Origami paper envelope a4 scheme. Origami envelope: original congratulations to friends and family

Despite the variety of finished printed products, a do-it-yourself origami envelope made of paper, like any hand made, is always appreciated and attracts attention. Money, a greeting card and even a mini-surprise will be elegantly packaged and will please the addressee, thanks to the ancient Japanese art. Each message has its own model, for example, on Valentine's Day it is customary to give a variety decorated with a heart, and small gifts are "hidden" in a special envelope with a double bottom.

Easy and practical

Gone are the days when stacks of postal envelopes were kept in every home. Letters are now written exclusively by email, and messages are sent to relatives or friends through numerous instant messengers. But if necessary, it costs nothing to fold an exclusive origami envelope in a few minutes. You can use both special paper and packaging, for example, “borrowed” from the main gift, craft, and even a fragment of wallpaper from an old repair stock.

You will need one square sheet with a side of 21 cm. It will make a universal envelope for both a cash gift and a postcard.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We place the square with the vertex towards us. If one of the sides of the paper is white, you need to start with it.
  2. Fold from left to right.
  3. We reveal.
  4. Fold up from bottom to top.
  5. We reveal.
  6. Fold the left outer corner towards the center.
  7. By analogy, we act with the right. The top corner is also folded to the center. Having outlined the fold line, return to its original position. Now we raise the lower corner to the just marked mark. Iron the fold and open.
  8. Fold the bottom corner up to the line just marked.
  9. “Close” to the same mark the right and left side blanks.
  10. We push the central valve forward and, making a reverse fold, place it on top of the side elements.
  11. We fold the lower part, as is usually done with envelopes, and turn the central valve inward - it serves as a retainer so that the paper structure does not fall apart. If desired, you can glue the part, but this is not at all necessary.

Based on this simple model, you can make a charming origami envelope with a bow, which even beginners can do.


The Japanese often make decorative "locked" bags called "tato" out of paper. They can put souvenir coins, magnets, Jewelry and other relatively flat objects. The package does not open itself and securely stores its "secret". It looks original and stylish, and after the gift is removed, it can be used as Christmas toys or pendants for interior decoration.

In the Russian-language version, tato bags were nicknamed "Vetryachok" for the similarity of the lock on them with a children's toy windmill. This origami envelope is best made from paper with two differently colored sides.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We need a square 21x21 cm.
  2. We designate diagonal folds on it.
  3. We bend the bottom corner so that its top falls 1/3 above the center. Precision is not needed here.
  4. Bend the top back to the fold line.

  1. Fold the flap towards the center.
  2. Repeat steps 3-5 for the rest of the corners. We start from the right. Now fold it 1/3 above the center.
  3. We bend the valve in the opposite direction, aligning it along the middle axis.
  4. And return the top to the center.

  1. The same algorithm is applicable for the top corner.
  2. Now for the left.
  3. However, we have not yet succeeded in milling.
  4. In order to fully assemble it, you need to re-open the left side and bottom of the workpiece.

  1. Now we make a reverse fold below and on the left, leading the previously open part under the bottom.
  2. We beautifully straighten our “mill”, which fastens the origami paper envelope without any glue and does not allow it to fall apart.

Secret object

Based on special Japanese menko cards, they make origami envelopes with a surprise. Their feature is the presence of a double bottom, which allows you to hide a miniature gift or a secret note. For the model you will need a square sheet of paper, 21x21 cm in size.


  • Lay the sheet white side up.
  • Fold the bottom right corner over to the top left. We open the workpiece.
  • Bend the lower right corner to the central axis.
  • Here is the resulting figure (see Fig. 4).

  • Lower the upper left corner to the bottom edge.
  • We partially iron the fold line, only outlining it.
  • Fully straighten the workpiece.
  • We bend the left edge to the last crease we created.

  • Expanding the model.
  • We fold the right edge to the same mark.
  • Bend the lower part up to the first diagonal line.
  • We lower the upper edge to it. As a result, we should get a grid of 9 identical sections.

  • Rotate the workpiece 90° clockwise.
  • Fold back the top right corner.
  • Iron the crease well.
  • Expand and do the same with the other three sides.

  • Here's what we should get.
  • "Close" the right side to the left.
  • Open the middle part up, as shown in the figure.
  • We straighten the bottom of the figure. We create a semblance of the basic form "Windmill".

  • Pull the leftmost point down.
  • We press and smooth the resulting "blade".
  • We stretch and straighten the left side, continuing to act according to the "Windmill" scheme.
  • The top of the figure needs to be opened a little in order to fold the last “blade” of our conventional windmill.
  • Smooth out the straightened part.
  • We get a shape very similar to the Windmill, but with an envelope in the center.

  • We turn over the workpiece.
  • Bend the right corner to the left, overlaying the central part.
  • Raise the bottom one up.
  • Fold the left corner to the right
  • Top - down.
  • We insert it into the "pocket" of the right section.

It turns out an unusual model with two "compartments", like a purse. You can put a gift in one, a congratulatory note in the other. Ready-made origami "menko" envelopes look sophisticated, especially if they are made of paper with an oriental pattern:

Mini models are often used for jewelry:


A "heart" theme is a traditional choice for Valentine's Day, but it doesn't have to be limited to just this holiday. Any note with warm words of love will touch the recipient even more if it is enclosed in an origami envelope decorated with a heart. Its scheme is simple, respectively, the folding process will not take much time. Even in the morning, running away to work, you can have time to make a “message” and leave it on the table or refrigerator door.

You will need a rectangular sheet, A5 or A4 format, if you need an envelope for a standard postcard. It is advisable to use paper with different colored sides.

Fold the sheet in half along the long side and open. We bend both upper corners to the central axis. We turn over the workpiece. We fold the lower part up along the fold line indicated in the figure. We return the model to the front side. Bend the sides to the midline.

We open the outer corners and with the help of a reverse fold, we bring it inside the figure. Flip it over to the back. We fold the upper part with a “valley” along the line indicated in the diagram. We bring the outer corners of the “heart” that has already appeared inside. Bend the inner ones. The origami envelope is ready. Notes or postcards are put in a pocket under the "heart".

An elegant model for all occasions

An origami envelope decorated with a graceful leaf will be appropriate for any occasion: anniversary, wedding anniversary, declaration of love, gift to relatives or friends. It is also suitable for the effective presentation of money. The model is assembled without glue, from one sheet of A4 paper.

Gift envelopes in Japan

In Japanese culture, it is customary to treat gift wrapping with great trepidation. Even the most beautiful and valuable things, not wrapped and bandaged properly, not only will not bring joy, but will be perceived as an insult. Each case has its own packaging, bearing a certain symbolism. It could be good wishes, expression of gratitude, respect, admiration and so on.

One of the most popular gifts among the Japanese is money, which is customarily put in special envelopes - wear bukuro. Similar packaging exists all over the world, but the inhabitants of the "Land of the Rising Sun" have brought it to perfection. It is thanks to the envelope, which is a work of arts and crafts, that money is perceived as a full-fledged gift, and not as a way to show a minimum of attention.

Nosi-bukuro envelopes use paper handmade"washi", which refers to intangible items cultural heritage UNESCO. Thanks to the unique manufacturing technology, which originated in the 8th century AD. e., the sheets acquire an expressive, noble texture, their quality is considered unsurpassed. The envelope is necessarily decorated with mizuhiki knots made of thin colored twine. This is not just an exquisite decorative element, but an encrypted message. Depending on what event was the reason for the cash gift, weaving combines different colors and patterns. Etiquette in this regard is so complicated that handbooks are published with recommendations from specialists.

To make life easier for modern Japanese who want to donate money, special hand-made kits are sold for folding beautiful envelopes, which already have everything you need - from paper and diagrams to a suitable mizuhiki. For packaging, as for classic origami, no glue is used, it is held only by carefully thought-out folds. The cost of the finished envelope should be no more than 2% of the amount invested inside. For example, if the package price is 100 yen (approximately $1), you will have to give at least 5,000 yen.

Undoubtedly, every person in his life gave cards, especially an origami envelope. They could be homemade or purchased. If you need to send a message or a greeting card, but there is no envelope at hand, you can make it yourself using the origami technique. It's fast, beautiful and original. Also, this technique will allow you to make an origami envelope for money, which is also a popular gift these days.

The scheme for making an envelope is quite simple. Let's take a look at the simplest of them.

Product diagrams

The most ordinary small envelope is assembled in just a few steps. To do this, you will need an ordinary sheet of square paper.

Fold the sheet in half. Do not make a strong crease, just outline it. Fold the bottom edge of the sheet towards the middle. Fold the resulting fold again to the line outlined in the first paragraph.

Make vertical folds by folding the corners on both sides. Bend the finished triangle horizontally, thus closing the envelope.

Another easy way. Take or make a square piece of paper.

Fold it in half diagonally on both sides. Expand the sheet.

Lay the sheet at an angle as shown in the figure. Bring the bottom edge to the midline and fold the remaining piece to the midline.

Bend the left and right corners inward so that the top of the resulting triangle protrudes slightly beyond the center of the sheet.

Bend the right protruding corner, as shown in the figure.

Straighten the small triangle so that you get a "pocket".

Now it remains only to fill the top into the "pocket" to seal the envelope. Ready!

Surprise version

And now a more interesting version of the envelope, which is tightly sealed. Such an envelope may well be a surprise.

For such an envelope, take an A4 sheet. Fold it in half and unfold it.

Bend the upper right corner towards the center towards the middle. Do the same for the bottom left corner.

Bend the lower right edge of the sheet to the edge of the triangle obtained in the second step. Do the same with the left corner.

Unfold the model and fold the top right corner as shown. The top edge should match the bottom edge. At the same time, bend the bottom fold and tuck the bent corner under it.

Do the same on the other side.

Your envelope is ready!

Heart envelope

For romantic congratulations, an envelope with a heart is perfect. For this type of envelope, it is better to take decorative paper.

First we need a template. To do this, carefully draw a heart on a piece of cardboard and cut it out. Now circle the template on the paper from which the envelope will be prepared.

Draw the lines necessary for work: 12 cm below the top edge of the sheet (taking into account that the heart is drawn at a distance of 1 cm from the top) and 10 cm below the first line. Now draw two vertical lines through the points where the second line and the outline of the figure intersect. Cut out a heart and fold it along the drawn lines. Decorate the envelope: you can tie it with a beautiful ribbon or fasten it with decorative tape.

You can make a lot of things out of paper. Various beautiful and unique products that will delight you every day. Each of us has been in a situation where it was necessary to put small things, but there was nowhere. I had to look for various jars, boxes to pour them in there.

But you could do without all this and make a beautiful version of an envelope out of paper. He can serve different situations good service in life.

A paper envelope is always useful. You can put money, any small things in it. And of course, do not forget what they are directly intended for. In the original envelope, you can put a letter to a dear person, or put a valentine greeting.

Envelope for all occasions

Now on the Internet you can find many step-by-step schemes for folding envelopes with your own hands. Each of these envelopes is original and suitable for everything. Now we will try to make one of these envelopes, which is suitable for storing money.

For its manufacture, you can use paper of various colors and shades. So, let's proceed to the step-by-step assembly of our envelope.

The first step is to take a rectangular sheet of paper and fold it in half. Expand, and we have a clearly visible middle of the sheet. At the bottom we find the middle and mark it with a pencil. To measure it, it is better to use a ruler.

In the second step, fold the corners on top of the sheet to its middle. We tuck the side edges to the center, and tuck the remaining edge on top inside the envelope. We unfold it on the reverse side and bend the edges of the envelope. We unfold the envelope inward, bend all the remaining flaws. All your envelope is ready, you can put money in it and keep it.

As you can see, in this way you can make any envelope for any occasion, and for any life situation. For many, this scheme seemed very complicated, but in fact it is simple. The most important thing is patience and the ability to understand in detail all the nuances of origami.

Envelope schemes

At home, everyone can make any envelope that he wants. It can be an ordinary envelope of various shapes. For example, a rectangular, square or triangular envelope.

Of course, some people want to do something unique, not like all these ordinary things. Here, of course, various detailed instructions how to make an envelope with your own hands. Now there are a lot of them on the net and they are made in the most diverse form.

It will be possible to make an envelope that will be decorated with a heart. This envelope is perfect for Valentine's Day. It will be possible to put both a beautiful Valentine card and an original small gift in it. Undoubtedly, your significant other will love this kind of attention.

Envelope to help the gardener

A lot of people live in rural areas. Someone has houses there, dachas. Some live there all the time, while others come only for the summer. Of course, you all know that feeling when the season of planting and harvesting comes.

All seeds need to be stored somewhere all the time between seasons. There are many photographs of origami envelopes in which the seeds are stored.

It is clear that we will not be able to contain large seeds in them. However, they are perfect for storing flower seeds, various vegetables and berries.

In such an envelope you can put a sufficient amount of seeds that will be useful to you in the spring. The most important thing is that each envelope can be signed, and you do not have to figure out where, what you have hidden.

Each of us can make an envelope at home. How to make an envelope with your own hands? Many of us have asked this question, but it is not so difficult. What could be easier than this.

Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. Then fold a little inward from one edge and glue it. Do the same for the long side. Here is an envelope ready for you, which is suitable for any occasion.

As you can see, there are many options for making origami envelopes. Here you can fantasize a lot and create various forms. You just need to think a little and bring your idea to life. Use all your patience and, undoubtedly, you will be able to create a masterpiece even from an envelope.

They can also help you various master classes for beginners on origami envelopes. From them you can take the idea for your creativity and make something of your own. For beginners, they can be good advisers in learning origami.

As a rule, in such master classes there are detailed video instructions for assembling envelopes. The most important thing is practice, you need to train more often and try something new. Each time you will get better and better.

Photo of origami envelopes

The origami technique, of course, was created in order to embody all kinds of shapes from a simple sheet of paper. But let's digress a little from intricate models, because paper can be used to make things that we can use for our needs. For example, packaging, boxes, postcards, envelopes and much more.

Origami envelope for money

Today I would like to pay attention to envelopes made in the classic origami technique. First of all, let's figure out how to make an origami envelope for money.

I offer several simple schemes for folding a paper envelope. If you use bright gift paper as a basis, then the money packed in this way will not be a banal gift for a celebration at all.

The second addition option implies a place for a signature or a short message with wishes. It gets a little more complicated:

But it looks very impressive:

If you have any difficulties in working with the diagram, then I suggest a few video tutorials on folding envelopes using the origami technique to help:

Unusual origami envelopes

By the way, from beautiful wrapping paper you can create not only plain envelopes for money or letters, but also an origami envelope with a surprise. Try to make such an envelope yourself according to a very visual video master class:

Inside such an envelope, you can put sweet gifts in the form of chewable dragees, decorations or notes with wishes. All that is enough for your imagination. Don't limit yourself to this.

A countless number of paper folding options allow you to create all kinds of origami paper envelopes, the scheme of the original envelope with a star is a vivid confirmation of this:

heart envelope

The art of origami knows no boundaries, so from a rectangle of paper of the same size, you can create many options for different envelopes for different occasions.

For example, for Valentine's Day, you can fold a very beautiful festive envelope with a heart.

Creating such envelopes, origamists also have a place to roam. I propose several original schemes, which is not at all difficult to repeat yourself. Choose to your liking which one you like best, and be sure to please your soulmate with a masterfully designed gift. Inside such an envelope, you can put a touching love wish or tickets for a romantic trip to the theater or cinema. Be original!

Do not forget that in any gift, the attention given to the recipient of the gift is first of all evaluated. Often, in the hustle and bustle of working days, we are not able to find time for shopping, and even more so, we don’t bother with packing our gift. Therefore, the next time you are going to a celebration, pay special attention to the gift itself and its appearance. Let it be an original origami figure, but by creating it, you will inapplicably put your soul and love into this gift. Remember those pleasant moments when, with bated breath, you begin to unpack a gift. Try not to lose sight of this moment and give these moments of happiness to the hero of the occasion.

Envelope- this is just a shell or packaging for insertion various items or papers. Basically, we tend to think of an envelope as a "package" for letters or documents. But there are also envelopes made of dense fabrics or blankets for newborns.

Today we will learn how to envelopes for different needs and let's start with perhaps the most common envelope - a paper envelope.

How to make an envelope out of paper?

The simplest envelope can be made from a square sheet of paper, folding the corners to the center. To do this, you will need a square sheet of paper of the desired size, a ruler and a pencil.

1) Check the very center of the sheet point, measuring the distance to it with a ruler.

2) Fold the left and right sides inward so that the corners touch central point.

3) Then fold the bottom side up so that it covers the center and can be glued to two already bent corners.

4) Apply glue to the bottom sides of the envelope as shown in the photo. You can also use double sided tape.

5) Fold the top corner down. The envelope is ready! This envelope can be made in just a couple of minutes. It is based on the simple principle of adding angles. Here are a few more schemes for making envelopes from sheets different shapes:

Rhombus Envelope

Envelope "from the heart"

Envelope with a square

Beautiful handmade envelope

To make your envelope look beautiful and original, it can be made from several types of colored paper. by the most in a simple way Envelope decoration is the use of different types of paper for the outside and inside.

For work you will need:

- 2 sheets of colored paper

Old envelope as a template (optional)

Double sided tape or glue

Ruler and pencil

- Scissors

Let's get to work:

1) Cut out from a sheet of colored paper blank for the outer side of the envelope. To do this, you can use a ready-made template, or draw a template yourself with a ruler and pencil. Choose the size of the envelope at your discretion, depending on what you are going to put in it.

2) From another sheet of colored paper, cut blank for the inside of the envelope.

3) The inner part should correspond in size to the outer one, but should be slightly smaller so that it can be easy to stick inside.

4) Using adhesive tape or glue, paste internal detail.

5) Bend the edges of the envelope inward and seal them so that so that the glue does not get into the inside.

Envelope templates

With this template you can make envelopes from colored cardboard:

By adding a ribbon, you will get envelopes for different occasions: for greeting cards, money, invitations, etc.

Sample long envelope:

envelope template on sheet A4:

Can decorate envelopes colored lace or appliqués:

Can be used beads and threads to close the envelope:

Envelopes are sometimes decorated with various paper details performed in various techniques: origami, quilling, scrapbooking, etc.

More about quilling technique you can read .

More about paper flowers you can read .

DIY origami envelope (video):

Do-it-yourself envelopes for money

What could be more banal gift in the form of money but sometimes it's the only thing that comes to mind. To make your gift original, you can place it in handmade envelope. The envelope can be beautifully decorated and signed like a postcard.

Envelopes for money are usually made of cardboard and have an elongated shape so that the bill could fit in it completely. You can draw templates yourself or use ready-made templates:

Envelopes for money (templates):

Here are some helpful ideas on how to make and decorate money envelopes that will become great gifts along with their content.

Gift envelope for money

Are you going to a birthday, wedding, christening or other event? Then you need an envelope for money! This original handmade gift will surely please your loved ones.

Option 1:

This simple money bag can be made from colored paper in several colors and satin ribbons. It looks very festive, and its manufacture will not take you much time.

For work you will need:

- 2 sheets of colored paper (one with a pattern, the other plain)

Ruler and pencil

Satin ribbons in 2 colors 1 cm and 0.5 cm wide

Matches or lighter

- Scissors

Let's get to work:

1) Cook paper and tape so that they are combined with each other in color. The author of this master class used to make an envelope ordinary wallpaper, the trimmings of which remained after the repair.

Before starting work, measure the desired size of the envelope, its width and length. In this case, a rectangle of plain paper was used. measuring 20 by 40 centimeters. Fold a sheet of paper with the edges inward in the center, as shown in the photo:

2) Fold sides inward towards the center.

3) Unfold the sides and fold the corners in the form of a triangle.

4) Unfold the envelope and stick a rectangle of colored paper measuring 20 by 23 centimeters in the center of a sheet of plain paper.

5) Bend superfluous inside the envelope.

6) Side corners in the form of triangles stick with glue to the bottom of the envelope.

7) Satin ribbon 1 centimeter wide glue in the center on the back and front of the envelope, leaving the ends to make bow.

8) Stick a narrow tape over the wide one 0.5 cm wide, also leaving the ends for the bow.

9) Finish the ends of the tape fire so that it doesn't fall apart.

10) Tie ribbons bow. Your original money envelope is ready.

Option 2:

Envelopes for money or for other surprises can be made not only from paper, but also from fabric. We invite you to learn how to make an original gift felt envelope, in which you can put money, or a gift discount card.

For work you will need:

- Some small sheets colored felt

Thick wool knitting thread


Ruler and pencil


- Scissors

Let's get to work:

1) Using a pencil and a ruler, measure the width of the future envelope depending on what you put in it. If it will be a discount card, attach it to the felt and measure from both sides. 1 cm for the seam.

2) Cut off rectangular piece of felt, then bend the lower part of it and pin it with pins. Insert a card inside to find the size of the lid.

3) Cut off everything from the top superfluous.

4) Finish the edges with threads, making U-stitches. Threads are better to use a contrasting color.

5) Cut out green felt three small trees or any other details.

6) Stick Christmas trees with the back of the outer side of the envelope. Sew small buttons on the tops of the trees.

7) From the outside of the front of the envelope at the bottom sew on a button, and attach to the edge of the lid threads so that the envelope can be closed and tied with a bow.

envelope for money scrapbooking

This scrapbooking envelope is easy to make at home using paper-cut parts. scrapbooking- a technique for decorating albums for photographs, as well as various other products using paper applications, beads, etc.

For work you will need:

- White cardboard (23 by 23 centimeters)

Colored paper (23 by 20 centimeters)

Colored paper of a different shade or pattern (8 by 14 centimeters)

Plain thin white paper or fine lace

Satin ribbon 35 centimeters long

Details for jewelry (butterflies, rhinestones, beads, etc.)

Ruler and pencil

Matches or lighter

Sewing machine and thread

- Scissors

Let's get to work:

1) Using the prepared template, cut out from white cardboard blank for the future envelope.

2) Cut out from colored paper two rectangular blanks, which will match the tops of the envelope. The preparations must be a few millimeters smaller base so that they can be easily glued and that they do not go beyond the edges.

3) Cut out paper of a different color two more blanks of the same width, but shorter - this will be the middle of your envelope.

4) On the sides of these parts, glue lace frill. You can use paper lace or very thin lace ribbons.

5) Glue the details with lace to larger color parts.

6) Glue all the details to outside of the envelope on the outer main cover and on the inner cover. Then go over the edge on the sewing machine zigzag stitch. You can also stick a colored part on the back of the envelope, and then process it on a sewing machine.

7) Before gluing the colored part to the reverse side, insert between the part and the base satin ribbon.

8) Tie the front of the ribbon with a bow and glue on the outside over the ribbon white paper rectangle with an inscription.

9) Finishing touch: decoration additional details.

DIY wedding envelope

The best gift for a wedding is money that can be placed in beautiful envelope handmade.

For work you will need:

- A sheet of white thick paper A4

Light colored paper

Decorative cord

lace ribbon

A piece of thin translucent fabric

Details for jewelry (flowers made of fabric or paper, a pendant in the form of a key, beads, etc.)

Double sided tape

Ruler and pencil

Sewing machine and thread

- Scissors (regular and curly)

Let's get to work:

1) If your colored paper is not very thick, stick it on a sheet of white paper A4 size and let dry well.

2) Using the suggested template or any other template, draw with reverse side sheet contours of the future envelope and make a cut. The folds are indicated by the blue dotted line.

3) Cut out the pattern. You can use curly scissors.: tie ribbons and cords with a bow, make a flower from a transparent fabric, attach a lace to the part in the form of a key.

9) Glue the lace ribbon at the top of the part, grabbing the lace, which will wrap around the envelope, so leave it at a suitable length. Glue decorations to the lower triangular edge of the part.

10) For reliability, go through the line along glued lace tape.

11) Glue the part to outer side of the lid envelope.

12) Wedding envelope for money is ready! Inside it will look like this:

Money in an envelope: original ideas

With the envelope design, you can place money in different ways. Here are some ideas to help you make original envelopes. For example, you can use postcard, inside which you paste a small envelope with money. You can write wishes on the card, and, looking inside, the recipient will find there cash gift.

Another option is to make an envelope also in the form of a postcard, and inside attach satin ribbons to hold bills.

Envelope book. This original idea will appeal to those who would like to learn how to save money. You can make some simple envelopes and sign them, indicating the purpose for which the money is stored in them and the time when they can be spent.

DIY Envelope

Compact discs require careful handling, so it is best to place them in special cases, boxes, envelopes, or store them in a disc album. You can do simple envelopes for discs independently from paper.

For work you will need:

- Sheet of A4 paper


Let's get to work:

1) Place the disc at the bottom of the sheet.

2) Fold the sides of the sheet in straight lines using the disk as a guide.

3) Bend the disc up with the paper by flipping it over to the other side.

4) Wrap the top, closing the disc inside the envelope.

5) Pull the disc out of the envelope and glue internal details so that there is a pocket for the disk.

6) Fold down and in lid corners.

7) Insert the cover inside the pocket.

8) The easiest CD sleeve is ready!

If you want to do congratulatory CD envelope, then you can use the previous tips for making envelopes, just make the envelope large enough to fit the disc. Here a few examples original gift envelopes for CDs: