Job Responsibilities of a Transportation Manager. Job description of a transport manager Qualities of a manager in a transport organization

What points should be taken into account when drawing up a job description according to the 2015 model? If we take one of the ready-made samples, which are now many on the Web, as the basis for the job description of a sales manager, then the most attention should be paid to the section of job responsibilities. No need to overload the job description with duties just like that, just in case. The sales manager has certain tasks - and you need to build on them. Another important point is material liability sales manager. There are companies where the manager is given a product that he can use for presentations or even transfer for sale in outlet. In return, the manager can receive money, which he will be obliged to hand over to the cashier of his company. It is also useful to know that it is not at all necessary to describe these points in the job description in detail, because.

Positions and responsibilities in forwarding activities

Search potential clients in all sorts of places;

  • Attracting old inactive customers with the help of special sales tools;
  • Expanding the set of tools, both active and passive sales;
  • Making cold calls to potential clients;
  • Development of new projects that, one way or another, increase the efficiency of employees, and as a result, lead to a new level of the main enterprise and its branches;
  • Implementation of material waste, as well as payments by buyers for the purchased goods;
  • Drawing up and maintaining reports;
  • Implementation and maintenance of employee motivation;
  • Maintaining a sales plan;
  • Preservation of a trusted secret.

At the request of the employer, the general provisions and job description of this category can be expanded and supplemented, according to the nature and activities of the company.

Transport manager job description

Speaking about the hierarchy in production, it is worth noting that this type of manager, according to the job description, is obliged to obey the commercial director, clearly follow the instructions of a particular person and respond in time to the problems that have arisen. The boundaries of responsibility are also determined directly by the head of the department or Commercial Director. The company, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, must have a sample in several copies, which is available directly at the workplace of this manager, in a visible place for review at any time.
According to the rules and regulations, the manager who represents the interests of the company by selling the product and services is required to know legislative acts and the legal code of the Russian Federation.

403 forbidden

When compiling a job description, these points must be reflected so that subsequently the employee does not have obstacles when performing labor functions. Most often, a person in this position is vested with the following rights:

  • request information from other employees;
  • get acquainted with the decisions of the leader;
  • to transfer to the manager their suggestions for improving the work process;
  • require the head to assist in the performance of their duties;
  • sign (vise) contracts within their competence.
  • ResponsibilitiesManagement, hiring a sales manager, sets certain tasks for him. AT employment contract detailed description these tasks are not, in the job description, specific duties may well be described.

General provisions of the job description of a sales manager

Rights The transport manager has the right to: 3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding the transport economy of the enterprise. 3.2. Submit proposals to improve the organization of cargo transportation for consideration by the management of the enterprise. 3.3. Interact with the heads of various departments of the enterprise on the organization of cargo transportation and obtaining the necessary information.

3.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence. 3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights. 4. Liability 4.1. The transport manager is responsible for: 4.1.1.
for improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by labor legislation Russian Federation. 4.1.2.

Sales manager job description

Make decisions within your competence. 4. Responsibility of the sales manager The sales manager is responsible for: 4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their official duties. 4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.4.3.
For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and counter fire safety.
What can a sales manager be responsible for? There are not only direct official duties, obligations and norms according to the job description of the sales manager, but also the boundaries of responsibility. An employee of the relevant category is responsible for:

  • For the quality of work performed official work at the enterprise;
  • For failure to fulfill direct duties in accordance with their competence;
  • For violation of the general work process;
  • For making decisions that go beyond his competence;
  • For violation of the schedule of exit during working hours;
  • For non-compliance with labor discipline and offensive behavior;
  • For revealing secrets.

This list is usually announced immediately upon admission to this vacancy.

Working as a sales manager for transport services

The main tasks of the logistics manager are: - participation in the organization of continuity and productivity daily work logistics department - evaluation and analysis of costs associated with the execution of logistics operations - evaluation and analysis of the performance of logistics operations. ;- improvement, development and implementation of new systems aimed at improving the efficiency of the department.2.3. Analysis, planning, organization and management (including the organization of control over execution) of the enterprise's logistics processes.3. Functional responsibilities3.1. Design and development of logistics systems.3.2.

Chief accountant-info


I approve [position, signature, full name of the head or other official authorized to approve the job description] [date, month, year] M.P. Job description transport manager [name of organization, enterprise, etc.)] This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations In Russian federation. one. General provisions 1.1. The transport manager belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person who has [insert required] professional education and at least [value] years of work experience is appointed to the position of transport manager. 1.3. Appointment to the position of a transport manager and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the head upon submission [insert as appropriate]. 1.4. The transport manager must know: 1.4.1.

I approve
_____________________________ (Surname, initials)
(name of organization, its ________________________________
organizational - legal form) (director; other person authorized
approve job description)
(name of institution)
00.00.201_ #00
1. General Provisions
1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the transport manager _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise"). Institution name
1.2. A person with vocational education and at least ___________ years of work experience.
1.3. The transport manager is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the head on the presentation of __________________________________________________.
1.4. The transport manager reports to ________________________________.
1.5. Under the authority of the transport manager are ____________________________________.
1.6. The transport manager must know:
- instructions, orders, instructions, orders and other regulatory and administrative documents that regulate its work;
- the procedure for receiving and delivering goods;
— principles of organization of loading and unloading operations,
— standards and technical conditions for the storage of transported goods;
- conditions for the carriage of goods;
- sizes, types, grades, brands and other qualitative characteristics of the transported goods and the standards for their consumption;
— routes of transportation of goods;
- rules for the preparation of documentation for the reception and dispatch of goods;
- the range of products manufactured by the enterprise;
— market development trends transport services and his condition;
- addresses of customers and suppliers;
- document management rules;
– the procedure for preparing and concluding business contracts;
- rules for the use of funds computer science, communications and communications;
— principles of work planning;
— bases of organization of production, economics, management and labor;
— labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- the rules of the labor schedule at the enterprise;
— norms and rules of labor protection;
— safety regulations, fire safety and industrial sanitation.
2. Job responsibilities
The transport manager must:
2.1. Plan the movement of transport, taking into account the urgency and importance of the received requests for transportation.
2.2. Coordinate the transport of raw materials and finished products enterprises.
2.3. Receive and process applications for the transportation of goods from employees of the enterprise.
2.4. Organize the work of the company's own transport, namely:
- choose the most rational transportation routes;
- monitor the optimal loading of transport to reduce the cost of attracting hired transport;
- to control the timely and correct execution of transportation by the company's drivers.
2.5. Develop relationships with consumers of transport services, other transport organizations.
2.6. Organize the fulfillment of orders of cargo owners for the transportation of goods and the provision of transport services related to the transportation.
2.7. Place orders for the provision of transport services by other carriers.
2.8. Cooperate with third-party transport companies (carriers), and
- control the timely and correct performance of transport services by the carrier;
– monitor compliance with the requirements of the transport company (carrier)
amounts payable with the agreed rate and quality of the service received;
- inform the carrier about the terms, conditions, rules of delivery, transfer data to the carrier's drivers about the places of loading and unloading;
– inform the employees of the enterprise about the cost of transporting goods by carriers;
— controls the timeliness of payment for the services of carriers by the enterprise.
2.9. Calculate the cost of transportation.
2.10. To study the market of transport services.
2.11. Collaborate with employees of the enterprise in order to obtain accurate information about the necessary cargo transportation, the optimal method and route of transportation, receipt of payment for cargo transportation by customers to the current account or to the cash desk of the enterprise.
2.12. Search transport companies who can provide transportation services on more favorable terms.
2.13. Carry out the duties entrusted to him properly.
2.14. Keep commercial and official secrets.
2.15. Respond to employee inquiries in a timely manner professional activity provide all required information.
2.16. Improve your skills.
2.17. Comply with the rules of the labor schedule at the enterprise, the rules of labor protection, safety, fire protection and industrial sanitation.
3. Rights
The transport manager has the right to:
3.1. Submit to the management of the enterprise own ideas aimed at improving the organization of cargo transportation.
3.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management that relate to the transport economy of the enterprise.
3.3. Interact with the heads of various departments of the enterprise on issues related to the organization of cargo transportation and obtaining the necessary information.
3.4. Demand assistance from the management of the enterprise in the performance of their duties and the exercise of rights.
3.5. Approval and sign documents only within their competence.
4. Responsibility
The transport manager is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties, which are provided for by this job description within the framework determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For causing material damage to the employer within the limits determined by the current civil and labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For legal violations committed in the course of carrying out their activities, within the framework determined by the current criminal, administrative and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
Head of the structural unit: _____________ __________________

Acquainted with the instructions
one copy received: _____________ __________________
(signature) (surname, initials)


Director of VEGAS LLC

V.V. Popov
"____" ___________ 2003

transport manager.

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a transport manager.
1.2. The transport manager is the main organizer of the company's logistics strategy.
1.3. The transport manager is selected from among qualified specialists with good organizational skills and experience in a similar position.
1.4. The transport manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position, in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation, by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.5. The Transport Manager reports directly to the Deputy Director.
1.6. The transport manager in his work is guided by: methodological and other guidance materials in the field transportation, the current customs legislation, the "Job Instruction", instructions of the Deputy Director.
1.7. The transport manager must know:
— legislative and other regulatory legal acts, regulatory and methodological
materials relating to the production and economic activities of the transport department of the enterprise;
specifications Vehicle companies and their rules technical operation;
- forms and methods of production and economic activities of the transport department, technical, economic and production planning;
— labor legislation;
— advanced domestic and overseas experience in the management of the transport service;
— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
- internal labor regulations;
— rules and norms of labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.
1.8. During the temporary absence of the transport manager, his functions are performed by the deputy director.

Transport manager:
2.1. Participates in strategy development and pricing policy enterprises in the field of logistics;
2.2. Carries out the interaction of the transport department with other divisions of the enterprise in accordance with the developed and approved technological systems;
2.3. Carries out the organization of uninterrupted forwarding service of the enterprise.
2.3. Controls the correctness and timeliness of the tasks assigned by the employees of the department;
2.4. Controls the observance by the employees of the department of the adopted document flow schemes, rules and deadlines for the preparation and submission of documents;
2.5. Takes part in the consideration of commercial and pretentious issues related to the functions of the transport department;
2.6. Develops measures to ensure the implementation of approved schedules and estimates;
2.7. Controls the timeliness of solving all issues related to the delivery and subsequent clearance of goods;
2.8. Carries out organizational work with the driver's staff, ensures the smooth operation of transport;
2.9. Carries out the correct and complete maintenance of documentation related to the entry into flights of rolling stock and drivers;
2.10. Develops and makes proposals to improve the work of the transport department;
2.11. Timely draws up and submits for approval by the administration of the enterprise an estimate of the costs of delivery and clearance of goods;
2.12. Monitors compliance with the norms of calculations for the department, compiling and submitting the necessary reports to the accounting department in a timely manner and in full;
2.12. Supervises the preparation and implementation of the main functions and tasks by the employees of the transport department.
2.13. Controls the implementation by the employees of the department of the internal labor regulations, instructions and norms of labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

The transport manager has the right to:
3.1. Give assignments to subordinate employees, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.
3.2. Require the heads of all departments to provide the necessary materials, reports, information for planning and organizing the work of the transport department.
3.3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of its activities.
3.4. Represent on behalf of the enterprise in other organizations and institutions on issues within the competence of the department.
3.5. Make proposals on the selection and placement of personnel responsible for forwarding services.
3.6. Conduct meetings to discuss issues within the competence of the department.
3.7. Apply for incentives for employees of the transport department who have distinguished themselves in their work, and for the imposition of penalties on employees of the department who violated labor discipline and job duties.
3.8. Recommend for the hiring and dismissal of the personnel of the transport department.

The transport manager is responsible for:
4.1. Results and effectiveness production activities transport department.
4.2. Failure to fulfill their functional duties and duties of subordinate employees on production activities.
4.3. Invalid execution status information production tasks subordinate employees.
4.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Deputy Director.
4.5. Failure to take measures to curb the identified violations of the rules of labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.
4.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of the transport department.
4.7. Violation of the Rules of the internal labor regulations of the enterprise.

5.1. The mode of work of the transport manager is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
5.2. Due to operational needs, the transport manager may go on business trips (including local ones).
5.3. To solve operational issues related to the provision of production activities, a transport manager may be allocated company vehicles.


1. The transport manager is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order Director General.

2. The Transport Manager reports directly to the Deputy Director of Commercial Affairs.

3. The transport manager is responsible for the drivers of the enterprise.


The transport manager must know:

Know the organization of loading and unloading operations, the procedure for receiving and delivering goods;

Conditions of transportation and storage of transported goods;

Routes for the transportation of goods;

Forms of documents for the acceptance and dispatch of goods and the rules for their execution.

The range of products manufactured and sold by the company (full range of lighting equipment, metal structures, light sources, components);

State, development trends of the transport services market;

The procedure for the formation and conclusion of contracts, accepted document flow;

Addresses of main suppliers and customers;

Internal labor regulations, rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection


The functions of the transport manager are to coordinate the transportation of raw materials and finished products to achieve the optimal ratio of costs and quality of services, organize transport for import and export deliveries in Russia and the CIS countries, select transport service providers, implement time- and resource-saving procedures.

Transport Manager Responsibilities:

1. Organization of work of own transport:

1.1. Receipt and processing of requests for transportation from company employees;

1.2. Transport traffic planning, taking into account the urgency and importance of the received requests for transportation;

1.3. Selection of rational transport routes;

1.4. Control over the timely and correct execution of transportation by the company's drivers;

1.5. Organization of optimal loading of transport, in order to reduce the cost of attracting hired transport.

2. Work with transport companies:

2.1. Placing an order for the provision of transport services by third-party organizations (carriers);

2.2. Determining the cost of transportation;

2.3. Informing the carrier about necessary conditions, terms, rules of delivery;

2.4. Personal transfer of data on places of loading and unloading to drivers of hired vehicles;

2.5. Control over the timely and correct performance of transport services by the carrier;

2.6. Tracking the compliance of the amounts for payment presented by the transport company (carrier) with the agreed rate and quality of the service received;

2.7. Informing employees of the enterprise about the cost of transporting goods by carriers;

2.8. Interaction with employees of the enterprise in order to obtain accurate information about the necessary cargo transportation, the optimal method and route of transportation, receipt of payment for cargo transportation by customers to the current account or to the cash desk of the enterprise;

2.9. Control over the timeliness of payment for the services of carriers by the enterprise;

2.10. Providing information on the need to issue invoices for transport services provided to customers to employees responsible for issuing invoices;

2.11. Studying the market of transport services, searching for transport companies that can provide transportation services on more favorable terms.


The transport manager, in order to fulfill his duties, has the right to:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding the transport economy of the enterprise.
  2. Submit proposals to improve the organization of cargo transportation for consideration by the management of the enterprise.
  3. Interact with the heads of departments for the sale of lighting equipment and metal structures, warehouse, accounting, as well as other departments in terms of organizing cargo transportation and obtaining the necessary information;
  4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence;

5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

  • Managing Director-deputy director, head of department, subdivision
  • Managing Director (Overseas Agents)
  • Managing Director (Expo)
  • Managing Director (Impo)

Commercial Department (sales department)

  • sales manager - sales manager of forwarding services
  1. Sales manager b2b (business-to-business)— business for business) - sales manager for legal entities
  2. sales manager b2c (business-to-consumer) - business for the consumer) - sales manager for individuals

Job description:

Sales Managerforwarding services- sales professionalprovided service company, as well as encouragement and support partnerships. The direct responsibility of sales managers is to analyze the market, negotiate with customers and search for new ones.

Sales manager functions:

Finding and attracting new clients;
. base maintenance existing clients and maintaining a "relationship" with them;
. knowledge of the features of the services provided and the situation in a competitive environment
. sale of services;
. negotiating, attending meetings;
. document flow, including the conclusion of contracts, invoicing, control of receivables;
. implementation of the set plan;
. analysis of volumes and final reporting on completed sales.

There is a difference between b2b (business-to-business) and b2c (business-to-consumer) sales specialists.
The salary of sales managers consists of a salary and a bonus part, which depends on the amount of completed transactions.
A competent seller must be able to work with the client's objections, with his dissatisfaction and be able to constructively resolve possible conflicts.


A good sales manager is, in theory, a person with a higher education, preferably a specialized one - marketing or economics. But often, the ideal candidate for a sales manager position should understand their “product”, have communication skills and know the basics of sales. This is not so much a profession as a state of mind. Higher education here - as a confirmation of a certain intelligence and the ability to learn in the process of work.

It is possible to master the profession of a sales manager by attending specialized courses. In the classroom, students are taught the basics of marketing, the technique of collecting and analyzing information, the rules for maintaining documentation, the basics legal regulation. The course also teaches technology. public speaking, telephone communication, audience management skills, ways to identify psychological type client, the art of conflict prevention. There are also many organizations that independently train their personnel, teaching them to sell specifically their “product”

Logistics manager job description

1. General Provisions
1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the logistics manager.
1.2. The logistics manager is a direct participant in the organization and full functioning of logistics processes at the Enterprise
1.3. The logistics manager is appointed to the position and dismissed, in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation, by order of the immediate supervisor (head of the logistics department, director, general director, president, director of logistics) of the enterprise.
1.4. Reports directly to his Head (Head of Logistics, Director, General Director, President, Director of Logistics).
1.5 In his work, the logistics manager is guided by: regulatory, methodological and other guidance materials in the field of transport, warehousing; standards and specifications for the storage of inventory items, procurement organizations, the current customs legislation, the "Job Instruction", "Regulations governing intra-company relations", instructions from the head, the charter of the enterprise.
1.6 Education: higher technical (economic, techno-economic)
1.7 Skills and abilities: ability to analyze, plan and manage. Building a logistics system at the enterprise. Design and organization of information flows in logistics system. Knowledge of the logistics aspects of the company's activities (purchases, stocks, warehousing, transportation, customs clearance, insurance, distribution, information and financial flows).
1.8 Work experience: from X years
1.9. During the period of temporary absence of the logistics manager, his duties are assigned to _______________.

2. Goals and objectives
2.1. The purpose of the work of the logistics manager is to organize and ensure the functioning of the logistics processes of the company as a whole.
2.2. The main tasks of the logistics manager are:
- participation in the organization of the continuity and productivity of the daily work of the logistics department
- assessment and analysis of costs associated with the execution of logistics operations
- Evaluation and analysis of the performance of logistics operations.
- assessment and analysis of the cost of working time for the performance of operations
- development of proposals for optimizing logistics processes in the company;
- compliance with the approved cost estimate, budget items;
- improvement, development and implementation of new systems aimed at improving the efficiency of the department.
2.3. Analysis, planning, organization and management (including the organization of control over execution) of the enterprise's logistics processes.
3. Functional responsibilities
3.1. Design and development of logistics systems.
3.2. Development and implementation of methodological and regulatory materials on logistics for specific departments, definition of functions and operations. Control of the application of the developed methodological and regulatory materials.
3.3. Development of forms and methods of reporting.
3.4. Monitoring the correctness and timeliness of the tasks assigned by the employees of the department.
3.5. Coordination of internal and external communications of the company.
3.6. Participation in the process of budgeting for logistics. Analysis of logistics costs and logistics costs.
3.7. Analysis of the balance of cost and efficiency of the enterprise's logistics operations.
3.8. Coordination and direction of financial flows related to logistics processes.
3.9. Coordination of document flow of logistics processes.
3.10. Coordination of the interaction of the department with other divisions of the Enterprise in accordance with the developed and approved technological schemes.
4. Rights.
The logistics manager has the right to:
4.1. Give assignments to his subordinate services, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.
4.2. Require managers and employees of all departments to provide the necessary materials, reports, information for planning and organizing the work of the department.
4.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of its activities, services and divisions subordinate to it.
4.4. Act as a representative on behalf of the Enterprise in other organizations and institutions on issues within its competence.
4.5. Make proposals for the placement and interaction of staff in supply chain enterprises.
4.6. Conduct meetings (operational meetings, briefings, planning meetings) to discuss and resolve issues within the competence of the department with subordinate services of the enterprise.
4.7. Submit suggestions to improve your work.
5. Responsibility.
The logistics manager is responsible for:
5.1. Results and efficiency of production activity of the enterprise.
5.2. Failure to fulfill their functional duties and duties of subordinate services on issues of production activities.
5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of execution of production tasks by subordinate services.
5.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the immediate supervisor.
5.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the normal (safe) activities of the enterprise, its employees.
5.6. Violation internal regulations enterprises.
6. Working mode
6.1. The mode of operation of the logistics manager is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
6.2. To resolve issues related to production needs, the logistics manager may go on business trips (including local ones).
6.3. To solve operational issues related to the provision of production activities, the logistics manager may be allocated company vehicles.
7. Other terms
7.1. This Job Description is reported to the logistics manager against receipt. One copy of the Instruction is kept in the employee's personal file.
I am familiar with the instruction ___________________

Skills and Abilities of a Logistics Manager
Risk management (insurance).
- Organization of cargo insurance.
- Organization of storage and protection of cargo during transportation.
- Organization of protection of goods during storage.
- Organization of carrier's liability insurance.

Organization of supply.
- Determining the need for products.
- Management of orders, their volumes, preparation and placement.
- Management of special orders.
- Formation of the report and analysis of the execution of the order.
Procurement management.
- Development of a procurement plan.
- Choice of basic terms of delivery, supplier.
- Development of transport conditions of contracts.
- Organization of transportation of goods.
- Choice of mode of transport.
- Choice of types of transport tariffs.
- Development of a supply contract and its conclusion.
- Choice of types and terms of payments.
- Organization of interaction with suppliers.
Organization and management of deliveries.
- Delivery planning.
- Implementation of supply monitoring.
- Analysis of deliveries results.
Organization customs clearance goods and materials.
- Maintaining customs documentation.
- Choice of types of customs regimes.
Transport planning.
- Calculation of technical and operational indicators.
- Calculation of economic indicators.
- Calculation of cost indicators.
Organization technological process transportation.
- Organization of acceptance of goods by the carrier.
- Organization of cargo transportation.
- Organization of the transfer of goods to the consignee.
- Analysis of the results of transportation.
- Organization of goods forwarding.
- Tracking the transportation of goods.
Management of stocks of goods (raw materials, materials).
- Evaluation of costs and expenses for stocks of goods.
- Analysis of indicators of the inventory management system.
- Implementation of ABC and XYZ stock analysis.
- Development of inventory management methods.
- Classification of stocks of goods.
- Design development and modeling of inventory management systems.
- Development of methods for accounting, evaluation and modeling of reserves.
- Organization of inventories.
Organization of warehouse activities.
- Classification of warehouses.
- Planning of warehouse activity.
- Determining the number and location of warehouses.
- Calculation of the need for warehouse equipment.
- Warehouse planning.
- Organization of warehouse accounting.
- Calculation of costs for warehouse activities.
Warehouse process management.
- Arrangement of receipt of goods to the warehouse.
- Organization of unloading of goods.
Organization of goods acceptance.
- Organization of acceptance of goods by quantity.
- Organization of quality acceptance of goods.
- Organization of storage of goods in the warehouse.
- Organization of loading of goods on vehicles.
- Organization of commissioning of shipments.
- Organization of the movement of products within the enterprise.
- Organization of loading of goods on vehicles.
- Organization of packaging and labeling of products.
- Organization of container unification.
- Organization of product labeling.
Distribution management.
- Development of a distribution channel.
- Choice of distribution channel.
- Management of distribution channels.
- Development of a distribution and dealer network.
- Sales management.
- Analysis and sales forecast.
- Organization of wholesale trade.
- Organization of retail trade.
- Customer service management.
- Setting up an order processing system and sales administration.
Organization, control and quality management.
- Implementation of a quality management system at the enterprise.
- Organization of processes for the development of enterprise standards.
- Product certification.
- Product return management.
- Organization of work related to the preparation of claims to suppliers.
- Organization of the process of providing raw materials, materials, goods, tools, overalls, household equipment, etc.
- Monitor compliance with the norms of calculations for the department, in accordance with the approved estimate.
- Supervise the timely submission of reports by department employees.

Interacts with employees of the enterprise in order to obtain accurate information about the necessary cargo transportation, the optimal method and route of transportation, receipt of payment for cargo transportation by customers to the current account or to the cash desk of the enterprise. 2.11. It studies the market of transport services, searches for transport companies that can provide transportation services on more favorable terms. 2.12. The transport manager is obliged to: 2.12.1. timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full; 2.12.2. continuously improve your professional level; 2.12.3. honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him; 2.12.4. store service and trade secrets; 2.12.5.

Transport manager job description

Higher professional education (technical, economic) 2.2 work experience work experience in transport at least 3 years 2.3 knowledge Laws and regulations governing the issues of transportation and forwarding activities in Ukraine. Orders, instructions, instructions, methodical and others guidance documents in terms of responsibilities.
Rules for the carriage of goods by road, rail, air, water transport. Agreements on international freight traffic. Forms of transport, cargo and financial documentation.
Methods for studying and forecasting the demand for transport services. The procedure for establishing links with consumers of transport services.


Rules for negotiating with clients, organizing business contacts. Rules for the execution of concluded contracts on the organization of transportation of goods and the provision of additional services.

Fundamentals of marketing and advertising.
You can download the transport manager job description for free. Job responsibilities of the transport manager I approve (Surname, initials) (name of the organization, its organizational and legal form) (director; other person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_g.

JOB INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRANSPORT MANAGER (name of institution) 00.00.201_ №00 1. General provisions 1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a transport manager (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise").

Name of institution 1.2. A person with a professional education and work experience of at least years is accepted for the position of a transport manager. 1.3. The transport manager is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the head on presentation.
1.4. The transport manager obeys. 1.5.

Job Descriptions

Responsibility of the Transportation Manager The Transportation Manager is responsible for: 4.1. Failure to perform and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties. 4.2.

Failure to comply with current instructions, orders and instructions for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.4.3. Violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.4.4.


Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Transport manager (transport department)


Develops programs for expanding the range of transport services provided and meeting the demand for them.2.9. Analyzes information on the solvency and reliability of customers, keeps records of receivables for the transportation of goods and services rendered.2.10.

Prepares, draws up and endorses the documents necessary for the conclusion on behalf of the transport company of contracts with customers on the organization of transportation of goods and the provision of additional services. 2.11. Accepts applications.2.12. Organizes, adjusts and controls the performance of loading, unloading and centralized transportation of goods. 2.13. Conducts information and reference work with clients on the rules for the production of loading and unloading, forwarding and other commercial operations. 2.14.
To study the market of transport services. 2.11. Collaborate with employees of the enterprise in order to obtain accurate information about the necessary cargo transportation, the optimal method and route of transportation, receipt of payment for cargo transportation by customers to the current account or to the cash desk of the enterprise. 2.12. Search for transport companies that can provide transportation services on more favorable terms. 2.13. Carry out the duties entrusted to him properly. 2.14. Keep commercial and official secrets. 2.15. Timely respond to requests from employees in the direction of professional activity, provide all the required information.
2.16. Improve your skills. 2.17. Comply with the rules of the labor schedule at the enterprise, the rules of labor protection, safety, fire protection and industrial sanitation. 3. Rights The transport manager has the right to: 3.1.

Job description of the enterprise transport manager

Job responsibilities of the transportation manager The transportation manager performs the following job responsibilities: 2.1. Organizes and controls the execution of orders of cargo owners for the transportation of goods and related services. 2.2.

Ensures the development of relationships with users of transport services, with transport and forwarding organizations.2.3. It studies and forms effective demand for freight transportation and additional services.2.4.

Studying the conjuncture and development trends of the transport market.2.5. Examines the tariffs and demand for the provided transport services, taking into account changes in tax, pricing and customs policies.2.6.

Searches for clients and negotiates contracts for transportation, forwarding services, and others. 2.7. Clarifies the needs of consumers of transport services.2.8.

Working with transport companies: 2.1. Placing an order for the provision of transport services by third-party organizations (carriers); 2.2. Determining the cost of transportation; 2.3. Informing the carrier about the necessary conditions, terms, delivery rules; 2.4.

Personal transfer of data on places of loading and unloading to drivers of hired vehicles; 2.5. Control over the timely and correct performance of transport services by the carrier; 2.6.

Tracking the compliance of the amounts for payment presented by the transport company (carrier) with the agreed rate and quality of the service received; 2.7. Informing employees of the enterprise about the cost of transporting goods by carriers; 2.8.

Transport manager job description (Russian)

Interacts with employees of the enterprise in order to obtain accurate information about the necessary cargo transportation, the optimal method and route of transportation, receipt of payment for cargo transportation by customers to the current account or to the cash desk of the enterprise. 2.11. It studies the market of transport services, searches for transport companies that can provide transportation services on more favorable terms.

2.12. The transport manager is obliged to: 2.12.1. timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full; 2.12.2. continuously improve their professional level; 2.12.3. honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him; 2.12.4. keep official and commercial secrets; 2.12.5.

Job description of the manager of the transport department

  • It studies the market of transport services, searches for transport companies that can provide transportation services on more favorable terms.
  • The transport manager is obliged to: - promptly respond to requests from other employees in the direction of professional activity, provide the required information in full; - continuously improve his professional level; - honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him; - keep official and commercial secrets; - observe rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  • III.

Job description of the dispatcher of the transport department

Job descriptions Open in WORD format GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. The transport manager is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the General Director. 2. The Transport Manager reports directly to the Deputy Director of Commercial Affairs. 3. The transport manager is responsible for the drivers of the enterprise. BASIC SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE. The transport manager must know: - know the organization of loading and unloading operations, the procedure for receiving and delivering goods; — conditions of transportation and storage of transported goods; — routes of transportation of goods; - forms of documents for the acceptance and dispatch of goods and the rules for their execution.

Job description of the head of the transport department

Cargo; 1.4.4. types, sizes, brands, grades and other qualitative characteristics of transported goods and their consumption rates; 1.4.5. cargo transportation routes; 1.4.6. range of products manufactured by the enterprise; 1.4.7. rules for processing documents for receiving and sending goods; 1.4.8. state, development trends of the transport services market; 1.4.9. location addresses of key customers and suppliers; 1.4.10. the procedure for preparing and concluding business contracts; 1.4.11. document flow rules; 1.4.12. rules for the operation of computer equipment, communications and communications; 1.4.13. internal labor regulations; 1.4.14. basic principles of work planning; 1.4.15. fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; 1.4.16. main questions labor law Russian Federation; 1.4.17.