Sale of mobile accessories business ideas. Business plan for selling mobile accessories

How a Ukrainian girl earns 30 thousand dollars a year selling cases for mobile phones on Etsy.

And you could make money like that if you had a direct-to-case printer for mobile phones (as well as iPhones and smartphones).

Because the demand is and will be. Original phone cases are a fashion item that young people are happy to buy.

Moreover, any image can be printed on any case, which means that you can promote it on Etsy using pre-conceived keywords.

The more cases you put up for sale, the more customers you collect, the more you earn.

Ukrainian girl Valeria has over a thousand of her covers for sale in her Etsy store - although, most likely, these are not already printed cases, but only their images (her store is

And the result is appropriate - more than 3600 sales in the first year of trading on Etsy.

What printer she uses, I don't know. Her Etsy store home page has a video of her printing her cases that only shows part of the printer's name ("maki"). I think this is a Mimaki printer (in my opinion, it is very expensive - in any case, I saw mostly expensive models on Yandex.Market - for a million rubles).

But now you can find all sorts of different printers that do the same thing - they print directly on the covers of mobile devices. But they do it differently (I have seen information about both UV printers and sublimation printers - you need to look for this information and choose a printer for yourself).

What else can I help you with - I found one offer on the Internet that offers you similar printers (inexpensive) and ready-made blanks for mobile phones -:

I have not checked this firm, but its offer is tempting: it offers both printers, and technology, and blanks. Very handy for beginners. (Because, unfortunately, there are few companies in Russia that offer similar business Full construction. Usually they offer either only printers or only blanks. And there’s no need to talk about the development of technology - everything is done by yourself.)

So look. You wanted profitable business on Etsy - you can create it.

Of course, you also need to think over the designs of cases in order to stand out from other sellers.

The Ukrainian girl did it - why can't you?

And if you need help with professional development Etsy - sign up for a course

Project Summary

The goal of the project is to create a micro-enterprise in Krasnodar. Field of activity - sale of accessories for mobile phones on the "island" in a large shopping center. The project initiator is assumed to be self-employed.

The demand for the project's goods is due to the general situation in the mobile retail market: a decrease in the solvency of the population, which led to a decrease in demand for new mobile phones and smartphones. This, in turn, is fueling demand for mobile device repair services, as well as accessories that can be used to personalize a device or protect it from wear and tear.

Investment costs are aimed at paying a rental deposit for three months, manufacturing a trade stand, purchasing goods, as well as forming a fund working capital until the project is paid off.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the project

Payback period (PP), months

Discounted payback period (DPP), months

Net present value (NPV), rub.

Return on investment ratio (ARR), %

Internal rate of return (IRR), %

Yield Index (PI)

Description of the company and industry

One of the most striking indicators of consumer sentiment in Russia today is the market for mobile devices - smartphones and tablets. In a stable economic situation, many Russians preferred to change their smartphone on average once every one and a half to two years. In the last two years, the situation has changed dramatically.

Focusing on the indicators of the Opora RSBI Index compiled by Opora Rossii jointly with Promsvyazbank, business sentiment in Russia stopped falling and showed a slight upward trend.

Figure 1. RSBI indicators, 2014-2016

However, mobile retail (b2c-market of mobile devices) indicates a more serious drop in consumer sentiment. For example, in 2015 the main market trends were:

  • a decrease in the share of the premium segment in total sales against the backdrop of growing popularity of new (largely Chinese) brands; at the same time, consumers preferred to maintain the performance of devices, but not overpay for the brand; the share of traditional smartphone manufacturers fell to less than 50% of total sales
  • growth in the average retail price of devices - according to experts, it increased by 9% compared to 2014; at the same time, growth was significantly lower than in other segments of the home appliances and electronics market
  • growth in smartphone functionality - the share of devices supporting LTE, NFC, two SIM cards, etc. has increased.
  • replacement by smartphones of conventional mobile phones, which as of 2005 accounted for 33% of total sales

It was in 2015 that the mobile device market in Russia showed negative dynamics for the first time since 2009: compared to 2014, sales decreased by 3% in real terms. Sales of smartphones increased due to a decrease in sales of conventional mobile phones - smartphones, according to the TrendForce analytical agency, sold 22% more than in 2014 (in monetary terms).

At the beginning of 2016, several major players in the mobile retail market at once reported a serious drop in sales in physical terms - by 8.4% in 2015 compared to 2014. Revenue, however, continued to grow due to the growth in the cost of devices. The average cost rose from 8.9 thousand rubles per device in 2014 to 10.1 thousand rubles. in 2015. The share of smartphones with LTE support accounted for about 57% of sales in real terms.

At the beginning of September, 2016 the analytical company IDC published preliminary results Russian market mobile devices for the first half of 2016. Experts note the stabilization of indicators and a return to pre-crisis levels. However, according to IDC forecasts, in dollar terms, the market will not regain its former positions. In the medium term, the market will remain highly competitive and price sensitive.

The main market trends in 2016 include:

  • continued growth of interest in the functionality of devices (performance, LTE support, photo and video quality, etc.)
  • consumers have become less likely to change mobile phones (the share of devices purchased more than 12 months ago has increased significantly)
  • growth in sales of mono-brand chains, decline in sales of multi-brand chains; the retail of mobile network operators is also growing (in the first half of 2015, mobile devices were purchased from operators by 21% of buyers, in 2016 - 24%)
  • growth in sales of devices under own brands mobile operators; as a rule, these are budget devices made in China

Figure 2. How long ago did you buy the mobile phone/smartphone you use today (according to AC&M)

Figure 3. Structure of sales of mobile devices (according to AC&M)

Summing up, we can say that in the next few years the market is most likely to be in a state of stagnation. The share of multi-brand retail will continue to decline, but it will not completely disappear. The importance of operators' own distribution channels will grow cellular communication.

These data show a decrease in demand for new mobile electronics, which leads to an increase in demand for spare parts and accessories. Thanks to accessories, you can “revive” the look of even a significantly shabby smartphone, as well as extend its life.

The enterprise is organized "from scratch", registered in the relevant state structures. Placement of a retail outlet - an "island" in the largest shopping center in Krasnodar. The island refers to a retail outlet with an area of ​​2.5 m 2 in the gallery shopping center. The project initiator is assumed to be self-employed.

Krasnodar is a city in the South of Russia, the administrative center of the Krasnodar Territory, one of the largest cities in the Southern Federal District. A major economic, commercial, industrial and cultural center. The population of the city is 853 thousand people.

The largest shopping center of the city was chosen for placement, the total area of ​​​​the center is 180,400 m 2, trading area- 142,000 m 2; parking for 3,500 cars. On the territory of the shopping center there are: the largest food hypermarket in the Southern Federal District, a hypermarket building materials, furniture store, sports and leisure goods, Appliances and electronics, clothing and footwear for children and adults, bowling.

The outlet is located in a place with the highest traffic, in one of the central galleries of the shopping center, in close proximity to the food court.

Description of goods and services

The project implements accessories for mobile phones and smartphones in the budget and medium price segments, mainly Chinese and Russian production. They are treated as decorative elements(back covers), and functional (chargers, portable speakers) and protective (protective films, covers). Full list goods (by category) is given in Table. 2. In order to simplify the calculations, we use average cost goods in each category.

Table 2. Assortment, variable costs and selling price


Costs for
units, rub.

markup, %

units rub.

External batteries

Back covers

Charging device/
network adapters

Protective glass

Protective film

Micro SD memory cards

Portable speakers

Project workers also provide services for sticking a protective film, installing back covers, setting up speakers, and so on. All services are provided free of charge.

Goods are purchased at the wholesale warehouse of a large network wholesale supplier mobile accessories. The warehouse is located in Krasnodar, which greatly facilitates logistics and reduces the cost of delivery of goods.

Sales and marketing

The target audience of the project is men and women aged 14 to 45 who have a mobile phone or smartphone, with an income of up to 50,000 rubles. All sales are made directly through outlet in the mall. To attract customers, a specially organized display of goods is used, demonstrating the most striking and original accessories. In addition, demonstrations of goods are periodically held - for example, the operation of portable speakers.

Additional promotion is carried out through social networks and Internet services aimed at the youth audience, which is the most active segment of the target audience. The social networks, and the Instagram service are used. Public pages are created, filled with various content:

  • useful - tips and tricks for the use of mobile phones and accessories, for their care (40% of the volume)
  • advertising - information about new products, discounts and promotions (20% of the volume)
  • entertaining - funny stories and pictures related to the theme of the pages (25% of the volume)
  • involving - contests, surveys (15% of the volume)

Publication frequency - 3-4 posts per day.

The competitiveness of the project is based on its favorable location. There are digital equipment stores on the territory of the shopping center, which also offer accessories for mobile phones and smartphones, however, since this area is not their specialization, their assortment, as a rule, is not so deep. Usually warehouse stock mobile retail stores consist of accessories for the latest models of devices that are directly on sale. Given the fact that the stock of mobile devices in the country is rapidly aging, accessories for older models are becoming in demand. The project takes this fact into account and pays attention to the purchase of such accessories, which has a positive effect on the profitability of the project, since outdated models are purchased from the stock balances of wholesale suppliers at a discount.

Reaching the planned sales volumes - presumably from the fourth month of the project implementation. Break-even point reached by the third month of project implementation. Demand for the project's products does not have a pronounced seasonality, with the exception of bursts of consumer activity in the pre-holiday periods - before February 23, March 8 and the New Year.

Table 3. Planned sales volumes



Price per
units, rub.



External batteries

Back covers

Chargers / AC adapters

Protective glass

Protective film

Micro SD memory cards

Portable speakers


Production plan

The sale of goods is carried out through a trade stand located in the gallery of the shopping center. Stand area - 2.5 m2. The operational stock of goods is stored inside the stand, in lockable boxes. The premises of the shopping center are guarded centrally, so overnight storage of goods at the stand is safe. The main commodity stock is at the initiator of the project, for which a special room is equipped in his house.

The trade stand is made by the furniture enterprise in Krasnodar to order according to individually developed drawings. The design provides the most convenient open display that can attract the attention of visitors to the shopping center. The term of manufacture and installation of the stand (by the manufacturer) is 7 calendar days.

The purchase of goods is carried out at the warehouse of a large wholesale supplier of mobile accessories. Depending on the volume of a one-time purchase, the size of the wholesale discount usually varies, however, the project initiator managed to reach an agreement with the regional management on fixing the maximum discount, subject to a gross monthly purchase volume of at least 150,000 rubles. The planned volume of purchases (according to Table 3 - 171,200 rubles).

The warehouse turnover is planned at the level of 2-2.5 times a month, thus, 2-3 purchases of goods for a different amount are made monthly. This allows you to more accurately form a warehouse stock, avoid the appearance of illiquid goods, and also increase the turnover of working capital.

The product is delivered in its original packaging. The warranty period depends on the product category.

organizational plan

All management and managerial functions carried out by the project initiator. He has experience in organizing retail trade and promotion on the Internet. Accounting outsourced. Opening hours of the outlet - 10.00 - 22.00. A shift work schedule is provided - 2/2, respectively, a second seller is required. The selection of the seller is carried out within preparatory phase project. The duration of the preparatory stage is 1 week. During this period, the production and installation of a trading stand is also carried out, the purchase of the first batch of goods is carried out. After this period begins operating activities enterprises.

The project has a limited implementation period - five years, after which it is planned to be liquidated with the sale of assets and profit fixation. The basis for such a decision is the unpredictability of development mobile technology and economic situation in the country.

IP was chosen as the organizational and legal form. Form of taxation - Unified tax on imputed income, section 8 "Retail trade carried out through the objects of a stationary trading network that does not have trading floors, as well as through the objects of a non-stationary trading network, the area trading place in which does not exceed 5 sq.m.”

Table 4 staffing and payroll


Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.


shift seller


Social Security contributions:

Total with deductions:

Financial plan

The financial plan is drawn up for the entire duration of the project and takes into account all the income and expenses of the project. Income refers to revenue from operating activities; other types of income are not provided for by the project. Annual revenue after the project reaches the planned sales volumes - 3.3 million rubles; net profit (after taxes) - 299 thousand rubles.

Investment costs - 309,000 rubles, of which own funds project initiator - 100,000 rubles (Table 5). Flaw Money is supposed to be covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 24 months at 18% per annum. Loan repayment is carried out by annuity payments, credit holidays - three months.

Table 5. Investment costs


Amount, rub.

Deposit for 3 months

Trade stand

working capital

Purchase of raw materials


Own funds:

Required borrowings:


Term, months:

Variable costs include the cost of purchasing goods (including the cost of transportation to the project warehouse) and are shown in Table. 2. Fixed costs include the cost of renting space, advertising and depreciation. The amount of depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method based on the useful life of property, plant and equipment of five years. At the end of the project, fixed assets are to be written off.

Table 6. Fixed costs

A detailed financial plan is given in App. one.

Efficiency mark

Performance evaluation and investment attractiveness project is carried out on the basis of analysis financial plan, cash flows, as well as simple and integral performance indicators (Table 1). To account for the change in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used. Discount rate - 3%.

Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period - 16 months. Net present value (NPV) - RUB 450,964 Internal rate of return (IRR) - 7.1%. Profitability index (PI) - 1.46. These figures are quite high at a low discount rate. If we take the discount rate as the desired rate of return of the project initiator, the project can be considered effective and attractive to the investor.

Guarantees and risks

To assess the risks associated with the implementation of the project, internal and external factors of influence are evaluated. To internal factors can be attributed to the wrong assortment. To neutralize this risk, the following measures should be taken:

  • monitoring of warehouse balances for turnover and liquidity
  • monitoring feedback and survey results on pages in social networks
  • competitor assortment monitoring
  • obtaining data on the most demanded goods from the project supplier

To external factors can include the following:

  • rent increase
  • decrease in effective demand

In the event of any of the listed negative scenarios, it is necessary to fix the profit and liquidate the project due to the inability to compensate for the increase in costs due to the profitability of the project.

The niche of mobile accessories is a competitive environment, but at the same time it is very popular among buyers. The huge demand for various mobile accessories in the form of cases, protective glasses and other things stimulates entrepreneurs to open new outlets and develop this line of business. In today's article, we will look at how to open a mobile phone accessories store in your city and in what directions to work to promote it.

Business format and selection of premises

Depending on the first initial capital you can either open an outlet right away, or test the niche first by working on the Internet. In this article, we will talk about an integrated approach that is perfect for both large and small cities.

You don't need to rent a huge room to sell phone accessories, but its location in the city plays a rather important role. For example, shopping centers would be good rental options (you can even rent trading island), or premises near food or clothing markets. At first, your main source of attracting customers will be a sign, so you need to choose a place very carefully.

The size of the room can be from 12 - 20 sq.m. Everything will depend on the volume of the assortment. Due to the small area, you can significantly save on costs.

To sell accessories for mobile devices, you will need to purchase equipment for the trade. These are shelves, racks and glass showcases for the presentation of goods. Pay special attention to lighting, as it often affects the buyer's perception of the attractiveness of a particular product.

Range and suppliers

It will depend on the assortment whether your business selling phone accessories will be successful or not. You should work with wholesalers who sell products in various price ranges.

Here is a list of the main product groups in this niche:

  • Bluetooth headsets
  • Protective films and glasses
  • Cases
  • Acustic systems
  • Universal Mobile Batteries
  • Headphones
  • Chargers and adapters
  • Synchronization cables
  • Car holders
  • Selfie monopods and accessories
  • Batteries
  • Memory cards
  • Styluses
  • Accessories for smart watches and trackers and more

This list can be much wider, depending on the initial capital. In fact, the niche of mobile accessories is quite wide and every year it is developing rapidly, so there should be no problems with the assortment.

Suppliers of accessories for mobile devices can be searched on the Internet. You can work both with intermediaries in your country and order wholesale consignments of goods from China. At the same time, it is better to order through companies that specialize in customs clearance and execution of all necessary documents for this.


I would like to say a few words about competition. The market for mobile accessories is competitive and in addition to open stores in your city, it is worth taking into account such sites as Aliexpress, where people order these goods. But there is also another side of the coin. There will always be those who want to come and buy right away, and not wait a month or two for their case or protective glass, and secondly, not everyone understands how it is and what to order on these sites. As practice shows, the market of accessories for mobile phones, although it sank a little, after the popularization of Chinese trading platforms, it still remains a very profitable and promising direction.


In the mobile phone accessories business, any type of marketing technique can actually be applied. bright signboard, flyers and advertisements in the media. But online advertising can become one of the most effective methods. The product is small and inexpensive, it is great for selling on the Internet. Visitors can be attracted through search engine promotion of the site, or through contextual advertising.

How much money do you need to start?

Each of you will have a different amount of investment, but we tried to estimate the level of investment for opening a budget store selling accessories for mobile phones.

  • Room rental - $200 - $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salary to the seller - $400
  • Initial purchase of goods – $7,000 – $10,000
  • Purchase of equipment - $800 - $1000
  • Advertising — $200 (+ advertising on the Internet).

How much can you earn?

As you know, the sale of accessories is usually very profitable, because there are high margins. The level of your income will directly depend on the location, assortment and skill of the seller to offer the client exactly what he is looking for. We will only present average value margins for this type of product, which is equal to - from 100% to 300%.

Agree a very attractive indicator. This is why this niche is so competitive.

Findings. A business selling accessories for mobile devices is a great start for an aspiring entrepreneur. Wide range of goods and a high margin, make it especially attractive.

Any thoughts on this? We are waiting for them in the comments.

A business in the sale of accessories for phones and tablets can be opened with an amount of 150 - 200 thousand rubles. The main part of the funds - about 70% - goes to the creation of a range of goods, 20% - to purchase commercial equipment and 10% for other expenses. This is a simple business that any aspiring entrepreneur can open. The whole difficulty in opening a business lies in finding profitable suppliers of goods who will offer the lowest wholesale price. Although the average check of such stores often does not exceed 600 rubles, this does not prevent the outlet from making a profit. Accessories stores receive their main income from a high trade margin, which reaches up to 500% for individual items.

Such a business is attractive in that a small shop can be opened in just 4-6 sq.m. This can be a place under an escalator in a shopping center (where there is maximum traffic) or a department in the format of a shopping island. It is desirable to open in highly passable places, with a rich public. In this regard, large shopping centers are one of the best places, despite the high rent (from 5,000 rubles per sq. m.). The clientele in large shopping centers is the richest.

The assortment of the accessories store for phones and tablets includes such products as: covers, cases, phone decor, cables and chargers, screen protectors, headphones and headset, accessories for iPhone and iPad, styluses and gloves, car accessories for phones, gadgets for smartphones and tablets, batteries, bags for tablets. At the same time, most of the sales come from Apple products, according to market participants. The products of this company should be kept in the maximum quantity:

In some cases, you should not be limited only to accessories. You can add phones and tablets of the most popular models to the assortment: Iphone, Ipad, Mac Book. Not necessarily in large quantities, you can positions 5-10. It has already been noticed more than once that when phones are added, sales of accessories for them increase several times.

When opening a store, great importance is given to finding profitable suppliers. Accessories are inexpensive goods, and the main income comes from a high trade margin. If it is not possible to purchase goods for low prices, then it is not worth starting a business. Even a markup of 100% is considered low. Most often, goods are sold with a markup of 200%. That's the only way to make money in this business.

Almost every shopping center has three or four mobile phone shops, which also have a good range of accessories, even if they are very overpriced. But salons have their own advantages: a well-known brand, bright design, a large assortment of gadgets, huge investments, and high attendance. Accessories are not their main income, but they sell well, since almost every purchase of a phone or tablet is also a purchase of a case or handbag for it.

Market players share some information that good wholesale suppliers of accessories can be found in Novosibirsk: they have good quality and a varied assortment. As a last resort, you can always contact trading platforms China (alibaba and aliexpress). There's always plenty of cheap stuff out there. This is what most small online stores selling accessories do.

To register a business, no licenses and additional permits are needed: it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship with the local tax service, which will take only 5 days from the date of submission of documents. When filling out an application, they usually indicate the OKVED code 52.4 “Other retail in specialized stores" As a taxation system, UTII is most often chosen - a single tax on imputed income. This is the most optimal tax regime for small shops. Your tax is always a fixed fee (paid quarterly). UTII exempts the entrepreneur from paying income tax, property tax and VAT. But the most important thing is that the “imputation” allows you not to use cash registers when making settlements with buyers.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

100 000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

From 4 months


55 %


From 25 000 ₽

Profit per month

The number of all kinds of gadgets per capita is growing every year: mobile phones, players, game consoles, players, tablets... Accordingly, the demand for various accessories for all these mobile devices is growing. Covers made of various materials perform two functions at once - protective and decorative. In the latter case, the choice of cases is limited only by the manufacturer's imagination.

How to make the production of covers a profitable and profitable business

However, depending on start-up capital, which the entrepreneur has, he can choose two production options - to make the covers themselves or apply images to existing blanks. In the first case, covers are sewn from genuine leather (the preferred option) and leather substitutes.

The cost of one product is 50 rubles, and at retail it is already sold for 250-400 rubles. For sewing covers made of genuine and artificial leather, you will need a small room (about 17-20 square meters) and simple equipment, including sewing machines, cutting machine, punch, button setting machine, pattern embossing device, etc.

As materials for the production of covers, you will need natural and artificial leather of various shades, but of a certain density (the material must be dense enough to protect the contents from minor damage, and at the same time keep its shape well), buttons, Velcro, lining material, rhinestones, key rings, etc.

There are no special requirements for the location of the workshop, but think in advance how and to whom you will sell finished products. If you plan to produce a small number of high-quality leather cases of a special design, then it is better to sell them on your own - through a branded outlet, for example, in a large shopping center. With sufficiently large production volumes, it is best to work with wholesalers, specialized stores, trading networks etc.

Features of the range of cases

Your assortment will consist mainly of covers for mobile phones and smartphones, and to a lesser extent - tablets. Please note: in recent times previously common cases, which are completely made of leather, are increasingly replacing the combined models of book cases with a plastic base for the gadget and a leather cover. In the future, you will be able to significantly expand your range and produce cases not only for mobile devices, but also other leather accessories - cosmetic bags, key cases, bags, etc.

For the organization of such a business will require from 100 thousand rubles. This amount includes the purchase required material, raw materials and minimal advertising (flyers, business cards, ad placement). The best option is if you have your own premises where you can open a sewing workshop. An additional source of income can be tailoring covers for individual orders (in fact, this is already an atelier) - non-standard colors, designs, for less common device models, etc.

In addition, you can engage in applying prints to existing blanks. For the production of covers in this way, special equipment will be required, which includes a thermal transfer press, jet printer with CISS, as well as consumables - special ink and paper for sublimation. All this equipment is quite compact. It can be put even at home or in the garage.

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The process of printing on blanks is very simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. For printing, special blanks of covers will be required. These may not be traditional covers, but bumpers that are worn on a smartphone or tablet. They come in rubber and plastic in white or black. The disadvantage of this direction is associated with a limited range. For obvious reasons, you will not be able to produce printed cases for a large number device models from different manufacturers.

The financial component of the case manufacturing business

Entrepreneurs do not want to take risks and buy bumpers for the most popular devices: iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy. Covers-blanks are purchased in China with a minimum lot of 500 pieces. The covers and bumpers themselves are cheap, but add to this the cost of transportation and customs clearance. Eventually the cost of the cover with application is 125 rubles. Retail price starts from 550 rubles. and higher. Models with an exclusive design will cost the end buyer 1200 rubles.

As with leather phone accessories, there are two channels for marketing "designer" cases: directly end customers and through wholesale companies. In the first case, keep in mind that the main the target audience such products are adolescents and young people under the age of 25 years. These buyers can be found on the Internet.

Maintaining groups in social networks and promoting an online store will require considerable costs - both time and material. At first, the number of orders will be small (according to the experience of other entrepreneurs, from two orders per day when working throughout the country). Also, you will have to spend your time communicating with potential buyers, sending orders within Russia, or spending money on wages managers who will take on these responsibilities.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If your production capacity allow you to make a large batch of cases at once (from 100 pieces), give preference to wholesale buyers. By the way, the organizers can also act as such joint purchases. Even with a wholesale price of 350-400 rubles for a regular model, your margin will be over 100%, and you will be able to return the funds spent faster. The turnover of such a small production is 300-350 thousand rubles a year, and profit - from 25 thousand rubles per month and above, depending on the range, designs, investments in advertising and promotion, product quality and customer service.

Cases for mobile devices are an out-of-season product, but they are in greatest demand during the pre-holiday period (unusual cases are bought as gifts for relatives and friends).

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