Dynamics and trend of changes in the profitability of agricultural production. Profitability in agriculture

Tasks of the enterprise economy

Definition 1

An enterprise is a business entity that economic activity for the purpose of making a profit.

It is a system of internal relationships aimed at obtaining a monetary result.

Enterprises play an important role in the country's economy, linking the state and the population. The population, buying products, saturates their needs. The state, in turn, by taxing the profits of the activities of economic entities, replenishes its budget. Thus, we can say that the success of enterprises is important for all subjects of market relations.

Under the study of processes associated with the production, marketing and sale of economic goods, in economic theory a separate discipline was singled out - the economics of the enterprise.

This is due to the fact that the economic entity itself is a system that includes subsystems. In addition, the enterprise is exposed to the influence of external factors and internal environment which in one way or another change the entire production process. Environmental factors, which in microeconomics are considered as equivalent, in the economics of the enterprise, taking into account the characteristics of the subject, acquire their own specific influence.

Structurally, an enterprise is determined large quantity internal relationships, so the economy of the enterprise faces a variety of tasks for analysis and control. Such tasks include:

  • organization of the production process, creation of a production structure and infrastructure network within the enterprise;
  • ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of the subject by debugging the mechanism for the supply of raw materials and materials;
  • development and implementation of action plans;
  • pricing;
  • optimization of the use of labor resources;
  • social security of the labor process;
  • environmental protection activities;
  • development and implementation of new technologies;
  • accounting policy;
  • rational organization of the management process.

Remark 1

Thus, we can conclude that the enterprise not only plays an important role in the country's economy, but also largely determines its development trends.

Features of agricultural activity

One of the most important industries national economy is agriculture. It not only produces food products that meet the needs of the population, but is also a source of raw materials for the processing industry. The higher the level of development of this industry, the higher the social satisfaction of society and the more stable the material and technical base of the country.

In addition, a developed agro-industrial complex provides an intrastate economic balance, a stable political environment and food independence.

However, this industry is not able to compete equally with other sectors of the national economy, so it requires a certain state control and help.

State support can be expressed in:

  • regulating the price of certain products;
  • subsidizing;
  • special lending programs;
  • tax benefits;
  • infrastructure development;
  • legislative regulation;
  • carrying out irrigation works.

Regulation of the market price allows you to maintain the profitability of production.

Definition 2

Profitability is the value of the efficiency of resources and finances invested in the production process.

This indicator allows you to analyze various aspects of the organization's activities.

Profit as a financial result economic activity, determines the ratio of income to the costs aimed at obtaining them.

Profitability also allows you to evaluate the effectiveness certain types costs, thereby allowing adjustments to be made to production and management.

With the transition from a planned model to a market one, agricultural market entities began to independently plan their activities, focusing on maximizing income and investment efficiency.

Profitability of an agricultural enterprise

The specifics of the industry determines the factors influencing the formation of the profitability of an agricultural organization. Among them are:

  • the size of the market share;
  • competition;
  • pricing;
  • transport tariffs;
  • state regulation.

The profitability of an agricultural entity determines the form of turnover, the feasibility of using resources, and also makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the organization of the technological process.

For calculation overall indicator the profitability of an agricultural entity, the formula is used:

R = P/T $\cdot$ 100%

where P is profitability, P is profit (net or gross), T is the value of turnover without VAT.

This calculation allows you to determine the effectiveness of invested capital.

The total income and profitability of an economic entity are directly proportional to each other. This indicator more accurately determines the financial result of the enterprise.

The level of profitability is affected by the turnover of capital. So, by calculating the ratio of the turnover of goods to the amount of capital, you can understand what kind of return comes from each ruble. The turnover and turnover of capital are directly dependent on each other.

Profitability production assets is also determined according to the principle common with other industries:

P = (P(O + M)) $\cdot$ 100%

where P - profitability, P - net or gross profit, O - average cost fixed assets, M - average cost working capital.

When using leased premises or equipment in the activities of an agricultural enterprise, their cost must also be included in the calculation.

Specific factors of agricultural activity are the distribution costs, the area of ​​land under crops, the number of labor resources.

Remark 2

Analysis of profitability in relation to distribution costs shows the profitability of commercial transactions.

In relation to the personnel involved, profitability determines the profitability per employee.

If we take the area under crops as the denominator, then we can calculate the profitability of one square meter earth.

It is best to conduct a constant analysis of the profitability of an agricultural enterprise, which will allow you to track changes in dynamics and correlate them with indicators of past periods.

Profitability is the most important economic indicator that characterizes the economic activity of an enterprise. Increasing the role of such indicators as profit, profitability, for the analysis of the activities of enterprises is of great importance. It serves as the calculation basis for prices, and hence profits.

The increase in the profitability of production is a significant source of increasing intra-farm savings - the basis for expanded reproduction on collective farms and state farms.

Suffice it to say that a 1% increase in the profitability of agricultural products will save approximately 700 million rubles. Finding and mobilizing the available reserves to reduce it is impossible without a comprehensive cost analysis.

Without analyzing the level of profitability of products, it is impossible to correctly resolve the issues of the structure of agricultural production, its specialization, distribution across the country, and determine the efficiency of production of a particular agricultural product. Based on the level of profitability of products, the state sets the level of purchase prices for agricultural products.

That is why the analysis of the profitability of products in an agricultural enterprise is of great interest and is of great importance for improving the efficiency of agricultural production.

To analyze the profitability of agricultural products, various sources of information are widely used: planning, regulatory, reporting, control and auditing, production and technological, etc., which are taken mainly from the production and financial plans of farms.

The relevance of the topic of this work is determined primarily by the objectively significant role of studying the formation of the profitability of the main production in the agro-industrial complex in a modern socially oriented market economy, the transition to which is the main vector of the radical reform unfolding in Russia. That is why the profitability analysis of the main production is strategic objective reform economic policy.

Agricultural enterprises that have switched to new working conditions independently plan the amount of the annual increase in the profitability of products in rubles and as a percentage of the cost of comparable marketable products, as well as in kopecks per ruble of all marketable products. This, however, does not mean that the profitability indicator has lost its former value. A systematic increase in the profitability of production is a matter of concern for the entire team of an agricultural enterprise, since this results in an increase in profits and corresponding sources for the further development of the enterprise and improving the well-being of the team.

The course work contains material of theoretical and practical value. An analysis of the profitability of products was carried out using the example of Devitsky Kolos LLC.

The purpose of the course work is to consider the state of profitability of sunflower LLC "Devitsky Kolos" and the design of measures to increase it.

Objectives of the course work:

1. Analyze information about the size, structure and composition of the enterprise, its state of the dynamics of the main economic indicators;

2. Conduct an analysis of the state of profitability of sunflower in Devitsky Kolos LLC

3. Suggest measures to increase the profit and profitability of sunflower production.

1. The essence of the profitability of an agricultural enterprise

In a market economy, the results of activities are evaluated by a system of indicators, the main among which is profitability, defined as the ratio of profit to one of the indicators of the functioning of an agricultural enterprise.

When calculating profitability, different indicators of profit can be used. This allows you to identify not only the overall economic efficiency of the enterprise, but also evaluate other aspects of its activities.

The rate of return is considered to be the rate of return, calculated as a percentage of the amount of net profit to the volume of trade or the cost of all capital.

Calculation economic profitability(profitability) of an agricultural enterprise is carried out according to the formula:

R o - the overall economic profitability of the economic activity of the enterprise;

P - the amount of profit (gross or net);

T - the volume of trade (excluding VAT).

This calculation formula is also applicable to determine the profitability of capital (invested funds) of an agricultural enterprise: the turnover indicator must be replaced by the capital indicator. Transforming this formula by multiplying and dividing by the turnover indicator, we got two indicators - the profitability of turnover and capital turnover:

P o \u003d P m *OK

where Pm is the profitability of the turnover

OK - the turnover of the capital of the enterprise (number of revolutions)

The profitability of turnover P t reflects the relationship between profit and turnover and shows the amount of profit received per unit of goods sold. Because accounting business transactions is conducted in monetary terms, then the profitability ratio of sales, multiplied by 1000, shows what profit was received from 1000 rubles of the goods sold.

The higher the profit, the higher the profitability of trade. The sales profitability ratio (P:T) characterizes the share of profit in the turnover. By the ratio of net profit and turnover, one can more accurately judge financial result activities of an agricultural enterprise.

The number of turnovers of capital (O to) reflects the ratio of turnover to the value of the capital of the enterprise. Based on this indicator, you can determine the amount of turnover per thousand rubles. invested capital. The higher the volume of trade, the greater the number of turnovers of invested capital. This indicator can be perceived as the turnover of capital, since it shows how many times each ruble of invested capital is turned over in a given period of time.

Regulation of the overall economic profitability is reduced to the impact on both components of its indicators - return on sales and capital turnover.

To characterize the efficiency of use equity determine the share of profit in equity by the ratio of profit (P) and medium size own capital (K s).


The indicator of return on equity (P k) is of great importance for the shareholders of an agricultural enterprise. It serves as a criterion for assessing the level of quotation of shares of a joint-stock agricultural enterprise on the stock exchange, this indicator allows investors to assess the potential income from investing in shares and other securities. Based on this indicator, it is possible to determine the period during which the funds invested in a joint-stock company are fully paid off (1 / R c).

The profitability of the production assets of an agricultural enterprise is determined by the ratio of the amount of profit (gross, net) and the average cost of fixed and circulating assets, multiplied by 100.

R f \u003d (P (O f + M s) * 100), where

Р f - profitability of fixed assets

P - the amount of profit (gross or net)

О f - the average cost of fixed assets

M s - the average cost of material circulating assets.

If an agricultural enterprise operates in rented premises, buildings, or leases some fixed assets, it is advisable to calculate the average cost of fixed assets taking into account the leased and leased fixed assets. In this case, the average values ​​of fixed assets are determined by subtracting from the total value of own and leased fixed assets the value of fixed assets leased out.

Along with indicators of turnover, capital, fixed and working capital, other indicators are also used to calculate the level of profitability: distribution costs, sown area, headcount, each of which emphasizes a certain aspect of the performance of an agricultural enterprise.

The level of profitability, calculated by the ratio of the amount of profit from the sale of goods to the amount of distribution costs, shows the effectiveness of current costs.

The increase or decrease in distribution costs directly affects the reduction or growth of profits. This indicator of profitability determines the effectiveness of a trade transaction for goods.

Profitability, calculated in relation to the number of employees employed at the enterprise, characterizes the efficiency of using work force and shows the amount of profit received per employee. Along with this indicator, the amount of gross and net profit is determined in relation to the actual amount of labor costs, taking into account the amount of mandatory deductions in off-budget funds. This indicator of profitability reflects the size of the gross and net profit received per 1 thousand rubles. funds spent on wages and social needs. The smaller the number of employees of the enterprise, the more profit per employee, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the use of labor.

The ratio of profit from the sale of goods to the size of the sown area of ​​an agricultural enterprise characterizes the amount of profit received per 1 sq.m. sown area.

The study of the system of indicators of profitability of an agricultural enterprise is recommended to be carried out in dynamics and, if possible, in comparison with the indicators of other similar trading enterprises.

1.1. Factors affecting the profit and profitability of an agricultural enterprise

Profit and profitability in the conditions of formation market economy are the most important indicators of the economic activity of agricultural organizations and enterprises. These indicators reflect all aspects of the activities of enterprises:

Volume and structure of turnover, rational use resources, implementation of measures to improve organizations and technologies production processes etc.

The amount and level of profit are formed under the influence a large number various factors that have both positive and negative effects on them. The number of factors that determine the amount of profit and profitability can hardly be clearly limited, it is very large. Weight factors can be divided into the main ones, which have the greatest impact on the amount and level of profit, and the secondary ones, the influence of which can be neglected. In addition, the entire set of factors can be divided into internal and external. They are closely related.

To internal factors factors affecting profit and profitability include resource factors (the size and composition of resources, the state of resources, their operating conditions), as well as factors associated with an increase in revenue.

To the main external factors The factors that form the profit of an agricultural enterprise include the following factors:

1. Market capacity.

The training of an agricultural enterprise depends on the capacity of the market. The larger the market capacity, the greater the ability of the enterprise to make a profit.

2. Development of competition.

It has a negative impact on the amount and level of profit, because. it leads to an averaging of the rate of profit. Competition requires certain costs that reduce the amount of profit received.

3. The size of the prices.

In a competitive environment, price increases do not always lead to an adequate increase in selling prices. Agricultural enterprises tend to work less with intermediaries, choose among suppliers those who offer goods of the same quality level at lower prices.

4. Prices for services of transport, public utilities, repair and other enterprises.

The increase in prices and tariffs for services increases the operating costs of enterprises, reduces profits and reduces the profitability of trading activities.

5. Development of the trade union movement.

The company seeks to limit the cost of wages. The interests of workers are expressed by trade unions that are fighting for higher wages, which creates the prerequisites for reducing the profits of the enterprise.

6. Development of activities public organizations consumers of goods and services.

7. State regulation of the activities of agricultural enterprises. This factor is one of the main ones that determine the amount of profit and profitability.

2. a brief description of enterprises

2.1. Production direction of the enterprise

The structure of the cash proceeds for the sold products testifies to the specialization of the enterprise. In addition, specialization can be judged by the structure of the cost of gross output, fixed and working capital.

Table 1.1.1. The structure of the cash proceeds of the agricultural enterprise "Devitsky Kolos" LLC for 2003 - 2004

Types of products and industries

amount for 2 years

Crop industry


other industry products

Livestock industry

b) pigs

recycled products

other industry products

Other activities

Total for the enterprise

Conclusion: a diversified enterprise with a significant (3 times) advantage of the crop industry in 2004.

A significant excess of the crop industry allows us to talk about the crop specialization of the enterprise. However, considering the dynamics of structural indicators, it should be noted that the share of animal husbandry doubled in 2004 compared to 2003. On the face of a significant reduction in production in the crop industry, and the company stopped producing sugar beets altogether. Against this background, milk production even increased. Thus, the absolute predominance of the crop industry is out of the question.

2.2. Enterprise size

It is advisable to present the indicators characterizing the size of Devitsky Kolos LLC in the form of the following table

Table 1.1.3. Size of Devitsky Kolos LLC

All indicators characterizing the size of Devitsky Kolos LLC correspond to the average for the region, with the exception of the cost of fixed assets and material costs - these indicators are significantly lower than the regional average.

This allows us to draw the following conclusion on the size of the enterprise: Devitsky Kolos LLC: a medium-sized enterprise with an outdated fixed assets.

With regard to dynamics, it should be noted that compared with 2003. there were no significant changes in the size of the enterprise.

2.3. Enterprise production size

Table 1.1.4. Enterprise production size



The amount of cash proceeds, thousand rubles.

Total production, q:

Sugar beet roots

Sunflower seeds

Live weight gain:

Calculated per 100 ha of arable land received, centners:

sugar beet

sunflower seed

j Per 100 ha of agricultural land received:

Milk, c

Live weight gain, c: Cattle

Cash proceeds, thousand rubles

In 2004, there is a significant decline in production in all respects, with the exception of grain production. At the same time, in 2003, grain production was an order of magnitude less than the average district, and in 2004. even exceeded the regional average. Along with this significant increase, the company completely abandoned the cultivation of sugar beets and reduced sunflower production by an order of magnitude. The livestock industry turned out to be relatively stable, it was noted only by a slight decrease in the production of milk and meat and is approximately at the inter-district level.

Table 1.1.5. Dynamics of indicators of provision with production resources



On average per 1 enterprise of the district

For 100 hectares of agricultural land there are:

Fixed assets, thousand rubles

Fixed and working capital, thousand rubles

Animals, conv. Goal.

Power capacities, l. with.

Provision with workers, people/100 ha of agricultural land

Availability of tractors, units/1000 ha of arable land

For 1 average annual worker accounts for:

The cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

Power capacities, h.p.

Working capital supply (100 rubles of fixed assets account for working capital), rub.

The availability of production resources is high and corresponds to the inter-district level, with the exception of fixed assets that do not reach even half of the inter-district level, which indicates a high depreciation of fixed assets and adversely affects production efficiency.

OOO "Devitsky Kolos" is a medium-sized enterprise in the region, experiencing problems with the renewal of the fleet of fixed assets. It should be noted a sharp reorientation of the economy in 2004 to the cultivation of grain crops and curtailment of the production of sugar beet and sunflower. The livestock industry remains stable in 2004.

3. Income and profitability of agricultural production

Table 2.2.3. Dynamics of profitability indicators in agriculture

The dynamics of profitability indicators of the enterprise is negative, the drop in profits and profitability of the enterprise is very significant (tens of times), so profit from 10,713 thousand rubles. in 2003 fell to 199 thousand rubles. in 2004 However, these indicators are still better than the average district indicators, where there is an average loss in agriculture. At the same time, the amount of loss is significant - 823.45 thousand rubles. Consequently, the downward trend in profits and profitability is common in the region, however, Devitsky Kolos LLC managed to get at least a small, but profit, as a result.

Table 2.2.4. Dynamics of profitability indicators for crop production

Approximately the same picture is observed in crop production: a significant (10 times) drop in profits and, accordingly, all profitability indicators. However, in terms of crop production, the average situation for the region is the same as that of Devitsky Kolos LLC - a small profit and low profitability. At the same time, Devitsky Kolos LLC was able to provide profitability indicators above the average for the region, especially the level of profitability, which is 4 times higher than the average for the region.

Table 2.2.5. Dynamics of profitability indicators for animal husbandry

Animal husbandry in Devitsky Kolos LLC remains consistently unprofitable, but its unprofitability is lower than the average for the region, which can be said about the efforts of the management of Devitsky Kolos LLC to increase the profitability of the industry, which is confirmed by the positive dynamics of profitability indicators: the loss decreased from -1223 thousand roubles. up to -966 thousand rubles. Cost recovery increased from 69.15% to 73.31% and significantly exceeds the average regional level.

Table 2.2.6. Profitability of production and share of main products in profit (or loss) in 2004

Types of products and industries

Sales proceeds, thousand rubles

Cost price products sold, thousand rubles

Profitability level, %

Payback level, %


Sugar beet

crop production own production implemented in a revised form

other industry products

Total crop production

net result crop production

recycled products

other industry products

Total livestock

Livestock net result

Total for agriculture

Net result for agriculture

In 2004, grain production accounted for the largest share in the formation of profits in Devitsky Kolos LLC in 2004, 92.74%. There is a loss on sunflower, which is 27.75% of the total losses of the enterprise. These losses even exceed the structure of losses from each branch of animal husbandry.

Those. sunflower is the most unprofitable line of production in Devitsky Kolos LLC.

Income and profitability of Devitsky Kolos LLC in 2004 fell sharply. income generating and profitable production sunflower in 2004 became the most unprofitable line of business for OOO Devitsky Kolos.

Consequently, sunflower production needs to increase profitability and bring it out of a loss-making state.

4. Economics of sunflower production

To identify factors

Table 5.1.1. Importance of sunflower production in crop production and economics

Initial data

including sunflower

including sunflower

Sowing area on the farm, ha

Cash receipts from the household, thousand rubles

Cash proceeds from crop production, thousand rubles

Profit (loss) on the farm, thousand rubles

Profit from crop production, thousand rubles

Production costs for the household, thousand rubles.

Production costs in crop production, thousand rubles

Specific gravity sunflower, %: - in the sowing area

In farm revenue

In crop production

In household profit

In profit from crop production

In household expenses

In crop production costs

Sunflower in the economy of Devitsky Kolos LLC occupies a small place, and besides, it is unprofitable. The intensification of sunflower cultivation is very low, so sunflower accounts for 6.31% of crop production costs, and only 3.22% of revenue.

Table 5.1.2. Sunflower production development dynamics

As a sunflower producer, Devitsky Kolos LLC lags significantly behind the inter-district indicators. Moreover, such a lag occurred in 2004. In 2003, Devitsky Kolos LLC was the leading sunflower producer in the region with a significant excess of inter-district indicators.

Table 5.1.4. Dynamics of profitability indicators of sunflower production in Devitsky Kolos LLC



2004 in % to 2003

by region in 2004.

sunflower planting area, . ha

Production costs, thousand rubles

The cost of fertilizers, .thous. rub.

Labor costs, man-hour

Gross output, c.

Gross income, thousand rubles

Net income, thousand rubles

Factor indicators of production intensity

The cost of fertilizers per 1 ha of crops, rub.

Labor costs per 1 ha of crops, man-hours

Effective indicators of intensification

Productivity, c/ha

Gross income per 1 ha of crops, rub.

Net income per 1 ha of crops, rub.

Cost recovery (by net income), %

The level of profitability of sunflower production at Devitsky Kolos LLC in 2004 fell significantly, and now it is unprofitable and brings a loss to the farm. However, in 2003 the picture was quite the opposite, and the profitability of sunflower production significantly exceeded the regional average, which indicates high potential production efficiency and the need to increase profitability in the future.

Table 5.1.5. Labor productivity indicators in sunflower production


By company

2004 in % to 2003

by region in 2004.

Initial data

Gross output, q

Direct labor costs, thousand man-hours

Labor costs, thousand rubles


Received sunflower per 1 person-h, c

Labor costs per 1 centner, man-hour

Labor costs per 1 ha, man-hour

Factors affecting labor productivity

Productivity, c/ha

Labor intensity 1 ha, person-hour

Wage level, rub./person-hour

As can be seen from the table, the costs of sunflower production have increased significantly, the labor intensity of 1 hectare has increased almost 4 times from 2.78 to 8.13 people. – h. It should be noted that even with such a decline in sunflower production, labor intensity is lower than inter-district indicators. Thus, reducing labor intensity and costs, increasing labor productivity in sunflower production can play a decisive role in increasing its profitability. Also, a significant reserve is the increase in productivity, which decreased in 2004 by almost 3 times.

Table 5.1.6. Level and structure of sunflower seeds cost in 2003

Table 5.1.7. Level and structure of sunflower seeds cost in 2004

Cost types


By region

Total costs, thousand rubles

including sunflower

Costs per 1 c, r.

In % of total

Costs per 1 c, r.

In % of total



Works and services

including fuel

Other costs

Total cost

The level of unit costs in sunflower production in 2004 is quite high and is more than 7 times higher than in 2003. At the same time, the largest unit costs are observed in other costs, which was not the case in 2003, when the largest costs were for the maintenance of fixed assets.

This suggests that with a sharp decrease in sunflower production volumes, conditionally variable costs have decreased, while conditionally fixed costs have remained the same, i.e. in specific terms they have grown. Therefore, in order to make sunflower production profitable one of the necessary conditions is to increase the volume of its production, in order to be able to take advantage of the economies of scale of production and reduce unit costs due to semi-fixed costs.

Table 5.1.8. Sunflower cost level and factors influencing it


2004 in % to 2003

by region in 2004.

Initial data

Sunflower planting area, ha

Gross harvest of sunflower, c

Cost of sunflower, total, thousand rubles

including wages, thousand rubles

Labor costs for sunflower, thousand man-hours


Cost price, r./c


Production costs per 1 ha, rub.

Productivity, c/ha

Labor intensity of products, people ~ h / c

The level of wages, rubles / person-hour

Most of the factors affecting the cost of sunflower seeds in 2004 had a negative impact:

The increase in cost resulted in:

Increase in production costs by 67.17%

Yield reduction by 63.05%

An increase in the labor intensity of products by 692.11%.

The decrease in the level of wages by 82.09% led to a decrease in the cost of production.

Table 5.1.10. Indicators of marketability of sunflower production

Table 5.1.11. Profitability indicators of sunflower production


by region in 2004.

Number of products sold, q

Revenue from the sale of sunflower seeds, thousand rubles

Cost of goods sold, thousand rubles

Profit (Revenue - Cost), thousand rubles

Profitability indicators

Profit (in rubles) calculated: a) per 1 ha of sunflower crops,

b) per 1 man-hour

Profitability level, % [ (Profit/Cost.) x100]

Factors affecting profitability

Full, cost price of 1 centner, rub.

Average selling price of 1 q, rub.

Productivity, c/ha

Hourly labor productivity, q/person-h

Analysis of factors affecting the profitability of products

To establish the reasons for the deviation of profitability indicators for the economy from the average regional values, we use the following formulas for the influence of factors.


Pr 1 ha, Pr 1 person-h, Pr s - profit per 1 ha of grain crops, 1 person-h, 100 rubles. costs

C 1.c - selling price of 1 centner of grain, rub./c

Sat. 1 c etc. - cost of 1 quintal of marketable (sold) products, rub./c

Ur- productivity, centner/ha

Kt - coefficient of marketability

Ptch - hourly labor productivity, c / person-h

Formula 1. Pr 1 ha \u003d (C1ts - Sat. 1 c etc.) * Ur * Kt

Formula 2

Formula 3. Pr z \u003d (C 1 c - Sat. 1 c etc.) * 100 / Sat. 1 c etc.

Sunflower production at Devitsky Kolos LLC in 2004 is in a deplorable state, being profitable in 2003, this activity is unprofitable. At the same time, sunflower production is more unprofitable than the livestock sector.

5. Project of measures to maximize profits and increase profitability

An analysis of the indicators calculated in the fourth chapter shows that in the production of sunflower at Devitsky Kolos LLC, it has a significant unprofitability.

The analysis revealed that the main reasons for the decline in the profitability of sunflower production were:

1. A significant decrease in labor productivity;

2. A sharp decrease in yield;

3. The rapid increase in production costs.

In this regard, measures are proposed to increase the yield of sunflower.

Therefore, the enterprise has the following opportunities to maximize profits and increase profitability:

1. Increasing the volume of production to a given level;

2. Rational use of production resources;

3. Choosing a market for cheaper resources;

4. Increasing the yield of sunflower.

Consider the possibility of using fertilizers to increase yields, because. (Table 5.1.) Fertilizers are used very poorly on the farm.

Table Calculation economic efficiency application of an additional amount of fertilizers for grain


1. Added additional active ingredient, kg

2. Yield increase per 1 kg AI, kg

3. Yield increase per 1 ha, c.

4. The cost of yield increase, rub.

5. The cost of 1 kg of a.i. min. fertilizer, rub.

6. Cost of applied fertilizers, rub.

7. Cleaning costs for additional products

8. Total cost

9. Overhead

10. Total cost of additional products

11. Amount of net income from fertilizer

12. Level of profitability fertilizer application, %

13. Cost of 1 c. yield increase, rub.

Conclusion: the use of fertilizers significantly increases yields, while maximizing profits and increasing profitability.

Table Effect of fertilizer application on the economic efficiency of sunflower production


1. Yield c/ha

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

2. Cost of production, rub.

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

3. Product costs

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

4. Net income, rub.

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

5. Profitability level, %

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

With the use of fertilizers, the level of profitability of sunflower increased significantly and amounted to 21.1%, while a significant increase in yield was ensured.

Thus, the use of fertilizers makes it possible to intensify the process of sunflower production, significantly increase the yield, increase profits, and therefore increase profitability.


This course work shows the importance and necessity of applying profitability analysis in the activities of the enterprise. The current state of analysis can be characterized as a fairly well-developed theoretical science.

The most important indicator characterizing the work of agricultural enterprises is the profitability of products. The financial performance of enterprises, the rate of expanded reproduction, and the financial condition of economic entities depend on its level.

An analysis of the profitability of products, works and services allows you to find out the trends in this indicator, the implementation of the plan according to its level, determine the influence of factors on its growth and, on this basis, evaluate the work of the enterprise in using opportunities and establish reserves for increasing the profitability of products.

As a result of solving the tasks set in term paper the following results are obtained:

1. Devitsky Kolos LLC is defined as a medium-sized farm with a predominance of the crop industry;

2. With a general deterioration in the financial results of the farm, there was a loss in sunflower;

3. It is proposed to use fertilizers as a measure to increase the intensity of production, the effectiveness of fertilizers is assessed.


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5. Izmalkov A.M. Analysis of the cost of agricultural products: Lecture. - Voronezh: VSKhI, 2004.

6. Bakanov M.I., Sheremet A.D. Theory of analysis of economic activity Textbook, 3rd revised and expanded edition: M.: Finance and statistics. 2006

7. Kravchenko L.I. Analysis financial condition enterprises. M.: UNITI. 2005

8. Savitskaya G.V. Theory of analysis of economic activity M: ISZ, 2006.

9. Sheremet A.D. Methodology financial analysis enterprises M.: IPO "MP", 2005.

10. Pankov D.A. Modern methods analysis financial position M.: Profit LLC. 2004.

11. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise: Proc. Manual for universities / ed. Lyubushina N.P. -M.: INITI - DANA, 2006. 471s.

12. Economics of the enterprise Pod. editorial prof. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, M., 2006.


Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the national economy. It produces food for the population, raw materials for the processing industry, and provides for other needs of society. So, topical issue currently is the problem of further improving the level of efficiency of the industry.

Efficiency is hard economic category, in which the most important aspect of the enterprise's activity is manifested - its effectiveness.

A general indicator of the economic efficiency of agricultural production is the indicator of profitability. Profitability means profitability, profitability of the enterprise. It is calculated by comparing gross income or profits with costs or resources used.

Based on the analysis of average levels of profitability, it is possible to determine which types of products and which business units provide greater profitability. This becomes especially important in modern market conditions, where financial stability enterprises depends on the specialization and concentration of production.

At present, in Russia, in the context of the crisis, there is a tendency to a significant decrease in the level of profitability of agricultural production, which means that many farms are unprofitable. Therefore, as a future specialist, I am interested in what the essence of profitability is, how it is calculated and what are the ways to increase it. This is the range of questions I would like to consider in this topic of the course work.

1 Theoretical basis profitability of agricultural


1. 1 The concept and essence of profitability

In the conditions of market relations, which are characterized by their dynamism, economic entities, regardless of the form of ownership, plan their activities and development prospects on the basis of the economic and social tasks developed by them, the demand and supply of goods and services.

An indispensable indicator in the current production planning, as well as in determining the financial position of the enterprise, is the indicator of profitability.

Profitability is the most important economic category, which is inherent in all enterprises operating on the basis of cost accounting. It means profitability, profitability of the enterprise and is determined by comparing the results obtained (profit, gross income) with costs or unused resources. Being a general indicator of the economic efficiency of agricultural production, profitability reflects the efficiency of using the resources of the industry consumed by production - labor, land and material, the level of management and organization of production and labor, the quantity, quality and results of product sales, the possibility of expanded reproduction and economic incentives for workers. Thus, profitability finds its expression primarily in the presence of profit. Profit is the realized part of net income and is calculated by subtracting from the cash proceeds from the sale of products (Вр) the commercial (full) cost (Ск) or production costs (IP):

P \u003d Vr - Sk (Ik) (1)

Profit characterizes the final economic indicators not only in the sphere of agricultural production, but also in the sphere of circulation and sale. It is, as it were, a focus in which all the components of production efficiency are reflected. Increasing profitability is inextricably linked with the growth of profitability of production. In turn, when it comes to the fact that a particular farm is profitable, this means that this farm not only reimburses the costs associated with the production and sale of products, but also receives a certain profit, which makes it possible to farm on an expanded basis.

In domestic economic science, there are two types of profitability: national economic and self-supporting. The indicator of national economic profitability is necessary, on the one hand, for a comprehensive scientific justification for the development of the country's economy as a whole, and on the other hand, for assessing the results of agricultural development, analyzing and establishing the most important proportions for the development of the agro-industrial complex. When determining national economic profitability, the entire surplus product created in agriculture is taken into account.

Self-supporting profitability is the profitability of an individual agricultural enterprise or a particular type of product. It depends on the quantity and quality of products, the price level and the value of production costs. When calculating self-supporting profitability, they take into account the amount of net income directly realized by the enterprise.

1. 2 Profitability indicators.

The problem of profitability, methods of its quantitative measurement is constantly in the spotlight in the development of methodological and instructive materials. In this regard, noteworthy is the proposal of economists to introduce a classification of profitability indicators into absolute and relative, depending on the method of their quantitative expression. Absolute indicators of profitability are gross and net income. However, the absolute sizes of net income, profit and gross income do not allow to fully compare the economic results production activities enterprises. The economy can make profits of a thousand rubles and a million. In both cases, production is profitable, and the efficiency may be different, since it depends on the size of production, product structure, production costs, and so on. Therefore, to characterize the economic efficiency of production, relative profitability indicators are also used, which are expressed as a ratio of two comparable values: gross, net income, profit, and indicators of the efficiency of using certain production resources or costs. Relative profitability indicators can be calculated in terms of money or, most often, as a percentage. With their help, the profitability of agricultural production can be expressed both in terms of gross and sold (marketable) products.

In practice, mainly relative indicators of the profitability of sold products are used, which are punished by the norm or level of profitability. They are calculated both for all products sold by the enterprise, and for its individual types. In the first case, the profitability of products (Рр) will be defined as the ratio of profit from products sold (P) to the costs of its production and sale (З):

PP = ------- x 100% (2)

The profitability of all sold products is calculated in the same way as the ratio of profit from the sale of marketable products to the proceeds from the sale of products: in relation to the balance sheet profit to the proceeds from the sale of products. Profitability indicators of all sold products give an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the current costs of the enterprise and the profitability of products sold.

Introduction 3

1. The essence of the profitability of an agricultural enterprise 5

1.1. Factors affecting the profit and profitability of an agricultural enterprise 8

2. Brief description of the enterprise 11

2.1. Production direction of the enterprise 11

2.2. Enterprise size 12

2.3. Enterprise production size 13

3. Income and profitability of agricultural production 15

4. Economics of sunflower production 19

5. Project of measures to maximize profits and increase profitability 26

Conclusion 29

Bibliography 30


Profitability is the most important economic indicator that characterizes the economic activity of an enterprise. Increasing the role of such indicators as profit, profitability, for the analysis of the activities of enterprises is of great importance. It serves as the calculation basis for prices, and hence profits.

The increase in the profitability of production is a significant source of increasing intra-farm savings - the basis for expanded reproduction on collective farms and state farms.

Suffice it to say that a 1% increase in the profitability of agricultural products will save approximately 700 million rubles. Finding and mobilizing the available reserves to reduce it is impossible without a comprehensive cost analysis.

Without analyzing the level of profitability of products, it is impossible to correctly resolve the issues of the structure of agricultural production, its specialization, distribution across the country, and determine the efficiency of production of a particular agricultural product. Based on the level of profitability of products, the state sets the level of purchase prices for agricultural products.

That is why the analysis of the profitability of products in an agricultural enterprise is of great interest and is of great importance for improving the efficiency of agricultural production.

To analyze the profitability of agricultural products, various sources of information are widely used: planning, regulatory, reporting, control and auditing, production and technological, etc., which are taken mainly from the production and financial plans of farms.

The relevance of the topic of this work is determined primarily by the objectively significant role of studying the formation of the profitability of the main production in the agro-industrial complex in a modern socially oriented market economy, the transition to which is the main vector of the radical reform unfolding in Russia. That is why the analysis of the profitability of the main production is a strategic task of the reform economic policy.

Agricultural enterprises that have switched to new working conditions independently plan the amount of the annual increase in the profitability of products in rubles and as a percentage of the cost of comparable marketable products, as well as in kopecks per ruble of all marketable products. This, however, does not mean that the profitability indicator has lost its former value. A systematic increase in the profitability of production is a matter of concern for the entire team of an agricultural enterprise, since this results in an increase in profits and corresponding sources for the further development of the enterprise and improving the well-being of the team.

Course work contains material of theoretical and practical importance. An analysis of the profitability of products was carried out using the example of Devitsky Kolos LLC.

The purpose of the course work is to consider the state of profitability of sunflower LLC "Devitsky Kolos" and the design of measures to increase it.

Objectives of the course work:

    Analyze information about the size, structure and composition of the enterprise, its state of the dynamics of the main economic indicators;

    Conduct an analysis of the state of profitability of sunflower in Devitsky Kolos LLC

    Propose measures to increase profits and profitability of sunflower production.

1. The essence of the profitability of an agricultural enterprise

In a market economy, the results of activities are evaluated by a system of indicators, the main among which is profitability, defined as the ratio of profit to one of the indicators of the functioning of an agricultural enterprise.

When calculating profitability, different indicators of profit can be used. This allows you to identify not only the overall economic efficiency of the enterprise, but also evaluate other aspects of its activities.

The rate of return is considered to be the rate of return, calculated as a percentage of the amount of net profit to the volume of trade or the cost of all capital.

The calculation of the economic profitability (profitability) of an agricultural enterprise is carried out according to the formula:

R o - the overall economic profitability of the economic activity of the enterprise;

P - the amount of profit (gross or net);

T - the volume of trade (excluding VAT).

This calculation formula is also applicable to determine the profitability of capital (invested funds) of an agricultural enterprise: the turnover indicator must be replaced by the capital indicator. Transforming this formula by multiplying and dividing by the turnover indicator, we got two indicators - the profitability of turnover and capital turnover:

R about =Pm *OK

where Pm is the profitability of the turnover

OK - the turnover of the capital of the enterprise (number of revolutions)

The profitability of turnover P t reflects the relationship between profit and turnover and shows the amount of profit received per unit of goods sold. Since accounting of business transactions is carried out in monetary terms, the profitability ratio of sales multiplied by 1000 shows how much profit was received from 1000 rubles of goods sold.

The higher the profit, the higher the profitability of trade. The sales profitability ratio (P:T) characterizes the share of profit in the turnover. By the ratio of net profit and turnover, one can more accurately judge the financial result of the activity of an agricultural enterprise.

The number of turnovers of capital (O to) reflects the ratio of turnover to the value of the capital of the enterprise. Based on this indicator, you can determine the amount of turnover per thousand rubles. invested capital. The higher the volume of trade, the greater the number of turnovers of invested capital. This indicator can be perceived as the turnover of capital, since it shows how many times each ruble of invested capital is turned over in a given period of time.

Regulation of the overall economic profitability is reduced to the impact on both components of its indicators - return on sales and capital turnover.

To characterize the efficiency of the use of equity capital, the share of profit in equity capital is determined by the ratio of profit (P) and the average value of equity capital (K c).


The indicator of return on equity (P k) is of great importance for the shareholders of an agricultural enterprise. It serves as a criterion for assessing the level of quotation of shares of a joint-stock agricultural enterprise on the stock exchange, this indicator allows investors to assess the potential income from investing in shares and other securities. Based on this indicator, it is possible to determine the period during which the funds invested in a joint-stock company are fully paid off (1 / R c).

The profitability of the production assets of an agricultural enterprise is determined by the ratio of the amount of profit (gross, net) and the average cost of fixed and circulating assets, multiplied by 100.

R f \u003d (P (O f + M s) * 100), where

Р f - profitability of fixed assets

P - the amount of profit (gross or net)

О f - the average cost of fixed assets

M s - the average cost of material circulating assets.

If an agricultural enterprise operates in rented premises, buildings, or leases some fixed assets, it is advisable to calculate the average cost of fixed assets taking into account the leased and leased fixed assets. In this case, the average values ​​of fixed assets are determined by subtracting from the total value of own and leased fixed assets the value of fixed assets leased out.

Along with indicators of turnover, capital, fixed and working capital, other indicators are also used to calculate the level of profitability: distribution costs, sown area, headcount, each of which emphasizes a certain aspect of the performance of an agricultural enterprise.

The level of profitability, calculated by the ratio of the amount of profit from the sale of goods to the amount of distribution costs, shows the effectiveness of current costs.

The increase or decrease in distribution costs directly affects the reduction or growth of profits. This indicator of profitability determines the effectiveness of a trade transaction for goods.

Profitability, calculated in relation to the number of employees employed at the enterprise, characterizes the efficiency of the use of labor and shows the amount of profit received per employee. Along with this indicator, the amount of gross and net profit is determined in relation to the actual amount of labor costs, taking into account the amount of mandatory contributions to extra-budgetary funds. This indicator of profitability reflects the size of the gross and net profit received per 1 thousand rubles. funds spent on wages and social needs. The smaller the number of employees of the enterprise, the more profit per employee, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the use of labor.

The ratio of profit from the sale of goods to the size of the sown area of ​​an agricultural enterprise characterizes the amount of profit received per 1 sq.m. sown area.

The study of the system of indicators of profitability of an agricultural enterprise is recommended to be carried out in dynamics and, if possible, in comparison with the indicators of other similar trading enterprises.

1.1. Factors affecting the profit and profitability of an agricultural enterprise

Profit and profitability in the conditions of the formation of a market economy are the most important indicators of the economic activity of agricultural organizations and enterprises. These indicators reflect all aspects of the activities of enterprises:

    The volume and structure of turnover, the rational use of resources, the implementation of measures to improve the organizations and technologies of production processes, etc.

The amount and level of profit are formed under the influence of a large number of different factors that have both positive and negative effects on them. The number of factors that determine the amount of profit and profitability can hardly be clearly limited, it is very large. Weight factors can be divided into the main ones, which have the greatest impact on the amount and level of profit, and the secondary ones, the influence of which can be neglected. In addition, the entire set of factors can be divided into internal and external. They are closely related.

Internal factors affecting profit and profitability include resource factors (the size and composition of resources, the state of resources, their operating conditions), as well as factors associated with an increase in revenue.

The main external factors that form the profit of an agricultural enterprise include the following factors:

    Market volume.

The training of an agricultural enterprise depends on the capacity of the market. The larger the market capacity, the greater the ability of the enterprise to make a profit.

    The development of competition.

It has a negative impact on the amount and level of profit, because. it leads to an averaging of the rate of profit. Competition requires certain costs that reduce the amount of profit received.

    Price size.

In a competitive environment, price increases do not always lead to an adequate increase in selling prices. Agricultural enterprises tend to work less with intermediaries, choose among suppliers those who offer goods of the same quality level at lower prices.

    Prices for the services of transport, utilities, repair and other enterprises.

The increase in prices and tariffs for services increases the operating costs of enterprises, reduces profits and reduces the profitability of trading activities.

    The development of the trade union movement.

The company seeks to limit the cost of wages. The interests of workers are expressed by trade unions that are fighting for higher wages, which creates the prerequisites for reducing the profits of the enterprise.

    Development of activities of public organizations of consumers of goods and services.

    State regulation of the activities of agricultural enterprises. This factor is one of the main ones that determine the amount of profit and profitability.

2. Brief description of the enterprise

2.1. Production direction of the enterprise

The structure of the cash proceeds for the sold products testifies to the specialization of the enterprise. In addition, specialization can be judged by the structure of the cost of gross output, fixed and working capital.

Table 1.1.1. The structure of the cash proceeds of the agricultural enterprise "Devitsky Kolos" LLC for 2003 - 2004

Types of products and industries

amount for 2 years

thousand roubles.

% to total

thousand roubles.

% to total

thousand roubles.

% to total

Crop industry


other industry products

Livestock industry

b) pigs

recycled products

other industry products

Other activities

Total for the enterprise

Conclusion: a diversified enterprise with a significant (3 times) advantage of the crop industry in 2004.

A significant excess of the crop industry allows us to talk about the crop specialization of the enterprise. However, considering the dynamics of structural indicators, it should be noted that the share of animal husbandry doubled in 2004 compared to 2003. On the face of a significant reduction in production in the crop industry, and the company stopped producing sugar beets altogether. Against this background, milk production even increased. Thus, the absolute predominance of the crop industry is out of the question.

2.2. Enterprise size

It is advisable to present the indicators characterizing the size of Devitsky Kolos LLC in the form of the following table

Table 1.1.3. Size of Devitsky Kolos LLC



Land area, ha

including agricultural land

The cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

The cost of material costs, thousand rubles.

Number of cows, heads

Energy resources, l/s

Average annual number of employees, people

Number of tractors, combines, pcs.

All indicators characterizing the size of Devitsky Kolos LLC correspond to the average for the region, with the exception of the cost of fixed assets and material costs - these indicators are significantly lower than the regional average.

This allows us to draw the following conclusion on the size of the enterprise: Devitsky Kolos LLC: a medium-sized enterprise with an outdated fixed assets.

With regard to dynamics, it should be noted that compared with 2003. there were no significant changes in the size of the enterprise.

2.3. Enterprise production size

Table 1.1.4. Enterprise production size



On average per 1 enterprise of the district

The amount of cash proceeds, thousand rubles.

Total production, q:

Sugar beet roots

Sunflower seeds

Live weight gain:

Calculated per 100 ha of arable land received, centners:

sugar beet

sunflower seed

j Per 100 ha of agricultural land received:

Milk, c

Live weight gain, c: Cattle

Cash proceeds, thousand rubles

In 2004, there is a significant decline in production in all respects, with the exception of grain production. At the same time, in 2003, grain production was an order of magnitude less than the average district, and in 2004. even exceeded the regional average. Along with this significant increase, the company completely abandoned the cultivation of sugar beets and reduced sunflower production by an order of magnitude. The livestock industry turned out to be relatively stable, it was noted only by a slight decrease in the production of milk and meat and is approximately at the inter-district level.

Table 1.1.5. Dynamics of indicators of provision with production resources



On average per 1 enterprise of the district

For 100 hectares of agricultural land there are:

Fixed assets, thousand rubles

Fixed and working capital, thousand rubles

Animals, conv. Goal.

Power capacities, l. with.

Provision with workers, people/100 ha of agricultural land

Availability of tractors, units/1000 ha of arable land

For 1 average annual employee:

The cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

Power capacities, h.p.

Working capital supply (100 rubles of fixed assets account for working capital), rub.

The availability of production resources is high and corresponds to the inter-district level, with the exception of fixed assets that do not reach even half of the inter-district level, which indicates a high depreciation of fixed assets and adversely affects production efficiency.

OOO "Devitsky Kolos" is a medium-sized enterprise in the region, experiencing problems with the renewal of the fleet of fixed assets. It should be noted a sharp reorientation of the economy in 2004 to the cultivation of grain crops and curtailment of the production of sugar beet and sunflower. The livestock industry remains stable in 2004.

3. Income and profitability of agricultural production

Table 2.2.3. Dynamics of profitability indicators in agriculture


By company

By region in 2004

Amount of profit (loss), thousand rubles

per 1 average annual worker

for 1 person-hour

for 100 rubles production costs

for 100 rubles fixed and working capital

Profitability level, %

The dynamics of profitability indicators of the enterprise is negative, the drop in profits and profitability of the enterprise is very significant (tens of times), so profit from 10,713 thousand rubles. in 2003 fell to 199 thousand rubles. in 2004 However, these indicators are still better than the average district indicators, where there is an average loss in agriculture. At the same time, the amount of loss is significant - 823.45 thousand rubles. Consequently, the downward trend in profits and profitability is common in the region, however, Devitsky Kolos LLC managed to get at least a small, but profit, as a result.

Table 2.2.4. Dynamics of profitability indicators for crop production


By company

By region in 2004

Profit (loss), thousand rubles

Profit (loss), rub. calculated: per 1 ha of agricultural land

per 1 man-hour of labor costs

Profitability level, %

Cost recovery level, %

Approximately the same picture is observed in crop production: a significant (10 times) drop in profits and, accordingly, all profitability indicators. However, in terms of crop production, the average situation for the region is the same as that of Devitsky Kolos LLC - a small profit and low profitability. At the same time, Devitsky Kolos LLC was able to provide profitability indicators above the average for the region, especially the level of profitability, which is 4 times higher than the average for the region.

Table 2.2.5. Dynamics of profitability indicators for animal husbandry


By company

By region in 2004

Profit (loss), thousand rubles

Profit (loss), rub. calculated: per 1 ha of agricultural land

per 1 man-hour of labor costs

for 100 r. production costs

Profitability level, %

Cost recovery level, %

Animal husbandry in Devitsky Kolos LLC remains consistently unprofitable, but its unprofitability is lower than the average for the region, which can be said about the efforts of the management of Devitsky Kolos LLC to increase the profitability of the industry, which is confirmed by the positive dynamics of profitability indicators: the loss decreased from -1223 thousand roubles. up to -966 thousand rubles. Cost recovery increased from 69.15% to 73.31% and significantly exceeds the average regional level.

Table 2.2.6. Profitability of production and share of main products in profit (or loss) in 2004

Types of products and industries

Sales proceeds, thousand rubles

Cost of goods sold, thousand rubles

Profitability level, %

Payback level, %


Sugar beet

Crop products of own production, sold in processed form

other industry products

Total crop production

Crop net result

recycled products

other industry products

Total livestock

Livestock net result

Total for agriculture

Net result for agriculture

In 2004, grain production accounted for the largest share in the formation of profits in Devitsky Kolos LLC in 2004, 92.74%. There is a loss on sunflower, which is 27.75% of the total losses of the enterprise. These losses even exceed the structure of losses from each branch of animal husbandry.

Those. sunflower is the most unprofitable line of production in Devitsky Kolos LLC.

Income and profitability of Devitsky Kolos LLC in 2004 fell sharply. Income-generating and cost-effective sunflower production in 2004 became the most unprofitable line of business for Devitsky Kolos LLC.

Consequently, sunflower production needs to increase profitability and bring it out of a loss-making state.

4. Economics of sunflower production

To identify factors

Table 5.1.1. Importance of sunflower production in crop production and economics

Initial data

including sunflower

including sunflower

Sowing area on the farm, ha

Cash receipts from the household, thousand rubles

Cash proceeds from crop production, thousand rubles

Profit (loss) on the farm, thousand rubles

Profit from crop production, thousand rubles

Production costs for the household, thousand rubles.

Production costs in crop production, thousand rubles

Specific weight of sunflower, %: - in the sowing area

In farm revenue

In crop production

In household profit

In profit from crop production

In household expenses

In crop production costs

Sunflower in the economy of Devitsky Kolos LLC occupies a small place, and besides, it is unprofitable. The intensification of sunflower cultivation is very low, so sunflower accounts for 6.31% of crop production costs, and only 3.22% of revenue.

Table 5.1.2. Sunflower production development dynamics


2004 in % to 2003

by region in 2004.

Area of ​​arable land, ha

Sunflower sown area, ha

Productivity, c/ha

Gross harvest, c

Sunflower yield per 100 ha of arable land, c

As a sunflower producer, Devitsky Kolos LLC lags significantly behind the inter-district indicators. Moreover, such a lag occurred in 2004. In 2003, Devitsky Kolos LLC was the leading sunflower producer in the region with a significant excess of inter-district indicators.

Table 5.1.4. Dynamics of profitability indicators of sunflower production in Devitsky Kolos LLC



2004 in % to 2003

by region in 2004.

sunflower planting area, . ha

Production costs, thousand rubles

The cost of fertilizers, .thous. rub.

Labor costs, man-hour

Gross output, c.

Gross income, thousand rubles

Net income, thousand rubles

Factor indicators of production intensity

The cost of fertilizers per 1 ha of crops, rub.

Labor costs per 1 ha of crops, man-hours

Effective indicators of intensification

Productivity, c/ha

Gross income per 1 ha of crops, rub.

Net income per 1 ha of crops, rub.

Cost recovery (by net income), %

The level of profitability of sunflower production at Devitsky Kolos LLC in 2004 fell significantly, and now it is unprofitable and brings a loss to the farm. However, in 2003 the picture was quite the opposite, and the profitability of sunflower production significantly exceeded the regional average, which indicates high potential production efficiency and the need to increase profitability in the future.

Table 5.1.5. Labor productivity indicators in sunflower production


By company

2004 in % to 2003

by region in 2004.

Initial data

Gross output, q

Direct labor costs, thousand man-hours

Labor costs, thousand rubles

Sunflower planting area, ha


Received sunflower per 1 person-h, c

Labor costs per 1 centner, man-hour

Labor costs per 1 ha, man-hour

Factors affecting labor productivity

Productivity, c/ha

Labor intensity 1 ha, person-hour

Wage level, rub./person-hour

As can be seen from the table, the costs of sunflower production have increased significantly, the labor intensity of 1 hectare has increased almost 4 times from 2.78 to 8.13 people. – h. It should be noted that even with such a decline in sunflower production, labor intensity is lower than inter-district indicators. Thus, reducing labor intensity and costs, increasing labor productivity in sunflower production can play a decisive role in increasing its profitability. Also, a significant reserve is the increase in productivity, which decreased in 2004 by almost 3 times.

Table 5.1.6. Level and structure of sunflower seeds cost in 2003

Cost types

Total costs, thousand rubles

including sunflower

Costs per 1 c, r.

In % of total



Plant protection products

Works and services

including fuel

Other costs

Total cost

Table 5.1.7. Level and structure of sunflower seeds cost in 2004

Cost types


By region

Total costs, thousand rubles

including sunflower

Costs per 1 c, r.

In % of total

Costs per 1 c, r.

In % of total



Works and services

including fuel

Other costs

Total cost

The level of unit costs in sunflower production in 2004 is quite high and is more than 7 times higher than in 2003. At the same time, the largest unit costs are observed in other costs, which was not the case in 2003, when the largest costs were for the maintenance of fixed assets.

This suggests that with a sharp decrease in sunflower production volumes, conditionally variable costs have decreased, while conditionally fixed costs have remained the same, i.e. in specific terms they have grown. Therefore, in order to make sunflower production profitable, one of the necessary conditions is to increase its production volumes in order to be able to take advantage of the economies of scale in production and reduce unit costs due to semi-fixed costs.

Table 5.1.8. Sunflower cost level and factors influencing it


2004 in % to 2003

by region in 2004.

Initial data

Gross harvest of sunflower, c

Cost of sunflower, total, thousand rubles

including wages, thousand rubles

Labor costs for sunflower, thousand man-hours


Cost price, r./c


Production costs per 1 ha, rub.

Productivity, c/ha

Labor intensity of products, people ~ h / c

The level of wages, rubles / person-hour

Most of the factors affecting the cost of sunflower seeds in 2004 had a negative impact:

The increase in cost resulted in:

    Increase in production costs by 67.17%

    Yield reduction by 63.05%

    An increase in the labor intensity of products by 692.11%.

The decrease in the level of wages by 82.09% led to a decrease in the cost of production.

Table 5.1.10. Indicators of marketability of sunflower production


by region in 2004.

Initial data

Gross output, q

Marketable products, q

Area of ​​arable land, ha

Sunflower planting area, ha


Level of marketability, %

The number of marketable products per 100 hectares of arable land, c

Table 5.1.11. Profitability indicators of sunflower production


by region in 2004.

Number of products sold, q

Revenue from the sale of sunflower seeds, thousand rubles

Cost of goods sold, thousand rubles

Profit (Revenue - Cost), thousand rubles

Profitability indicators

Profit (in rubles) calculated: a) per 1 ha of sunflower crops,

b) per 1 man-hour

Profitability level, % [ (Profit/Cost.) x100]

Factorsinfluencing on profitability

Full, cost price of 1 centner, rub.

Average selling price of 1 q, rub.

Productivity, c/ha

Hourly labor productivity, q/person-h

Analysis of factors affecting the profitability of products

To establish the reasons for the deviation of profitability indicators for the economy from the average regional values, we use the following formulas for the influence of factors.


Pr 1 ha, Pr 1 person-h, Pr s - profit per 1 ha of grain crops, 1 person-h, 100 rubles. costs

C 1.c - selling price of 1 centner of grain, rub./c

Sat. 1 c etc. - cost of 1 quintal of marketable (sold) products, rub./c

Ur- productivity, centner/ha

Kt - coefficient of marketability

Ptch - hourly labor productivity, c / person-h

Formula 1. Pr 1 ha \u003d (C1ts - Sat. 1 c etc.) * Ur * Kt

Sat. 1c etc.


Average for the region

Formula 2

Pr1 man-hour

Sat. 1c etc.


Average for the region

Direction of influence of factors (+, -)

Formula 3. Pr z \u003d (C 1 c - Sat. 1 c etc.) * 100 / Sat. 1 c etc.

Sat. 1c etc.

Sat. 1c etc.


Average for the region

Direction of influence of factors (+, -)

Sunflower production at Devitsky Kolos LLC in 2004 is in a deplorable state, being profitable in 2003, this activity is unprofitable. At the same time, sunflower production is more unprofitable than the livestock sector.

    A sharp decrease in yield;

5. Project of measures to maximize profits and increase profitability

An analysis of the indicators calculated in the fourth chapter shows that in the production of sunflower at Devitsky Kolos LLC, it has a significant unprofitability.

The analysis revealed that the main reasons for the decline in the profitability of sunflower production were:

    A significant decrease in labor productivity;

    A sharp decrease in yield;

    Rapid increase in production costs.

In this regard, measures are proposed to increase the yield of sunflower.

Therefore, the enterprise has the following opportunities to maximize profits and increase profitability:

    Increasing the volume of production to a given level;

    Rational use of production resources;

    Choosing a market for cheaper resources;

    Increasing the yield of sunflower.

Consider the possibility of using fertilizers to increase yields, because. (Table 5.1.) Fertilizers are used very poorly on the farm.

Table Calculation of the economic efficiency of using an additional amount of fertilizers for grain


1. Added additional active ingredient, kg

2. Yield increase per 1 kg AI, kg

3. Yield increase per 1 ha, c.

4. The cost of yield increase, rub.

5. The cost of 1 kg of a.i. min. fertilizer, rub.

6. Cost of applied fertilizers, rub.

7. Cleaning costs for additional products

8. Total cost

9. Overhead

10. Total cost of additional products

11. Amount of net income from fertilizer

12. Profitability level of fertilizer application, %

13. Cost of 1 c. yield increase, rub.

Conclusion: the use of fertilizers significantly increases yields, while maximizing profits and increasing profitability.

Table Effect of fertilizer application on the economic efficiency of sunflower production


1. Yield c/ha

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

2. Cost of production, rub.

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

3. Product costs

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

4. Net income, rub.

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

5. Profitability level, %

a) no fertilizer

b) yield increase

c) with the use of fertilizers

With the use of fertilizers, the level of profitability of sunflower increased significantly and amounted to 21.1%, while a significant increase in yield was ensured.

Thus, the use of fertilizers makes it possible to intensify the process of sunflower production, significantly increase the yield, increase profits, and therefore increase profitability.


This course work shows the importance and necessity of applying profitability analysis in the activities of the enterprise. The current state of analysis can be characterized as a fairly well-developed theoretical science.

The most important indicator characterizing the work of agricultural enterprises is the profitability of products. The financial performance of enterprises, the rate of expanded reproduction, and the financial condition of economic entities depend on its level.

An analysis of the profitability of products, works and services allows you to find out the trends in this indicator, the implementation of the plan according to its level, determine the influence of factors on its growth and, on this basis, evaluate the work of the enterprise in using opportunities and establish reserves for increasing the profitability of products.

As a result of solving the problems posed in the course work, the following results were obtained:

    Devitsky Kolos LLC is defined as a medium-sized farm with a predominance of the crop industry;

    With a general deterioration in the financial results of the farm, a loss was noted for sunflower;

    It is proposed to use fertilizers as a measure to increase the intensity of production, and the efficiency of fertilizer use is assessed.


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The concept and economic essence of the profitability of agricultural production

In the conditions of market relations, which are characterized by their dynamism, economic entities, regardless of the form of ownership, plan their activities and development prospects on the basis of the economic and social tasks developed by them, the demand and supply of goods and services.

An indispensable indicator in the current production planning, as well as in determining the financial position of the enterprise, is the indicator of profitability.

Profitability is an indicator of the economic efficiency of production, characterizing the ratio of costs over a certain period of time. In practice, the profitability of production is used, which is equal to the ratio of profit to the value of the advanced capital. Product profitability - the ratio of profit from sales to the total cost.

R p \u003d P r / PS 100%, (1)

where P p - profitability of products;

P r - profit from the sale of products;

PS - total cost.

The main factor in the growth of profitability is the choice of the most efficient methods of production, providing a reduction in material consumption and labor intensity of production, savings in all areas of activity.

Profitability is the most important economic category, which is inherent in all enterprises operating on the basis of cost accounting. It means profitability, profitability of the enterprise and is determined by comparing the results obtained (profit, gross income) with costs or unused resources. Being a general indicator of the economic efficiency of agricultural production, profitability reflects the efficiency of using the resources of the industry consumed by production - labor, land and material, the level of management and organization of production and labor, the quantity, quality and results of product sales, the possibility of expanded reproduction and economic incentives for workers. Thus, profitability finds its expression, first of all, in the presence of profit. Profit is the realized part of net income and is calculated by subtracting from the cash proceeds from the sale of products (Вр) the commercial (full) cost (Ск) or production costs (IP):

P \u003d Vr - Sk (Ik) (2)

Profit characterizes the final economic indicators not only in the sphere of agricultural production, but also in the sphere of circulation and sale. It is, as it were, a focus in which all the components of production efficiency are reflected. Increasing profitability is inextricably linked with the growth of profitability of production. In turn, when it comes to the fact that a particular farm is profitable, this means that this farm not only reimburses the costs associated with the production and sale of products, but also receives a certain profit, which makes it possible to farm on an expanded basis.

In domestic economic science, there are two types of profitability: national economic and self-supporting. The indicator of national economic profitability is necessary, on the one hand, for a comprehensive scientific justification for the development of the country's economy as a whole, and on the other hand, for assessing the results of agricultural development, analyzing and establishing the most important proportions for the development of the agro-industrial complex. When determining national economic profitability, the entire surplus product created in agriculture is taken into account.

Self-supporting profitability is the profitability of an individual agricultural enterprise or a particular type of product. It depends on the quantity and quality of products, the price level and the value of production costs. When calculating self-supporting profitability, they take into account the amount of net income directly realized by the enterprise. The indicator of national economic profitability is necessary, on the one hand, for a comprehensive scientific justification for the development of the country's economy as a whole, and on the other hand, for assessing the results of agricultural development, analyzing and establishing the most important proportions for the development of the agro-industrial complex. It is determined by the ratio of all generated net income to the cost of production, i.e. to its cost.

Farms calculate gross and net income. In particular, when determining the value of gross output, its non-commodity part is included at cost, and its commodity part is included at sales prices. Gross income, which is understood as the newly created part of gross output, is defined as the difference between the cost of gross output and the sum of material and monetary costs for its production of profits. Since in farms, when calculating the value of gross output at purchase prices, only the commodity part of it is estimated, the value of net income.

From this we can conclude that the amount of net income (profit) and, consequently, the level of profitability depends primarily on the level of production costs and the level of selling prices for it. How more difference between the cost and the price of a unit of production, the higher the net income (profit) and the level of profitability of the production of this type of product. From this follows the main way to increase the level of profitability of production - the all-round reduction in production costs.

Indicators of profitability of agricultural production, methods of their calculation and significance

Profitability indicators are important characteristics of the factor environment for the formation of enterprises' profits. When analyzing production, profitability indicators are used as an instrument of investment policy and pricing.

The main profitability indicators can be grouped into the following groups:

1) indicators of return on capital (assets),

2) indicators of product profitability;

3) indicators calculated on the basis of cash flows Money. Profitability indicators used in economic calculations characterize relative profitability. There are indicators of profitability of products and profitability of the enterprise. The profitability of products is tried on in 3 versions: the profitability of sold products, marketable products and individual products.

Profitability is the most important economic category, which is inherent in all enterprises and organizations that operate on the basis of cost accounting. It means profitability, profitability of the enterprise.

The problem of profitability, methods of its quantitative measurement is constantly in the spotlight in the development of methodological and instructive materials. In this regard, noteworthy is the proposal of economists to introduce a classification of profitability indicators into absolute and relative, depending on the method of their quantitative expression. Absolute indicators of profitability are gross and net income. However, the absolute sizes of net income, profit and gross income do not allow to fully compare the economic results of the production activities of enterprises. The economy can make profits of a thousand rubles and a million. In both cases, production is profitable, and the efficiency may be different, since it depends on the size of production, product structure, production costs, and so on. Therefore, to characterize the economic efficiency of production, relative profitability indicators are also used, which are expressed as a ratio of two comparable values: gross, net income, profit, and indicators of the efficiency of using certain production resources or costs. Relative profitability indicators can be calculated in terms of money or, most often, as a percentage. With their help, the profitability of agricultural production can be expressed both in terms of gross and sold (marketable) products.

In practice, mainly relative indicators of the profitability of sold products are used, which are punished by the norm or level of profitability. They are calculated both for all products sold by the enterprise, and for its individual types. In the first case, the profitability of products will be defined as the ratio of profit from products sold to the costs of its production and sale.

The profitability of all sold products is calculated in the same way as the ratio of profit from the sale of marketable products to the proceeds from the sale of products: in relation to the balance sheet profit to the proceeds from the sale of products. Profitability indicators of all sold products give an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the current costs of the enterprise and the profitability of products sold.

In the second case, the profitability of individual types of products is determined. It depends on the price at which the product is sold to the consumer, and the cost for this type of product.

All of the above profitability indicators characterize the economic efficiency of using current production costs to obtain products. However, agricultural enterprises not only produce current production costs, but also make capital investments to increase and upgrade fixed assets, the cost of which is included in the production costs of each year not in full, but in part equal to the amount of depreciation. Therefore, it is important to know the efficiency of using one-time costs materialized in the means of production. For these purposes, relative indicators of profitability of production assets are used, which are calculated as a percentage of profit to the average annual cost of fixed and tangible current assets separately, as well as total (fixed and tangible current assets taken together) called the rate of return:

where NP is the rate of return;

P r - profit;

About f - fixed assets;

About bf - revolving funds.

These indicators characterize the efficiency of use in the first case of the main, in the second case - material circulating, in the third - the total means of production. They show how much profit is received per unit value of the respective means of production. The more profit received per ruble of means of production, the more efficiently they are used.

Quite a few importance have indicators of profitability of investments in the enterprise. They are determined by the value of the property at his disposal. When calculating, indicators of balance sheet and net profit are used. The value of the property is determined by the balance sheet.

Equally important is the profitability of turnover, reflects the relationship between profit and turnover and shows the amount of profit received per unit of goods sold. Since accounting of business transactions is carried out in monetary terms, the profitability ratio of sales, multiplied by 1000, shows how much profit was received from 1 thousand rubles. goods sold. The higher the profit, the higher the profitability of trade. The profitability ratio of sales characterizes the share of profit in the turnover. By the ratio of net profit and turnover, one can more accurately judge the financial result of activities. commercial enterprise.

This indicator is important in foreign practice. For example, in the United States, the Department of Commerce annually publishes data on average net profitability sales for each industry and large trading firms, companies. The position of the company in the domestic market is determined on the basis of this indicator, which indicates the degree of strength of its financial condition.

The assessment of the net return on sales is long-term in nature, since it determines the investor's decision to invest in the capital of a trading company by purchasing its securities.

In foreign practice, the indicator of profitability of turnover is called the commercial margin. It is expressed as a percentage, and its value ranges from 5 to 30%, depending on the nature and scope of the trading company.

In addition to profit, when calculating the return on investment, you can use the proceeds from the sale of products. This indicator characterizes the level of sales per one ruble of investments in the property of the enterprise.

The regulation of the overall economic profitability is reduced to the impact on both components of its indicators - return on sales and capital turnover.

To characterize the effectiveness of the use of equity capital, the share of profit in equity capital is determined ( own funds) according to the ratio of profit and average equity:

P k \u003d P p / K s, (6)

where R to - return on capital;

P r - profit;

K c - the average value of capital.

The indicator of return on equity is important for the shareholders of a trading enterprise. It serves as a criterion for assessing the level of quotation of shares of a joint-stock trading company on the stock exchange, this indicator allows investors to assess the potential income from investing in shares and other securities. Based on this indicator, it is possible to determine the period (number of years) during which the funds invested in a joint-stock trading enterprise are fully paid off.

The profitability of the enterprise's own funds is determined by the ratio of net profit to its own funds, determined by the balance sheet. It is advisable to calculate the return on long-term financial investments. The profitability of long-term financial investments is calculated as the ratio of the amount of income from valuable papers and equity participation in other enterprises to the total volume of long-term financial investments.

Along with indicators of turnover, capital, fixed and current assets, other indicators are also used to calculate the level of profitability (coefficients): distribution costs, trading area, the number of personnel, each of which emphasizes a certain aspect of the results of the trading enterprise.

The level of profitability, calculated by the ratio of the amount of profit from the sale of goods to the amount of distribution costs, shows the effectiveness of current costs. An increase or decrease in distribution costs directly affects the decrease or increase in profits. This indicator of profitability determines the effectiveness of a trade transaction for goods.

Profitability, calculated in relation to the number of employees employed at the enterprise, characterizes the efficiency of the use of labor and shows the amount of profit received per employee. Along with this indicator, the gross and net profits are determined in relation to the actual amount of labor costs, taking into account the amount of mandatory contributions to non-budgetary funds (for social insurance, in Pension Fund, employment fund, health insurance fund). This indicator of profitability reflects the size of the gross and net profit received per 1 thousand rubles. funds spent on wages and social needs. The smaller the number of employees of the enterprise, the more profit per employee, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the use of labor. Here the principle is directly manifested: with a smaller number of employees - a greater effect. In addition, it is possible to determine the dependence of the achieved results of the economic activity of the enterprise on the result of the work of each employee.

In agriculture, cases are not uncommon when the production of any product is unprofitable or unprofitable. Then, instead of the indicator "norm or level of profitability", other indicators can be used - the level of unprofitability (the level of profitability with a negative sign) or the level of cost recovery, which is calculated by the formula:

where Оу is the level of cost recovery;

DV - cash proceeds from the sale of products;

Sk - commercial (full) cost.

It is recommended to study the system of profitability indicators of a trading enterprise in dynamics and, if possible, in comparison with the indicators of other similar trading enterprises.

Factors for increasing the profitability of agricultural production

The determining factor in the content of the concept of "profitability of production" is the amount of profit. In this regard, the establishment of profitability factors is, first of all, the establishment of factors influencing the formation of profit. Profit factors can be divided into two groups:

1. factors internal order, which depend on the manufacturer of the product and are subjective;

2. external factors that do not depend on commodity producers and are objective.

Internal factors include the quantity of products sold, its quality, and production costs.

The number of products sold depends on the volume of gross output and the level of its marketability. With an increase in the volume of gross output, there is an increase in products to be sold, since the growth rate of its domestic consumption is usually lower than the growth rate of gross output, which creates conditions for an increase in the level of marketability and an increase in cash proceeds on this basis. The quality of products affects the amount of profit also through cash receipts, since products are more High Quality provides a higher selling price.

Finally, the amount of cash proceeds depends on the timing of the sale of products, its structure and markets. So, for example, early vegetables, potatoes are sold at higher prices than late ones. Products are sold at different prices depending on the sales channels: when selling it to the state, consumer cooperation, on the collective farm market.

An important factor in profit is the cost of production. Decrease or increase in production costs has a significant impact on the amount of profit.

External factors include market demand on products, their supply and competition of product manufacturers. High or low demand for a particular product, as well as the presence or absence of competitors, determine both the quantity of products sold and the level of prices for it, which ultimately affects the amount of profit.

Factors of profitability of agricultural production can be extensive and intensive. Extensive factors are those that affect profitability by changing the amount of products sold, and intensive factors affect the increase in sales prices and reduce the cost of production.

The experience of advanced farms in all economic regions testifies to the inexhaustible possibilities for increasing the efficiency of agricultural production, observing the principles laid down in their basis at the design stage.

Thus, the determination of reserves for increasing the profitability of agricultural production is reduced, on the one hand, to the determination of reserves for increasing cash proceeds from sales, and on the other, reserves for reducing the cost of production. Meanwhile, in most farms, this work is carried out at an insufficient level. The emerging large disproportions between the growth rate of the livestock population and the development of the fodder base, the growth rate of crop production and the mechanization of production, the level of technical progress in the industry and the qualifications of personnel, increasing costs, low productivity of cows, and a decrease in yields, organizational forms production > and wages, led to insufficient effectiveness of the functioning of the complexes and the effectiveness of the measures taken.

Overcoming trends in the decline in profitability and creating conditions for improving the efficiency of agricultural production in the agro-industrial complex should be carried out not only by increasing purchase prices, but primarily by reducing production costs. This is possible only if the basic principles of transferring production to an industrial basis, which provide for a high level of labor productivity, are observed.

To increase the profitability of agricultural production, it is necessary:

Improving the location of farms, their specialization and production technology;

· strengthening the food base and evidence-based level of feeding;

Improving the seed and seed composition of crop production at the enterprise;

optimization of the structure of the herd and improvement of its repair;

· increase of mechanization and introduction of more advanced means of labor;

· Creation of specialized farms for growing replacement young animals that meet the requirements of industrial technology;

· improvement of selection work;

Improving the quality of design, construction, reconstruction and proper operation of complexes;

introduction of promising forms of organization and remuneration;

· increasing the requirements for zootechnical, agronomic, veterinary work aimed at using the opportunities for increasing productivity, yield and product quality;

· improving the use of fixed assets, current costs, land;

· improvement of social and living conditions of workers.

Studies show that the level of profitability of the industry depends on the extent to which each region will use the opportunities to save resources, and, accordingly, reduce the cost of production.