What is the yield of prometheus sunflower from 1 ha. Sunflower harvesting in optimal terms with the least crop losses

Like all agricultural producers, we annually test various sunflower hybrids in our fields.

Over the past decade, the main land areas in our farm have been occupied by a sunflower hybrid registered by Syngenta under the Sanai trademark. In our economy there is active search hybrid sunflower seeds from other manufacturers. We are trying to find worthy competitors in our climatic and technological conditions, hybrid "Sanai". In the last five years, we have been actively using Limagrain hybrids. IN production experiments, only once the yield of the hybrid "LG5543" exceeded the yield of the hybrid "Sanay" by 2 centers.

The active expansion of the sunflower area under hybrids from the company "Evralis", in our farm, is directly related to the marketing moves of the representative of the company "Bayer" - Litvinov V. V. In our agro-climatic zone, this is the only company that demonstrates sunflower harvesting with weighing harvest. Other companies are limited to showing vegetative sunflower plants and their brief characteristics.

For several years now, sunflower demonstration plots, in cooperation with the companies BAYER, Limagrain, Syngenta, have been laid in the fieldsLLC "Tavria-Semena" The fruits of this cooperation are shown in the table:

No. p / phybrid, varietyArea, haShaft, kgProductivity, centner/ha
1 EU Monalisa0,4 1260 31,5
2 EU Bella0,4 1440 36
3 EU Shroud0,4 1380 34,5
4 EU Artik0,4 1000 25
5 EU Novamis0,4 1240 31
6 EU Genesis0,4 1120 28
7 Aitana1,99 5100 25,62814
8 Alison1,86 5980 32,15054
9 Alzan1,84 5400 29,34783
10 Karamba1,77 5200 29,37853
11 Revenge1,74 4360 25,05747
12 Sprint1,68 4780 28,45238
13 Terra1,64 4620 28,17073
14 LG 53770,55 1920 34,90909
15 LG 54850,54 1740 32,22222
16 LG 55800,52 1720 33,07692
17 Mas 82.A0,52 1720 33,07692
18 Mas 83.R0,52 1760 33,84615
19 Mas 85.SU0,53 1760 33,20755
20 Mas 95.CP0,53 1860 35,09434
21 P63LL060,51 1860 36,47059
22 P62LL1090,51 1800 35,29412
23 P64LE250,5 1720 34,4
24 P64LE990,49 1660 33,87755
25 P64HE1180,48 1500 31,25
26 P64LC1080,48 1860 38,75
27 LG 54520,47 1480 31,48936
28 LG 55420,47 1860 39,57447
29 LG 55550,46 1980 43,04348
30 Mas 80.IR0,46 1500 32,6087
31 Mas 87.IR0,46 1440 31,30435
32 Armada0,45 1540 34,22222
33 Rimisol0,44 1120 25,45455
34 Neoma0,44 1640 37,27273
35 Sanai F20,43 1100 25,5814
36 Reina0,41 1160 28,29268
37 Siren0,41 1420 34,63415
38 SPK4 11190 27,975
39 Buzuluk1,95 4800 24,61538
40 Duet2,98 6360 21,34228

As can be seen from the table, in the demo plot, sunflower hybrids showed excellent yield results, which is especially surprising in the dry year of 2017. The leader of Limagrain was the LG5555 hybrid with a yield of 43.04 centners. The Syngenta company was in the lead with the Neoma hybrid - yield = 37.27 centners per hectare. The company "Bayer" - showed good results Evralisovsky sunflower hybrid "Bella". His result is 36.0 q/ha.

A good friend of mine explains the high yields of hybrids on demonstration plots against the background of rather mediocre yields on production fields by the fact that “charged seeds” are given for experiments. Maybe he is really right that his seeds are charged with “sunflower anabolic”, or maybe this is the result of the well-coordinated work of the entire team of Tavria-Semena LLC.

In our farm, on experimental plots of hybrid sunflower, the results are much more modest. Conducting experiments, the specialists of our farm determine two types of yield. The first harvesting is carried out manually on an area of ​​10 square meters, in a plot with optimal plant density and maximum sunflower development. This is how we determine the potential yield of a hybrid, while creating the most favorable growing conditions. The second yield is determined after harvesting the production plot with a combine and is actual.

In the conditions of the winter of 2016-2017, in a meter layer of soil, at the time of sunflower sowing on the lands of our farm, two times less moisture accumulated than in previous years. This value was approximately 60 mm. In our opinion, this indicator served as the main limiting factor in sunflower yields.

On the experimental site near the village. Leninsky, the following results were obtained:

HybridDensity, pcs/10 sq.mArea, haWeight, kgProductivity (combine), c/haWeight, grams from 10 sq.m.Productivity (manual 10 sq.m.), q/ha
LG554244 0,5 650 13,0 3150 31
LG554348 0,5 570 11,4 1930 19,3
NSH600940 0,5 450 9,0 1940 19,0
Tristan46 0,5 340 6,8 2220 22,0
Fortim38 0,5 630 12,6 2505 25,0
sanai54 0,5 840 16,8 2660 26,0

As can be seen from the tabular data, the yield leaders in terms of potential yield and actual yield are 2 hybrids. This is a hybrid "Sanai" and a hybrid "LG5542"

Agricultural activity rarely attracts businessmen. Growing sunflowers is not difficult, especially if you start doing such an activity in a region suitable for climate. High business profitability attracts businessmen. Good organized business can bring 200 or 300 percent profit. High rates can be achieved in areas favorable for growing a flower.

Sunflower business products

The product of sunflower cultivation is its seeds. Many other products necessary for a person are made from them:

  • You can eat peeled sunflower seeds;
  • Production of sunflower oil - an indispensable product found in every kitchen;
  • Production of margarine - an analogue of butter;
  • Production of useful sweets: halva, gozinaki and sweets;
  • The seeds are used by the confectionery industry for the production and decoration of products.

Until recently, nothing was known about such a product as sunflower; it came to us from North America only under Peter the Great.

Sunflower varieties - which one to choose for business?

To effectively grow sunflower for sale, the farmer will have to choose the most suitable variety for his region:

  • Spring. The most commonly sown sunflower variety in Russia. Plants of this variety have the shortest vegetative period, lasting only 83 days. This variety is well suited for the production of oil, this is facilitated by a high (55) percentage of its content. Up to 30 centners of crops can be harvested from one hectare even under adverse weather conditions.
  • Gourmand. This variety was bred relatively recently, but has already managed to gain popularity. This was facilitated by high yields. At least 35 centners are collected from one hectare. The seeds of this variety are distinguished by a large regular shape, thanks to which they won the love of confectioners who use them to decorate their products. Plants cope well with possible diseases.
  • Yenisei. The plant is disease resistant and matures quickly. Only 90 days pass from planting to harvest. The variety gives large seeds, gives up to 4 kernels when crushed. But the plants of this variety have low indicators: the percentage of oil content is only 46, and it is not always possible to harvest more than 24 centners of the crop from one hectare.

The main genetic disadvantage of each of the sunflower species is its heterogeneity. Seeds ripen for about 2 months, during the harvest period some plants are already fully ripe, while other x brothers are just beginning to bloom. It can be very expensive to clean the fields several times a season, so unripe seeds have to be dried additionally.

Another feature of the plant is its phenotypic heterogeneity. The germination of plants, their flowering and maturation are heterogeneous, all flowers will have different heights, sizes of baskets, their slopes. For this reason, cleaning will be very complicated.

You can deal with these problems using hybrids. Such varieties have a number of advantages:

  • Less soil depletion;
  • Rapid maturation;
  • Practically not susceptible to disease;
  • All seeds will be the same size;
  • Simultaneous maturation of all plant specimens.

Hybrid seeds are much more expensive than simple varieties, so farmers very often prefer them, but when harvesting "thrifty" farmers, unexpected costs will await:

  • Due to the heterogeneity of the harvest, equipment wears out much faster and will soon require costly repairs or replacements;
  • When harvesting, a third of the crop is lost;
  • It is not always possible to effectively dry the seeds.

Choosing a site for growing sunflower

The main feature of sunflower cultivation is the need to constantly change the places where the flower grows. This is due to the unique feature of the plant - it "sucks" all the useful substances from the soil, completely depleting it and turning the once fertile soil into lifeless land in just a season.

To combat this disease of the soil, experts recommend constantly changing the places where the flower grows and letting the earth rest for at least a couple of seasons.

Sowing and growing sunflowers

Sowing work begins with the purchase of seeds. On a plot of one hectare, about 5 kilograms of quality seeds will be required. One kilogram costs about 200 rubles, so the purchase of seed for the site will cost 1000 rubles.

After purchasing the required number of seeds, prepare the soil on the site:

  • In autumn, the land is plowed with a tractor. Equipment does not have to be owned, rent of agricultural machines is now common.
  • In the spring, after the snow melts and the soil warms up, the site must be harrowed and cultivated.
  • After the climate stabilizes above 10 degrees Celsius and warm weather is established, seeds are planted. To create ideal growing conditions, sunflower seeds are placed in the soil by 8 - 10 cm. In this case, seedlings will appear as quickly as possible.
  • Uniform maturation of seeds is ensured by the simultaneous planting of all seeds on the same day.

It is important to monitor the absence of weeds near fields with sunflowers. To combat excess plants, the space between the rows of sunflowers must be periodically weeded to remove excess sprouts.

Sunflower harvest

Harvesting begins when most of the plants turn brown. The collection begins when only 10% yellow remains on the field. The rest of it should be dry.

All harvesting work must be done in less than a week. In this case, the losses will be minimal. They will make up about 5% of the total harvest. To reduce losses, it is necessary to take care of timely harvesting. The best time to collect is a sunny dry day with humidity up to 20%.

Agricultural machinery is used for harvesting. Behind the combine should not be more than 3% of the crop.

To increase harvesting efficiency and prevent crop losses, it is recommended to stop the machines every three hours for inspection. They must do their job effectively:

  • Separation;
  • Threshing;
  • grain cleaning;
  • Harvest accumulation.

Sales of products

To sell products, the farmer must conclude agreements with confectioners, points of sale and butter factories. It is recommended to do this without waiting for the maturation of the plants. To protect against unexpected crop losses and non-fulfillment of contracts, they can be concluded for a crop volume less than expected. Unsold products can be kept for personal use or retail sale.

Storage of unsold products

Seeds immediately after collection do not tolerate storage, undergo changes and rot. High humidity and contamination negatively affect the shelf life of this product.

  • The temperature of the seed rises to 25 degrees Celsius. At the same time, flowability, smell, taste, gloss, color and germination do not change.
  • The temperature is already rising to 40 degrees. Microorganisms develop rapidly on seeds. The smell becomes musty, the taste becomes bitter, the shine is lost, and the seeds themselves are covered with mold fungi. Even the color of the nuclei changes. At this stage, the seeds are no longer suitable for further use. The mound of seeds is strongly compacted, the oil is characterized by an increase in acidity. At the same time, the germination of seeds decreases markedly.
  • In the third stage, the temperature reaches 55 degrees. At this point, already thermophilic bacteria are actively developing. Unpleasant tastes and odors are aggravated, the seed coat begins to darken, and the shine disappears. The acidity of the oil becomes critical, the seeds are no longer suitable for human consumption by 85%. Their germination is completely reduced to zero.
  • In the fourth stage, the seeds continue to increase their temperature. This stage is characterized by one hundred percent defectiveness of seeds.

Long-term storage will be effective only if seeds with a low contamination of up to 2% are selected for it. They should be dried to 5 - 7% moisture. For efficient storage, they are cooled to low, but positive temperatures.

Subject to these rules, sunflower seeds can be stored for up to 6 months.

Profitability of business on sunflowers

The profitability of a business depends on the combination of income and expenses. To process one hectare, you will need the following equipment:

  • Pre-sowing treatment will cost 3000 rubles.
  • Pest control - another 1200.
  • Cleaning costs 2000.
  • Fuel costs will be approximately 1000 rubles.

The income will be 40,000 rubles per ton. About 2.5 tons of crops can be harvested from one hectare, taking into account losses. It turns out an income of 100,000 - 7200 \u003d 92,800 rubles per hectare.

Video about sunflower cultivation:

Sunflower seeds are used for the production of vegetable oil, in the confectionery industry (halva, gozinaki, as a filler for sweets, in the preparation of cakes). From 1 hectare of sunflower crops, you can get 3 centners of vegetable oil. The processing of sunflower seeds, in addition to oil, produces other products that are well used for animal feed as feed additives, these are meal (extraction method - 35%) and cake (press method - 33%). To date, of the total number of feed additives, they make up at least 85% produced in Russia.

Plan is one of the most profitable ways to make money. The profitability of many agricultural organizations reaches 200%, and for some - above 300% (in the Oryol and Krasnodar regions).

Sunflower is a spring crop. The growing cycle begins in spring and ends in autumn, lasting only 90-120 days.

Sunflower is best grown in sunny areas, it does not like clay, heavy soil, it grows well in the area where winter rye was grown before it. The site should be prepared in the fall - dug up to a depth of 20 cm and filled with rotted manure - 1-2 buckets per 1 sq. m. Sunflower should be sown when the ground at a seeding depth (7-10 cm) warms up to 10 ° C. Sunflower care is simple: weeding, loosening and watering. In dry years, sunflowers need three waterings: three weeks before flowering, when plants grow very quickly; at the very beginning of flowering; 10 days after mass flowering. You can start harvesting sunflowers, as a rule, 35-40 days after flowering, cutting off the heads with a sickle or knife. Seeds with moisture up to 12% can be left for sowing next year.

The most early-ripening variety is ESAUL (undersized, yield - up to 25 kg of seeds per hundred square meters), ripening already 70 days after germination. Usually used for the production of oil varieties with a later maturation period - up to 100 days.
Intensive cultivation technology will help to obtain a sunflower yield of up to 20 or more centners per 1 ha with an oil content of seeds up to 50%.

For sowing on an area of ​​up to 3 hectares, up to 25 kg of seeds will be required. Sowing seeds on such an area can be carried out by two people in 2-3 days. If it is possible to allocate a large area for sunflower cultivation - 100-200 hectares - special agricultural equipment (tractor, seeder) and about 1.5 tons of seeds will be needed.

According to manufacturers, taking into account all the costs of fertilizers, equipment, purchase of seeds, payment for harvesting and seed processing (up to 2,500 rubles per 1 ha), with a yield of up to 20 centners per 1 ha, you can get a net profit of up to 10 thousand rubles, profitability at this reaches about 270%. Thus, growing sunflower even on an area of ​​up to 100 hectares, you can make a profit of up to 900 thousand rubles.

With 1 kg of roasted seeds, selling them in cups, you will receive up to 70-80 rubles of profit. Your income will directly depend on the area that you can allocate for sunflower cultivation.

Recommendations. To begin with, you can start growing sunflower in a small area, gradually expanding the plantations. This is a less expensive, but more time-consuming method. In this case, it is better to grow early-ripening varieties with a yield of up to 25 kg of seeds per hundred square meters, and organize the sale of roasted seeds.

With large areas, it is not necessary to immediately purchase the necessary equipment, you can always agree to rent it from large farms. In addition, when cultivating sunflower in large volumes, it makes sense to simultaneously produce vegetable oil and process cake for livestock feed. All equipment can be purchased gradually with the arrival Money(See idea "Vegetable oil production").

Hand over grown sunflower to processing enterprises (vegetable oil producers), sell through outlets markets, shops.

Initial costs: 18 thousand rubles (for 10 hectares).
Income: 100-150 thousand rubles (when sold fried).

The sunflower is one of the most recognizable plants, not only because of its beautiful and bright appearance but also as a source of vegetable oil.

The potential of this crop has not yet been fully disclosed, which makes it possible to develop more and more new varieties that are superior to the older ones in terms of performance.

It is about new hybrids and long-bred varieties that will be discussed.

Variety "Jason"

This sunflower is a hybrid. Released in Serbia. The plant is typically tall for this species, growing up to 160-185 cm in height.

The growing season takes approximately 107-110 days, which makes it possible to classify this variety as early ripe. Jason's basket is medium in size, up to 18-24 cm in diameter, slightly flattened.

Seeds are gray-striped, oils in them are approximately 49.7-50.4%. 1000 seeds weigh about 93 g. Flowering and ripening period in plants of the hybrid variety "Jason" pass evenly.

Direction set as oilseed. The partiality and huskiness of seeds is 99.7% and 21-22%, respectively.

The maximum yield per 1 hectare is approximately 4-4.2 tons of sunflowers. Plants of this variety grow well in conditions of too dense planting, do not crumble, are well resistant to lodging, but can suffer greatly from severe drought and heat.

As for diseases, no dew will harm these sunflowers, but rot of various types can slightly spoil the crop.

Variety "Lux"

This sunflower variety is the result of a careful selection of plants of the Donskoy large-fruited variety. Thanks to such a good "parent", sunflowers of the "Lux" variety not affected by various diseases that affect the so-called confectionery sunflowers.

This variety is highly productive, but its ripeness group is medium. Vegetation is delayed, on average, for 100-105 days, which makes it possible to rank "Lux" among the early varieties.

The yield is very high, on average, 3.2-3.4 tons of sunflowers can be obtained per hectare of the field. This variety is good because it has very large seeds, the weight of 1000 pieces reaches 135-145 g. The kernels are large, they do not adhere too tightly to the walls of the achene.

In height, plants can gain 175-185 cm, and the basket grows up to 25-27 cm in diameter, has a slightly convex shape, and is also lowered down. The oil content is 44.4% and the huskiness is 20%.

Sunflowers of the "Lux" variety are not affected at all different types broomrape, rot, verticillosis and phomopsis, but may be slightly affected by downy mildew. Also this sunflower is an excellent honey plant. It is characterized by a fairly high resistance to drought, grows well in any soil and climate. For Lux, thickening is detrimental.

Variety "Nutlet"

It was bred as a result of selection of varieties of the confectionery direction "Lakomka" and "SPK". Refers to the early maturing. Suitable for growing in any conditions that are technically suitable for the cultivation of this crop.

Sunflowers of the Oreshek variety are low, on average 160-170 cm, grow in 103-104 days. Seeds are black, covered with longitudinal stripes of dark gray.

The achene is oval-oblong in shape, large in size - 1000 seeds weigh 145-150 grams in the event that the norms of cultivation density were observed.

Plants bloom and ripen together, seeds are tied even in the worst climatic conditions. The percentage of oil in the kernels is 46-50%.

The yield is very high, per hectare accounts for 3.2-3.5 tons of crop. They have genetically innate immunity to broomrape and sunflower moth, almost unaffected by downy mildew and Phomopsis.

Variety "Lakomka"

The “parents” of this variety are biotypes of the “SPK” ​​variety, which underwent a thorough single selection.

"Lakomka" is a large-fruited mid-season variety that matures fairly quickly- in 105-110 days. Flowering and ripening are aligned. The bushes are very high, up to 1.9 m, the basket is lowered, convex in the area where the seeds are attached, of medium diameter.

Yield is good, 31-35 centners per 1 hectare. The purpose of the variety is universal, since thanks to good taste these seeds are suitable for the confectionery industry, and due to their high oil content (50%), their seeds can be used as a by-product.

The yield of oil will be approximately 1.4 tons per hectare. The seeds themselves are large, elongated, 1000 pieces in weight will reach 130 g. The honey plant from Lakomka is excellent.

Also, these plants do not need pesticides during cultivation, as they can grow to impressive sizes in poor conditions. Does not fade in the heat, does not crumble and does not lie down. It is immune to moths, broomrape, powdery mildew.

Variety "Forward"

Hybrid. As a result of selection, it acquired resistance to sclerotinia, races of sunflower broomrape and phomopsis. hardly suffers from various kinds rot and downy mildew.

Belongs to mid-early varieties. Vegetation takes 104-108 days. At the initial stages, it develops very quickly, does not suffer from a lack of moisture and high temperatures, the stems do not lie down, and the plants themselves ripen very amicably, and the height of the stems throughout the field is almost the same, which makes it easy to harvest.

Plants reach a height of 182-187 cm. The diameter of the basket is 15-20 cm, it is slightly convex in shape, lowered down. The direction of this sunflower hybrid is oilseed, since the percentage of vegetable fat in the kernels reaches 49.3-49.7%.

The husk and shell content of seeds is 21-22% and 99.7%, respectively. The achene itself is striped, dark, the stripes are also dark, of medium size. The weight of 1000 seeds fluctuates around 90 g, 97% of crops germinate. From a hectare you can harvest 43-44 centners of the crop.

Variety "Oliver"

A hybrid of Serbian production with a very short maturation period (90-95 days). The plants themselves are low, 135-145 cm in height, do not branch, with a powerful root system that penetrates to a depth of 1.5-2 m. Baskets are medium in size, thin, due to which they lose water very actively, flat shape, even in the area of ​​seed attachment.

The seeds are medium, wide ovoid, dark, the weight of 1000 pieces is 60-70 grams. The shell layer of seeds is well developed, huskiness is 22-24%.

Oil in the seeds is at least 47-49%, which determines the direction of sunflowers of this variety - oil. The oil yield is 1128 kg per 1 ha. The yield is 23.5 centners per 1 ha, but with good care and proper planting, the figure can reach 45 centners.

As for diseases, neither downy mildew, nor rust, nor sunflower moth will harm the plants of this variety. Also these sunflowers have enough high resistance to drought and heat.

Variety "Rimisol"

Hybrid oilseed sunflower. The growing season is delayed by 106-110 days. Sunflowers of the Rimisol variety are characterized by high nectar productivity, as well as the absence of a reaction to a lack of moisture. With proper care of plants from 1 hectare of area, you can get more than 40 centners of the crop, which is a fairly good indicator.

Plants reach a height of 140-160 cm, with a fairly thick stem, big amount leaves, a well-developed root system, which will “get” moisture even from a depth of 1.5-2 m.

The basket at "Rimisol" is 19-22 cm in diameter, tilted down, convex, rather thin. Seeds are black, elongated, the weight of 1000 pieces is, on average, 75 g.

In the initial stages of development, plants grow very quickly. Oil in the kernels contains approximately 46-48%, husk values ​​are kept at the level of 21-23%. Resistance to lodging and shedding is quite high.

Also a plant immune to rust and moths, almost does not suffer from Phomopsis, but requires treatment against all races of broomrape.

Variety "Atilla"

Belongs to super early varieties, matures in 95-100 days. The first shoots can be seen already after 58-60 days after planting.

It has a particularly strong resistance to diseases of various kinds, perfectly takes root in a variety of soils.

My name is Rogozin Ivan. I have lived all my life in the city of Krasnodar. Despite my city life, I just adore Agriculture, therefore, he connected his life with the cultivation of sunflower.

The fields of the Krasnodar Territory turned out to be very prolific. Within a few years, the business began to bear good fruit in the form of profit. Gradually, I increased the area under sowing and today I have about 30 hectares of land at my disposal.

The total yield is about 600 centners.
Net profit - from 300 thousand rubles.
The overall profitability is from 270%.
There is also an additional income - the sale of roasted sunflower seeds at a price of 70-90 rubles per kilogram. Income from this direction - from 100 thousand rubles.
Initial costs - from 60 thousand rubles.
Staff - 4 people.

As an introduction

Today, sunflower cultivation is one of the most profitable types of business. This explains the popularity of growing this crop not only in our country, but also in the world.

Even Peter I became a legislator of “fashions” for sunflower, from which butter, soap, margarine and halva were made. A separate conversation is seeds, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life.

What are the business benefits?

The advantage of sunflower is its unpretentiousness. It thrives in dry climates and under the scorching sun. Sunflower cultivation is very popular in Ukraine, Turkey, Russia and even Argentina.

If we take in Russia, then the ideal conditions for business in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. The area of ​​land occupied by sunflower is constantly increasing.

It is believed that in a few years about 8 million hectares of land will be occupied by this agricultural crop.

Sunflower is a plant that is resistant to drought and cold. As a result, it is perfectly adapted to our climate. The duration of cultivation is only 80-120 days (it all depends on the type of variety and the chosen technology).

Is business difficult?

The sunflower growing business is very profitable, and the sunflower growing technology is simple and accessible even to a beginner. That is why many farmers prefer to earn on the fruits of this crop. From one hectare of land, you can harvest up to 18-30 centners of the crop.

What should the land be like?

You must clearly understand the features of growing sunflower, as well as the importance of quality soil. In particular, the land must contain all the necessary mineral and organic fertilizers.

You can sow sunflower in the same place no earlier than after 7-8 years. Otherwise, even black soil is quickly depleted and becomes unsuitable for planting agricultural products. Therefore, sunflower plots should alternate.

It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting in the fall. The harrowing process is carried out from the beginning of spring, and after that, pre-sowing cultivation begins.

To protect plants from negative impact harrowing, it is worth trimming the surface of the field before planting sunflower. Sowing can be started when the air temperature reaches 11-13 degrees Celsius.

Sunflower cultivation in Russia will be effective at a planting depth of about 8-10 centimeters. For cultivation, it is better to select clay-type soil, and the site itself should be open to the sun.

Sunflower grows best in areas where winter rye was grown before.

How to care?

Sunflower does not require any special care. All he needs is timely weeding, loosening and water.

If the period is too dry, then it is necessary to water the sunflower at least three times - 20-22 days before flowering, the second time - at the beginning of flowering, and the third time - 10-12 days after the completion of the flowering process.

What sunflower to plant?

The highest quality are hybrid sunflowers. Their advantage is the same size and equal ripening time. In this case, the growing season lasts about 100-110 days.

The nominal amount of seeds to be sown per hectare is about 60,000.

But check the seeds to make sure they are of high quality.

It is easy to determine this - one thousand seeds should have a mass of about 50-60 grams.

In your country house, you can plant a bear cub sunflower for decoration, the cultivation of which does not cause difficulties even for amateur gardeners.

By the way, today decorative sunflower is very fashionable and its cultivation, by the way, is gaining momentum among start-up entrepreneurs.

Another good variety ESAUL. It is characterized by good yield and short stature. At the same time, ripening can be expected within 65-70 days after sowing.

You can use later varieties. It takes about 8 kilograms of seeds and 8-10 hours of time to sow a hectare. The cost of a kilogram of seeds is 80-120 rubles.

How to sow?

Pay special attention to the density of sowing. Here everything will depend on the variety of sunflower and the climate of the region where it is grown. It is believed that in the semi-arid steppes it is best to sow about 40-45 thousand plants per hectare, and in the steppe region their number can be increased to 60 thousand.

So, if you decide to plant sunflower, be sure to study the growing areas in Russia. Sowing is not desirable to stretch over time - it is better to do the work within 1-2 days.

Remember that sunflowers are grown from seeds, so the recommended planting depth must be strictly observed (about 20 cm).

What is needed from personnel and equipment?

To perform all the work, it is necessary to involve several people (at least 2-3). In addition, just before harvesting, one or two watchmen may be needed.

The salary of a sower and a picker is from 20,000 rubles, and a watchman - from 15,000 rubles.

From the equipment you will need a seeder, a tractor and a truck in which fertilizers and seeds can be transported. You do not need to buy equipment - you can rent it. On average, one hour will cost from 2,000 rubles per hour.

What about fertilizers?

For a full "feed" sunflower should receive about 5 kg of nitrogen per centner. It is worth making an accurate calculation of the required amount of fertilizer. In case of exceeding or lowering the norm, you can completely be left without a crop.

During the period of sunflower growth, it is desirable to pay attention to weed harvesting. If there is a need to use herbicides, then it is enough to make a one-time treatment (but only when the plant height reaches 40 cm).

This will provide the best dropout rate and minimal damage when harvesting.

It should be borne in mind that sunflower can hurt. The most common disease is verticillosis. The probability of its infection is about 40-50%. To avoid damage, seeds must be treated with fungicides.

To increase the yield of sunflower, it is desirable to grow it on irrigation. It will not be superfluous to provide for watering (in this case, additional treatment with herbicides will be required).

The cost of purchasing various formulations and processing - from 2,000 rubles.

Sunflower production

When to harvest?

In order not to be mistaken with the deadlines, you should have at hand routing sunflower cultivation. As a rule, it is necessary to harvest when 10-13% of plants with yellow heads remain on the field. The rest should be dry and brown in color.

Harvest sunflower preferably in as soon as possible– within 5-7 days. Certain losses should not be ruled out. As practice shows, they can be from 3 to 5% of the total crop.

It is quite possible to achieve a reduction in crop loss if sowing and harvesting is carried out in a timely manner. In this case, it is desirable to collect at a humidity of not more than 20%.

No more than 3% of the sunflower should remain behind the harvester. Every 2-3 hours it is necessary to stop and check the quality of the cleaning process. The task of the combine is separation, threshing, accumulation and cleaning of grain.

Potential of consumers of sunflower oil production in Russia

What is the profitability of the business?

As for the main factor for an entrepreneur - profitability, it will be the higher, the more the territory is sown. From one hectare of land, you can get up to 10 thousand rubles on average.

Thus, the sunflower growing business is a very attractive direction. If measured as a percentage, then in some regions of Russia profitability can reach 200-300%.

Growth of participants in the oil production market according to the data of the 1st quarter of 2014
in relation to the 1st quarter of 2013

Summing up:

The total costs for harvesting and seed processing - from 2000 rubles per hectare.
Starting investments - from 60 thousand rubles.
Net profit per hectare - from 10 thousand rubles.
Fertilizers, processing (costs) - from 2000 rubles.
Staff salaries - from 35 thousand rubles.
Business profitability - 200-300%.
The payback period is one year.

Thus, sunflower cultivation is one of the safest, most profitable and interesting types of business. At the same time, do not forget that it requires certain knowledge and a responsible approach to business from you.