How to use wax seal. Features of using wax seal

It has already become a household name. This is the name not only for seals made directly from sealing wax, but also from other materials that imitate it. Scrapbooking enthusiasts have already come up with more than one way to create an "almost" wax seal from improvised materials.


To make sealing wax at home, you will need the following materials:

  1. Hot glue gun.
  2. Acetate film (well, or any film from the packaging of something)
  3. Acrylic paints.
  4. Brush.
  5. rubber, silicone, foam rubber.
  6. A bowl of cold water.
  7. Scissors and paper napkins

I saw the idea of ​​​​manufacturing in a French scrapbook magazine. And I decided to try and immediately capture the photo.

You can use these stamps. Here are just daughters from Kinder Surprise. The main wish is that they be round so it will look more like a seal.

We put the gun on fire. And then we crush the puddle. Sufficient size. Strongly thick-voluminous is not necessary, otherwise it simply will not work out. In general, it depends on what kind of stamp you use. And let it cool down a bit. Through trial and error, I determined about 20-30 seconds. And it is not necessary to blow the drop is ugly deformed.

Then moisten the stamp, button or coin with water

And gently, without pressing hard, place the stamp on the puddle

And gently gently pick off. (sooo soft). Then let cool, blot with a paper towel from the water. And paint in a suitable color. When everything dries and hardens, carefully bend the acetate sheet and the prints themselves bounce off. Or you can just cut it out and put it in a bag. and paint later.

I'll warn you right away, it might not work the first time. Do not despair. Try. From 2 sticks of glue, I got only 5 normal seals. Everything is hard the first time.

Be careful with silicone stamps. And especially the cheap ones. I didn’t spoil one, I just got scared when the glue stuck to the stamp, but in vain. You just have to dig it out very carefully. And you can drip water on top to make it more convenient. By the way, this case cleaned my stamps very well. The glue stripped away all the dried and unwashed ink. With buttons and coins, you should probably use cream and not water, because it prints rather poorly and immediately sticks to the surface.

It is probably more convenient to stick this fake seal with double-sided tape. And use all sorts of ribbons and ropes.


It is quite possible to make from plastic or clay. For this you will need the following materials:

  1. Weight for modeling firm Fimo;
  2. Glue;
  3. A piece of rope;
  4. Buttons with a matching pattern;
  5. rolling pin;
  6. Oven

From a piece of mass of the desired size, roll the ball. We fold the rope in the form of a loop and flatten our ball on it with a finger.

Then, using a rolling pin, we will give our workpiece the required thickness.

The next step is to make an imprint of the button on the workpiece. Do not be afraid to put it not in the middle, it will look even more natural. In my opinion, to make the print look more believable, you should take the pattern on the buttons very seriously, since now there is a huge selection of them. I have two suitable ones in stock.

Now carefully remove the rope and then the button from the workpiece. This is how she looks from reverse side:

Now you need to bake our seal in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 130 ºС, and after it has cooled down, glue the string on the reverse side along the grooves that remain from it. And we got an almost real wax seal.

If you can't find a mass of a suitable color, take any, it can be easily painted in the desired color. acrylic paint. To make the print even shiny, you can cover it with varnish.
Good luck with your creativity!

We are often asked questions about

how to put a wax seal at home?

In this video-MK, we presented one of the ways to use it at home. postal wax.

We will need:

  • candle
  • a large tablespoon (which you don't mind ruining!), it's better not to use aluminum, it heats up quickly. Ideal spoon with a wooden handle, as in our video
  • oil in a convenient container for dipping the seal
  • cotton pad, we put a seal of oil on it, so that the excess drains

Place a wax seal

So let's get started:

  1. We light a candle
  2. The print can be immediately dipped in oil. This is done so that the seal does not stick to the sealing wax. If you do not want to use oil, then you will need to wait a bit for the sealing wax to cool down before making an impression - then it will not stick to the seal.
  3. We take a spoon and put a little sealing wax on it, after the first print you will clearly understand how much you need to put it)
  4. Before melting, the seal can be placed on a cotton pad to drain excess oil.
  5. We place a spoon with sealing wax over the flame of a candle. As you know, the hottest temperature of a flame is at its very top, so hold your spoon over the top of the fire and try not to come into contact with it, otherwise your whole spoon will be smoky. You can quietly rotate the spoon in different directions, thereby ensuring the fastest melting of sealing wax and preventing it from boiling. Continue these steps until all the sealing wax has melted into a homogeneous mass.
  6. Melted sealing wax melted on a spoon is dripped in a suitable amount onto paper, the droplet should be approximately the diameter of the seal, let it cool for 10 seconds and then press on the sealing wax with a seal. Try to apply moderate pressure so that the print does not mix to the sides and the future print is not deformed.
  7. We leave the seal in the sealing wax until it cools completely and only then we take it out.

Peculiarities how to put a wax seal. Oil (or can be replaced with water) is used only so that the seal does not stick to the sealing wax. You can learn how to make a wax seal without oil (water), but for this you need great experience, so we recommend using this "trick" for now.

We have tried to tell you as much as possible. put a wax seal. We wish you creative success and excellent mood!

In the age of email, few people use paper letters to communicate. A loved one in the army, friends and relatives who are in other cities and even countries can be pleasantly surprised by sending a letter in a vintage envelope made by one's own hands.

To create a letter in vintage style you will need:

  • Two A4 sheets
  • Cocoa;
  • Thick brown paper;
  • Multiple shades watercolor paint;
  • The wax is hard;
  • Harness (or other dense thin rope);
  • Button (with relief pattern).

The work process can be divided into several stages:
Giving the effect of antiquity to the sheet in which there will be text. To begin with, the sheet must be strongly wrinkled, but so that there are no tears on the paper. This is necessary to give relief to the paper. In the meantime, knead a thick slurry of cocoa and warm water. Wipe with cotton first wrinkled paper cocoa mixture. Particles of some kind of powder will fill all the lines drawn on crumpled paper, and will also give the letter a pleasant chocolate flavor. To add a touch of modernity, the edges can be painted with some bright color, such as light purple. After the sheet dries slightly, the edges need to be burned, which will give an even more vintage look and take you to the atmosphere of the 19th century.

If it was not possible to find special thick paper in a brown tint on sale, you can use paper from under the package in which purchases are packed in many clothing stores. You need to cut an even square, the size can be any. In the photo, each side of the square is 15 cm. As a bright accent and an element to mask the inscription on the inside of the envelope, the second A4 sheet can be painted in the same color as the edges of the writing paper and glued using ordinary paper glue. After a few minutes, when the glue dries and secures the paper to the envelope, the edges of the colored paper can be cut off along the edges of the envelope. In order to bend the corners, you need to make small notes in the middle of each side of the square. By connecting these points, a square is formed within a square. And already along the edges of the inner square it is necessary to bend the corners.

Hard wax can be found in any cosmetic store, which is cheap and is perfect for simulating sealing wax. Wax must be melted in a water bath. Since the wax is usually white or milky in color, you need to add a few grams of watercolor paint of any color. In this case, several grams of three colors were added to the melted wax: brown, raspberry and burgundy. As a result, the wax acquired a dark pink color.

Tying with a cord and fastening with hot sealing wax. Putting the letter in an envelope, you need to tie the envelope with a cord so that a cross forms at the back. To do this, the cord must be cut into two equal parts, twisted with each other in the middle and tied the ends into a knot on the front of the envelope, where in the future this knot will also be fixed with bitter sealing wax. First you need to prepare a button with a relief pattern, which will be imprinted on the surface of the frozen sealing wax. In order to prevent the button from sticking to the wax, it is necessary to lubricate it with vegetable oil and press on the spilled sealing wax after it has cooled slightly after one or two minutes. To give an even greater effect, the edges of the envelope can be rubbed with oily fingers.

Wax seal in history has always helped to keep the sacrament of correspondence. Despite the fact that today its primary functionality has lost its meaning, it is still able to bring benefits, but rather of an aesthetic nature. Most often, wax seals are used as an element of decoration for personal correspondence, sending out invitations to events, as well as in the design of gifts.

What is this type of printing?

A wax seal is a mechanism that includes a wooden handle and a brass nozzle. With the help of the surface of this nozzle, it becomes possible to apply any pattern. A sample of the planned print is developed independently by its future owner. You can create several different interchangeable nozzles.

The impression of a wax seal is made on a preheated sealing wax. In the place where it is planned to put the stamp, it is necessary to drop the substance, and then press the seal with a brass nozzle.

Types of wax used for printing

Several types of sealing wax have been developed for sale. The very first of them is a candle and a wick. This type of candle is lit and the required material is melted to the surface. This method is considered the most expensive when compared with others. It is used when it is necessary to send someone, for example, an envelope with a wax seal in one copy.

Another common type will be a wax gun as an alternative to a candle. But it is the cheaper option. When using it, disposable wax rods are used. This variation will be ideal for sending outgoing mail.

Sealing wax can be produced in granular form, as well as in lump form. Working with such material will be difficult and long-term, so this technique is resorted to in rare cases.

How to make a wax seal with your own hands?

To make a wax seal at home, you will need the following materials: a block of wood, sandpaper, a tool used for woodcarving, adhesive tape, paint, and sealing wax itself.

The place on the wooden block, which will later become a seal, must be sanded with sandpaper. It should be smooth, without residual roughness, as it will subsequently affect the print. Next, you need to measure the diameter of the material in order to complete the drawing in the appropriate proportions. There must be free space between the image and the border of the circle. You can choose any form for printing, you should not limit yourself to only classic options.

A simple option for choosing an image is to print the design you like from a computer. Then the pattern is carefully cut out along the contour, mirrored and applied to the bottom of the bar. If desired, it can be secured with tape for reliability. The image after the performed actions must be circled along the contour lines.

With the help of a burning device, the image must be processed, trying to penetrate as deep as possible. The lines after that should have the same depth and width.

Then the bar is painted and left overnight to dry completely. The resulting excess stain or paint is removed with a napkin. The wax seal is ready for use and you can start testing it. The sealing wax is ignited and melted over a pre-prepared paper or envelope. Optional drip a large number of, the spot should be the same size as the print diameter.

It is recommended to lubricate the bottom of the seal with vegetable oil, and then wipe it with a napkin and place a stamp within 10 seconds, otherwise the sealing wax may freeze. It is necessary to take away the seal with special care so as not to spoil the resulting drawing.

Why are wax seals needed?

Wax seal with different prints is applicable for any scrapbooking idea. For example, creating an imprint with selected wedding rings can be used when decorating attributes for a wedding ceremony: invitations to a holiday, postcards, sealing alcohol bottles. Prints with nipples, strollers and sliders will be relevant when creating children's items. A drawing made in this way will itself suggest in which area it can be applied.

Wax seal is used for sealing traffic logs work books and inserts, as well as their forms. For its manufacture it is necessary to comply with some requirements.

From the article you will learn:

What is wax seal

Today, this type of printing, once very popular, is rarely used anywhere. wax seal- this is an imprint made using a special device on sealing wax - a low-melting resinous opaque substance, colored with special fillers. The device, which is used to impress molten sealing wax, is a brass base with a mirror-image inscription attached to a wooden handle. The imprint made on the molten sealing wax cools almost immediately after contact with the brass base and an image or an inscription remains on the sealing wax. Envelopes with wax seals were also used to send especially valuable documents.

Wax seal is used to confirm the safety of the contents. So, until recently, it was affixed to postal parcels and parcels. It was impossible to open the package sealed with sealing wax without violating the integrity of the seal.

Wax seals are now used more for design, decorative purposes, they are affixed to:

diplomas, congratulations and invitations;


mail envelopes.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, wax seal is used for sealing books of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them. It is necessary to lace up the sheets of such a book and fasten the ends of the thread with a wax seal in accordance with paragraph 41 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, manufacturing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 225.

How to put a wax seal in the book of accounting for the movement of work books

The requirement that the sheets of the book of accounting for work books and inserts in them must be laced and sealed is mandatory for all organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and the number of staff. The same requirement applies to income and expense books for accounting forms. work books and liners. Violation of this rule is fraught with penalties in accordance with Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In this case, the use of both special seals and wax seals is allowed.

There is no specific indication in the law that the wax seal should also be used to fasten any other personnel documents except for the ledger. But it will not be considered a violation if it is used to confirm the integrity of other registration journals and ledgers, including civil defense, labor protection.

At the same time, the wax seal does not have an attesting function, such as, for example, the seal of an organization, therefore, the law does not establish any special requirements for the content and details of the seal itself for wax seals. The absence of strict requirements for it is explained by its purpose - to confirm the safety and integrity of the sealed content.

As for the content of the imprint, the details required for it are also not established by law. Therefore, an organization ordering a wax seal may limit itself to the necessary minimum - the full name of the enterprise, its TIN, KPP.

How to put a wax seal in the register of work books

The book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them, as well as the journal in which the forms of these documents are registered and taken into account, must be numbered and laced before making entries in them. For lacing, a strong thick thread or thin twine is used.

The ends of the thread are brought to reverse side magazine covers, stapled double knot. They must be pressed to the surface of the cover, pour melted sealing wax on top. Until it hardens, a wax seal is placed on the surface with little effort. Thus, the ends of the threads are fixed by this seal and its integrity is a guarantee that the sheets in the magazine have not been replaced.

But sealing wax, although a fairly strong material, may not withstand strong mechanical stress. Therefore, a magazine with sheets sealed with a wax seal must be stored in such a way that the print is not broken or damaged.

How to store and destroy wax seals

The use, storage and destruction of wax seals is carried out in accordance with the general procedure.

This procedure is established by practice, since these issues are not specified in the legislation. According to the established rules of workflow and analogy with the procedure for storing documents of personnel records management, wax seals are stored in specially designated places, access to which is available to responsible persons appointed by order of the head. Place of storage - fireproof metal cabinets or safes.

After making a wax seal to order, it must be registered and registered. For this purpose, the organization maintains a special register of stamps and facsimiles used in document management. An example of such a log is shown below.

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The procedure for the destruction and disposal of wax seals also does not differ from that established by the regulations for the destruction of personnel documents and seals. When used or after the wax seal is no longer needed due to its replacement with another sealing device, the seal should be destroyed.

To this end, in accordance with the order of its head, a special commission is created at the enterprise, which must necessarily include an employee responsible for keeping personnel seals. After the wax seal is physically destroyed, this fact is confirmed by the corresponding act drawn up in any form.

Please note: the use of a special sealing device greatly simplifies the procedure for ensuring the integrity of the contents of the accounting logs.