Sewer pipes according to GOST 22689 89. Expansion pipe type Ks

UDC 696.133:678.5:006.354 Group G21


Polyethylene sewer pipes and fittings for them


Polyethylene waste-pipes and fittings. construction

Introduction date 01.l0.8t

This standard applies to pipes and fittings for them (hereinafter referred to as products) made of low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) and high-pressure polyethylene (LDPE) intended for internal sewerage of buildings, and accessories for them.

Technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods, marking, packaging, transportation, storage and guarantees of the manufacturer of pipes and fittings must comply with those specified in GOST 22689.0.

1.1. Sewer pipes must be made in straight lengths 2; 3; 5.5; 6 and 8 m with the dimensions shown in Fig. 1 and in table. one.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture pipes of other lengths.

Official edition

Reprint prohibited*


It was allowed until 0K02.91 in agreement with the consumer to manufacture pipes with a nominal outer diameter of 48.6 and 107.5 mm according to the approved design documentation with maximum deviations from the dimensions indicated for products with a nominal diameter of 50 and 110 mm.

2. Theoretical mass pipes are given in table. 22.

Example symbol sewer pipes with an outer diameter of 110 mm and a length of 6000 mm made of HDPE: Pipe TK 110-6000-PND GOST 22689.2


2.1. The design and dimensions of sockets and smooth ends of fittings of type Kk must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 2 and table. 2, type Cs - indicated in fig. 3 and table. 3, type PP - indicated in hell. 4 and in table. four.

table 2

Continuation of the table. AND

Table 3

Prev, off

Table 4


1. Allowed up to 01.OL.9il, in agreement with the consumer, manufactured "fittings for pipes with a nominal outer diameter of 48.6 and 107.5 mm according to the approved design documentation with deviations from the dimensions indicated for products with a diameter of 50 and 110 mm.

2, The theoretical mass of fittings is given in Table. 23 applications.


3.1. Branch pipes must be made of the following types:

KS - with sockets for connection with a sealing ring and welding (Fig. 5);

Кс - with a socket for connection with an o-ring and a smooth end for connection by welding (Fig. 6)?

Рс - with a socket for connection with a nut and a smooth end for connection by welding (Fig. 7);

СР - with a socket for welding connection and a socket for connection with a nut (Fig. 8).

Branch pipe type HC

Branch pipe type Hs

Branch pipe type Rs

Spigot type CP 5 min

3.2. The dimensions of the nozzles must correspond to those indicated in table. 5.

Table §

An example of a symbol for a branch pipe of the KS type for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm from HDPE:

Branch pipe P 50KH50S-PND GOST 22689.2


4.1. Expansion pipes must be made of the following types:

Kk - with a compensation socket and a smooth end of the dj connection with a sealing ring (Fig. 9);

Compensatory pagprKok type Itz

'KS - with a compensation ^ socket and a socket for welding (Fig. 10);

Compensation patruKon type KS

Ks - with an expansion socket and a smooth end for welding (Fig. 11).

Compensatory nampydoK type Ks

4.2. Expansion pipe dimensions various types must correspond to those indicated in the table. 6.

An example of a symbol for an expansion pipe type Ks made of HDPE for connecting pipes with a diameter of 110 mm:

Branch pipe PC POKHIOS-PND GOST 22689.2


5.1. Transition pipes must be made of the following types:

kK - with a smooth end and a socket for connection with a sealing ring (Fig. 12);

K type spigot

<эК - о гладким концом для соединения сваркой и раструбом для соединения уплотнительным кольцом (черт. 13);

K-type spigot

<йС - с гладким концом и раструбом для соединения сваркой (черт. 14);

namptjdoK type c c l

сР - with a smooth end for welding connection and a socket for connection with a nut (Fig. 15).

Natru Tone type SR

5.2. The dimensions of the adapter pipes should be specified in table. 7.

match Table 7

An example of a symbol for a kK type transition pipe made of HDPE for connecting pipes with diameters of 90 and 50 mm:

Branch pipe PP 90kH50K-PND GOST 22689.2


6.1. Instrument nozzles must be made of the following types:

UK - with a socket for connection to the outlet of the toilet bowl or

to the outlet of the cast-iron drain and a smooth end for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 16);

Branch pipe type Un,

US - with a socket for connection to the outlet of a toilet bowl or to the outlet of a cast-iron ladder and a socket for welding (Fig. 17).

Branch pipe type US

6.2. The dimensions of the instrument nozzles must correspond to those indicated in Table. eight.

Table 8

An example of a conditional is indicated and I instrumental pat

cabin of the UK type with a diameter of PO mm made of HDPE for connection to the outlet of the toilet bowl:

Branch pipe PPRUHIOK-PND GOST 22689.2


7.1. Instrument taps should be made of the following types:

US - with a socket for connecting to the outlet of the toilet bowl and a socket for welding (Fig. 18);

Withdrawal type US

UK - with a socket for connecting to the outlet of the toilet bowl and a smooth end for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 19).

Branch type Un

7.2. The dimensions of the instrument taps must correspond to those indicated in Table. 9.

An example of a symbol for a device-type outlet US with a diameter of 110 mm made of HDPE for connection to a toilet outlet:

Elbow Opr UH1YUS-PND GOST 22689.2

8.1. Branches must be made of the following types:

Kk - with a socket and a smooth end for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 20);

SK - with sockets for welding and a sealing ring (Fig. 21);

Branch type Kk

Elbow type SK

SS - with sockets for welding (Fig. 22);

SR - with sockets for welding and a nut (Fig. 23).

8.2. The dimensions of the taps must correspond to those indicated in Table. ten.

Crap. 22 Damn. 23

An example of a symbol for a bend of the type SR with an angle a = 87 ° 30 "from HDPE for connection with pipes 50 mm and 40 mm:

Elbow О 50СХ40Р-ПНД GOST 22689.2 The same, type SK with angle a=30°:

Elbow O 30° 40CX50K-PND GOST 22689.2

Table 10

Note. Dimensions 50x40 are given for bends of types SK and SR.

9. TEE

9.1. Tees must be made of the following types:

KkK - with two sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 24);

Tee type HkN

KkudK - with two sockets and an elongated smooth end for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 25);

KudkK - with an elongated expansion socket, a smooth end and a side socket for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 26);

KSK - with two sockets for connection with sealing rings and a socket for connection by welding (Fig. 27);

ssk - with two sockets for welding connection and a socket for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 28);

SSS - with three sockets for welding (Fig. 29);

РСР - with two sockets for connection with a nut and a socket for connection by welding (Fig. 30);

SSR - with two sockets for welding and a socket for connecting with a nut (Fig. 31);

SKK - with a socket for welding, a smooth end and a socket for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 32).

9.2. The dimensions of tees of types KkK, KudkK, KSK, SSK, SSS, SSR, SKK must correspond to those indicated in Table. 11, and a tee of the KkudK type - in table. 12.

Trinity and n KCR

Table I

* For tee type KudkK.

** For tees installed in sanitary cabins;

Note. Size 50X40 is indicated for tees of CCC, PCP, SSR types.

An example of a symbol for a tee of the KSK type with an angle a = 87 ° 30 "for connection with pipes with a diameter of 110 mm and 50 mm from HDPE:

Tee T 110KHI0SH50K-LND GOST 22689.2 The same, a KSK type tee with an angle a = 45 ° for connecting pipes of the same diameters from HDPE:

Tee T 45° 1YUKHI0SH50K-PND GOST 22689.2


10.1. Crosses must be made of the following types: KkKK - with three sockets and a smooth condom for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 33);

SkKK - with a socket for welding, two sockets and a smooth cond for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 34);

USSR - with three sockets for welding and sockets for connecting with a nut (Fig. 35);

SSSK - with three sockets for welding connection and a socket for connection with a sealing ring (Fig. 36);

СССС - with four sockets for welding (Fig. 37).

CrossWin type InNI.

USSR type cross

An example of a symbol for a cross of the SkKK type with an angle a = 87 ° 30 "for connection with pipes with a diameter of 110 mm from HDPE:

Cross K 110SH1 YukKh*WKX1YUK-PND GOST 22689.2

10.2. The dimensions of the crosses must correspond to those indicated in Table. 13.

Table 13

* For crosspieces installed in sanitary cabins.


11.1. Crosses with offset axes of taps should be made of the following types:

KkKK - with three sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 38);

SkKK - with two sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings and a socket for welding (Fig. 39).

An example of a symbol for a cross with offset axes of bends of the SkKK type for connecting pipes with diameters of PO mm and 50 mm from HDPE:

Crosspiece Ksm110SH1 YukH 110KH50K-PND GOST 22689.2


12.1. Universal tees must be made of the following types:

With two sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings and a side outlet (or side outlets) to obtain two-plane crosses (or fives) by welding the nozzles specified in Sec. 3 (dev. 40);

With three sockets for welding and a side outlet (or two outlets) to obtain two-plane crosses (or fives) by welding the nozzles specified in Sec. 3 (Fig. 41).

KkKs (or KkKss)

Universal tee type KkKs (or K k; (ss)

* In the case of right-hand execution - a blank wall. ** In the case of left-hand execution - a blank wall.

P. 34 GOST 22689.2-89

Universal tee type СССС (or ССССС)

* In the case of right-hand execution, a blank wall.

** In the case of left-hand execution - a blank wall.

12.2. The dimensions of universal tees must correspond to those indicated in Table. fourteen.

An example of a symbol for a tee of the universal type KkKs with a right-hand side outlet with a diameter of 50 mm for connection with pipes with a diameter of 0 mm from HDPE:

Tun 110KHI0kKh1ShKh50s-Pr-PND GOST 22689.2 The same, for left-hand version:

Tun 1YUKHI0kKh1ShKh50s-L-PND GOST 22689.2 The same, a tee of the universal type ССССС with two side branches with a diameter of 50 mm for connection with pipes with a diameter of 90 mm made of HDPE:

Tun 90СХ90СХ90СХ50СХ50С-PND GOST 22689.2

13.1. Couplings must be made of the following types:

KK - with sockets for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 42);

Myqpma type K8

SS - with sockets for welding (Fig. 43).

Coupling type CC

Version 1L

Execution 2

13.2. The dimensions of the couplings must correspond to those indicated in table. fifteen.

Table 15

An example of a symbol for a CC type coupling for connecting pipes with a diameter of 50 mm and 40 mm from HDPE:

Coupling M 50SH40S-PND GOST 222689.2

14.1. Revisions should be made of the following types:

K - with a socket and a smooth end for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 44).

C - with sockets for welding (Fig. 45).

Revision type K

Revision type C

14.2. The size of the revisions must correspond to those indicated in Table. 16.

Table 16


An example of a symbol for revision type K for connection with pipes with a diameter of 110 mm from HDPE:

Revision R 110K-PND GOST 22689.2

15.1. The design and dimensions of the plugs must comply with drawings. 46 and tab. 17; the design and dimensions of the lids - hell. 47 and tab. eighteen.


An example of a symbol for a plug for a socket of a fitting with a diameter of PO mm made of HDPE:

Plug 3 110-PND GOST 22689.2 The same, covers of version "b" for the socket of the fitting with a diameter of 50 mm made of HDPE:

Cover K 50(b)-PND GOST 22689.2

Table 17


16.1. The design and dimensions of the union nuts must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 48 and in table. 19.

union nut

L, not less

An example of a symbol for a captive sewer nut made of HDPE for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm:

Nut G 50-PND GOST 22689.2

17.1. Polyethylene sealing tape is designed to be installed between the outer surface of the sewer pipeline and the inner surface of metal fasteners.

17.2. The design and dimensions of the gasket tape must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 49.

Weight 1 m - 0.020 kg

Conventional designation of the gasket tape made of LDPE: Tape LP-HDPE GOST 22689.2

17.3. The tape must be made of high-density polyethylene according to GOST 16337.


18.1. Rubber sealing rings are designed to complete sewer fittings made of HDPE and LDPE.

18.2. The design and dimensions of the sealing rings must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 50 and in table. twenty.

An example of a symbol for a sealing ring for a fitting with a nominal diameter of 50 mm:

Ring Kup 50 GOST 22689.2

18.3. Rubber for sealing rings should have a Shore hardness in the range of 30-45 and a relative residual deformation after aging in air at a compression of 40% and a temperature of 70 ° C for 24 hours no more than 25%.


19.1. Sealing gaskets are designed to complete sewer fittings made of HDPE and LDPE with threaded sockets.

19.2. The design and dimensions of sealing gaskets must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 51 and in table. 21.

Example of a symbol for a sealing "gasket for a sewer fitting with a nominal diameter of a threaded socket of 50 mm:

Gasket P 50 GOST 22689.2

19.3. Sealing gaskets must be made of rubber in accordance with GOST 7338 or molded rubber according to current specifications.



Theoretical weight of 1 m polyethylene sewer pipes

Table 22

Mass of 1m is rough, kg-

Theoretical weight of polyethylene fittings

Table 2E

Weight of fittings, kg


Branch pipes

Branch pipes


Continuation of the table. 29

Weight of fittings, kg


Branch pipes


Branch pipes




Weight of styles

parts, kg



Weight of styles*

>gh parts, kg G1VD



Continuation of the table. 23


Weight (fittings, kg


Crosses with offset axes of taps


station wagon

0.01 R 0.027 0.04 0.07

Weight of fittings, kg



nuts on-


DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Industry building materials USSR


O. P. Mikheev, Ph.D. tech. sciences (topic leader); V. I. Feldman, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L. P. Zhabrova; N. G. Kulikhina, A. N. Afonin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; R. F. Lokshin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. V. Ekhlakov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I. V. Gvozdev; V. I. Terekhin; A. A. Vasiliev; L. S. Vasilyeva; A. P. Chekrygin

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated 16.06.89 No. 93

3. INSTEAD OF GOST 22689.2-77 - GOST 22689.20-77


Item number

GOST 7338-90 GOST 16337-77 GOST 22689.0-89


5. REPUBLICATION. November 2000

GOST 22689.0-89 Polyethylene sewer pipes and fa

sleepy parts to them.

General specifications.....J

GOST 22689.1-89 Polyethylene sewer pipes and fa

sleepy parts to them.

Assortment ......... P;

GOST 22689.2-89 Polyethylene sewer pipes and fa

sleepy parts to them.

Structure.......... 27

1. Pipes........,. 27

2. Bells and smooth ends of fittings 28-

3. Spigots.... 31

4. Compensation pipes .... 33

5. Adapter pipes......35

6. Instrument pipes......37

7. Instrument taps......39"

8. Elbows.........41

9. Tees..........43

10. Crosses.........51

11. Crosses with offset axes of outlets 56*

12. Universal tees.....58

13. Couplings..........61

14. Revisions..........68

15. Plugs and covers......65

16. Union nuts.......66

17. Gasket tape......67

18. O-rings.....67

19. Sealing gaskets .... 68

Application Theoretical mass of 1 m polyethylene sewer pipes. ......70

Theoretical weight of polyethylene fittings. . 70

to GOST 22689.2-89 Sewer polyethylene pipes and fittings for them. Design

what place


should be

Item 2.1. Drawing 2. View A-A

Clause 6.2. Table 8. Column

Clause 7.1, Drawings 18, 19 Clause 8.2. Table 10. Head

Clause 9.1. Drawing 27 drawing 32 Clause 9.2

Appendix, Table 23. Column "Type", For "Reducing pipes"

Column "PVD". For "Krestovik"


Tee type KSK Tee type SKK ССС, РСР, ССР


Editor L.V. Koretnikova Technical editor O.N. Vlasova Proofreader A.S. Chernousov

Ed. persons. No. 02354 dated 07/14/2000. Signed for publication on November 20, 2000. Cond. 4.65. Uch.-ed.l. 3.75. Circulation 161 copies. C 6318. Law. 1086.

IPK Publishing house of standards, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. Typed in the Kaluga printing house of standards Branch of IPK Publishing house of standards - type. "Moscow printer",

103062, Moscow, Lyalin per., 6.

 STATE STANDARD OF THE UNION OF THE SSR POLYETHYLENE SEWER AND SHAPED PIPES GOST PARTS TO NIM22689.2-89 Design Polyethylene waste-pipes and fittings. Construction Date of introduction 01.10.89 Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law This standard applies to pipes and fittings for them (hereinafter referred to as products) made of low pressure polyethylene (HDPE) and high pressure polyethylene (LDPE) intended for internal sewerage systems of buildings, and components for him. Technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods, marking, packaging, transportation, storage and guarantees of the manufacturer of pipes and fittings must comply with those specified in GOST 22689.0. 1. PIPES 1.1. Sewer pipes should be made in straight lengths 2; 3; 5.5; 6 and 8 m with the dimensions shown in Fig. 1 and in table. 1. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture pipes of other lengths. Fig. 1 Table 1 mm dS Rated Limit off. Off Rated Prev. off.40.0+0.52.0+0.53.0+0.650.0+0.53.0+0.63.0+0.690.0+0.93.0+0.64.3+ 0.9110.0 + 1.03.5 + 0.65.2 + 1.0 documentation with maximum deviations from the dimensions specified for products with a nominal diameter of 50 and 110 mm. 2. The theoretical mass of pipes is given in Table. 22 applications. An example of a symbol for a sewer pipe with an outer diameter of 110 mm and a length of 6000 mm made of HDPE: Pipe TK 110-6000-PND GOST 22689.2 2. JOINTS AND SMOOTH ENDS OF FITTINGS 2.1. The design and dimensions of sockets and smooth ends of fittings of type Kk must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 2 and in table. 2, type Cs - to hell. 3 and in table. 3, type PP - to hell. 4 and in table. 4 Damn. 2 Table 2 mm d Off Rated Prev. off.50.0+0.550.8+0.660.0+0.63.0+0.63.0+0.690.0+0.991.2+0.9101.6+0.93.0+0.64.3+0, 9110.0+1.0111.4+1.0121.7+1.03.5+0.65.2+1.0 2 dll1l2l3rl4, not less than 50.041113262.0890.074146272.58110?074146272.59 Off Rated Prev. off. off l1Rated limit Off Rated Prev. off.40.0+0.539.5-0.438.03.0+0.63.0+0.615+5450.0+0.549.5-0.448.03.0+0.63.0+0.615+5490.0+0.989, 4-0.587.03.0+0.64.3+0.922+85110.0+1.0109.3-0.5107.03.5+0.65.2+1.026+95 4 Table 4 mm dD 1,SNom.Limit.Nominal.Limit D1min. Previous Off Rated Prev. off.40.0+0.540.6+0.5Spup 503253.0+0.63.0+0.750.0+0.550.6+0.5Spup 603253.0+0.63.0+0.790.0+0.991, 0+0.7Spup 1105453.0+0.64.3+0.9110.0+1.0111.2+0.8Spup 1305553.5+0.65.2+1.0 Notes: 1. Allowed until 01.01.91 in agreement with the consumer, the manufacture of fittings for pipes with a nominal outer diameter of 48.6 and 107.5 mm according to the approved design documentation with deviations from the dimensions specified for products with a diameter of 50 and 110 mm. 2. The theoretical weight of fittings is given in Table. 23 applications. 3. PIPES 3.1. Branch pipes should be made of the following types: KS - with sockets for connection with a sealing ring and welding (Fig. 5); Ks - with a socket for connection with an o-ring and a smooth end for connection by welding (Fig. 6); Рс - with a socket for connection with a nut and a smooth end for connection by welding (Fig. 7): СР - with a socket for connection by welding and a socket for connection with a nut (Fig. 8), Branch pipe type KS Fig.5 Branch pipe type Ks Fig. 6 Branch pipe of type Рс Fig.7 Branch pipe of type СР Fig.8 3.2. The dimensions of the nozzles must correspond to those indicated in table. 5 Table 5 mm dL, at least, for branch pipes of types KSKsRcSR40.0--45-50.06165454590.01001007272110.01051108686 An example of the symbol for a branch pipe of the type KS for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm from HDPE: Branch pipe P 50K 50S - HDPE GOST 22689.2 4. COMPENSATION PIPE 4.1. Compensation branch pipes should be made of the following types: Kk - with a compensation socket and a smooth end for connection with a sealing ring (Fig. 9); Expansion socket type Kk Fig. 9 KS - with an expansion socket and a socket for welding (Fig. 10); Ks - with an expansion socket and a smooth end for welding (Fig. 11). Expansion pipe type KS Fig.10 Expansion pipe type Ks Fig. 11 4.2. The dimensions of the expansion pipes of various types must correspond to those indicated in Table. 6. Table 6 mm dlL, at least, for branch pipes of types KkKsKS50.015019717517090.0 110.0230312270261 Transition pipes should be made of types: kK - with a smooth end and a socket for connection with a sealing ring (Fig. 12); Branch pipe type kK Fig. 12 sK - with a smooth end for welding connection and a socket for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 13); CC - with a smooth end and a socket for welding (Fig. fourteen); сР - with a smooth end for welding connection and a socket for connection with a nut (Fig. 15). Branch pipe type sK Fig.13 Branch pipe type CC Fig.14 Branch pipe type SR Fig.15 5.2. The dimensions of the adapter pipes must correspond to those indicated in Table 7. Table 7 mm dd1l, not L, not less than for branch pipes of types less than KsSsRkK50,040,034-6174-90,050,0421088292145110,050,04912094104152110,090,050154102125186 50K - PND GOST 22689.2 6. INSTRUMENT PIPE PIPE 6.1. Instrument nozzles should be made of the following types: Uk - with a socket for connecting to the outlet of the toilet bowl or to the outlet of a cast-iron drain and a smooth end for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 16); Branch pipe type Uk Fig. 16 US - with a socket for connection to the outlet of a toilet bowl or to the outlet of a cast-iron drain and a socket for welding (Fig. 17). Branch pipe type US Fig.17 6.2. The dimensions of the instrument nozzles must correspond to those indicated in Table. 8. Table 8mm D SdRated Limit off.ll1l2PNDPV Nominal limit Off Rated Prev. off.50.071+0.6605063.0+0.63.0+0.690.0112+1.06011383.0+0.64.3+0.9110.0112+1.07511383.5+0.65.2+ 1.0 An example of symbolic designation of an instrument branch pipe of the Uk type with a diameter of 110 mm made of HDPE for connection to the outlet of the toilet bowl: Instrument outlets should be made of the following types: US - with a socket for connecting to the outlet of the toilet bowl and a socket for welding (Fig. 18); Withdrawal type US 18 UK - with a socket for connection to the toilet outlet and a smooth end for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 19). Withdrawal type UK Damn. 19 7.2. The dimensions of the instrument taps must correspond to those indicated in Table. 9. Table 9 mm dl1l2l3SPNDPVDRated limit Off Rated Prev. off.90.060115303.0+0.64.3+0.9110.075115403.5+0.65.2+1.0 Opr U 110S - PND GOST 22689.2 8. BENDS 8.1. Elbows should be made of types: Kk - with a socket and a smooth end for connection with a sealing ring (Fig. 20); SK - with sockets for welding and a sealing ring (Fig. 21); SS - with sockets for welding (Fig. 22); SR - with sockets for welding and a nut (Fig. 23). 8.2. "The dimensions of the taps must correspond to those indicated in Table 10. Tap type Kk Fig. 20 Tap type SK Fig. 21 Branch type CC Fig. 22 Elbow type CP Fig. 23 Table 10 mm DD130 ° 45 ° 87 ° 30 "L1L2L2L2L2L2L2NO less40.040.040.0--14143330. DEMENTS. types SK and SR An example of a symbol of a branch of type SR with an angle = 87° 30" made of HDPE for connection with pipes of 50 mm and 40 mm: Branch O 50S 40R - PND GOST 22689.2 The same, type SK with an angle = 30°: Branch O 30° 40С 5 OK - HDPE GOST 22689.2 9. T-PIECES 9.1. Tees should be made of types: KkK - with two sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 24); KkudK - with two sockets and an elongated smooth end for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 25); Tee type KkK Damn. 24 KkudK type tee. 25 KudkK - with an elongated compensation socket, a smooth end and a side socket for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 26); KSK - with two sockets for connection with sealing rings and a socket for connection by welding (Fig. 27); SSK - with two sockets for welding connection and a socket for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 28); SSS - with three sockets for welding (Fig. 29); РСР - with two sockets for connection with a nut and a socket for connection by welding (Fig. 30); SSR - with two sockets for welding and a socket for connecting with a nut (Fig. 31); SKK - with a socket for welding, a smooth end and a socket for connection with an o-ring (Fig. 32). KudkK type tee Devil 26 KSK type tee Devil. 27 Tee CCK type. 28 Type CCC tee. 29 Tee Type PCP Diam. 30 Type CCT Tee Div. 31 Tee type SKK Fig. 32 9.2. The dimensions of tees of types KkK, KudkK, KSK, SSK, SSS, PCP, SSR, SKK must correspond to those indicated in Table. 11, and a tee of the KkudK type - in table. 12 Table 11 mm = 45 ° = 60 ° = 87 ° 30 "DD1L1L2L2L3L2L2L3L3L2L3L4OU less50.040.040.080970 --- 333139-50.0550.0701770 --- 313939150*90,010014100 --- 393658-90.090.0EART 110.050.011514120393468-110.0110.015037145110501107085 or 58**70- _______________ * For tee type KudkK **For tee installed in sanitary cabins Note: Size 50x40 is specified for tee types CCC, PCP, CSR Table 12 mm dd1 = 87° 30"l1l2l390,050,0103151150110,050,0128151150 An example of a symbolic designation of a KSK type tee with an angle = 87° 30 for connection with pipes with a diameter of 110 mm and 50 mm from HDPE: Tee T 110K 110C 50K - HDPE GOST 22689 . 2 The same, KSK type tee with an angle = 45° for connecting pipes of the same diameters made of HDPE: Tee T45 110K 110S 50K - HDPE GOST 22689.2 10. CROSSBOWS 10.1. Crosses should be made of types: KkKK - with three sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 33); SkKK - with a socket for welding, two sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 34); USSR - with three sockets for welding and a socket for connecting with a nut (Fig. 35); SSSK - with three sockets for welding connection and a socket for connection with a sealing ring (Fig. 36); СССС - with four sockets for welding (Fig. 37). Crosspiece type KkKK Diam. 33 Crosspiece type SkKK Diam. 34 Crosspiece type USSR Diam. 35 Crosspiece type SSSK 36 CCCC-type cross Fig. 37 10.2. The dimensions of the crosses must correspond to those indicated in Table. 13. Таблица 13 мм Тип изделияdd1l1l2l3l450,050,045°851770-СкКК87° 30"363939-110,0110,087 30"705870-90,090,045°12530125СССС87° 30"635963-110,0110,087° 30"708570-110,050,060°70588КкКК87° 30 "373466-110.0110.060°11050110-87° 30"7085 or 58*70-USSR110.050.087° 30"70857066CCSK110.050.087° 30"70857066 ____________ *For crosspieces installed in sanitary cabins. An example of the symbol for a crosspiece of the SkKK type with an angle = 87° 30" for connection with pipes with a diameter of 110 mm made of HDPE: Crosspiece K 110C 110k 110K 110K - PND GOST 22689.2 : KkKK - with three sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 38); SkKK - with two sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings and a socket for welding connection (Fig. 39). KkKK Fig. 38 Crosspiece with offset axes of branch type SkKK Fig. 39 Example of symbolic designation of a crosspiece with offset axes of branch lines of type SkKK for connecting pipes with diameters of 110 mm and 50 mm from HDPE: Crosspiece Ksm 110C 110k 110K 50K - HDPE GOST 22689.2 12. UNIVERSAL TEE 12.1 Universal tees should be made of types: KkKs (or KkKss) - with two sockets and a smooth end for connection with sealing rings and sides outlet (or side outlets) to obtain two-plane crosses (or fives) by welding the nozzles specified in Sec. 3 (dev. 40); Universal tee type KkKs (or KkKss) _______________ *In the case of right-hand execution - a blank wall. ** In the case of left-hand execution - a blank wall. Crap. 40 ССССС (or ССССС) - with three sockets for welding and a side outlet (or two outlets) to obtain two-plane crosses (or fives) by welding the nozzles specified in Sec. 3 (Fig. 41). Universal tee type СССС (or ССССС) ______________ * In the case of right-hand execution - a blank wall. ** In the case of left-hand execution - a blank wall. Crap. 41 12.2. The dimensions of universal tees must correspond to those indicated in Table. 14. Table 14 mm dd1l1l2l3l4 not less than 90,050,0635963150110,050,0705870150 An example of a symbolic designation of a tee of a universal type KkKs with a right side outlet with a diameter of 50 mm for connection with pipes with a diameter of 110 mm from HDPE: Tun 110K 110k 110K 50s -2 Pr - PND 2. The same, for the left-hand version: Tun 110K 110k 110K 50s - L - PND GOST 22689.2 The same, universal tee SSSSS with two side branches with a diameter of 50 mm for connection with pipes with a diameter of 90 mm made of HDPE: Tun 90S 90S 90S 50S 50S - HDPE GOST 22689.2 13. COUPLINGS 13.1. Couplings should be made of types: KK - with sockets for connection with sealing rings (Fig. 42); SS - with sockets for welding (Fig. 43). Clutch type KK Fig. 42 Clutch type SS Execution 1 Execution 2 Fig. 43 13.2. The dimensions of the couplings must correspond to those indicated in table. 15. Table 15 mm dLl not less than 50.08790.01535110.0 An example of the symbol of a SS type coupling for connecting pipes with a diameter of 50 mm and 40 mm from HDPE: Coupling M 50C 40C - HDPE GOST 22689.2 14. REVISIONS 14.1. Revisions should be made of the following types: K - with a socket and a smooth end for connection with a sealing ring (Fig. 44); C-with sockets for welding (Fig. 45). Revision type K Damn. 44 Inspection type C 45 14.2 The size of revisions must correspond to those indicated in Table. 16. Table 16 mm DDL1L2L3L3L4 not less than50.0CPUP 60x33939481590.0CPUP 110x5557708225110.0CPUP 130x570858825 An example of a symbol of type K for connecting with pipes with a diameter of the PND: Audity R 110k - PND GOST 22689.2 15. 15.1. The design and dimensions of the plugs must comply with drawings. 46 and tab. 17, the design and dimensions of the covers - hell. 47 and tab. 18. Cap Fig. 46 Cover Version "a" Version "b" Fig. 47 table 17 mm DDSH40.0523.53550.0644.04090.01065.0606060110.01265.060 Table 18 mm DDH40.0CPUP 50x32150.0 SPUP 60x32190.0 SPUP 110X53210.0CPUP 130X532 : Plug Z 110 - PND GOST 22689. 2 The same, covers of version "b" for the socket of the fitting with a diameter of 50 mm made of HDPE: Cover K 50(b) - HDPE GOST 22689.2 16. COUPLING NUTS 16.1. The design and dimensions of the union nuts must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 48 and in table. 19. Union nut Damn. 48 Table 19 mm DDD1H, no less40.0CPUP 50x3412150.0CPUP 60x3512190.0CPUP 110x591321110.0cpup 130x511132 Example of the nut of the navigation sewer from PND for pipes with a diameter of the PND 50 - PND GOST 22689.2 17. Geneous 17.2 17. Grutabino 17. for installation between the outer surface of the sewer pipeline and the inner surface of metal fasteners. 17.2 The design and dimensions of the gasket tape must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 49. Weight 1 m - 0.020 kg Fig. 49 Symbol for the gasket tape made of LDPE: Tape LP - HDPE GOST 22689.2 17.3. The tape should be made of high-density polyethylene according to GOST 16337. 18. SEALING RINGS 18.1. Rubber sealing rings are designed to complete sewer fittings made of HDPE and LDPE. 18.2. The design and dimensions of the sealing rings must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 50 and in table. 20. Damn. 50 Table 20 mm Nominal pipe diameter Dd150.06+0.490.07+0.4110.07+0.4 An example of a symbol for a sealing ring for completing a fitting with a nominal diameter of 50 mm: Ring Coup 50 GOST 22689.2 18.3. Rubber for sealing rings should have a Shore hardness in the range of 30-45 and a relative residual deformation after aging in air at a compression of 40% and a temperature of 70C for 24 hours no more than 25%. 19. SEALING GASKETS 19.1. Sealing gaskets are designed to complete sewer fittings made of HDPE and LDPE with threaded sockets. 19.2. The design and dimensions of sealing gaskets must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 51 and in table. 21. Damn. 51 Table 21 mm Nominal pipe diameter D1 Prev. off D2Prem. off. threaded socket diameter 50 mm: Gasket P 50 GOST 22689.2 19.3. Sealing gaskets should be made of rubber according to GOST 7338 or molded rubber according to current specifications. APPENDIX Reference Theoretical mass of 1 m of polyethylene sewer pipes Table 22 dMass of 1 m of pipes. kg HDPE40,00,2280,32250,00,4230,40990,00,7821,068110,01,1171,580Theoretical weight of polyethylene fittings Table 23 -KS0.100.13110.0--0.160.2250.0--0.0350.0490.0--KS0.080.12110.0--0.140.1940.0--0.0200.0250.0- -0.0250.02590.0--Рс0.100.13110.0--0.160.2250.0--0.0260.0390.0--СР0.110.16110.0--0.160.25 Compensation pipes50.0 --0.0980.0490.0--Kk0.260.40110.0--0.390.5450.0--0.0880.0990.0--Kc0.220.35110.0--0.340.5450.0 --0.0930.0990.0--KS0.230.35110.0--0.350.47 Reducing pipes90.050.00.0970.13110.050.0-kK0.130.20110. .08110.050.0-sK0.090.12110. ,00.0330.03390.сР0.080.17110. 0-0.0610.0690.0-US0.120.13110.0-0.150.25 37 0.60Bends90.090.030°Кк0.140.22110.0110.00.220.3650.050.00.0520.05290.090.045°Кк0.150.24110.0110.00.270.4350.050.00.0650.06590.09 30"Kk0.200.31110.0110.00.320.5290.090.030°N.C.0.120.18110.0110.00.190.3150.040.00.0400.04050.050.045°N.C. 0110.00.120.3750.040.00.0490.04950.050.00.0620.06290.090.087° 2040.040.00.0210.0250.050.045°CC0.0310.0390.° 30"CC0.0500.05090.090, 00.140.22110.0110.00.230.3790.090.030 5150.040.00.0470.04750.050.087° 30"CP0.0560.05690. 330.50110.050.00.340.51110.0110.00.550.89110.0110.060°KkK0.490.7950.050.00.0990.09990.° 30"KkK0.270.4211 0.3090.090.045°KSK0.300.60110.050.00.310.46110.0110.00.520.83110.0110.060°KSK0.460.7450.050.00.0940.09490. 30"KSK0,250,38110,050,00,250,38110,0110,00,430,2150,050,00,1000,10090,050,00,170,2490,090,045°SSK0,290,45110,050,00,240,37110,0110 00.470.76110.0110.060° NSC0.390.6350.050.00.0780.07890.° 30" NSC0.210.32110. Tees 330.5450.040.00.0530.05350.050.00.0620.06290.050.087° 0930.09550.050.00.1090.10990.050.045°PCP0.240.3490.090.00.400.57110.050.00.330.50110.0110.00.600.96110.0110.060°PCP0.520.8350.04 00.0750.07550.050.00.0830.08390.050.087° 050.00.0990.09990.050.045°ССР0.160.2290.090.00.330.51110.°ССР0.420.6850.040.00.0600, 06050.050.087° 30"SSR0.0710.07150.° 30"SSR0.120.1790. Tees 08290.° 30"SkK0.240.37110. 050.00.570.85 Crosses110.050.060°КкКК0.320.48110.0110.00.661.06110.050.087° 30"KkKK0.300.46110.0110.00.590.9450.050.045°SkKK0.1440.14450.050.087° СССС0.210.33110.0110.00.360.57110.050.087° 30" СССР0.310.47110.050.087° 30" СССС0.320.48 SKKK0.390.59Universal tees90.050.0-KkKs0.290.40110.050.00.440.6690.050.0-KkKss0.290.41110.050.00.470.7190.050.0-SSSS0.190.26110.050 .00.300.4690.050.0-SSSS0.200.28110.050.00.310.47 01850.0--СС0.0270.02790.0-0.040.06110.0-0.070.12Revisions50.0-0.0890.08990.0--К0.290.45110.0-0.420.6850.0-0, 0680.06890.0 - C0.210.32110.0 - 0.320.52 -0.0360.03690.0---0.100.11110.0-0.140.14 Union nuts40.0-0.0230.02350.0---0.0320.03390.0-0.080.07110.0-0.100, 09 INFORMATION DATA 1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Building Materials Industry of the USSR DEVELOPER and O.P. Mikheev, Ph.D. tech. sciences (topic leader); IN AND. Feldman, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.P. Zhabrova; N.G. Kulikhin; A.N. Afonin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; R.F. Lokshin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S.V. Ekhlakov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I.V. Gvozdev; IN AND. Terekhin; A.A. Vasiliev; L.S. Vasiliev; A.P. Chekrygin 2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated 16.06.89 No. 93 3. INSTEAD OF GOST 22689.2-77 - GOST 22689.20-77 4. REFERENCE REGULATORY AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS 3GOST 16337-7717.3GOST 22689.0-89 Introductory part CONTENTS 1. Pipes 2. Sockets and smooth ends of fittings 3. Branch pipes 4. Compensation pipes 5. Adapter pipes 6. Instrument branch pipes 7. Instrument bends 8. Elbows 9. Tees 10. Crosses 11 12. Universal tees 13. Couplings 14. Revisions 15. Plugs and caps 16. Union nuts 17. Gasket tape 18. Sealing rings 19. Sealing gaskets Appendix Theoretical weight of 1 m of polyethylene sewer pipes Theoretical weight of polyethylene fittings







(ISO 8770:2003, NEQ)

(EN 1519-1:1999, NEQ)

Official edition



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2009 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards. rules, recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation "

Information about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by LLC "NTC Systems of pipelines made of polymeric materials"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

4 Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 18, 2014 No. No 1639-st interstate standard GOST 22689-2014 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2015.

5 This standard complies with the international standard ISO 8770:2003 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Polyethylene (PE) European Standard EN 1519-1:1999 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure * Polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system plastics for wastewater (low and high temperature) discharges inside buildings - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: Specification for pipes, fittings and system].

Degree of conformity - non-equivalent (NEQ)

** On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R ISO 3126-2007 applies.

4.1.2 The wall thickness shall be in accordance with Table 2.

GOST 22689-2014

Table 2 In millimeters

Nominal outside diameter d„

Wall thickness

* e,., „ - minimum wall thickness.

** v „ you, - the maximum average wall thickness.

Allowed wall thickness at any point is not more than 1.25e tp, provided that the average wall thickness e t is not more than e t max.

4.1.3 The pipe length / (effective) measured in accordance with Figure 1 shall be specified by the manufacturer. The maximum length deviation is ± 10 mm.

a) Pipe with a socket for an o-ring

b) Pipe without a socket with a chamfer and without a chamfer

Figure 1 - Effective pipe length

4.1.4 When manufacturing pipes with a chamfer, the chamfer angle should be from 15° to 45° to the pipe axis. The remaining wall thickness at the end of the pipe must be at least 1/3e mln .

4.2 Dimensions of fittings

4.2.1 The average outer diameter d at of the pipe end shall be in accordance with Table 1.

4.2.2 The minimum wall thickness o rtn of the body or pipe end shall be in accordance with Table 2. A 5% reduction in wall thickness is allowed. in this case, the arithmetic mean value of the thickness of two opposite walls must be at least e mn .

For transition fittings designed to connect pipelines of two different nominal sizes, the wall thickness of each socket (pipe end) must meet the requirements for the corresponding nominal size. In this case, the wall design provides for a smooth change in thickness from one value to another.

The wall thickness of prefabricated fittings (with the exception of the thickness of pipe ends and sockets) can be changed locally during manufacture, provided that the minimum wall thickness corresponds to the minimum value of e 3 . given in table 5.

4.3 Dimensions of sockets and pipe ends

4.3.1 The dimensions of the sockets and pipe ends for the sealing ring (Figure 2 a) must comply with Table 3.

Various designs of the groove for the sealing ring are allowed (Figure 2 b), provided that the characteristics of the connection meet the requirements specified in Table 8.

Flare dimensions, including the maximum average internal diameter of the dvr ggll. and grooves for the sealing ring must be installed by the manufacturer in the design and technical documentation for the product.

If the O-ring creates more than one sealing point (figure 2c), then the minimum value of A and the maximum value of C are measured from the effective sealing point, as specified by the manufacturer.

GOST 22689-2014

d t - inner diameter of the socket; A is the minimum contact length; B - entry length. C - depth of the point of effective compaction; - length of the pipe end; e 2 - socket wall thickness; vz - wall thickness in the area of ​​the groove for the sealing ring

Figure 2 - Main dimensions of the socket and the pipe end for the sealing ring

Table 3 In millimeters

Average flare inner diameter (minimum)

Type N (normal)

Type L (long)

Note - A bell is a typical section of the pipeline.

- (long) can be used as a compensation in a rigidly fixed

4.3.2 The dimensions of the socket for welding with embedded electric heaters shall comply with Table 4. The average internal diameter of the socket d^ and its maximum deviation shall be indicated in the manufacturer's documentation.

The wall thickness E of the socket with embedded electric heaters must be at least the wall thickness e mn of the corresponding pipe specified in Table 2.

dum is the average inner diameter of the socket, measured at a distance U + 0.5La from the end of the socket; 1_2 - depth of entry of the pipe end; C is the length of the heating zone (fusion);

C - unheated length at the entrance to the socket L 4 2: 5 mm

Figure 3 - Bell with embedded electric heaters

Table 4_In millimeters

Nominal outer diameter d„


4.3.3 Wall thickness e-. and e 3 sockets for the sealing ring (Figure 2 a) must comply with Table 5.

GOST 22689-2014

Table 5_in millimeters

Nominal outside diameter

Wall thickness, not less than

In flare designs where the o-ring is held in place by a bonnet (Figure 4), the wall thickness in this area shall be calculated by adding the flare wall thickness to the bonnet wall thickness in the relevant cross section.

Figure 4 - Wall thickness of the socket with a cover for installing the sealing ring

4.3.4 The average outer diameter and wall thickness of the pipe ends of butt welding fittings shall be in accordance with Table 1 and Table 2.

4.4 Types of fittings

This International Standard is applicable to the following main types of fittings:

a) bends (Figure 5) in the following options:

1) pipe end-bell or socket-bell,

2) curved elbow with radius R,

3) welded outlet from pipe segments.

The nominal angle a for the bends is selected from the following values: 15 e. 22.5 e, 30 e. 45 e. 67.5 e. 80 e and from 87.5 ° to 90 e;

b) tees and transitional tees (Figure 6) in the following versions:

1) pipe end-bell-bell or bell-bell-bell,

2) curved tee with radius R,

3) welded tee from pipe segments.

The nominal angle a for tees is selected from the following values: 45°. 67.5 e and from 87.5 e to 90 e:

c) crosses (Figure 7 a) and two-plane crosses (Figure 7 b).

The nominal angle a for crosspieces is selected from the following values: 45 e, 67.5 e and from 87.5 e to 90 e:

d) adapter pipes (Figure 8);

e) double-socket couplings (Figure 9 a) and sliding couplings (Figure 9 b).

f) revisions (Figure 10);

g) branch pipe for butt welding (Figure 11); i) plug (Figure 12).

Other types and designs of fittings are allowed.

The installation length g of fittings must be specified by the manufacturer. The installation length z of fittings is not used for quality control.

The design and nomenclature of fittings must be established in the design and technical documentation of the manufacturer.

GOST 22689-2014

b) Welded bend Figure 5 - Branches