts with the teacher. Students write their names on badges.

2. The main part.

1. Questioning

Pre-trained two students conduct a survey "What determines the success of a student?" (to familiarize with the instructions for conducting a survey, and processing the analysis of the results. Students of the research group need to conduct a survey among teachers and parents) Appendix No. 1.Process the results during the lesson and at the end of the lesson introduce students to the results of the study (diagrams for the answer to each question)

2. Success from the point of view of R. Bandler, E. Bern.

We all read books, watch TV, communicate with enough large quantity of people. Surely each of us knows people who are called "lucky" and say that "they were born in a shirt." For these representatives of humanity, life seems to be easy, they feel good in this difficult world. They are always lucky, circumstances always develop favorably for them. They never complain about the lack of money, they get the most beautiful women and the most courageous men. They reach the positions they want. They always look cheerful and carefree. They are always SUCCESSFUL.

But we also know people who are unlucky in this life - mostly or always. They are called to this world not to rejoice, but to serve their punishment. They work in "the sweat of their brow", but only their bread is always scarce, and there is never enough money for what they would like. At best, they can hope to be lucky in the future. Therefore, they always buy not what they want, but that. For what there is money, and then they still worry, having parted with the money and doubting: “Was it worth it?”. The world is at war with them. They never reach the desired positions - always some (bad) person intercepts the desired position. This gives them reason to envy him. However, they envy everyone and everything: that wife is more beautiful, this husband earns money, they repaired the apartment better, he’s already changing his third car in a year, and I’m only the second one, the neighbor earns how much, her children are more well-mannered, her class is better gave, and I have ...

Such people are in eternal irritation, everything is not according to them. These are FAILERS.

Here are some small sketches. The study of the reasons why some people are successful and others are not, in psychology, was carried out by representatives various directions. Consider two points of view on the concept of "success".

NLP (R. Bandler, V. Satir):depending on the style of behavior and communication, all people are divided into two categories - "PRINCES" and "FROGS".


  • They feel that they are unique, they are not like anyone else, that there are no others exactly like them in the world;
  • Independent: do not impose themselves on others, but do not allow others to do so;
  • Independent: they do not adjust themselves to the requirements and norms of others, but they do not remake the latter to their own standards;
  • They accept themselves for who they are: they don’t waste time being offended by their parents, who deformed them like that, and at the god who allowed it; do not spare themselves, such unfortunate ones;
  • They may have different abilities, or lack many of them, but their attention is drawn to what they have and how to use them more effectively. They are generally characterized by the word "EFFICIENCY"
  • They can make mistakes and fail, but they never lose their self-respect and self-respect. “You can lose everything, but you can, with appropriate efforts, restore everything.”
  • They are not afraid to show their feelings.
  • Recognize certain rights for themselves and others.
  • Responsible, but do not try to solve problems instead of other people.
  • They do not seek to run away from their past and "close their eyes" to the future.
  • They do what they are passionate about. This does not mean that everything they do brings them pleasure. They may discipline themselves "now" in anticipation of pleasure in the future. However, if they still have to do a job that they don't like very much, they try to make changes to it.
  • They know how to be happy and enjoy everything.
  • They don't dwell on their problems


  • They live in a sense of their helplessness and dependence on others.
  • They are always interrupted by someone or something.
  • They never live in the present.
  • All their strength is spent on experiencing their own failure or rudeness of others, but by no means on the analysis of the events that are happening directly to them.
  • They are annoyed that the world does not live according to their rules, and they seek to remake this world. So they try to manipulate people into doing things they don't want to do but they think they should.
  • Their world is the world of feelings, but they experience them in themselves.
  • They resist everything new in every possible way.
  • They believe that the whole world should take care of them. They don't like to make their own decisions.
  • They are overly dependent on the opinions of others.

Transactional Analysis(E. Bern): “Each of us is unique and inimitable. We all went through an individual path of development. We had a special family atmosphere with our own upbringing traditions. We are all born to succeed and fulfill ourselves. By the age of 5-6, everyone develops basic attitudes that manifest themselves in self-esteem and evaluation of others throughout a person’s life. The one who perceives himself positively is more successful in communication, activities, etc.

There are 4 types of psychological attitudes to communicate with others.:

one). "I'm OK - you're OK" (I'm doing well - you're doing well). This attitude allows you to cooperate constructively, to appreciate yourself and others. With this setting, a person is able to solve all problems.

2). "I'm OK - you're not OK." This setting is typical for those who did not get attention and affection in childhood, who were offended. A person with such an attitude shifts the responsibility for their difficulties to others. Constructive cooperation is difficult for such people, because. according to them, everyone is doing it wrong.

3). "I'm not OK - you're OK." this attitude arises from the opinion that everyone grew up in good healthy families, and I was not lucky. The person feels powerless in comparison with others, avoids close contact with others, or needs a symbiotic relationship with the strong.

4). "I'm not OK - you're not OK." this attitude is close to abnormal, causes a feeling of hopelessness, loss of interest in life. People with this attitude are easily irritated, depressed, unpredictable.

It should be noted that rarely anyone adheres to one of these installations. As a rule, there is always a larger or smaller proportion of one of them. More often than not, one setting dominates. It is important to believe that this setting can be changed. It is important to strengthen the state of "I'm OK - you're OK"

3. A successful person in modern society.

Group work for 30 minutes. Group work requires computers and the Internet (to search for information about successful people)


  • How do you imagine a successful person? (The group creates an image (picture, description) of a successful young man, a successful modern lady. Information note about successful celebrities). Application №2
  • Why do some people become successful and others not? (make a list of possible conditions for success, use concrete examples from life successful people) Appendix №3
  • Can a loser become a successful person? What is needed for this? (to develop a memo for the loser "How to become successful" program Publisher (additional training for the student to work with this program)

Each group presents results joint work. In the course of their presentation, the teacher (prepared student) supplements with information. After all the speeches of the group work participants, the students of the research group report the results of the survey.

III. The final stage.

Reflection: complete the sentence "To become a successful person you need to ..."

Literature and Internet sources:

  1. Sverch L.P. "How to become successful" program of elective courses for grades 10-11. Irkutsk
  2. Ann L. Psychological training with teenagers. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003, 272 p.
  3. Gutkin M.S., Lerner P.S., Mikhalchenko G.F. yours professional career: studies. for grades 8-9 educational institutions–M.: Enlightenment, 2005
  4. Abulkhanova - Slavskaya K.A. Life strategy - M., 1991.
  5. Azarov Yu.P. The joy of teaching and learning. - M., 1990.
  6. Women's career success
  7. Criteria for pedagogical success
  8. 10 success criteria for a manager
  9. Professional Success
  10. success
  11. Psychological analysis of the concept of "Success"

Application No. 1

Form of the questionnaire "What determines the success of the student"

Application №2

Success: professional success and success criteria.

Based on the experience of working and communicating with specialists from various professional areas, we can say that in recent years in Russia there are four positions on the issueprofessional successin representatives of different sexes. Let's take a closer look at each of these points of view.

The gender of the worker as a factor in hisprofessional successis now actively discussed in the business world, theory and practice of management. Based on the experience of working and communicating with specialists from various professional fields (banking, education, manufacturing, tourism, transport, government, etc.), we can say that in recent years, four positions have been distinguished in Russia regarding this issue:

  1. a man is more effective than a woman both in management and in performing activities;
  2. a woman is more effective than a man;
  3. men and women are equally effective in professional activity, but have a different business style, and their effectiveness depends on many other conditions;
  4. the gender of an employee has no effect on labor efficiency andprofessional success.

Let's look at each of these points of view.

First point of view.The opinion that a man is more effective than a woman in business is quite common, and not only men, but also women adhere to it. Arguments in support of this position are as follows:

  • a man has a more logical and disciplined thinking than a woman;
  • man building business relationship on the basis of objective criteria (usefulness, cooperation, necessity), and a woman - on the basis of subjective criteria (sympathy, intuition, mood);
  • a man has a higher resistance to stress than a woman, is able to maintain self-control and make decisions in tense, uncertain and dangerous situations;
  • a man has more emotional and physical endurance than a woman, maybe more long time work effectively;
  • a man has significantly more time to devote to work and career than a woman, because he is not distracted for a long time due to motherhood and family responsibilities.

Particularly critical are such traits of a female character as emotional instability, subjectivity in assessment and unpredictability of behavior, and in relation to female leaders - a tendency either to a hyper-protective, maternal management style, or to an overly authoritarian, rigid style aimed at suppressing and total control over activities of subordinates.

It should be noted that the position according to which a man is evaluated as more effective at work than a woman is shared by many male psychologists. For example, analyzing the problem of the effectiveness of managerial work, R. L. Krichevsky cites the following observational facts reflected in foreign literature:

  1. the presence of leadership potential in men and its absence in women;
  2. the manifestation in men of greater activity, ambition and desire for dominance than in women.

Recognizing some uncertainty in assessing the issue ofprofessional successand the comparative business efficiency of men and women, Krichevsky draws the following conclusion: “Well, generally speaking, it is still difficult to say who is more effective in a managerial position: a man or a woman. Too low, even if you do not resort to official statistics, the percentage of women leaders in comparison with the representation in this post of the strong half of the human race. And besides, I don’t know whether the reader will agree with me or not, the initial orientation of a woman, in my opinion, is still more on the emotional climate in the family than on management in a social organization.

Let's take a looksecond point of view, supporters (more precisely, supporters) of which argue that a woman can be more effective and more successful than men. At the same time, two necessary and mutually exclusive conditions are named for a woman to come forward.

First of all , a woman can become more effective than a man if she can develop and use purely feminine qualities in her work, which are not so pronounced in men and which are associated with interpersonal communication:

  • intuition;
  • ability to sophisticated policy in business relations;
  • feminine charm;
  • the ability to fine tune in communicative interactions.

In addition, as the crisis of August 17, 1998, showed, in uncertain and unstable conditions, a woman is able to show greater flexibility and compliance than a man in order to maintain her place of work. She moved to a lower official status more easily and without any special emotional problems, left for another professional sphere, and applied for help in finding a job than a man. As a result, she more often retained the opportunity to work and earn money, and the man was more often left without work and livelihood.

Secondly , it is argued that a woman can become more successful than a man if, on the contrary, she refuses the female style in business communication, develops and begins to use purely masculine qualities: determination, stress resistance, objectivity, discipline, dedication, workaholism. It should be noted that by forming masculine character traits in herself, a woman often shows a masculine style. business communication and behavior even more vividly and intensely than a man. She becomes more determined, emotionally resilient to stress, objective, disciplined, dedicated to her work and devotes most of her life time to work than her male counterpart.

This is especially true for emancipated business women who have a pronounced competitive attitude towards men. They draw energy, excitement and motivation that lead them to success in opposing themselves to men, in the desire to prove their success that they are smarter and stronger than men.

Third point of view, manifested in comparative evaluation the effectiveness of men and women in the business sphere, contains the assertion that a man and a woman have the same efficiency, but differentsuccess criteria.

  1. A man in his work is more focused on the substantive aspects of labor, competition in the market, and also on making a profit.
  2. The woman prefers interpersonal communication and socio-psychological aspects of work (organization of a positive atmosphere in the team, building corporate culture in the organization, development of means of support and development of personnel).

Fourth point of viewin the discussion of who is more efficient at work, a man or a woman, is manifested in the elimination of the gender factor in its ability to influence the success of the professional activities of workers. It is argued that it does not matter who specifically works, a man or a woman, the main thing is that the worker has professional knowledge, experience, discipline and dedication to the company.

It is also noted that in the presence of a highly developed intellect, energy and activity, a high level of labor motivation and organization, there is, as it were, an “exchange” of psychological characteristics between men and women, which are usually considered purely masculine or purely feminine. Namely: in their work, gifted men, without losing their masculine style, begin to show such traditionally feminine qualities as the ability to communicate, intuition, political "flair" and attention to the human factor. Women, accordingly, without giving up the female style of activity, become decisive, ambitious and strive for leadership and success.

Each of the points of view described above about the influence of the worker's gender on his success , common in the domestic business practice, argued and has the right to exist. Especially if we take into account that the emergence of these positions in the communication of employees and managers is associated with their individual professional experience, then we can talk about the followingsuccess criteriaand trends in choosing a point of view on the “sex factor”.

  1. If a business man is self-confident and more often meets successful female professionals in his work, then, as a rule, he adheres to the third or fourth position.
  2. If a man has experienced an overly directive management style, an unfairly negative assessment from a female leader, or experienced a difficult conflict in working with a female colleague, then he expresses the first point of view. Moreover, when searching new job he seeks to avoid a situation in which he would have to work under the supervision of a female leader or in a team consisting only of women.
  3. So is a woman. If on your professional path she met worthy male leaders or male colleagues who are highly qualified and do not deny her ability to work successfully, she is loyal to a man and seeks cooperation with him.
  4. If in her work she encountered male chauvinism, a negative assessment of her work only according to the gender criterion of success, then she strives to compete with men at all costs and proclaims that a woman is always and everywhere more effective than a man.

And the last remark. Obviously less pronouncedprofessional successof women is connected not so much with their childbearing function, but with the fact that women have lower self-esteem and a lower level of claims than men. Women are more likely to accept lower official position, with less salary for work that is the same as a man, with fewer career prospects and harsher criticism from management.

It should be specifically noted that the differences in the degree of aggressive behavior of men and women are associated not so much with the peculiarities of their biological nature, but with the fact that during the period of growing up, women more often suppress their aggressiveness. In those conditions in which women are confident in their rightness and are not afraid of punishment, they become no less aggressive than men.

The male style of behavior is understandable and predictable - it is an active, intelligent and strong style. Women's style of behavior is currently incomprehensible. Therefore, a woman herself must decide what she will be at work and in life - strong or weak, smart or emphatically stupid, active or passive. Hence, women's style behavior is less predictable than male.

For adult men and women, it is typical that mathematical and formal logic is more developed in men, and verbal logic is more developed in women. In communication, women have more vocabulary than men, show more activity and clarity in the presentation of their thoughts.

In interpersonal relationships, men more often show extraversion, and women - friendliness, men are guided by the criterion of social justice, and women, more often showing empathy, care for others. Moreover, over the course of their lives, men learn to feel another person (learn empathy), while women, on the contrary, "unlearn" because it interferes with psychological adaptation.

The behavior of men in a stressful situation is characterized by the fact that they do not concentrate on the problem, trying to switch to another activity or physical activity. A woman is more likely to focus on a problem in order to think it over carefully, which is why she is more vulnerable to stress than a man.

Men have a more developed ability for spatial orientation than women, which some researchers associate with the hypothesis of functional asymmetry of the brain, and others with social conditions education.

Thus, we see that clear, verified by special studies, differences between success not many men and women. At the same time, it is possible to speak with confidence about the dominant influence of the social, rather than biological, factor on the differences in the criteria for the success of men and women,professional success and success men or women in general, depends on their sex to a lesser extent, and to a greater extent on their style of behavior in specific situations in which they have to live and work.

Application №3

  1. The formula for success: WANT-CAN-SHOULD.

Right choice profession allows a person to fully realize their own potential, avoid disappointment, protect themselves and their families from poverty and uncertainty about the future. What choice can be considered correct?

First, future work should be a joy, not a burden.

Secondly, it is necessary to have a set of professionally important qualities for this work: intellectual, physical, psychological.

Thirdly, this profession should be in demand in the labor market.

You can represent these conditions in the form of three circles - "I WANT", "I CAN", "SHOULD". Suppose some of you enjoy counting the stars in the night sky. And he does it very well. But for some reason, no one is in a hurry to pay for such work. “I WANT” and “CAN” are the same, but it is necessary to lie aside. Other options are also possible:

1. Desires, the possibilities of the person himself and the requirements of the labor market are far from each other. You can be sure that this person will not become a professional, and his work will not be in demand.

2. Desires, opportunities and requirements of the market intersect, although they do not coincide. It is possible to predict greater professional success than in the first case.

Questionnaire: "What determines the success of the student?" Why are you studying? Can everyone study only for "4" and "5"? Do your parents (relatives) help you in your studies? Antonova N.G.

Richard Bandler (born February 24, 1950 in New Jersey) is an American author and co-author (with John Grinder) of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). He received a bachelor's degree in philosophy and psychology from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 1973, and a master's degree in psychology from Lone Mountain College in San Francisco in 1975. Antonova N.G.

"PRINCES": They feel that they are unique, they are not like anyone else, that there are no others exactly like them in the world; Independent: do not impose themselves on others, but do not allow others to do so; Independent: they do not adjust themselves to the requirements and norms of others, but they do not remake the latter to their own standards; They accept themselves for who they are: they don’t waste time being offended by their parents, who deformed them like that, and at the god who allowed it; do not spare themselves, such unfortunate ones; They may have different abilities, or lack many of them, but their attention is drawn to what they have and how to use them more effectively. The word “EFFICIENCY” is generally characteristic of them. They can make mistakes and fail, but they will never lose self-respect and self-esteem. “You can lose everything, but you can, with appropriate efforts, restore everything.” They are not afraid to show their feelings. Recognize certain rights for themselves and others. Responsible, but do not try to solve problems instead of other people. They do not seek to run away from their past and "close their eyes" to the future. They do what they are passionate about. This does not mean that everything they do brings them pleasure. They may discipline themselves "now" in anticipation of pleasure in the future. However, if they still have to do a job that they don't like very much, they try to make changes to it. They know how to be happy and enjoy everything. They do not focus on their problems, Antonova N.G., responsible for health protection, GBOU OOSH, Zavolzhye village

"FROGS": They live in a sense of their helplessness and dependence on others. They are always interrupted by someone or something. They never live in the present. All their strength is spent on experiencing their own failure or rudeness of others, but by no means on the analysis of the events that are happening directly to them. They are annoyed that the world does not live according to their rules, and they seek to remake this world. So they try to manipulate people into doing things they don't want to do but they think they should. Their world is the world of feelings, but they experience them in themselves. They resist everything new in every possible way. They believe that the whole world should take care of them. They don't like to make their own decisions. They are overly dependent on the opinions of others. Antonova N.G.

“Each of us is unique and unrepeatable. We all went through an individual path of development. We had a special family atmosphere with our own upbringing traditions. We are all born to succeed and fulfill ourselves. By the age of 5-6, everyone develops basic attitudes that manifest themselves in self-esteem and evaluation of others throughout a person’s life. The one who perceives himself positively is more successful in communication, activities, etc.” E. Bern Antonova N.G.

Psychological attitudes to communicate with others: 1). "I'm OK - you're OK" (I'm doing well - you're doing well). This attitude allows you to cooperate constructively, to appreciate yourself and others. With this setting, a person is able to solve all problems. 2). "I'm OK - you're not OK." This setting is typical for those who did not get attention and affection in childhood, who were offended. A person with such an attitude shifts the responsibility for their difficulties to others. Constructive cooperation is difficult for such people, because. according to them, everyone is doing it wrong. 3). "I'm not OK - you're OK." this attitude arises from the opinion that everyone grew up in good healthy families, and I was not lucky. The person feels powerless in comparison with others, avoids close contact with others, or needs a symbiotic relationship with the strong. 4). "I'm not OK - you're not OK." this attitude is close to abnormal, causes a feeling of hopelessness, loss of interest in life. People with this attitude are easily irritated, depressed, unpredictable. Antonova N.G.

Group work How do you imagine a successful person? Draw images of a successful modern lady and a successful young man Professional success of a man and a woman Why do some people become successful and others do not? List the possible conditions for achieving success Formula for success Can a loser become a successful person? What is needed for this? Develop a memo for the loser with tips “How to become hasty” Statements about the success of a person Antonova N.G., responsible for health protection, GBOU OOSH, Zavolzhye village

Professional success of men and women An employee's gender as a factor of his professional success is now being actively discussed in the business world, management theory and practice. Based on the experience of working and communicating with specialists from various professional fields (banking, education, manufacturing, tourism, transport, government, etc.), we can say that in recent years in Russia there are four positions on this issue: a man is more effective women in both management and execution; a woman is more effective than a man; a man and a woman are equally effective in their professional activities, but they have a different business style, and their effectiveness depends on many other conditions; The gender of an employee has no effect on labor efficiency and professional success. Antonova N.G.

The formula for success: WANT-CAN-SHOULD. The right choice of profession allows a person to fully realize his own potential, avoid disappointment, protect himself and his family from poverty and uncertainty about the future. What choice can be considered correct? First, future work should be a joy, not a burden. Secondly, it is necessary to have a set of professionally important qualities for this work: intellectual, physical, psychological. Thirdly, this profession should be in demand in the labor market. Antonova N.G.

You can represent these conditions in the form of three circles - "I WANT", "I CAN", "SHOULD". Suppose some of you enjoy counting the stars in the night sky. And he does it very well. But for some reason, no one is in a hurry to pay for such work. “I WANT” and “CAN” are the same, but it is necessary to lie aside. Other options are also possible: I want I must I can 1. Desires, the possibilities of the person himself and the requirements of the labor market are far from each other. You can be sure that this person will not become a professional, and his work will not be in demand. 2. Desires, opportunities and requirements of the market intersect, although they do not coincide. It is possible to predict greater professional success than in the first case 3. All factors coincide. We can confidently say that this person will enjoy his work, do it better than others and will always be in value. I can I want I want I need I want I can I need Antonova N.G., responsible for health protection, Zavolzhye village

Just as a precious stone cannot be polished without friction, so a person cannot improve without trying. Chinese Proverb Success is 99% failure. Success needs no explanation, and failure is denied any excuse. People are born to succeed, not to fail. Success always comes one step before failure. It is your duty to succeed. Your success will help many, your failures will not help anyone. Antonova N.G.

Strive to become a successful person Antonova N.G., responsible for health protection, Zavolzhye village

What is he - successful man? What is success and is it the same for everyone? These questions occupy the minds of many people. Still would! Achieving success in a career, personal or social life is worth a lot. On the topic of success and success, about how to become a successful person, we talked with psychologists, presenters who have achieved some success in their lives.

Each person has his own concept of success, and often people come to trainings who say the phrase: “I want to become successful.” When you ask a person: “Tell me, please, what does the word “success” mean to you, what is behind it?”, He shrugs his shoulders and says: “Well, in general, become successful.” In order to become a successful person, it is important to decide on the image of your success, what exactly this word means to you, what exactly you put into it. It is assumed that a successful person is successful in everything: he has successful business, he has happy personal relationships, he grows, develops, moves forward, he lives in harmony with the world and with himself. Perhaps in some areas there is already success, for example, everything is fine at home, but I want success at work and in business. Or vice versa: a career has risen to dizzying heights, or your business brings serious money, but in the personal sphere there is still a lot to be done. Sometimes there is another situation when it is normal both in business and in personal relationships, but something is missing, there is a feeling that time seems to slip through your fingers, but nothing in life changes. In this case, perhaps, there is reason to think about personal growth and about its development, moving forward. Once you have a goal, you can start moving towards it, and a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

In order to become a successful person, you need:

  1. Think over your dreams. Dreams write down in the form of plans. And these plans should be large-scale: for life.
  2. Based on plans for life, set goals for 10 years, 5 years, and a year.
  3. Then make a plan for the next month. It will be right if it moves you towards your biggest life goals.
  4. Every day, step by step, do what is in line with your main vector of life.
  5. Thanks to the plans, you can separate the important from the unnecessary. Your time should be spent only on the important things.
  6. Any of your actions, any of your emotions, any of your breath should answer the question "Why?". And if you can answer this question, then you can confidently say that you yourself control your life. And if you cannot answer this question, then others will answer it for you, and your life will answer their question “Why?”. This means that they will be successful, and you will envy them, wondering “well, how can I become successful?”.

You already know the answer. Do you use? Or will you find excuses again?

To become a successful person, you have to work. Devote as much time as possible to the cause in which you want to become successful. For example: do not arrange many kilometers of correspondence on LiveJournal, proving that someone is wrong, do not waste your time watching TV, which does not allow you to relax or gain some new things, do not waste your time on useless people. You need to do your own thing, then you can easily become successful in it. There is an interesting concept. She says it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at your craft. How did the Beatles become good? They left for Hamburg at the very beginning of their development and played there with pleasure for some unmeasured number of hours a day. And, in the end, they became such good musicians that they began to rivet beautiful songs out of it, well, and then everything went by itself.

A successful person is a person who successfully achieves his goals, feels it himself and has the recognition of others in this.

In order to successfully achieve a goal, you need to set this goal for yourself. Therefore, your path to success will most likely begin with an understanding of what exactly your success will be.

When deciding what goals to set for myself, I recommend looking for them at the intersection of 3 areas:

  1. What do you like to do.
  2. What are you good at.
  3. Which is useful not only for you, but also for other people.

Many people think that all you have to do is set a goal and it will happen right away. In fact, the achievement of any serious goal is associated with a large amount of serious work, which is not always easy and does not bring joy in everything. Discipline is an important part of achieving goals. Therefore, train yourself to work, discipline yourself. Every day think about what you did today to achieve your goals.

Moving towards any serious goal, especially if it is achieved for the first time, can be fraught with difficulties, failures and mistakes. Therefore, any successful person knows how to have a positive attitude towards himself and what he does, despite the mistakes. Most people fixate on failures and stop moving forward after a few mistakes. If you want to achieve something serious, teach yourself to appreciate your successes. And when faced with difficulties, instead of emotional experience of your own failure, learn to analyze the causes of failures and draw conclusions for the future.

Zelenoborskaya school-gymnasium

Psychological training

for high school students

"How to succeed"

Spent: teacher-psychologist A. Ermekova


Students' awareness of the need for goal-setting, taking into account their needs and motives.
- teach step by step goal achievement.
- formation of installation on introspection.

Methodical equipment: slides, tokens, forms "past successes", "resources of achievements", "progress achieved", "ladder of achievements", melodies.

Epigraph to the training:

“We came into this world to express ourselves and only ourselves.
The purpose of life and the meaning of life is self-expression.

E. Tsvetkov.

"I am the greatest of miracles, created by nature."

O. Mandino.

Course of the training

1. Rules for the work of the group:

Sincerity in communication (let's say here not what is "required", but what we really think).
- active participation in what is happening (you and your opinion are important to us and important to us).
- the right to one's own opinion and respect for the opinion of another (the participant speaks "on his own behalf", on his own behalf and does not criticize the opinion of another.)
- non-disclosure of what is happening outside the group (we act on the principle of "here and now").

2. Warm up - energizer.

Now you can freely walk around the room. According to my cotton, you will have to complete my task. Let's start! (Turn on the music)

Divide into groups of those who have watches and those who do not.
- along the length of the hair.
- by height (high and not very high)
- eye color.
- according to the mood that you are currently experiencing. What is your mood?

3. Task for reflection: in life and in communication - "Two Highways".

It is proposed to draw two roads, with the following description:

One is wide, but unlit. Every now and then there are cobblestones of fear and despair on it, and sometimes blockages of envy and anger block the way. There are a lot of pedestrians on it, but you always stumble over the stones of alienation and loneliness, because only deaf-mutes are walking nearby. Breaking through the thickets of resentment, guilt, you wearily push someone who is weaker out of the way. But, in the end, this road will exhaust and destroy you.

The second road is long, but bright, the lanterns of faith and confidence burn on it. Passers-by have acute hearing, as they hear not only what you say, but also what you feel. Lawns of mutual support and assistance are beautifully mowed on the sides, and flowers of love, trust and forgiveness blaze brightly in the flowerbeds, trees of mutual understanding and understanding give a cozy shade to a weary traveler. peace of mind. Perhaps this road will also tire, but will not destroy.

The first road is the path of non-constructive, destructive communication. The second road is the path of constructive, creative communication. All who are seized by the fear of life strive for the painful first road. These people have communication problems. Rid people of fear and lead them to another road is the only way: to make them feel smart, good, kind, loved and interesting.

Exercise: Which picture is closer to you? It happens that a person rushes about, but isn’t there a middle ground? (black and white stripe). You will place your tokens under the picture that is closer to you at the moment.

Today we have gathered to reflect on how to live in order to be successful.
Answer the question honestly:

1. Why do we live, what is our purpose?
2. Why do you go to school? Why are you taught in school?
3. What do you want to achieve in life? What are you striving for now? (answers)

There is a contradiction in your answers. It lies in the fact that the main activity in the schooleducational, and the interests of your age lie in the fact that you are now striving for self-affirmation, personal contacts, the search for personal meaning. How to be?

1. To understand that adulthood is unthinkable without gaining knowledge. This is the personal meaning of teaching.
2. At your age there are opportunities for formation and self-improvement. Today we will work on concepts

Past successes
Achievement Resources
Progress made
Personal social support

I stage .

What is a goal? This is what allows us in life to become not losers, but winners, teaches us to use our best qualities of our personality to achieve something. If a person confidently, step by step, moves towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him.

Exercise: the target is both near and far. Now formulate your goal, determine for yourself what you want to achieve.


II stage . "Motivation".

Motives - a complex of factors that encourage a person to act; those are the reasons that make you do something.

As saidM. Gorky :
“You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you.
A person becomes taller from what stretches upwards.

D. Carnegie's tips "How to succeed", this is what you need to change in yourself, how to help yourself:

1. Develop willpower.

Success comes to those who strive for it. Don't wait for someone to discover you - discover yourself. Tell yourself: I want, I can, I will. Success prefers to be strongly desired, achieved with maximum effort.

2. Follow your goal.

Every success starts with an idea. Formulate it for yourself clearly, not giving in to only vague dreams. Write down when and what you want to achieve. Focus on this goal, noting intermediate results. If there is a hitch in the movement, determine what is the reason. Make a new attempt, but do not lose the main goal.

3. Make a plan of action

Plan in the evening what things should be done tomorrow. As for long-term affairs, one should also write down if it is necessary to prepare for them.

4. Evaluate yourself objectively.

Describe yourself by answering the following questions:
Am I demonstrating my advantageous qualities enough?
Do others know about them?
You need to think about your weaknesses and consider them. The one who lies to himself will never succeed.

5. Keep track of your time.

Determine what time of day you are most productive and creative. Don't waste these best hours. Do routine things only when you still become lethargic, tired. Analyze what you usually spend time on, try not to waste it aimlessly.

6. Get things done right away .

Do not postpone unpleasant things indefinitely, try to get rid of them quickly, otherwise they will weigh you down. Start doing what feels right for you right away.

It is well known that because of black thoughts, constant worries and pessimism, the quality of life does not improve.

8. Listen to others.

Learn what others know. Before you speak, listen to others. Never interrupt the speaker.

9. Trust your feelings.

Um, that's not all. Listen to your inner voice, express everything that at first seems incredible.

Stage III . "Past Successes"

Each of you already has some past experience behind you, past successes are your personal strength! It must be used!
(eg: he graduated from the head of school without a “3”). Let's remember them. "Achievement Resources"

This is what you are best at doing, your interests, inclinations. What gives you a feeling of joy, self-confidence, what inspires and fills you with energy (sports, hobbies, music, books, stubbornness, willpower.)

IV stage. "Ladder of Achievement"

We all strive for success, we want to be successful, but we do not always succeed. I will now reveal to you a very important secret: our thoughts determine the characteristics of our personality. What we think determines our destiny. Therefore, we must build our thoughts and make correct suggestions to ourselves.
Let's direct our thoughts to our future - and try to write what kind of success you can achieve at certain intervals.

And in the same picture, make a note, how will you prove to others that you have made progress?

V stage. "Social Support"

And now we will arrange a holiday for ourselves. Imagine that you have already achieved everything that we wrote about today. And we have a holiday "Success Day" (close your eyes, dream). Describe your ideal day. It can be a drawing, or you can write in words, what do you feel? Who is next to you? Where are you? (in the forest, on the lake, in the office, in the apartment; what things surround you: a piano, a computer, a cup of coffee ...)

Relaxation: "Love all your 'I's"

I would like you to go back to when you were a baby. Take a close look at yourself. Smile at the baby and, opening your arms to meet him, say: "I am your future, and I came to love you." Embrace him and bring him with you now. Now both stand in front of the mirror so that you can look at each other with love.
Step into the time when you just learned to walk. You got up and fell and got up and fell again. And suddenly - you took the first step, then another and another. We were so proud of ourselves, Love baby.

You are future first graders! You didn't want to leave your mother. You bravely crossed the threshold, and began new stage of your life. You have always done everything in your power, in any life situation. Love baby!
Now you are 10 years old. Do you remember what happened at that time. It must have been wonderful, or maybe you were afraid? You did everything possible to survive. Love this child.

Go back now to when you were a teenager. It may have been delightfully exciting because you have finally grown up. And perhaps it brought you a lot of excitement of a different kind: peers taught you what you can and cannot do. You tried your best to cope with this difficult task. And you did it in the best possible way. Love teenager!
Now school years left behind. You knew more than your parents. You were ready to start life the way you wanted to. You were brave and scared at the same time. Love yourself in youth!

Now remember the first day of your work. How proud you were of your first paycheck! You wanted to do everything well. There was so much to learn. You did everything you could for this. Love yourself at the time.
Think of another milestone in your life. About marriage or marriage. About your own child. About the new house. It must have been a wonderful experience! You have dealt with them. Love yourself for it.

Now "put" in front of you all your many "I". Stand in front of a mirror so that you can look at each of them, look with love. And here is another "I" of yours. It comes towards you from the future, holding out its arms and saying, "I'm here to love you." Let it be so!.

5. Reflection of the lesson:

What did today's lesson make you think about? Have you tried to look deeper into yourself?
- maybe someone understood the truth of these roads, changed their attitude towards them?
- what do you remember the most?

As a token of gratitude for the pleasant communication, let's all stand in a common circle, join hands and all together say: "I will be successful!"