Shop on wheels. American experience

The key innovations envisaged by the document are designed to introduce the relationship between business and government into a civilized course. Namely, to make land relations transparent and to protect entrepreneurs from the tastes of officials. It is no secret that merchants, for example in Moscow, suffered multimillion-dollar losses rebuilding tents and shops, due to the periodically changing views of the mayors on the ideal appearance cities. However, the now proclaimed love of open spaces for business is even worse.

The document is designed to solve one of the most pressing issues related to the scheme of placement of non-stationary facilities and the extension of placement agreements, explains the position of the federal authorities, Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Viktor Evtukhov. “Our amendments stipulate that the use of the layout of non-stationary retail facilities to regulate the number and types of specialization of objects is not allowed. Today, the main conflict lies in the fact that the scheme is interpreted not as a reference and information document, but as a permissive-prohibitive document, when the official decides on his own who to include in the scheme and who not. But we need a completely different approach,” Viktor Yevtukhov, Govrgit.

The draft states that “The rules for determining the location of non-stationary retail facilities (hereinafter referred to as the location) should be developed taking into account the documents territorial planning and cannot contain provisions aimed at creating advantages for certain business entities, limiting the number of non-stationary retail facilities and other restrictions on competition. This, of course, is not a declarative procedure, which is probably not implemented in this case. But, at least, an attempt to limit the right of an official to regulate trade in accordance with his own views on the world order.

The next innovation is related to the lease terms for places under retail facilities. It can be extended up to seven years and extended at the request of the entrepreneur. The seats themselves will be up for auction. If the authorities, nevertheless, decide to get rid of the tent before the end of the contract, “the body local government a compensatory place is provided with an advance, at least three months in advance, written notice, offering options for compensatory places and (or) offering independent selection of a compensatory place.

Trade from cars is finally recognized

Another important novelty of the project introduces into the legal field one of the most democratic ways of trade - mobile shops. The Moscow mayor's office, by the way, it was with them that they launched an attack on non-chain retail. "Tonars" in the city became obsolete especially carefully and now there are no stalls on wheels left at all.

Now, a definition of a mobile shopping facility may appear in law. They will be recognized vehicle used for delivery trade, specially equipped with equipment designed and used for laying out, demonstrating goods, servicing customers and making cash settlements with customers when selling goods. It is understood that it will be possible to turn both the car itself and the trailer, tank truck, motor vehicles and even a bicycle into a store. The main thing is that they are technically sound and in proper sanitary condition.

It is assumed that for cities with a population of less than 100 (in some cases 50 thousand people) trade from wheels will actually be of a notification nature. Although some permissions from the authorities still have to be obtained. For large cities, the rules will be stricter, and the authorities will have the right to limit the places where you can park your store. This, of course, is reasonable, because otherwise the streets and parking lots will turn into endless malls. Although the principle “it is allowed to trade where it is not prohibited”, the law is retained for megacities. It remains to be hoped that local authorities will follow it, and not make cities “free” from mobile stores. Especially in the current difficult situation, when democratic methods of trade help many to survive.

Only national security can help business

As Viktor Yevtukhov emphasized, most regions supported the draft law developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, as did all key business associations (Opora, ONF, Business Russia”, Coalition of Kioskers, etc.). In addition, Boris Titov, Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights, was one of the co-developers of the bill, which increases the chances of its adoption.

Entrepreneurs themselves, according to the Chairman of the Presidium of the Association of Companies retail(AKORT) by Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev, they understand well the idea laid down in the project. It consists in creating conditions under which, on the one hand, entrepreneurs have a certain set of responsibilities and obligations, but on the other hand, they are given a certain freedom of action. “This is a rare situation when a bill protects business as much as possible from government decisions that disturb the environment,” says Lomakin-Rumyantsev.

However, it is difficult to say how local officials will follow such progressive innovations in practice. As a whip (albeit a weak one), the project so far includes a requirement for local authorities to comply with “standards for the minimum provision of the population with an area of ​​retail facilities and retail facilities.” Regulations for the subjects of the Federation, including for those that are part of them municipalities, are developed by authorized bodies executive power in accordance with the calculation methodology approved by the Government of Russia. In recent years, compliance with such standards has become key, for assessing the performance of governors, by the federal government and many may not want to quarrel with the Government and the Presidential Administration from scratch. In addition, the law plans to introduce a rule that trade is an element of national food security. For the "undermining" of which the governors can also be asked.

There is nothing new in this format. For more than a dozen years, the so-called truck shops have been delivering goods and products necessary for life to remote villages and settlements, and along the roadsides of the passing roads there are traders of seasonal (watermelons, melons) and not so (skins, handicrafts) goods. Recently, trade from wheels has received a new development: mobile coffee shops have been wheeled around the cities, and, judging by the appearance of more and more new brands on the streets, they are in demand by consumers. In addition to fulfilling their direct business tasks, mobile coffee houses solve another one: they develop the market, make trading from wheels habitual for consumers. This means that not only coffee can be successfully sold from the body.

Fashion designer Henry Holland has turned an ice cream truck into a mobile pop-up shop. Following the concept, he plans to sell limited collections from this truck. Maybe not the most budget option initially, but use such " retail space» can be repeatedly.

Important. It is necessary to prepare for pop-up trading in advance. In particular, if you do not want to run from authorities who will sooner or later become interested in you, you should obtain the appropriate permissions. From the point of view of Russian legislation, a pop-up shop on wheels is a non-stationary retail facility, the rules for its organization are given in federal law"About the organization trading activities in RF". In general, in order to obtain the required permission, it is necessary to apply to local authority self-government governing trade, write an application and provide:

  • notarized copies or copies with the presentation of the original charter / certificate of state registration/ certificate of state registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur,
  • certificates of registration with the tax authority,
  • certificates on the absence of debts on accrued taxes,
  • fees and other obligatory payments to budgets of any level for the past calendar year,
  • a list of employees involved in servicing in small retail trade, indicating education and qualifications, information on passing a medical examination.

But, of course, localities may have their own nuances, so before making any decisions, consult a lawyer for advice.

Another example of trading from a car, this time - Russian. Found in the material on the problems of small retail mobile trade, which, by the way, is interesting not only for the presence of this frame.

Advice. Plan in advance several options for installing a pop-up store. When it comes to trading from a car, consider the route and negotiate with the owners / tenants of the territories where you plan to stop. In your choice, start from the degree of patency of places, the presence of your target audience and the possibility of obtaining permits. For example, if your audience is young people who are fond of sports, look for places near skate parks, horizontal bars, outdoor basketball courts.

This is the Hex Bus, a 1963 Volkswagen minivan converted into a Hex high-tech pop-up shop. He travels around the States and sells, among other things, unique things that you will not find anywhere else.

Important. A good USP is the key to the success of a pop-up store. You can't just think of a counter and count on good sales and attracting new audiences. Offering exclusivity is one option. Another option is a unique price offer (see the example above, "All books for 50 rubles"). When inviting customers to mail out, tell them why they should find your popup and spend their time and money.

It's a pop-up shop on wheels from Walmart and P&G. The body of the truck is covered with selling “photo wallpapers”, which depict goods and QR codes. I scanned the code (with the retailer's application) - I bought the goods, if the check is more than $ 45, delivery is free. Apparently, the truck also delivers "large supplies" (diapers, etc.) and serves as a mobile pickup point. A good idea, by the way: not only to sell from wheels, but also to issue goods purchased earlier in the i-shop. Today in one area of ​​the city, tomorrow in another, and so on.

Advice. Find a partner to organize a pop-up store. Your ideal partner for such (but for any other) promotions is a store operating in an adjacent niche. Sports equipment - sports nutrition, car gadgets - wheels and tires, toys - children's furniture, etc. Firstly, the whole event will cost less for each of the parties, secondly, the audience will be twice as large, thirdly, two heads are better than one, respectively, the pop-up store can take on a more interesting look, a scenario will appear behind the action , the route will be thought out from and to.

And this is a real boutique on wheels. Inside the Caravan Shop is a fitting room, a waiting area with cushions and a lot of beautiful things.

Important. You will invite part of the audience of the pop-up store with a mailing list, but most of your potential clients will be categorized as passing by. To attract them, flaunt bestsellers and/or the most original, interesting goods. In addition to attracting attention, this approach will help you "capture" more impulse purchases. Keep the rest of the assortment in strict order: the service in the pop-up store must be fast, otherwise the very impulse that made the passer-by pay attention to you will fade away.

There are also wheels, but they are all-metal. And choosing a route for such a pop-up store is not particularly successful. This - grocery store in the subway, a South Korean invention.

Advice. Be ready to accept cards and have enough change to give change. Once again, some (many) of your customers will act impulsively, and any obstacle - refusal to accept cards for payment, lack of change - will be fatal to this impulse.

Is it worth starting an outreach business - a real story of an entrepreneur.

In the city - a holiday. On the streets - concert venues and shopping arcades. And, as an indispensable attribute of folk festivals - sellers of balloons, horns on the head and other carnival accessories. From the outside, this work seems very fun and interesting, and reputable business people sometimes do not perceive similar business seriously.

Legislative regulation

First of all, the absence of a stationary retail outlet is not yet a reason for unauthorized trading in any place you like. Usually, local administration establishes certain rules for itinerant trade, and a written permit must be obtained for the placement of an outlet. During celebrations a plan for the placement of retail facilities is drawn up and approved. When trading on a territory owned by a business entity, a lease agreement is drawn up.

Further, balloons and carnival accessories belong to the category of toys, which means that they are subject to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of toys" and, accordingly, this product is subject to certification. Until February 2014, it is still possible to work on previously issued national certificates, and after that - only on "union" ones.

Flying balloons are inflated with helium. It is an inert gas which does not burn or explode. However, the cylinder itself is under high pressure (100 - 150 atmospheres), and therefore is a source of increased danger. A helium cylinder must be protected from heating above 60 degrees; in the summer heat in the sun, it is imperative to put a tight fabric cover on it. Forty-liter cylinders weighing 80 kilograms are usually used in an upright position; they must be securely installed and secured to prevent falling.

Use of cylinders indoors, such as concert halls or shopping centers is not prohibited, but the administration may have its own opinion on this matter, so such issues should be discussed. Transportation of helium cylinders in a small amount by personal transport is allowed. However, in order to have arguments in a possible dispute with traffic police officers, it is better to familiarize yourself in detail with the relevant regulations.

Outbound trade features

- It's a tricky business!

There are a number of unpleasant moments in outbound trade that you need to come to terms with in advance. The main thing is that open-air trading can be successful only in good weather. If it is very cold or too hot outside, people are not up to the festivities, and rain and sleet can also spoil the goods. Specifically for balloons, even the wind of medium strength is unfavorable - when the balloons spread along the ground or fly out of the hands, they are bought much worse.

In the cost of goods, you will have to include additional transportation costs, as well as labor costs for assembly and disassembly commercial equipment and loading and unloading. Due to the daily display and constant feeling by buyers, products quickly lose their presentation.

Another inevitable evil petty theft of goods(although, it happens, they can steal the proceeds imperceptibly!). Here you can only include possible losses in the price, although, of course, you need to follow the goods to minimize losses. When a particularly busy trade is expected, ask one of your relatives or acquaintances to at least just stand near your counter.

Do not forget that latex balloons, depending on their volume and weather conditions stay in the air from several hours to days. Of course, a big bunch of flying balloons looks nice and attracts buyers, but you just have to throw away the unsold balloons. And foil plastic balls fly for a long time (if you're lucky - up to two weeks), but in the rain the colorful coating peels off them.

And further. All holidays become for you busy work days. Are your loved ones and yourself ready for this? Well, then read on.

Nuances of competition

Those wishing, figuratively speaking, to receive money out of thin air, sometimes turn out to be too many in a limited space. For example, on the Day of the City, and even more so - the anniversary, dozens of merchants from settlements, sometimes located hundreds of kilometers away, come together. And entertainment goods sell well when there is a rush demand for it. If there is a queue near the tent, new buyers join the tail. If you can safely go and buy balloon- many for some reason are in no hurry to do this. As a result, fifty outlets on one site will collectively sell fewer balloons than five stalls would sell.

Therefore, the rule is: tell anyone less about when, where and at what festive events you traded or are going to trade. Do not brag that there was a successful trade somewhere.

Is it necessary to "cut" competitors low prices? When a neighbor sells at a higher price - take a closer look, perhaps such balls or horns are perfectly bought for more than you sell them. And if, on the contrary, a competitor’s product is much cheaper than yours, do not rush to rewrite the price tag. Calculate - perhaps, in order not to scare off buyers, it is more profitable to remove this product from the counter for one day than to sell it almost at cost. The main thing - do not cut prices just to annoy someone.


First of all, you do not stand still, constantly moving and reaching new groups of buyers. Your product does not have time to “set the teeth on edge” to the surrounding buyers. Even if you have a permanent place of deployment (for example, in a city park), at any moment you are ready to move to another site for a day or two, where mass festivities are held.

At festive events, especially traditional ones for this locality, shoppers are pre-set to buy fun trinkets And not only for children. Trade is especially brisk when the people have already managed to cheer themselves up at the festive table. Therefore, "air sellers" have the opportunity to successfully work with a relatively small assortment of goods (especially in the absence of trading platform competitors).

The relatively low cost of commercial equipment allows almost anyone to try their hand at selling balloons. Some do not even bother buying collapsible tents and tables - put a special cover with pockets on the balloon, and trade for yourself. Or you can simply inflate a bunch of balloons, for example, in the cabin of your car, and then sell them peddling among the walkers.

Outdoor Events Calendar

The main season for outbound trading is from mid-April to mid-October. Well, there are, of course, winter holidays, such as Maslenitsa and St. Valentine's Day, but there are few of them. The dates of some events are widely known, but information on the timing of various festivities in urban microdistricts and nearby settlements will have to be specifically identified. To do this, it is enough to regularly call the officials responsible for organizing holidays. You can make a calendar for yourself a year in advance, but changes are always possible in plans, so it’s better to keep your finger on the pulse of events.

-> Other ideas

Shop on wheels. Mobile boutique Vintagemobile (American experience).

We continue to develop the topic of mobile sales and a mobile shop on wheels.

What is the advantage of mobile trading from wheels? First of all, in maximum proximity and accessibility to a potential buyer, as well as the ability to trade in a lively, crowded place, almost anywhere where there is a sufficient number of potential buyers. You can drive right up to where people gather. At the same time, there are no costs for rent or purchase of premises and other expenses incurred by the stationary a store.

In our country, trade from wheels is usually represented by shuttle merchants who place their goods on the hoods of their cars in spontaneous markets or central squares rural outback. How does this happen in other countries?

The USA is the same boundless country as Russia. And although supermarkets (by the way, it is an American invention) are found literally at every step, nevertheless, the idea of ​​mobile trade on wheels is successfully working there too. Moreover, with a truly American scale. For mobile trade, buses or large trailers are used.

This is how Jeremy and Kelsey Turner from Dallas started their business. The guys really wanted to sell vintage things, but to do it in an unusual way. They thought for a long time how to organize their business, and when they saw one store on wheels in Oklahoma, they decided to make a similar one.

Through the Craiglist service (an American bulletin board, something like “From Hand to Hand”), they found an old school bus made in 1980, painted it in a bright color, equipped it with all the hangers-shelves necessary for trade, collected goods - and began to travel around their native state Dallas, stopping at crowded places - at hotels, in city squares and various recreational events.

What happened? See for yourself:

Inside, the situation is no worse than in any stationary store (there is even a fitting room and benches for trying on shoes).

Items for sale by Jeremy and Kelsey are bought from the public, in specialized stores and on electronic auction ebay (bought - immediately put up for sale).

A short video from the guys about how the store bus looks and works:

The bus itself is a huge moving advertisement as it rides around the city people will find out where there will be an interesting sale today.

In addition, the guys have created their own website, they are blogging the project. All this will allow them to inform potential buyers about their travel routes and introduce them to the range of their shop on wheels.

But back to Russia.

With us, as always, everything is somewhat more complicated. Basically, all the problems of itinerant trade relate to obtaining permits and approvals for the implementation of itinerant trade. The rules of outbound trade depend on the position of local authorities, somewhere there are fewer problems, somewhere more. But if there is a desire to trade from wheels, then you can always get the necessary papers.

In addition, we should not forget that the severity of our laws is fully compensated by the general non-obligation of their implementation. Spontaneous, unauthorized markets where trade is conducted without permits are commonplace. Yes, sometimes they drive, but people still trade ... It turns out profitable.

On the other hand, our people, especially in the provinces, are so not spoiled by trade that the demand for almost any product is guaranteed and people will simply be glad to have another outlet. And, as practice shows, absolutely any assortment is possible - our people are not capricious!

Usually, in a similar way, all kinds of consumer goods are sold in rural areas, Appliances, electronics, household inventory. These things always go with a bang.

From the village to the city, the opposite direction is the supply of fresh, environmentally friendly food (healthy food is also a very popular topic!).

It is possible, by the way, to organize the delivery of the necessary goods under the order both in one direction and in the other direction.

In general, the idea of ​​traveling trade from wheels in our vast country has always had, has and will have great opportunities. Use them!

    • 1. Buying a car shop.
  • Which equipment to choose

Traveling trade from a car shop is mobile business related to non-stationary type of retail trade. Despite great competition in trade, the number of car dealerships is constantly growing.

Features of exit trade from a mobile shop

  • Firstly, a very low entry ticket to the business and, accordingly, small risks;
  • Secondly, this is a relatively simple type of business;
  • Thirdly, the mobile nature of the truck shop makes it easy to change less profitable places of trade to more profitable ones.

At the same time, the most big income autotrade gets on the days of urban and rural fairs. And it is the presence of "wheels" that allows the outlet to move throughout the region and participate in the maximum possible number of fairs. Under the right circumstances, the payback period for a business can be as little as 6 to 12 months.

How much money do you need to trade with wheels

Size initial investment to start a business will be from 400 thousand rubles and more. What is included in the start-up costs:

1. Buying a car shop.

At the same time, the model of the car can be very different. The most common is a mobile shop based on a GAZelle. A new one will cost from 600 thousand rubles, a used version can be bought for 350 thousand rubles. If you have problems with starting capital, and you are counting only on a used version, then get ready for frequent investments in repairs. Or how lucky.

2. Creation of the initial range of products.

Depending on the type of products sold, it is necessary to invest in the initial assortment from 50 thousand rubles and more. The most common types of goods sold in a car shop:

  • Food(mixed line);
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Meat and meat products, egg ;
  • Household chemicals;
  • Stationery, school supplies, books;
  • Bakery, bakery products ;
  • Drinks and fast food.

It should be noted that it is forbidden to trade in such non-stationary objects. alcoholic products including beer.

Other costs for opening a business include the design and design of a mobile point for a theme that matches the product being sold. This will add zest to the mobile point of sale and will attract the attention of customers.

The sources of business financing can be:

  1. Credit resources, including car shop leasing;
  2. State support for start-up entrepreneurs;
  3. Private investment, partnership.

What taxation system to choose for trade from a mobile shop

To organize traveling trade from a mobile shop, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship in the local INFS (tax). Registration term - 5 working days. The issue price is 800 rubles state duty.

After registering an individual entrepreneur, within 5 working days it is necessary to write an application for the transition to a special tax regime - UTII, USN or buy a patent. If ignored this question, then you will remain on the general taxation system, and will pay all taxes established by the tax code.

Which system is better to choose, read in our article: choice of taxation system. The most common taxation system for outbound trade is UTII. But again, you need to carefully calculate everything, perhaps it would be more profitable to buy a patent for a year and work quietly without any reporting.

Do I need a permit for traveling trade from a car shop

For a permit for traveling trade from a mobile shop, you must contact the local administration, the department of trade and entrepreneurship. For each calendar year, the administration develops a plan for the placement of non-stationary facilities trading network, that is, places where you can trade your mobile shop. In details this topic discussed in the article: street trading.

And in general, you should maintain constant contact with local authorities if you are going to organize an exit trade. Why? Because in the course of your work there will be many who want to “wave” a crust in front of you and check your truck shop for compliance with all trade laws. The same competitors can send people in uniform to you. And when an unexpected check comes to you and starts speaking in an incomprehensible language and scaring you with fines, feel free to call the administration, the same trade department, and say what they want from you. I think in 99% of cases the problem will be solved.

In return, the administration will ask you to organize trade in remote and small settlements where a maximum of 100 people live and there is not a single outlet. After all, the local administration has a higher regional leadership, which monitors the food security and food supply of the entire region. Wouldn't it be difficult for you to come once or twice a week and trade in a small village? Of course not.

Therefore, you help the administration - it helps you. Everything is simple.

What documents are needed for mobile trade from wheels

After the start of your work, you should notify the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activity in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 dated 16.07.09. But do not be afraid, no one will check you for the first time for 3 years of work. For an unscheduled check, you need good reasons.

Other documents required in case of inspections include the SES certificate, which confirms food security trade from the car. Such a document is usually issued by the car shop manufacturer.

A cash register is not required for outbound sales.

And yet, the sellers of the autoshop must have health books on hand about passing a medical examination, which allows them to sell food products. You can get these books at your local SES office.

Step-by-step plan for opening an exit outlet

Trade from a car shop is a rather specific direction commercial activities, therefore, for the implementation of this project, it is necessary to apply a slightly different approach than for other types of business. First of all, instead of detailed marketing research you need to discuss your plans with a representative of the administration (department of trade and enterprise) to find out which route will be the most profitable for your business. The official is interested in quality service population, so there will be no problems in this case. The next stage is the formation of a product range for the car shop and the preparation of a business plan. This document will help you rationally use the available resources, not only in the process of organizing a business, but also when the outlet begins to function. Next, you need to go through the registration procedure, obtain permission to place trade facilities (issued by the local administration) and draw up documents at the SES. Important point! Be sure to think about how best to organize advertising campaign. Its main goal is to convey information about your car shop to all potential buyers. In parallel with the solution of these issues, it is necessary to find a garage and a room for storing goods, which must comply with SES standards and fire safety rules. After purchasing equipment and search for employees, you can conclude agreements with suppliers, load the car and go on the route. Don't forget to advertise your services. A good advertising company will help to quickly unwind and establish trade. For this purpose, you can use social media or create your own website. Everything necessary services for promotion you can get in the freelance services store

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the organization of itinerant trade

When preparing documents for registering a business with the Federal Tax Service, you need to select an activity code from a fairly large list of the all-Russian classifier. In this case, for a mobile shop, you can specify OKVED 47.11 (retail trade, mainly food products).

How much can you earn on your car shop

Mobile point of sale, subject to the right product range, allows you to receive about $ 8,000 per month (gross income). The company's costs include:

  • purchase of goods;
  • Maintenance car and purchase of fuel and lubricants;
  • staff salaries;
  • warehouse rent;
  • taxes and deductions from salary;
  • administrative costs.

The total amount of the listed expenses will be at the level of $ 6,000. This means that the profit of the car shop before taxes is $ 2,000, and after - $ 1,700 / per month (STS, 15% of profit).

Which equipment to choose

To organize an outbound trade, you need to purchase:

  • a car that can be equipped for trade;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • generator;
  • shelves, racks;
  • lighting.

If the assortment of goods sold does not include frozen and perishable products, then you can save money (not buying a generator and refrigeration equipment).

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Grocery store business plan (18 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Business plan butcher shop(14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Hardware store business plan (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Household chemicals store business plan (15 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇


Traveling trade from a mobile shop, despite high competition, is quite favorable direction. Low starting investments together with high rates of profitability and cost recovery make this business very attractive to many aspiring businessmen.

Wanna have profitable business while investing the least? Then invest in cars and make 1600% on it. Learn how to do profitable investments in cars and start taking action.