Models of the railway 1 87.

Piko rails H0 1:87 Piko rail components - turnouts, rails, track development kits from Germany. Railway model store site offers you the components of the railway track, necessary for modernization railway Pico.

Piko railway like any kind vehicle needs constant modernization. Locomotives, trains and wagons, both in life and on the playing field, cannot move without an experienced train driver. But we think that you have already managed to become a true professional in the world scale models railways. After all, trains and trains will not be able to set off if there are no necessary signs and a railway track. Therefore, in order for the toy railway to be always ready to receive not only passengers, but also send new modern trains on the way, which constantly need to be modernized and improved. Since the beginning of the last century, the German company PIKO has been engaged not only in the creation and development of models of railways, trains, but also in the components of the railway track, which include arrows for railway models, as well as rails. PIKO company has thought through all the subtleties of the railway, not missing a single detail. Even a professional fan railway transport who knows all the nuances of real railways and trains would not find even a slight deviation in the Piko models. German quality and precision are known all over the world, which is why all railway enthusiasts prefer rails for model railways only from PIKO manufacturers. And this choice is not accidental, because you have long abandoned toy trains and switched to professional level where the focus is primarily on quality and reliability. And even a trifle, like arrows, PIKO creates in a unique design. In general, looking at this picture, which includes trains, rails, wagons and elements of the railway track, you can feel as if you are standing on a real platform, where the departure signal is about to sound and your train set off. But now you have become a professional machinist, when the playing field is a whole web of rails, and you can upgrade the rail world using the components of the railroad track presented in this section.

The main reason why I started making trains and wagons is very simple, I did not want to buy them for crazy money. And I decided to start with Er-2, a well-known electric train.

In the 3D modeling program, I drew drawings, shells and chassis.

I will say right away that I had a good assistant, This is a 3D CNC machine, which I also built myself. Here on it I began to make all the details of the model

To begin with, he began to make motor bogies of the head car. At the beginning, he even made the wheels himself, but later he did not bathe and already bought ready-made pairs of stakes)))).

The gears are also homemade from D16T, although later they began to be made from recycled plastic to reduce the noise of the walker. As you can see in the picture, at first I bought plastic gears, but they did not fit in size and I had to do it myself.

The main task was to do everything yourself! But I used purchased worm gears.

Cardan shafts were made, such as a dog bone, And the basis of the hodovka, the totorchik used 12 volts 9000 rpm, just found it)))).

The shafts themselves were made of plastic tubes.

For a long time I was looking for a suitable material for the manufacture of the body and decors of carts, in this case I settled on fiberglass, for processing on a CNC machine it’s just super.

Tokosyom made from copper plates

And here is the first test

Subsequently, such a hodovka began to be replaced with a more compact one so that the interior would not suffer

And so began the manufacture of the case

In the first 3D model there were minor flaws in appearance, but later I removed them.

The glasses are glued from the inside, they are made of transparent plastic, the details of the shell are glued together with cyacrine.

Second car
trailer bogie
In painting, I am not selenium, I painted from mobihela balloons, element by element and then glued.

And here are the first tests

Subsequently, the motor carts were redone on plastic gears to eliminate sound.

Er-2 was supplied with a digital decoder for digital railway.

After much thought, it turned out to make a motor trolley in which the motor is inside the trolley, on the video at the beginning of the topic there is a video of how it works, and now in detail.
Its advantage is that the interior of the train is not involved, and great prospects for fine-tuning the interior are revealed for copyists.

I went through a lot of options for a motor trolley, here are some of them

But stopped at this

On the motor shaft, worms are put on on both sides and the drive is directly on the gears located on the axes of the number of pairs.
It’s easier not to think of it, the main difficulty was to maintain the distance between the number of pairs in accordance with the prototype.

The first tests of the motor trolley, the motor is still with a shaft on one side and the drive is still for one pair of stakes.

This worked out! Very compact and efficient, and most importantly cheap!!! the price of a motor from China is 35 rubles
And this is a modified version of a motor trolley with a drive for 2 pairs of stakes.

It was a prelude before an essay on the creation of the ER-200

Started with drawings.

When they were ready, they began to make carts, the material was textolite.

Cart decors

False copper brushes, such trolleys with current collection will stand on the head cars together with motor cars, so that the current collection is from all 8 wheels.

Then he began to make motor bogies according to the same scheme as shown above, but taking into account the center distance for the Er-200

I decided to put purchased wheels, steel is steel)))) gets less dirty and burns

Motor trolley in place

And after installing the digital control decoder, I tested the base of the head car.

On the basis of the head car, a massive load was made from below to ensure good adhesion of the motor bogie to the roadbed.

Trailer carriage

I made the couplings myself, simple, but I also considered the possibility of installing a dynamic coupling.

Conducted tests together 2 head walkers, decoders are in each head car.

Then he began to work out the dynamic coupling and conduct additional tests of the walker.

I studied in detail the work on the issue of dynamic coupling, using the example of 3D modeling.

Conducted tests on the hill.

During the construction process, several more projects were drawn for the future.

P-36, the last long-haul steam locomotive of the USSR

E-series steam locomotive, went through the whole war

These prototypes are so well known that I don’t even need to name them)))

The shell of the head car Er-200

The body was also made of textolite, until the best material was found, although it was not found, and this is an artificial Corian stone, countertops, tombstones are made from it))), but the fact is that this material is sold in sheets with a minimum thickness of 12 mm, and to me for the case, 3 mm is mainly needed, grinding 12 mm to 3 is a fever, since a Korian sheet measuring 3x1 m costs around 25,000 rubles.

A pantograph native to Er-200 was purchased

He made the muzzle of the head cars, it was made of several parts and materials, textolite and corian. All the details on the CNC machine, where without them))).

The muzzle corresponds to the first version of the Er-200 1

Then the sweeper cut it off a little so that it would not cling to the tracks, since the railway level on the scale has more global elevation changes.
Windshields made of transparent plastic.

When the base color was dry, I applied the coloring.
The roof on the wagons was made of corian 12 mm thick, turned at a time.

Everything was painted with Mobihel and Sadolyun balloons, of course there are shoals for painting, but I think it's not terribly visible))).

Head car tests.

Then he began to make trailer cars, all according to the same scheme, textolite box, corian roof

Wagon with pantograph

Construction of Chs-4t
And since I usually started with a 3D Model

Then he began to make the chassis, according to the standard, everything himself))))

The wheels were made of two parts, the core was made of textolite and the back was made of D16T

then assigned


At the beginning I put the motor like this, but later replaced it with a more powerful one.

Cardan shafts, dog bone type.

Motor trolley test

The first version of the chassis, there were a lot of them))))

Fresh video Er-200 4 cars and light

To be continued......

Piko rails H0 1:87 Piko rail components - turnouts, rails, track development kits from Germany. Railway model store site offers you the components of the railway track, which are necessary for the modernization of the Piko railway.

The Piko railway, like any type of vehicle, needs constant modernization. Locomotives, trains and wagons, both in life and on the playing field, cannot move without an experienced train driver. But we think that you have already become a real professional in the world of scale models of railways. After all, trains and trains will not be able to set off if there are no necessary signs and a railway track. Therefore, in order for the toy railway to be always ready to receive not only passengers, but also send new modern trains on the way, which constantly need to be modernized and improved. Since the beginning of the last century, the German company PIKO has been engaged not only in the creation and development of models of railways, trains, but also in the components of the railway track, which include arrows for railway models, as well as rails. PIKO company has thought through all the subtleties of the railway, not missing a single detail. Even a professional railway fan who knows all the nuances of real railways and trains would not find even a slight deviation in the Piko models. German quality and precision are known all over the world, which is why all railway enthusiasts prefer rails for model railways only from PIKO manufacturers. And this choice is not accidental, after all, you have long abandoned toy trains and moved to a professional level, where attention is paid primarily to quality and reliability. And even a trifle, like arrows, PIKO creates in a unique design. In general, looking at this picture, which includes trains, rails, wagons and elements of the railway track, you can feel as if you are standing on a real platform, where the departure signal is about to sound and your train set off. But now you have become a professional machinist, when the playing field is a whole web of rails, and you can upgrade the rail world using the components of the railroad track presented in this section.