Job skills and abilities. Professional Skills on a Resume - Examples of Skill Descriptions

A resume is created to show potential employer How well do you fit in with the company you are applying for? Its goal is to show you from the very better side. What can show you the best? Of course, this is specialized training, work experience, but often, some specific professional skills are also needed for work, in the absence of which, the employer will not consider your candidacy.

In the article you will see what professional skills exist, which ones are suitable for various professions and find out what professional skills to write in a resume with examples.

Why write professional skills?

Any professional skill is your experience in this profile. First of all, you need to interest and hook the employer, and a long listing of your places of work will not tell him what you can do. If you do not have work experience, then you can enter the skills that you possess through internships, various trainings, etc.

Each position has its own list of required skills, correctly indicating which, you increase your chances of getting a job. But you only need to tell the truth so that the employer understands in advance how ready you are for work and whether you can quickly learn if necessary.

There is no general list of skills that fits every profession. But if you can't pinpoint your skills, there are some key skills that will show you well as an employee.

  1. Good computer skills;
  2. Knowledge (you can list which ones and indicate your level of knowledge);
  3. Ability to plan your working time;
  4. management skills;
  5. Ability to make quick decisions;
  6. Attention to detail;
  7. Ability to quickly analyze;

However, such an enumeration is not enough. The employer wants to know if you will join the job right away? Do you understand what you will do? So that, looking at your skills, it becomes clear what kind of employee you are. Therefore, for each profession and there are special skills, the possession of which is mandatory. The ideal number of these skills is 6-8 pieces.

Examples of skills for different professions


  1. Knowledge of computer programs (indicate the level of knowledge of them);
  2. Ability to negotiate;
  3. Market specific knowledge;
  4. Successful sales experience (indicate how many years you have been in the wholesale business);
  5. Ability to communicate and persuade effectively;
  6. Ability to process large amounts of information;
  7. Ability to find an approach to the client;


  1. Knowledge of the law;
  2. Ability to negotiate;
  3. Experience in court hearings (experience in working with a company);
  4. Fluency in languages ​​(indicate the number and level of proficiency);
  5. Ability to work with a client;
  6. Knowledge of legal documents;
  7. Ability to file lawsuits and claims;


  1. Ability to quickly recognize the desire of the client;
  2. Consulting on any product or service;
  3. Registration of goods in the online store (indicate your PC skills);
  4. Reception and display of goods;
  5. Ability to work with claims and objections;
  6. Ability to work in stressful situations;
  7. Reporting management;


  1. Experience in personnel management (indicate the number of subordinates that you managed in a previous job)
  2. Knowledge of languages ​​(specify which ones and level)
  3. Production management;
  4. Experience in negotiation;
  5. The ability to convince;
  6. Ability to plan and forecast;
  7. Resolution of conflict situations;


  1. Experience in accounting and tax accounting(indicate how many years, what area);
  2. Knowledge of the law;
  3. Preparation of reports (IFRS, RAS);
  4. Skills in obtaining loans for companies;
  5. Computer knowledge;
  6. Ability to calculate wages, drawing up sick leave, vacations, etc .;
  7. Attention to details;


  1. Ability in communication;
  2. Tolerance and flexibility;
  3. Initiative and energy;
  4. Ability to analyze;
  5. Organizational skills;
  6. Knowledge of PC and technology;
  7. Broad-minded, well-read, erudite;


  1. Ability to communicate;
  2. Experience in conducting trainings;
  3. The ability to understand a person, listen and reassure;
  4. Conducting social research and personality diagnostics;
  5. The ability to find a common language with people, the search for approaches in everyone;
  6. Testing and analysis of their results;
  7. Ability to build a psychological portrait of the client;

Do not confuse the description of skills and your

All applicants want to show themselves in the best light, for which they “praise” personal data as brightly and profitably as possible.

This is the correct approach in general, because ordinary, "grayish" résumé doesn't stand a chance even for viewing, especially when dozens and hundreds of candidates apply for a vacancy.

As for the specifics, you need to carefully look at the description of personal skills, since it is the skills in the resume that instantly attract the attention of recruiters and search robots.

Above you saw a sample resume that describes general and professional skills.

Resume skills: what is it for job seekers?

To understand the importance of skills, you should take the side of employers or recruiters as their representatives.

A long time ago, HRs stopped selecting candidates by education or place of previous work.

Now even in our country there are noticeable changes in the economic situation, when some professions are no longer needed, but dozens of others appear. Therefore, it is so important to know how to properly write a resume for today and fill out the “Skills” section.

In this regard, skills for resumes become necessary, which help to find an applicant who may not have experience in newly created positions, but who has important or rare abilities.

Young people, middle-aged and even near-retirement citizens must accept new rules if they want to have advantages in the labor market. Description of skills for resume, of course, will not replace your skills, but it will help you at least reach the interview stage.

What skills exist?

This is, for example, the ability to work with a computer, knowledge foreign languages or the ability to resolve conflict situations.

Even from a short list, it is clear that key skills can be very different in a resume, and recruiters themselves divide them into "hard" and "soft" or professional and general.

General (soft) skills are divided into two groups: adaptive (personal) and transferable (transferable).

And so, when compiling a list of skills, it is useful to understand the conditional classification, and most importantly, the difference between them.

What are special skills on a resume?

Based on the information above, all skills are divided into three categories:

  1. Transferable skills (transferable);
  2. Working skills (professional);
  3. Adaptive skills (personal qualities).

Determining which category an ability belongs to is simple:

  • Transfer skills- are used in different workplaces;
  • Professional skills- suitable only for one position;
  • Adaptive Skills- personal abilities that help in any team.

If using examples, then the transfer skill is the knowledge of Word, because you can type and edit texts in a variety of jobs. A professional skill is the ability to shoot 3D videos. Adaptive abilities - the ability to convince other people or work in difficult psychological conditions.

Work skills in the resume should be short, one or two words. No vague descriptions, just what you really know how to do. If you want to describe achievements, there is a corresponding section in the work experience for this.

Even the most experienced and smart applicant will be left out if he does not indicate the right skills, so you need not only to know what professional skills are in a resume, but to be able to use them correctly in your document.

Let's take a closer look at each group of skills.

General Skills

General (soft) skills, as we already know, are divided into two categories: personal and transfer.

Personal skills can be called social skills, ability to communicate, work in a team, etc. Unlike professional skills, personal skills can be used by a variety of professionals, so personal skills are often used by job seekers without work experience on their resumes.

Here is a short list:

  • ability to make decisions;
  • teamwork;
  • communication, etc.

To understand the importance of personal skills, you need to understand that they are more difficult to master, although at first glance it does not seem so.

If a person does not know how to use a certain computer program, after more or less time he will learn it, but if a person, for example, is unsociable in nature, he will not be able to become the soul of a team.

With transfer skills everything is much simpler - for example, you have mastered touch typing skills, and this skill will be useful to you in almost all related professions. And the employer, looking at resumes with the same professional skills, will make a choice in your favor.

Most employers look for job skills on their resumes, such as leadership or teamwork, with less preference for technical skills.

For example: Several applicants with the same knowledge of computers, networks, peripheral equipment, programs, and others applied for the vacancy of an IT support employee technical details. As statistics show, preference will be given to the candidate who indicates the correct transfer and personal skills.

Yes, at the interview it may turn out that this applicant does not match the information that he indicated, or he will simply be passed over by a more purposeful applicant, but other “colleagues” simply did not get to the interview because of a poorly written resume.

On a resume, the skills below are an example, and job seekers who don't give them the credit they deserve miss out on many opportunities.

Professional skills

Computer skills on a resume are a great example of "hard" or professional ability, but there are other specialized skills besides knowledge of software packages.

It makes no sense to describe all the available skills, you just need to carefully read the job description and list in the resume the main skills that directly or indirectly coincide with the wishes of the employer.

It is logical that any technical knowledge is important for an engineer, but when a position requires specialists with the ability, for example, to read drawings and specifications, one should not describe abilities in mathematics or chemistry.

Skills in working with specialized programs in a resume will be appropriate for, but useless for a sales manager, unless, of course, the applicant writes about his ability to work with the program that is mentioned in the vacancy.

So, for a layout designer of newspapers and brochures, it will be useful to list the skills of working in highly specialized programs, but general things that are absolutely not related to the profession should not be written.

It is important to be able to prove your skills at the interview, both professional and personal.

How to choose the right skills for your resume

Compiling a list of skills is the most difficult step, it is not for nothing that there are many queries on the Web such as “resume what to write in skills?”.

This is understandable, because it is easy to fill in the columns with education, address and even work experience - take a labor, diploma and write. Facts and only facts. Skills are not so straightforward, so HR professionals recommend using certain techniques.

To get the brain working in the right direction, you can start by compiling complete list skills and abilities. Next, you should choose general and professional skills, dividing them into groups.

Also, experts recommend making a separate file with a resume or just a list of skills, where you can add information at any time. The wider the list, the easier it will be to take 5-10 skills from it and put it in the next resume. You should not enter all your skills into a resume sample, select them wisely so as not to send a long “footcloth” of skills to recruiters.

Employer representatives are now considering in the first place:

  • Work experience and achievements;
  • Education.

In other words, they first look at skills, work experience, and then they already study hobbies, place of study, etc.

Increasingly, submitted resumes are filtered by robots - special programs that will only let resumes with the necessary key skills through.

Match the skills to your resume with our

Examples of professional skills

Manager Skills

  • conclusion of contracts
  • communication skills
  • fulfillment of the sales plan
  • Negotiation
  • cold calls

Accountant Skills

  • expense reports

Sales Skills

  • display of goods
  • work at the checkout
  • price tag control
  • customer consultation
  • product expiration date tracking

Lawyer Skills

  • representation in courts
  • filing claims
  • drawing up contracts
  • Consultant+
  • Confident PC user

Administrator Skills

  • grammatically correct speech
  • personnel Management
  • receiving incoming calls
  • reporting
  • ms office

Skills for a resume should not just be copied from other sources, but it is quite possible to use examples to understand the essence.

The main thing is to remember that when writing a resume, you need to mention exactly your skills and exactly those that are suitable for the job.

A good resume should have a focused, presentable and concise block of skills, knowledge and skills. This block has at least one important purpose.

Why write about professional skills in a resume

Your skills are a squeeze of your experience. You may have several jobs, serious experience and a description of the experience may take more than one A4 page. This is a large amount of information and the HR manager will have to study it for a long time to understand whether you fit the requirements of the vacancy or not.

Help the HR manager, do this analytical work for him. This will increase your chances of getting an interview invitation.

The main task of the list of skills is to show that you are ideally suited to the requirements of the vacancy. It is this principle that I adhere to when compiling a "selling" resume.

What professional skills to include in a resume

How to show that you are suitable for the job? There are three rules for describing professional skills and knowledge in a resume:

  • Compliance with job requirements.
  • Presentability.
  • Conciseness.

Compliance with job requirements

This is the most important rule to follow when writing a resume.

First of all, position yourself at the level of "executor-leader". Looking at your resume and skills, it should be immediately clear who you are.

In the course of my work, I often have to delete or reformulate many “performing” phrases from the resumes of managers and directors. Correct positioning is an important task.

Secondly, analyze the requirements and responsibilities of vacancies, see the style of phrases and expressions and other nuances. This will help you correctly write professional skills and abilities in your resume. To conduct such an analysis, you just need to find 5-7 interesting vacancies and carefully study them. Good wording from job descriptions can be easily copied into your resume.


Your skills should sound beautiful and strong. They should sell you, and in this you will be helped by understandable and simple words, facts, figures, professional vocabulary or even jargon.

Here are some examples of job skills on a resume.

In fact, you just need to concretize some skills. Facts are more credible, vocabulary shows your expertise, clarifications describe you better.


  • If you write few of your skills, you will get the feeling that you are not an expert.
  • If you write a lot, it will be difficult to read the resume, and there is also a risk of falling under the “overqualified” filter.

Common Mistake

Very often I come across a completely wild and faceless list of qualities in a resume:

  • Efficiency.
  • Purposefulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Stress tolerance.
  • Learnability.
  • Initiative.
  • Etc.

The sad thing is that almost everyone writes this. Such a set of qualities, alas, does not guarantee an invitation to an interview and does not make you more valuable in the eyes of HR specialists.

There are two ways to present yourself better:

  1. Delete this entire list and leave only the basic job skills.
  2. Choose one (the strongest) of your skill and describe it in more detail. If you decide to choose learning, write what exactly you mastered quickly - you learned Japanese in 6 months, mastered CRM Axapta in a weekend, completed a BMW car repair course in two weeks and passed the exam by 98%. Facts and details matter!

Skill Description Examples

Below I will give some examples of professional skills and abilities in a resume. I have selected several positions of different levels for this.


  • Experience in accounting and management accounting— 6 years (spheres — wholesale, logistics).
  • Experience in setting up accounting and tax accounting from scratch.
  • Successful experience in tax and audit audits.
  • Experience in obtaining loans for the company.
  • Knowledge of taxation, currency legislation, tax and Civil Code, RAS, IFRS, INCOTERMS 2000.
  • Knowledge of PC (Office, 1C 7.7, 8.2, 8.3).

Skill Description Example sales assistant

  • Customer service and advice on the sales floor.
  • Registration and delivery of goods of the online store.
  • Checking the health of goods.
  • Receiving and distributing goods.
  • Work with claims (returns, acceptance of goods for warranty repairs).
  • Reporting.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a driver

  • Driving license category B, D.
  • Driving experience - 17 years.
  • Excellent knowledge of the city and suburbs of Moscow.
  • Minor car repair experience.
  • Experience in traveling to the European Union, knowledge of the rules, laws, paperwork.
  • Without bad habits(I don't smoke, I don't drink).
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a lawyer

  • Experience legal support company (7 years in production).
  • Experience in adjudicating disputes and protecting the interests of the company.
  • Experience in pre-trial dispute resolution.
  • Knowledge of legal documents (contracts, statements of claim, claims, powers of attorney…).
  • Ability to communicate with government bodies and authorities.
  • Ability to work with clients.
  • Knowledge of current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • English is fluent.

Skill Description Example manager (director)

  • Higher economic education + EMBA.
  • 14 years of experience in production management (wood processing and furniture production).
  • Personnel management skills (teams up to 220 people).
  • Thorough knowledge of warehouse logistics and supply.
  • Skills of interaction with regulatory authorities (certification, licensing and other tasks).
  • Knowledge of laws, rules and regulations of safety, labor protection and ecology.
  • English - Upper Intermediate.
  • Excellent knowledge of PC (from the specifics - knowledge of SAP).

Skills are one of the most important things for an employer. It is no coincidence that we put them on the site in a separate block: it’s easier to draw the recruiter’s attention to your strengths. But for some applicants, this field causes difficulties. What to write? And what is customary to write in such cases - “sociable” and “stress-resistant”? What do employers want to see?

First of all, the list of skills is expected to see hard skills - technical skills and knowledge that are easy to demonstrate. For example, driving a car, knowing professional programs and working methods. And competencies such as people management, persuasion, leadership, or time management are unlikely to inspire confidence in a recruiter if they are not backed by experience.

To sort things out, we asked participating recruiters to comment on the skills most commonly found on resumes. Will they be interested in such a candidate and what do they advise applicants?

Skills: MS Office, communication and sales

Olga Solodkova, Danone: “Most often I conduct selection in intensive mode. The flow of resumes is very high, and I focus most of all on the block related to the experience of the candidate. Since all my activities are related to recruitment in sales, it is these 3 competencies that are found in every resume, my view does not stop at them. The recruiter's view of these skills has long been blurred. They do not provide any advantage, but if you do not specify skills at all, this also raises questions. There is a feeling that the resume was done in a hurry.

Of course, if the candidate has serious experience in the right companies, I will invite him to a meeting, even if there are no skills in the resume. But if the experience is not enough or it is slurred, I advise you to fill in the skills, showing individuality. For example, to confirm each skill with specific cases from life. Here the task of the applicant is to stop the recruiter's eye on his resume. But don't point out something eccentric: if the position profile doesn't imply such competence, it can backfire."

Skills: staff training, consulting, direct sales

Yulia Shamanskaya, IKEA: “These skills are unlikely to play an important role in promoting career ladder at IKEA, if the candidate does not have the motivation to move forward, interest in the buyer and home improvement. Each company has its own culture, values ​​and way of doing business, where previous experience may not apply. It is difficult to name any specific position for which the presence of these skills is desirable, but you can dream up. A salesperson who advises customers well and efficiently may eventually take on an additional role in the department and train new employees. Then he can become the head of the department or be responsible for the development of competencies.

Still, a well-described work experience is much more important. I would say that you need to carefully write a summary once and supplement it over time. The biggest bet should be on the interview. Skills can be a useful addition to your resume, but don't focus too much on them. Work experience and examples of successful projects will say much more about you.”

Skills: Ability to work in a team, telephone conversations, team leadership

Olesya Sizyakina, ER-Telecom Holding: “Such skills leave a positive impression on me. If they are all from the same resume, then I will assume that this is a leader who knows how to build a team. He is able to motivate staff, set a common goal. The skill of telephone conversations will show customer focus and the ability to build communications. Such a candidate will be useful in sales and customer service.

I think teamwork and telephone skills are worth mentioning. But the leadership of the team is very general concept. If the leading experience is indicated in the experience, then it is quite logical that the person has the corresponding skill. Rather, it is worth listing your managerial competencies or how exactly you had to manage the team, what steps or tools were used in the work.

Skills: business correspondence, stress resistance, searching for information on the Internet

Tatyana Petryakova, World Foundation wildlife: “Such an applicant does not apply for the position of a leader - this is an ordinary performer, possibly without a specific specialization. Separately, I note that stress resistance can be very attractive in other combinations. In our organization, a person with such skills would suit the position of receptionist.

Skills must meet the needs of the position to which the resume is directed. Therefore, for some vacancies this will be an advantage, for some it will be extra information.”

Skills: competent speech, Internet and organization of events

Marina Valueva, TNS Russia: “All the skills together give a vague picture. There is no particular point in indicating literate speech; it is checked during a telephone interview or meeting. From the "Internet" it is generally unclear what exactly the candidate can do: in our age high technology almost anyone can work there at least for basic level. Event management can be useful for positions in event, PR or marketing, but here I'm looking more at work experience.

Usually I evaluate the overall experience of the candidate, I rarely look at skills. Basically, I'm looking for colleagues in a very narrow market, it's almost headhunting, so I have my own specifics. In my opinion, it is useful to indicate technical skills or knowledge of programs, then when searching, the recruiter will be able to more accurately find the right candidates. For example, in IT it is useful to indicate the knowledge of some programming language, and for accountants - knowledge of a certain area.

Skills: personnel management, office work and work with office equipment

Nadezhda Novikova, Cherkizovo Group of Companies: “HR management tells me about the possible presence of organizational and leadership skills, the ability to delegate tasks and control their execution, and manage a team. "Documentation" can speak both about the ability to work with documents, and about the structuredness, consistency, pedantry in the work of the applicant. “Working with office equipment” will say more that you won’t have to expect specific skills. This is one of the basic skills of administrative employees. It can be a plus in the resume of a data entry operator, personnel specialist or administrator, but at higher levels he does not play a big role.

I think that it is necessary to indicate the skills depending on the position that the applicant is applying for and even rank them. For me, "documentation" refers to the ability of a person to use printers, scanners and copiers. In this case, the mention of working with office equipment is an optional detail. An advantage is the specification of the uniqueness or complexity of the applicant's skill. For example, working on special equipment, using the system electronic document management, participation in the development of motivational programs, personnel assessment or the development of strategic schemes of the organization.

If you're still in doubt about what to write in the Skills field, try contacting resume writing experts to help highlight your strengths and present them to the employer of your dreams.

When compiling a resume, almost everyone experiences difficulties with the “Professional Skills” section. But this is a very important part when writing, much more important than the “Personal Qualities” block, it should be immediately clear to the HR manager that the applicant is suitable for the appropriate position.

What are such skills, how best to present them for a particular profession, and what should not be written in any case - read the article.

What are resume skills?

Professional skills are knowledge and skills acquired as a result of labor activity, and necessary for the applicant to work in the position being applied for.

Often in a resume you can see qualities that are only nominally professional. A good sense of humor won't impress a recruiter looking for a new lawyer for a firm. This skill can be considered professional, perhaps, for the host of events.

Basic writing rules

In order to effectively present your professional skills in a selling resume, use the following rules:

  • Write concisely. List 6 to 9 core skills. If you give out too much information, it will be difficult to read the resume. If too little, then there will be doubts about professionalism.
  • Skills must meet the requirements of a particular job. Your positioning should immediately make it clear to the HR manager whether he reads the resume of the performer or manager.
  • Write presentably. Information should be presented beautifully, powerfully and intelligibly. The more facts and figures, the better. Instead of " great experience Sales” - “Managed a sales department of 10 people for 5 years”.
  • Video: How to write a good resume?

Types and list of key resume writing skills

For convenience, all skills were divided into groups. Let's take a look at them before moving on to learning the full list of skills:

  1. Communicative. This includes the skills needed to negotiate with potential clients, communication with colleagues, partners, superiors. The ability to interest a person with his proposal, to convince him to conclude a contract and other diplomatic skills.
  2. Organizational skills. The ability to plan one's own and other people's time, distribute one's own and other people's forces, and manage large complex projects.
  3. Leadership skills. The ability to lead people behind you, to achieve the full implementation of your instructions. Do not overdo it with coldness and rigidity. This can scare off the HR manager.
  4. Analytic skills- one of the most important. It is necessary to generate new ideas and, at the same time, be able to think strategically.
  5. Applied Skills are presented depending on the requirements of a particular vacancy.

Now let's take a closer look at these groups and make lists of skills included in them.

Communication characteristics

List of basic communication skills and abilities that can be indicated in the resume:

  • quick resolution of conflicts and disputes;
  • holding public events (including performances at a price);
  • conducting business negotiations with partners and potential clients;
  • listen and persuade people.

It is not necessary to include all the points in the resume. Use only those that are true.

It is important to understand the difference between skills and abilities. Skill is the ability to perform an action on the basis of learned experience. A skill is called a skill brought to automatism.

Organizational skills

Organizer Ability List:

  • time management;
  • management of large responsible projects;
  • distribution and solution of a large number of tasks of different levels of complexity;
  • processing a large amount of information;
  • strategic thinking and work planning.

A special organizational skill is budgeting. Important for large organizations with large bases of partners and clients. In smaller companies, an employee with this skill will also have an advantage.

Leadership and application skills

Leadership skills are the ability to manage a team of employees, motivate them to productive activities.
Applied skills should be presented as expediently as others. Write only about those that are important for a particular position. Everything that is “out of place” must be excluded.

List of applied skills:

  • business correspondence;
  • conducting business and personnel production;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • work with legal documents;
  • “blind printing” in Russian, foreign languages.

In addition, indicate computer skills, programs and their level of proficiency. It is impossible to make promises that you will quickly deal with any unfamiliar program. The employer needs specific job skills. Show them from the best side and then you will interest him.

Skill Description Examples for a Resume

When compiling a list of skills, keep in mind that it must be consistent with the requirements of a particular job. For example, accuracy is not a mandatory quality for a department head. At the same time, for a candidate for the post of secretary, this will be a noticeable advantage. Consider the relevance of skills to your profession.
Let's proceed directly to the description of skills for different vacancies.

Skills of a Sales Consultant

A sales assistant is a popular position, but not for everyone. Hot-tempered and conflicted people do not stay on it for a long time. High results are achieved by phlegmatic and sanguine people.

Main professional skills:

  • the ability to interest the buyer;
  • work with objections;
  • conflict management;
  • knowledge of the product line and product characteristics in the segment;
  • identification of customer needs, assistance in choosing.

Professional Accounting Skills

It is useful for an accountant to have the following skills in a resume:

  • accuracy,
  • punctuality,
  • organization,
  • performance.

An example of skills worth mentioning:

  • processing of large data arrays;
  • preparation of primary documentation;
  • knowledge of the Labor Code, Civil Code, Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • tax and accounting management.

Driver Example

This is how the driver will describe his skills in the resume:

  • driving experience (10 years);
  • knowledge of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;
  • careful driving;
  • polite communication with passengers, courtesy;
  • driving license category B and C, accident-free experience - 9 years.

Professional skills of a lawyer in a resume - an example

The lawyer will indicate the following characteristics:

  • experience with programs "1C" and "Consultant plus";
  • knowledge of labor, contractual, economic law;
  • experience with the services “Card file of arbitration cases” and “My arbitrator”;
  • competent and accurate preparation of legal, procedural documentation.

Professional skills of the head (director)

In a resume for a leadership position indicate:

  • experience in managing a staff of 200 people (recruitment, dismissal, training);
  • creation from scratch successful work sales department;
  • market research (monitoring of customer requests, analysis of the company's competitiveness);
  • forecasting and implementation of the sales plan.

Example of secretarial skills

Here are the skills to include on your resume for this position:

  • Proficiency in office equipment;
  • Knowledge of Word, Excel;
  • Basic knowledge of office work;
  • Knowledge in English(advanced level).

For manager

The position for a manager vacancy has many varieties, which is why the required skills vary greatly. A sales manager needs completely different qualities than a training manager. But still there are skills common to all such positions.

An example of professional skills in a resume:

  • Computer skills;
  • conflict management;
  • Working out objections;
  • Working with large data arrays;
  • Sales experience;
  • Proficiency in office equipment;
  • Negotiation.

Professional skills of an economist

An economist must have higher education and an aptitude for analytical thinking. The summary includes the following points:

  • computer skills, MS Office programs and special software;
  • maintaining and submitting reports on time;
  • maintenance of bank accounts for individuals and legal entities;
  • planning and accounting of regular payments;
  • accounting for performance indicators of the organization;
  • conclusion and maintenance of contracts

An example for an engineer

Engineers add the following characteristics to their resume:

  • computer skills, AutoCAD and Compass programs;
  • implementation of regular quality control and volume of work performed;
  • possession normative documents, laws, acts;
  • verification of project documentation;
  • interaction with suppliers, subcontractors;
  • processing tender documents.

An example for a teacher

The work of a teacher requires full dedication from a specialist, therefore, in this case, personal qualities are as important as professional ones. When compiling a resume, indicate:

  • many years of experience in tutoring;
  • flexibility, the ability to find an approach to the student;
  • usage progressive technologies learning;
  • broad outlook;
  • initiative and enthusiasm.

Banking Skills

A bank employee most often communicates a lot with customers and partners. He needs the following skills and abilities:

  • time management skills;
  • sales experience;
  • effective communication - the ability to understand a person and quickly resolve his issue;
  • elaboration of objections, search for points of interaction;
  • motivation and persuasion of colleagues, clients, partners;
  • ability to work with large quantity new information.

For professions related to communication

The most striking example of such a profession would be a sales consultant. Suitable professional skills:

  • flexibility, the ability to find an approach to any buyer;
  • direct sales experience;
  • stress tolerance;
  • polite communication without imposing one's opinion;
  • the ability to turn off emotions and at the same time do their job;
  • ability to solve problems without the involvement of senior staff.

For technical specialists: programmers, system administrators

Employee skills technical field purely individual. For example, System Administrator responsible for the performance of all computer technology In the organisation. To do this, he needs the following abilities:

  • regular monitoring of possible risks;
  • regular diagnostics of computer equipment;
  • knowledge of technical English;
  • ability to work with large volumes of information.

For teachers leading seminars and trainings

For these professionals, the following personal qualities are important:

  • Ability to inspire and motivate;
  • Energy, initiative;
  • Flexibility and patience;
  • Ability to concentrate the attention of a group of students;
  • Organizational skills.

You can also add competent speech, clear articulation, the ability to establish contact.

Common mistakes

When compiling a resume, applicants make the same mistakes that spoil the whole impression and throw the candidate many positions back. Here they are:

  1. Too many or, conversely, too few skills. A large number of will make the recruiter think that some of the specified abilities are not true. If you specify too little, then there is an opinion that the candidate will not cope with the position.
  2. Misplaced skills. The ability to program in C ++ will look ridiculous when applying for a vacancy for a fitness trainer.
  3. Indication of personal qualities, character traits instead of professional skills. There is a separate section for such psychological characteristics.
  4. Indicating important and secondary skills separately, or indicating secondary ones in the first place. Always write key characteristics first.
  5. Abstract description of skills. Describe each professional skill specifically, for example - "Experience in the position of head of the direction - 4 years." Use strong words: “I know”, “I have experience”, “I own”, etc.
  6. Use of stamps, template phrases.

Summing up

By applying these resume writing tips and avoiding the main mistakes, you will get quality resume. It will set you apart from your competitors and increase your chances of getting a job.