Characteristics of the post nurse from the place of work sample. Characteristics for a nurse for the sample category

Feature on medical worker, like any other characteristic from the employer, ideally should contain all the necessary and sufficient information for the organization for which this document is required. As a rule, this information consists of three parts: personal data, an assessment of the level of professionalism and a description of personal qualities.

Questionnaire part, usually contains the following information: last name, first name, patronymic; date of birth; education; current place of work, and a list of previously held positions.

In terms of characteristics describing professional level health worker, provides basic information about his official functions: what they include and how successfully they are implemented in daily activities. It also makes sense to reflect the steps to improve qualifications - study, retraining, courses.

Description of personal qualities should be carried out in the same way in the context of professional-industrial relations. So, information about how sentimental this employee is, say, is unlikely to be necessary, but information about how conflicting, sociable, disciplined, and so on a person is very important for making many personnel decisions.

Medicine is a special kind professional activity, in which the physician is in close interaction with people who are often in a difficult, stressful situation - patients, their relatives. In this regard, communication skills, responsiveness, attentive attitude to people not only characterize a health worker as a person, but also have a professionally important significance. The characteristic may contain information from the book of reviews or complaints medical institution left by patients to this worker.

Characteristics also often list professional achievements: winning competitions, publications scientific works, the availability of awards and promotions.

Final part characteristics for a medical worker, as a rule, contains a conclusion about the compliance with the position held, about the presence (or absence) of grounds for promotion, promotion.

Let's bring short example characteristics for an average medical worker - a hospital nurse.

Characteristics for a medical worker - an example

Sokolova Natalya Filippovna has been working as a nurse in the therapeutic department of the Sedanovskaya City Hospital No. 1 since May 2011. Issued by transfer from a similar position from City Hospital No. 2 of the city of Bratsk. General work experience in medical and prophylactic medical institutions 6 years.

In 2008 she graduated from the state medical school in Bratsk. In 2012, she completed advanced training courses at the Irkutsk State Medical University with a degree in Organization of Nursing

In the course of work Sokolova N.F. cared for patients and monitored their condition, ensured compliance with medical-protective and sanitary-epidemiological regimes in the department, received medicines, ensured their accounting and storage. Duties were carried out in full, medical appointments were carried out in a timely and accurate manner.

In the team of Sokolov N.F. has proven itself with positive side: takes an active part in the social life of the team, enjoys the respect of colleagues, has positive feedback about patients. The most noticeable personal qualities are accuracy, responsibility, a friendly attitude towards people, a conscious desire to improve their professional level in every possible way.

The characteristic is given to the attestation commission of the ISMU for admission to the correspondence department.

Chief physician Surkov V.A.

In the characteristic, it is necessary to reflect, along with high performance indicators and impeccable execution of orders, and moral character, and human qualities.

Types of characteristics

If there is a need to mark a specialist at the local level - in a department, in a city - you will need an example of a characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor internal view. Here the free way of writing prevails, taking into account, however, the specific requirements for the language, the order of presentation and the structure of the text. If the employee is planned to be presented for a state award, then an example of a characteristic is required for awarding an honorary certificate of appearance.

Everything is strict here: general rules apply, legalized office work standards are used. Although - both of these examples are essentially positive service letters of recommendation. There is no single sample for compiling such a document, and therefore an example of a characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor requires only general rules writing and design, as it is a business paper.

General rules

All documents are drawn up according to the generally accepted principle. Any example of a characteristic for awarding a diploma of a ministry or department, even the presidential administration, must be written in an official business style, where the content is consistently, but briefly and accurately stated. The information must be submitted by a third party in the present and past tense. In the characteristic, it is necessary to indicate the name of this document, then personal data about the employee presented for the award.

After that, his professional and service activities are evaluated, the business and moral qualities of this person are described. The characteristic ends with an indication of the purpose of writing this document and its purpose. At the bottom is the date of issue of the document with surnames and initials officials that endorse the document. An example of a characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma of the ministry will be significantly different from any other sample that is not intended to go beyond the institution where this employee works.


To complete the characteristics, you need a letterhead (A4 paper). A recommendation can be created by both the immediate supervisor of the employee being awarded, and an employee of the personnel department. It happens that such an order is received by the contender for the award.

Signatures on the issued form are put by the heads of the organization, the general director, the characteristic is certified by the seal of this enterprise. Compiling an official characteristic for a ministry is even easier than any other, since there is a State Standard for documents of an external type with unified registration rules and ready-made necessary details. This is almost a ready-made characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma.


Teachers, for example, are characterized as follows. The “header” of the form is already ready, which indicates that the document is intended to be sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in order to award the diploma of the ministry, for example, Petr Sidorovich Ivanov. You need to enter only the last name and first name with a patronymic, year or full date of birth. It must be said that this sample is a characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma - an example that is quite suitable for many related professions: a librarian, methodologist, artist, musician, etc.

This is followed by a line where education should be reflected. For example: higher, graduated with honors from the Moscow State Pedagogical University in 1978 with a degree in physics with the qualification of a teacher high school. Total experience - thirty-one years. Pedagogical - also thirty-one. Work experience in this institution, for example, twenty-five years. The following lists the scientific works and methodological developments that were created by Ivanov Petr Sidorovich over many years of work. They should preferably be listed by date of publication. (The characteristic for awarding the educator with a certificate of honor is also accurately compiled, the example is completely suitable.)

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Further clearance

The enumeration looks like this:

1. 1979 "Methods of didactic and psychological support in teaching physics to children."

2. 1983 "Laboratory studies as a mechanism for introducing children to research in the field of physics."

The characterization of a librarian for an honorary diploma will be different in this regard, since the occupation is different, and scientific works were probably written on other topics. This also applies to any other specialization. The next paragraph of the reference sent to the ministry contains data on awards, promotions and received titles.

They are probably all listed in the materials of the personal file and the work book, which must be carefully, by date, transferred to the appropriate column: a methodologist teacher, the highest category was awarded, certificates, thanks, diplomas, and the like. For each award, explanations should be given - for what particular merits it was received.

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Personal data

In the column for marital status, it should be noted, for example: married, has four children. The following is a free text. Start date of Ivanov Petr Sidorovich's work at school (indicate the number), in this period of time he proved to be an innovative teacher, actively conducted scientific and methodical activity, improved his pedagogical skills, enjoyed the great love of schoolchildren for the subject, which he managed to wake up. He devoted a lot of time to solving the issues of teaching exact sciences to children with developmental disabilities, he constantly compiled individual programs, improved educational and methodological materials.

His developments were published then and there (indicate electronic and printed editions). Knowledge and pedagogical skills are willingly shared at methodical and pedagogical councils, pedagogical conferences. Thanks to the responsiveness of Petr Sidorovich and other teachers, the lessons are held at the proper level with good assimilation of the material. He also works a lot with parents, helping to solve all the social and humanitarian problems that stand in the way of the child to knowledge.


Ivanov Petr Sidorovich enjoys the great respect of his colleagues, the love of pupils and their parents. That is why the school staff recommends Ivanov P.S. to be awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science. Next - signatures and seals. The key to the successful receipt of a well-deserved award by Ivanov Petr Sidorovich will be a well-written characterization for awarding an honorary diploma.

The example of a nurse working in a school medical center will differ from the example of a physics teacher only in the content of some points related to professional activities. The same applies to any employee in the education system.

Other professions

In almost the same way, a driver's characteristic is compiled for awarding an honorary diploma. The example will not contain data on methodological work, since it does not concern the school bus driver. Instead, you need to reflect the reliability of his professional skills, the desire to master new technical knowledge, the ability to communicate with children, and so on.

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In the education system, any characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma will be practically no different. Example: an accountant working somewhere in the city's public education department. In the same way, this person is far from the educational and educational process, does not write methodological developments. This column should indicate uptime and specific professional achievements.

Internal characteristic

Such characteristics are intended to reward employees within the enterprise or organization, which in without fail should be recorded work book. The employee, whom it was decided to present for the award, has already achieved visible success within labor activity, which the characteristic reflects in all details.

First of all, those personal qualities that helped the employee to achieve the goal are indicated, then those professional achievements that are decided to be awarded with a certificate of honor are listed by date. The decision on the award is made by the director or head of the institution or enterprise. He makes a characteristic himself, if the enterprise is small. If the institution has a department of work with personnel, this is entrusted to specialists. There are no strict rules for compiling a characteristic for internal use; a handwritten document is also quite valid here.

In jurisprudence

The characteristic for awarding a lawyer with an honorary diploma does not have a firmly established form either. An example of compilation can be taken as a basis from those proposed above. Naturally, this does not apply to award documents provided outside the institution - to the ministry or even higher, for them the form exists unshakably. And for internal characteristics, it is important to briefly talk about job responsibilities, about the competence of this specialist in decisions legal problems at the enterprise, his role in the court proceedings, if they happened.

The characteristic is signed by the head of this company, then it is certified with a round seal. The name of the document, that is, the word "Characteristics" is placed at the top center of the A4 sheet. The first paragraph most often introduces the personal data of a lawyer in the same way as it is written in the description for a physics teacher: first name, patronymic, last name, date of birth, education, information about work. Further - specific material about the reasons for the award with a list of successes and personal qualities.

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Words cannot be abbreviated in an official document. Personal data are always indicated before the description of personal and professional qualities the employee presented for the award. After the personal data, you should indicate specifically the place of study and advanced training courses completed - with dates, if any. The activity of the employee is characterized according to the situation in the enterprise.

In the information on the length of service, which must necessarily contain the date of enrollment of the employee in the state, promotions are noted, the change of positions is listed, it is necessary to cover not only the activities at this enterprise, but also everything else, if it was in other places. The latest career moves and achievements of the employee dominate the characterization, but it should reflect the entire career path as fully as possible.

Business qualities

The main part of this document is an assessment of the professionalism and business qualities of this employee. The level of skills, the application of theoretical knowledge, building relationships in a team, teamwork, commitment and other abilities of an employee - all this should have a clearly positive character in the description.

In addition to business qualities, it is necessary to dwell on personal ones: how well a person gets along with the team, what is the level of his stress resistance, self-control during conflicts. You can write about his responsiveness, moral qualities and desire for mutual assistance, listing all the encouragement that took place.

Differences in business

This type of representation, as a characteristic for promotion, is ubiquitous and is provided for in the personnel records management of a huge number of state bodies and large organizations. Therefore, such a document is by no means always compiled entirely from scratch. There are instructions for office work, and in each company they have their own, different forms, like all local regulations specific organization.

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In some institutions, the preparation of such an award presentation takes a much longer path, including writing letters of application, filling out award sheets, and much, much more. It also happens that the incentive system provides for the coordination of ideas that are drawn up by direct supervisors. They are considered by both personnel services and various committees and commissions, after which the general director approves the presentation of an employee for an award with a certificate of honor.

Characteristics for rewarding an employee

Incentives in the professional and labor spheres involve the preparation of such a document as a characteristic for rewarding an employee. This is not quite a characteristic from the place of work, which is used for presentation in government bodies and organizations or for translation. When drawing up a document for rewarding an employee, it is necessary to take into account: the level of the award (state, municipal, departmental, local from an organization, etc.), the presence or absence of relevant requirements for submitting documents for the award.

Since it is difficult to give a universal model for rewarding an employee, given the existence of various levels of awards and for various achievements in professional activities, the example below can be adapted to a specific situation. And if you have additional questions, you can always ask a question to the duty lawyer of our site.

An example of a characteristic for rewarding an employee


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Chief Power Engineer of CJSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant"

Cherepov Konstantin Anatolyevich began his career at the Novosibirsk steel plant in 1984 after graduating from the Novosibirsk Technical University with a degree in power supply, faculty industrial energy, went from an engineer of the energy bureau of the plant to the head of the electrical measurement group. He was hired by CJSC Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant in 2002 as the head of the power department, since 2010 he has been the chief power engineer of the CJSC.

During the period of his labor activity at the enterprise Cherepov Konstantin Anatolyevich proved himself to be a qualified specialist, high professional, proactive manager with high organizational skills.

Cherepov Konstantin Anatolyevich is the initiator of the development and implementation at the enterprise of a number of technical innovations in the entrusted field of activity, including the introduction of alternative energy sources in industry. This made it possible to reduce the cost of manufactured products, which allowed the enterprise to compete with foreign suppliers, to participate in state and municipal purchases.

Over the years of his career, he has repeatedly been sent to advanced training courses in the specialty "electricity supply", strives to independently improve his professional and managerial level. During the period of work at the enterprise received a second higher education majoring in Human Resources Management. It is distinguished by high efficiency, non-conflict, stress resistance. In the Department of the Chief Power Engineer, under his leadership, a stable team has been formed, the atmosphere in which is distinguished by initiative and diligence. Personally supervises the safety of working conditions.

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During his work, Cherepov Konstantin Anatolyevich was repeatedly encouraged by departmental and municipal diplomas, including the award of the Honorary Diploma of the Department economic development city ​​of Novosibirsk, thanks CEO CJSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant".

General Director of CJSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant"

What is a characteristic for rewarding an employee

Let us immediately make a reservation that the document in question is not a submission for an award. That is, the characteristic only accompanies the written position of the management on the need to reward the employee for his professional contribution to the development of his business. Therefore, include wording in the description - worthy of an award, or the like. - it's pointless.

The characteristic for rewarding an employee is an evaluation document. It describes professional achievements, work activities, business and personal qualities. For managers, it is important in the document to reflect the presence of a cohesive and stable team, managerial and organizational skills.

Despite the evaluative nature, the characteristic for rewarding an employee is an official document. It should reflect the merits of the employee to the enterprise, organization, which are the basis for promotion. The document is drawn up in writing in an official business style (there should be no inaccuracies, ambiguity, corrections, speech repetitions, etc.).

The structure of the characteristics for rewarding an employee

For ease of use, we offer the following algorithm for filling out the characteristic for rewarding:

  1. Name "characteristic", full name, year of birth, education, position
  2. Information about general labor activity, work experience at the enterprise, "movement" in the service
  3. Evaluation of business and personal qualities, contribution to the activities of the enterprise and department, specific merits, results (examples), specific quantitative performance indicators
  4. Relationships in the team and management
  5. Information about available awards, promotions

The signed document must be the head of the enterprise. If the reward involves a local nature, then the immediate supervisor. The characteristic for rewarding an employee must be certified by the seal of the organization.

Characteristics for a medical worker (briefly about the nuances and an example)

A characteristic for a medical worker, like any other characteristic from an employer, should ideally contain all the necessary and sufficient information for the organization for which this document is required. As a rule, this information consists of three parts: personal data, an assessment of the level of professionalism and a description of personal qualities.

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The questionnaire part usually contains the following information: last name, first name, patronymic; date of birth; education; current place of work, and a list of previously held positions.

The part of the characteristic describing the professional level of the medical worker provides basic information about his job functions: what they include and how successfully they are implemented in daily activities. It also makes sense to reflect the steps to improve qualifications - study, retraining, courses.

The description of personal qualities should also be made in the context of professional-industrial relations. So, information about how sentimental this employee is, say, is unlikely to be necessary, but information about how conflicting, sociable, disciplined, and so on a person is very important for making many personnel decisions.

Medicine is a special kind of professional activity in which a physician is in close interaction with people who are often in a difficult, stressful situation - patients, their relatives. In this regard, communication skills, responsiveness, attentive attitude to people not only characterize a health worker as a person, but also have a professionally important significance. The characteristic may reflect information from the book of reviews or complaints of the medical institution left by patients to the address of this employee.

The characteristics also often list professional achievements: victories in competitions, publications of scientific papers, the presence of awards and incentives.

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The final part of the characteristics of a medical worker, as a rule, contains a conclusion about the compliance with the position held, about the presence (or absence) of grounds for promotion, promotion.

Let us give a brief example of a characteristic for an average medical worker - a hospital nurse.

Characteristics for a medical worker - an example

Sokolova Natalya Filippovna has been working as a nurse in the therapeutic department of the Sedanovskaya City Hospital No. 1 since May 2011. Issued by transfer from a similar position from City Hospital No. 2 of the city of Bratsk. The total work experience in medical and preventive medical institutions is 6 years.

In 2008 she graduated from the state medical school in Bratsk. In 2012, she completed advanced training courses at the Irkutsk State Medical University with a degree in Organization of Nursing

In the course of work Sokolova N.F. she cared for patients and monitored their condition, ensured compliance with the medical-protective and sanitary-epidemiological regimes in the department, received medicines, ensured their accounting and storage. Duties were carried out in full, medical appointments were carried out in a timely and accurate manner.

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In the team of Sokolov N.F. has established itself on the positive side: takes an active part in the social life of the team, enjoys the respect of colleagues, has positive feedback about patients. The most noticeable personal qualities are accuracy, responsibility, a friendly attitude towards people, a conscious desire to improve their professional level in every possible way.

The characteristic is given to the attestation commission of the ISMU for admission to the correspondence department.

Characteristics for a nurse sample free certification report

Attestation report of a ward nurse

Novosibirsk, 2008

To the head of the sanatorium from the employee of the Republic of Armenia Dudko E.N.

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Please allow me to pass the certification in attestation commission Medical Service of the Siberian Military District for the assignment of the highest qualification category in the specialty "Nursing in Therapy".

Chairman of the Attestation Commission of the Medical Service of the Siberian Military District

I argue on the merits of this application.

Head of the sanatorium, lieutenant colonel of the medical service N.V. Shevchenko

Nurse Ekaterina Nikolaevna Dudko has been working in the military sanatorium of the Siberian Military District "Yeltsovka" since 1996.

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When performing tasks, he shows clarity, diligence, initiative, knows how to independently organize his work. In urgent situations, he retains exceptional composure and the ability to quickly make the right decisions (many years of experience as a nurse in the intensive care unit affect him).

He perfectly understands the importance of his work and receives satisfaction from the successes achieved in it. The labor return meets the requirements, usually everything is done on time. Able, if the interests of the case so require, to sacrifice personal time.

As far as possible, pays attention to improving the level of knowledge in his specialty. Disciplinary sanctions does not have.

In dealing with patients, she is polite and tactful. Shows modesty in personal behavior. By nature, a calm person, rarely shows irritability.

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In general, he builds good relationships with colleagues. Enjoys a certain authority in the team.

I believe that nurse Dudko E.N. in their professional and personal qualities worthy of the highest qualification category.

Head of Department D.A. Vanyukov

CERTIFICATION SHEET of an average medical worker

  1. Information about the certified
  2. Introduction by the administration (review)
  3. The decision of the attestation commission

1. Information about the certified person

  • Surname, name, patronymic: Ekaterina Nikolaevna Dudko.
  • Year of birth: 1949.
  • Name of the institution and position held: military sanatorium SibVO "Yeltsovka", ward nurse.
  • Education: secondary medical. In 1970 she graduated from a two-year nursing course of the Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the USSR at the Zaeltsovsky District Committee of the Red Cross Society of the RSFSR in Novosibirsk. (photocopy of diploma attached).
  • Forms of postgraduate training: improved her qualifications in 2003 in the 142nd internship of the medical staff of the Siberian Military District on the advanced training cycle "Nurse of the Therapeutic Department". In 2005, he received a certificate in the specialty "nursing" (photocopies of the certificate of advanced training and the certificate are attached).
  • General medical experience: 36 years.
  • Work experience in the certified specialty: 10 years.
  • Information about the previous certification: the first certification category in the specialty "Nursing in Therapy" dated November 20, 2003.
  • Information about work activity: (photocopies of the work book are attached)
  • Other feature samples

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    Feature for the award.

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    Maybe someone who has come across such a characteristic or compiled it himself, help.

    Briefly, Nurse the highest category, more than 30 years experience in child psychiatry. there is a local letter, a letter from the regional health department, a lot of thanks. Golden hands, character - angelic. But how do you write it all down?

    Help write a testimonial for awarding a diploma from the Ministry of Health.

    They said that you need to paint the employee in all colors and in great detail.

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    For me, writing features is hell. Well, I can’t find words, tongue-tied.

    Maybe someone who has come across such a characteristic or compiled it himself, help. Read completely


    During the period of work in the OJSC, he proved himself on the positive side. Responsible for his immediate work. Demanding both to himself and to subordinates. Maintains level labor discipline in a collective. Constantly gets acquainted with new achievements of domestic and foreign science, technology, production, modern trends their development. Introduces everything new in the practice of work. Able to analyze a new situation and make appropriate solutions to the problems that have arisen. Entrepreneurial, able to quickly make decisions to achieve the goal.

    Fulfills its official duties able to cope with a large amount of work, with responsibility for the results of work.

    Makes a personal contribution to the implementation new technology in improving the organization of production, labor and management.

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    Persistent in bringing to the end the work begun. Energetic, accurate, knows how to defend his point of view.

    Supports in the team an atmosphere of high mutual demands, goodwill, interest in achieving goals.

    During the period of work in JSC "" _________ has established itself on the positive side as a competent and responsible employee. Hardworking, responsible attitude to their immediate work. Entrepreneurial, able to quickly make decisions to achieve the goal.

    Qualitatively performs his job duties, is able to cope with a large amount of work, treats the results of their implementation with responsibility. In the team is respected by the employees. She did not allow cases of violation of labor and performance discipline.

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    to the nurse of the consultative and diagnostic department of the Aksai Republican Children's Clinical Hospital Skurydina Olga Borisovna, born in 1955, Russian.

    Skurydina Olga Borisovna graduated from the Republican Medical School in 1977 with a degree in nursing.

    She has over 34 years of nursing experience.

    She has been working in the Aksai Children's Clinical Hospital since 1972, first as an instructor, then after graduating from the Russian Medical University she worked as a procedural nurse in the admissions and intensive care units. Working in difficult departments, she gained rich nursing and organizational experience and for about 7 years she was the head nurse of the consultative and diagnostic department.

    Olga Borisovna has the highest qualification category in nursing.

    Skurydina Olga Borisovna, working as an ultrasound nurse in the consultative and diagnostic department, clearly fulfills all the doctor's orders, helps with manipulations, exercises systematic control in the office, instructs the middle and junior medical staff.

    For all the time she worked in the clinic, she showed herself only on the positive side, she has such qualities as responsibility, honesty, kindness.

    Olga Borisovna systematically improves her skills, constantly takes refresher courses at the Almaty and Republican Medical Schools, participates in nursing conferences and seminars, takes an active part in the social life of the clinic.

    Skurydina Olga Borisovna, for her responsiveness and sensitive attitude towards sick children, enjoys the respect of parents and all staff, she is a mentor of young specialists, passing on her many years of experience to them.

    Administration of the Republican State Enterprise RCCH "Aksai" for conscientious work presents the candidacy of Skurydina Olga Borisovna to Thank you letter Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Day of the Medical Worker.

    Director of the State Enterprise RCCH "Aksay" M. Abdibekov

    Feature - Representation

    to the senior nurse No. 7 of the nephrology department of the Aksai Republican Children's Clinical Hospital Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna, born in 1962, Russian

    Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna graduated from the Republican Medical School in 1981.

    She has over 31 years of nursing experience.

    She has been working as a nurse in Aksai RCCH since 1996.

    Lyudmila Egorovna has the highest qualification category in nursing.

    Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna systematically improves her skills, constantly takes advanced courses at the Republican Medical School.

    Lyudmila Egorovna is a competent specialist, has good skills practical work, responsible, punctual, purposeful, able to work in a team. He is the chairman of the sector for medicines. Conducts training for middle and junior level in compliance with the rules of labor protection, safety, asepsis and antisepsis. Participates in the development of programs to improve the organization and working conditions of middle and junior medical staff.

    Actively participates in the work of the Nursing Council of the hospital, participates in nursing conferences and seminars, takes an active part in the public life of the hospital.

    Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna properly and conscientiously fulfills her functional responsibilities, for his responsiveness and sensitive attitude, he is a mentor of young professionals, passing on his many years of experience to them.

    The administration of the RGKP RCCH "Aksai" for conscientious work presents the candidacy of Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna to honorary diploma Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Day of Medical Worker.

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    Rewarding Employee Characteristics Guide: 6 Key Points

    The procedure for awarding a specialist with a distinction is associated with the preparation of certain documents. Among them, an important place is occupied by a characteristic for presenting an employee for an award. So, how to properly write a characterization for an employee for awarding an honorary diploma?

    What is a characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma?

    A guide to self-calculation of the profitability of an enterprise with examples is here.

    Types of characteristics per employee

    If it is necessary to note an employee within the department, city, an internal characteristic is compiled for the employee for awarding a certificate of honor. The way of writing is free, but taking into account the specific requirements for the language, structure and order of presentation of thoughts.

    In form and content, both characteristics are office letters of recommendation of a positive nature.

    What is positive characteristic from the place of work and how to compose it correctly, you can find out at the link.

    An example of the correct design characteristics.

    Characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor: sample and procedure for compiling

    There is no single template for creating an award document. The contractor is guided general rules writing, requirements for the design of business paper.

    General rules for composing text

    1. The text is written in an official business style of speech. The content is presented concisely, accurately, consistently.
    2. Information is reported in the present, past tense from a third person.
    3. The specification states:
    • document's name,
    • personal information about the employee,
    • assessment of professional or service activity,
    • description of the business and moral qualities of a person,
    • the purpose of writing the document, its purpose,
    • issue date,
    • surname, initials of the officials who endorsed the document.

    How to staple documents? Step-by-step instruction with a photo is contained in our new article at the link.

    Document formatting requirements

    1. The characteristic is made on A4 paper, letterhead.
    2. Creates a recommendation from a lower-ranking leader, good knowledgeable worker. It is possible to write the text by an employee personnel service, the contender for the award.
    3. The document is signed by the executor of the order, the head of the organization or only the director. Certify with the seal of the enterprise.

    You can download a sample of characteristics for awarding an honorary diploma from this link.

    An example of a characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma:

    An example of an award feature.

    What is the characteristic for awarding the honorary diploma of the Ministry?

    It is created on the basis State standard R 6., which gives unified rules for the preparation of documents. The necessary details are indicated on the A4 format form.

    An example of an incorrect design specification.

    The constituent elements of the document form

    1. Information about the organization that issued the characteristic: postal, email address, telephone number, etc.
    2. Title of the document in capital letters, including a summary of the feature.
    3. Outgoing number, signature date.
    4. Personal information about the employee.
    5. Description of career growth, qualities of the worker: professional, business, personal.
    6. Detailed information about achievements in the implementation of projects, contributions to the development of production, innovative developments.
    7. Participation in symposiums, conferences.

    What is more profitable to open a novice businessman: IP or LLC? The detailed answer is contained in this article.

    We detail the personal data of the applicant for the award:

    • Full Name;
    • year of birth;
    • education that he graduated from;
    • position in the family;
    • position, production duties;
    • general work experience;
    • experience in the company;
    • previous awards, titles;
    • scientific works.

    What is the primary documentation, how to properly maintain and store it, you can read here.

    An example of a characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma of an accountant.

    An example of a characteristic for awarding the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education




    Orenburg region, Sorochinsk, st. Protsishina, 21, tel. (35, e-mail:

    Ministry of Science and Education


    Surname, name, patronymic: Vorobyova Svetlana Pavlovna

    Education: higher, graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute in 1977

    Specialty: Russian language and literature

    Qualification: high school teacher

    Pedagogical work experience: 33 years

    Work experience in the specified institution: 22 years

    Scientific works: "Methods of psychological and didactic support in teaching children with disabilities", "Problems of integration of children with special needs (needs and reality)", "Mechanism and means of educating children with special needs".

    Awards, promotions, titles: "Specialist of the highest category", "Teacher-methodologist". (List thanks, certificates, diplomas; for what merits received).

    Marital status: married, has a daughter

    Vorobyova Svetlana Pavlovna has been working at secondary school No. 99 since 1988. During her career, she proved herself as a teacher - an innovator.

    The scientific and methodological activity of the teacher is aimed at improving the psychological and pedagogical support for the education and upbringing of students with complex developmental disorders, at solving problems in the study of the subject.

    On the basis of an individually differentiated approach, the teacher draws up individual programs, develops methodological, educational and didactic materials, and recommendations. Developments are published in printed and electronic editions.

    Fulfilling the requirements public policy in relation to children with special educational needs, S. P. Vorobyova sends her pedagogical activity to provide such students with opportunities to exercise their constitutional rights.

    Thanks to the skillfully organized educational process, the assimilation of educational material by students in her lessons is at the proper level.

    Svetlana Pavlovna shares her experience of work on issues of inclusive education during speeches at teachers' councils, at meetings of methodological commissions, pedagogical readings, and scientific conferences.

    Vorobyova Svetlana Pavlovna solves social and humanitarian problematic issues families in which a child with a disability is brought up, provides advisory services to parents, awakens in them wisdom, a sense of responsibility for the upbringing and education of the child.

    Svetlana Pavlovna is respected and loved by her pupils and colleagues.

    Examples of characteristics of a nurse. Responsible, conscientious, hardworking. Qualified, enjoys prestige among colleagues. Honest, fair. Responsive, selfless, ready to help at any moment. Their job responsibilities performs skillfully and professionally. Raises the qualification, competent, erudite. The first and foremost is Love. Love for God, people, your work. Patience, attention, kindness. In a word, Orthodox virtues. Well, professional skills are also needed. And it is desirable to be healthy enough herself, because sometimes the sisters have to not sleep at night at the sick bed.

    Many had to deal with the document as a characteristic. We offer a template that will save time for writing a quality document Under socialism, a letter with a guarantee was replaced by an issued characteristic. Medical documentation: attestation characteristic of a nurse


    Ivanova Tatyana Ivanovna Year of birth: 1974 Specialty by education: nurse Position, date of appointment: nurse of the children's department since 1999. Medved Victoria Vladimirovna graduated from medical school with a degree in nursing in 1993. Since 1999 and currently works as a nurse in the children's department 1 of the Central District Hospital.

    In 2006, she completed advanced training courses under the program New Forms and Methods of Organization and Implementation of Nursing Care for Patients in Pediatric Departments at the Medical School.

    Characteristics for a medical worker - sample

    During her work, she has established herself as a skilled, knowledgeable, responsible specialist, competently and accurately performs nursing manipulations, knows the basics of emergency care and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Assists with central vein catheterization, tracheal intubation, electrical impulse therapy and other procedures. Able to work with medical-diagnostic and control equipment PRIiT.

    Carefully monitors and cares for patients. Conducts sanitary and educational work among patients, their relatives, talking with them about the characteristics of diseases, taking medications, proper nutrition and regimen. Constantly improves her professional level by participating in nursing conferences, classes in the department, studying special literature.
    He enjoys respect and well-deserved authority among patients and colleagues. Has I qualification category.

    Characteristics for a nurse sample free certification report

    Goodwill to people, honesty and decency, responsibility, activity, mercy to people, no bad habits, tolerance, punctuality, perseverance, diligence, calm character, high working capacity, good education, work experience and excellent professional skills. First of all, a nurse must be qualified, and then, of course, kind, caring, honest and fair, it is desirable to have a pleasant appearance and the ability to keep up a conversation, or at least be able to listen. Respect and help people as their own in difficult times and in happy moments.

    Feature - Representation

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    Characteristics for the chief nurse for the award

    I ask you to allow me to pass certification in the certification commission of the medical service of the Siberian Military District for the assignment of the highest qualification category in the specialty "nursing in therapy." Date and signature. To the Chairman of the Attestation Commission of the Medical Service of the Siberian Military District I petition on the merits of this application. Head of the sanatorium, lieutenant colonel of the medical service N.V. Shevchenko service characteristic Nurse Ekaterina Nikolaevna Dudko has been working in the military sanatorium of the Siberian Military District "Yeltsovka" since 1996.

    Over the past time, it has established itself on the positive side. She has extensive experience, has good practical knowledge in her specialty, which allows her to successfully cope with the work. When performing tasks, he shows clarity, diligence, initiative, knows how to independently organize his work.

    Personal qualities for the characteristics of a nurse?

    Home Sample characteristic Sample characteristic on nurse May 28, 2015 Rules for filling out payment orders will be useful to those who do this in. All news Social security for citizens of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation, benefits for obtaining TRP and residence permitHello! My mother is a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All news Obtaining a residence permit at the end of the passport termMy wife, LBG, came from Uzbekistan with a passport, received a temporary residence permit, gave birth to a child.
    Is it possible to get. All news Sample characteristic for a nurse B modern conditions characteristics again began to be called letters of recommendation. If you had to go to work, or take an important position. It is one thing to request a characteristic, another to issue.
    Typically required. Increasingly, an unusual concept as a letter of recommendation comes into our everyday life.

    Characteristics for a senior nurse

    MUZ "Novomoskovsk City Clinical Hospital" Certification work of a ward nurse in the resuscitation and intensive care units of the block for the treatment of patients with myocardial infarction of the cardiology department of the Moscow State Clinical Hospital "Novomoskovsk" 2008 Characteristics of the ward nurse in the intensive care and intensive care units of the unit for the treatment of patients with myocardial infarction of the cardiology department MUZ "Novomoskovsk City Clinical Hospital" Khodakova Valentina Anatolyevna. Khodakova V.A. after graduating from the Tula Regional Medical School in 1992
    admitted to the infarction department as a ward m/s. in 1995, she was transferred to the ward m / s of the resuscitation and intensive care unit for the treatment of patients with myocardial infarction, where she currently works.

    Characteristics for the head nurse of the polyclinic

    Conducts daily classes with middle and junior medical staff according to the plan for improving business skills: - Implementation of individual plans for improving business skills. Constantly conducts work on the development of a related specialty by paramedical personnel. Under the constant supervision of the Council of Sisters, she adheres to the norms of sanitary legislation in the department where she works.


    Attentive to patients, demanding of others, respectable, disciplined. Possesses dexterity in critical situations. Owns the technique of i / v, i / m, s / c, i / c injections. Knows and executes orders No. 288, 408, ... (indicate the orders that are used on the territory of your state), OST 42-21-2-85.

    Given the professionalism in the work, the experience gained, Ivanova Irina Petrovna is recommended for confirmation of the highest qualification category in the specialty "Nursing".

    Characteristics for a senior nurse for rewarding

    Characteristics for the head nurse of the department

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    Characteristics for the head nurse of kindergarten

    In urgent situations, he retains exceptional composure and the ability to quickly make the right decisions (many years of experience as a nurse in the intensive care unit affect him). He perfectly understands the importance of his work and receives satisfaction from the successes achieved in it. The labor return meets the requirements, usually everything is done on time.

    Able, if the interests of the case so require, to sacrifice personal time. As far as possible, pays attention to improving the level of knowledge in his specialty. No disciplinary action. In dealing with patients, she is polite and tactful.

    Shows modesty in personal behavior. By nature, a calm person, rarely shows irritability. In general, he builds good relationships with colleagues. Enjoys a certain authority in the team. I believe that nurse Dudko E.N.

    Nurse resume example

    A nurse, nurse or nurse is a specialist with a secondary medical education. Nurses are referred to as paramedical personnel. The nurse acts as an assistant to the doctor in medical institutions, performs medical appointments and carries out the nursing process. The nurse gives orders to the junior staff (nurse, junior nurse, housewife, barmaid, etc.) and controls their implementation. The names of positions, for example, "midwife", "nurse", "nurse", filled by males, are called respectively: "obstetrician", "medical brother (nurse)", "orderly", etc.

    This page contains an example of a nurse resume. If you are looking for an answer to the question of what to write in the resume of a nurse or nurse. then we advise you to additionally look at our website for the material of the article, an example of a resume. in which, using an example, the question of how to write a resume is analyzed in sufficient detail.

    Nurse Resume Sample

    City: Moscow, t. 011-111-22-33 e-mail: [email protected]

    Nurse / procedural nurse / guard nurse


    A nurse with experience in public and private medical institutions, with a pleasant appearance, neat and energetic.

    OOO " Private clinic"Good Doctor": from July 2011 to the present

    Help for the sick

    Feeding the sick

    formation of portions for feeding patients

    Change of bed linen

    On duty

    Assistance to doctors in maintaining temperature sheets


    Medical book with a record of the possibility of working in medical institutions.

    Valid Nursing Certificate.

    I know how to fill out a statistical coupon for registration of updated diagnoses; a sanatorium-resort certificate and a sanatorium-resort card; a dispensary observation card; the state of patients of the reference desk register of expensive and acutely deficient drugs journal of dressings journal of writing off materials and alcohol journal of disinfection treatment of instruments journal of pre-sterilization treatment of instruments journal of general cleaning journal of quartzing journal of registration of post-injection complications statistical coupon journal of emergency tetanus prevention journal of acute shortage and expensive funds.

    Discipline, learning, professional literacy, communication skills.


    Relationship status: Single

    Children: no

    Foreign language: English (secondary)

    Ability to travel: no

    Possibility of moving to another city: no

    Pleasant appearance, sociable, responsible, accurate, quick to learn, without bad habits.

    Nurses are divided according to their work profile: chief nurse (a specialist with a higher medical education, deals with labor organization, advanced training of middle and junior hospital staff and supervises their work) senior nurse (duties: assists the head of the department in administrative and economic matters, organizes and controls the work of guard nurses and junior medical staff) guard or ward nurse (duties: performs medical appointments for patients in the wards assigned to her, monitors the condition of patients, cares for them and organizes their meals) procedural nurse (duties: performs medical appointments, injections, infusions, helps the doctor, takes blood from a vein for research). Operating nurse (duties: helps the surgeon, prepares the instrument, dressings, linen for the operation) district nurse (duties: helps the district doctor at the reception of patients) composes the menu, controls the cooking and distribution of food, and is also responsible for the condition of the kitchen and dining room for patients), etc.

    Sometimes it can be difficult to remember or articulate your work experience and your professional skills. This section can help you: personal achievements for a resume. If you are looking for a nurse resume example. then perhaps the personal qualities of a nurse (nurse, nurse) selected by us will be useful to you.

    Home Sample characteristics Characteristics for a nurse sample free attestation report

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    Characteristics for a nurse sample free certification report

    Many had to operate with the term as a characteristic. In modern realities, the old concept has come into our everyday life as a letter of recommendation. When the time came to go to work, or there was a chance to take an honorary position. Some time ago, the recommendation of the guarantor was replaced by a banal characteristic. There is a difference to request a characteristic, a completely different issue. Use a template that will save you time to write the right document. Characteristics are now, as they used to be, called letters of recommendation. The characteristic was not changed.

    Attestation report of a ward nurse

    To the head of the sanatorium from the employee of the Republic of Armenia Dudko E.N.


    Date and signature.

    Chairman of the Attestation Commission of the Medical Service of the Siberian Military District

    Head of the sanatorium, lieutenant colonel of the medical service N.V. Shevchenko

    When performing tasks, he shows clarity, diligence, initiative, knows how to independently organize his work. In urgent situations, he retains exceptional composure and the ability to quickly make the right decisions (many years of experience as a nurse in the intensive care unit affect him).

    He perfectly understands the importance of his work and receives satisfaction from the successes achieved in it. The labor return meets the requirements, usually everything is done on time. Able, if the interests of the case so require, to sacrifice personal time.

    As far as possible, pays attention to improving the level of knowledge in his specialty. No disciplinary action.

    In dealing with patients, she is polite and tactful. Shows modesty in personal behavior. By nature, a calm person, rarely shows irritability.

    In general, he builds good relationships with colleagues. Enjoys a certain authority in the team.

    Head of Department D.A. Vanyukov

    CERTIFICATION SHEET of an average medical worker

    1. Information about the certified

    1. Information about the certified person

  • Surname, name, patronymic: Ekaterina Nikolaevna Dudko.
  • Year of birth: 1949.
  • Name of the institution and position held: military sanatorium SibVO Yeltsovka, ward nurse.
  • Education: secondary medical. In 1970 she graduated from a two-year nursing course of the Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the USSR at the Zaeltsovsky District Committee of the Red Cross Society of the RSFSR in Novosibirsk. (photocopy of diploma attached).
  • Forms of postgraduate training: improved her qualifications in 2003 in the 142nd internship of the medical staff of the Siberian Military District on the advanced training cycle Nurse of the Therapeutic Department. In 2005, he received a certificate in the specialty of nursing (photocopies of the certificate of advanced training and the certificate are attached).
  • General medical experience: 36 years.
  • Work experience in the certified specialty: 10 years.
  • Information about the previous certification: the first certification category in the specialty Nursing in Therapy dated November 20, 2003.
  • Information about work activity: (photocopies of the work book are attached)
  • Sources:

    Other feature samples

    Characteristics for a nurse

    The characteristics of the nurse are given below. For a sample, a characteristic is given for a senior nurse.


    senior nurse of the therapeutic department

    city ​​hospital No. __ of the city ___________________

    Ivanova Irina Petrovna

    Ivanova Irina Petrovna has been working as a senior nurse in the city hospital No. __ since 1993.

    In 2008, by order of the Health Protection Department No. __ dated November 27, 2008, the highest qualification category of a hospital nurse was confirmed.

    In 2009, she completed advanced training courses at the _____________ medical school for advanced training and retraining of medical and pharmaceutical personnel on the topic: "Sanitary and epidemiological regime and prevention of nosocomial infections."

    Conducts daily classes with middle and junior medical staff according to the business development plan:

    Implementation of individual business development plans.

    Constantly conducts work on the development of a related specialty by paramedical personnel.

    Under the constant supervision of the Council of Sisters, she adheres to the norms of sanitary legislation in the department where she works.

    Attentive to patients, demanding of others, respectable, disciplined. Possesses dexterity in critical situations. Owns the technique of i / v, i / m, s / c, i / c injections. Knows and executes orders No. 288, 408. (indicate the orders that are used on the territory of your state), OST 42-21-2-85.

    Given the professionalism in the work, the experience gained, Ivanova Irina Petrovna is recommended for confirmation of the highest qualification category in the specialty "Nursing".

    Agreed at a meeting of the labor collective.

    Minutes No. 3 dated 18.03.2010

    Chief Physician Petrov Petr Petrovich

    Acquainted by: Ivanova Irina Petrovna

    How to write a testimonial for a nurse

    A computer,


    Quick step by step guide

    So let's take a look at the steps you need to take.

    Start the characterization with standard data about the employee: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth. Indicate the position held and the date the nurse was hired for it. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

    Write information about the education received by the nurse and additional courses taken. Then proceed to disclose this data. That is, describe the application of the education received in practice, as well as courses for improvement and advanced training. List positions held in chronological order. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

    Evaluate the personal qualities of the employee, necessary and helping in the work. During the work, a nurse can show herself as a disciplined, executive worker. She can be a sociable and competent employee. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

    Describe how the nurse performed her duties (high-quality, timely, or mediocre and unprofessional). Be sure to indicate whether the work of the employee complies with the legal regulations of the health authorities and job descriptions hospitals. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

    If there are comments and complaints about the work from the authorities, other employees or patients, please indicate this at the end of the document. Or write that the nurse has no complaints or reprimands. It would not be superfluous to indicate the relationship with patients, describe them with the words “friendly”, “professional”. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

    Conclude the characteristic with a conclusion: whether or not this nurse corresponds to the position held. If necessary, make a recommendation to change jobs.

    Progress report for 2005-2007

    Dudko Ekaterina Nikolaevna

    Novosibirsk, 2008

    Head of the sanatorium

    from an employee of the Republic of Armenia Dudko E.N.


    I ask you to allow me to pass certification in the certification commission of the medical service of the Siberian Military District for the assignment of the highest qualification category in the specialty nursing in therapy.

    medical service commission

    Siberian Military District

    I argue on the merits of this application.

    Head of the sanatorium

    lieutenant colonel of medical service

    N.V. Shevchenko

    service characteristic

    Nurse Ekaterina Nikolaevna Dudko has been working in the military sanatorium of the Siberian Military District "Yeltsovka" since 1996.

    Over the past time, it has established itself on the positive side. She has extensive experience, has good practical knowledge in her specialty, which allows her to successfully cope with the work. When performing tasks, he shows clarity, diligence, initiative, knows how to independently organize his work. In urgent situations, he retains exceptional composure and the ability to quickly make the right decisions (many years of experience as a nurse in the intensive care unit affect him).

    He perfectly understands the importance of his work and receives satisfaction from the successes achieved in it. The labor return meets the requirements, usually everything is done on time. Able, if the interests of the case so require, to sacrifice personal time. As far as possible, pays attention to improving the level of knowledge in his specialty. No disciplinary action.

    In dealing with patients, she is polite and tactful. Shows modesty in personal behavior. By nature, a calm person, rarely shows irritability. In general, he builds good relationships with colleagues. Enjoys a certain authority in the team.

    I believe that nurse Dudko E.N. according to her professional and personal qualities, she deserves the highest qualification category.

    Head of department

    YES. Vanyukov


    paramedical worker

    1. Information about the certified
    2. Introduction by the administration (review)
    3. The decision of the attestation commission

    nanurse of the consultative and diagnostic departmentRGKP RDKB "Aksai"Skurydina Olga Borisovna, born in 1955, Russian.

    Skurydina Olga Borisovna graduated from the Republican Medical School in 1977 with a degree in nursing.

    She has over 34 years of nursing experience.

    She has been working in the Aksai Children's Clinical Hospital since 1972, first as an instructor, then after graduating from the Russian Medical University she worked as a procedural nurse in the admissions and intensive care units. Working in difficult departments, she gained rich nursing and organizational experience and for about 7 years she was the head nurse of the consultative and diagnostic department.

    Olga Borisovna has the highest qualification category in nursing.

    Skurydina Olga Borisovna, working as an ultrasound nurse in the consultative and diagnostic department, clearly fulfills all the doctor's orders, helps with manipulations, exercises systematic control in the office, instructs the middle and junior medical staff.

    For all the time she worked in the clinic, she showed herself only on the positive side, she has such qualities as responsibility, honesty, kindness.

    Olga Borisovna systematically improves her skills, constantly takes refresher courses at the Almaty and Republican Medical Schools, participates in nursing conferences and seminars, takes an active part in the public life of the clinic.

    Skurydina Olga Borisovna, for her responsiveness and sensitive attitude towards sick children, enjoys the respect of parents and all staff, she is a mentor of young specialists, passing on her many years of experience to them.

    The administration of the RSCH RCCH "Aksai" for conscientious work presents the candidacy of Skurydina Olga Borisovna to the Letter of Appreciation from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Day of the Medical Worker.

    Director of the State Enterprise RCCH "Aksai" M.Abdibekov


    Feature - Representation

    nasenior nurse No. 7 of the Nephrology DepartmentRGKP RDKB "Aksai"Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna, born in 1962, Russian

    Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna graduated from the Republican Medical School in 1981.

    She has over 31 years of nursing experience.

    She has been working as a nurse in Aksai RCCH since 1996.

    Lyudmila Egorovna has the highest qualification category in nursing.

    Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna systematically improves her skills, constantly takes advanced courses at the Republican Medical School.

    Lyudmila Egorovna is a competent specialist, has good skills in practical work, is responsible, punctual, purposeful, knows how to work in a team. He is the chairman of the sector for medicines. Conducts training for middle and junior level in compliance with the rules of labor protection, safety, asepsis and antisepsis. Participates in the development of programs to improve the organization and working conditions of middle and junior medical staff.

    Actively participates in the work of the Nursing Council of the hospital, participates in nursing conferences and seminars, takes an active part in the public life of the hospital.

    Bolikova Lyudmila Yegorovna properly and conscientiously fulfills her functional duties, for her responsiveness and sensitive attitude she is a mentor of young specialists, passing on her many years of experience to them.

    The administration of the RSCH RCCH "Aksai" for conscientious work presents the candidacy of Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna to the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Day of the medical worker.

    Director of RGKP RCCH "Aksai"E. Kaliev