Stylized graduation party “First-class dudes leave kindergarten. Graduation in the style of "dudes"

Goals and objectives:

  • Creating a positive emotional state of children;
  • Improving knowledge about the school;
  • Strengthen communication skills.

(quiet retro music sounds. Presenters come out)

1 presenter: Good evening, dear guests!
We are happy to greet you. We invite you to a musical retro tour called
"First-class dudes leave kindergarten"

2 Lead
: The atmosphere in the hall promises to be iridescent, romantic, with a slight whiff of nostalgia.
So, sit back and we ... begin!

2 janitors come out, sweep. We saw the plate.
Let's listen to her. They run away.

(The song “We love boogie-woogie” sounds from the movie “Hipsters”.
Children run into the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern. They start dancing.
The presenters stand with the children at the back in the center of the hall.)

Dance "Boogie Woogie"
(children stand in a semicircle)

1 child: We do not recognize the gray color,
Our world plays with the whole rainbow.
Chanson, we don't sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie!

2 child: When we walk down the street,
You turn around for us.
We leave kindergarten
And we sing songs different years!

Boy: Here are the trousers-pipes and the cook on the head,

Girl: Here is a wide-brimmed skirt,

Girl: We are not like everyone else, you think.

Child: No, we're just against boredom, dullness, sadness.

Leading: What does it mean to be known as a dude these days?
Be a positive, dynamic person
And love life very, very much!

Song little by little

author's words by I. V. Syzgantsev, music by G. Sukachev (remade)

1. Somehow I came to the kindergarten
My dad left right away.
But I didn't get bored much
Little by little I got used to it.

2. All the kids screamed:
Take it quickly.
But I closed my ears
Little by little I got used to it.

3. They cooked food for us
Porridge with butter for trouble.
I choked and hiccupped
Little by little I got used to it.

4. I love to jump very much,
Jump, run and scream.
I thought I was small
Little by little I got used to it.

5. Here they were able to change to take,
Taught how to play.
I understood and comprehended everything,
Little by little I got used to it.

6. Year after year time passed,
Release time has come.
And I'm in a stopper again -
You have to get used to school.

Boy: We have gathered today,
To celebrate our holiday.

Girl: Well, what are we celebrating?

Boy: Well, of course graduation!

Child: What kind of holiday is this?
Who is the culprit of the celebration?

Child: Well, of course you and me,
All boys and girls
that are now on the sidelines.

Girl: Greet us -
Candidates for 1st class!

: We are the most
Bold! Active!
Sports! Nimble!
Smart! Curious!
In general: Stilyagi!!!

Boy: And it's all?

Boy: Not.
And also we:

— Lovers to talk to a neighbor.

We quarrel and immediately make up.

We love to chat over lunch.

— The noisiest group in kindergarten.

- Headache of educators.

Our favorite day of the week is Sunday.

— But still we love our kindergarten.

Exercise with balls and toys "Little Country"

Child: Today is an unusual day,
Wonderful, excellent.
There is only one reason for this -
Everyone understands it!

Very soon, very soon
We will go to school.
And it's time to wish
we don’t have fluff or feathers!

Girl: The last time we are in this room
Let's be the center of attention.
Well, goodbye
Our favorite room.
You often called us here for the holidays.

Song "Clap your hands" Words by E. Zaritskaya

1. The last time we go on stage,
Eyes, like the sun, burn.
We've all been waiting for this concert.
Even the youngest of the guys.

We all love dancing, jokes, songs.
Ready to play all day long.
Today we are very interested
Meet all parents together.

Clap your hands
We will sing for you.
Such a good concert
We have last time.
Both grandmothers and mothers
They worry about us.
Clap your hands
We will sing for you - 2 times

2. Dress chose the whole evening,
I'm tired of trying on bows,
I was terribly looking forward to this meeting,
To not disappoint you.

Grandmother and mother did not sleep at night,
Even the red cat was worried
Repeated the song stubbornly
Dad, brother and neighbor Fedot.

Chorus: the same

3. Soon we will become students,
Soon we'll go to first grade together,
We won't stop surprising you.
The school will become our home, like a home!

And now for the last time on stage,
We will remember this day forever!
The best reward will be for all of us
Friendly (kind) smiles of dads and moms!

Chorus: the same.

They sit on chairs.

1 presenter: Well, let's continue. Here are the most stylish and funny guys preparatory group.
It is not enough to have clothes and a forelock on your head to become a first-class dude. There is much more to know. And now we invite the guys to pass the test. It's called "Savvy".

Joke tasks

There is an oak tree in the field. There are three branches on an oak tree, each branch has three apples. How many apples are there? ( Apples don't grow on oak)

How many ears do three mice have? ( six)

Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha,
cat Fluff, dog Druzhok.
How many grandchildren does the grandmother have? ( One granddaughter Masha)

Arranged by Andryushka
Two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey -
Teddy bear.
Together with the fox
Bunny oblique.

Following them -
Hedgehog and frog.
How many toys
Arranged by Andryushka. ( six)

Rebuild game.

The word STYLYAGA is written on 7 plates. 7 children participate in the game. Everyone has a plate with one letter in their hands. The host reads the quatrains, the children make up the words.

Defeated all enemies
Bogatyrskaya - FORCE!
Forests of dark beauty
Red cheat - A FOX!
In the album, thick white and clean,
Familiar to any paper - SHEET!
Old woman, evil hag,
Everyone has known a woman since childhood - YAGA!
Clever, graduate, hard worker,
Today at the holiday you - dandy!

Leading: Well done boys! I think that the first test was passed with dignity.

2 Lead: I wonder what our children dream about?
We don't keep it a secret...

Scene "Dreams"

1. My years are growing,
I will be seventeen.
What should I do then?
What should I do?

2. I really want to become
Top model catchy.
But grandma says
That they are all "boards".

3. And I will be a showman,
All mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel
Receive gifts.

4. Showman is good,
And be a better singer.
I would go to the Basques
Let me teach!

5. And I want, like Galkin, to sing,
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like it too!

6. We read poetry to you,
Clap, try.
It was you who raised us
Here also understand!

Leading: Dreamers and dreamers
The school is always looking forward to it.
We believe that everyone
To your dream soon
Paths of knowledge will come!

1 presenter: For all guests and graduates, a musical gift - meet the "Brilliant" group.

Song "For 4 seas" (3 girls)

1 presenter: Great number! Another surprise for you.

Dance with flower arcs

1 presenter: What a great dance! And I saw with what admiration our guests looked. This suggests that our graduates are real artists.

Game with parents "School lottery".

2 Lead: Soon the child will go to school,
School life is upon you.
Will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And we will tell fortunes in front of everyone here,
What will happen in the families, today we will find out ...

Several parents come out. The facilitator asks a question, the participant pulls out a cube or card from the bag and reads the answer.

Answers: mom, dad, the child himself, cat Vaska, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. And who should follow the form of first-graders?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?

7. Who will cry, left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if the child got a deuce?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take a first grader to school?

1 presenter: And now I would like to know how moms and dads will collect their children for school.

Game "Get the child to school"

2 Lead: The next number will not leave anyone indifferent. He will give you joy, excitement and awe of the soul!

Dance "Dads and daughters" (Rainbow group)

Dance of the choreographer (Oblachko group) and the poem "Asterisk"

Child: Autumn will come inaudibly,
Dropping a smart leaf from a branch.
Along the golden roads
Slowly September will come
For boys and girls
Starting the school year.

Child: We go to school and say:
Kindergarten dear, thank you for everything!

Song about kindergarten.

Leading: And now we look into the future 50 years ahead.

Staged "That's the meeting!"

Misha: Lena, hello! Is that you?
How glad I am to meet you!
I remember so often
our favorite nursery!

Girl: Hello, I'm glad too
that you recognized me, my friend,
Remember we didn't share
in the younger group pie?

Boy: Pies were famous,
good, so good
Until now I remember
we ate them heartily!

: Ah, what were the years!
Do not return them, do not catch up,
Even in venerable old age
Let's remember the garden.

Boy: We will remember you for a long, long time, dear kindergarten! (hugging, they leave)

Child: We will not be sad, suffer.
It's time for us to dance the farewell waltz.

Dance "Farewell Waltz"

Child: We grew up here, we played here,
We made friends here.
But the years went by quickly
And we got a little older.

Child: Now it's time to go to school -
Books are waiting for us, and knowledge ...
Kindergarten to our native
We'll say: "Goodbye!"

: Do not be sad, our nannies,
our educators!
We will come to visit you
we will definitely!

Boy: Thank you for your kindness,
Patience and kindness
For a good voice, for the game,
The tale told.

For a warm, maternal look,
Your love and tenderness.
We, remembering kindergarten,
More than once "Thank you!" let's say.

Thanks to everyone who taught us
Who fed us and who treated us!
And to everyone who just loved us.

Kudos to you and thanks!

Children give flowers to employees of the kindergarten. They sit down.

Leading: The sun gently shines in the sky,
The breeze plays with the leaves
Well, today we are very sad,
We say goodbye to our beloved children!

Leading: We want to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you
Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly!

Song: “Learning should be fun” Music by Sosnin

2 janitors enter, carry a record.
1. Sorry, we took the record here to listen to. Here, take it.
2. Such a good song, and most importantly - sincere. ( go away)

Leading: This is how we got a retro tour route 50-2000s. Judging by your smiles and applause, you liked it. ( further words at the request of the presenter)

(Presenting diplomas, certificates and gifts to children)

Thanksgiving verses to the team from parents, kindergarten graduates

Parents: Perhaps silence is golden,
But how can we keep silent now!
Our fun guys
Absolutely delighted with you!

They grow up little by little
You look - they will reach the crown!
Forever they will keep everything that
You gave them to the end!

Your hearts, souls and nerves,
Endless supply of talent!
Although the children go only to the first,
For them, you are always the highest class!

Manager and security
And nannies, janitors - everyone:
"Thank you for your calling
Funny to love fidgets!

We wish you love and happiness!
High ideas and salaries!
The whole future is in your power!
Long live our kindergarten!

(give flowers, Thanksgiving letters employees)

Graduation party "Stilyagi - show!"

Graduation party in kindergarten is an important event for children, parents and all staff. I want this day to be remembered by the kids as one of the brightest and most unforgettable. Now it is fashionable to hold themed holidays, so graduation in kindergarten can be arranged in a certain style, for example, in the retro style "dude".


Festive fashionista costume for graduation in kindergarten for a girl should definitely be supplemented with accessories. The main accessory for the dress is, of course, the belt. It can be made of satin, lace, leather, decorated with beads, flowers, bow.

Children's dresses in the style of "dudes" for graduation can be with open arms. A stylish bolero made of openwork fabric will suit a sleeveless dress. When choosing shoes, you should, first of all, think about the comfort of the child. Shoes should be comfortable, with low heels or flat soles. They can be worn with white tights, stockings or socks. The image of a real young lady is completed with lace gloves and a small handbag.

On a note! The image will turn out even more stylish if you buy a flirty beautiful hat for a little lady.


Hairstyles for girls in the style of "dude" for graduation should be done in a retro version. The easiest way to style your hair at home is to comb your hair to one side and decorate it with a large hairpin in the form of a flower or a bow.

Hair can be combed back, and instead of a hairpin, use a bright headband or a wide ribbon made of satin material.

Girls love it when they get flirty curls. Bows and ribbons can be used as decoration.

Boys clothes

Only at first glance it may seem that it is easier for mothers of girls to come up with an outfit in the style of "dude" for graduation. How to choose a dude suit for a boy for graduation in kindergarten, we will consider further.

The main item of clothing for boys, of course, are trousers. Jeans at the time of the dudes were practically not worn. You should choose trousers of the brightest colors: yellow, orange, purple, green, red. Do not be afraid that these colors are not suitable for boys. After all, you come up with an image for a themed holiday, and in those days, the guys preferred the brightest colors. Original suspenders are ideal for trousers, which will complete the look of a little dude.

When choosing a shirt, you should also pay attention to the brightest colors. Don't buy a boring plain shirt white color, it is suitable for some other official celebration. A polo shirt in a contrasting color with trousers looks very stylish. As an accessory, choose a bright long tie or a colored bow tie.

Stylish children can wear a bright jacket for graduation. It can be plain, striped or plaid. The jacket can be fastened with a few buttons, or have no fasteners at all. A dude suit for prom will look chic not only with a jacket, but also with a vest.

As for the hairstyle for the little fashionista, you can comb your hair to one side or make a small mohawk.

hall decoration

To create a festive atmosphere in the garden for graduation in the retro-style "dudes", you should definitely pay attention to the design of the hall in which the matinee will take place. You can, of course, hire special decorators, but it is much cheaper and more interesting to do the decoration yourself. The decoration of the hall in kindergarten for graduation in the style of "dude" should be rich, cheerful, in bright colors.

No holiday is complete without flowers. You can create a semblance of a flower bed with large quantity bright colors. They are made from balloons, colored paper, cardboard, felt and other materials. Both parents and children will be happy to be creative! A flower arch made of balloons will look very beautiful.

On the walls, you can arrange bundles of helium balloons in the form musical instruments because dudes loved good music so much!

Don't forget to hang banners with the words: "Goodbye, kindergarten!", "Hello, school!", "Graduation 2018", etc.

Gifts for children

Kindergarten graduates will certainly receive gifts, so the parent committee should take care of this in advance. As a rule, each child is given graduation album, certificate and medal. Albums must be ordered in advance so that they can be issued by graduation. You can add a page with wishes from educators and friends.

Instead of medals, you can order nominal figurines. Everything will depend on the planned budget and the wishes of the parents.

In addition, parents often buy quizzes, creative kits, and board games as gifts.

Gifts for teachers

Parents themselves decide among themselves what gifts they will present to the staff of the kindergarten. It can be baskets of fruits and sweets, candy bouquets, gift certificates. The main gift should be supplemented with postcards that parents and children made themselves, and, of course, bouquets of fresh flowers.

Variant of the script of the matinee in the style of "Retro"

We offer you a simple script for the graduation party "Stilyagi". Children will be happy to prepare for the event: learn the words of songs and poems, learn dances, pick up festive outfits with their mothers. The graduation script in the retro-style "dude" for kindergarten should not be overloaded with scenes so that the kids do not have time to get tired and have fun from the heart.

To the incendiary music, educators dressed in retro style come out to the middle of the hall.

1st teacher:

Today is our graduation
We welcome all of you.
Our children have grown up
The years flew by quickly.

2nd teacher:

You can talk a lot about children,
But we want to surprise you today.
Cheerful and cool hurry to us,
Girls and boys are classy dudes.

Scene #1. Musical

Children run out and dance an incendiary dance.

A girl comes out into the middle of the hall and poetic form invites you to congratulate you on your graduation. Children of younger groups sing a song and tell rhymes.

Graduates again go out into the hall and sing a song about a black cat, the words of which are remade on the theme of graduation from kindergarten.

Then follows a scene in which dudes meet with ordinary girls and boys. They exchange comic rhymes, after which they all sing together the song of the Bravo group “Of course, Vasya”, the words of which, of course, were invented by themselves.

Scene #2. Entertaining

A girl in a poetic form invites children to play exciting game. Options for graduation games:

  1. Large petals in the form of chamomile are laid out on the floor. To the music, the children walk around the chamomile, and as soon as the music ends, each of them takes one petal. Occupations are written on the reverse side. Each child must show without words what profession he got, and parents guess what kind of profession it is.
  2. Dance battle. Two teams are created: boys and girls, and compete which of them dances more stylishly.
  3. The game "How to assemble a first grader." To participate, each graduate invites his mom and dad. The child must collect the briefcase, the mother must make a sandwich, and the father must inflate the balloon. The family that completes the task the fastest is the winner.

Scene #3. Parents' congratulations

Parents go out into the hall and dance "Boogie-Woogie", after which several parents give a pep talk to graduates and words of gratitude to all kindergarten employees. Teachers are given gifts and flowers.

Scene #4. Presentation of gifts, medals and certificates to children

Children dance the “Dandies” dance, after which the teachers in poetic form call each graduate, give him gifts, photo albums, certificates, and medals.

Scene #5. helium balloons

Children, parents and kindergarten workers go out into the street. There, colorful helium balloons are already waiting for them, each of which has a small postcard in the form of a flower attached to it. On the card, each child must write their wishes in advance, for example: “So that everyone studies only perfectly”, or “So that everyone is healthy and happy.” To the music, the children unanimously release balloons into the sky.

Scene #6. Animation

If parents have the opportunity and desire to invite professional animators, after launching the balls, they can entertain the kids with games, contests, and funny pranks. As a rule, it is very difficult to gather more than 20 children to play a common game, but professionals do an excellent job of this difficult task.

At the end of the graduation, a photo session is held, and then a sweet table awaits the children.

On a note! Graduation in the style of "dude" can also be held at school when grade 11 is graduating.

The scenario for the graduation in the kindergarten "Dandies of the Show" can be beaten with the participation of a variety of characters, for example, cartoon characters, or make it look like a film set. Connect your imagination and come up with a variety of options!

Holiday table menu for children

The sweet table should also be decorated in the style of the holiday. Choose bright paper plates, cups, straws, napkins. Serving should be done in bright, cheerful colors.

On a note! Children do not like to sit at the table, they need to frolic and play, so do not overload the menu with complex dishes.

What can be present on the holiday table for children:

  • Small canapes of several types;
  • Small sandwiches;
  • Mini pizzas;
  • Snacks in the form of fruit skewers on skewers;
  • Several types of cookies;
  • Candies;
  • cakes;
  • Juices, water;
  • Fruit cut.

For adults, a separate buffet table is also served, on which there can be several types of sandwiches, vegetable and meat cuts, a cheese plate, canapes, tartlets.

Graduation in kindergarten in a retro style will surely be remembered by both children and parents, as well as by all staff. Of course, you will have to devote a lot of time to preparation, but it will be a truly unforgettable holiday for everyone. Then, years later, matured graduates will look at the photos and be proud that their parents managed to organize their graduation so creatively. And if you like how the holiday will go in kindergarten, you can repeat the graduation in the retro-style "dudes" later at school.

Kurdybailo Marina Vladimirovna
educator of the mini center “Balarman”

"Dandies - show!"

Entrance of educators under the music ___

Educator 1: Hello dear guests, we are glad to welcome you in our cozy music room. Today we take our kids to school and invite you to our style party.

Educator 1: How beautiful our hall is, how elegant and bright!

As if meeting honored guests.

And the guests are relatives, beloved children,

who have grown a little

Educator 2: He saw a lot, our music room,

And the laughter of children resounded more than once,

Today he will give a farewell holiday,

The last surprise will cook for you!

Styling holiday we start

We invite the guys to say goodbye to the garden!

Children run out and dance. “And Hands clap” - stand ___

Diana: We have gathered today,

To celebrate our holiday

Ratmir: Well, what are we celebrating?

Diana: Well, of course graduation!

Ratmir: What kind of holiday is it?

Who is the hero of the occasion

Diana: Well, of course you and me,

All boys and girls

that are now on the sidelines.

All: Say hello to us-

Candidates for 1st class!

Aruzhan: We are the bravest!

Nikita: Active!

Roma: Sports!

Merey: Nimble!

Sophia: Smart!

Artem: Curious!

All: Attractive!

(The teachers call each child, the children go in pairs to the middle of the hall and perform a small dance element.)

Presenter 1

The most gallant - Artyom Kulikov

The most artistic - Diana Pimneva

Lead 2

The most responsive - Maxim Lozhenitsin

The most hardworking - Baybekova Aruzhan

Presenter 1

The most responsible - Eremenko Roman

The most graceful - Shin Eva

Lead 2

The most active - Galygin Ratmir

The most charming - Dinara

Presenter 1

The most inquisitive - Banalist Nikita

The most fashionable - Kalieva Sophia

Lead 2

The most romantic - Sergey Pyankov

The most sociable - Maral Merey

Presenter 1

The friendliest - Maksimov Alexander

Song "We sing now for you"

Aruzhan: You listen to the dudes,

I'm telling you the truth

After all, our life in kindergarten

Bright, wonderful and very interesting!

And I dream for a long time

Make a movie about our life.

(all the children are surprised) Cinema!

Roma: And what, really, really

And we wanted to make a movie

Well, what are we shooting, decided?

(all together) Hooray, movies are allowed!

sit down to the music of "First Grader" ___

Presenter 2: Guys, I know who can help us make a film. Let's call the world's best inventor and dreamer - Carlson, who lives on the roof. We only need to ring this bell and Carlson will hear us. (the presenter gives one of the children a call)

(Music from the cartoon about Carlson sounds, Carlson enters the hall.)

Wow! the hall is full of guests!

How many children have gathered!

I am Carlson, the most cheerful in the world,

Therefore, I like adults and children.

I am the most beautiful, educated,

Skillful and moderately well-fed!

I love dancing, jazz and boogie

I am the best student in the world

And I don't suffer from boredom

Styling school graduate.


(Children greet Carlson)

Presenter 2:

Hello dear Carlson. The guys and I have been waiting for you.

Yes? It's good that you were waiting for me. I really like to go to visit, especially through the window. Did I even get to the right place? Lane Sadovaya 2 Kindergarten "Balarman" Something a lot of people gathered?

Presenter 2:

Guys, Carlson, did you get to the right address? (children's answers) Carlson, today we have a holiday - graduation. That's why there were so many guests. And these are the graduates.

This is good! I really love holidays!

Host 2:

Carlson, we called you because we really need your help! Our dudes decided to make a movie about their life in kindergarten. And who will help us if not you?

You did everything right. You will not get bored with me, because I am the best inventor in the world. I would love to help you make a movie. Well, let's get started? (Children's answer)

Carlson: So, the conversation is over,

Attention friends, motor!

Music sounds - "Film, film" __

Carlson: Scene 1 (first) - Nostalgic -

Probably everyone has already forgotten

How small they were

When you first came to the garden

Quite a few years ago.

Oh, listen, someone is already knocking on our door,

I will go and have a look

And I'll show you dudes.

Little ones enter - to the music ___

The music includes kids with a teacher

1 kid: We put on dresses and washed our cheeks,

They became beautiful and hurried to you!

We all got together for graduation.

But everyone was not allowed! And we broke through!

2 kid: Were you the same?

Or have you forgotten a bit?

3 kid: And we also have a question -

And not in jest, but seriously:

Leave us toys

Dolls, bears and crackers?

4 kid: And you won’t take cars,

When will you go to school?

Well! Then we will...

All kids: We see off in the first class!

Dance from kids

Carlson: Scene 2 - Music and dance.

Carlson: Today we will dance

And have fun until you drop!

We will burn with you

I invite everyone to the stage!!

Presenter1: Today we have an unusual competition - dance! Guys, tell me, are you ready to fight in the battle of cool dances today? (Yes!) So, the teams are ready, the jury is in full force, but are the fans ready to support our teams? (Yes). How will you support them? That's right, loud applause. And so our dance battle-begins!

"Dance Battle"

Presenter 1: Well, what do you say Carlson, who won our competition?

Carlson: And this will be decided by our audience with applause. For whom they will clap louder, he won. Are the audience ready? (yes) Girls? (applause) Boys? (applause) You know, I think friendship won. You are all great and great dancers!

Host 2:

Once upon a time, your parents were dudes too. Do you guys want to see how fashionable, cool and stylish they were?

Then let's look at them, they are in a hurry to us.

Musical gift from moms.

Artem: We do not recognize the gray color,
Our world plays with the whole rainbow.
Chanson, we don't sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie!

Sonya: When we walk down the street,
You turn around for us.
We leave kindergarten
And we sing songs from different years!

Sasha: Here are the trousers-pipes and the cook on the head,

Dinara: Here is a wide-brimmed skirt,

Merey: We are not like everyone else, you think.

Maxim: No, we are just against boredom, dullness, sadness.

Presenter 2: What does it mean to be known as a dude these days?
Moderator 1: Be a positive, dynamic person
And love life very, very much!

Stylish song

Presenter 1: Everyone has a talent in their souls, a secret has long been known,

Someone is a poet, someone is an athlete, or a charming musician,

Each of us has a spark inside

And it is important to carry this light through life.

Diana: Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.
How many keys to see:
Black and white -
Fingers run over them.
My keyboard instrument.
The piano is the best!

Musical number "Playing four hands on the piano"

Carlson: Scene 3 "Entertaining"

Host 2:

In my kindergarten

We have a lot of fun

We not only deal

We play, we have fun.

Carlson: Guys, do you like to play?

Come out, let's play.

The game "Perestroika". (The game is conducted by Carlson)

The word STYLYAGA is written on 7 plates. 7 children participate in the game. Everyone has a plate with one letter in their hands. The host reads the quatrains, the children make up the words.

Defeated all enemies
Bogatyrskaya - POWER!
Forests of dark beauty
Red cheat - FOX!
In the album, thick white and clean,
Familiar to any paper - SHEET!
Old woman, evil hag,
Since childhood, a well-known woman - YAGA!
Clever, graduate, hard worker,

Today at the holiday you are a STYLYAG!

The game “One morning we overslept ...” (conducted by presenter No. 1)

Host: - Dear parents, it's no secret that collecting a young first grader for school is a difficult and responsible business. Especially early in the morning, especially when it suddenly turns out that you SLEEP! To be ready for this surprise and come out of it with honor, now you and I must rehearse! We will simulate a situation when early in the morning, without waking up yet, practically with your eyes closed, in the morning darkness, in a hurry to get your child to school. And then we'll see how you coped with the task and whether your child will bring something unusual with him to the class?

The task for parents is to assemble a school bag with a blindfold. Items that are offered for folding: textbook, pencil case, pens, pencils, paints, notebooks. Also in this set there should be things that are not intended to be taken with you in a backpack to school: a soft toy, a doll, a chocolate bar, a can of coffee, slippers, a toothbrush and paste, a television program, mother's perfume and mascara. eye, grandmother's knitting and so on.

At the same time, the satchel is collected by two parents. One minute is given for packing the backpack, as it is necessary to pack very quickly so as not to be late for school.

After that, you can repeat this game with children or together with children and parents.

Carlson: Scene 4 "Lyrical"

We will dance the parting waltz for you

and in our dance we will grow up now.

Look, our boys are gentlemen,

and girls are ladies. What manners!

What a pity that the waltz in this hall is a farewell one.

It is gentle, airy and very sad.

Dance "Preschool Waltz"

There is a wonderful planet
Here for all your answers,
Here is a game, fun, fairy tale,
Dance, song, even dance.

That planet is not on the map
And in outer space.
Everyone will feel happy
On the planet…

All. Kindergarten!

There is food on the planet
Clean air and water.
We hurry from dads and moms
To that planet in the morning.

And this planet is always
Warmed by the warmth of hearts
All the people on the planet
Very fun life!

Song "Goodbye Kindergarten"

1 Host: The next number will not leave anyone indifferent. He will give you joy, excitement and awe of the soul!

Dance "Father and Daughter"

We met at the hospital, remember?

You looked so enthusiastically then.

And how funny I was afraid that you would drop

dear girl, whom he had been waiting for.

I feel your hand in my palm

And I still have that feeling

My strong dad next to his baby daughter ...

I thank heaven for you!

Parents, as they say, are not chosen ...

I must have been very lucky

As a gift to receive you. I know!

It is always calm and light with you.

The strongest, the most honest,

The smartest and dearest

And if the daughter is lovely

Only you are to blame!

You understand me from a glance,

When I feel good and my pain.

And even far away - you seem to be near.

Daddy, daddy, I love you so much!

Carlson: Scene 5 "Farewell"

Presenter 1 Well, it's time to say goodbye,
We are sorry to part with you!
We all loved you very much
We want you not to forget us!

2nd leader.

In front of you is the school road,
And, although it is much more difficult,
Wishing you all the way
Easy and joyful to go.

Thank you all, bow to the ground
Accept graduates from us
And just as carefully, loving,

Teach your other children!

Bow for your golden hands,
For your faithful hearts
After all, you worked dear,
Not for the red word.

We all want to confess
We love you very much
You just have to try
Do not forget and remember us!

The song "You are our first teacher"

Dinara: Minutes are flying, the earth is spinning,

And time can't be turned back

Childhood will never return to us,

And we will not come to kindergarten

Eva.: A little sorry that we have you

Now we'll just be guests here,

But you are always in our hearts

And we say goodbye to you with all our hearts!

And we give you a song from the heart

Artem .: We say goodbye to you kindergarten,

You see the years as if the birds have flown away,

We say goodbye to you:

Have we guys grown up?

Diana: And how to forget your friends?

One path we went to the garden,

What a pity that we will not be here,

We have become close friends with them!

Merey: But time cannot be returned back,

Here comes the moment of goodbye

All: Goodbye Kindergarten

We will miss you!

final dance

Carlson: Well done! You guys should be proud to go to school because you are so smart!!! Real first graders! I helped you make an interesting movie about life in kindergarten. Well, it's time for me to say goodbye, I have to return to the roof. Goodbye! (Carlson leaves)

1st presenter. Our film is children!

Presenter 2 Our film is happiness!
Presenter 1 Our film is a ray of sunshine in bad weather!

2nd leader.

We have been creating it for many years!
And there were victories, and there were hardships!
And now it's time to say goodbye...
Artists on stage! Forward kids!

(Children pass, show photos of employees, then give flowers)

Presenter 1 and 2: Worked on the film:

Producer - Ilyasov Baldyrgan Kymbarovich

Executive producer - Ilyasova Raushan Bakhydzhanovna

Line producer - Bruyako Irina Vladimirovna

Director - Marina Vladimirovna

Director of photography Aigerim Dauletovna

Stunt director - Irina Serikovna

Assistant director - Natalya Vasilievna

Technical consultant - Akhtota Abumuslimovna

Sound engineer - Lyudmila Konstantinovna

Understudy (second assistant director) - Svetlana Anatolyevna

Medic - Karlygash Zhumagalievna

1st leader. The directors changed, the cast changed. So our film ended, we showed the most interesting fragments of our life in kindergarten, and from September 1, you can shoot a new film.

Presenter 2 We sincerely wish you to remain as kind, happy and loving by the end of the next film!

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the director of the kindergarten "Balarman" Ilyasov B.K.

Children's awards. (music ___)

Thanksgiving from parents. (music ___)

Abstract High school prom for kindergarten on the theme of Stilyagi

Graduation at the preschool educational institution "Our Teremok, goodbye!"

Kobzeva Irina Vladimirovna, teacher, GBOU School No. 1381, Moscow.
Musical director: Vyrovskaya Lyubov Vasilena, music director, School No. 1381, Moscow.
Lead entrance.
We are opening the Graduation Ball
It will start the adult road
And trees will grow from small sprouts
And it all started at this threshold.
(on the screen is a photo of a kindergarten)
Entrance of children and dance with daisies muses. N Man "And the chamomile field blossomed"

Carefree days flew by
You have grown stronger, matured, soon you are students
Finally dreams come true, ahead of study
Everywhere bright flowers, today is a special day
"Teremok" is ours, goodbye!
We go to first class
Even though it's a sad parting
Don't worry about us
Sasha M.
Desks and a board are waiting for us there.
Tutorials, bookmarks
Rulers, pens, diaries
Pencil cases and notebooks
We read so many books at school
Page after page!
Farewell, our dear "Teremok"
We all go to study
The song "We are now students" music. G. Struve
Anya J..
Who is the culprit of the celebration?
Well of course you and me
All boys and girls
that are now on the sidelines.
Cheerful and noisy
And very smart too!
We are STYLES!
Words are spoken one at a time.
- Most
- Talented
- Intelligent
- Inquisitive
- Bright
- Brilliant
- Inventive
- Stilyagi!
Have fun living!
All: Stilyagi!
They dance and sing!
All: Stilyagi!
More fun with us
We will ignite with our energy.
Dance of Stilyagi.

Children stand up
Leading: Guys, what does it mean to be stylish?
I think you have to be special and interesting
It is not enough to have stylish clothes and a haircut. You need to find something in life that is interesting to you, then you will be interesting to others.
Right. Everyone has a talent in their soul, a secret long known,
Someone is a poet, someone is an athlete, or a charming musician,
Each of you has a spark inside
And it is important to carry this light through life.
Mom says that the children
Must be talented.
What do you need these talents
For myself and for the country.
Soon I will leave the garden
I will go to school soon.
So I need talent
"Pick up on the go"
I collect constructor
I teach poetry in the garden.
Well, in general, I don't know
Who do I want to be in life
Who will prompt, who will teach, who is better for us to work with?
I will become a skilled cook
I will cook all the dishes for you deliciously.
dumplings and barbecue
okroshka and salad,
taste my sushi
everyone will be happy.
And I want to be a driver - to carry different loads.
I dream of ballet - it's better not to have it in the world!
Sasha M,
I want to be a great doctor
I will treat everyone with medicine,
I do not have a soul in colors,
I dream of becoming an artist
Order me a portrait
I'll do it - no doubt
And I'll go to the presidency!
I will rule the country
Raise everyone's wages!
I dream of becoming a teacher of children,
Sing, play, walk with them,
Celebrate birthdays.
No, I won't go to kindergarten
Find a quieter job
All day childish din,
Screams, quarrels here and there
Don't sit down, don't leave
It can be so crazy.
Okay! What do you! Stop it!
We still have a holiday here.
And today in this room
We will reveal the secret for you.
To work in the garden, to live,
We must love all children.
We promise to grow
Let's work in kindergarten!
ANIA I. And I'll go to the nanny
I'll put things in order here!
VOVA.. And I will be Uncle Vova
I'll be cutting and sawing here.
Old toys, chairs
I will glue and fix
I haven't decided yet
But I'll be back for sure
Physician or speech therapist,
Well, I'll think about it some more.
CAMILLA. A. I will be the manager
I won't forget about you kids.
Children sit down.
Scene "One day the head of the kindergarten"
Music sounds A child with a sign "8.30" passes through the middle of the hall
Child Manager
I go to kindergarten (takes off coat)
8.30 in the morning.
The cooks are already conjuring in the kitchen.
Corridors, toilets
Groups, halls, offices
I have to check everything
Safety observe
Music sounds. A child with a sign "9.00" passes through the middle of the hall
Child Head.
It's already 9 am on the clock
And there's a nurse on the doorstep
The baby nurse comes out
Nurse child.
We have problem #1!
We have a windmill!
Again quarantine!
Child Head.
Need to quickly run through everything
Nanny gather everyone together as soon as possible
Soap, Progress, brushes, water
Rospotrebnadzor will rush to us,
again as always!
(Looks at watch. Phone rings)
9.15. The phone rings
(picks up the phone, listens)
The event should be given to the district? (holds his chin. Thinks)
- Another problem! Everyone needs to be collected!
Quickly decide how and what to show!
runs out the door, runs out the door again. looks at the clock)
10.00 Like a locomotive! Our dear supply manager comes to the door to us.
Child caretaker.
No heating! Heated the basement! The pipes are rotten full emergency!
Child Head.
Another problem, I call the REU
(speaking into phone)
Locksmith urgently send them, I pray!
(looks at watch)
Eleven exactly. The psychologist is on the run!
Child Psychologist:
A computer virus has entered our kindergarten!
Computers urgently need treatment!
Otherwise, all files will die very amicably!

A child passes with a sign "Noon"
Child Head.
12.15. I am writing the timesheet! Need to submit urgently
I'm in a hurry!
13.00. I have a teacher's council. Educators need to be given good advice so that everyone defends the category and does not feel sad about their salary.
(runs in place)
14.30 - I run to school,
we have been a big family for a long time.
(stops, pats himself on the head)
There, of course, they will scold us for everything,
They don't want to give money!
17.00 - I go to the office.
I think I missed lunch
(strokes belly).
I just can't eat right now.
I'll run to the meeting in the hall
(runs in place)
Many parents will come to visit
they are worried that the children are waiting for them.
(He sits at the table and picks up the phone.)
18.15. The phone rings
Girl on the phone
An open lesson should be given to the district.
Did they call you this morning?
Child Head.
Of course, we are waiting for you tomorrow, gentlemen!
A child passes with a sign
“19.00. Evening and it's not over yet
Child Manager(holding head on hand)
The janitor is gone! He more expensive job found! What should I do? How can I be? Janitor new, where to get!
A child passes with a sign "Night"
Child Head.
Until I found the right person.
Late at night I came home! (falls asleep)
- - - - - - - -- -
Students come to greet you junior group.
The music includes kids with a teacher.
1 baby:
We put on dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you!
We all got together for graduation.
But everyone was not allowed! And we broke through!
2 kid:
Eyebrows - "house", cilia,
A bang and two pigtails,
The nose is small - "snub",
And in the eyes - a question:
3 kid:
Is that how you were?
Or have you forgotten a bit?
4 kid:
And we also have a question -
And not in jest, but seriously:
Leave us toys
Dolls, bears and crackers?
5 kid:
And don't take a car
When will you go to school?
Well! Then we will...
All babies: Let's go to first class!
6 kid:
At school, you friends try
Get only fives!
It will be difficult, come -
Let's welcome you back to kindergarten!
Dance with kids.
(graduates give gifts and see off the kids).

Well, guys, do you remember what you were like when you came to us in "Teremok"? Now let's say goodbye to our toys
Children come out with toys
I decided to whisper with toys,
After all, it's time for us to say goodbye.
No, I won't stop playing at all
But still, less often: after all, I will become a schoolgirl.
Farewell my dear
Mishenka is fluffy,
Did you smear your shirt with jam again?
Okay, I'll do it today...
How will you be without me, Mikhas, I don’t know ...
I combed the Lyalka doll today,
And tied a bow on curls,
- Do not eat sweets: you will be allergic!
And who will wake you up in the morning?
I say goodbye to you, I am now a hare,
I grew up and it's not my fault
Years can fly fast
Well, not to sit in the garden before the wedding!
Song and dance with toys “Fluffy childhood Muses R. Gutsalyuk.

LIA To us the heroes of good fairy tales
They are already in a hurry to visit the hall,
So that in the country of wonderful knowledge
Escort your kids!
RUSTAM. We were friends with a fairy tale in the garden,
Please - a fairy tale, come!
Good fairy tale characters
Bring along!
To the music, a deuce runs in.
Deuce: Finally I have you.
Will you take me to first class?
Educator: And who are you?
Deuce: I'm a two! The best mark in school! It's always easy to learn with me. You just need to be more lazy.
Educator: And our guys are not used to being lazy and a deuce at school will not be useful to them at all. Our children will take diligence, diligence and perseverance to school.
Two: Is it really necessary at school? You guys came up with no business. All this is hopelessly outdated. Here, without me, you can’t go there and not here! I'm a super deuce, I'm a star!
You need to be friends with me
And don't worry about studying!
Educator: but our guys are used to working hard and getting good grades for it.
deuce: AAA. everything is clear to me. Do you want to be excellent? So this requires knowledge.
Educator: And our guys just have the knowledge.
Deuce: where is their knowledge? What kind of knowledge? A. And now we will check what knowledge they have. So.
Listen carefully:
Do they learn to write in school?
Read different books?
Pushing at breaks?
Then. Name-calling?
Do chest problems solve?
Do they play different toys?
Well, then they get deuces?
How not? How do they not get deuces?
Well, it just can't be!
Educator: This is how they don't get it. Attention attention! From the first of September, the hunt for good grades opens. Do you guys want to take part? Guys, then let's play and spend interesting game.
Game: "Funny Fives".
In the center of the hall, there are chairs in a circle with their backs inward, sitting outward, the numbers five and two are laid out on them, cheerful music sounds, the children jump around the chairs in a circle, with the music stopping, the children should sit on the chair and raise the figure with an estimate.
deuce How is there not a single deuce? I cannot bear such an insult. For the last time I want to ask you - will you take me to the first class? Will you take it? Will you take it? Well, I'll go to a neighboring kindergarten, maybe there graduates need two.
Sounds of music enters Pippi-longstocking
Hello, allow me to introduce myself.
I'm Pippi Longstocking!
Presenter: Peppy, what's in your suitcase?
Peppy: Oh, here's my dad's present, my dearest treasure.
Music sounds. The crooks appear.
1 crook. Heard?
Some red-haired girl -
A whole treasure and money in a suitcase.

2 crook.
Then we surround this red monster and select the treasure. It is harmful for children to have a lot of gold. So your money will be ours!
1 crook. You and I are another matter:
tired of saving
we can't do anything
and the need - oh-hoo!
2 crook. And eat and dress -
need money need money
and when it's unbearable,
then we go out on a robbery!
Together. Surround, take away!
Peppy. Why take away?
I'll give you a suitcase myself if you sing with us! Do you even know how to sing?
crooks(together): Yes. (sing)
Peppy: Is that what you call singing?
Here's how to sing!
The girls sing a song and dance "Lady Jazz".

Rogues: Well, you sing well, but give us the suitcase!
Peppy: Well, if you don't know how to sing, then play with us.
crooks(joyfully). Let's play, let's play, what?
In cards? In dominoes? In the lotto?
Peppy. No, we have other games, more interesting!
Starting fun minutes - my math jokes.
(Rogues confuse children, they say wrong answers)
1. A rooster flew up on the wattle fence,
Met two more
How many roosters were there?
Who has an answer? (3)
2. Six funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries.
But one kid is tired
I lagged behind my comrades,
Now find the answer
How many bears are ahead. (5)
3. Once a hedgehog was walking through the forest,
For lunch, mushrooms found:
Two - under the birch,
Two - under the aspen.
How many will there be
In a wicker basket? (4)
Rogues together. How is this not interesting?
And the suitcase is now ours! (Trying to pick up the suitcase.)
It looks like there are too many treasures, I can’t lift it!
Peppy. Don't be ashamed! You can't lift a light suitcase!
(He picks up the suitcase and lets go of the crook.)
2 crook. Ay! Ouch! What a strong girl!
Peppy. The most ordinary.
Any child picks up this suitcase! (Children rise.)
Here, have you seen it? Physical education is a must!
The crooks again try to pick up the suitcase, pushing, snatching from each other - the suitcase opens and school supplies and various toys are scattered from it.
Rogues. Together. What-oh! And this is your treasure?
Little deceiver!
It is not good to lie to adults.
Peppy. And I am not a liar at all, you thought that treasures were gold and jewels, but they are not. This is something without which it is impossible to get into the country of Knowledge.
What do you guys take with you to school?
And now, well, who is bolder,
Grab your portfolio now!
The game "Collect a portfolio."
Peppy recruits 2 teams of 5 people from children. Each participant brings 1 school supplies and puts it in a briefcase. The crooks get in the way, slipping various unnecessary items on the children.

Peppy: Well done. (Checks portfolios) You'll need all of these at school.
2 crook: We overheard that you kids are going to school? Do you want us to give you gifts?
1 crook: Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot at the birds!
2 crook: Here's a noisy pistol for you to scare each other!
1 crook: This heavy stone needs to break windows!
2 crook: Wave this lifesaver in all directions! Like this! (They run around the hall scaring children and guests). Are our gifts good?
Peppy: And not at all good, take them back! These are not gifts, but very bad things, which, I think, are not needed at all at school. Really guys?
1 crook: Yeah. Convinced. Struck. Your children are ready to go to school. Yes, after such a spectacle, I don’t feel like doing our craft. I'll drop him!
2 crook: Correctly! Let's drop it! We go to school with the kids. They say it's never too late to learn.
1 crook: I agree. Deal!
2 crook: Do you know what I thought? Since we have decided to start a new life, we will do something good for the guys.
1 rogue: Let's. What shall we do?
Peppy: And I came up with it, because it’s not for nothing that they say that Peppilotta-Victuolina-Rolgardina-Longstocking is the smartest girl in the world!
2 crook: Pepi-vitu-dina ... pah, Peppy, share your thoughts, girl!
Peppy: Let's give the kids something to remember.
1 crook: Like what?
Peppy: When my dad, the captain, left his native Earth, he gave me a photograph on which it was written "For a good long memory", this is the best gift for me
2 crook: Exactly, let's.
Peppy:(gives an album with photographs) May this photo book give you good memories of the country you are leaving, called Kindergarten.
1 crook: Well, we guys say goodbye to you.
2 Rogue We now also have the idea to go to school.
Peppy: See you in September at school.
1 crook: After all, it's never too late to learn.
Peppy: Till….
A phonogram sounds, the crooks and Peppy leave the hall.
Leafing through the photo album moment (giving flowers to employees)
Music sounds
Leading. Guys, let's once again turn the pages of this album together.
(the teacher sits on a chair, photos from the album are projected onto the screen)
And when did we have time?
So suddenly grown up!
At school, waiting for us with flowers
Real first class!
Sorry, we're leaving the garden.
Everyone needs to say thank you.
How many holiday balls -
So many kind words.
Frame: (manager)
Oh, look, and here is knowledgeable in everything,
Our favorite manager - Galina Yurievna
Nowadays, no, it's not easy
Lead the garden.
Every day a million questions
All of them need to be resolved.
Yes, work here is not honey,
Here, not everyone could.
The fact that our garden lives -
This is thanks to you!
Let work bring you
Positive attitude!
Well, different problems.
Let them bypass
Doors, light bulbs, carpets
And sand for the kids.
Curtains and toys
Blankets and pillows
We brought furniture to the garden
Wonderful caretaker.
The child may have speech problems.
Then I will give practical advice
The issue will be resolved
Lyubov Ivanovna is our speech therapist.
And here is the physical education instructor Yulia Valerievna
WORLD. And here, guys, we are in physical education,
After all, strong, dexterous sport will help to become.
In a couple of years, everyone will know from the newspapers ...
Which of us will become an athlete,
Our Garden will glorify the whole world,
Yulia Valerievnaa, thank you,
From the guys, their dads and moms!
Here you need to try and believe in yourself, Accelerate in the water, sparing no effort.
Develop sports anger in yourself
To strive for victories and achieve them.
Endure and fight, forgetting about the pain
And win the main important swim.
Educator: Musical director Lyubov Vasilievna
And here we are - karaoke stars,
And dancing for us is not a problem.
And how we all love to perform,
Since there is talent, why hide.
Thank you for your songs
That danced with us together
That the music of all our days
Sounded better with you!
Educator: Our nurse Svetlana Alexandrovna.
And here is a photo - fidgets
Giving you trouble:
That torn knee
The forehead is broken a little.
You haven't been sitting around doing nothing.
Drip your nose, rinse your eyes.
You were good at
Our abrasions to heal.
Children will not forget this
And we thank you.
The best nurses in the world
The ones that make kids happy!
Who came to kindergarten in the morning?
These are our chefs.
Breakfast porridge is ready.
The porridge is cooked. Hooray!
Who cooked fragrant soup
And a side dish of different cereals?
Who baked us buns
Or apple pie?
These are our chefs.
Working since 6 am.
Dear chefs
We say thank you
And thank you for everything.
With a clear dawn, until dark
She is in our garden.
Who will bring us lunch
And take the dishes?
Of course we helped
We set the tables
And learned not to crumble
And don't use sand.
Our group is not better.
Clean and light all around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?
Let's thank her now
For care and comfort
And for what it's time
She dedicated her work to us!
Frame: Educators.
Our family educators
You were like second mothers to us.
You taught us a lot -
We are ready to go to the first class.
You showed us the big world,
They took us there.
And let the years fly by
We will never forget you!
Hard work went to you -
He needs a lot of attention
After all, everyone understands himself
Children what does education mean.
While the working day dragged on -
You have replaced the mother of the children.
And now everyone wants
Thank you for everything!
Children give flowers to employees and line up for the First Graders dance.
Thanks to all staff
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day light.
You took pity on us, loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
I'm sorry we can't have you
Take it with you to first class.
Dance First Graders of Muses and Cool.

Graduation to the school "Stilyagi"

Music material:
1. dance-exit "Top, clap, cap!"
2. song "Kindergarten" (music and lyrics by Kostin)
3. song "First graders" (I. Krutoy)
4. dance of the younger group "Ladoshka" (paired with boys - graduates)
5. dance - roll call of rock and roll
6. Preschool waltz
7. Song "Farewell"
8. dance with balloons "Rainbow of Desires" (girls-graduates)
9. number of teachers song "Knots"
10. Flash mob "Parents can do it too"

1 presenter
2 leading
Correspondent - child of the group

"Dandy goes to school"
"Preschool Interview"

game "math peas"
blitz survey for first graders
game "make a word" - with parents
attraction "Who will you become"

Fanfare sounds.
The teachers come out.
1 V.
Good evening, dear parents, employees and guests of our holiday! We are glad to welcome you in our hall!
2 V.
Today we have gathered with you for the last time to see our graduates off to school. The atmosphere in the hall promises to be iridescent, romantic, with a slight whiff of nostalgia.

1 V.
With excitement we entered to you now,
Today is our graduation.
How quickly our children have grown up
And the years flew by quickly!

2 V.
But let the sadness not obscure the smiles,
And there will be only joy for the guys,
And although they can not avoid small mistakes,
Greet our preschool children with applause!

Both: Meet, they hurry to us:
1 V. Funny
2 V. Perky
1 V. Lovely
2 V. And cool
Both: Stilyagi first-class!

Dance "Top, clap, drip!"
Remain in place.
1 child.
We do not recognize gray
Our world plays with the whole rainbow!
And soon we will go to school,
The whole kindergarten escorts us!
Today we are graduates
Stilyagi - well done!

2 child:
When we walk down the street
You turn around for us
We leave kindergarten
And we sing songs from different years!

The song "Kindergarten"
3 child (goes between the guys)
You listen, dudes,
I'm telling you the truth!
Life in our garden is bright, wonderful and very interesting!
And I have long dreamed of making a movie about our life!

All in chorus. Cinema?

4 child.
And what, and, indeed, in fact,
We all wanted to make films.
Well, let's shoot, it's decided!

All in chorus. Hooray! Movies are allowed!

5 child.
So the conversation is over
Attention, friends! Motor!
We created our movie from the heart,
Well-known actors in the film played.
And now the hour has come - our movie is made,
Actors on stage! Watch our film!

6 child.
We have been creating it for many years,
There were victories and there were hardships.
And now it's time to part
Actors on stage, go, kids!

7 child.
Very soon, very soon
We will go to school
And it's time to wish us neither fluff nor feathers!

Children sing the song "First Graders".

1 Q. So, today in our kindergarten - the premiere of the film, work on which lasted for five whole years.
2 V. A solemn hour has come for all of us - at last we will see his most interesting shots!
7 child.
The first frame is infantile (clapping a clapperboard).
Graduates come out.
8 child:
Remember five years ago
How did we go to kindergarten?
9 child:
What are you, we did not go,
They took us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on the handles,
They didn't want to stomp their feet.
I remember crying every day
I was waiting for my mother, I looked out the window.
10 child:
And someone walked with a pacifier,
And someone wore diapers.
I used to eat badly
They spoon-fed me.
And if we didn't sleep
They rocked us on the handles.
11 child
Oh, listen, someone is already knocking on our door,
And afraid to enter here,
I'll go take a look
And you, dudes, I'll tell you! (greets incoming babies)
Enter the children of the younger group.
(music "Mustachioed nanny")
1. We gathered at the graduation
But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through.

2. We put on dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you.

3. We are tired of waiting for our speech
We want to dance at the party.

Toddler Group Educator:
Only you can help us and support the little ones.
Let it be a happy time at school, we wish you
In chorus: “No fluff, no feather! »

12 child.
We accept congratulations
We want to dance with you
Let's take the kids now
Let's dance with them!
Dance "Palms"
(paired with graduates - boys.)
Children give soap bubbles to babies.

13 child.
The second frame is developing! (clapping clapperboard).
We have a lot of fun in our kindergarten,
But we're not only having fun
We are still doing it!

Game "Mathematical peas".
Prepare painted pea pods,
inside each pod: peas of different quantities.
Children go "to the garden": they choose any pod
and to the joyful music they move in all directions with jumps.
Another group of children is holding numbers.
The task is to count the peas on a signal (at the end of the music) (the children do this while they are moving in jumps) and stand near their number, i.e. so that the number of peas matches the number around which they stand.
Raise the pod high up so that everyone can check the answer.

2 V .: Well, our children are great! And now the blitz is a poll.
"Every dude - a first-grader should know this."
Children are asked to answer the following questions:
What month do they go to school?
Where do students put their school supplies?
What do students write in their notebooks?
Who teaches children different lessons at school?
What is the break between classes called?
What is the homework notebook called?
Adults have a vacation, schoolchildren - ..?
Addition sign?
Signal warning us about the beginning of the lesson?
What is the name of the spacious room where the students sit during the lesson?
1B. Well done boys! I see you are ready to go to school! Didn't your parents get bored? We have a game for you.

Game with dads "Perestroika".
The game involves 4 people, a couple of letters per participant.

Dad puts on a "vest"
- on the chest and on the back the letters H - L; A - O; E - I; Sh-P

2 V .: - Now we will give you riddles, and you must make up riddles from the letters that you have on your chest and back. You are allowed to consult! The answer will always be 4 letters, be careful.

1. It happens to be a fish, but it happens to be a tool (Saw).
2. Tree, from the flowers of which fragrant tea is brewed (Linden).
3. Sometimes football, sometimes wheat (Field).
4. What you can’t hide in a bag (Shilo).
5. Shoes for the wheel (Tire).
6. Sometimes marine, sometimes for shaving (Foam).
7. Little horse (Pony).
Leaders alternate reading riddles.
Parents rearrange to compose the word.

2 V .: Well done! You all receive the honorary title of "Assistant Stilyagi - First Grader"

15 child.
The third frame is entertaining! (clapping clapperboard).
We grew up in the garden.
Learned a lot of new things.
Draw and read.
Played together happily

16 child:
Although we are not uncles, although we are not aunts.
You will not find more talented us anywhere.
We became here actors, soloists,
We are the best in the world, we are future artists!

Scene "Dandy goes to school"
chair with a tie.
Leading the scene (child).
Once our stylist
He decided to go to first grade.
Wearing a bright shirt
Combed, looked.
Everything is ready! Can go to school
I have to go now!
All I need is a bright tie
But where to find it? puts on a tie.
Everything, I'm ready for school,
Open doors!
Meet the beautiful student as soon as possible!
Leading the scene (child).
He's in a hurry to go to school
Dancing, dancing and screaming.
Here came the dude into the class
The Teacher comes out (the child of the group, points).
Stage leader. The teacher looked sternly and asked:
Teacher. What time is it now?
You are three hours late, (looks at Stilyagu)
And they didn’t take a briefcase with them,
How will you work:
Write, read, study?
We love stylists
Don't read, just have fun!
Stilyagi! It's more fun with us, let's ignite with our energy!
We've been dancing merrily since morning
All children in chorus: We are the happiest kids in the world!

Dance - roll call
Teacher. Well, dude, I wish you a happy journey. I ask you to come to the director immediately. (leaves)
Stage leader.
Here comes our dude and does not understand
Why are they immediately called to the director?
He enters the office, next to mom, dad is not.
He sees our dude: it's bad
The Director (the child of the group) comes out,
bypasses, looking from above - down the Stilyagu.
What is this miracle?
Why did you come to school?
A textbooks, briefcase
Did you bring with you?

Stilyaga schoolboy.
I didn't bring anything.
Why do I need a school?
How so?
After all, learning is light!
You know it's hard these days
There is no happiness without science!
Read this word (shows)
La-la-la, and you're done!
No, it won't work like that.
You have to study in school.
Everyone, I agree, convinced!
You persuaded me!
I'll go to school soon
Everything you need to learn!
Stage leader.
You listen guys
Don't play hide and seek at school!
You study computer
Respect teachers!
General bow of the actors of the scene.
1B. Guys, in my opinion, we are guests!
Correspondent (a child of the group) runs in to the music,
with a camera, with a microphone.
Correspondent: Are you late? How so? While I was reporting on the meeting in the government, I missed the holiday in your garden!
2 Q. Do not worry, dear correspondent, our holiday is just beginning! Look at our dudes - graduates, at their happy parents!
The correspondent clicks the camera (in different directions)
to the background of cheerful music
Then it's all right!
I am a fun correspondent
I want to take you to school!
Plug in my microphone
I will interview you!
Graduates will answer your questions!
A participant in the scene comes out.
The correspondent approaches the children in turn with a microphone,
asks the question:
Correspondent (to the artist). What is your favorite activity?
The child is an "artist" (with a brush).
I do not have a soul in colors,
I dream of becoming an artist.
I can easily draw your portrait at the age of seven!
And a wonderful still life, I will draw without the hassle!
I’ll paint a summer landscape, all I need is a brush and gouache!

Correspondent (director). What are you dreaming about?

The child is the director.
Of course I will soon
All famous director.
I will travel abroad
To Cannes, Rome, Paris and Nice,
attend festivals,
Visit different mayors.
From around big world I'll bring souvenirs!

Correspondent (director). What about your most cherished dream?
The child is a pianist.
I want to become a pianist
wonderful artist,
Music has been with me since childhood
I love her with all my heart!

Correspondent (DJ). And who will you be when you grow up?
The child is a DJ.
I will become a cool DJ, I will turn the music,
I'm naming new topic to get all the people going.
With Kolya Baskov we will record a dance super-hit,
The whole world will hear about me, the whole country will speak!

Correspondent (to the next respondent).
Why are you silent?
Are you saying nothing?
You can't tell us
Who do you dream of becoming?

The child is a teacher.
Interested in you guys
Only glory and salary.
And I have my own dream, it has a simple beauty.
I want to become a teacher
Let everyone be surprised.
After all, from kindergarten and from school
Everything begins.

17 Child.
Both the artist and the banker come to the garden as kids,
And then they find themselves
To conquer the whole world!
There is no better job!
No profession is needed
Every day to give care -
What could be more important!
You are one hundred percent right, Kindergarten is the head of everything!

I am a fun correspondent
I managed to take you to school!
I turn off my microphone
I'll take an interview at school!
And now - a moment of attention! Photo for memory!
(participants of the scene stand up for a photo). smile! I'm filming! (the correspondent "takes pictures").
18 Child.
Where to study, who we will become,
We don't know yet.
And while we're all dreaming
And we play, yes we play!

The attraction "Who will you become" is held:
Children run around small records to the music,
on the reverse side of the inscription - profession.
With a point of music, they take any record.
The facilitator reads the inscription from the back.
Professions by number of children.

19 Child.
Let's dance at school
Pa de de perform!
Well, the waltz, he is known to everyone -
The whole world is interested!
And now for the pretty ones
Waltz dance for all dudes!

Dance "Preschool waltz"

20 Child. Frame four - farewell! (clapping clapperboard)
Children go out in pairs and read poetry
The last time we are in this room -
They gathered their parents.
The last time they read poetry
And they sang and danced for you.
How many years have we lived here
They played and made friends.
With gentle sadness "Goodbye!"
Let's say we are native to the group.
We did not part with you -
Except on the weekend.

Here the builders were
Doctors and tailors.
In our bedroom hundreds of times
Rested at quiet time.
Set the table for dinner
Knowing the etiquette
And in the albums they drew a house,
Trees and dawn.

And more than once during leisure hours,
Sitting quietly on the carpet
Together with the book we were
In a good fairy land.
We fly away today
Like birds from a nest
sorry to have to say goodbye
Kindergarten forever.

Preschool childhood leaves one day,
And everyone will feel it today.
Toys leave: cars, rocking chairs,
And little books, and squeaker dolls.
But we can't forget this colorful world
And our garden is kind, cozy and bright,
And warm hands, and affectionate look,
TOGETHER: Thank you, thank you for everything, kindergarten!
This is the word we want
Fold from capital letters
And to all kindergarten workers
Give with love!
Children hold up signs with the letters "THANK YOU!"

Song "Goodbye"
21 children.
We loved going to kindergarten
And we were able to compose a dance for the kindergarten.
"Rainbow of desires" we will give you now,
May all your wishes come true!

Dance with balls girls of the preparatory group

"Rainbow of Desires"

1 Q. For many years you went to our kindergarten. We grew up and worked together, learned a lot of new and instructive things. Together we became great friends, and friends, as you know, often see each other and do not forget about each other. Come to visit us. We will be very glad to see you!

word of teachers
1B. Dear guests, our film has come to an end. You've seen the best of his shots. Now our matured children can rightfully go to the first grade!

2B. Attention please! Allow me to introduce the main creators of our film - people without whom today's holiday would not have taken place:.
22 child.
Everyone is very excited today
This is what happens in moments of separation.
Do not be sad, now he will congratulate us
Our leader, mentor and friend!

Manager's word.
1 V.:
Who brought you to kindergarten for the first time?
Who has always been worried about you?

Children: Parents!

2 V .: All life's joys and hardships, ups and downs, disappointments and victories have always been shared with you by your wonderful parents. The floor is given to the parents of our graduates! Applause!

Flash mob "Parents can do it too!"
1 Q: And now we will take an oath from the parents.
I'll ask my parents to stand up
And swear to us to promise:
1 V:
Whether I am a mother, or whether I am a father,
Always say to the child: “Well done!” I swear!
Parents: I swear!

Never scold him for deuces, and do homework to help him. I swear!
Parents: I swear!

1 V:
Forget your “I don’t remember ... I don’t know ...”
And learn English and Russian together! I swear!
Parents: I swear!

Strive to be a good parent
And never forget your vows. I SWEAR!
Parents: I swear!

1 V:
And if I still offend the child,
I'll buy him right away... a box of condensed milk! I swear!
Parents: I swear!
Well done! Now you all receive the honorary title of "Assistant Stilyagi - First Grader"
And now comes the solemn hour,
He is very serious and important to you!
The first ever award is presented,
Kindergarten Diploma!
May you have many awards
But the first in life is more expensive than a treasure!
Presentation of diplomas, gifts.
Children take balls, become scattered.

1 V:
You will never forget your first ball!
And you will always remember your favorite garden!
Our ball is over, the holiday ends!
Leading together:
Good luck to you, first grader!
Let the balls fly
Let the children dream!
Clear lights of fabulous colors
Well, today we are with dances, poems
Letting go to the sky
Children together:
Fireworks Balls!

To the song "Aerial Balloons"
children go out with their teachers,
stand in a circle, make a wish.

One two Three! Fly with a wish to the sky!