Fundamentals of Marketing short course. Philip Kotler - Fundamentals of Marketing

According to the definition of the American scientist F. Kotler marketing- a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and requirements through exchange.

The basic idea behind marketing is the idea meeting human needs and requirements(physical needs and needs for food, clothing, warmth, security, social needs and needs, the need for knowledge and self-expression, etc.). The needs of people are unlimited, but the resources to satisfy them are limited. So a person will choose those goods that give him the greatest satisfaction within his capabilities.

Demand is a need backed by purchasing power. It is not difficult to enumerate the demand of a particular society at a particular point in time. However, demand is not a reliable indicator, as it changes. Changes in choice are affected by both price changes and income levels. A person chooses a product whose combination of properties provides him with the greatest satisfaction for a given price, taking into account his specific needs and resources.

Human needs, wants and demands are satisfied by goods. Under commodity in a broad sense, one can understand everything that can satisfy a need or need and is offered to the market for the purpose of attracting attention, acquisition, use or consumption.

Exchange is the act of receiving a desired object from someone with an offer of something in return.

Market in marketing is understood as a set of existing and potential consumers of goods (sales market).

A key aspect of marketing is mindset. He assumes that when marketing solutions the manager must look at everything through the eyes of the consumer. Therefore, these solutions should be those that the consumer needs and wants.

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing as follows:

Marketing is the process of planning and inventing, pricing, promoting and realizing ideas, goods and services through an exchange that satisfies the goals of individuals and organizations.

There are four components to this definition:
1) management action (foresight, goal setting and planning, meeting demand);
2) a set of controlled elements marketing activities(product (idea), price, distribution (implementation) and promotion);
3) objects with the help of which demand is satisfied and goals are achieved (goods, services, ideas, organizations, people, territories);
4) the method of meeting demand (exchange).

Thus, the previous definition can be briefly expressed as follows: "Marketing is the management of the satisfaction of demand through trade."

Marketing goals can be:
– maximum consumption;
– achieving maximum customer satisfaction;
– providing the widest possible choice;
- maximizing the quality of life.

From the point of view of enterprise management, the following marketing goals can be distinguished:
- increase in income;
- growth in sales volumes;
– increase in market share;
– creation and improvement of the image, fame of the enterprise and its products.

Marketing management is understood as the analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to establish and maintain exchanges with target customers in order to achieve certain goals of the enterprise.

The following tasks of marketing activities in the enterprise can be distinguished:
1. Research, analysis and assessment of the needs of real and potential consumers the firm's products in areas of interest to the firm.
2. Marketing support for the development of new products and services of the company.
3. Analysis, assessment and forecasting of the state and development of the markets where the enterprise operates or will operate, including the study of competitors' activities.
4. Participation in the formation of the strategy and tactics of the market behavior of the enterprise.
5. Shaping assortment policy enterprises.
6. Development pricing policy enterprises.
7. Development of a policy for the distribution of goods of the enterprise.
8. Marketing communications.
9. Service.

3. Marketing information system

A marketing information system is a set of personnel, equipment, procedures and methods designed to collect, process, analyze and distribute timely and reliable information necessary for the preparation and adoption of marketing decisions.

Conceptual model of marketing information system shown in fig. one.

Internal reporting subsystem is the basis of MIS. It reflects information about orders, sales, prices, stocks, receivables and payables, etc. The analysis of internal information allows the marketing manager to identify promising opportunities and pressing problems of the enterprise.

Rice. 1. Marketing information system

While the internal reporting subsystem contains and provides data on what has already happened, subsystem of the marketing surveillance system provides information about the situation on the market at the moment. Marketing Surveillance defined as an ongoing activity to collect ongoing information about a change external environment marketing, necessary both for the development and for the adjustment of marketing plans.

Marketing research unlike marketing observation, they involve the preparation and conduct of various surveys, analysis of the data obtained on a specific marketing task facing the enterprise.

MIS also includes subsystem for providing marketing solutions, which is an interconnected set of data systems, tools and methodologies with which an enterprise analyzes and interprets internal and external information.

Marketing classic. Handbook for all modern marketers. No one can explain the essence of things like Philip Kotler. Tutorial and entertaining reading for those who wish to earn on sales and not only.

Professor, Master of Economics and Ph.D. Philip Kotler will tell you how to trade correctly. Run your business in such a way that the profit is significant. And you will also gain experience based on the mistakes of others. The book "Fundamentals of Marketing" is replete with examples of failed businesses. Describing the mistakes of some well-known and successful companies in the past will help you avoid making them. But, even if you are not an entrepreneur, knowledge of marketing will also come in handy. After all, we live in modern world where everyone tries to use others for their own benefit. So, learn to distinguish the wheat from the chaff!

Who hasn't been to McDonald's at least once? Do you want to know the secret of this popular establishment that has spread its tentacles all over the world? To understand how the owners managed to do this, it is worth reading the Fundamentals of Marketing. It will be interesting.

Another example is the well-known company with the world name Ford. Her biggest failure has become the talk of the town. Why did it happen? The author of the work will explain everything.

It is noteworthy that a common person every day is engaged in marketing, without even knowing it. Looking for buyers to profitably sell your old car? Looking for a new one high paying job? To do this, you need to know the conditions of the market operating in this area, its requirements. At the same time, there are a lot of people who want to sell us something, and sometimes we buy completely unnecessary things. And all because the sellers know the Fundamentals of Marketing well, but we do not.

The book is clear on the point. There is no unnecessary "water". The material is easy to understand and understand. More such textbooks! According to Philip Kotler, for successful business you need to understand your audience. If you know the true needs and needs of people, then the right product will sell itself. For example, what a hungry person needs is food. That's the first thing he'll buy. The same goes for thirst. And then there is the desire for love, vanity, beauty and other things.

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In today's complex world, we all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we're marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates on it, how it functions, what its needs are.

We need to understand marketing and our role as consumers and our role as citizens. Someone is constantly trying to sell us something, and we must be able to recognize the marketing methods used. Knowing marketing allows us to be smarter as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste, frozen pizza, personal computer or a new car.

Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for market professionals such as salespeople, retailers, advertisers, marketing researchers, new and branded product managers, etc. They need to know how to describe the market and break it down into segments; how to assess the needs, requests and preferences of consumers within the target market; how to design and test a product with the consumer properties necessary for this market; how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe value of the product through the price; how to choose skilled intermediaries so that the product is accessible and well presented; how to advertise a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it. A professional marketer must, no doubt, have an extensive set of knowledge and skills.

Those who wish to study marketing can find many books on the subject. But even the thickest textbooks barely skim the surface of this science, because there is a huge amount of information to know about each marketing tool. First-time students of marketing need the most general idea about its basics, so as not to drown in a sea of ​​specific details. It is from the standpoint of this approach that the proposed book “Fundamentals of Marketing. Short Course.

At the same time, the book “Fundamentals of Marketing. A Short Course" should not be viewed as just a general digression. The topic is too exciting to be limited to it. schematic representation. The book provides case studies that illustrate the drama of modern marketing: the failure of the CBS cable television system; the never-ending confrontation between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola; rise in the beer market of the company "Miller" from seventh to second place; the impact of Avon female salespeople on home shopping; a long-term campaign by Columbia Records to promote the Man at Work Orchestra; a price war in the consumer computer market, etc. Each chapter begins with a description of some significant marketing event. Real-life examples throughout each chapter fill the bare bones of marketing with the pulse of life.

When writing the book, I was guided by several principles. It should be interesting to read. It should cover all the main points that both the market leader and the ordinary citizen need to know. The narrative should develop logically from chapter to chapter. The presentation should be based on scientific research data, and not on rumors and conjectures, and be focused on management problems. My goal is to prepare the reader to make better marketing decisions.

Philip Kotler

Means to facilitate the assimilation of the material

The book uses many special techniques designed to make it easier for students to learn marketing. Here are the main ones.

Statement of goals. To prepare for the perception of the material, each chapter is preceded by a statement of its goals.

Initial screensaver. Each chapter starts with short story from the practice of marketing leading to the main material.

Numerical data, tables. The main provisions and principles discussed in the book are illustrated.

Inserts. Additional examples and other interesting information are provided throughout the book.

Summary. Each chapter ends with a brief recapitulation of the main provisions and principles set forth in it.

Issues for discussion. Each chapter is provided with a selection of questions covering the entire volume of the material presented in it.

Basic concepts. Definitions of new concepts are given at the end of each chapter.

Applications. Two appendices, "Marketing Arithmetic" and "Marketing Careers," provide additional material of practical interest.

Chapter 1 The Social Basis of Marketing: Satisfying Human Needs


After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Define marketing and describe its role in the economy.

2. Compare five approaches to marketing management.

3. Tell what buyers, sellers and ordinary citizens expect from the marketing system.

4. Explain how marketing is used by the organization.

Everyday impact of marketing on consumers

Marketing affects the interests of each of us in any day of our lives. We wake up as the Sears clock radio comes on to a song by Barbra Streisand followed by a United Airlines commercial for a vacation in Hawaii. In the bathroom, we brush our teeth with Colgate toothpaste, shave with a Gillette razor, freshen our mouth with Listerine antiseptic, spray our hair with Revlon hairspray, and use a host of other toiletries and devices made around the world. We wear Calvin Klein jeans and Bass boots. In the kitchen, we drink a glass of Minute Maid orange juice, scoop Kellogg crispy rice into a bowl, and top it with Borden milk. After a while, we have a cup of Maxwell House coffee with two teaspoons of Domino sugar, while chewing on a Sarah Lee muffin. We buy oranges grown in California, coffee imported from Brazil, a newspaper made from Canadian wood, and the news reaches us on the radio as far away as Australia. As we go through the mail, we find another Metropolitan Museum of Art catalogue, a letter from a Prudential Insurance sales representative offering various services, and coupons to save money on our favorite branded items. We leave the house and go to shopping center Northbrook Court, with Neiman Marcus, Lord & Taylor, Sears, and hundreds of shops stocked floor to ceiling with merchandise. Then we work out at the Nautilus fitness center, get a haircut at the Vidal Sassoon salon, and with the help of the Thomas Cook travel agency, we plan a trip to the Caribbean.

All this became possible thanks to the marketing system, and with minimal effort on our part. It provided us with a standard of living that our predecessors could only dream of.

What is marketing

What is behind the concept of "marketing"? Most mistakenly equate marketing with sales and advertising.

And no wonder! After all, Americans are constantly pestered by television commercials, newspaper ads, direct mail, visits from salesmen. Someone is always trying to sell something. It seems that we have nowhere to escape from death, taxes and commerce.

Therefore, many are surprised to learn that the most important element of marketing is not sales at all. Sales is just the tip of the marketing iceberg, one of its many functions, and often not the most significant one. If the marketer has done a good job with such sections of marketing as identifying consumer needs, developing suitable products and setting an appropriate price for them, establishing a distribution system and effective incentives, such products will certainly go easy.


In today's complex world, we all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we're marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates on it, how it functions, what its needs are.

We need to understand marketing and our role as consumers and our role as citizens. Someone is constantly trying to sell us something, and we must be able to recognize the marketing methods used. Knowing marketing allows us to be smarter as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste, a frozen pizza, a personal computer, or a new car.

Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for market professionals such as salespeople, retailers, advertisers, marketing researchers, new and branded product managers, and the like. They need to know how to describe the market and break it down into segments; how to assess the needs, requests and preferences of consumers within the target market; how to design and test a product with the consumer properties necessary for this market; how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe value of the product through the price; how to choose skilled intermediaries so that the product is accessible and well presented; how to advertise a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it. A professional marketer must, no doubt, have an extensive set of knowledge and skills.

Those who wish to study marketing can find many books on the subject. But even the thickest textbooks barely skim the surface of this science, because there is a huge amount of information to know about each marketing tool. Newcomers to the study of marketing need a very general understanding of its basics, so as not to drown in a sea of ​​specific details. It is from the standpoint of this approach that the proposed book "Fundamentals of Marketing. A Short Course" was written.

However, the book "Fundamentals of Marketing. A Short Course" should not be viewed as just a general digression. The topic is too exciting to be limited to its schematic representation. The book provides case studies that illustrate the drama of modern marketing: the failure of the CBS cable television system; the never-ending confrontation between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola; rise in the beer market of the company "Miller" from seventh to second place; the impact of Avon female salespeople on home shopping; a long-term campaign by Columbia Records to promote the Man at Work Orchestra; price war in the home computer market, etc. Each chapter begins with a description of some significant event in the field of marketing. Real-life examples throughout each chapter fill the bare bones of marketing with the pulse of life.

When writing the book, I was guided by several principles. It should be interesting to read. It should cover all the main points that both the market leader and the ordinary citizen need to know. The narrative should develop logically from chapter to chapter. The presentation should be based on scientific research data, and not on rumors and conjectures, and be focused on management problems. My goal is to prepare the reader to make better marketing decisions.

Philip Kotpler

Means to facilitate the assimilation of the material

The book uses many special techniques designed to make it easier for students to learn marketing. Here are the main ones.

Statement of goals. To prepare for the perception of the material, each chapter is preceded by a statement of its goals.

Initial screensaver. Each chapter begins with a short story from the practice of marketing, leading to the main material.

Numerical data, tables. The main provisions and principles discussed in the book are illustrated.

Inserts. Additional examples and other interesting information are provided throughout the book.

Summary. Each chapter ends with a brief recapitulation of the main provisions and principles set forth in it.

Issues for discussion. Each chapter is provided with a selection of questions covering the entire volume of the material presented in it.

Basic concepts. Definitions of new concepts are given at the end of each chapter.

Applications. Two appendices, Marketing Arithmetic and Marketing Careers, provide additional material of practical interest.

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Today it is impossible to find a single company that would not use in its activities. Everything from individual entrepreneur and ending with international corporations, promote their products or services in one way or another, build relationships with their customers and create their image in the market of entrepreneurs.

The basics of marketing imply the existence of a goal, mission and strategy for the company. They are not always expressed in the form of written and official documents, but each owner always keeps in mind the way he wants to achieve. To better understand the functions of marketing, it is necessary to turn to the origins and find out what led to its formation.

Components of Marketing

If you look closely, the basics of management and marketing are very similar. This happened because of the commonality of the sciences that formed the foundation of their formation. Sociology, psychology and economics form the basis of marketing. Each of these areas has made a huge contribution to the formation of relations between the product, brand, company and consumer.

Social part of marketing

Social relations and well-being, which are studied by sociology, help marketers understand what kind of product society is already ready for, and whose release should be delayed. For this reason, there is a constant study of the life of society, its political, economic, religious and moral components. There is also a goal which is to create a positive image in the eyes and consumers. At the same time, its basis is the principle of attracting customers due to the popularity of the company and the trusting attitude towards it on the part of authoritative bodies and people.

Psychological component

The study of the behavioral factor formed the basis of Internet marketing. This is how the user’s behavior is analyzed with particular care during their stay on the pages of the site, as well as how much the information displayed there will correspond to it. ethical standards and presentations. Most advertising campaigns are carried out taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular

Economic part of marketing

Marketing, like any science, is subject to analysis. Any event carried out within its framework should give a positive financial results. It is its digital value that forms the basis of marketing in economic terms. To determine the effectiveness advertising campaign economic formulas and postulates are applied.

Thus, the foundations of marketing lie in public relations, emotional traits and economic benefits. To conduct effective advertising and image campaigns, it is necessary for each owner of the company, guided by these principles, to take the company to a new level, increase profits and win a good name for itself. The rule is simple: the profit received directly depends on the satisfaction of the end user.