Compulsory entry. When you don’t need to join the SRO and you don’t need to get permission to work

Does your company need to obtain SRO approval? After the changes introduced by 372-FZ in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, these issues have become even more. In this article, we will consider the 2nd group of persons participating in the construction industry, in which it is now possible to divide the market in terms of the need to obtain membership in the SRO of builders.

Who needs to join the SRO in 2019 (In accordance with 372-FZ of 07/03/2016)

Consider these 2 groups of people.

Companies and individuals who enter into contracts for the preparation project documentation with the developer, technical customer, the person responsible for the operation of the building, structure, regional operator, must be members of self-regulatory organizations in the field of architectural and construction design (Article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

You can work without joining the SRO if:

1. You are a state and municipal institution in case you conclude contracts for the preparation of project documentation with federal authorities executive branch, etc.
2. If in your enterprise the share of state. and municipal organizations is more than 50%.
3. The company is legal entity created by public legal entities.
4. Legal entities, in authorized capitals of which the share of public legal entities is more than fifty percent.

Who needs membership in:

1. IP and Jur. persons entering into contracts for the performance of engineering surveys with a developer, technical customer or a person who has received, in accordance with the Land Code Russian Federation permission to use land or a land plot, which is in state or municipal ownership, for engineering surveys.

Membership in the SRO is not required:

Membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of engineering surveys is not required for the following companies
1. State Unitary Enterprises, Municipal Unitary Enterprises in the event they conclude contracts for engineering surveys with federal executive authorities, state corporations, carrying out legal regulation in the relevant area, bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation.
2. Commercial organizations in the authorized capital of which the share of state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal autonomous institutions is more than fifty percent.
3. Legal entities created by public legal entities.
4. Jur. persons in authorized capital which the share of public legal entities exceeds 50%, in case of conclusion by such commercial organizations contracts for the performance of engineering surveys with the indicated federal executive bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The introduction of a system of permits for certain types of work has become one of the basic principles of the activities of self-regulatory organizations. The control mechanism for companies operating in the construction market was developed in 2008 and edited several times. In accordance with Federal Law No. 315, in order to conduct activities at capital construction facilities, it was necessary to join the SRO and issue permits for the types of work prescribed in Order No. 624.

The law mentioned above solves the following tasks:

  • delineates responsibility between the customer and the contractor;
  • prescribes requirements for contractors;
  • enables responsible companies to receive large orders.

Three types of associations were created: builders, designers and surveyors. For each of them, their own list of works was developed, for which you need to obtain a permit.

The lists include all types of activities that affect the safety of capital construction projects.

An extensive list of types of work for SROs engaged in the construction, repair and reconstruction of buildings is divided into several categories. Their implementation requires obtaining certificates of admission.

The list of types of work for SROs in construction includes:

  1. Geodesy on construction sites: breakdown during the construction of buildings and control of the accuracy of their geometric parameters.
  2. Training. Dismantling of the rear and dismantling of individual building structures (ceilings, flights of stairs, wall panels). Installation of temporary roads for the delivery of materials, installation of railway tracks and stationary supports for tower cranes. Assembly and disassembly of inventory scaffolding.
  3. Excavation. Soil excavation with the involvement of mechanization and hydromechanization means, artificial freezing, work in permafrost conditions, artificial lowering of the groundwater level, compaction of soils with heavy rammers, rollers and specialized machines.
  4. Drilling and construction of wells. The works include installation of casing and production strings, pipe extraction, plugging, drilling of oil and gas and water wells.
  5. Pile work. The list includes the installation of grillage, bored and driven piles, fastening of loose soils by immersing injectors, resinization, silicification, cementation.
  6. The device of reinforced concrete monolithic structures: creation of reinforcing blocks, formwork installation, concrete pouring.
  7. Installation of precast concrete structures: strip foundations, walls, ceilings, bulk blocks (above-ground and buried).
  8. Drilling and blasting at construction sites.
  9. The device of stone structures. In this section - masonry of load-bearing walls and self-supporting partitions made of brick and natural stone, finishing with piece materials, installation of heating stoves.
  10. Installation of metal structures. Works related to the installation, strengthening, dismantling of building envelopes, transport galleries, reservoir structures, mast structures, towers, chimneys, cables and other cable supporting structures.
  11. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of wooden structures. Construction of walls, including from glued beams, assembly of prefabricated prefabricated buildings.
  12. Protection of building structures, equipment and pipelines(except for main and commercial). Works include laying acid-resistant bricks and shaped blocks, lining furnaces, applying coatings from paints and varnishes, metallization, gumming with sheet rubber and liquid mixtures, applying decorative and protective coatings on floors in rooms with aggressive environments, thermal insulation of buildings and pipelines, waterproofing, fire protection .
  13. Roofing from piece, sheet, roll, bulk materials.
  14. Facade facing works: laying of natural and artificial stone, arrangement of a ventilated facade.
  15. Installation of internal engineering networks and equipment in buildings. This includes work on gas supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, laying electrical wiring, low-voltage networks, including the management of life support systems.
  16. Installation of external water supply networks and equipment. The range of works includes pipe laying, installation of shut-off and control valves, installation of manholes, cleaning of the internal space of the pipe, testing of pipelines.
  17. Installation of external sewerage networks. Laying pressure and non-pressure sewer pipes, installation of equipment and stop valves, installation of sewerage wells and drains. This includes work on drainage and installation of filter bases on silt fields and sites.
  18. Installation of external heating networks. The list of works includes the laying of pipelines transporting coolant with temperatures up to 115 °C and above, the installation of shut-off and control valves, metering devices, control automation, the arrangement of wells and heating chambers, and testing of pipelines.
  19. Installation of outdoor gas supply networks(except for main lines).
  20. Installation of an external power supply network. It includes the installation of power transmission towers, the construction of substations, switchgears.
  21. Installation of telecommunication networks: computing, television, telephony, radio.
  22. Installation of objects of use nuclear energy. Their list includes nuclear power plants, weapons complex, particle accelerators, objects of production, enrichment and storage of radioactive materials.
  23. Construction of objects oil and gas industry. This category includes the installation of main pipelines, gas tanks, storage facilities for oil and other hydrocarbons, the installation of crossings at intersections with linear objects and obstacles, the organization of corrosion protection, quality control of welds, and testing. The most difficult works include insertion into main pipelines under pressure, shutdown and plug.
  24. Mounting. The list includes more than 30 types of equipment installation works at various industrial and civil facilities. It includes mechanical, hydraulic, electric power plants of various levels of complexity. The list of objects includes food, oil and gas industries, nuclear power plants and other objects of increased complexity and danger.
  25. Commissioning. The work is related to checking the performance, setting up and launching equipment for industrial and other purposes. The list of objects includes enterprises of metallurgy, energy, mechanical engineering, oil and gas complex.
  26. Construction of roads and airfields. Works may be related to the construction of subgrade, foundations, pavements and markings for motorways and pedestrian roads, runways and other airport infrastructure. This category also includes the arrangement of drainage, catchment and culvert devices.
  27. Laying of railway and tram tracks. The list includes work on the arrangement of intersections with highways, installation of signaling and blocking, electrification. The construction includes the construction of a subgrade, soil stabilization, installation of steel and concrete structures of the upper structure of the railway tracks.
  28. Construction of tunnels and subways. excavation different ways including artificial freezing, grouting, electrochemical fixing, installation of a lowering support.
  29. Mine construction. Driving of workings using the methods described in the previous paragraph.
  30. Installation of bridges, overpasses, flyovers. This category includes works on the construction of transport infrastructure facilities. These can be monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, wooden, stone and steel bridges. The list of works includes laying culverts and trays.
  31. Hydrotechnical and diving works. Their list includes loosening, development and movement of soils under water with issuance to a dump or on floating craft, pile work, drilling of underwater wells, construction of dams and other structures from natural or artificial materials. Work under water may include laying communication and power cables, pipelines, quality control of hydraulic structures.
  32. Construction of industrial furnaces and chimneys. Masonry of blast-furnace and steel-smelting, glass-melting units, electrolytic cells for aluminum production, lining of chimney and ventilation pipes for industrial use.
  33. Building control on works in the construction of buildings and structures. This refers to the control of all activities described above.
  34. Organization of construction. This complex includes all the work that falls on the general contractor at the construction site.

Preparation of project documentation is a rather specific area. Contracting companies are subject to high professional requirements. A qualified design engineer must analyze the results of engineering surveys and provide the builder with a package of documents, in accordance with which all work on the site can be performed. To determine the dimensions, the list of equipment and technologies, to control the progress of construction, to give an accurate forecast of the durability of the structure is far from a complete list of the tasks of an engineer.

Types of design work for SROs working in this area include the following categories:

  1. Preparation of a planning scheme for the organization of the site. It includes the development of a master plan, schemes of linear facilities, the right of way for linear structures.
  2. Preparation of architectural and structural solutions that will be used during construction, reconstruction or repair.
  3. Preparation of information on internal engineering networks, equipment and engineering activities. Internal networks are understood as heating, air conditioning, sewerage, water supply systems, gas pipelines, electrical networks (220 and 380 V), low-voltage networks (telephony, LAN), dispatching systems, automatic control.
  4. Preparation of information on external engineering networks. The scope of work includes the design of power supply networks up to 35 kV, up to 110 kV and more.
  5. Training technological solutions. Works on this type of design affect the list of buildings and structures for the following purposes: residential, public, transport depots, industrial, agricultural, hydraulic, oil and gas, military, nuclear power facilities. The list also includes facilities for the collection, disposal and processing of waste, treatment facilities, subway.
  6. Development of special sections of project documentation: declarations on industrial safety hazardous industries and hydraulic structures, measures for civil defense and protection from man-made and natural emergencies, substantiation of radiation and nuclear protection.
  7. Drawing up projects for dismantling, demolition, conservation and extension of the service life of buildings and structures.
  8. Designing fire prevention measures.
  9. Organization of access to buildings for sedentary citizens.
  10. Inspection of building structures.
  11. Works on the organization of design.

The list of types of work for which a SRO permit is required in the field of engineering surveys turned out to be the shortest. They are divided into the following areas:

  1. Engineering and geodetic. They include the creation of support networks (determining the height of points), surveying buildings for settlement and deformation, topographic survey, work with underground structures, tracing power lines, pipelines and other engineering networks.
  2. Engineering-geological. They include the driving of mine workings with sampling, groundwater analysis, the study of the physical and mechanical properties of soils, the study of geological processes that pose a danger, and the development of recommendations for protection. The survey also includes research in the field of hydrogeology, geophysics, geocryology, seismology, assessment of local soil conditions (microzoning).
  3. Engineering and hydrometeorological. The work includes studies of all water bodies: studies of the processes of changing the channel and contour of the banks, the ice regime, as well as other phenomena and processes that pose a danger to capital construction projects.
  4. Engineering and environmental. The study of pollution of soils, soil, water bodies, air, the study of objects that affect the ecological situation. The work includes sampling and laboratory analysis, the study of flora and fauna, sanitary and biological research. This category also includes work on the study of the radiation environment.
  5. Geotechnical engineering. The work is related to the calculation of pile, strip and other types of foundation. They are carried out as part of engineering and geological surveys or separately, if the territory has already been explored in this regard. The structure includes physical and mathematical modeling of the interaction of structures with soils based on standard and special studies.
  6. Soil Survey Works on which buildings and structures stand.
  7. Organization of engineering surveys.

You can get acquainted with the text of order No. 624 and a complete list of types of work for SROs in construction and other areas.

We select the best SRO

In accordance with the current legislation in the field of self-regulation, membership in an SRO means that the company has the right to perform all the activities specified in the classifier. Specialized permits are issued for work that is carried out at objects of increased complexity or danger or unique sites. Their list is defined in article 48.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

When preparing documentation, situations often arise when the customer and the contractor do not know which category to attribute this or that type of activity to (the names of the work in the order and the official names do not match, the contractor has difficulties with the interpretation of certain terms).

Difficulties arising in the application of classifiers must be resolved in cooperation with the tender platform or competition organizers.

If their explanations do not solve all the issues, or you, as a performer, need additional expert advice, please contact the employees of the SRO Register portal. The objectives of our project include the study of all changes in the legislation governing construction market and informing all interested parties about it. All information can be found on the pages of our website or obtained from a consultant in an online chat.


Currently, the abbreviation "SRO" is increasingly common. Many companies working in the field of construction, engineering and geological surveys, design, energy audit, transport communications already know what it is and are even members of such organizations. This article provides the most accessible information about who an SRO is, who needs to join it and why, what functions are assigned to it.

What is SRO

As stated in the law "On Self-Regulatory Organizations", which entered into force in 2010 (No. 315-F3), all individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities engaged in the types of activities presented in the list legislative act should unite in certain self-regulatory organizations. The main goals and objectives, requirements for SROs and the procedure for their formation are also spelled out in this law.

Thus, the SRO is non-profit association, consisting of a certain number of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, with similar professional skills and engaged in the same type of activity.

These organizations have assumed part of the state functions related to the control and supervision of the work. Thus, the state has relieved itself of responsibility regarding the quality control of the work performed - now they are exclusively engaged in evaluating the finished results.

What does permission mean?

The permit is a document that means permission for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur to conduct certain types of activities. Previously, this document was a license issued by state bodies, but now this permit is issued directly to SRO participants. The certificate is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, and if the participant leaves the SRO, it is canceled.

Having a permit allows the company not only to legally perform certain types of work, but also to take part in government tenders. In addition to the admission itself, the SRO participant receives a certificate after payment of fees and registration of insurance.

What are the functions of the SRO?

To understand the need for SROs, it is important to know the functions that they perform:

  • Develop and set membership rules. The existence of a self-regulatory partnership is carried out on the principle of "One for all and all for one". For dishonest performance of work/rendering of services, any participant may be expelled. All stages of entrepreneurial activity are controlled;
  • Disciplinary liability for violation of SRO standards. All complaints received against the performers are considered by the participants. If the work is performed poorly, penalties are taken;
  • Permission contentious issues by creating arbitration courts;
  • Analysis of reporting provided by partnership participants. SRO can be compared with a small state - the organization is responsible for maintaining documentation, the quality of work performed and services provided;
  • Representing the interests of SRO participants, defending the legitimacy of their actions in case of questions from the state authorities;
  • Training of participants, advanced training and certification. Before accepting new members, they are carefully checked. At the slightest doubt in business abilities, candidates are refused;
  • Control the activities of all participants by creating norms and standards that all members of the organization should be guided by.


The state, shifting part of its functional duties strives to improve the quality of work performed. But in order to realize this possibility, a self-regulatory organization must have certain rights, namely:

  • Challenging decisions and acts of state bodies;
  • Participation in the creation of federal laws that are directly related to the activities of the organization;
  • Proposal to government agencies of the developments of their organization;
  • Other rights developed by the SRO and enshrined in their documents.


In addition to rights, SROs have a number of obligations prescribed by Russian law:

  • Training and certification of members of the organization;
  • Certification of products manufactured by SRO members;
  • Monitoring the performance of work by all members of the SRO;
  • Development of normative documentation regulating the activities of the partnership;
  • Consideration of all complaints received against SRO participants, entailing a violation of both partnership standards and the regulatory legislation of the Russian Federation.

Documentary regulation

Like any other organization, the SRO develops certain regulations on the basis of which its functioning is carried out. Depending on the field of activity, there may be differences in names and quantity, therefore, this article provides generalized names of papers regulating the work of SROs:

  • A document that sets out the requirements for SRO participants that must be met in order to obtain admission;
  • Regulations on the control of participants' activities. It is spelled out who controls entrepreneurs and how;
  • A document that spells out the responsibility of the parties in case of violation of the organization's standards.

Organization structure

Each self-regulatory organization has its own structure. In most cases, the hierarchy is standard. So, at the head of any SRO is the president, followed by the board, and the main governing body is the assembly.

The meeting of SRO members is responsible for the selection of board members and the president. The President has significant powers, however, all decisions are made by the members of the meeting. Board elections are held every 2 years. Its members carry out the day-to-day affairs of the organization.

Who joins the SRO?

The legislation on self-regulatory partnerships contains a list of all types of activities that, in without fail membership required. In a summary form, this list is presented in the following areas:

  • Design;
  • Transport;
  • Construction;
  • Energy audit;
  • Engineering and geological surveys.

It follows from this: if the company will provide services for the design of structures or conduct survey work, it is necessary to join the SRO, otherwise the activity will be declared illegal.

How to join the SRO?

To become a member of the partnership, you must:

  • Choose a profile company;
  • Submit an application for membership along with a documentation package;
  • Make an entrance fee and a contribution to the CF;
  • Pay for civil liability insurance;
  • Provide documents regarding the staffing and their respective qualifications.

Many are frightened by the impressive package of documentation that needs to be issued when joining the SRO. As practice shows, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists, which will save time and nerves.

Reasons for exclusion

There are few reasons for exclusion from the SRO, however, they are quite significant:

  • Refusal to pay monthly fees;
  • Lack of work permits;
  • Damage to third parties.

Participation Benefits

Of course, self-regulating partnerships impose serious requirements on their participants, but at the same time, the latter receive a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Trust of customers and partners;
  • Opportunity to train their specialists in special advanced training programs;
  • SRO defends the interests of its members in the event of litigation and contentious issues;
  • In case of incurring losses from third parties, all expenses are covered by the compensation fund;
  • Information and legal support for SRO members;
  • Opportunity to share experiences among participants.

SRO in construction

Construction is a field of activity, for work in which it is necessary to be a member of the SRO and have a work permit. Such partnerships are often created on the initiative of entrepreneurs, registration is carried out through the tax authorities. The smallest number of SRO participants is 50 private entrepreneurs and legal entities.


By obliging individual entrepreneurs to unite in self-regulatory partnerships, the state planned to significantly improve the quality of services provided, and today we can say that SROs are successfully coping with this task. The development of self-regulatory organizations continues, because all participants are interested in this. Becoming a member of the SRO is quite difficult, but losing the status is easy. Therefore, it is important for participants to maintain their position and authority.

SRO is non-commercial partnership, whose main task is to regulate the activities of members of the association. Deciphering the abbreviation SRO is a self-regulatory organization.

The main provisions on what an SRO is are set out in the text of Law No. 315-FZ “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”, adopted in 2007. The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation stipulates which enterprises should join the SRO and the requirements for them, the rights and obligations of organizations and other aspects are indicated.

What is SRO for?

Since January 2009, the state has transferred to self-regulatory organizations part of its functions of supervision and control over the conduct of activities by construction companies. SROs serve for quality new organization supervisory activities. For example, in the past, in order for a company to undertake the construction of a building, it had to obtain a license from the state to carry out certain types of work. Now the contractor receives a permit from the SRO.

Types of SROs in the construction industry

Self-regulatory organizations are formed according to the principle of the main activity of the participating companies. So, they distinguish:

SRO in construction - members of the organization are engaged in construction work, reconstruction and overhaul of various facilities. Such SROs develop regulations according to Art. 55.5 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and also monitor their implementation.

SRO in design - members of these organizations have the right to develop architectural and construction projects.

SROs in surveys (engineering) - the participants of these organizations are engaged in carrying out work on the analysis of conditions on land plots for construction, approving the possibility of using these sites, as well as further design and construction.

All existing SROs, as well as their participants, are entered in a special State Register. In case of violations, they can be excluded from it. The register is in the public domain, therefore, before starting cooperation with any company, you can easily check its belonging to the SRO and the validity of the organization itself.

What is an SRO permit

The SRO permit is a document that confirms the company's right to carry out certain types of work. Such documents are issued by self-regulatory organizations after a thorough study of the activities of participants and their business reputation. The SRO is interested in accepting into its ranks and issuing permits only to credible organizations, since it is the self-regulatory organization that will be responsible in case of any problems.

To join the SRO and obtain admission, you must provide a list of documents not only about the company itself, but also about the professional level of employees. The main list is fixed by law, however, SROs themselves have the right to require additional documents. For example, a number of SROs require documentation of completed projects, customer reviews, and so on.

The effect of the SRO admission is not limited by any time frame. An enterprise can carry out its activities as long as it is a member of the organization.

Types of tolerances

According to the type of permit, there are two types of certificates issued by the SRO:

  • tolerances confirming the company's right to carry out standard work;
  • permits that allow work to be carried out in difficult conditions or at hazardous facilities.

Depending on the specialization, different kinds tolerances:

  • tolerances for drawing up project documentation;
  • permits for engineering work;
  • permits for the implementation of restoration, repair and construction work at various facilities.

Each field of activity implies the obligatory observance of certain instructions, rules and requirements, which is secured by a permit. The certificate also confirms compliance with the level vocational education employees of the company and their ability to perform or manage certain types of work.

Benefits of having a permit

First of all, the SRO approval is a confirmation of the technical, financial and professional capabilities of the company to carry out specific work.

The SRO permit allows:

  • gather highly qualified specialists in one company;
  • improve the quality of services provided;
  • to protect the interests of SRO member companies, and also makes their cooperation with each other more convenient and useful.

Control over the activities of SROs and the issuance of permits is carried out by state authorities.

Compared to previously issued state construction licenses, the permit has a number of unconditional advantages:

  • to obtain it, you must provide a minimum of documents that do not need to be certified by a notary;
  • registration of the certificate takes a minimum of time;
  • upon receipt of a repeated certificate, accelerated procedures are provided;
  • the professional area of ​​responsibility of contractors is growing.

Most of the documents that must be provided for admission are applications and questionnaires. When applying for admission, a complete list of all types of operations performed by the enterprise, information about the qualification level of employees, insurance policies and other important information is also provided.

Termination of the SRO permit

The provided certificate (if it is not temporary) does not have any temporal or territorial restrictions on its validity. However, there are a number of cases where its action can be stopped:

In the event of the company's voluntary withdrawal from the association;

If there is another permit certificate received from another SRO;

In case of non-elimination of identified violations in the company's activities during its audit;

When bringing the company to disciplinary liability;

With appropriate court decision.

Carrying out activities without permission

The need to obtain permits for design, engineering and construction companies is determined by the specifics of their work, the quality of which depends on the reliability of facilities under construction and the safety of people.

If an enterprise operates without a permit and is not a member of a self-regulatory organization, then this may have a number of consequences for it:

If the quality of the work performed by the company can affect the safety of the building, then it is brought to administrative responsibility and fined;

If people were injured during the work, then the company is held criminally liable;

If professional standards have been repeatedly violated, the company may be liquidated.

In view of such prospects, before starting construction work, it is necessary to check the availability of all necessary permits.

SRO functions

The main functions of self-regulators include:

  • drawing up requirements for companies wishing to join the SRO, as well as the implementation professional activity within the organization;
  • appointment and application of disciplinary actions against participants within the framework of the law;
  • resolution of disputes through arbitration courts between members of the organization, participants and customers and other persons provided for by law;
  • representing and protecting the interests of companies before local and state authorities;
  • control and analysis of the activities of participants based on the reports they provide;
  • organization of training, advanced training, certification of employees, certification of goods and services of companies;
  • information support of participants, publication of information about the activities of companies in the prescribed manner.

Rights and obligations of the SRO

Self-regulatory organizations, having received a number of functions from the state, also acquired a number of rights and obligations. Their main rights include:

  • the possibility of challenging the decisions of all state bodies;
  • participation in drafting federal laws directly related to the activities carried out;
  • providing state bodies with their own developments and proposals for the development of the industry.

The obligations of the SRO are prescribed in the legislation and include regular monitoring of the activities of all participants, as well as monitoring the compliance of participants with the requirements of the law.

Joining the SRO

The future of the company largely depends on the choice of SRO, therefore it is so important to approach this issue with all seriousness and thoroughness.

How to choose an SRO

The process of searching for and selecting an SRO may take a different amount of time depending on the region and the number of self-regulatory organizations present on its territory. When studying information about associations, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. List of participants. Namely, whether there are large companies among them. In their absence, it is necessary to carefully study the activities of this SRO.
  2. Reviews. If there are complaints about the activities of the SRO, then the reviews will be able to provide basic information about this. You can also read reviews about the work of participating companies. There is usually a lot of such information, and it is quite revealing.
  3. SRO requirements for new members. The conditions should not be too complicated, since it will be problematic to be a member of this SRO with strict requirements.
  4. Site layout. Design is a matter of taste, but the main thing is the content. It is important how complete the information is presented there, how regularly it is updated, whether news is written. Responsible SROs tend to maintain the site diligently.

The more information you can collect about the activities of the SRO, the more complete picture of the organization you can get. And, accordingly, less likely to choose an incompetent self-regulatory organization.

How to join the SRO

As a rule, the procedure for joining a self-regulatory organization is described in detail on its website, along with a complete list of requirements for applicants.

Usually, the entry procedure goes according to the following algorithm:

  1. Filing an application.
  2. Making an entrance fee and a contribution to the compensation fund.
  3. Payment insurance premium civil liability.
  4. Submission of all documents confirming the professional level of the company and employees.

There are many on the market law firms, which provide services for filling out and preparing a package of documents for entry. Contacting such a company greatly facilitates the process of obtaining an admission.

Entry fees

According to the legislation, the SRO provides for several types of contributions. In different self-regulators, the amount and procedure for payment may vary.

Entrance fee.

Produced once upon joining the organization. If within a month the entry into the SRO is postponed, the fee is returned. The amount of the contribution can reach 100 thousand rubles or more, but the usual practice is a contribution in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. Also, a number of self-regulating organizations canceled the entrance fee to attract new members. The installment of the amount of contributions is made every year on general meeting organizations.

Membership fee.

Regular monthly contributions range from 3 to 25 thousand. The amount can be changed at the general meeting, but not more than once a year. Failure to pay membership dues may be grounds for exclusion from the association.

contributions to the compensation fund.

The Compensation Fund is the funds of all participants in the organization intended to pay compensation in the event that one of the participants has caused damage to the customer or a third party through its activities.

In 2016, a number of significant amendments to the urban planning legislation were adopted, including those relating to the amount of contributions to compensation funds.

In construction and design, the amount depends on the value of the estimated amounts of contracts; in survey SROs, the amount is constant (for more details, see Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1. Contributions to the Compfund* (CF) for construction companies

Table 2. Contributions to the Compfund* (CF) for designers and surveyors

* All contributions are indicated taking into account the amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, which entered into force in July 2016.

** Contributions to the Compensation Fund of contractual obligations are paid only if contracts for the performance of work by a builder, designer, surveyor will be concluded on a competitive basis (tenders, auctions). If not, then only the Indemnity Compensation Fund is paid.

In addition, every year the participants need to pay for the renewal of the insurance contract for the SRO. As a rule, the amount is from 5 to 20 thousand rubles.

As additional contributions, the SRO may assign payments to various funds or organizations. Their payment is also required.

Exclusion from SRO

As already mentioned, the company can be excluded from the SRO. An exception may be considered if:

Failure to pay monthly dues;

When performing work not covered by the permit.

The decision to expel from the organization can be made and approved only at the general meeting.

By transferring part of its functions to self-regulators and making their membership mandatory for construction companies, the state was able to create conditions for a more comfortable and quality work enterprises. SROs have become not only an effective controlling tool, but also stimulators for the development of the industry.

For all questions about joining the SRO and obtaining admission, you can always contact the specialists of the company "

read also

For certain types of work, a building permit is not required. Whether SRO approval is needed for your organization can be understood by reading the list below.

These types of work do not require SRO approval for two reasons:

  • if they are performed at simple facilities and are NOT carried out at especially dangerous, technically complex and unique facilities.
  • if these works, in principle, do not relate to capital construction. The list of types of work related to capital construction can be found in Order No. 624 of the Ministry of Regional Development dated December 30, 2009. Types of work NOT related to the cap. construction, listed on this page, are drawn up "from the opposite", referring to order 624 and are not spelled out anywhere in the legislation.

List of types of work that do not affect the safety of capital construction facilities and which do not require a permit from the SRO

1.1.1. Installation of electric lighting systems for temporary buildings.

1.1.2. Installation of temporary protective fences.

1.1.3. Geodetic center base for construction.

1.1.4. Geodetic control of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings (structures).

1.1.5. Marking work in the process of construction (permission is needed only when working on especially dangerous objects).

1.1.6. Cleaning of premises and territory (cleaning) after construction and repair work

1.2. Demolition and demolition works:

1.2.1. Dismantling (dismantling) of buildings and structures, walls, ceilings, flights of stairs, landings, steps, dismantling of window, door and gate openings, partitions, suspended ceilings and other structural and related elements or parts thereof. (Permission is required only when working on especially dangerous objects).

1.2.2. Breaking walls, arrays, ceilings, punching nests.

1.2.3. Dismantling of the ground part of industrial buildings.

1.2.4. Dismantling of sidewalks, floors, roofing and cladding.

1.2.5. Dismantling of industrial furnaces.

1.2.6. Dismantling of lining of tunnels from cast-iron tubings.

1.2.7. Dismantling of metal columns, beams and frames.

1.2.8. Dismantling of contact network supports.

1.2.9. Land clearing and preparation for development.

1.2.10. Installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological garbage chutes (permission is needed only when working on especially dangerous objects).

1.2.11. Construction of temporary: roads; sites; engineering networks and structures.

1.3. Works on the development of excavations, vertical planning, compaction of soils of natural occurrence and arrangement of soil cushions:

1.3.1. Development of soil by excavators in excavations, pits, trenches and dump or embankment.

1.3.2. Soil excavation by excavators with loading onto a railway or automobile transport and export.

1.3.3. Development and movement of soil by bulldozers and scrapers.

1.3.4. Digging holes in a mechanized way, digging trenches with an excavator and ditcher.

1.3.5. Paving slopes with stone and slabs with stops.

1.3.6. Strengthening drainage channels with trays - gutters, boards, shields and mats with heads.

1.3.7. Soil compaction with rollers, compactors or heavy rammers.

1.3.8. Loosening of frozen soil with a wedge - a woman, rippers and drilling rigs.

1.3.9. Backfilling of soil manually with compaction by electric or pneumatic rammers.

1.4. Works on the construction of sinkholes and caissons:

1.4.1. Lowering a well with mechanized excavation.

1.4.2. Lowering the well manually.

1.5.1. Assembly of residential and public buildings from factory-made parts of a complete delivery.

1.5.3. Assembly of coverings and ceilings.

1.5.4. Installation of wooden structures, frames, rafters, chairs, beams, arches, trusses and panels.

1.5.5. Installation of visors, backlash - closets, fire boxes, tables.

1.5.6. Installation of rows, arrangement and development of stocks.

1.5.7. Installation of conductors, ladder ladders, running boards, barriers.

1.5.8. Arrangement of walls from wooden structures and parts.

1.6. Works on the installation of light enclosing structures:

1.6.1. Installation of wood concrete and asbestos-cement slabs and wall panels, coatings.

1.6.2. Installation of walls, ceilings, partitions and umbrellas from asbestos-cement sheets according to the finished frame.

1.6.3. Installation of sprinkler blocks from asbestos-cement sheets.

1.7. Works on the device of stone structures:

1.7.1. Installation of brick structures, including those with cladding (permission is needed only when working on especially dangerous objects).

1.7.2. Installation of partitions made of bricks, ceramic stones, piece gypsum and lightweight concrete slabs.

1.7.3. Jumper installation.

1.7.4. Arrangement of structures of buildings and structures made of natural and artificial stones, including those with cladding (permission is needed only when working on especially dangerous objects).

1.7.5. Wall masonry made of ceramic stones, foam concrete, aerated concrete and expanded clay concrete blocks.

1.7.6. Masonry structures made of natural and artificial stone.

1.7.7. Installation of circles and formwork for laying arches, vaults and walls of industrial furnaces.

1.7.8. Laying of foundations, basement walls, retaining walls, laying of workings with rubble stone.

1.7.9. Brick laying of channels, pits, furnaces, hearths, chimneys with cuttings.

1.8. Works on shielding rooms and arrangement of expansion joints:

1.8.1. Sealing of horizontal and vertical joints and seams between panels, windows, doors.

1.8.2. The device of deformation and anti-seismic seams.

1.8.3. Screening of floors, walls, doors, ceilings with copper or steel sheets and mesh.

1.8.4. Installation of protective steel meshes.

1.8.5. Sheathing of walls and roofing of workings with sheet steel.

1.9.1. Installation of roofs from piece and sheet materials (permission is needed only when working on especially dangerous objects).

1.9.2. The device of self-leveling roofs (permission is needed only when working on especially dangerous objects).

1.9.3. Asbestos cement roofing.

1.9.4. The device of roofs from a tile with the device of an obreshetka.

1.9.5. The device of rolled roofs (permission is needed only when working on especially dangerous objects).

1.9.6. The device of roofs from bituminous mastic with laying of fiberglass mesh or fiberglass.

1.9.7. The device of small roofing coverings and linings on the facades of roofing iron.

1.9.8. Installation of gutters with overhangs and roof railings.

1.9.9. Priming of bases and vapor barrier device.

1.10. Anti-corrosion protection of building structures and equipment:

1.10.1. Painting surfaces with varnishes, paints, enamels.

1.10.2. Coloring steel structures, including bridges, supports, masts, towers.

1.10.3. Hydrophobization and fluatization of the surface.

1.10.4. Impregnation of crushed stone with mastic "BITUMINOL N-2".

1.11. Works on thermal insulation of building structures, pipelines and equipment:

1.11.1. Works on thermal insulation of pipelines.

1.11.2. Surface coating of pipeline insulation with asbestos-cement casings, glass cement, fiberglass, fiberglass.

1.11.3. Pipeline insulation surface coating sheet metal or aluminum corrugated sheets.

1.11.4. Surface coating of pipeline insulation, wrapping and pasting the insulation with films, fabrics, roll materials.

1.12. Do I need a permit from the SRO for plumbing work? Works on the arrangement of internal engineering systems and equipment for which SRO approval is not required:

1.12.1. Laying of internal wiring.

1.12.2. The device of the power supply system with voltage up to 1 kV inclusive.

1.12.3. Installation of input - switchgear.

1.12.4. Installation of distribution and lighting shields, terminal boxes and taps.

1.12.5. Installation of cabinets, consoles, racks.

1.12.6. Installation of knife switches, switches, automatic air devices, plug devices.

1.12.7. Installation of ballast and guide equipment.

1.12.8. Installation of electrical appliances and meters.

1.12.9. Installation of grounding conductors.

1.12.10. Installation of insulators.

1.12.11. Laying of cables fixed on a cable or staples.

1.12.12. The device of electrical and other control networks for life support systems of buildings and structures.

1.12.13. Installation of a lightning rod, cable platform, manholes, steps, control and break point on the supports and roofs of buildings.

1.12.14. Installation of lightning protection parts for beam and loop grounding.

1.12.15. Installation of short-circuiters, disconnectors, switches, arresters for voltage up to 750 kV.

1.12.16. Installation of accumulators, alkaline batteries with charging.

1.12.17. Installation of electric heaters, electric stoves.

1.12.18. Installation of embedded and selected devices of automation systems, fire extinguishing installations, equipment for grease lubrication systems.

1.12.19. Filling containers with foaming agent.

1.12.20. Installation of fans and ventilation units, supply irrigation chambers, maintenance, leveling, recirculation.

1.12.21. Installation and dismantling of the ventilation and air conditioning system.

1.12.22. Installation of heaters and air heaters.

1.12.23. Installation of filters, scrubbers, cyclones.

1.12.24. Installation of air collectors from steel pipes and air vents and hydraulic locks.

1.12.25. Installation and dismantling of the heating system.

1.12.26. Installation of heating water and steam boilers.

1.12.27. Installation of heating cast-iron sectional steam boilers.

1.12.28. Installation and dismantling of the water supply and sewerage system.

1.12.29. Laying of pipelines from plastic and metal-plastic pipes.

1.12.30. Laying of pipelines from non-ferrous metals and cast iron.

1.12.31. Laying of pipelines from steel pipes, with welding of joints and installation of bends.

1.12.32. Laying of pipelines from steel pipes with flanges and welded joints from finished units and parts.

1.12.33. Installation of shut-off, control and safety valves on internal networks.

1.12.34. Installation of water meter units, metering units and water meters.

1.12.35. Installation of compensators.

1.12.36. Installation of elevator units.

1.12.37. Installation of pointing devices (pressure gauges, thermometers, level indicators, air valves).

1.12.38. Installation of pressure and reduction regulators.

1.12.39. Installation of centrifugal pumps with piping.

1.12.40. Installation of filters, water and oil separators, compensators, bypass devices when laying pipelines.

1.12.41. Installation of water filters, softeners and water composition adjustments.

1.12.42. Installation of high-speed and capacitive water heaters, installation of boilers.

1.12.43. Insertion and connection of pipelines to existing pipelines.

1.12.44. Installation of risers in finished channels on floors with the installation of shields.

1.12.45. Installation of steam and water distribution combs from steel pipes.

1.12.46. Installation of distributing boxes, equipment exhausts, brackets, supports, vibration-isolating bases, valves, dampers, hermetic doors and hatches.

1.12.47. Inserting fittings and tees into existing networks, disconnecting and plugging gas pipelines (if there are specialists who have received permission from Rostekhnadzor for this type of activity).

1.12.48. Testing hydraulic and pneumatic pipelines in compliance with the requirements of Rostekhnadzor for this type of activity.

1.13. Works on installation of external engineering networks and communications:

1.13.1. The device of power supply networks with voltage up to 1 kV inclusive.

1.13.2. The device of external communication lines, including telephone, radio and television.

1.13.3. Installation of pipelines by horizontal directional drilling.

1.14. Do I need a permit from the SRO for installation work? Works on the installation of technological equipment for which SRO approval is not required:

1.14.1. Installation of electrical installations.

1.14.2. Installation of compressor machines, pumps, general purpose pumping units and fans.

1.14.3. Installation of compressor units and expanders piston, centrifugal.

1.14.4. Installation of ventilation equipment.

1.14.5. Installation of communication equipment, telephone exchanges and switches of the MB system for directorial, dispatching and office communications and telephone and quasi-telephone exchanges.

1.14.6. Installation of instruments, means of automation and computer technology.

1.14.7. Installation of indicators, sensors, signaling devices of various parameters.

1.14.8. Hardware Installation operational control and management, collection and transmission of initial information.

1.14.9. Installation of panels, shields, tripods, consoles.

1.14.10. Installation of video surveillance systems.

1.14.11. Installation of control systems and access restrictions.

1.14.12. Installation of equipment for electrical alarm, fire, calling and remote signaling with blocking surfaces.

1.14.13. Installation of equipment for agricultural production.

1.14.14. Installation of equipment for food industry enterprises.

1.14.15. Installation of equipment for enterprises in the communications industry.

1.15.16. Installation of communication equipment for mines and railway transport.

1.15.17. Installation of equipment for electronic industry enterprises.

1.15.18. Installation of equipment for enterprises and facilities consumer services and public utilities.

1.15.19. Installation of equipment for healthcare institutions and medical industry enterprises.

1.15.20. Installation of equipment for cinematography enterprises.

1. 15. Is SRO approval required for commissioning? Commissioning works for which SRO approval is not required:

1.15.1. Commissioning of electrical devices.

1.15.2. Commissioning of automation in power supply.

1.15.3. Commissioning works automated systems control, signaling and interconnected devices.

1.15.4. Commissioning works software computing complexes.

1.15.5. Start-up and adjustment works of autonomous adjustment of systems.

1.15.6. Commissioning works of complex adjustment of systems.

1.15.7. Commissioning and testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

1.15.8. Commissioning of refrigeration units.

1.15.9. Commissioning of heat power equipment.

1.15.10. Commissioning of hot water boilers.

1.15.11. Commissioning of boiler-auxiliary equipment.

1.16. Do I need a SRO permit for glazing? Glazing work that is not needed:

1.16.1. Installation of window and door blocks.

1.16.2. Double and triple glazing, including double-glazed windows, window and balcony blocks.

1.16.3. The glazing is single, including double-glazed windows, bindings of greenhouses, industrial buildings and partitions.

1.16.4. Glazing of door panels and stained glass windows.

1.16.5. Coating of roofs, walls, partitions with polymeric materials.

1.16.6. The device of entrance groups.

1.16.7. Installation of office partitions.

1.17. Do I need a SRO permit for finishing and plastering work? The work listed below does not require an SRO permit:

1.17.1. Plastering of internal and external surfaces of buildings.

1.17.2. Solid leveling and preparation of surfaces for painting or wallpapering.

1.17.3. Plastering of facade surfaces on stone and concrete.

1.17.4. Plastering ovens with clay mortar.

1.17.5. Plaster and screed X-ray protective.

1.18. Construction of bases, coverings and floors:

1.18.1. Screed device.

1.18.2. The device of floors from linoleum and plastics.

1.18.3. Arrangement of parquet, panel and plank floors.

1.18.4. Installation of floors from ceramic, porcelain stoneware, granite and marble slabs.

1.18.5. The device of floors seamless, polymeric, polymeric.

1.18.6. Installation of epoxy self-leveling floors.

1.18.7. The device of sports floor coverings.

1.18.8. Device of artificial lawns and sports surfaces of stadiums and sports grounds.

1.18.9. Installation of floors and window sills from concrete and mosaic tiles.

1.18.10. The device of coverings from a cobble stone and a stone blocks.

1.18.11. The device of the soil bases, earthen and crushed stone coverings.

1.18.12. Installation of floors from cast-iron and steel stamped tiles.

1.18.13. Installation of asphalt concrete and xylolite pavements.

1.19. Do I need a SRO permit for facing work? SRO approval is not required for this list of cladding works:

1.19.1. Facing surfaces with gypsum and gypsum-fiber sheets.

1.19.2. Surface cladding with ceramic tiles.

1.19.3. Surface cladding with marble, artificial marble, granite, artificial granite.

1.19.4. Installation of false ceilings.

1.19.5. Wall cladding with siding.

1.19.6. Wall covering composite materials and plastic.

1.19.7. Wall cladding with wall and ceiling panels, clapboard, false beams.

1.19.8. Facing stoves and hearths with tiles.

1.19.9. Cladding of wall and ceiling frames with acoustic boards and materials.

1.19.10. Facing surfaces of walls, columns, pilasters with natural and artificial stone.

1.19.11. Cladding of wall and ceiling surfaces with chipboard, fibreboard and plywood.

1.19.12. Cladding of walls and ceilings with duralumin sheets.

1.19.13. Works on the installation of walls from panels of the "SANDWICH" type and sheet assembly.

1.19.14. Installation of ventilated facades.

1.20. Do you need stucco work? The ones listed below are not.

1.20.1. Installation of polymer, gypsum and cement molded parts.

1.20.2. Installation of polymer, plaster and cement piece parts, rosettes, capitals, bases, cones, crackers, brackets, lattices, vases, coats of arms.

1.21. Other finishing, painting and wallpaper works:

1.21.1. Installation of doors, design of doorways.

1.21.2. Stretch ceilings.

1.21.3. Installation commercial equipment, shelving and railings.

1.21.4. Warehouse equipment.

1.21.5. Installation of lamps and lighting equipment.

1.21.6. Installation of outdoor lighting devices for buildings and structures.

1.21.7. Installation of plumbing fixtures.

1.21.8. Installation of sanitary partitions.

1.21.9. Installation of safes.

1.21.10. Painting facades and exterior surfaces of buildings.

1.21.11. Painting of external surfaces of reinforced concrete structures.

1.21.12. Interior painting.

1.21.13. Pasting walls, ceilings with wallpaper, linkrust, fabrics, cork and other materials

1.22. Do I need a SRO permit for the installation of fences and fences? SRO approval is not required for the installation of fences on the list

1.22.1. Installation of manual, mechanical and automatic barriers, gates, gates, turnstiles, chain barriers.

1.22.2. The installation of protective and decorative fences, fences, gates from various materials, except for protective fences and elements of the construction of highways and building envelopes and structures.

1.22.3. The device of protective and protective and decorative protections of windows.

1.22.4. Installation of snow shields and fences with their manufacture.

1.22.5. Installation of additional reinforced concrete pillars.

1.23. Landscaping, protective and fruit plantations, landscaping:

1.23.1. Planting trees and shrubs with the preparation of seats and planting material.

1.23.2. Planting seedlings and seedlings.

1.23.3. Forest planting of seedlings and saplings is mechanized.

1.23.4. Arrangement of lawns, flower beds and care for them.

1.23.5. Aeroseeding of coniferous trees.

1.23.6. Care of trees and shrubs.

1.23.7. Soil cultivation, including fertilization.

1.23.8. The device of systems of watering and irrigation.

1.23.9. Installation and dismantling of tapestries, racks, poles, anchors and braces.

1.23.10. Covering terraces with wooden and composite flooring.

1.23.11. The device of greenhouses from various materials.

1.23.12. Arrangement of playgrounds, places of leisure and recreation, places of public use.

1.23.13. Installation of small architectural forms, fountains, artificial reservoirs.

1.23.14. Arrangement of garbage containers.

1.24. Construction of road bases and pavements, with the exception of motor roads and airfields:

1.24.1. Arrangement of paving and mosaic pavements, platforms, paths

1.24.2. Installation of concrete slab sidewalks and paths

1.24.3. Asphalt leveling device

1.24.4. The device of the bases and coverings from asphalt concrete mix

1.24.5. Installation of cement-concrete bases and coatings

1.24.6. Installation of side stones

1.24.7. blind area device

1.24.8. Maintenance and road maintenance

1.24.9. The device of the bases and coverings from sand and gravel mix

1.24.10. The device of the bases and coverings of crushed stone

1.24.11. Arrangement of soil-bitumen and soil-cement bases and coatings

1.24.12. Paving of natural stone surfaces

1.25. Does the customer need a SRO permit? Works on the organization of construction, reconstruction and overhaul by a developer or customer engaged on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general contractor), for which SRO approval is not required:

1.25.1. Enterprises and objects of light industry

1.25.2. Enterprises and objects of the food industry

1.25.3. Enterprises and objects of agriculture and forestry

1.25.4. Enterprises and public transport facilities

1.26. Building engineering:

1.26.1. Drawing up estimates for the construction and calculations of the estimated cost of the facility



  • construction of a garage on the land provided to an individual for purposes other than implementation entrepreneurial activity, or construction on a land plot provided for gardening, dacha farming (Objects for which a building permit is not required in accordance with part 17 of article 51 Urban Planning Code Russian Federation);
  • construction, reconstruction of objects that are not capital construction objects (kiosks, sheds and others) (objects for which a construction permit is not required in accordance with part 17 of article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation);
  • construction on the land plot of buildings and structures for auxiliary use (objects for which the issuance of a construction permit is not required in accordance with part 17 of article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation);
  • changes in capital construction objects and (or) their parts, if such changes do not affect the design and other characteristics of their reliability and safety and do not exceed the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction established by the urban planning regulations (Objects for which a building permit is not required in accordance with part 17 of article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation);
  • in other cases, if in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on town planning activities, obtaining a building permit is not required (Objects for which a building permit is not required in accordance with Part 17 of Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation);
  • objects of individual housing construction (detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for no more than two families) (Clause 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 N 624);
  • residential buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed ten and each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall (common walls) without openings with the neighboring block or neighboring blocks, is located on a separate land plot and has access to a common area (residential buildings of blocked development) (P. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 N 624);
  • apartment buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of one or more block sections, the number of which does not exceed four, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area ( Clause 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 N 624)

2.1. Do I need an SRO permit for earthworks? Earthworks for which SRO approval is not required:

2.1.1. Soil development by hydromechanization.

2.1.2. Works on artificial freezing of soils.

2.1.3. Mechanized loosening and development of permafrost soils.

2.1.4. Laying drainage pipes at construction sites.

2.2. Pile work. Soil fixing:

2.2.1. Pile work performed from the ground, including in sea and river conditions.

2.2.2. Pile work performed in frozen and permafrost soils.

2.2.3. Grill device.

2.2.4. Installation of driven and bored piles.

2.2.5. Thermal strengthening of soils.

2.2.6. Cementation of soil bases with driving injectors.

2.2.7. Silicization and resinization of soils.

2.2.8. Driving and lifting steel and sheet piles.

2.3. Arrangement of concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures:

2.3.1. Formwork works.

2.3.2. Armature works.

2.3.3. The device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

2.4. Installation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures:

2.4.1. Installation of foundations and structures of the underground part of buildings and structures.

2.4.2. Installation of structural elements of the above-ground part of buildings and structures, including columns, frames, crossbars, trusses, beams, slabs, belts, wall panels and partitions.

2.4.3. Installation of volumetric units, including ventilation units, elevator shafts and garbage chutes, sanitary cabins.

2.5. Installation of metal structures:

2.5.1. Mounting, reinforcement and dismantling structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures.

2.5.2. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of tank structures.

2.5.3. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of mast structures, towers, exhaust pipes.

2.5.4. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of technological structures.

2.5.5. Mounting and dismantling of cable supporting structures (stretch marks, cable-stayed structures, etc.).

2.6. Protection of building structures, pipelines and equipment (except for main and field pipelines):

2.6.1. Lining works.

2.6.2. Masonry made of acid-resistant bricks and shaped acid-resistant ceramic products.

2.6.3. Gumming (lining with sheet rubber and liquid rubber compounds).

2.6.4. Insulation device.

2.6.5. The device of metallization coatings.

2.6.6. Application of a front coating when installing a monolithic floor in rooms with aggressive environments.

2.6.7. Antiseptic treatment of wooden structures.

2.6.8. Waterproofing of building structures.

2.6.9. Works on thermal insulation of buildings, building structures and equipment.

2.6.10. Works on fire protection of building structures and equipment.

2.7. Arrangement of internal engineering systems and equipment of buildings and structures (at the above facilities):

2.7.1. Installation and dismantling of the gas supply system (if there is a specialist who has received permission from Rostekhnadzor for this type of activity).

2.8. Installation work(on the above objects):

2.8.1. Installation of lifting and transport equipment.

2.8.2. Installation of elevators.

2.8.3. Installation of boiler room equipment.

2.8.4. Installation of water intake equipment, sewerage and treatment facilities.

2.9. Do I need a permit from the SRO for building control? Works on the implementation of construction control by a developer or customer engaged on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (at the above facilities), where SRO approval is not required:

2.9.1. Construction control over civil works.

2.9.2. Construction control over works in the field of heat and gas supply and ventilation.

2.9.3. Construction control over works in the field of fire safety.

2.10. Works on the organization of construction, reconstruction and overhaul by the attracted developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur(general contractor) (at the above facilities):

2.10.1. Housing and civil construction.

2.10.2. Heating systems.

2.10.3. Gas supply systems.

2.10.4. Water supply and sewerage systems.