When should you schedule vacations? Vacation schedule approval

The vacation schedule is a document that is mandatory for both the employer and the employee. It is approved no later than two weeks before the year for which this schedule is drawn up (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), i.e. no later than December 17th. The vacation schedule for 2021 had to be approved no later than 12/17/2020.

Vacation schedule: how to make it right

Some accountants are wondering: how to schedule vacations? In fact, the design of this document should not cause any particular difficulties. But when scheduling vacations, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

Vacation schedule: rules for registration and amendments

When preparing a vacation schedule for the next calendar year, first of all, it makes sense to coordinate the vacation time of those employees who are entitled to it at a time convenient for them.

  • husbands whose wives are on maternity leave (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • part-timers. The fact is that this category of workers must be granted leave at the same time as leave at their main place of work (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • underage workers (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • honorary donors of Russia (clause 1 clause 1 article 23 of the Federal Law of July 20, 2012 N 125-FZ);
  • spouses of military personnel planning a vacation at the same time as their spouse (clause 11, article 11 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ);
  • Chernobyl victims (clause 5, article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1).

It is better to collect statements from such employees in which they indicate their wishes regarding vacation dates. These statements will be proof that you have indeed given these workers time off at their convenience. But it should be borne in mind that subsequently the employee may change his mind and change the desired vacation time. In this case, it also makes sense to obtain a relevant statement from the employee.

What to reflect in the vacation schedule

To understand how the vacation schedule is drawn up and what is reflected in it, our table will help:

What to show in the chart Comment
List of employees The schedule reflects absolutely all employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded
Vacation days The number of vacation days for which this or that employee is entitled to apply is indicated. It is best to indicate all the vacation days due to the employee. To do this, sum up the days (days for the year for which the vacation schedule is drawn up, and non-holiday days for previous years) and days, due to the employee in accordance with the law and / or on the basis of a collective agreement / local regulatory act (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Estimated start date Here you can reflect both a specific date and just a month in which the employee goes on vacation. True, if only a month is indicated, the employee will then need to write an application for leave indicating a specific date. If the date is indicated in the vacation schedule initially, and the employee goes on vacation clearly according to the schedule, then such a statement will not have to be written.
By the way, if only a month of vacation is marked in your schedule, then we recommend fixing in the local regulatory act (LNA) that the employee must submit an application for vacation with a specific start date no later than two weeks before going on vacation. Firstly, this is necessary so that the employer has time to notify the employee about the upcoming vacation (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And, secondly, so that the accounting department has time to calculate and pay vacation pay (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
The possibility of dividing the vacation into parts The schedule can be supplemented with a corresponding column in which employees will sign, giving their consent to leave in installments. It is important to remember that at least one of the vacation parts must be at least 14 calendar days(Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Vacation schedule:

The employer has the right to develop his own form of vacation schedule. This form need to be fixed as an application to accounting policy. And you can use unified form T-7 "Vacation schedule" (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 N 1).

Vacation schedule: form

If you still decide not to develop your own vacation schedule form, then you can download the unified vacation schedule form.

Vacation schedule order: sample

It is not necessary to draw up an order to approve the vacation schedule as a separate document. After all, the signature of the head of the organization / individual entrepreneur, approving the vacation schedule for the next year, is placed on the schedule itself.

True, the employer can issue, for example, an order obliging the heads of departments to collect and submit data on the holidays of employees reporting to them in order to prepare a unified vacation schedule.

Vacation schedule approval

The vacation schedule is approved by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. Moreover, if there is a trade union, the employer must take into account his opinion when approving the vacation schedule for the next year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

After the vacation schedule is approved by the manager, employees must be familiarized with this schedule. Otherwise, this document will not be binding on them (Art. 22, 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is better to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule against signature. To do this, the schedule can be supplemented with the column “I am familiar with the schedule (date, signature)”.

Vacation schedule sample filling in 2020

When preparing a vacation schedule, you can use ours.

Making changes to the vacation schedule

The employer cannot foresee all possible personnel transfers a year ahead. For example, dismissal of employees, postponement of vacation or recall from it. Therefore, the introduction of various changes in the vacation schedule is inevitable.

Where changes are reflected in the vacation schedule

To reflect the changes, columns 7-10 of the unified form of the vacation schedule (form T-7) are used:

  • column 7 reflects the actual date the employee went on vacation;
  • column 8 indicates the document on the basis of which the planned start date of the vacation was postponed. Such a document, for example, can be an employee's statement with a request to postpone the vacation, endorsed by the head (Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • in column 9 you need to indicate the expected date of vacation. For example, if an employee decides to postpone his vacation for the period when his wife will be on maternity leave;
  • Column 10 reflects various notes.

By the way, it makes sense to supplement the vacation schedule with the column “I am familiar with the changes”, in which employees will sign after making adjustments to this document. In addition, it is better to register the deadline for submitting an application for the transfer of vacation in the LNA. Again, so that the accounting department can calculate and pay vacation pay to the employee on time.

Additions to the vacation schedule

It happens that after the vacation schedule for the next year is approved, new employees are hired. What to do with the schedule in this situation? Labor Code does not oblige the employer to make any additions to the already approved vacation schedule. Those. Newly employed employees may be granted leave only on the basis of their application.

True, no one forbids supplementing the approved vacation schedule with information about the vacations of new employees. This can be done by approving an additional vacation schedule that contains information about the planned start date for vacation for new employees only.

How long do you need to keep a vacation schedule

You need to keep this document for a year (clause 693 of the List, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 N 558)

Responsibility for the absence of a vacation schedule

The absence of a vacation schedule threatens the employer with a fine in the amount (part 1 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • from 30000 rub. up to 50,000 rubles for the organization itself, from 1000 rubles. up to 5000 rub. - for her officials;
  • from 1000 rub. up to 5000 rub. for IP employers.

Leave in the timesheet

The specific vacation code in the time sheet (form No. T-12 or form No. T-13, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 No. 1) is indicated depending on the type of vacation:

Vacation type Letter code Numeric code
Annual basic paid leave FROM 09
Annual additional paid leave OD 10
Leave without pay granted to an employee with the permission of the employer BEFORE 16
Unpaid leave, which the employer is obliged to provide to the employee at his request by virtue of the law OZ 17
Additional annual leave without pay (for example, provided collective agreement) DB 18
Maternity/adoption leave R 14
Parental leave until the child reaches the age of three coolant 15
Paid study leave At 11
Unpaid study leave UD 13

In the time sheet, either an alphabetic or a numeric code is put - both codes do not need to be indicated.

Vacation in the time sheet: sample

Let's look at an example of reflecting vacation in the time sheet.

Example. Worker Petrova E.F. granted annual basic paid leave for 7 calendar days from April 8, 2019. On page 2 of the time sheet in the form of T-12 for the first half of the month*, the records for this employee will look like this:

1 2 3 5 6 48
Sequence number Surname, initials, position (specialty, profession) Personnel Number Records of attendance and absence from work by the day of the month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total worked out for the first half of the month
1 Petrova Elena Fedorovna, accountant 054 I I I I I AT AT FROM FROM FROM FROM FROM FROM FROM I
8 8 8 8 8 8

The nuances of reflecting vacation in the time sheet

Speaking about indicating vacation days in the time sheet, it is important to note that:

  • non-working holidays falling on the vacation period are marked with the letter code "B" or the digital code "26". After all, such days are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • If an employee falls ill while on vacation, the timesheet may need to be corrected. For example, in a situation where an employee did not extend his vacation for days of illness, but decided.

Start working on the document on time to meet the deadline. Learn how to create a safe vacation schedule - 2020. Experts have compiled a complete guide to action.

In the article:

Download useful document:

Vacation schedule for 2020: who makes up and when

The vacation schedule is a mandatory document that is drawn up annually. It prescribes how the company's employees will rest in the next calendar year. Both employees and the employer are required to comply with the document. The latter needs to draw up a document with clearly defined dates.

A vacation schedule is needed to:

  1. Prepare a notice in advance, pay vacation pay and fulfill all other obligations in relation to the vacationer.
  2. Find a replacement for a specialist who goes on vacation in time.
  3. Prevent employees from accumulating unused vacation days - the company can be fined for this.
  4. Distribute vacation days among work groups, teams and departments so that no department is idle due to the simultaneous absence of several employees.

Drawing up a vacation schedule for 2020 is entrusted to a personnel officer. Can be taken as a basis unified form No. T-7 , approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated January 5, 2004. You can also develop your own document form by approving it with an order. The document is certified by the signature of the head personnel service and submitted for approval to the director of the company.

Attention! The GIT controls the deadlines for approving the document for 2020 and strictly monitors compliance with them. The deadline is December 17, which is Tuesday in 2019. You can play it safe and approve the 2020 document in advance. Consider duration working week in your organization.

Information to be included in the sample:

  1. Employer details.
  2. Information about the employee: structural unit, position or profession, personnel number, last name, first name and patronymic.
  3. Holiday start dates.
  4. The number of calendar days of vacation.
  5. Transfer data and notes indicating the reason for the transfer.

How to get rid of vacation debt for 2019

The personnel officer needs to calculate the vacation days that employees have accumulated over past periods of work in the company. The correct number of days that an employee is entitled to use in 2020 must be indicated in the vacation schedule, or a separate vacation debt repayment schedule should be drawn up.

Vacation repayment schedule

There are several ways to pay off vacation debts if the employee does not mind getting paid for them. monetary compensation, and you do not want to pull such debts for the next year. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Crib. How to get rid of accumulated vacation debts

Compilation procedure for 2020: step by step algorithm

Step 1. Find out the desires of employees

Who to include in the new schedule

Enter in the document template for 2020 all full-time employees, including external and internal part-timers. You may not reflect in the general list of maternity leavers who do not plan to return to work in the next calendar year. But those whose decree ends next year, make it right away.

Newcomers who have settled in the company after the approval of the document, leave for the first year is provided on the basis of applications, and not according to the schedule.

Check if there are beneficiaries in the team. They have the right to leave at any convenient time in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code.

If the company is large, empower line managers to compile preliminary drafts schedules for each department, and then combine them into a summary vacation schedule in Excel (you can download a standard template online). Doing it quickly and without errors will help smart Excel spreadsheet from the experts of the magazine Kadrovoe delo. It will help you figure out the dates for the end of vacations, taking into account the holidays, warn who will start vacation in the near future and form a unified form of the schedule.

Smart Vacation Schedule: Updated Version for 2020

Attention! Since October 2018, a new article 262.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has come into force, which gives employees with three or more children under the age of 12 the right to take at any convenient time.

Taking into account the opinions of employees will avoid grievances and conflicts when scheduling vacations. It is advisable to entrust the heads of departments to collect the wishes of subordinates. They will take into account the interchangeability of employees, seasonal workload. If the organization is small, then a personnel worker can collect the wishes of all employees.

Advice from the editors of the magazine "Kadrovoe delo"

Discuss in advance with employees the timing of the leave or request information in writing. For example, instruct department and work group heads to create preliminary schedules, and then consolidate them into one document. What you need for this, read the article:

Step 2: Make Preliminary Schedules

Often it is simply not possible to take into account the desire of all employees. In this case, we leave only the wishes of preferential categories unchanged. We give the rest the opportunity to independently agree on the time of the vacation.

Many employees want to go on vacation in the summer. To ensure this, you can plan holidays in parts. In this case, the employee will be indicated in the vacation schedule in two lines. In doing so, keep in mind:

  1. Written confirmation will be required that the employee agrees to the division of the vacation into parts.
  2. One part of the vacation must be 14 or more calendar days.

If the employees fail to agree, then the heads of departments can schedule a vacation for them at a time when it is convenient for the organization. By the way, some months can be made “closed for holidays” altogether. The employer has the right to do this if, due to the peculiarities of production, the absence of an employee during this period may adversely affect the normal course of the organization's work.

Step 3: Check Preview Charts

Heads of departments transfer pre-compiled schedules to the personnel service for verification. The personnel officer will check whether the vacation begins earlier than the period for which it is provided.

Step. 4. Design a vacation schedule

A project is a formalized but not yet signed or approved document. To reduce employee conflict over vacations, collect statements from them with wishes for when and for how long they plan to go on annual paid vacation next year. Make a draft vacation schedule - 2020. This way you will save your nerves and save time - you won’t have to explain to a forgetful employee why his vacation was scheduled for November, although he wanted to relax in the summer.

Crib. How to draft a vacation schedule

Step 5. Agree and approve the vacation schedule

The vacation schedule must be agreed with the trade union, but only if it is in the company. The draft document in the trade union committee must consider within 5 working days. Did not wait for a motivated opinion - you assert without consent.

The vacation schedule must be approved 2 weeks before the next calendar year. December 17 is the latest schedule approval date.

  1. The vacation schedule can be approved by the head of the organization. To do this, he puts the date and his signature in the upper right corner of the document.
  2. The vacation schedule can be approved if you issue an order for the company's core business and include the item "Approve the vacation schedule for 2020" in it. The vacation schedule itself will be an appendix to the order.

Attention! The law does not specify how the vacation schedule should be approved. The leader does this at his own discretion.

Before giving the vacation schedule for 2020 to the manager for signature, check if these errors are in your document.

Common scheduling mistakes

Experts advise to approve the document in the first way. Firstly, in the unified form T-7, a stamp of approval is provided personally by the head. Secondly, the period of storage of the vacation schedule is very short - only one year from the moment they expire, and it is not advisable to approve such documents with orders that are stored permanently.

The law does not require the seal of the organization to be put on the chart. This document is for internal use only.

Step 6. Familiarize employees with the vacation schedule

The Labor Code does not directly provide that employees need to be introduced to the vacation schedule against receipt. Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only says that it is necessary to notify the employee about the start of the vacation 2 weeks before it starts. But Rostrud (letter dated 08/01/2012 No. PG / 5883-6-1) believes that the vacation schedule is a local act of the organization, therefore the employer is obliged to acquaint employees with it under signature.

Expert response from the Kadra System

Do employees need to be aware of vacation schedules?
Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of the Ministry of Health of Russia, tells

There is no single answer to this question in the law. There are currently two opposing positions on this issue.

Amount of fines:

  • For officials (accountant, personnel officer) - a warning or a fine of 1000-5000 rubles.
  • For individual entrepreneurs - a fine of 1000-5000 rubles.
  • For organizations - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.
  • The same fines threaten those who did not approve the document at all.

Where to download a sample chart for 2020

An example of filling out a vacation schedule for 2020

Use a "smart" excel document to meet legal deadlines and avoid mistakes when working on a document. The table is accompanied by a ready-made template for printing - a unified form No. T-7 with all necessary details. When compiling a document, try to take into account the wishes of employees and respect the rights of parents with many children and other beneficiaries who are allowed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to take vacations at any convenient time.

Download empty Vacation Schedule 2018-2019 47 kb. word (doc).


The vacation schedule must be drawn up no later than two weeks before the start of the year. Until December 14 (16th Sunday) 2018 for 2019. This is the last date that can be there.


If you do not meet the deadline, the fine will be from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

With or

Who to include

All full-time employees and part-time workers must be included in the schedule.

The schedule does not include employees with whom a civil law contract has been concluded, tk. they are not entitled to leave.

Sample Fill

Any changes in the schedule (if the employee left for another period, etc.) must be made in a timely manner, otherwise a fine of 50,000 rubles is also possible.

For the vacation schedule, a special form No. T-7 is provided, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

Download a sample of filling out the vacation schedule 2018-2019 47 kb. Word (doc, No. T-7).


What information should be included in the chart?

The vacation schedule is a consolidated document, it is drawn up in one copy and is valid for one calendar year, therefore, in practice, it is assigned the number 1.

If an employee came to work in the first half of the year and is not going to take a vacation this year, then there is no need to make changes to the vacation schedule. The right to the first vacation arises only after six months of work (part 2 of article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Pay attention to how the following details are filled in:

Name of company- indicated in full accordance with founding documents. If there is an abbreviated name, the full name is indicated, and then the abbreviated name in brackets.

Organization code- is put down in the coding zone as a number of eight characters according to All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO)

Date of preparation. Specified digitally. Dates are being recorded Arabic numerals in one line sequentially: day, month, year. It also indicates which calendar year the schedule is drawn up for.

The table below shows the rules for filling in the columns of the tabular part of the vacation schedule.

Using or this online service for organizations, you can keep tax and accounting records for the simplified tax system and UTII, generate payments, 4-FSS, SZV, Unified calculation 2017, submit any reporting via the Internet, etc. (from 250 r / month). 30 days free of charge, at the first payment (if you click on these links from this site) three months as a gift. For newly created IPs now (free of charge).

Table column

Fill Description

Column 1 Structural unit

Names structural divisions are indicated without abbreviations in full accordance with staffing.

Column 2 Position (specialty, profession) according to the staffing table

Name of the position (specialty, profession) without reduction from the staff list

Column 3 Surname, name, patronymic

Information is indicated without abbreviations

Column 4 Personnel number

The personnel number assigned at the time of admission is indicated in accordance with the Personal card or the order for admission. In organizations where personnel numbers are not used, the column may not be filled out

Column 5 Vacation. Number of calendar days

The total number of calendar days provided to the employee is indicated. When calculating the total duration additional holidays cumulative with annual basic leave.

Column 6 Vacation. date planned

The date is specified in full in the format 00.00.0000

Columns 7,8,9 are filled in later, in the next calendar year.

You can fill in the schedule both in alphabetical order and in the order of the planned vacation dates. But in the latter case, the names of employees who decide to divide the vacation into parts will be repeated.

It is easier to group workers according to the departments they work in.

What is the duration of the vacation to indicate in the schedule?

Before filling out column 5 for all employees, determine how many vacation days employees are entitled to claim in the coming year.

Minimum vacation time. The duration of the annual paid leave is 28 calendar days (part 1 of article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Extended holidays. For some categories of workers, extended annual paid holidays are established (part 2 of article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

Along with the main annual paid holidays, the vacation schedule also takes into account additional paid holidays (provided to employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor, workers with a special nature of work, workers with irregular working hours, workers working in the Far North and equivalent areas, etc.)

Using or this online service for organizations, you can keep tax and accounting records for the simplified tax system and UTII, generate payments, 4-FSS, SZV, Unified calculation 2017, submit any reporting via the Internet, etc. (from 250 r / month). 30 days free of charge, at the first payment (if you click on these links from this site) three months as a gift. For newly created IPs now (free of charge).

Vacation can be divided into parts by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer.

At the same time, at least one of the parts of this vacation must be at least 14 calendar days.

Do not forget to indicate in the schedule the days of vacation that were not used in previous years.

Add the unused vacation days from previous years to the vacation that is planned for the coming calendar year. For example, an employee is entitled to a vacation of 28 calendar days. In 2018, he used only 18 days, there are still 10 left. Therefore, in the vacation schedule for 2019, the employee will not have 28 calendar days, but 38 days (28 + 10). At the same time, in column 10, you need to make a note about the number of added days, for example, “28 days. + 10 days per year".

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges both the employer and the employee to comply with the deadlines specified in the vacation schedule.

Sample Fill: Vacation Schedule- This required document for any boss, and novice owners of structures often do not know how to draw it up and in what form to do it. In this regard, search queries are not uncommon, such as “filling out a vacation schedule” or, say, “drawing up a vacation schedule”, “vacation schedule form”, “vacation schedule form” and others. It turns out that this topic, like any other related to filling out paperwork, is quite relevant and needs to be clarified.

The vacation schedule is filled in according to a unified, state-approved standard form No. T-7 "Vacation schedule", which is approved by our state, and is a unified form of primary documentation for accounting for wages, and indeed labor itself in general. It is worth noting that the completed form is signed by the head or an authorized person (but in this case the head's seal is still put).

Naturally, the question of how to draw up a vacation schedule correctly, and how to make sure that filling out the vacation schedule is systematized, remains quite relevant. In order for everything to be in order, it is important to indicate in the schedule additional annual leave(paid), but remember that those holidays that are given without pay should not be reflected in the schedule.

It is also necessary to take into account all “non-holiday” holidays, that is, those holidays that have not been used by employees during the year before, including those that were carried over to the next year.

Filling out the vacation schedule at an early stage, that is, the stage of vacation planning, is filled out by a personnel officer from the first to the sixth column of the standard form No. T-7. Moreover, the names of positions in the second column must be indicated in full accordance with the staffing table. In the event that personnel numbers are not assigned to employees in the organization, then the vacation schedule is filled out without the fourth column, it simply remains empty.

Columns number seven, eight and nine are filled in only by hand, moreover, as employees go on vacation. In the seventh column, all marks are certainly made after the actual end of the vacation, while the eighth column indicates the document on the basis of which the vacation is transferred (such documents include a personal statement or an order from the head).

Vacation scheduling should also reflect the vacation time of absolutely all employees, including those who are entitled to leave at any time, and for such employees, the start date of the vacation is indicated in the sixth column of the schedule, while its change is recorded in the eighth and ninth.

Using or this online service for organizations, you can keep tax and accounting records for the simplified tax system and UTII, generate payments, 4-FSS, SZV, Unified calculation 2017, submit any reporting via the Internet, etc. (from 250 r / month). 30 days free of charge, at the first payment (if you click on these links from this site) three months as a gift. For newly created IPs now (free of charge).

Consider how to correctly draw up, fill out and approve the vacation schedule according to the new rules. In the article you will also find a sample and form of this document for 2019, which can be downloaded in excel format.

Attention! We have prepared documents that will help you plan your vacation schedule for 2019. Download for free:

The vacation schedule is a document that every employer must approve. Organization or individual, it doesn't matter. The BukhSoft program fills it in automatically on an official and up-to-date form. You only need to download, print and sign the document. Try it for free:

Download vacation schedule

Labor legislation provides for employers the obligation to annually draw up a vacation schedule (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The document must be prepared no later than two weeks before the corresponding calendar year.

The value of the vacation schedule for the company and the employee

The document is a local normative act, which establishes the order in which personnel go on annual paid leave. It contains information about vacation periods with a monthly breakdown.

The vacation schedule allows the company to notify its employees in advance about the start time of the vacation. The notice is made against signature no later than two weeks before the start of the holiday.

In addition, with the help of the document, the company can:

  • timely pay the employee vacation pay (at least three days before the start of the vacation);
  • find a replacement for the employee during his absence;
  • control the observance of vacation periods and unused days holidays.

Days unused in previous periods are taken into account when drawing up a new schedule. The employee has the right to use the accumulated unused days by agreeing the rest time with the management.

3. In the third column, the full name is entered. person from the specified unit holding this position.

4. In the fourth column we write down the personnel number of the person - look at it either in or in.

5. In the fifth column we enter the total number of days of rest that the employee is entitled to for the hours worked. If the employee did not use any rest days in previous periods, they are all summed up.

6. In the sixth column we enter information about the planned dates of rest.

Stage two. Coordination (if there is a trade union)

Stage six. Departure on vacation

When the T-7 form (other form) is approved, rest in accordance with this plan is mandatory for everyone. It is not possible to cancel the document. The next steps are:

3. The employee gets acquainted with the order under the signature.

4. Column 7 contains vacation dates from the order.

5. In the personal card of the employee (form T-2), section VIII enter information about the dates of rest in accordance with the order.

Stage seven. Vacation transfer

With all the simplicity of working with the T-7 form, life makes its own adjustments. For example, you can prepare and download a free vacation schedule for 2020 in excel, taking into account the holidays approved at the federal and regional levels. It must also be borne in mind that sometimes an employee needs to reschedule a planned vacation, depending on the circumstances. In this case, the algorithm of work is as follows:

1. The employee writes a free application in advance.

2. The employee's application is approved by the immediate supervisor (in this case, the head of the enterprise).

The leader makes the appropriate decision. When making changes to the T-7 form, remember that they are all made in the same manner in which the form is approved (order or visa of the head).

3. The person responsible for working with the T-7 contributes necessary information in columns 8, 9 and 10. Information is taken either from the employee's application or from the order to amend the schedule.

If, by agreement of the parties between the employee and the employer, it is decided that the first does not go on vacation in 2020, he writes an application for postponing the vacation, the application is agreed, columns 8, 9 and 10 are filled in the schedule, column 7 is not filled.

Completed vacation schedule form for 2020 (sample)

Formation of a smart vacation schedule

If your company actively uses software, we recommend downloading the free vacation schedule for 2020 in excel, taking into account the holidays - a "service" that itself calculates the start and end dates of the rest period if it falls on official non-working days. But if additional vacation dates are approved in your region, you will have to enter them into the program yourself so that they are also taken into account.

The program is easy to use. Enter information about all employees and planned vacation dates, their duration in the "Scheduler" tab. Information about the end dates of the rest will automatically appear, and it is allowed to fill in several periods at once. The service will independently determine the date when to notify the employee (highlighted in red).

In the “Generate Graph” tab, press the button and a unified form filled with data will appear.

Be sure to check out the "Upcoming Holidays" tab. The column (highlighted in red) lists all federal holidays. If additional non-working dates are added in your region, complete the column. The program will automatically take them into account when calculating the rest period.

And if you click on the "Upcoming holidays" button, a list of employees who will soon have to be sent to rest will appear in the table. It is easy to print it and send it to the heads of departments or keep it for yourself so as not to forget anything.