Physics in the profession “programmer in computer systems. Professions related to physics Essay physics in my future profession machinist

A physicist is one who uses his education and experience to study and apply the interactions between matter and energy in the fields of mechanics, acoustics, optics, heat, electricity, magnetism, radiation, atomic structure, and nuclear phenomena.

Carl Darrow

The popularity of technical specialties is growing every day. To become a highly qualified specialist in this field, you need deep knowledge in the exact sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science. Any modern specialty is connected with physics. Today, every specialist should be able to work with the equipment necessary for this profession, as well as understand the essence of technological processes.
Physics is a fundamental science. At the heart of all technical sciences, one way or another, are physical laws and phenomena. Physics is closely related to engineering, programming, radio engineering, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, aircraft and rocket building, electrical and thermal power engineering, mining and oil and gas business. Specialists who know physics are needed in the field of construction, medicine, mechanics, automation and electronics, high technology and many other areas.


Physicist- a scientist whose scientific research is mainly devoted to physics. Physicists work on a wide range of problems, from subatomic particles to the behavior of the universe.

The subject of professional activity of a physicist is the field of science and technology, including a set of means, techniques, methods and methods for obtaining complete and reliable information about the nature and quantitative patterns of physical processes in the world, existing and new technical systems for different industries.

A physicist is engaged in the study of objects of the surrounding world and the laws of their interaction. He considers objects as physical bodies, and their interaction as physical phenomena. Conducts physical research through experiment, builds mathematical models of physical phenomena, describes the basic properties of the surrounding world. The study of physical phenomena allows physicists to discover general laws and use them for the purpose of progress.

Observation and curiosity, perseverance and the desire to learn new things, patience and critical thinking, a penchant for experimentation, interest in nature and the ability for scientific creativity are important for a physicist. The profession requires from a specialist mainly intellectual costs. The activity is related to the analysis, comparison and interpretation of data, the development of new solutions.

There are many specializations within the physicist profession.

Nuclear physicist conducts scientific research on the problems posed in the field of nuclear physics. The subjects of professional activity of a nuclear physicist are nuclear physical phenomena and processes (nuclear reactions, radioactivity, interaction of nuclear radiation with matter, nuclear isomerism, nuclear magnetic resonance, interaction of neutrons with nuclei, thermonuclear reactions, controlled thermonuclear fusion, etc.); radioactive substances; devices, mechanisms and equipment of the nuclear power complex. A nuclear physicist develops, implements and controls the state of the production and technological process at the enterprises of the nuclear energy complex.

biophysicist- a specialist in the study of biological problems, the cause of which is the physico-chemical life processes.

Biophysics- a field of science that studies the physical and physico-chemical phenomena that occur in living organisms. This area of ​​science is associated with the study of various biological processes or phenomena using laboratory experiments and mathematical calculations. The main task of a biophysicist is the study of physical and chemical processes that can cause a biological problem.

A biophysicist studies the physical and physicochemical processes in living organisms at all levels of the organization of living matter, as well as the fine structure of various biological systems. A biophysicist also studies the influence of such physical factors on the body as vibration, acceleration, weightlessness, investigates the biological effect of ionizing radiation, performs a physical analysis of the activity of the sense organs and analyzes the work of the organs of movement, respiration, blood circulation as physical systems, solves issues of strength and elasticity of tissues.


The engineering profession has always been the backbone of world development. The level of technical equipment even before the beginning of our era determined the superiority of one civilization over others. And today it is technical innovations that ensure the development of civilization.

Today, engineering professions are the most numerous professions of highly skilled labor. In our country, more than a third of specialists with higher education are engineers. The engineer is involved in the production of all the material goods of society - from food and consumer goods to complex computers and space rockets.

A modern engineer is a highly cultured specialist who is well versed in modern technology and technology, economics and organization of production, able to use engineering methods in solving engineering problems and at the same time possessing the ability to invent. The work of an engineer is a link between scientific discoveries, developments and their practical application. Engineers manage production sites at industrial enterprises, in construction, agriculture and other industries, work in design offices, laboratories and research institutions, deal with issues of organizing production, planning and economics. They design technologies, industrial equipment, machines, participate in the design and development of production control systems, production automation, business, management processes. They study the causes of deterioration and production failures, test products, determining their quality, etc.

For a full-fledged and high-quality work, an engineer needs mathematical and technical abilities; Analytical mind; concentration of attention; abstract thinking; propensity for research activities; drawing skills.

There are many engineering specialties.

Energy Engineer- a specialist with a higher technical education in the field of development, production or operation of systems intended for thermal or electrical supply. His job responsibilities are largely determined by the position and the specifics of the enterprise. In design and commissioning enterprises, power engineers restore and design the power grids of enterprises. At the energy enterprises themselves, they ensure the uninterrupted operation of the system, repair it, and also determine the technological process of working with energy equipment.

Design engineer- an engineering specialty whose activity is necessary for the development and creation of the final (target) product from the products and resources of the existing material production. He creates new objects of material culture from available resources, organizes and technically equips the work of other people.

Design engineers create, check and edit drawings, calculate the design of structures, participate in the coordination and protection of the project, conduct technical and designer supervision over its execution. The responsibilities of the designer also include testing and adjustment of prototype products and parts that are planned to be used in the future. Develops draft, technical and working designs and products of varying complexity, organizes technological processes for manufacturing parts and assembling machines, conducts research in the field of design, determines the indicators of the technical level of designed products, calculates the economic efficiency of implemented projects, draws up technical documentation for the developed structures.

mechanical engineer– a specialist with a higher technical education in the field of design, construction and operation of process equipment.

A mechanical engineer designs, constructs and operates mechanical equipment, machines, devices and devices, automatic lines, means and systems of complex mechanization and automation of production, organizes and conducts their installation, adjustment, testing. He develops, plans and organizes technological processes, chooses the optimal conditions for their implementation. His responsibilities also include planning and carrying out the repair of machines, drawing up technical specifications for the reconstruction of existing and the creation of new installations. In the field of agricultural production, the mechanical engineer directs the machine operators and manages the entire mechanization of agriculture.

The main purpose of the activity of a mechanical engineer is the design of mechanical equipment and technological processes and the organization of equipment maintenance.

An engineer of this specialty is a highly qualified specialist with deep knowledge of the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, the theory of automatic control, industrial electronics and computer technology.

civil engineer works in general construction and specialized construction, construction and installation, commissioning, maintenance, design, engineering and scientific organizations.

It carries out production and technological, organizational and managerial, design and research activities in the field of construction. These specialists solve problems related to the design and construction of buildings and structures, systems and devices for water supply and sewerage, roads and pipelines, power lines and communications, and other facilities.

In the course of his professional activity, a civil engineer calculates, designs and develops building structures, foundations and foundations, underground parts of structures in various soil conditions. Develops and implements technologies for the manufacture and installation of building structures, projects for the organization of construction and construction work using integrated mechanization and advanced labor methods.

The civil engineer manages construction, installation and adjustment works, controls their quality, carries out technical supervision over the implementation of design solutions and the performance of construction and installation works. He is engaged in the regulation of labor and budgeting in construction, engineering support for the brigade cost accounting, draws up orders and estimates of labor costs and wages of workers.

Metallurgical engineer studies and implements technologies for the production of various metals. The duties of a metallurgical engineer include determining the chemical composition of the alloy, choosing the appropriate temperature and processing time, controlling the casting and stamping of the finished alloy, and welding several finished parts. He is responsible for carrying out the technological process, offers new technologies to reduce the cost of the finished product and reduce energy costs.

The subjects of professional activity are the technological processes of the metallurgical industry, the processing of raw materials and the production of metal products with increased consumer properties, the technology for obtaining and processing metals and materials, the study of the structure and properties, equipment for mining and metallurgical production, automatic control systems for metallurgical production and quality control of the final product.

Process Engineer busy with the organization of production processes or the development of a certain technology in manufacturing enterprises. He himself chooses a set of equipment on which he carries out the technological process, the optimal mode of operation, methods for evaluating results and quality control, and maintains technological documentation. The process engineer leads the rationalization and inventive work of the enterprise for the development of production capacities.

Welding process engineer is a specialist in the field of welding technology. He supervises the technological preparation of welding work in the manufacture of products; organizes the development and introduces into production advanced welding methods; controls compliance with technological modes of welding, consumption rates of materials.

Electrical Engineer is able to perform any work on the design, installation, commissioning, repair and modernization of power lines and substations from low to super- and ultra-high voltages, high-tech, safe and economical maintenance of electrical networks, thermal and nuclear power plants using new advanced technologies, equipment and automated systems .

Mining engineer (mine surveyor)– a specialist in conducting spatial and geometric measurements in the bowels of the earth and on the corresponding sections of its surface with the subsequent display of the measurement results on plans, maps and sections during mining and geological exploration.

The mine surveyor works in the exploration of mineral deposits, in mining enterprises under construction and in operation, in the construction of underground structures. He is engaged in geodetic measurements and marking, and the quality of work of sinkers, builders, etc. depends on their accuracy.

Mining Mechanical Engineer is a specialist in the field of designing mining and processing machines and mechanisms used in processing and processing industries.

These specialists are engaged in the design, operation and repair of mining machines and mechanisms used in the development of mineral deposits in an open and underground way.

Metrology engineer is engaged in checking and adjusting the accuracy of measuring devices and devices. The main goal of its activity is to bring measuring instruments in full compliance with established standards. The metrologist needs to develop verification schemes for various types of measurements, instructions, methods and other metrological documentation, as well as check, repair and calibrate measuring instruments. He controls the compliance of methods and measuring instruments with the requirements of the legislation, conducts metrological examination.

Standardization Engineer is a specialist in the field of ensuring and evaluating product quality, as well as monitoring the operating conditions of technical means (instruments, equipment), fixing rules in standards and regulations to achieve resource savings while maintaining production safety.

Standardization is a whole science that studies, analyzes, generalizes and formulates the laws of production processes in order to achieve their optimal degree of order.

The standardization engineer controls technical documentation, develops new and revises existing standards, specifications and other standardization and certification documents, works on their implementation at enterprises. It studies the technical level of products, the features of production and the results of the operation of standardized products and their individual elements.

radio engineer is engaged in the design, development and operation of specialized radio-electronic devices, instrumentation for digital data transmission lines, software and hardware for organizing digital radio channels.

Radio and television, computer equipment, devices for scientific research and medicine, mobile radio communication systems - this is not a complete list of those areas where it is impossible to do without a radio engineer. They are of interest to academic and industry research institutes, computer centers, design and engineering organizations, manufacturing enterprises directly or indirectly related to radio-electronic devices and apparatus, computers, automated systems, software, and various applications.

Software Engineer carries out activities in the field of design, production and operation of software based on modern information technologies. The main task of a software engineer is to develop programs based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, applied, economic and other problems that ensure the implementation of these algorithms and tasks by means of computer technology.

The duties of a software engineer include the development of technology, stages and sequence of problem solving; choice of programming language and translation into it of used models and algorithms of tasks; determination of information for processing on a computer (its volume, structure, layouts and input schemes, method of storage and reproduction). He is engaged in preparing programs for debugging and debugging, checking programs based on logical analysis, correcting them in the process of finalization. Provides support for implemented programs and software tools. Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.

Physics teacher

Physics teacher carries out training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of teaching the subject "physics". Conducts lessons, additional elective classes, leads subject circles. Draws up a thematic plan of work on the subject, ensures the implementation of the curriculum. Participates in methodological work, uses the most effective forms, methods and means of teaching. Analyzes the progress of students, ensures compliance with academic discipline. Forms the skills and abilities of independent work of schoolchildren, stimulates their cognitive activity and learning motivation. Achieves a solid and deep assimilation of knowledge on the subject, the ability to apply knowledge in practice. Equips and arranges the classroom. He studies and takes into account the individual characteristics of students in the work, participates in work with parents.

Physics is considered one of the most difficult subjects in the school curriculum, as it is a dynamically changing scientific field. Therefore, a physics teacher needs to follow all the news in the world of science, get acquainted with new discoveries, technical achievements and inventions.

The main task of a physics teacher is to teach children to understand the world around them, the processes that take place around them in everyday life.

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Physics is the science of nature in the most general sense. It studies mechanical, electrical, magnetic, thermal, sound and light phenomena. Physics is called "fundamental science". Therefore, its laws are used in almost all areas: medicine, construction, in all areas related to technology, in electronics and electrical engineering, optics, astronomy, geodesy, etc.

Physics in construction

Building physics studies in detail the phenomena and processes associated with the construction and operation of buildings and structures. These phenomena and properties are characterized by physical quantities. Construction activities are inextricably linked with certain environmental conditions: temperature, humidity, air composition, substance density.

First you need to study the area where the construction will take place. This is what geodesists do. Engineering geodesy studies the methods and means of geodetic work in the design, construction and operation of various engineering structures. The tasks of geodesy are solved on the basis of the results of special measurements performed using geodetic instruments, since it is necessary to evaluate the site of the proposed construction. you need to get information about the terrain. All these calculations serve as the basis for the design of structures and buildings. And here you can not do without the laws of physics!

Physics in the profession of Architect

The profession of an architect involves architectural design at a professional level. The duties of a specialist include the organization of the architectural environment, the design of buildings and the development of space-planning and architectural solutions.

In architecture, the laws of physics are of great importance, which help to consider the role of the concepts STABILITY, STRENGTH, RIGIDITY OF STRUCTURES, as well as the role of floors and foundations in the construction of buildings, deformation of structural elements and calculation. Using the laws of statics for

Physics in the medical profession

At present, the line of contact between physics and medicine is extensive, and their contacts are constantly expanding and strengthening. There is not a single field of medicine where physical instruments are not used to establish diseases and their cures.

The most important part of the human body is the circulatory system. The action of the human circulatory system can be compared to the work of a hydraulic machine. The heart works like a pump that pushes blood through the blood vessels. During heart contraction, blood is forced out of the heart into the arteries, passing through valves that prevent it from returning to the heart. Then it relaxes and during this time it fills with blood from the veins and lungs. The discovery of simple ways to measure blood pressure has made it easier for doctors to recognize diseases that are characterized by abnormal blood pressure.

Physics in the profession of a cook

Molecular physics and thermodynamics are very important branches of physics for a cook. As they say, a good result cannot be accidental... So, to prepare a good steak, you need to put it in a hot pan and add a small amount of fat or oil.

The oil will clog the holes in the meat and it will cook juicy.

Physics in the profession of a photographer

The profession of a photographer is closely connected with the science of "Physics".

Concepts such as focus, lens, etc. belong to this profession.

The main element of the apparatus is the lens. Without it, there would be no microscope, no telescope, no glasses... And this means that many people over 50 could not read, biologists could not study cells, and astronomers could not study space.

Physics as a nuclear engineer

Here, physics is used to solve the problems of nuclear energy enrichment.

Nuclear physicists, together with atomic physicists, study the structure of the atom and the processes in it, and not infrequently make great discoveries.

Physics as a petroleum engineer

The use of internal combustion engines, the development of mechanical engineering, and the aviation industry became possible with the discovery of more and more new oil fields. Huge oil reserves allow the development of the industry.

In this profession, researchers are discovering new ways to improve oil and natural gas production.

Physics in machine, aircraft and rocket science

A designer of rockets, space stations, satellites, anti-missile systems must know physics and understand the essence of physical processes...

Specialist in informatics and computer technology

In modern life, a lot of information technology tools have appeared, with the help of which you can create presentations for lessons, recreate experiments and scientific discoveries of ancient scientists, and all this with the help of animation, raster and vector graphics, video. All these methods greatly facilitate the life of modern teachers and teachers.

The impulse turns into numbers, numbers into binary code... that's why physics is present in computer science.

Physics is one of the most important and ancient sciences. Thanks to her, there is a study of many different processes. Therefore, specialties related to physics will be relevant for a long time. Physics is a fundamental science, the application of which is used in many fields of activity.

In contact with

List of professions

  1. Physicist-engineer.
  2. Physicist-mechanic.
  3. Design engineer.
  4. Petroleum engineer.
  5. Nuclear physics engineer.
  6. Specialist in computer technology.
  7. Technological engineer.
  8. Architect.

About specialties


A profession associated with knowledge of physical phenomena and constant practice. In this profession, it is necessary to know all the mechanical processes, since this work is related to equipment in various enterprises and the introduction of new technologies. In the case of the invention of a new technology in any research, incredible career growth and success awaits you. There are a lot of directions in this area, but three main ones can be distinguished:


A profession related to mechanical engineering and motorsport, namely the introduction of the latest engines with huge power, technologies that help reduce air resistance, etc. Working in a large company, you can achieve real success.

Design engineer:

The main activity of this profession is to combine the constituent parts into a complete product. This profession is required in production, where it is necessary to create various structures, electrical circuits and mechanisms.

Petroleum Engineer:

The highest paid profession requiring serious skills. In the field of oil and gas production, new technologies and equipment are constantly needed to improve the results of work. And if you can help this area, a high reward will await you.

Nuclear Physics Engineer:

Applies scientific and technical data for the enrichment of nuclear energy, deals with the problem of disposal of radioactive waste. Applies knowledge in nuclear physics to create the latest technologies such as nuclear weapons, reactors and nuclear power plants. Together with atomic physicists, they study the properties of atoms. New materials are being invented, for example, new generations of supernicks and various polymers.

Computer Specialist:

At the moment, computer technology remains a relevant activity. Such specialists can be drawn into theoretical programming problems, digital data processing and software problem solving.

Process Engineer:

A profession in which the specialty is technical, physics comes first. Here you need to know all the technical processes and be aware of the latest technologies. This specialist is engaged in the technical arrangement of the enterprise and the renewal of equipment. He chooses the equipment and the technical mode of operation. A great burden of responsibility rests on his shoulders, since the future of the enterprise will depend on his decisions. And if you possess all the professional qualities of the profession, then you must definitely succeed.


A creative profession, but still connected with physics and other sciences. To get this specialty, you need to understand all physical processes and master the skills of computer modeling. But, of course, to be professional, you must have a penchant for creativity.

A little about others

Having analyzed the main specialties, let's move on to professions that are not as strongly related to other sciences as to physics. The most difficult of them is the scientist. The role of scientists in the world is very great. It is thanks to them that important scientific discoveries occur. There are many people who would like to make their scientific discovery, but this requires a lot of effort. To become a scientist, it is necessary to be interested in science since childhood. You must be a genius, able to work all day, not for money, but for science and scientific achievements.

If at the university you show yourself as a good and capable specialist, then the university itself will be able to send you to some research center. You can't study to be a scientist. They become in the process of learning, in the event that you really understand a certain topic and it pushes you forward.

If you want to connect your life only with theoretical physics, then you should think about the profession of a teacher. You will be able not only to give lectures, but also to do some kind of research, which will bring you obvious benefits. But to become a professional physics teacher, knowledge alone is not enough. It is necessary to be able to communicate with your students and understand them and direct them to the right path.

Profession for girls

Many believe that girls are not capable of engaging in activities related to physics. But this deep delusion. There are girls who know physics much better than men and are able to work as various engineers and designers on a par with men. If you approach the choice of a profession for girls, then any profession from the above list can be suitable here. But most often they choose the role of teachers. There are many women scientists who also contribute to science. Do not think that professions related to physics are suitable only for men.

Dokuchaeva Evgenia Alexandrovna
Position: physics and technology teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Secondary school No. 69"
Locality: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region
Material name: Presentation
Publication date: 03.10.2016
Chapter: complete education

MBOU Secondary School No. 69 MBOU Secondary School No. 69 “Physics in my future profession. “Physics in my future profession. Welder is almost an artist Welder is almost an artist
MBOU Secondary School No. 69 MBOU Secondary School No. 69 “Physics in my future profession. Welder “Physics in my future profession. Welder is almost an artist "almost an artist"

The physics project was completed by a student of grade 9 B

Petrov Andrey

Petrov Andrey

Head teacher of physics E.A. Dokuchaeva




Physics is the basis of technology. Physics is the basis of technology.
Physics is science

Physics is science



Development periods

Development periods

physics as a science:

physics as a science:

1. The first stage 1905-1931

1. The first stage 1905-1931

2. The second stage 1932-1954

3. Third stage 195 years………

3. Third stage 195 years………

Analysis of the connection of the subject "physics" in

practical activities of the profession





Fundamentals of MKT.



Welding is the process of obtaining one-piece

compounds through the establishment of interatomic

bonds between the parts to be joined when they are heated and

melting or plastic deformation.

Molten arc liquid metal parts, electrode

or filler rod is mixed, forming a common

bath. As it cools, the metal solidifies and

its metallic bonds are strengthened.

Three types of energy are used for welding: thermal,

thermomechanical, mechanical.

The thermal class includes all types of arc,

gas, electroslag, plasma, electronic

beam, laser, thermite and light welding.

The mechanical class includes cold,

ultrasonic, magnetic-pulse welding and welding

friction and explosion.

The thermomechanical class includes all types

contact, diffusion, forge welding.

Analysis of the connection of the subject "physics" in practical

activities of the profession "welder":


Surface tension.

Wetting. Capillarity.

Crystalline and amorphous bodies.

Create materials with specified


Thermal engines.

Quantity of heat.


Conductors and dielectrics.

Electric current.Connection




Transformer. Phenomenon

electromagnetic induction.



Voltage.Current.Power sources

Conductors of electric current.


A magnetic field.


Ampere power.

A magnetic field.

Electric current in metals.

in semiconductors.

Electric current in vacuum, in gases.

Thermionic emission.


Electromagnetic radiation and their


Ultra-violet rays.


x-ray radiation

Gamma radiation.

Spectra. Spectral analysis.

Problems of choosing a future

Problems of choosing a future



Choosing a future profession without exaggeration

can be called a choice of life

can be called a choice of life
. from this choice. A lot depends on this choice. In the case of the wrong, a lot depends. In the case of a wrong choice, a person dooms himself to many years of choice, a person dooms himself to many years of spending his time in an unloved job. spending your time at a job you hate. Problems in choosing a profession, as a rule, As a rule, most people face problems in choosing a profession. faced by most people.
There is such a profession - There is such a profession - a welder. welder. All professions are needed, All professions are needed, All professions are important, All professions are important, And the work of a welder - And the work of a welder - All are needed, and all are more important! All are needed, and all are more important!


 Welder - worker, specialist Welder - worker, specialist in welding production. welding production.  Welder - a responsible profession, Welder - a responsible profession, almost virtuoso, almost virtuoso on the quality of work, on the quality of work of which much depends - on which much depends - durability and stability durability and stability of building structures, work and building structures, work and service life of various technology. service life of various equipment.
Application Application

Welding is used in many industries

industry. Welders work on

construction sites, creating structures and systems

various communications, in industry, where

apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering,

shipbuilding and other fields such as,

energy, oil refining

industry, agriculture. hard to name

such a segment of production where it would not be applied

work of a welder.

work of a welder.

Specializations of welders Specializations of welders  Welder, as a profession, is divided into several Welders, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: manual arc welder, gas welder, specializations: manual arc welder, gas welder, operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all operators of automatic welding machines. The workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the combination of these specialties is engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatus, parts, assemblies of metal structures, complex apparatus, parts, assemblies by metal fusion. From the skill of welders by metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence, depends on the quality of the welds. Any mistakes, negligence made in work can lead to catastrophic mistakes made in work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It's scary to think what the consequences could be. It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to. poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, a professional welder must know electrical engineering, metal melting technology, properties of gases used in metal melting technology, properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, methods and principles of operation used for anti-oxidation, methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with units and equipment is of great importance. Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance. safety measures and industrial sanitation.
Advantages of the profession + Advantages of the profession +

To the advantages of the profession

To the advantages of the profession
prestige can be attributed to prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. public sector of the economy, as well as in the private sector. Young professionals who have just graduated Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for a job for a long time - she is a school, she will not have to look for a job for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience willingly finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, they are accepted into housing and communal services, into private service organizations. With private service organizations. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more experience, they are entrusted with more responsible deeds and work in industry, for responsible deeds and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases. construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases.
Cons of the profession - Cons of the profession - Cons of the profession Cons of the profession - difficult working conditions - difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites when working on open construction sites in any weather, a large load on vision due to any weather, a large load on vision from - due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the high hazard of production due to the large emission of gases and heat during welding, large emission of gases and heat during welding work. otakh.
Personal qualities of a person, Personal qualities of a person, presented by the profession, presented by the profession  Physical strength and endurance. Sharpness Physical strength and endurance. Visual acuity and color perception. Flexibility, vision and color perception. Flexibility, mobility of arms, legs and whole body. Developed mobility of arms, legs and whole body. Developed vestibular apparatus. Skill long-term vestibular apparatus. The ability to focus for a long time. Good focus. Good hand-eye coordination. hand-eye coordination. Spatial imagination and Spatial imagination and technical thinking. Accuracy. technical thinking. Accuracy. Equilibrium. Equilibrium.

History of discovery and development

History of discovery and development

welding production.

welding production.
The very phenomenon of the arc discharge was discovered and studied in

Russian physicist and electrical engineer
, later Academician

Vladimirovich Petrov.

In 1802 a Russian academician

V.V. Petrov

History of discovery and development

History of discovery and development

welding production.

welding production.

Great Welders

Great Welders

Nikolai Nikolaevich Benardos
(July 26, 1842 - September 8, 1905), - Russian inventor, creator of electric arc welding (1881).

History of discovery and development

History of discovery and development

welding production.

welding production.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Slavyanov

Nikolai Gavrilovich Slavyanov
(1854 (1854 -1897) - inventor of arc welding -1897) - inventor of electric arc welding of metals. electric welding of metals.

Great Welders

Great Welders

Boris Evgenievich

(b. in 1918) - Soviet scientist in the field of metallurgy and welding. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

The use of welding in

non-standard conditions

non-standard conditions

Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov

Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov
(b. in (b. in 1935) - Soviet cosmonaut, the first in 1935) - Soviet cosmonaut, the first in the world to carry out welding work in the world, carried out welding work in space. space.

Can welding be turned into

Can welding be turned into

art, and a welder - to be

art, and a welder - to be

an artist?

an artist?

The 21st century welder must be

The 21st century welder must be



Welder as an artist Welder as an artist 

I think that any business, if to him

be creative and loving

can be turned into art

masterpiece. And when working with metal,

you can actually create

you can actually create

interesting stuff from

interesting stuff from

lamps - floor lamps - lampshades,

benches, beds and ending

such masterpieces as sculpture.

I made my choice! My profession-



Welder is power

Welder is power
 Pressure in a gas cylinder, Pressure in a gas cylinder,  A spark creates a flame, A spark creates a flame,  The metal will melt at once The metal will melt at once  Up to a red-burning banner To a red-burning banner And immediately it is fed into the bath And immediately it is fed into the bath  Heated additive Heated additive  Not everything succeeds right away, Not everything succeeds right away,  What would it be even and smooth What would be even and smooth Lay down layer by layer Lay down layer by layer  The seam stretches along the path The seam stretches along the path  Yes, it’s not simple Yes, it’s not easy  But you can learn But you can learn After all, a welder is a force After all, a welder is a force  For the production of cars For the production of cars  And become all of them under the power And become all of them under the power  Not only for men Not only for men



Description of work

The history of physics is closely connected with the history of society. This is quite natural, since physics, like any science, is an important component of culture, and scientific development, of course, is determined by the development of civilization as a whole. Moreover, physics to a large extent depends on the level of development, and determines the development of the productive forces of society. In this regard, the development of physics is determined by the development of both material culture and general, spiritual culture. Note that spiritual culture should be understood in the broadest sense, i.e. include education, ideology, state structure.
The economics of an enterprise is an educational and scientific discipline that sets out the methods and rules for the economic activity of a production organization.

Files: 1 file

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Irkutsk State Technical University

Department of Physics


"The role of physics in my profession"

Completed: st-ka gr. EUP-09-1 Domnina D.R.

Checked by: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Konovalov N.P.

Irkutsk, 2010


The history of physics is closely connected with the history of society. This is quite natural, since physics, like any science, is an important component of culture, and scientific development, of course, is determined by the development of civilization as a whole. Moreover, physics to a large extent depends on the level of development, and determines the development of the productive forces of society. In this regard, the development of physics is determined by the development of both material culture and general, spiritual culture. Note that spiritual culture should be understood in the broadest sense, i.e. include education, ideology, state structure.

The economics of an enterprise is an educational and scientific discipline that sets out the methods and rules for the economic activity of a production organization.

The main task that the management personnel of enterprises solve is to ensure that each ruble invested in production not only pays off in full, but also brings additional income. A professional economist, as the main person in the structure of economic management, must have sufficient knowledge of the actual processes and mechanisms of production and circulation of goods, which makes it possible to avoid mistakes and guarantee the success of the business.


The connection of physics with the development of society can be traced throughout the history of the development of civilization. This relationship is not always unambiguous, which is primarily due to the natural lag in the implementation of certain opportunities from the needs of society. On the other hand, at certain stages, physics, as a powerful branch of the tree of civilization, begins to develop according to its own laws, which are weakly connected with the development of society as a whole.

As material production developed in the ancient world, knowledge in the field of natural science was accumulating. But in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China, this knowledge was not systematized. For the development of physics, of course, the level of the spiritual culture of society is also important, which is necessary for generalizing observational data, the emergence of new physical ideas and concepts, and the creation of a coherent system of knowledge. This is especially clearly seen in the history of physics of the ancient world.

The Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians had certain valuable knowledge on certain issues of natural science, but they were of an accidental nature. And only after the appearance of "pure sciences" - philosophy and mathematics in ancient Greece, systematic work on the description and explanation of natural phenomena became possible. At the same time, experimental observations accumulated in the process of the development of material culture were naturally used. Achieving a high general cultural level in Greece, in the presence of an extensive complex of knowledge and technical skills, provided in the 4th century BC. the beginning of work on the description, ordering and explanation of natural phenomena. Therefore, it was at this time that Aristotle in his natural-philosophical works appears the very concept of "physics" and the foundations of physical thinking are laid. The approach of Archimedes and other ancient Greek scientists to solving physical problems was based on simple but rigorous geometric proofs, so that mathematics became the main intellectual tool of physics.

It should be noted that the achievements of the Alexandrian mechanics of the 2nd-1st centuries BC. allowed to create very necessary and useful technical devices. But the lack of an appropriate production base delayed the implementation of these inventions until the 2nd-4th centuries, when they were partially used in intensive construction in the Roman Empire, and the introduction of the vast majority of inventions was delayed until the Renaissance.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire in Europe, there is an economic decline. This determined that in the Middle Ages there was practically no development of physics there. An important factor that determined the development of science was the emergence of new religions: Christianity and Islam.

The emerging new dominant ideologies were very jealous and hostile to the cultural heritage of the past, philosophy and natural science. At the end of the 4th century, under the leadership of the Alexandrian Archbishop Theophilus, a part of the Library of Alexandria was organized, and at the beginning of the 5th century, on the instructions of Patriarch Cyril, the Alexandria Museum was destroyed, and many of its professors were killed. In 529, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian closed the last philosophical school in Athens, and Pope Gregory I by a special decree forbade the reading of ancient books and the study of mathematics and philosophy. The Arabs are credited with the final burning of the Library of Alexandria in 640.

With the strengthening and flourishing of the Arab states, Islam becomes more tolerant, the assimilation of cultures begins, and the development of science is observed in the Arab world, so the achievements of medieval physics are mainly associated with Arab scientists. At the same time, we should talk about a change in the attitude of states, and not religion, since the latter is extremely intolerant of the development of science, the acquisition of new objective knowledge. For orthodox religious ideologies, the main thing is unquestioning adherence to dogmas, obedience, and not the result, and religion throughout almost the entire history had a negative attitude towards the development of physics and natural science in general.

In this regard, in medieval Europe, where the Catholic Church had great power, even after the creation of universities, the development of science in them is purely scholastic in nature. And only after the beginning of the Renaissance, the revival of both material and spiritual culture, there is a rejection of scholastic thinking in science and the founders of the experimental method in physics appear - Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei. The industrial revolution taking place at this time, the use of machines in manufacturing production poses new problems for physics. The achievements of ancient statics have already been practically exhausted, and unlike the technology of antiquity, where the science of balance was mainly used, in the technology of the manufacturing period, the task of mastering and transmitting mechanical movement comes forward. Such problems are fully solved by classical mechanics created in the 17th-18th centuries.

The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century further stimulated the development of physics. In this case, first of all, it should be noted the influence of the practical use of the steam engine and the need for its improvement on the development of thermodynamics. And the success of the theory of heat, in turn, contributed to the development of heat engineering in the second half of the 19th century, since the designers of new heat engines - internal combustion engines relied on the theoretical principles of thermodynamics.

It is also necessary to say about the rapid development of electrical engineering in the 19th century, where the discoveries of Volta, Ampère, Faraday and other physicists in the field of electromagnetism were widely and actively used. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the ways and timing of the implementation of technical applications of various physical discoveries may be different, since the development of technology occurs according to its own internal laws. For example, the use of electricity to transmit signals over distances was proposed by Volta, Ampere and other researchers. But the implementation of the telegraph became possible only after the successful proposal in 1832 of the telegraphic alphabet by the American inventor Samuel Morse (1791-1872).

After the completion of the construction of classical physics, the development of modern physics to a greater extent proceeded according to the objective laws of its own logic. Thus, both the theory of relativity and quantum physics arose as a result of the need to overcome internal contradictions in physics that could not be resolved within the framework of classical theory. And now the achievements of quantum and nuclear physics in the 20th century stimulated the development of technology and ensured a full-scale scientific and technological revolution in material production.

The influence of the development of culture on physics was also not one-sided. In addition to the influence of physics on the industrial and scientific and technological revolutions of the 19th and 20th centuries, physics actively and deeply penetrated into the processes of the spiritual formation of society. This is, first of all, the development of communication and mass media, which largely determine modern spiritual culture, the emergence of which would not have been possible without the achievements of physics. And the successes of atomic and nuclear physics of the 20th century to a large extent led to a change in the consciousness of society in various directions, from politics to ecology.

It is necessary to note one more aspect of the connection between physics and society: the influence of the state structure on the development of physics, which was most clearly manifested in the 20th century. Basically, the successes of physics were determined by the achievements of scientists in democratic states, and totalitarian regimes forced, as a rule, representatives of the scientific elite (Russia, Italy, Germany) to emigrate. But this connection is not unambiguous, since in totalitarian states huge material and human resources were concentrated on solving a number of scientific and technical problems (especially on improving military equipment). Moreover, much attention was paid to the development of physical education on a mass scale. And already, according to the law of large numbers, there were always scientists who successfully dealt not only with applied problems, but also made fundamental discoveries.


The origin of physics and its first successes are to a decisive extent connected with the fact that the first scientific and educational centers were created in the ancient world: the Aristotelian Lyceum and the Alexandria Museum. Both of these institutions were organized and existed with the full support of the then state leaders: Alexander the Great and the rulers of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Such support implied full state support and created the necessary conditions for the development of creativity. In the Arab world, as in the Hellenic era, the main natural science research was concentrated in court schools.

With the advent of universities in medieval Europe, scientific activity begins to concentrate there, and research by scientists at the courts of feudal rulers continues. The concepts of scientist and university professor, as a rule, coincided. At the same time, the main duty of a university professor was teaching, and scientific activity was carried out exclusively on personal initiative with practical freedom of creativity.

An important point that determined the development and dissemination of science is the creation of scientific academies.

In 1560, Porta organized the first academy in Italy - the Academy of the Secrets of Nature. But this was not a real academy with proper organs and statute, but rather periodic meetings in the house of the Porte.

In 1603, in Rome, the first meeting of the Academy of Dei Linci was held, the purpose of which was to study and disseminate scientific knowledge. From 1611 Galileo was a member of the Academy. Until 1630, the Academy prospered, published important scientific works, and came out with an open defense of Galileo's teachings. But after the death of one of the most active organizers of the Academy, Federico Cesi (1585-1630), its activities practically ceased. Already in the 18th century and later, in a constant struggle with the church, attempts were repeatedly made to recreate and transform the Academy. As a result, in 1939 it merged with the dissolved Italian Academy, and in 1944 it was transformed into the National Academy of Dei Lynci.

Returning in 1644 from Italy to England, Boyle became the initiator of the association of scientists and researchers. Since 1645, an "invisible college" began to operate in London and Oxford, which in 1660 was officially transformed into the "Royal Society for the Development of Knowledge." This society still plays the role of the English Academy of Sciences to this day. Following the example of the Royal Society, in 1663 the Academy of Exact Sciences was founded in Paris.

Both the Royal Society and the Paris Academy were modeled on the Academy of Experiments, founded in 1657 by Prince Leopolde de' Medici. Like the Academy dei Lynches, it was organized to promote science and was supposed to expand physical knowledge through the collective experimental activity of its members according to the method of Galileo. It had full members as well as Italian and foreign corresponding members. The Academy of Experiments published the results of its activities: in 1667, the work of the scientific secretary Magalotti, "Essays on the Natural Science Activities of the Academy of Experiments", was published, and in 1680 in Florence, Giovanni Targioni Tozetti published in four volumes "Proceedings and Unpublished Reports of the Academy of Experiments". Important results were obtained at the Academy of Experiments: Galileo's thermoscope was improved and an alcohol thermometer was created, the expansion of bodies during heating was investigated, systematic meteorological observations were begun, studies were carried out on the motion of bodies in a vacuum and in air, electrical phenomena, sound, color, etc.