Coursework profession librarian. Bobrovnikov V.N. Library profession as a socio-cultural phenomenon: myths and realities Features of the library profession

Course work
on the topic:
"Profession librarian"

1. Libraries and the library profession
2. Professional requirements for a librarian
3. Professional training of personnel. Improving the qualifications of librarians


“Let your light shine before people, that they may see your good deeds…” - Gospel of Matthew 5.16.
"I see that not only have you collected the books, but the books have also collected you." - V.B. Shklovsky.
Currently, there are more than 120 thousand libraries in the Russian Federation. A library is a cultural institution that organizes the collection, storage and public use of printed works and other documents. The activities of libraries are of great importance for the life of society. Existing for many hundreds of years, preserving for humanity books and other documents that record everything that humanity has discovered over many millennia: human knowledge, scientific discoveries, the truth of faith. Therefore, the library is a valuable, self-sufficient institution, fulfilling its special role in society. It is customary to call it the foundation of human culture, that is, the foundation, the base on which humanity develops. These are the keepers of the documentary memory of all people. Libraries contribute to the realization of the rights of every person to education, use of cultural achievements, to rest, leisure, to receive information. They contribute to the development of science, the progress of the whole society and each individual.
Today, working in a library is more difficult than before, but also much more interesting. Librarians are free to choose the content of their activities. Now the library must survive and prove that it is necessary for society.
The librarian is the most beautiful profession in the world. And if you put your soul into work, you can achieve a lot. The librarian profession is located at that point in human existence, where stinginess and generosity, past, present and future, the world of books and the world of people come into contact every day. Where one goes into another, requiring great efforts to maintain the measure and balance.
A librarian is a profession, one of the main functions of which is the implementation of the connection of times, both in the history of mankind and in the history of science itself.
The revival of spirituality, intelligence, morality - these are the main tasks in the work of the library today. The library heals spiritual wounds, helps to cope with ailments, raises the spirit to the heights.

1. Libraries and the library profession

In the soul of a librarian and in his work, the past and the present organically coexist. It distributes what has been accumulated over the years, and even over the centuries, but it is forced to constantly keep abreast of modern life, follow the fast-moving reality, and respond to its demands. The latter applies to some extent to representatives of all professions serving the sphere of intellectual and moral life, for example, to people who work at school, university, and other educational institutions. But in order for them to realize the essence of certain social changes, then to revise their programs, write new textbooks, develop new lectures, all this takes time. And citizens consider such a delay legitimate, not suspecting that these processes are largely carried out with the help of the library, without which all this would have taken much longer, otherwise it would not have taken place.
The librarian often falls to the lot of a kind of marginal. The concept is from the French marginal or from the Latin margo - “edge”, “border”, “what is at the junction of two environments”. And if we are talking about a person, then it is about someone who is outside a certain layer, group. And although the concept of "marginal" is used more in a negative sense - in relation to lumpen, outcasts and the like, it is also used in a positive sense, in relation to people who are unusual, who creatively overcome established stereotypes, change established principles of activity, including those who who have been assigned a very modest role and are treated accordingly, and they are constantly doing something more significant.
“You can’t see a librarian as a simple assistant to a scientist. The librarian is a scientist himself. But only he works not on one and at the same time his own topic, but on many other people's topics. This is a scientist who gives himself entirely to others,” said D.S. Likhachev.
At present, the librarian has been freed from the fulfillment of ideological tasks and from national spiritual ideals, but problems have also appeared - an abundance of completely new sources of information, expensive and often inaccessible to libraries, difficulties with acquisition, material difficulties.
Our culture has found itself in a difficult position during the years of democratic reforms. Libraries are no exception. What happened to them over the years? - Some became richer, others - poorer, others were completely on the sidelines of life. Those libraries that have managed to integrate into it are being actively modernized - computers, the Internet, e-mail, European-quality repairs, internships for employees abroad, freedom of activity. But in recent years, a lot of good things that were formed by the former society have been lost. Who can afford to work in a library today? People who hold on to this place because there is high unemployment in their city, because even if 4000 - 5000 rubles, they still pay. Or people who exist at the expense of other family members. This cannot continue. Although the network of public libraries has been preserved, thousands of rural libraries have not received new literature. And this is not a library disaster, but a social one. If people do not have access to new knowledge, can they build a new society, understand its patterns, the context of time?
Lost so important library service like an interlibrary loan. The IBA is an attribute of a rich country, where funds are allocated to libraries not only for the purchase of books, but also for their shipment. Fortunately, this loss is beginning to be compensated by a new form of information transfer, which in the library world is called email. This is now possible not only in elite libraries, but also in district ones. And it is becoming more and more widespread.
Large libraries are already working on the creation of a global digital library of the future so that all the literature created by mankind becomes available to everyone on the Internet.
The trouble is that the authorities and those who manage the distribution of resources, in most cases, do not understand why lend money to libraries.
Today librarians are a mass profession, but practically the most socially vulnerable as well. from numerous non-profit organizations culture library, perhaps the most non-commercial and in fact is a "hostage" of the imperfection of the current "market relations". Because libraries, unlike some other cultural institutions, cannot be transferred to the mode of self-survival, and without the policy of state protectionism they will not be able to exist. The library personnel, their social position and status are threatened by 3 things: the lowest salary level in the budgetary environment, the re-profiling of libraries or library premises under commercial organizations in the course of "wild" privatization, a sharp deterioration in working conditions due to "aging", and in some cases the destruction of the material and technical base.
Professional librarian: what is he like today?
The situation in the field of library education is very alarming. A society torn apart by internal contradictions is not able to provide any serious help, therefore, one has to resort to the only correct method of healing in this situation - “help yourself”.
Indeed, which of the librarians does not care about the fate of libraries, the future of the library profession, education? For the last 10 years, experts have been talking about the decline in the prestige of the library profession. But words alone will not change anything: if you say a million times about the crisis in librarianship, it will not become less profound. So why is the library path so few people are attracted to these days?
Library employees explain the negative attitude towards their work by the abundance of routine operations, the low level of automation and mechanization, and low (however, like other workers in the cultural sector) wages compared to other sectors of the national economy.
But there are other reasons as well. For example, the predominance of negative information about libraries in the press: fires, flooding of funds, emergency conditions of buildings, lack of necessary funds to purchase literature and pay staff, etc. does not cause sympathy and the appearance of a librarian in most works of art, in films and performances. Most often, even in the view of great writers, this is an unfashionably dressed, ugly lady with oddities. It is known that the prestige of the profession is created by people involved in it, but few people know that such writers and scientists as I.V. Goethe, I.A. Krylov, V.V. Stasov, N.V. Lobachevsky et al. no one thinks about the fact that since it is predominantly women who work in libraries, there is discrimination in the payment of women's work.
Public opinion polls show that the profession of a librarian is considered socially significant, but not prestigious, the reason for this is miscalculations in the socio-cultural policy of the state, people's ignorance of the specifics of the profession of a librarian-bibliographer. Society does practically nothing to interest its citizens in socially important professions.
Of course, the following circumstance also affects: although library activity, like any other, requires special versatile knowledge and training acquired at a university, there is an opinion that one can work successfully in a library without having such knowledge. The optionality of specialized education is a factor that reduces the prestige of the profession. It is necessary to consolidate the provision according to which a specialist with a higher non-library education is obliged to master the basics of librarianship. There are conditions for this and courses at large libraries or correspondence departments of cultural institutes. Libraries can accept specialists from other industries, but they should receive equal salaries with professionals only after appropriate retraining.
Most librarians have few professionals. In Russia as a whole, less than 17% of librarians have higher specialized education. In the leading libraries of the country, their number ranges from 10% (VGBIL) to 40% (Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences). This is confirmed by other authors, noting that due to the additional payment for knowledge of foreign languages, non-professionals have higher salaries.
It is impossible not to say about the negative role of the low culture of library work (the system of its organization, the level of library equipment, the degree of skill of the worker, depending on the qualifications, professional skills, conditions created in the institution).
Librarians still hope that with the improvement of the material and technical base of libraries, the prestige of their profession will increase. Of course, poorly equipped librarians and cultural institutions that do not have financial means look archaic and are unlikely to be able to successfully perform their information functions.
Not only libraries are to blame for the information backwardness of our society, they themselves suffer because of this.
Work culture includes professional communication librarian with reader. As a rule, a Russian librarian lends out books silently, showing with all his appearance that he is busy and has no time to deal with the reader. But in Sweden, Germany, the United States, the culture of communication is immeasurably higher, they try to make the library “their own” for the reader, and do not scare him away.
Professional isolation (nothing to say?), arrogance and snobbery (nothing to talk about?) lead to the fact that the stereotype of the image of the library and the librarian in society, perhaps, evolves from the librarian - the custodian of knowledge, educator, head of reading to the librarian - the giver of books, and he himself is regarded as a representative of a second-class profession.
So how do you raise the prestige of the library profession? Some see a way out in raising librarians' salaries. Undoubtedly, the salary is an expression of the public assessment of the work of a librarian, but its growth will not solve all the problems, it will not remove the contradictions existing in the library environment.
One of the main ones is the change in the professional consciousness of librarians. Recreation of the special atmosphere of spirituality that was inherent in libraries in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Today's librarians are offended by the insufficiently respectful attitude of society in him, the underestimation of their work. But, on the other hand, they are free from a sense of loyalty to their profession, they do not want their own children to follow in their footsteps, they do not read special literature, they do not analyze their activities, they are blinkered, they are afraid to deviate from the regulations. Librarians with long experience believe that the situation cannot be changed yet, because it is the result of changes in society, the course of which librarians are not able to influence. However, being in equally unfavorable conditions, librarians behave differently: some, not trying to do anything, cry for help, dutifully waiting for better changes, others, relying only on their own strength, strive not to survive, but to live interestingly.
A significant part of librarians is preoccupied with the present day: untimely payment of salaries, lack of funds for acquisitions, postage, etc. They are afraid to look into tomorrow. And meanwhile... What will be left for posterity? What do libraries become in order to justify their desire to survive? Their premises are rented out. Within their walls they sell whatever they have to, businessmen crowd librarians and readers, creating additional tension in our already nervous life. these processes cannot be considered normal. It hurts if they cause a feeling of euphoria in librarians, the illusion of favorable changes.
The library should remain a majestic temple of knowledge and culture, and not turn into a bazaar. Tenants and merchants will not help her survive, they are more like a fox from a Russian folk tale who drove the good bunny out of his hut. It is unlikely that society, seeing what kind of “marketing” libraries are engaged in, will be imbued with love and care for them, I think, on the contrary, it will try to move away from solving their problems as much as possible. Such "marketing" is not a straw to be grasped at.
It is widely believed that libraries take such steps out of desperation, out of hopelessness. But are acts that openly undermine the authority of the profession necessary? As a human being, one can understand librarians who, referring to the poverty of their institutions, run around shops during working hours, trade, go about their own business. However, one cannot live like this for a long time, because all this accelerates the professional degradation of librarians. We need a new philosophy of librarianship, which allows us to quickly find our social niche in society. In a situation that changes every day, the hope for "lady luck" is naive. Modern society needs a new library, librarian and reader.
Although, as it has now become clear, our “most reading people in the world” are very little informed about libraries. However, more than half of readers are convinced that libraries should change their functions. Reflecting to some extent the general negative attitude towards life in general, this indicates the internal dissatisfaction of library subscribers with the activities of the latter.
What is he, today's librarian? How does he behave in modern conditions: does he adapt himself or “rebuilds the world for himself”? Of course, there is an active part of the staff in libraries, which understands that it is not money that needs to be earned, but prestige, every day proving its necessity to society.
It seems that the main trouble of our libraries is the loss of connection with the reader, and, therefore, somewhere with society. An effective library can only be recognized as a library where a mutually enriching dialogue has been established between the library and its users. Researches of recent years, carried out by the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the framework of the topic “The place of the library in the socio-cultural environment”, were aimed specifically at clarifying the interaction between the library and society, studying the opinion of readers about it.
What gave rise to the alienation of the library from society? For more than 70 years, the state supported libraries, which led to the loss of mime active positions. Libraries have now been asked to focus on their own strengths, for which they are completely unprepared, do not have the proper conditions. In addition, the librarian, as before, does not strive for an equal dialogue with the reader, but continues to rule over him, while experiencing discomfort, believing that the latter is much more often than himself wrong.
The third reason is the uncertainty that reigns in our society. If libraries lose control of the situation, they will be manipulated by those in power. The social passivity of librarians is caused by fear of difficulties and the lack of stable economic guarantees.
Sometimes one gets the impression (or maybe it really is?) As if the librarians are sitting and waiting for instructions. Despite seven years of perestroika, the political adaptation of librarians has not been completed, and professional consciousness is blurred. Librarians are so accustomed to leadership "from above" that even now they can easily fall under the power of new cultural ideologues. Many librarians, losing their professional interests, consider freedom only in relation to their personality, not capturing the democratic meaning of change. Librarians care little about global trends in the development of librarianship, and cooperation with foreign partners is regarded as an additional source of livelihood.
It is necessary to use foreign experience in training library personnel. But I would like to add that in our country there are many developments that are useful to colleagues from other states. We must strive for equal partnership. For example, a foreign company opens its representative office or publishing house in the Russian library, respectively, and we organize a similar service abroad. You have to be aware of things, know the specifics of the work of foreign libraries in order to understand whether the American model of library education can take root on Russian soil. Perhaps this requires appropriate social (material and moral) conditions, but a mechanical change of signs and names will not give anything.
The search for ways to improve library education in our country does not stop; librarians hope they will be found soon.
It is possible to draw up a portrait of a librarian - a professional of tomorrow only on the basis of an analysis of the real socio-cultural situation and determining the place of libraries in society. This is confirmed by many years of experience in studying the library profession at the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For 20 years, more than 100 articles have been published, two collections of scientific papers have been published, two scientific reports have been registered at the VNTICentre, several preprints have been published, regional and all-Russian conferences have been held.
In 1975 - 1978 within the framework of the topic “Correspondence of human resources to the level and nature of the development of library and bibliographic processes in the library”, professiograms of individual specialties were created, the observance by managers of the principles of scientific organization of labor was considered; using the "business portrait" method, the work of the management corps and library specialists was evaluated. The following issues were included in the research program “Improving the professional structure of personnel” (1981 - 1985): the psychological climate in the library; satisfaction with the work of highly qualified librarians4 compliance of the content of library education in higher education institutions of culture with the needs of practice; analysis of foreign and domestic experience library staff training; formation among the population of the installation for the acquisition of a library profession; adaptation of young specialists.
Socio-psychological aspects of personnel management of scientific libraries (the influence of various factors on work in a team, organizational and socio-psychological structures of its management in our country and abroad, functions and training of leaders) became the subject of research in 1986-1988. Another topic is Science Library: Problems and Organizations of Management” (1988 - 1995) involves the development of a methodology for assessing the work and professional and business qualities of specialists and managers; comparative analysis job descriptions several departments; revision of the advanced training system; preparation of a reserve of managers in the courses and the preparation of relevant documents; creation of an effective system of continuous library education. A branch of the department of special disciplines of the Kemerovo Institute of Culture was opened at the library. In 1995, the research work, begun in 1992, “The place of the library in the modern social sphere of the region” will be completed (the role and functions of libraries in modern society; the attitude of real and potential users to the library as one of the factors of its prestige; issues of professional library communication; the quality of the work of the library departments that “go out” directly to the reader).
Unfortunately, in our environment there is no well-established system for informing libraries about the most important research topics and resources.
There is no need to “break apart” the issues of organization and content of training, i.e. first think about how to teach. and then what to teach. In order to eliminate the existing contradictions in the "library - university - science" system, these problems must be solved in close unity. How can one explain that in recent years there has been a discrepancy between the need for specialists and the number of graduates: the number of professionals is growing, and the need for them not only does not decrease, but even increases. There is a "washout" of the professional layer of librarians. Thus, in 1985 the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences had 148 employees with higher and secondary library education, in 1990 - 140 people, in 1994 - 113 people. At the same time, in percentage terms, there are more people with non-library education. Therefore, it is interesting to find out how many years, on average, university graduates work in their specialty (for example, it has been established abroad that for women this period is on average four years), where do they go and why? The answer is simple. Disappointment in the profession begins even within the walls of the institute and ends already in the library. So the new librarian needs a different library.
What are the ways out of the crisis? Each library will have to rethink its own role and functions, taking into account the socio-economic and cultural situation in the region, and think over the corresponding concept of developing its institution as an open system. To do this, it is important to find out the point of view on the position of the library in society, not only library theorists and practitioners, but also real and potential users. Sure change organizational structures- a thorny and difficult path. Even N. Machiavelli noted: “... But you need to know that there is no business whose organization would be more difficult, conducting more dangerous, and success more doubtful than replacing the old order with a new one. Whoever comes up with such an undertaking, he will face the hostility of those who benefit from the old order, and the coldness of those who benefit from the new. This coldness is due partly to fear of the enemy, partly to the incredulity of people who do not really believe in the new until it is fixed by long experience. And yet libraries must become flexible, dynamic systems, remaining conservative to the extent that it is dictated by their natural essence.

2. Professional requirements for a librarian

The lack of prestige, the common perception of librarians as deeply introverted, "out of this world" personalities - professional associations of librarians in different countries. The specifics of library work remains a mystery to the public consciousness as a whole.
A librarian is a specialist with a special library education who organizes library collections and provides library services to users. The librarian is the link between information and users.
The function of a modern librarian working in an information-saturated society is to create conditions, organize the information environment of the library in such a way that, with the greatest savings in the mental strength and time of the user, reader, it is internalized (i.e., was deeply assimilated) by him. Librarian. First of all, the organizer of access to information, knowledge of library users, the public. Providing access to information, knowledge, organizing the informational comfort of the library environment, the librarian contributes to education. Librarians are a profession specifically dedicated to protecting intellectual freedom and freedom of access to information. They have a special duty to ensure the free flow of information and ideas in present and future generations.
The library is a necessary element of civil society, because is designed to provide a documented form of intergenerational and ethical communication of individual consciousnesses. And the librarian, to the extent of his intelligence, becomes either a conductor or a filter in this most important form of human communication.
Librarians are called upon not only to preserve cultural values, but also to promote, bring professional consciousnesses closer to everyday ones.
The problem of the library profession is that the level of intellectual culture of Russian librarians causes serious public concern. Thus, in the course of the all-Union study "Library Profession: Current State and Prospects", it was found that only a relatively small part of librarians is inclined towards innovative thinking, is the initiator of new initiatives, adequately responds to changes in society, is capable of mastering the latest information technologies. The process of active entry of young specialists into professional life drags on for many years. It is no accident, apparently, that the peak of labor activity falls mainly on the mature and pre-retirement age. The intellectual culture of a librarian is understood as a conditional combination of such professionally significant qualities as: broad erudition based on a historical and cultural foundation, professional competence based on the necessary stock of general professional and special knowledge, skills and abilities, methodological equipment, flexibility and adaptability of thinking, causing innovativeness of professional behavior and the ability to understand the conventionality of existing theoretical knowledge and to acquire new knowledge, to acquire new practical skills and abilities.
The librarian should not only recommend interesting novelties to the reader in accordance with the genre and thematic preferences of each, but also set himself the task of familiarizing readers with high examples of fine literature, helping him to penetrate the fabric of a complex text.
The library profession is one of the most interesting and fascinating in the sense that every day brings acquaintance with new books, fresh issues of newspapers and magazines, new people, unique specific situations arise.
By serving others, you will grow. Academician D. Likhachev called the librarian a scientist who works not on one “own” topic, but on many “foreign” topics. This is a scientist who gives himself entirely to others.
The profession of a librarian requires an active position, connection with life. Everything that is done in the country is the vital business of librarians.
High pedagogical skill is a professional feature of a librarian. As a teacher, he must, first of all, love people, help readers develop a system of knowledge, differentiate to different categories of readers, take into account the peculiarities of their information requests, help navigate the reference and bibliographic apparatus, clearly explain and check the quality of assimilation of the material. And this requires tact and at the same time perseverance from a specialist.
People of this profession are characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness, politeness, attentiveness. The principle "Everything for the reader" is the main one for the librarian. But if the librarian is an indifferent person, if in the process of communicating with the reader he has a feeling of irritation, boredom, apathy, then the profession was chosen by mistake.
For a real librarian, a reader is not a statistical unit, but a person with individual characteristics and needs.
A specific feature of a library specialist is knowledge of the book. He must perceive the book in its interrelationships, and most importantly, imagine to whom it is intended. Therefore, the librarian must constantly work on himself. Systematic, organized, consistent reading is a professional feature of a librarian. The profession also requires the development of organizational qualities. The librarian needs to know the basics of management, forecasting.
Today, working with readers imposes certain communicative requirements on a specialist: contact, sociability, emotionality, the ability to understand and listen, to find the right tone in a conversation. Work on the subscription, in the reading room allows you to show these qualities.
What ethical features should a librarian working on a loan have, and what should he know? First of all, he must promote the best literature, find an approach to each reader, understand his needs and interests, be able to talk about books, and give a comparative analysis of sources. In addition, the subscription worker must hold various public events; well navigate the flow of literature; promptly conduct bibliographic searches; know funds and catalogs; organize information work; conduct bibliographic reviews, informant days; arrange exhibitions.
To do all this, a specialist needs the methods of propaganda, reference, bibliographic and information work; methods of studying readers (individual and mass work with them); methodology of library research; technical means.
One of the important forms of individual work is a conversation: about the rules for using the library, about catalogs, about new arrivals, etc. The librarian should be the first to start the conversation, or discreetly encourage the reader to do so, i.e. act as a psychologist, try to understand the psychology of the reader. Respond promptly and kindly to the reader's requests; choose an effective method of influence in relation to each of them.
A person's personality, there is a culture, general erudition, the ability to express one's thoughts well, to lead a discussion ... Often these features of a librarian have a decisive impact on the interests of readers, contribute to a deeper perception of the meaning of communication.
Contact with the reader should be informal, confidential. It is no coincidence that the reader prefers to turn to the same librarian for advice in choosing books. A positive attitude towards a specialist arises not only because he is well versed in the fund, but also because of his benevolence, ability to have conversations at ease and excitingly, and willingly help in choosing books. therefore, a real librarian is characterized by empathy, awareness of the individual uniqueness of another person. Even the choice of literature should correspond to the mood of the reader. To give the reader the book he needs at the right time is the task of the librarian. Sometimes you need advice and guidance. Therefore, a certain degree of intimacy and mutual understanding with the reader is required.
How to achieve this? Differently. You can talk about the book, and then about the health of loved ones and relatives. The main thing is to make a person feel that he is not indifferent to you. And then education begins with a book.
The problems of the culture of communication are especially significant, because contacts with people different ages, tastes, professions should occupy most of the librarian's time. So, for example, in a conversation with a prepared reader, a quick reaction is required. It is better to address older people by their first name and patronymic.
A trusting style, mutual understanding is very important. It’s not news to librarians that during “rush hours” you get tired and not always in control of your emotions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the skills of critical analysis of psychological situations that arise in library everyday life.
Communication with the reader is an exchange of information. Not many people know that 40% of information is conveyed by intonation of speech. And how many remember that in addition to the text there is a subtext? Sometimes the "discovery" of these truths comes in conflict situations.
The tone of the conversation plays a huge role. In the refusal "no" readers sometimes feel the subtext ... "How tired I am of you all."
It is important to remember that communication with the reader is not limited to observing certain rules of etiquette. Contacts presuppose the possession of a psychological culture. It begins with the comprehension of a person, the world of his feelings and thoughts. This knowledge helps the librarian to accurately determine the role positions of the reader and, in accordance with this, build his communication tactics.
Haven't you met "erudite" who have already read everything on a topic of interest? But you subtly and with great tact make it clear to him that there is also a novelty in the library, the existence of which the reader does not know.
Here's an old man coming up to the counter. He is visibly tense, choosing a book. The situation is difficult for a librarian, but one must patiently talk with the reader, help him find the right book, and be extremely attentive to him. Look, in the end the reader calmed down, perked up. Entered into conversation. You must be able to listen to a person, take into account his needs, interests, moods. Emotional contacts bring satisfaction, thicken the working day and at the same time from monotony and boredom. Communication devoid of emotional contacts turns into irritation, boredom, and sometimes disappointment in the chosen profession. We should rejoice when the reader "talked out." In the course of communication with him, such qualities of a librarian as poise, tolerance, and emotional stability are constantly tested.
Every librarian needs to develop a culture of communication. It should be remembered that without a willingness to work for people, communication will be meaningless. Meaningful communication is always creativity, in which moral and pedagogical aspects intertwine and interpenetrate.
Which of the strings of the complex spiritual world of a person will sound in the process of communication depends on the approach, on respect for the original personality, and therefore, without self-education, without overcoming inertia, the librarian cannot count on success. The culture of communication is developed in the process of independent spiritual work on oneself.
For librarians who are in constant contact with readers, the ability to communicate in a businesslike manner becomes not only important, but also a professionally necessary quality, therefore, increased requirements are placed on the librarian's speech. The librarian must constantly work on his diction, figurativeness and expressiveness of speech. Of particular importance is the frequency and clarity of pronunciation, coherence, consistency, richness vocabulary, clarity in the delivery of questions and answers, the optimal speed of speech for perception.
Observation is extremely important for a librarian. Without it, he will not notice whether the reader is comfortable in the library, how he works with catalogs, how he reacts to the manner of communicating with him, whether he pays attention to exhibitions, stands, whether he spoils books, etc.
The librarian must be internally assembled. The ability to work for a long time without deteriorating its quality and reducing the pace is not only a strong-willed quality, but also a sign of endurance and physical health. A librarian must be able to maintain steady attention for a long time, despite fatigue.
Sociability, personal charm, good looks - these traits are also necessary for a librarian. A good psychological climate in the library is created by cheerfulness, a sense of humor, emotionality, and a sense of collectivism.
A high level of work with readers, a creative atmosphere in the library are directly dependent on such qualities of a librarian as discipline, accuracy, efficiency, and a creative approach to business.
So, what qualities should a reader service librarian have? First, the ability to critically analyze phenomena, facts; be able to choose the necessary information from the total volume, grasp the essence of the problem; secondly, to be attentive, to be able to quickly switch from one type of activity to another; thirdly, to have business qualities force yourself to do anything necessary work; fourthly, to have communicative qualities: to be able to lead business conversation, intelligibly convey your thoughts to the reader, find the right tone, an expedient form of communication, depending on individual features readers, and, finally, fifthly, speak competently, coherently and logically express your thoughts.
Thus, a librarian is a highly educated person who owns the basics of the psychology of readers, pedagogical skills, is versed in the variety of publishing products, knows how to use technical means in his work, knows the basics of computer science, propagandist, organizer.
The librarian has no right to be indifferent, arrogant, vindictive, too hot, familiar, quarrelsome, conservative, sloppy, too extravagant.
In the library press, the idea of ​​the influence of the personal qualities of a librarian on reader satisfaction and, consequently, on the image of the library in the public mind, is becoming more and more pronounced. Thus, one philologist from the United States, working in many libraries and archives in France, came to a rather, perhaps banal, but very important conclusion: the poor quality of service and especially the poor availability of documents in the collections are most often associated solely with arbitrariness and dishonesty. library staff.
Attitude to work is a problem that exists in many areas of activity. The American Library Association has paid systematic attention to the professional ethics of the librarian since 1939. The 1981 code of ethics enshrines the principles that oblige librarians to provide a high level of service, to resist attempts to censor library materials, to protect the right of users to maintain the privacy of the information received, to prevent profit from users, colleagues or libraries. Russian specialists are also aware of Sh. Ranganathan's five library postulates, which to a certain extent can be considered a code of professional ethics. The ethical side of library work is associated with the rights to intellectual freedom and access to information, which is noted in many publications. The ethical and professional level of librarians is often quite low: they are not always helpful, tolerant and attentive to visitors and users, they value readers' time less than their own, reference and bibliographic services lag behind modern requirements, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is minimal, sometimes there is not enough knowledge in areas of librarianship.
Interestingly, the professional ethics of a librarian is viewed in a broad social and moral context. For example, a general decline in the level of labor morality has been noted. Which came from the unambiguously formulated worldview positions. Ethical values ​​have shifted towards moral indifference. Indifference to the consumer, the reader has become, unfortunately, the norm, resulting in largely social lack of demand for libraries.
The code of professional ethics should consolidate the changes in social status libraries and librarians. The ethical standards of the library profession today must be formed with the understanding that in the current difficult life situation people come to the library not only for books, but also for the sake of communication to restore spiritual comfort.
Thus, it is quite obvious that not only readers, funds, material and technical base of libraries, but also librarians should change. They will have to soberly and self-critically evaluate their personal capabilities, personal influence on the formation of an atmosphere that makes the library attractive to the reader and, therefore, necessary to society.

    3. Professional training of personnel. Improving the qualifications of librarians
The evolution of the role of a librarian taking place in modern society, the introduction of new information technology puts libraries in front of the need for qualitative personnel changes, continuous improvement and retraining of staff. The main mission of the library has remained unchanged - providing sources of information to its users, but the ways of its implementation have become more complex and diverse. These changes are mainly due to technological development: Information products are now being produced in many different forms and on many different media.

If we analyze the library profession in terms of its essential content, then, first of all, it should be defined in terms of the most general order. And only then talk about its special meaning. At the same time, of course, we should talk about the librarian as a professional, implying some ideal invariant of the library profession, although in reality, in reality, there is a whole range of library professions: bibliographers, collaborators, methodologists, etc.
So, we introduce the concept of the library profession as a kind of ideal being. Usually library directories stumble on this, trying to define the library profession as something obvious, self-evident. All known definitions boil down to the fact that the content of the library profession is "the implementation of a complex of various library and bibliographic processes" . Similar definitions are given in the "Terminological dictionary of librarianship and related branches of knowledge" and other earlier publications of this kind. In a word, the same definition wanders from edition to edition, as supposedly undeniable. It is easy to understand that here we are dealing with a mythology associated with library activities. The general, the essential in this case is reduced to a partial, separate: one arbitrarily taken feature is fetishized, it is given the meaning of a total definition.
This replicated "definition" does not stand up to scrutiny. Common sense suggests, for example, that it would be ridiculous to define the profession of a doctor as the sum of medical processes: we see in him someone who treats a person, and does not perform any processes. Why do we call a librarian an executor of heterogeneous processes?
It seems that this mistake is not at all accidental: it encodes an old attitude towards the librarian as a slave to books, and not a servant of people. It was this attitude that broke the whole psychology of the librarian, turning him into a blind keeper of book treasures, instead of turning him into a supplier and carrier of information and knowledge.
Correlating with this is another library myth, rooted in historical antiquity: the idea of ​​the exceptional and enduring value of books and book collections. This special attitude towards books and libraries was obviously associated with their cult significance, which most of the medieval incunabula had. Today it is known that knowledge on average becomes obsolete in five years. Of course, there are classical works of philosophical, literary, artistic, historical content that retain their value for centuries, thereby also turning into a kind of cult artifacts. However, these books are reprinted many times, and the value of the collection apocrypha lies precisely in their rarity. Thus, the function of preservation and protection of books by librarians today loses its former importance. Books have ceased to be apocryphal in nature, they have become transmitters of most of the applied information needed today and only today. Already after 3–5, maximum 10 years, these books will be of interest only to historians. Therefore, now librarians are required to be as efficient as possible in supplying readers with book and other information, i.e. organization of a kind of book conveyor, an endless stream of books and other documents, some of which come, others go into oblivion.
Another myth of the library profession is the most modern one. It's the idea of ​​turning libraries into information centers on the basis of "total computerization". The infringed library consciousness clings to informatization as if it were the last straw, seeing in it almost a revolution in librarianship. “Give us computers and we will change the world,” librarians seem to say. Is it possible?
This salvation is illusory. The use of computer information cannot be of a public streaming nature. The computer must be mine to be used as such. My files should be written in its memory, to which no one else should have access; I should be able to get my email private; finally, I have to communicate with the Internet in such a way that no one looks over my shoulder. In short, working with a computer is too intimate a process to turn it into a public affair.
The book does not provide the listed opportunities, but that's why it is good as a library unit. Reading a book is both a socially significant and intimately subjective process. Unlike computer information, which can and should be understood only in a uniform way and in the way that someone intended, the book is revealed to the reader not directly, but through its otherness, which is not material in it. No matter how many people read the same book, everyone will find in it something of their own, not identical to the book itself, its literal content.
The librarian does not care about these overflows of meanings; he is interested in the book as this material whole, and he suffers from actually lost pages or the loss of the book itself as a "storage unit". This, in our opinion, is the source and meaning of all “library processes”. Hence - the transformation of librarianship into a routine, its obvious bureaucratization, which results in the alienation of labor.
Of course, it is impossible to define this alienated area of ​​activity in rational terms, and therefore it does not work. To be determined, as already mentioned, is the mental invariant of the profession, and taken not so much in relation to its current realities, but in relation to the expected future.
The librarian is not only the one who sorts, stores and gives out books, but also the one who is able to mediate between the meaning of the book and the consciousness of the reader. The book is a tool of communication, and not just a subject of book lending. Numerous studies testify to the complexity of the work of a librarian. As a rule, these books are written by the librarians themselves. Therefore, the complexity of the profession is understood by them as something confused. Practically, the difficulty is that the librarian must be both a reader and a minister. The user appeals to his mentality, counting on a complete understanding of his requests, but discovers a function. The librarian is really functional as a performer of a number of routine operations. Not everyone can see behind this routine something creative, personally significant.
A librarian works with a book that is conceived and exists as a bearer of ideal meanings, but these meanings themselves arise only when the reader de-objectifies the book. This process is not under the control of the librarian (unlike, say, a teacher or teacher). A librarian is a person who provides reading; with its help it can be most fully realized. It follows that the process of reading (i.e., deobjectification of the book by the reader) is partly the concern of the librarian: he cannot be completely free from doing it.
This is the difficulty social role librarian. And his understandable desire to simplify this role, reducing it to a simple observance of library rules, to the implementation of those very “library processes”. But in fact, this role is not as simple as it might seem.
The role of the librarian is twofold: on the one hand, he is a supplier of books for the reader, and in this sense he is addressed to the book as a material artifact and at the same time to the reader as a “user”. On the other hand, he makes emotional-rational contact with the reader about books, their ideal existence. Already the attitude towards the book as a value, characteristic of the librarian, testifies to this special facet of the relationship between the librarian and the reader, which is not characteristic, for example, of a bookseller. For the latter, the book is only value expressed in terms of price.
Finally, there is another aspect of the interaction between the librarian and the reader, connected with the fact that the librarian in this act of communication does not represent himself personally, but the library as a social institution. Hence the special restrictions and requirements placed on this communication and its results. True, the results are not provided by the library in their entirety, but they nevertheless take place and consist in the reader's adaptation to such a functional type of behavior that lies outside the sphere of practical life activity. Stereotypes of people's behavior in real life should be turned off here. The library world is another practical reality, another being of practice. The librarian is the bearer of this otherness. Therefore, his professional personality in everyday life is strange, but he brings to the world an experience that no other professional activity, the experience of an irrational existence outside the ordinary world, the experience of being in a myth, the value of which is undeniable.

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Introduction ............................................................... ................................... 3

Chapter 1. The Library Profession: Current State and

development prospects...................... .......................... .... ... 6

1.1 The library profession: content and features .............................. 6

1.2 The status of the librarian profession in modern society..... 12

1.3 Training of library staff in Russia and abroad..... 24

Chapter 2. Image of a modern librarian: factor analysis...... 36

2.1. The image of a modern librarian .............................. 36

2.2 The Feminization of the Library Profession................................................... 46

2.3 Reflection of the image of a librarian in fiction of the second half of the 20th century .............................................. 52

Conclusion.................... ............................. ................................. 59

Literature ............................................................... ......................... 63

Applications .................................................................. ......................... 72


The prospect of obtaining a library education in Lately attracts fewer applicants, as a result of which libraries have faced certain difficulties in replenishing the staff with young, qualified employees. Among other things, this is due to the existence of outdated stereotypes about library work.

Meanwhile, at present, librarianship is undergoing a serious modernization. New technologies are being integrated into traditional library work, the concept of the library profession is expanding its content. Today, a library employee must have knowledge in the field of modern information and computer technologies. In accordance with the new requirements for the profession, the programs of educational institutions are being modified, students are trained to work with a wide range of electronic resources. Education provided by library universities is becoming more multifaceted. University graduates are in demand in various fields of information activity.

An important feature of the library profession is a consolidated professional community.

The study of the library profession is objectively necessary. Who needs it and why in the age of electronic communications? How to build its relationship with the public, with government bodies, with non-state structures, and even in the legal field, where the rules of the game are constantly changing? Can the library, not the most prominent institution by popular belief, claim the role of a social leader in the local community? What is the portrait of today's librarian, how does he want to see himself, and to what extent do his values ​​and preferences match the expectations of real and potential readers?

According to the researchers, these issues require in-depth analysis. Discussions on the problems of library professionalism do not cease in the professional press. The main authors working on the topic

are: Ezova S.A., Zbarovskaya N.V., Sokolov A.V., Stolyarov Yu.N., Sukiasyan E.R., Matveev M.M.

The purpose of the thesis is to explore the library profession as a socio-professional group.

Based on this goal, we set ourselves the following tasks:

Consider the content and features of the library profession;

Assess the status of the library profession in modern society;

To study the system of training library personnel in different countries;

Consider feminization as a factor influencing the image and status of the library profession;

To analyze the problems of imageology of a modern librarian;

Consider the image of the library profession through the prism of fiction.

The chronological framework for the study of publications - 2002-2008. and some earlier publications.

In the course of the work, such research methods were used as:

V comparative-comparative,

S analysis of library practice,

S predictive,

■S survey method,

S elements of content analysis.

The object of research is the library profession.

The subject is librarians as a socio-professional group.

The work consists of two chapters, introduction, conclusion, list of references and appendix.



1.1 Library profession: content and features

A profession is the main occupation, labor activity that requires certain training, knowledge and skills. Librarians are an independent socio-professional group of society. In 2000, 128,000 librarians worked in public libraries. (72)

All known definitions of the library profession boil down to the fact that the content of the library profession is “the implementation of a complex of various library and bibliographic processes”.

This replicated "definition" does not stand up to scrutiny. Common sense suggests, for example, that it would be ridiculous to define the profession of a doctor as the sum of medical processes: we see in him someone who treats a person, and does not perform any processes. Why do we call a librarian an executor of heterogeneous processes?

This mistake is not at all accidental: it encodes an old attitude towards the librarian as a slave to books, and not a servant of people.

Another library myth, rooted in historical antiquity: the notion of the exceptional and enduring value of books and book collections. This special attitude towards books and libraries was obviously associated with their cult significance, which most of the medieval incunabula had. Today it is known that knowledge on average becomes obsolete in five years. Of course, there are classical works of philosophical, literary, artistic, historical content that retain their value for centuries, thereby also turning into a kind of cult artifacts. However, these books are reprinted many times, and the value of the collection apocrypha lies precisely in their rarity. Thus, the function of preservation and protection of books by librarians today loses its former importance. Books are no longer worn

apocryphal in nature, they have become transmitters of most of the applied information needed today and only today. Already after 3-5, maximum 10 years, these books will be of interest only to historians. Therefore, now librarians are required to be as efficient as possible in supplying readers with book and other information, i.e. the organization of a kind of book conveyor, an endless stream of books and other documents, some of which come, others go into oblivion. Another myth of the library profession is the most modern one. This is the idea of ​​turning libraries into information centers on the basis of “total computerization”.

The book does not provide the listed opportunities, but that is why it is good as a library unit. Hence - the transformation of librarianship into a routine, its obvious bureaucratization, which results in the alienation of labor.

The librarian is not only the one who sorts, stores and gives out books, but also the one who is able to mediate between the meaning of the book and the consciousness of the reader. The book is a tool of communication, and not just a subject of book lending. Numerous studies testify to the complexity of the work of a librarian. As a rule, these books are written by the librarians themselves. Therefore, the complexity of the profession is understood by them as something confused. Practically, the difficulty is that the librarian must be both a reader and a minister. The user appeals to his mentality, counting on a complete understanding of his requests, but discovers a function. The librarian is really functional as a performer of a number of routine operations. Not everyone can see behind this routine something creative, personally significant.

A librarian works with a book that is conceived and exists as a bearer of ideal meanings. This process is not under the control of the librarian. A librarian is a person who provides reading; with its help it can be most fully realized. This implies,

that the process of reading (i.e., the de-objectification of the book by the reader) is partly the concern of the librarian: he cannot be completely free from doing it.

This is the complexity of the social role of the librarian. On the one hand, the librarian is a supplier of books for the reader, and in this sense he addresses the book as a material artifact and at the same time to the reader as a “user”. On the other hand, he makes emotional-rational contact with the reader about books, their ideal existence. Already the attitude towards the book as a value, characteristic of the librarian, testifies to this special facet of the relationship between the librarian and the reader, which is not characteristic, for example, of a bookseller. For the latter, the book is only value expressed in terms of price.

Finally, there is another aspect of the interaction between the librarian and the reader, connected with the fact that the librarian in this act of communication does not represent himself personally, but the library as a social institution. Hence the special restrictions and requirements placed on this communication and its results.

The main criteria for differentiating the library profession is the level of library professionalism, which in turn is determined by the level of professional training. In the near future, the system of higher library education will become two-level. The question of degrees and levels of higher education is not new. This issue was first mentioned in normative documents Soviet period back in the late 80s, and then in Russian laws on education and higher education. In the 90s. it was relegated to the background in the context of the struggle of the universities of culture for survival. Most of the attempts to switch to the "bachelor-master" system ended in unproductive imitation. On March 9, 2007, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the law on the division of study programs: into undergraduate and graduate programs, which was an important step towards the transition to

two-tier education system. Today, the list of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education (dated January 12, 2005) within the framework of the direction "Library and Information Resources" includes qualifications - a bachelor of library and information resources and a master of library and information resources.

According to the qualification characteristics of the State SVPO Direction 531000 - Library and Information Resources degree (qualification) - Bachelor of Library and Information Resources "The professional activities of the bachelor are carried out in libraries of all types and types, of any subordination, in editorial and publishing and bookselling organizations, in bodies of scientific and technical information , educational institutions, archives, museums and other institutions and organizations in the system of documentary communications.

A graduate in accordance with general professional and special training can carry out professional activities in the following main areas:

Industrial and practical,

Educational "

Despite the fact that the bachelor's degree is provided for in the current GOSVPO 2003, the exact list of positions open to the bachelor has not yet been published in Russian official publications, however, there are opinions that bachelors will be able to occupy almost all positions requiring higher education, except for teaching in universities and scientific.

Description of work

The purpose of the thesis is to explore the library profession as a socio-professional group.
Based on this goal, we set ourselves the following tasks:
- to consider the content and features of the library profession;
- assess the status of the library profession in modern society;
- study the system of training library staff in different countries;
- consider feminization as a factor influencing the image and status of the library profession;
- to analyze the problems of imageology of a modern librarian;
- consider the image of the library profession through the prism of fiction.
The chronological framework for the study of publications - 2002-2008. and some earlier publications.

Introduction ................................................ ............................... 3
Chapter 1. The Library Profession: Current State and
development prospects................................................ ....... 6
1.1 The library profession: content and features .............................. 6
1.2 The status of the librarian profession in modern society..... 12
1.3 Training of library staff in Russia and abroad..... 24
Chapter 2. The image of a modern librarian: factor analysis...... 36
2.1. The image of a modern librarian .............................. 36
2.2 The Feminization of the Library Profession.............................. 46
2.3 Reflection of the image of a librarian in fiction second half of the 20th century .............................. 52
Conclusion................................................. ......................... 59
Literature................................................. ......................... 63

Orel Regional College of Arts and Culture

library profession in modern world

Course work

3rd year students

library department

Savinova Yu. Yu.


"Library Science"

Lecturer: Grishina G.N.

Eagle, 2004


1. Introduction

2. The Status of the Library and the Library Profession in Society Today

3. Current professional requirements for a librarian

4. Professional education frames. Improving the qualifications of librarians

5. Conclusion

6. Bibliography


"Let your light shine

in front of people

for them to see

your good deeds…”

Gospel of Matthew

"I see that not only you

collected books, but also books

picked you up"

V.B. Shklovsky

Currently, there are more than 120 thousand libraries in the Russian Federation. A library is a cultural institution that organizes the collection, storage and public use of printed works and other documents. The activities of libraries are of great importance for the life of society. Existing for many hundreds of years, preserving for humanity books and other documents that record everything that humanity has discovered over many millennia: human knowledge, scientific discoveries, the truth of faith. Therefore, the library is a valuable, self-sufficient institution, fulfilling its special role in society. It is customary to call it the foundation of human culture, that is, the foundation, the base on which humanity develops. These are the keepers of the documentary memory of all people. Libraries contribute to the realization of the rights of every person to education, use of cultural achievements, to rest, leisure, to receive information. They contribute to the development of science, the progress of the whole society and each individual.

Today, working in a library is more difficult than before, but also much more interesting. Librarians are free to choose the content of their activities. Now the library must survive and prove that it is necessary for society.

The librarian is the most beautiful profession in the world. And if you put your soul into work, you can achieve a lot. The librarian profession is located at that point in human existence, where stinginess and generosity, past, present and future, the world of books and the world of people come into contact every day. Where one goes into another, requiring great efforts to maintain the measure and balance.

A librarian is a profession, one of the main functions of which is the implementation of the connection of times both in the history of mankind and in the history of science itself.

The revival of spirituality, intelligence, morality - these are the main tasks in the work of the library today. The library heals spiritual wounds, helps to cope with ailments, raises the spirit to the heights.

2. The status of the library and the library profession in society today

In the soul of a librarian and in his work, the past and the present organically coexist. It distributes what has been accumulated over the years, and even over the centuries, but it is forced to constantly keep abreast of modern life, follow the fast-moving reality, and respond to its demands. The latter applies to some extent to representatives of all professions serving the sphere of intellectual and moral life, for example, to people who work at school, university, and other educational institutions. But in order for them to realize the essence of certain social changes, then to revise their programs, write new textbooks, develop new lectures, all this takes time. And citizens consider such a delay legitimate, not suspecting that these processes are largely carried out with the help of the library, without which all this would have taken much longer, otherwise it would not have taken place.

The librarian often falls to the lot of a kind of marginal. The concept is from the French marginal or from the Latin margo - “edge”, “border”, “what is at the junction of two environments”. And if we are talking about a person, then it is about someone who is outside a certain layer, group. And although the concept of "marginal" is used more in a negative sense - in relation to lumpen, outcasts and the like, it is also used in a positive sense, in relation to people who are unusual, who creatively overcome established stereotypes, change established principles of activity, including those who who have been assigned a very modest role and are treated accordingly, and they are constantly doing something more significant.

“You can’t see a librarian as a simple assistant to a scientist. The librarian is a scientist himself. But only he works not on one and at the same time his own topic, but on many other people's topics. This is a scientist who gives himself entirely to others,” said D.S. Likhachev.

At present, the librarian has been freed from the fulfillment of ideological tasks and from national spiritual ideals, but problems have also appeared - an abundance of completely new sources of information, expensive and often inaccessible to libraries, difficulties with acquisition, material difficulties.

Our culture has found itself in a difficult position during the years of democratic reforms. Libraries are no exception. What happened to them over the years? - Some became richer, others - poorer, others were completely on the sidelines of life. those libraries that have managed to integrate into it are being actively modernized - computers, the Internet, e-mail, renovations, internships for employees abroad, freedom of activity. But in recent years, a lot of good things that were formed by the former society have been lost. Who today can afford to work in the library?. People who hold on to this place because their city has high unemployment, because even if it's 400-500 rubles, they still pay. Or people who exist at the expense of other family members. This cannot continue. Although the network of public libraries has been preserved, thousands of rural libraries have not received new literature for years. And this is not a library disaster, but a social one. If people do not have access to new knowledge, can they build a new society, understand its patterns, the context of time?

Lost such an important library service as interlibrary loan. The IBA is an attribute of a rich country, where funds are allocated to libraries not only for the purchase of books, but also for their shipment. Fortunately, this loss is beginning to be compensated by a new form of information transfer, which in library world called email. This is now possible not only in elite libraries, but also in district ones. And it is becoming more and more widespread.

Large libraries are already working on the creation of a global digital library of the future so that all the literature created by mankind becomes available to everyone on the Internet.

The trouble is that the authorities and those who manage the distribution of resources, in most cases, do not understand why lend money to libraries.

Today librarians are a mass profession, but practically the most socially vulnerable as well. Of the numerous non-profit cultural organizations, the library is perhaps the most non-profit and, in fact, is a “hostage” of the imperfections of the current “market relations”. Because libraries, unlike some other cultural institutions, cannot be transferred to the mode of self-survival, and without the policy of state protectionism they will not be able to exist. The library personnel, their social position and status are threatened by 3 things: the lowest salary level in the budgetary environment, the conversion of libraries or library premises into commercial organizations in the course of “wild” privatization, a sharp deterioration in working conditions due to “aging”, and in some cases destruction of the material and technical base.

Professional librarian: what is he like today?

The situation in the field of library education is very alarming. A society torn apart by internal contradictions is not able to provide any serious help, therefore, one has to resort to the only correct method of healing in this situation - “help yourself”.

Indeed, which of the librarians does not care about the fate of libraries, the future of the library profession, education? For the last 10 years, experts have been talking about the decline in the prestige of the library profession. But words alone will not change anything: if you say a million times about the crisis in librarianship, it will not become less profound. So why is the library path so few people are attracted to these days?

Library employees explain the negative attitude towards their work by the abundance of routine operations, the low level of automation and mechanization, and low (however, like other workers in the cultural sector) wages compared to other sectors of the national economy.

But there are other reasons as well. For example, the predominance of negative information about libraries in the press: fires, flooding of funds, emergency conditions of buildings, lack of necessary funds to purchase literature and pay staff, etc. does not cause sympathy and the appearance of a librarian in most works of art, in films and performances. Most often, even in the view of great writers, this is an unfashionably dressed, ugly lady with oddities. It is known that the prestige of the profession is created by people involved in it, but few people know that such writers and scientists as I.V. Goethe, I.A. Krylov, V.V. Stasov, N.V. Lobachevsky et al. no one thinks about the fact that since it is predominantly women who work in libraries, there is discrimination in the payment of women's work.

Public opinion polls show that the profession of a librarian is considered socially significant, but not prestigious, the reason for this is miscalculations in the socio-cultural policy of the state, people's ignorance of the specifics of the profession of a librarian-bibliographer. Society does practically nothing to interest its citizens in socially important professions.

Of course, the following circumstance also affects: although library activity, like any other, requires special versatile knowledge and training acquired at a university, there is an opinion that one can work successfully in a library without having such knowledge. The optionality of specialized education is a factor that reduces the prestige of the profession. It is necessary to consolidate the provision according to which a specialist with a higher non-library education is obliged to master the basics of librarianship. There are conditions for this and courses at large libraries or correspondence departments of cultural institutes. Libraries can accept specialists from other industries, but they should receive equal salaries with professionals only after appropriate retraining.

Most librarians have few professionals. In Russia as a whole, less than 17% of librarians have higher specialized education. In the leading libraries of the country, their number ranges from 10% (VGBIL) to 40% (Library Russian Academy Sciences). This is confirmed by other authors, noting that due to the additional payment for knowledge of foreign languages, non-professionals have higher salaries.

It is impossible not to say about the negative role of the low culture of library work (the system of its organization, the level of library equipment, the degree of skill of the worker, depending on the qualifications, professional skills, conditions created in the institution).

Librarians still hope that with the improvement of the material and technical base of libraries, the prestige of their profession will increase. Of course, poorly equipped librarians and cultural institutions that do not have financial means look archaic and are unlikely to be able to successfully perform their information functions.

Not only libraries are to blame for the information backwardness of our society, they themselves suffer because of this.

Work culture includes professional communication between the librarian and the reader. As a rule, a Russian librarian lends out books silently, showing with all his appearance that he is busy and has no time to deal with the reader. But in Sweden, Germany, the United States, the culture of communication is immeasurably higher, they try to make the library “their own” for the reader, and do not scare him away.

Professional isolation (nothing to say?), arrogance and snobbery (nothing to talk about?) lead to the fact that the stereotype of the image of the library and the librarian in society, perhaps, evolves from the librarian - the custodian of knowledge, educator, leader of reading to the librarian - the giver of books , and he himself is regarded as a representative of a second-class profession.

So how do you raise the prestige of the library profession? Some see more librarians as a way out wages. Undoubtedly, the salary is an expression of the public assessment of the work of a librarian, but its growth will not solve all the problems, it will not remove the contradictions existing in the library environment.

One of the main ones is the change in the professional consciousness of librarians. Recreation of the special atmosphere of spirituality that was inherent in libraries in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Today's librarians are offended by the insufficiently respectful attitude of society in him, the underestimation of their work. But, on the other hand, they are free from a sense of loyalty to their profession, they do not want their own children to follow in their footsteps, they do not read special literature, they do not analyze their activities, they are blinkered, they are afraid to deviate from the regulations. Librarians with long experience believe that the situation cannot be changed yet, because it is the result of changes in society, the course of which librarians are not able to influence. However, being in equally unfavorable conditions, librarians behave differently: some, not trying to do anything, cry for help, dutifully waiting for better changes, others, relying only on their own strength, strive not to survive, but to live interestingly.

A significant part of librarians is preoccupied with the present day: untimely payment of salaries, lack of funds for acquisitions, postage, etc. They are afraid to look into tomorrow. And meanwhile... What will be left for posterity? What do libraries become in order to justify their desire to survive? Their premises are rented out. Within their walls they sell whatever they have to, businessmen crowd librarians and readers, creating additional tension in our already nervous life. these processes cannot be considered normal. It hurts if they cause a feeling of euphoria in librarians, the illusion of favorable changes.

The library should remain a majestic temple of knowledge and culture, and not turn into a bazaar. Tenants and merchants will not help her survive, they are more like a fox from a Russian folk tale, which drove a kind bunny out of his hut. It is unlikely that society, seeing what kind of “marketing” libraries are engaged in, will be imbued with love and care for them, I think, on the contrary, it will try to move away from solving their problems as much as possible. Such "marketing" is not a straw to be grasped at.

It is widely believed that libraries take such steps out of desperation, out of hopelessness. But are acts that openly undermine the authority of the profession necessary? Humanly one can understand librarians who, referring to the poverty of their institutions, in work time run around the shops, trade, go about their business. However, one cannot live like this for a long time, because all this accelerates the professional degradation of librarians. We need a new philosophy of librarianship, which allows us to quickly find our social niche in society. In a situation that changes every day, the hope for "lady luck" is naive. Modern society needs a new library, librarian and reader.

Although, as it has now become clear, our “most reading people in the world” are very little informed about libraries. However, more than half of readers are convinced that libraries should change their functions. Reflecting to some extent the general negative attitude towards life in general, this indicates the internal dissatisfaction of library subscribers with the activities of the latter.

What is he, today's librarian? How does he behave in modern conditions: does he adapt himself or “rebuilds the world for himself”? Of course, there is an active part of the staff in libraries, which understands that it is not money that needs to be earned, but prestige, every day proving its necessity to society.

It seems that the main trouble of our libraries is the loss of connection with the reader, and, therefore, somewhere with society. An effective library can only be recognized as a library where a mutually enriching dialogue has been established between the library and its users. Researches of recent years, carried out by the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the framework of the topic “The place of the library in the socio-cultural environment”, were aimed specifically at clarifying the interaction between the library and society, studying the opinion of readers about it.

What gave rise to the alienation of the library from society? For more than 70 years, the state supported libraries, which led to the loss of mime active positions. Libraries have now been asked to focus on their own strengths, for which they are completely unprepared, do not have the proper conditions. In addition, the librarian, as before, does not strive for an equal dialogue with the reader, but continues to rule over him, while experiencing discomfort, believing that the latter is much more often than himself wrong.

The third reason is the uncertainty that reigns in our society. If libraries lose control of the situation, they will be manipulated by those in power. The social passivity of librarians is caused by fear of difficulties and the lack of stable economic guarantees.

Sometimes one gets the impression (or maybe it really is?) As if the librarians are sitting and waiting for instructions. Despite seven years of perestroika, the political adaptation of librarians has not been completed, and professional consciousness is blurred. Librarians are so accustomed to leadership "from above" that even now they can easily fall under the power of new cultural ideologues. Many librarians, losing their professional interests, consider freedom only in relation to their personality, not capturing the democratic meaning of change. Librarians care little about global trends in the development of librarianship, and cooperation with foreign partners is regarded as an additional source of livelihood.

It is necessary to use foreign experience in training library personnel. But I would like to add that in our country there are many developments that are useful to colleagues from other states. We must strive for equal partnership. For example, a foreign company opens its representative office or publishing house in the Russian library, respectively, and we organize a similar service abroad. You have to be aware of things, know the specifics of the work of foreign libraries in order to understand whether the American model of library education can take root on Russian soil. Perhaps this requires appropriate social (material and moral) conditions, but a mechanical change of signs and names will not give anything.

The search for ways to improve library education in our country does not stop; librarians hope they will be found soon.

It is possible to draw up a portrait of a librarian - a professional of tomorrow only on the basis of an analysis of the real socio-cultural situation and determining the place of libraries in society. This is confirmed by many years of experience in studying the library profession at the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For 20 years, more than 100 articles have been published, two collections of scientific papers have been published (1989 and 1992), two scientific reports have been registered at VNTICentre, several preprints have been published, regional and all-Russian conferences have been held.

In 1975 - 1978 within the framework of the topic “Correspondence of human resources to the level and nature of the development of library and bibliographic processes in the library”, professiograms of individual specialties were created, the observance by managers of the principles of scientific organization of labor was considered; using the "business portrait" method, the work of the management corps and library specialists was evaluated. The following issues were included in the research program “Improving the professional structure of personnel” (1981 - 1985): the psychological climate in the library; satisfaction with the work of highly qualified librarians4 compliance of the content of library education in higher education institutions of culture with the needs of practice; analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the training of library personnel; formation among the population of the installation for the acquisition of a library profession; adaptation of young specialists.

Socio-psychological aspects of personnel management of scientific libraries (the influence of various factors on work in a team, organizational and socio-psychological structures of its management in our country and abroad, functions and training of managers) became the subject of research in 1986-1988. Another topic - "Scientific Library: Problems and Organizations of Management" (1988 - 1995) involves the development of a methodology for assessing the work and professional and business qualities of specialists and managers; conducting a comparative analysis of job descriptions of several departments; revision of the advanced training system; preparation of a reserve of managers in the courses and the preparation of relevant documents; creation of an effective system of continuous library education. A branch of the department of special disciplines of the Kemerovo Institute of Culture was opened at the library. In 1995, the research will be completed, which began in 1992, “The place of the library in modern social sphere region" (the role and functions of libraries in modern society; the attitude of real and potential users to the library as one of the factors of its prestige; issues of professional library communication; the quality of the work of library departments that "go" directly to the reader).

Unfortunately, in our environment there is no well-established system for informing libraries about the most important research topics and resources.

There is no need to “break apart” the issues of organization and content of training, i.e. first think about how to teach. and then what to teach. In order to eliminate the existing contradictions in the "library - university - science" system, these problems must be solved in close unity. How can one explain that in recent years there has been a discrepancy between the need for specialists and the number of graduates: the number of professionals is growing, and the need for them not only does not decrease, but even increases. There is a "washout" of the professional layer of librarians. Thus, in 1985 the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences had 148 employees with higher and secondary library education, in 1990 - 140 people, in 1994 - 113 people. At the same time, in percentage terms, there are more people with non-library education. Therefore, it is interesting to find out how many years, on average, university graduates work in their specialty (for example, it has been established abroad that for women this period is on average four years), where do they go and why? The answer is simple. Disappointment in the profession begins even within the walls of the institute and ends already in the library. So the new librarian needs a different library.

What are the ways out of the crisis? Each library will have to rethink its own role and functions, taking into account the socio-economic and cultural situation in the region, and think over the corresponding concept of developing its institution as an open system. To do this, it is important to find out the point of view on the position of the library in society, not only library theorists and practitioners, but also real and potential users. Of course, changing organizational structures is a thorny and difficult path. Even N. Machiavelli noted: “... But you need to know that there is no business whose organization would be more difficult, conducting more dangerous, and success more doubtful than replacing the old order with a new one. Whoever comes up with such an undertaking, he will face the hostility of those who benefit from the old order, and the coldness of those who benefit from the new. This coldness is due partly to fear of the enemy, partly to the incredulity of people who do not really believe in the new until it is fixed by long experience. And yet libraries must become flexible, dynamic systems, remaining conservative to the extent that it is dictated by their natural essence.

3. Current professional requirements for a librarian

The librarian profession is not what it is usually imagined to be, it is not for the weak at heart.

The lack of prestige, the common idea of ​​librarians as deeply introverted, "out of this world" personalities - professional associations of librarians in different countries have to fight against this. The specifics of library work remains a mystery to the public consciousness as a whole.

A librarian is a specialist with a special library education who organizes library collections and provides library services to users. The librarian is the link between information and users.

The function of a modern librarian working in an information-saturated society is to create conditions, organize the information environment of the library in such a way that, with the greatest savings in the mental strength and time of the user, reader, it is internalized (i.e., was deeply assimilated) by him. Librarian. First of all, the organizer of access to information, knowledge of library users, the public. Providing access to information, knowledge, organizing the informational comfort of the library environment, the librarian contributes to education. Librarians are a profession specifically dedicated to protecting intellectual freedom and freedom of access to information. They have a special duty to ensure the free flow of information and ideas in present and future generations.

The library is a necessary element of civil society, because is designed to provide a documented form of intergenerational and ethical communication of individual consciousnesses. And the librarian, to the extent of his intelligence, becomes either a conductor or a filter in this most important form of human communication.

Librarians are called upon not only to preserve cultural values, but also to promote, bring professional consciousnesses closer to everyday ones.

The problem of the library profession is that the level of intellectual culture of Russian librarians causes serious public concern. Thus, in the course of the all-Union study "The Library Profession: Current State and Prospects", conducted in 1986 - 1991, it was found that only a relatively small part of library workers is prone to innovative thinking, is the initiator of new initiatives, adequately responds to changes in society, capable of mastering the latest information technologies. The process of active entry of young specialists into professional life drags on for many years. It is no accident, apparently, that the peak of labor activity falls mainly on the mature and pre-retirement age. The intellectual culture of a librarian is understood as a conditional combination of such professionally significant qualities as: broad erudition based on a historical and cultural foundation, professional competence based on the necessary stock of general professional and special knowledge, skills and abilities, methodological equipment, flexibility and adaptability of thinking, causing innovativeness of professional behavior and the ability to understand the conventionality of existing theoretical knowledge and to acquire new knowledge, to acquire new practical skills and abilities.

The librarian should not only recommend interesting novelties to the reader in accordance with the genre and thematic preferences of each, but also set himself the task of familiarizing readers with high examples of fine literature, helping him to penetrate the fabric of a complex text.

The library profession is one of the most interesting and fascinating in the sense that every day brings acquaintance with new books, fresh issues of newspapers and magazines, new people, unique specific situations arise.

By serving others, you will grow. Academician D. Likhachev called the librarian a scientist who works not on one “own” topic, but on many “foreign” topics. This is a scientist who gives himself entirely to others.

The profession of a librarian requires an active position, connection with life. Everything that is done in the country is the vital business of librarians.

High pedagogical skill is a professional feature of a librarian. As a teacher, he must first of all love people, help readers develop a system of knowledge, approach different categories of readers in a differentiated way, take into account the peculiarities of their information requests, help navigate the reference and bibliographic apparatus, clearly explain and check the quality of assimilation of the material. And this requires tact and at the same time perseverance from a specialist.

People of this profession are characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness, politeness, attentiveness. The principle "Everything for the reader" is the main one for the librarian. But if the librarian is an indifferent person, if in the process of communicating with the reader he has a feeling of irritation, boredom, apathy, then the profession was chosen by mistake.

For a real librarian, a reader is not a statistical unit, but a person with individual characteristics and needs.

A specific feature of a library specialist is knowledge of the book. He must perceive the book in its interrelationships, and most importantly, imagine to whom it is intended. Therefore, the librarian must constantly work on himself. Systematic, organized, consistent reading is a professional feature of a librarian. The profession also requires the development of organizational qualities. The librarian needs to know the basics of management, forecasting.

Today, working with readers imposes certain communicative requirements on a specialist: contact, sociability, emotionality, the ability to understand and listen, to find the right tone in a conversation. Work on the subscription, in the reading room allows you to show these qualities.

What ethical features should a librarian working on a loan have, and what should he know? First of all, he must promote the best literature, find an approach to each reader, understand his needs and interests, be able to talk about books, and give a comparative analysis of sources. In addition, the subscription worker must hold various public events; well navigate the flow of literature; promptly conduct bibliographic searches; know funds and catalogs; organize information work; conduct bibliographic reviews, informant days; arrange exhibitions.

To do all this, a specialist needs the methods of propaganda, reference, bibliographic and information work; methods of studying readers (individual and mass work with them); methodology of library research; technical means.

One of the important forms of individual work is a conversation: about the rules for using the library, about catalogs, about new arrivals, etc. The librarian should be the first to start the conversation, or discreetly encourage the reader to do so, i.e. act as a psychologist, try to understand the psychology of the reader. Respond promptly and kindly to the reader's requests; choose an effective method of influence in relation to each of them.

A person's personality, there is a culture, general erudition, the ability to express one's thoughts well, to lead a discussion ... Often these features of a librarian have a decisive impact on the interests of readers, contribute to a deeper perception of the meaning of communication.

Contact with the reader should be informal, confidential. It is no coincidence that the reader prefers to turn to the same librarian for advice in choosing books. A positive attitude towards a specialist arises not only because he is well versed in the fund, but also because of his benevolence, ability to have conversations at ease and excitingly, and willingly help in choosing books. therefore, a real librarian is characterized by empathy, awareness of the individual uniqueness of another person. Even the choice of literature should correspond to the mood of the reader. To give the reader the book he needs at the right time is the task of the librarian. Sometimes you need advice and guidance. Therefore, a certain degree of intimacy and mutual understanding with the reader is required.

How to achieve this? Differently. You can talk about the book, and then about the health of loved ones and relatives. The main thing is to make a person feel that he is not indifferent to you. And then education begins with a book.

The problems of the culture of communication are especially significant, because contacts with people of different ages, tastes, professions should occupy most of the librarian's time. So, for example, in a conversation with a prepared reader, a quick reaction is required. It is better to address older people by their first name and patronymic.

A trusting style, mutual understanding is very important. It’s not news to librarians that during “rush hours” you get tired and not always in control of your emotions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the skills of a critical analysis of psychological situations that arise in library everyday life.

Communication with the reader is an exchange of information. Not many people know that 40% of information is conveyed by intonation of speech. And how many remember that in addition to the text there is a subtext? Sometimes the "discovery" of these truths comes in conflict situations.

The tone of the conversation plays a huge role. In the refusal "no" readers sometimes feel the subtext ... "How tired I am of you all."

It is important to remember that communication with the reader is not limited to observing certain rules of etiquette. Contacts presuppose the possession of a psychological culture. It begins with the comprehension of a person, the world of his feelings and thoughts. This knowledge helps the librarian to accurately determine the role positions of the reader and, in accordance with this, build his communication tactics.

Haven't you met "erudite" who have already read everything on a topic of interest? But you subtly and with great tact make it clear to him that there is also a novelty in the library, the existence of which the reader does not know.

Here's an old man coming up to the counter. He is visibly tense, choosing a book. The situation is difficult for a librarian, but one must patiently talk with the reader, help him find the right book, and be extremely attentive to him. Look, in the end the reader calmed down, perked up. Entered into conversation. You must be able to listen to a person, take into account his needs, interests, moods. Emotional contacts bring satisfaction, thicken the working day and at the same time from monotony and boredom. Communication devoid of emotional contacts turns into irritation, boredom, and sometimes disappointment in the chosen profession. We should rejoice when the reader "talked out." In the course of communication with him, such qualities of a librarian as poise, tolerance, and emotional stability are constantly tested.

Every librarian needs to develop a culture of communication. It should be remembered that without a willingness to work for people, communication will be meaningless. Meaningful communication is always creativity, in which moral and pedagogical aspects intertwine and interpenetrate.

Which of the strings of the complex spiritual world of a person will sound in the process of communication depends on the approach, on respect for the original personality, and therefore, without self-education, without overcoming inertia, the librarian cannot count on success. The culture of communication is developed in the process of independent spiritual work on oneself.

For librarians who are in constant contact with readers, the ability to communicate in a businesslike manner becomes not only important, but also a professionally necessary quality, therefore, increased requirements are placed on the librarian's speech. The librarian must constantly work on his diction, figurativeness and expressiveness of speech. Of particular importance is the frequency and clarity of pronunciation, coherence, consistency, richness of vocabulary, clarity in the delivery of questions and answers, optimal speech speed for perception.

Observation is extremely important for a librarian. Without it, he will not notice whether the reader is comfortable in the library, how he works with catalogs, how he reacts to the manner of communicating with him, whether he pays attention to exhibitions, stands, whether he spoils books, etc.

The librarian must be internally assembled. The ability to work for a long time without deteriorating its quality and reducing the pace is not only a strong-willed quality, but also a sign of endurance and physical health. A librarian must be able to maintain steady attention for a long time, despite fatigue.

Sociability, personal charm, good looks - these traits are also necessary for a librarian. A good psychological climate in the library is created by cheerfulness, a sense of humor, emotionality, and a sense of collectivism.

A high level of work with readers, a creative atmosphere in the library are directly dependent on such qualities of a librarian as discipline, accuracy, efficiency, and a creative approach to business.

So, what qualities should a reader service librarian have? First, the ability to critically analyze phenomena, facts; be able to choose the necessary information from the total volume, grasp the essence of the problem; secondly, to be attentive, to be able to quickly switch from one type of activity to another; thirdly, to have business qualities, to force oneself to do any necessary work; fourthly, to have communicative qualities: to be able to conduct a business conversation, clearly communicate your thoughts to the reader, find the right tone, an appropriate form of communication depending on the individual characteristics of the readers, and, finally, fifthly, to speak competently, coherently and logically express your thoughts.

Thus, a librarian is a highly educated person who owns the basics of the psychology of readers, pedagogical skills, is versed in the variety of publishing products, knows how to use technical means in work, knowing the basics of computer science, propagandist, organizer.

The librarian has no right to be indifferent, arrogant, vindictive, too hot, familiar, quarrelsome, conservative, sloppy, too extravagant.

In the library press, the idea of ​​the influence of the personal qualities of a librarian on reader satisfaction and, consequently, on the image of the library in the public mind, is becoming more and more pronounced. Thus, one philologist from the United States, working in many libraries and archives in France, came to a rather, perhaps banal, but very important conclusion: the poor quality of service and especially the poor availability of documents available in the collections are most often associated solely with the arbitrariness and dishonesty of the library personnel.

Attitude to work is a problem that exists in many areas of activity. The American Library Association has paid systematic attention to the professional ethics of the librarian since 1939. The 1981 code of ethics enshrines the principles that oblige librarians to provide a high level of service, to resist attempts to censor library materials, to protect the right of users to maintain the privacy of the information received, to prevent profit from users, colleagues or libraries. Russian specialists are also aware of Sh. Ranganathan's five library postulates, which to a certain extent can be considered a code of professional ethics. The ethical side of library work is associated with the rights to intellectual freedom and access to information, which is noted in many publications. The ethical and professional level of librarians is often quite low: they are not always helpful, tolerant and attentive to visitors and users, they value readers' time less than their own, reference and bibliographic services lag behind modern requirements, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is minimal, sometimes there is not enough knowledge in areas of librarianship.

Interestingly, the professional ethics of a librarian is viewed in a broad social and moral context. For example, a general decline in the level of labor morality has been noted. Which came from the unambiguously formulated worldview positions. Ethical values ​​have shifted towards moral indifference. Indifference to the consumer, the reader has become, unfortunately, the norm, resulting in largely social lack of demand for libraries.

The code of professional ethics should consolidate the changes in the social status of libraries and librarians. Ethics The library profession today should be formed with the understanding that in the current difficult life situation, people come to the library not only for books, but also for the sake of communication in order to restore spiritual comfort.

Thus, it is quite obvious that not only readers, funds, material and technical base of libraries, but also librarians should change. They will have to soberly and self-critically evaluate their personal capabilities, personal influence on the formation of an atmosphere that makes the library attractive to the reader and, therefore, necessary to society.

4. Professional training of personnel. Improving the qualifications of librarians

The evolution of the role of a librarian taking place in modern society, the introduction of new information technology puts libraries in front of the need for qualitative personnel changes, continuous improvement and retraining of staff. The main mission of the library has remained unchanged - providing sources of information to its users, but the ways of its implementation have become more complex and diverse. These changes are driven largely by technological developments: information products are now produced in many different forms and on many different media.

It is no secret that the success of a service organization to a large extent depends on the knowledge, skills and attitude of its employees towards customers. Since it is the librarians who meet the users, their service to the purposes of the library and their user orientation (or lack of it) becomes immediately apparent. This orientation is manifested in the appropriate climate of the library, regardless of its official concept (information, education, leisure center or other development model).

In the development of a user-centric library. Personnel policy is of particular importance. The core of good HR management is getting employees to want to engage in a user-centric approach.

At the current stage of library development, a model of “new managerial work” has emerged, where communication and cooperation with external related organizations play a decisive role. Rank, management title are of lesser importance than knowledge, the ability to mobilize people and motivate their desire for better job. To lead according to modern requirements, you need to get special training in the management of new technologies, constantly improve their skills, develop professionally.

Dramatic technological changes in libraries put forward the most important professional requirement to programmers in continuing library education to ensure constant updating and expansion of knowledge in the use of new technological tools and information technologies.

As practice and discussions in the pages of the professional press show, the issues of personnel retraining are especially acute today. There is a need to develop fundamentally new educational programs aimed at creating and supporting labor resources of a higher level than before.

Today, in addition to mastering library processes, the general awareness of librarians about publishing, ethics, state information policy, the importance of information technology and other problems of information business is important.

One of the most positive qualities of a modern librarian is the ability to take a broad view of the problem, to see those factors that are common to many industries, to expand the horizons of the reader and help cross-fertilization of ideas. This is a serious counterbalance to today's over-specialization.

At present, in Russia, the main links of the system of continuous library education have developed, but the process of their formation took place largely spontaneously, and therefore coordination links have not been established, the mechanisms of the established sequence and continuity of content and the methods of training and education of specialist librarians are weak. Educational structures continue to focus on the learning process, failing to fully cope with the tasks of educating and developing creatively thinking specialists whose activities professional knowledge become a person significant and practically realizable and practically realizable, aimed at systematic learning and qualitative transformation. Today, it is necessary to study the mechanisms of formation and ways of implementing the intellectual abilities of librarians. It will help ensure the effectiveness of managing the development of the intellectual culture of specialists.

The formation of a system for advanced training and retraining of library personnel in our country dates back to the beginning of the 20s. It was during this period that the basic principles of its construction were developed. The first discussion was held on the pages of the Red Librarian magazine (1924).

In the 30s. work on advanced training and retraining of library staff has increased significantly. Certain systems were formed according to the types and types of libraries: regional, city, district, scientific, etc. The old proven forms of personnel training were improved, new ones appeared - “Schools of Excellence”, “Days open doors”, “School of a young librarian”, cluster seminars were urgently included in the practice of libraries.

An example of the historical development of the advanced training system is the activities of the country's largest library, the RSL (former GBL). A significant milestone in the training of GBL staff was library apprenticeship, the right to organize which she received in 1948. Students were distributed among departments and, under the guidance of mentors from the most qualified library workers, mastered production processes. Future specialists of the first set took both course exams and state exams at the library technical school, as a result they received a diploma of secondary library education and a certificate of completion of library apprenticeship courses.

The GBL was constantly looking for ways to retain young cadres. Creating conditions for them to receive higher and secondary specialized education, to combine studies with work in departments. At first, one of these ways was seen in the creation of a branch of a library technical school for young people with secondary education on the basis of the educational department of the library.

In 1969, a branch of the library technical school was opened in the GBL with a degree in Librarianship. Although the branch of the technical school fulfilled its task - to give a library specialty to employees who, for various reasons, did not have the opportunity to continue their education at the institute, nevertheless, he could not solve the issue of staff retention. A real opportunity to stabilize the staff was seen in the training of specialists with higher education on the job, within the walls of the library. This was facilitated by the activities on the basis of the library of the evening department of the Moscow State Institute of Culture.

In addition, short-term courses were organized at the GBL, which varied in subject matter and duration. They provided a differentiated approach to learning.

The most important form of advanced training has become the one-year Higher Library Courses (HLC) at the GBL, the main task of which is to ensure the acquisition of library and bibliographic knowledge by employees with higher non-library education.

The experience of the GBL has shown that building a system of advanced training in one single library cannot solve the general problems that are characteristic of the country as a whole. But he made it possible to see the directions that could be deployed in relation to general principles its construction.

Activation of the learning process by moving from passive, mainly lecture, forms to active ones (problem learning, role-playing games, search for a way out of conflict situations), which originally arose in educational institutions, extends to the system of advanced training.

For this system to really work, its main elements - methodological centers, library personnel, forms and methods of providing methodological assistance - must be interconnected and form a single whole. A stepwise nature of the structure is needed, in which each subsequent step will contain forms and methods aimed at improving and deepening the previously acquired knowledge.

In this article, professional qualifications are considered as a complex characteristic that includes the features of technological training and the personal characteristics of an employee. Their application in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities allows the librarian to perform professional duties at the level of requirements fixed in the documents that regulate its activities. The category of "knowledge", "skills", "abilities" are included in the substructure of personality. Among the personal characteristics are considered those that are necessary for the implementation of a particular activity. Therefore, by the term “training and retraining of personnel”, we mean an integrated system that ensures the actualization, expansion and deepening of existing knowledge, the acquisition of new modern theoretical and practical skills for the rapid adaptation of personnel to constantly changing social and production conditions.

The problem of professional development in recent years began to pay more attention than before.

After a long break, attempts have been resumed to develop models for the qualification of a librarian. Among the interesting works that appeared in the late 1970s, we should mention the article by L. Efimova "Model of qualification of a librarian" (Soviet library science, 1975. No. 4), in which mathematical modeling methods are widely used. To build the model, the necessary statistical material was obtained as a result of a survey of librarians in the network of academic libraries. The qualified card, developed at the NMO BAN USSR, consisted of 20 questions, the answers to which in the aggregate gave a complete description of the employee in relation to his educational background, content labor activity, the forms of advanced training used by him, professional and official growth. The concepts of "qualification" and "level of qualification" are clarified.

As a complex indicator of the level of qualification, the researchers chose the position held. Including a number of features: education, work experience, scientific and methodical activity, as well as socio-psychological signs - job satisfaction, social and social activity, etc.

In addition to questioning, the researchers resorted to the method of expert assessments widely used in sociological research. The results obtained led to the conclusion that the model can be considered a fairly reliable assessment tool, although it is considered by the authors as a preliminary, experimental one.

Despite the established system of traditional forms of advanced training for librarians, many libraries continue to search for non-traditional forms of education. There are regional universities of the rural librarian. There are forms borrowed from the education system, TV, radio. So, for example, “political fights”, “brain ring”, idea auctions”, brainstorming, “aquariums”, “fields of miracles”, etc. appeared and disappeared. Therefore, the interest of practicing librarians in various kinds of business games, problem situations, quizzes and competitions is not accidental. Scenarios of business games and articles describing the experience of using them in professional development are beginning to appear on the pages of special periodicals. However, the authors are not sure about the correctness of their organization. It is no coincidence that one of the articles is called like this6 “Playing, but is it right ...?”

But not only a variety of forms and methods ensure the achievement of the intended goals in the process of advanced training and retraining of personnel. Of no small importance here are the flexibility and dynamism of the content and means of transferring knowledge.

Therefore, the most important activity of advanced training faculties is to equip students with knowledge about the latest information technologies. The lack of acceptable educational and methodological materials devoted to this problem, the insufficient provision of the educational process with modern equipment forced the Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers of the Moscow State University of Education and Science in the classroom at the interuniversity school of the head to discuss issues of management, the implementation of scientific and technological progress and best practices. The Interuniversity Methodological Association checks the activities of libraries. Departments recognized as the best, for example, reader service, acquisition and use of funds, educational, reference and bibliographic, information work, become the basis for conducting schools of excellence. A characteristic omission is a weak understanding of promotion of librarians, heads of sectors, who have been working in one place for many years, are competent and have high professional qualifications. By the way, this shortcoming concerns not only university libraries. The training of a personnel reserve in libraries, in our opinion, is the weakest link in the system of advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Efforts are being made to improve the system of advanced training of personnel in accordance with modern requirements for the qualifications of workers, to the level of their intellectual and cultural development. The directions of these efforts are focused on creating a learning system that can quickly take into account changes in the environment for the functioning of libraries, identify and evaluate innovations in terms of the appropriateness of their inclusion in programs, and establish the dependence of the content of training on the needs of students.

Thus, the main task of the council for advanced training of personnel of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Russian Federation is to ensure the organic unity of the economic and social development staff in terms of staff development and retraining. The Council provides organizational and methodological guidance and Information Support, coordination of the activities of all links in the system of advanced training of personnel of one of the largest libraries in the country, creates conditions for the transition from periodic and continuous production and professional training. Its decisions are obligatory for execution in all departments of the library in the structures.

Council considers projects curricula and advanced training programs for employees and gives opinions on them.

The master plan is prepared taking into account the problem orientation of education, general theoretical training and continuous updating of the practical knowledge of specialists and is carried out at three levels. The first is industrial and vocational training directly in the departments in the areas of library and scientific works. The second is the training of managers and chief specialists at general library courses for special purposes. The third is the training of specialists at the Institute for Advanced Studies, information workers, the People's University for Scientific and Technical Information VINITI, the NTI International Center at the Faculty of Advanced Studies and in the postgraduate studies of the Moscow state university culture, etc.

The system of staff training in order to improve their qualifications in the State Public Library for Science and Technology is supposed to be built based on the following principles: the basis for planning should be the prospective need of library departments for specialists in the context of further improvement of library technology; Determining the need and raising the qualifications of specialists should be based on the knowledge of the general and additional needs for personnel at different levels.

Nevertheless, this is again only good intentions and a declaration of success in the undertakings undertaken.

Thus, the organization of work to improve the qualifications of library personnel for present stage is one of the leading functions of library staff management. The two-level advanced training system (regional and local levels) functioning in our country is focused on solving three interrelated tasks: deepening and updating theoretical knowledge, broadening the general cultural outlook, continuous improvement of the professional training of library specialists, bringing it to the degree of professional excellence. Differentiation as a leading principle is observed in the formation of groups of students and in the organization of classes. For methodological support of the educational process, study guides and recommendations. Various forms of activating the cognitive activity of listeners are being introduced.

On the whole, the following areas of staff development have developed in the modern system of libraries: raising the general theoretical level, expanding and deepening theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of library science. Department of bibliography, book science; functional specialization in the field of librarianship, specific areas of library and bibliographic work; study of the foundations of the scientific organization of labor and management; mastering the means of mechanization and automation of library and bibliographic processes: the acquisition and updating of knowledge in the field of individual branches of science (in connection with the maintenance of funds and specialized services various categories readers, etc.). There is a need to organize an integrated system of training and retraining of personnel.

Thus, it can be stated that in the existing structure there are forms of advanced training and retraining of personnel of various complexity, which are not interconnected and do not provide the possibility of a phased advanced training.

Relevant structures function in the regions and there is no interdepartmental center coordinating their work; there is no interrelationship between advanced training institutions and libraries – carriers of advanced experience, with higher educational institutions of culture in the regions. No attempts are made to create alternative forms of advanced training that provide the trainee with a choice of programs and forms of education.

It is not practiced to draw up and update programs and curricula based on predictive data. Feedback analysis, if carried out, is episodic.

When completing groups, they do not take into account the psychological and pedagogical features of adult education, although they take into account the characteristics of their activities (the staff of the institution, the distribution of functional duties, qualification requirements, etc.).

The results of the analysis show that the problem of advanced training and retraining of personnel is being actively discussed, and there is a need to move from posing the problem to specific proposals, recommendations and proven projects for the formation of the system.

Among the problems to be solved in the near future, the following should be mentioned: planning advanced training and retraining of personnel, taking into account changes in the professional needs of specialists, developing a school of assessments and determining the degree of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, scientific and methodological support for the learning process of students, creating teaching aids taking into account the main goals of self-education, the formation of a problem-oriented database containing bibliographic, factual information on the results of monitoring the state and development trends of library and bibliographic activities, the development in the system of postgraduate education of the function of obtaining new knowledge, knowledge of the scientific sector through the widespread use of seminars-discussions and brainstorming, business, innovative games, etc., development and testing of teaching methods that are actively used in other industries (incident resolution, case analysis, case study.


Now the critical moment has come when it is necessary to take a fresh look at libraries, define functions, tasks, priority, including priority in serving readers, and most importantly, constantly prove to society and taxpayers the importance of libraries for them, the potential of which has been used far to this day. not completely. We need a new philosophy, new thinking in the field of librarianship. There is a need for an information society in which both readers and librarians will be provided with the right to receive any information anywhere in Russia and in other countries. The library must continuously improve the image of the profession, raise the issue of improving the entire system of continuous education: career guidance, secondary and higher specialized education, advanced training of library workers.

The question of the role of a librarian in the society of the future, in the conditions of total informatization, is very acute for the library profession. It should be recognized that, as history shows, certain institutions of the spiritual sphere and the corresponding professions were preserved during historical turns and changes of civilizations, not only when society somehow cared about them, but also when it was completely not up to them. . The condition for the survival of such institutions was their own stability, the ability to resurrect and function again, to grow into society. It can be assumed that it will become more difficult for domestic librarians, and not even because the whole society will feel bad, but for many other reasons. For example, due to the emergence of powerful competitors to libraries in the sphere in which they have grown roots - the spiritual, the penetration into the librarianship itself of those elements that initially seemed alien and were not particularly perceived by librarians: electronics, computers, etc. Now they are accepted, but able to set their rules more broadly.

Speaking about the librarian of the 21st century, it is necessary, first of all, to clarify one of the main prerequisites: the library itself will be preserved in a form close to its classical appearance. As many predict, this social the institution may in the future turn into something completely different from what it is now; all the information available in it will be stored in data banks, in computer memory, and instead of bookshelves, there will be a kind of microcosm that will finally destroy the memory of both the “reader” and the “library”.

In a word, today there is an accelerated pace of technical and material improvement of libraries, the desire to achieve unprecedented comfort, beauty and provide the reader with everything, even opportunities for nervous relaxation. And at the same time, there are many libraries created without any retensions. They are almost the same as in past centuries, only the books preserved in it, published not so long ago and not systematized in the same way as, for example, papyri in Egypt in the era of the Red Kingdom or handwritten folios in Italy at the dawn of the Renaissance in the 14th century. It is clear that, along with that line of development of libraries and, accordingly, the library profession, when modern technology transforms the very foundations of these institutions, the stereotypical library familiar to us will still exist for a long time, albeit with a considerable number of technical devices. Its basis will be supplied by books.

The librarian profession is often fueled by the belief that society will not allow the most valuable heritage it has to go uncared for and perish. And the society, feeling that the guardians of the heritage have such hope, gains confidence that those who are entrusted with this task justify it themselves. There is still a lot to be done for the profession of a librarian to take its rightful place in the hierarchy of the most important professions. Until now, all forces have been directed to survive.

Society has been brought up on the fact that a book is a source of knowledge, the best gift, but we must admit that there is no library idea in our society and our culture yet. there is a reverent feeling for libraries, but there is no rational understanding that the library is the main source of intelligence, without which Russia cannot be raised.

List of used literature

1. Altukhova, G. Conversations about ethics and image // Library. - 1998. - No. 2. - S. 39 - 41

2. Drescher, Yu.M. The modern concept of training a specialist-librarian. - M., 2003. - 247 p.

3. Drescher, Yu.M. Conceptual model in the training of specialists // Library. - 1998. - No. 4. - S. 40 - 42

4. Dvorkina, M.A. Professional values ​​of librarians // World of libraries today: Nauch.-inform. Sat. - Issue. 4. - M., 1996. - S. 50 - 53

5. Zhdanova, T.A. A librarian is a professional: what is he like today? // Librarianship. - 1994. - No. 4. - S. 90 - 97

6. Kuzmin, E.I. We are ready to answer the call of time // Library. - 1994. - No. 9. - S. 8 - 11

7. Kuzmin, E.I. Library Philosopher //Person. - 2000. - No. 6. - S. 60 - 64

8. Zucchini, O.L. Reflections on ethics. (Profession of a librarian). // Library. - 1995. - No. 12. - S. 32 - 35

9. Ligun, T. Universities are changing and libraries are changing with them // Librarianship. - 2003. - No. 10. - S. 8 - 10

10. Leusenko, G. Talent - to be interlocutors // Library. - 1997. - No. 12. - S. 24 - 25

11. Malykhina, T. See yourself through the eyes of others // Library. - 1993. - No. 4

12. Osipova, I.P. Library Personnel: Social Aspects of Renewal // World of Libraries Today. - Issue. 2. - M., 1994. - S. 90 - 104

13. Professional image of a librarian.: (Consultation). - Kurgan, 1993. - 8 p. (Manuscript)

14. Professional Consciousness of Librarians: Proceedings of a Seminar (June 3-4, 1993). - M., 1994. - 118 p.

15. Stelmakh, V.D. What do Russians think about the library? //scientific and technical libraries. - 1993. - No. 9. - S. 32 - 44

16. Status, reputation and image of the library and information profession. – 5 s. - (Code of abstracts, translated from English by I.Yu. Bagrova)

17. Librarian's Handbook / Scientific. ed. A.N. Vaneev, V.A. Minkin. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2002. - 448 p. - (Library)

18. Trapeznikova, L. A new concept of library personnel training //BIS.: Library service. - 1995. - No. 3. - S. 9 - 18

19. Fonotov, G.P. Such is he, the librarian: Popul. A conversation in the form of a dialogue for librarians and not only ... / G.P. Fonotov. - M.: Liberea, 1997. - 176 p.

20. Khaitseva, L.B. Human resources management // World of libraries today. - Issue. 4. - M.1996. – S. 50 – 53



The library is one of the main links in the process of preparing a competent, qualified specialist, who stands out favorably in the modern labor market, it performs its main function - to contribute to the prosperity of the country, its economic, political and spiritual development, the creation of a highly educated society, intelligent in its essence.

N.A. Nazarbayev

The library is a storehouse of reliable and clearly structured information. Librarians perform an honorable mission - they bring people the joy of communicating with a book.Libraries have been and will be repositories of the spiritual and intellectual wealth of the people, since knowledge and science are the main pillar of any state. Only spiritually and intellectually strong people are capable of maintaining unity, harmony and further progressive development of society. This means that librarians need special care, protection and support from the state and each of its citizens individually. A modern librarian is a conscious citizen of his country and a patriot of his profession, therefore, in the system of professional and spiritual and moral education of future specialists, a great place is occupied by the development of a sense of patriotism, which is formed by familiarizing readers with folk customs and traditions, national creativity and art, with the history of the people, current socio-political situation in Kazakhstan.A modern librarian is well versed in modern information technologies, all types of office equipment, video equipment, and a computer.

According to the latest data, there are 12 thousand libraries of various types and types in Kazakhstan, where more than 7 million readers are served, which is almost 50% of the population of Kazakhstan - educated, looking for new ways, being in an active, capable age of people. 7 million readers are served by about 25 thousand librarians, the level of their professional training and the quality of their work determine the public mood of the readership, and hence society as a whole. In conditions when our country is aimed at improving the quality of life, the formation of a positive perception of innovation in society will contribute to the effectiveness of the implementation of government programs. Modern libraries can become excellent conductors of the industrial and innovative development strategy of the republic.

Today it is necessary to create a number of conditions for the professional development of librarians in Kazakhstan in order to improve the quality of library and information services for the population, promote the ideas of the main state programs through mass, exhibition work, holding specialized actions, presentations, discussions. In addition, today the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan sets the task of actively attracting motivated young people to participate in the implementation of the library modernization program in our country. The stake placed on youth as the main conductor of reforms in the field of librarianship will give a powerful impetus to the development of libraries at the level of regions, cities, districts and villages. Today it is essentialto make the profession of a librarian attractive and interesting for young people - the strategic potential for the development of our society.

The relevance of identifying and researching ways to modernize the library industry is due to the need for an adequate response of the library system to the rapid changes in society that impose new requirements on this industry, to increase the degree of prestige of the librarian's work. Technological progress, innovations in the methods of storing and disseminating information, the development of computer technology have an impact on traditional forms and methods of providing required material. The world is on the threshold of the information society, which is changing not only the speed and methods of dissemination of information, but also the very behavior of people. The library, which is traditionally a repository and source of knowledge, cannot stand aside from this process. The library system must find ways to adapt that are adequate to the speed of information technology development, while preserving the accumulated knowledge and values ​​for society.

At the present stage in our country, as in other countries, there is a shortage of professional personnel and a decline in the prestige of the profession. The economic problems of society in the nineties of the last century, which caused a reduction in budget funding, led to a sharp drop in the level of salaries of library workers. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, a crisis of morality manifested itself, when for most people the moral and ideological values ​​traditionally preserved in libraries were relegated to the background. All this significantly reduced the prestige of the work of the librarian, from the consequences of these events library system still hasn't recovered.

In our research, we aim determine the conditions, ways and means of modernizing the library industry through the development of the significance of the library industry. In the course of work, important tasks are solved: analysis current trends social development, the definition of the socio-cultural transformation of the modern library; identification of the main requirements for the social institution of the library in the context of the emerging information society of knowledge; analysis of the socio-cultural changes of the library as social institution; study of the main aspects of the modernization of the library area; identifying paths innovative development libraries of Kazakhstan through the introduction of new technologies, improving information services for citizens of the country, guaranteeing equal access to information and library services, increasing the prestige of the profession of a librarian in society.

Speaking of the library, we mean the society, that is, ourselves... It may sound somewhat pretentious, but the cultural development of society largely depends on the modernization of libraries. A good library can make life fuller, and in this sense it is a very accurate marker.

Today we need to talk not only about the preservation of a huge cultural heritage. Libraries should set ambitious goals for themselves to build a new communication environment to promote this heritage and transform it into a new product of contemporary culture.

The banal “Book is a source of knowledge” acquires a new meaning every day. Indeed, libraries do not lose, but only acquire a new meaning in the information society. History knows no civilizations without libraries.

The new time is a turning point for the library as a cultural and social institution. At the initiative of the Library Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan developed the “Program for the modernization of the library sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, which is aimed at improving the state of library services in the country, computerization of rural libraries, introduction of new information technologies.

For a new personnel policy In the country, the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev also draws our attention. He assigns an important place to young professionals who must play their role in the processes taking place in the country, take an active part in building the future of the nation. Work with the personnel reserve requires a new level, new approaches. At the same time, the personnel situation in the library itself requires the adoption of measures related to the departure of the most promising specialists to other areas with more high pay labor. Vacancies in the library are forced to be filled by specialists without library education. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in recent years admission to library faculties of secondary and higher specialized educational institutions has decreased. All this has led to the fact that the tendency of staff aging is growing in the libraries of Kazakhstan. Today, the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan sets the task of actively attracting motivated young people to participate in the implementation of the "Program for the modernization of the library sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan." Within the framework of this program, such large-scale projects as "Kazakhstan National Electronic Library" (KazNEB), "Kazakhstan Distance Library Academy", "Unified Information Network of Libraries of Kazakhstan" are being implemented. Already in 2007, for the first time at the state level, within the framework of the State Program "Reducing the Information Divide", the project "Formation of an electronic state library fund"Library of Kazakhstan - KazNEB". There is a portal that provides access to electronic copies of books using an electronic catalog in different modes via Internet channels to all citizens of Kazakhstan, regardless of their geographical location and time of day. The state fulfills its conditions for ensuring access to information, for bringing books to in electronic format to every rural library.

In the Program article "Social Modernization: Twenty Steps to the Society of Universal Labor", the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev noted that it is necessary to develop innovative forms of access to intellectual information, to radically expand the fund of the Kazakh National Electronic Library. In fact, it is the electronic brain of the nation. Therefore, all books published under the program of socially significant publications should be included in KazNEB. At the same time, it is necessary to think over mechanisms to stimulate the placement of privately published books in it. This decision, of course, will fill the main electronic book depository. Further improvement of the Kazakh National Electronic Library will unite the public libraries of Kazakhstan into a single information network.

The rapidly changing world places ever-increasing demands on vocational training And functional duties workers in various fields. The library industry in Kazakhstan is actively developing, meeting the needs of a modernizing society.


1. Berdigaliyeva R.A. Young people in librarianship. – 2008. – No. 2/3, spec.issue - P. 3-9.

2 . Iksanova G. Library as a synonym for development // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. - 2013. - No. 79-80 - P. 4.