The rarest professions in the world: overview, list, rating, features and reviews. The rarest and most unusual professions in the world

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The profession of a sign language interpreter is one of the rare professions in Russia. To work in this specialty, you need to know professional sign language, which is used to communicate with deaf people.

Postiger is a rare profession. Postigers make custom braids, mustaches, sideburns, eyelashes, beards and wigs. The machine operator at a match factory who applies sulfur to matches is called an osier. In the field of perfumery, a rare specialty is the scenter. For this profession, it is necessary to have an excellent memory for aromas, since the sniffer is responsible for evaluating new smells and creating perfume compositions.

The profession of kavist is also rare. The specialist understands alcoholic beverages, thanks to an individual approach to each client, he offers a certain wine that is most suitable for a particular dish. Quite a rare profession - teatester. This is the name of a professional tea taster. He is able to determine the place of growth, quality and grade of tea. These specialists are engaged in the fact that they make tea blends. You rarely meet a person whose specialty is a greenkeeper. Such a specialist is responsible for maintaining green lawns for golf, rugby, baseball, football, and so on.

A rare profession is an oenologist who selects grape varieties for planting, selects fertilizers and improves the equipment with which wine is produced. Writing texts for public speaking big businessmen and politicians is engaged in a speechwriter.

The most unusual jobs in Russia

Among the hundreds of summer vacancies in the south of Russia, you can find the most unusual ones. Specialists studied and compiled a selection of rarely encountered requests from employers.

According to Max Portal, the Sochi hotel chain is looking for a "linen caretaker", whose responsibilities include accounting for the delivery and acceptance of bed linen, towels, as well as monitoring the quality of washing and ironing, sorting clothes and distributing them on racks. About the salary of a candidate with a secondary education and skills to sew on vacant position The employer does not report the “linen caretaker”.

But a “boiler-washer” in Sochi can count on a salary “from 20,000 rubles before deducting personal income tax.” A specialist in washing boilers is required in the dining room of one of the Sochi boarding houses. The employer promises official employment and meals during working hours.

“VIP wardrobe housekeeper” is required in Krasnodar. The salary level is more than worthy - "from 55,000 to 60,000 rubles per hand." The candidate for this position must have experience as a housekeeper and know the specifics of caring for delicate fabrics.

According to experts from unusual professions in the region, “a buyer with mandatory experience in purchasing clothes”, “a surveyor for inspecting grain cargoes” and “a dog sitter - a person who can take a four-legged friend to his house while his owner is away” are required.

The most unusual vacancies according to HeadHunter

Throughout the history of HeadHunter, more than 11 million vacancies have been posted on its website! Summing up the results of the 15th anniversary of the company, we decided to build a rating of unusual and interesting professions that have ever been published on the site

After analyzing more than 11 million job openings, HeadHunter Research has selected 15 unusual, rare and interesting jobs that employers have ever posted.

The rating opens with a fairly traditional, but for a narrow segment of the entertainment market, profession clown. For the entire period, 17 vacancies were published on the website. The average salary offered in Russia was about 36,000 rubles.

For glassblowers 13 vacancies were posted. A glass blower is a craftsman who creates products from heated glass mass using blowing and other techniques. The average offered salary in Russia was in the range of 30,000-60,000 rubles, depending on the region.

IT evangelist– a specialist professionally engaged in propaganda in the field of information technologies. An IT evangelist promotes technologies and products by writing articles, blogging, holding seminars and webinars, demonstrations and presentations, and negotiating. There were four such vacancies in total. In one of them in St. Petersburg, a salary of 90,000 rubles was indicated.

Quite an unusual profession postiger- a specialist who creates wigs, mustaches, beards and sideburns from natural and artificial hair. In Moscow, in such a position, you can earn from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles.

Salary aircraft cleaner in three available vacancies ranged from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles.

fumelier is a cigar specialist. A similar specialist was searched for only twice on the website. The salary in one case was offered 30,000 rubles, in another - 45,000 rubles.

cotton candy machine operator is a seasonal job. Mostly distributed in summer time. Until recently, it seemed already outdated. But with the development and beautification of various parks and places of cultural recreation in recent times reappeared on the market. In Moscow, such a position is now offered a salary of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Golf cart driver is also an unusual profession in Russia, where golf is not as popular as it is in the USA, for example. The duties of such a specialist include meeting guests and delivering them around the golf club.

Ergonomics expert- a specialist engaged in simplifying the work performed and achieving higher employee productivity. This profession is still new and rare in the labor market. In total, two vacancies were posted for this position.

  • Mukosey- a worker who sifts flour.
  • Golf club grinder.
  • Bicycle wheel spokes.
  • Customer Experience Director- Specialist in service quality management.

The most unusual vacancies in Moscow

Moscow is a city of unlimited possibilities that attracts specialists from various industries. Not only thousands of migrant workers from neighboring countries, but also specialists of the highest categories from other cities of Russia, countries of near and far abroad flock here every year. For many of them, working in Moscow is a chance to earn money and achieve a certain recognition and status. Unfortunately, accountants, lawyers, economists, managers and journalists completely flooded the labor market, leaving only vacancies for unique specialists. Thus, representatives of rare and unusual professions get chances for success. The British newspaper "The Sun" in 2011 published a list of the most unusual and rare professions, it is not surprising that some of them exist in Russia. In the capital, as it turned out, they are in great demand.

Catching trends

Trend hunter is a unique profession for talented people who are not alien to fashion. Specialists in this field are obliged to be the first to catch the fashion trends of a given target audience such as youth or business people. This information is extremely important for manufacturers of clothing, footwear and accessories, as the obtained information is used in product development. The work of a trend hunter is to attend events, carefully observe people on the streets, analyze fashionable images on TV and in the media.

Help for shopaholics

Moscow is confidently taking away the title of fashion capital from Milan, as fashion boutiques grow in it like mushrooms after rain. Every self-respecting brand opens its stores and representative offices in the Russian capital. Therefore, shoppers or stylists appeared who select clothes, shoes and accessories for their wealthy clients to make them look fashionable and stylish. The shopper's responsibility is not just to choose clothes, but first to review and analyze new collections of all brands of interest, to select suitable models so that the client does not spend a lot of time looking for the right outfit. Such work is paid according to the “glamorous” status of a specialist, which means it is very high.

Unique Internet Professions

Some labor market experts believe that the often exotic demand for specialists in rare vacancies amazes even experienced personnel officers. So, in the capital there is a demand for the work of laying ski tracks in the forest on Rublevka. Surveys of numerous headhunters and recruiters confirm that in Moscow even professional bloggers, who are called upon to form a positive image of the company, are valued. Another trendy and rather exotic profession of a web gardener is a web gardener, who must clear the site of outdated links, like a gardener from weeds on a site. He is also involved in updating old pages and changing the look of the site. Another unusual Internet profession is that of an ethical hacker who hacks into his own company's website in order to check and identify weaknesses in the website's security system.

Journalists Without Borders

Many of us, having heard about the profession of a stringer, will not be able to guess that it has nothing to do with underwear. On the contrary, this was the name given to the rather serious work of journalists and freelance correspondents, who most often work in extreme conditions: in places of riots, natural disasters or military operations. This is a profession for those who are not afraid to risk their own lives, and therefore it is highly paid.

Aristocratic golf

Moscow is a city of oligarchs, businessmen, politicians, movie stars, and therefore Western fashion hobbies are not alien to them. Golf is one of the most aristocratic and popular sports created for wealthy people. Therefore, in the capital, greenkeeper vacancies are increasingly in demand. Who is a Greenkeeper? Literally translated - the caretaker of the golf courses. It has not become respectable to entrust the care of precious fields to habitual gardeners or janitors, pensioners or students, and therefore a still rare profession has become prestigious and highly paid. It is believed that for the proper care of the fields it is necessary to have deep knowledge, the ability to work with special equipment.

Let's go to the casino

America has had a lot of influence not only on Moscow, but on the entire post-Soviet space. So, with the advent of a casino in the capital, professions unique to our country have become in demand. The pit boss or otherwise the foreman in the casino is not a manager or director, but still the main caretaker of the croupier's work, the general order and the game in the gaming room. He must be distinguished by high tolerance, perseverance, thorough knowledge of all processes in the casino, and managerial skills.

How much is your life worth?

The work of an actuary is closely related to the insurance industry. Interested in insurance own life to get an "appointment" with an actuary - a specialist in the evaluation of human life. No matter how terrible and pragmatic it may sound, however, his duties include calculating life expectancy, analyzing all negative factors, health status, and summarizing the real cost of a client's life.

No hair? No problem!

Working in Moscow is a kaleidoscope of exotic professions whose roots date back, if not to the Middle Ages, then certainly to past centuries. A pastiger or maker of false mustaches, sideburns and wigs is one such profession. It would seem that one can appear at receptions and ceremonial events without wigs, and for those who have a similar problem, plastic surgeons can help. However, the profession of a pastiger is in demand in hairdressing salons, circuses, and theaters.

Got hair? Weave braids.

Brader is a specialist in braiding and one of the rarest professions in the capital. There are many who believe that they can weave braids, and very few true specialists. The capital boasts not only a demand for original professions, but also extravagant people who warm up the offer. Afro-braids do not lose their popularity, and along with them, braders do not lose their jobs. However, their work is quite complex and painstaking, since hairstyles take from two to ten hours, and therefore are paid accordingly.

Some tea, sir!

England is famous for its tea traditions, China for its tea ceremonies, and Ceylon for its quality tea. Then Moscow is famous for the rare profession of a tea tester - a tea taster. A specialist has to drink up to 60 cups of aromatic drink per day. However, it is important not just to "absorb" tea, but to taste it correctly: to distinguish varieties, aftertaste, quality and aroma of tea, color of the drink. After the tasting, the teatester announces his verdict on a particular type of tea. It is not surprising that complex and even sometimes hazardous work teatesters are incredibly highly paid, and rare specialists are worth their weight in gold and are held in high esteem.

Do not be surprised, but there are still vacancies in the capital that have been waiting for specialists for a long time. Oddly enough, these are antique dealers, industrial climbers and speechwriters. Finding true professionals is not easy, because many people want to appear as such, study or take their first steps in the profession. If you have the necessary skills, knowledge and skills that are in exotic demand, you should boldly look for your employer. Fortunately, all are unique and unusual professions to Moscow e well paid, but foreign specialists are valued much higher than domestic ones.

Unusual professions of the world

Are there many things that happen in life that seem to exist on their own, are organized and realized without the participation of a person? Indeed, there are enough such things in life, but they are not organized independently - a specially trained person, whom no one even suspects, can monitor the precise implementation of any little thing. The most unusual professions often become just that - inconspicuous, but very important.

Top Unusual Professions in the World

  • Bridesmaid. This person is engaged in the selection of dresses, provides general assistance in preparation, accompanies the bride from the first to the last minute of the celebration.
  • Animal food taster. Responsibilities include testing food for many types of pets - hamsters, birds, dogs and cats. Tasters are competent in the knowledge of the taste preferences of animals and are ready to give useful advice animal owners. Sometimes such food is hard to digest, but the impressive salary compensates for the inconvenience.
  • Professional waiting in line. A special person will replace the customer of the service in a long queue, if necessary. Of course, such work is worthy of the category "the rarest unusual professions."
  • Bag packer. A special person is able to fit a huge amount of things into small bags and save a lot of time for people in a hurry on vacation.
  • The author of predictions for cookies.
  • Elite nomad. Some people or even families enter into an agreement with the owners of luxury homes. They must take care of the house at the time of the absence of the owners, living in it. When the owners return, the temporary workers are obliged to move out.
  • Drying paint watcher. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is quite a difficult job. An observer under a microscope examines the drying process in great detail. It should be whether the texture of the paint is changing correctly, the color is being transformed, and more.
  • Critics of restaurant dishes. Of course, many people dream of such a job.

  • Ball divers. Basically, we are talking about pulling balls out of water during golf games.
  • Penguin lifter. Despite its unusualness, the work is very important. Helicopters of geologists and other scientists studying Antarctica often fly in penguin habitats. Interested birds lift their heads high, trying to consider aircraft and fall on their backs. The penguins are not able to rise to their feet on their own, and then a person who is constantly on duty next to them comes to their aid and raises them.
  • Furniture tester. Many have heard about this job, however, it is quite rare and also belongs to the category of "the most unusual professions in the world."

And for what only people are not paid in this world! Smell other people's armpits? No problem. Cry at your funeral? Easy! In this post, I collected 25 of the strangest professions that you should know and be afraid of. Or maybe, on the contrary, someone in this original list will find their calling! Everyone chooses for themselves - for these professions, these beautiful lines fit just fine!

1. Gum remover

There are those among us who prefer not to see gum stuck on or under tables, spit out on the street, or worse, in a decent place like a theater, then you need it, a gum remover. After all, this is his job - to make this world a little better, to make this world chewless!

2. Breath odor assessor

A person of this profession can be found in companies engaged in the production of chewing gums or oral care products. What is the essence of their work - they evaluate the smell from the mouth, starting from the worst and making sure that the chewing gum or, say, toothpaste do their job and the smell disappears!

3. Manufacturers of underwear that reduces odor in case of flatulence

What are these lucky people doing? They are trying to create underwear that would absorb and hide the smell in that unpleasant case when a person is suddenly seized by an attack of flatulence.

4. Duck Master

Some hotels and other public establishments employ such craftsmen to look after and care for the ducks in the nearby ponds, as well as to honorably take them for a walk to the delight of satisfied guests and visitors.

5. Dog breath sniffer

Apparently, those who lack the qualifications to assess human breath odor have to work with dogs. Hmm...

Source 6The artist who creates portraits from the ashes of the dead

In the United States, in the state of Virginia, there is a company that creates portraits from the ashes of dead people. Can you imagine what the artists in this company do!?

7. Professional apologist (Japan)

In the Land of the Rising Sun, there is a special apology service. People working in the undersea services are ready to apologize to anyone on your behalf. They get paid for it, and it's not a joke!

8 Bed Warmer (UK)

Some hotels hire specially trained people to lie in the beds of their guests and warm them up before guests arrive in the rooms.

9. Living Scarecrow (UK)

Some students actually work part-time dressing up as scarecrows!)

10 Professional Hitchhiker (Indonesia)

In Indonesia, the government, due to an overabundance of cars on the roads, has introduced a restriction on the passage of certain lanes on the road, which are now provided for the movement of cars with 3 or more people. Poor residents of the city outskirts offer to get into the cars of those who do not have enough passengers to move along the "fast" lanes and, thereby, earn money.

11. Paint drying watcher

Some companies do hire people to do this kind of work. Why is this being done? Great question! The task of such observers is to make sure that the paint is firmly laid down and keeps when it dries.

12. Professional iceberg mover

Nobody wants a repeat of the tragedy that happened to the Titanic. So these brave guys just take and remove the icebergs away from the ships.

13. Professional dormouse (Finland)

Not so long ago, one of the Finnish companies made a splash in the market work force by starting a search for people for a similar position. Why did the company need a sleeper? Most likely, to assess the comfort of certain pieces of furniture.

14. Professional elephant valet (Sri Lanka)

It is not an easy task to dress up an elephant for the ceremony. So you have to hire specially trained people for this.

15. Professional ear cleaner (India)

Give me a Q-tip and I'll be a millionaire!

16. Gender Equality Consultant

17. Ostrich nanny (South Africa)

It's like a nanny for children, only in our case - for ostriches!

18. Sex determinant in chickens

And that's all they do all day long: they determine the male or female sex of a chicken.

19. Bicycle catcher (Amsterdam)

There are a lot of bicycles and a lot of water channels in this city, the burning need for such professionals is obvious!

20. Car keeper (Brazil)

What are these keepers doing? They watch your car while you're away and beat anyone who tries to steal it.

21. Professional mourner (Asia, Africa)

These people are actually paid to cry at funerals.

22. Professional hug (Japan)

In Japan today there are cafes where a person can come if he wants someone to hug him, he wants to curl up in a ball and snuggle up to someone. Yes, there are such establishments. So, those huggers are paid for the fact that you cuddle up to them and hug them.

23. Pusher in the subway (Japan)

And again Japan slaves us with an unusual profession. In the "rush hour" in the subway in this country, it is not so easy to fit in: there are too many people. And just like that, our pushers - they will push, push and help the doors of the car close and take you where you need to go!

August 15, 2012, 11:01 am

In childhood, we do not dream of becoming a forest pathologist or a golf club polisher, but someone has to do this :)
Greenkeeper- if you do a literal translation from in English- greenkeeper, then this profession means "keeper of greenery." The responsibilities of this specialist include the maintenance of sports pitches that are used for playing rugby, baseball or football. The first appearance of the term "greenkeeper" dates back to 1888. Since ancient times, there have been two main directions in the development of modern greenkeeping - English and American. In Moscow, by the way, already exists The educational center for those who decide to go down the green path and become a greenkeeper.
Cavist is a wine gourmet who can combine the functions of a sommelier and a sales assistant in one person. The main task of a representative of this profession is the selection of wine, as well as a specific dish for it, moreover, according to the individual order of the client. Communication with the client is an integral part of the job of a kavist. While a customer's conversation with a supermarket sales assistant is traditionally limited to a couple of questions and simple one-word answers, a kavist's conversation with his customer can last quite a long time. It is to the cavista, and not to the wine boutique, that customers return. In Russia, even the profession of a sommelier is still not included in the all-Russian register, and the wine market, meanwhile, continues to offer specialties that are completely new for our country, including kavist. Sniffer- a rather rare profession that occurs in the field of perfumery. There are just over 100 certified master perfumers in the world. 30 of them live in Grasse. The duties of the sniffer include the assessment of the smell, as well as the preparation of perfume compositions. To work in this field, a person must have an excellent memory for aromas, as well as clearly understand them. In this delicate matter, talent alone is not enough. To become a master perfumer, you have to study for 10-12 years.
Paleontologist- a very rare profession and somewhat "out of this world." Many eminent paleontologists would probably feel quite comfortable in the swamps of the Devonian period or in the coniferous forests of the Carboniferous. By the way, the most ancient paleontologists can be called Chinese craftsmen, three thousand years ago they mined the bones and teeth of fossilized dinosaurs and considered their findings to be proof of the existence of dragons. (Joe: "Profession...dinosaurs" Ros: "Actually, I'm paleo...well, write dinosaurs. Write, don't draw!"). pastiger- from the French postiche, i.e. false hair - one who makes wigs, sideburns, mustaches, beards, braids, eyelashes. Most often, this person does all his work to order. Sometimes work as a pastiger is combined with make-up. Acerator- someone who operates a machine that applies sulfur to matches. This profession exists in match factories. Sounds a little dissonant, but what can you do. Recently, this profession has been classified as an endangered profession, due to the advent of lighters.
Stringer- an equally rare profession, which means narrow-profile specialists and freelance correspondents, whose competence includes creating reports from extreme parts of the world, for example, areas of natural disasters or military operations. Stringers are often disliked by colleagues from official publications for their efficiency, independence, mobility, and finally, for high earnings. Titester– a professional compiler and taster of tea, who tastes, smells and appearance determines the type of tea and the place where it was grown, the season of collection, as well as the method of its storage and processing. The unique profession of a tea sommelier (from two English words tea, test - “testing tea”) was once born by a method that is subjective in its essence: determining tea samples by eye, touch and taste. Today, determining the taste of a drink, teatester does not take a single sip, but only rinses his mouth with infusion. To become a teatester the highest category, you need to study for at least ten years. But the average earnings of a teatester at a factory are $1500-2000, in auction houses– up to $7000.
Torcedor- a very rare specialist who is engaged in rolling cigars. The representative of this profession wraps the tobacco in a wrapping sheet and cuts the cigar, thus giving it a venal look. They study this profession mainly in Cuba, the internship also takes place in this country. Training takes place at a cigar factory and lasts no more, no less than ten years! But it's worth it, because the master is paid from $1000 and more. rammer- this is a very young profession - it appeared with the development of the metro and the increased flow of passengers. The duty of this specialist is to help people when entering a crowded subway car. There are no such professionals in Moscow yet, but in the east, especially in Japan, there are many owners of this profession, by the way, in Ukraine, in the capital - in Kyiv, rammers have already begun to master. Distinctive feature Japanese rammers - snow-white gloves :) fumelier- this is the name of a specialist in the field of cigars and spirits. His duties include selecting a combination of a certain type of cigars and spirits for the client, taking into account his individual characteristics in advance. chimney sweep- an old profession that exists in our time, but to master it, you need to train for two years, moreover, only abroad. By the way, the duties of a chimney sweep include not only cleaning chimneys, stoves or fireplaces, but also restoring the brickwork of the chimney, lining, lining and much more.
penguin flipper– specialists in this field live only in Antarctica near the airfield. In vain do you think that the one who pulled out the short straw is going to turn over the birds, everything is serious here. The penguins themselves never fall on their backs - only on their stomachs, but since these animals are very curious, they like to walk near the airfield. Naturally, when a helicopter flies by, they lift their heads up and, not keeping their balance, slap on their backs. They, poor things, will no longer be able to get up, so they must be turned over.
Chick sexing operator- very important profession, which consists in determining the sex of the chicks at the moment when their age is 1 day, because the diet of birds depends on this, as well as the conditions for their cultivation.
glass blower is a master who creates products from heated glass mass by blowing. The matter is not limited to blowing itself; for the further formation of the product, the glass blower uses many various tools and, ultimately, pleases us with unimaginable shaped vases, toys, figurines and dishes. And who would you be if you decided on a radical change in profession?

There are more than 70 thousand in the world different types activities, but most of us know much less. Naturally, it will not be possible to list all existing positions now, but we will try to name the most interesting and unusual professions.

The era of ordinary workers, teachers, doctors and the military has long ended. The world is developing, and every day they come up with the most unusual professions, one might even say "exotic".

And not always those specialties that are considered rare abroad exist in our country, and if they do exist, then in a completely different form - they are more common or vice versa. For example, in the United States, a very rare but highly paid job (salary of about 3 thousand dollars!) Is a hunter for empty beer bottles. In our country, you can’t call it a profession, but quite often in crowded places you can meet a person who collects the same container, and the money he earns is only enough for bread, in some cases - for another filled bottle. In Russia, such a person is called a bum, and in America - a battle hunter.

Another example would be the queuing profession. In the post-Soviet space, this work has already died, although in the 60-80s it was quite common: unemployed city residents stood in line for sausage or something else for a small fee, thus helping the busy, and then tired hard workers, buy food, yes and did not offend themselves. And now this profession has revived again, however, already in Britain, after the researchers announced that the average Briton spends one year of his life in line. An enterprising resident of London immediately opened a company where you can order a "professional queue keeper." The pay for such work sometimes reaches the mark of $ 40 per hour, but this is not easy, because the duties include quarreling, and pushing, and stepping on your foot (it doesn’t matter if the buyer in front of you takes the last thing you need - what then to tell the employer? )

The most unusual professions that you can master and get the appropriate diploma

Torcedoros. This profession can only be mastered in Cuba, and the course of study lasts ten years (to be honest, we can’t imagine that you can study for so long). After completing your studies, you will receive a diploma ... as a professional cigar roller. Not bad, right?

Personal nanny. In the US state of Kentucky, the university offers training in this specialty. Quite a strange, it should be noted, specialty: students are taught to care for newborn children, prepare infant formula, and one of the main subjects at the department is “Correct relations with parents and their children.” Specialists with such diplomas are highly valued, work in rich families and have high wages.

Pop culture expert. In Ohio State, Bowling Green University trains students who are addicted to television, one might even say obsessed with it. The most curious thing is that they study what they are interested in: TV shows, music, cinema, biographies of artists and actors, museums, etc., that is, everything related to modern culture.

Top 10 most unusual professions

There are quite a lot of unusual and specific works, most of which are relevant only in a certain area, in a particular city. The most unusual professions in the world, as a rule, are found either in highly developed countries, or, conversely, in lagging ones. Well, let's start discussing them.

1. Our list of the most unusual professions opens dream merchant. In Chicago, for several years now, a company has been successfully operating that makes dreams come true. True, not free: the minimum order amount is ... 150 thousand dollars. But for this money you can get anything (within reason, of course), up to becoming a "star" ... However, for one day.

2. Professional sleeper. There are several areas of this work. Initially, "sleep" began to hire American companies that manufacture sofas and beds. After all, it is important for them to know how their products are of high quality and convenient. Now hotel owners also use the services of professional sleepers to check the level of comfort in the room (sound insulation, quality of furniture, etc.) and the quality of service.

3. Mystery shopper. Not such a rare profession, as the services of these persons are used by the owners retail chains, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels (although Sony does a good job there).

4. Iceberg harvester. Sounds strange, doesn't it? Yes, and such workers exist, and they perform quite important work. Remember the Titanic story? The liner could not miss a block of ice... oil platform there is also no chance of avoiding a collision, so they are rescued by iceberg cleaners.

5. Hitchhikers. Exactly! You hitchhike and get paid for it. Not bad, right? Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia) has about 30 million people and 20 million cars. Naturally, the roads are congested, and for this reason, the city authorities have introduced a restriction and created a checkpoint where only cars with at least 3 people pass through. Thus, the unemployed sit down in a car in front of the checkpoint, drive through and get out, having received a modest payment for this. After that, they cross the road and - again, for money - come back. You can earn up to 8 dollars a day, despite the fact that the average daily expenses per person do not exceed a dollar.

6. Toilet guide. In Japan and China, for a modest fee, a specially trained person will not only tell you, but also show you where the nearest toilet is. Just imagine, in the work book they have it written: “toilet guide”!

7. Brain extractor. Did you immediately think of your boss? But no, this profession is not connected with the moral removal of the brain. These people work in slaughterhouses that supply animal brains to restaurants as a delicacy.

8. hired relative. Yes, and there are, by the way, they provide a fairly wide range of services. They can pretend at your wedding that they are your loved ones, and at the funeral they can cry, no worse than the relatives of the deceased.

And finally, the two most unusual professions from the 18+ category:

9. Condom tester. Many contraceptive manufacturers test their products with special equipment, but some elite firms test their elite condoms directly in the field, so to speak, "in a combat situation."

10. Tester for girls of easy virtue. In countries where prostitution is legalized, there is such a profession. Brothel owners want to be sure that their prostitutes are doing their job well.

The rarest professions in Russia

Sign language interpreter. Helps the deaf and dumb to find a common language with healthy people. Most of these professionals work in social services sometimes seen on TV.

Greenkeeper. We are sure that you have not heard about this profession. This man tends to the golf course.

Oenologist. Most likely, you are unlikely to have heard of the existence of such a specialist, but you clearly guessed. Oenologists are engaged in winemaking, namely: they determine which grape variety is best grown on a particular piece of land, what fertilizers are best to use, and are directly responsible for the technical part of wine production.

Speechwriter. As you know, politicians often "push speeches", but, oddly enough, they are not their authors. And even such scandalous politicians as Vladimir Zhirinovsky, most often voice pre-prepared and learned phrases, rather than speak "on their own."

Funny, ridiculous and simply meaningless work

The most rare and unusual professions are different. For example, in America, one bakery opened a vacancy for a bun spreader with jam. In the same place, in America, closer to Christmas, a vacancy "specialist in decorating the Christmas tree" is opened. Although this is a family affair, the Christmas tree in the office needs to be brought into a “business” look before important conferences.

In developed countries, where people live at a frantic pace (they are always in a hurry somewhere, in a hurry, nervous), there are special interlocutors with whom you can talk heart to heart, and sometimes have a drink. Such people in without fail have a degree in psychology.

The worst job in the world

Ant catcher. You can’t imagine worse: all day long “crawling” on the ground with tweezers in your hand and catching the necessary goosebumps. But this work is really important, since the venom of ants is used in medicine, and sometimes the insects themselves are served in restaurants.

The most disgusting job

Have you committed murder? Need to hide evidence? Call a professional crime scene cleaner. But such cleaners work only for the elite... and only for big money...

The hardest job

In the Chinese subway, during rush hour, passengers “stuff” into the car so that the doors do not close. And then special “pushers” come to the rescue. They carefully, so as not to harm anyone, push people in and close the doors ... Just imagine what happens at the next stop when they open the door ...

Most enviable job

Janitor on paradise island Hamilton. For six months, a person is settled in a luxurious cottage on the island. And for this they also pay 20 thousand dollars a month. The worker is only required to keep order in the house, feed the turtles and monitor the corals. Poet's dream...

Most pointless job

The most unusual professions in the world are often meaningless. On one poultry farm, there is a position "manager for determining the sex of chickens." Such a specialist then does what he looks under the tail of one-day-old chicks all day long. Indeed, at the poultry farm they firmly believe that, depending on the sex of the chicken, you need to build a diet for him.

Highest paid job

Above, we already wrote about the merchant of dreams. So, this is exactly what is the highest paid and at the same time unusual work in the world.

Now you know the 10 most unusual professions that only exist in the world ... Do you still consider your job to be the worst?

In this list you will find descriptions of the most unique works in the world! Perhaps you associate the job fair with accountants and construction workers or with all kinds of managers, and not with "line straighteners", but someone, somewhere systematically receives a salary for just such a service. Most likely you will not find a university or technical school in your city where such specialties are taught, but they exist, and in this selection you will find 25 very unusual crafts that you might have never heard of before.

25. Hook Writers

These people write songs, although it would be more accurate to say that not the songs themselves as a whole, but only their individual parts. It's not even about the chorus or the verse. These specialists make a living by composing phrases and sentences for specific rhythmic segments. the main objective such "hooks" - to become a catchy and catchy line of a song that will sit in your brain and will scroll there again and again.

24. Underwater lumberjack

Underwater loggers get to work when it is necessary to process a flooded piece of land. In places where rivers systematically or suddenly flood large and wooded areas, the bottom often needs to be cleared for safe navigation, or planned cutting is carried out at a designated place without regard for time and water obstacles.

23. Food experts and part-time witnesses at trials

Yes, in America there is even a separate specialty of witnesses in cases related to food. If the court needs an expert who will explain the situation related to the quality and taste of the product or, he will be selected from a whole list of professionals in this matter. Appetizing work!

22. Bereavement coordinator

These people work with families who are experiencing the loss of loved ones and relatives. The work of such coordinators usually involves assistance in bureaucratic (paper) matters and in organizing a funeral, consultations on all issues related to the death of a loved one, and, of course, psychological support. Most often, such a profession is chosen by those who have experienced a painful loss themselves, have gained a sad and at the same time useful experience for someone else, and want to share their knowledge and care on permanent basis for payment.

21. Book restorer

The name speaks for itself. Yes, this is practically a doctor, only for books, and he heals not the flesh, but the bindings and pages. Today, books are increasingly being replaced electronic services, but the world still appreciates rare, old and authoritative publications that also need to be taken care of. Sometimes such "doctors" are also asked to patch up a book that is of value only to one family and is kept as a memory.

20. Subway watcher

Large subways, such as the London Underground, pay a separate category of employees to walk along the streets exactly where the lines and stations themselves are laid. The task of such specialists is not just to breathe city smog, but to carefully monitor that all building codes are observed on the surface and that no rules are violated or no work is carried out that could have disastrous consequences for the subway. For example, if someone plans to pour a foundation next to a subway, the observer must ensure that there is no threat of collapse.

19. Parachute testers

Someone needs to be first... It sounds creepy, but in fact this job is not much different from the service of test pilots or stuntmen. Very often those who start out as parachute testers progress through career ladder before working on checking military equipment, for which they receive very good salaries. The main thing is not to break before.

18. Gas station controllers

These specialists make sure that gas stations do not deceive their customers and fill our tanks with exactly a liter, and not 900 or 885 ml. For this they have special equipment and licenses.

There is a separate niche of composers who compose melodies and sounds for slot machines. Them the main task- to write such a sound sequence that will make you return to the casino again and again. The melody should be inviting, exciting and literally addicted to the game.

16. Professional "carrier" of jewelry

When a rich man from one country wants to sell or buy a piece of jewelry from another rich man in another country, they hire a specialist to carry the goods from point A to point B directly on himself, as if it were his earrings, watch or necklace. By and large, this is smuggling, but who said that all existing professions are legal?

15. Buyers of props

Every self-respecting television company, film studio or individual TV show has employees who, on an urgent command, must buy the props necessary for filming. Often, miscalculations become known at the last minute, so these specialists must be very quick and resourceful in order to quickly find the most diverse and unusual items. Buyers of props know the entire range of nearby shops, flea markets, and sometimes they even buy for future use.

14. Inspecting underwear for cockroaches

In large factories and warehouses, it is impossible to maintain perfect cleanliness, and sometimes small insects start up there. In order for the client to receive his order in the best possible way, there are specially trained workers who check all the goods before they are sent to customers. There are even dedicated lingerie inspectors who go through all the creases and seams to ensure that the reputation of the store and warehouse in the eyes of customers remains crystal clear.

13. People pulling out paperclips

When companies decide to fully digitize all their paper documents, they need help getting the scrapers out of all their contracts and other formal papers. To scan, you need to separate all the sheets, and this usually becomes a good summer job for students and schoolchildren, since the work is seasonal and does not require special skills or qualifications.

12. Alpaca hairdressers

They won't shave themselves! Before you is an animal from the camelid family, living in the highlands of South America, and domesticated by the Indians of Peru many thousands of years ago to produce the most delicate, dense, durable, warm and almost waterproof wool. Alpaca is similar to llama, but it is separate. There is a whole specialty in Peru's livestock industry for those who cut and shave these cute beasts.

11. Carrier across the bridge

If you're too afraid to take your car across a bridge because it's narrow, rickety, or for some other reason, some countries have a whole separate chauffeur service. These specialists will sit behind the wheel of your car and drive through the crossing for you.

10. Servants of Servants

It is not joke. In some parts of the world, even servants have servants. A very complex and multi-component hierarchy is designed to provide work for everyone. Sometimes this has a positive effect on productivity, and sometimes it slows down all processes.

9. Bulb changers

Large corporations, universities and building owners with very high ceilings and large quantity lighting fixtures hire individuals to change burnt out bulbs. To do this, they have special ladders, climbing equipment or even heavy equipment, like firefighters.

8. Truck driver

Trucker is a very difficult job. This is a big responsibility, long and long journeys, as well as psychological stress. Drivers of trucks and trucks spend a lot of time alone, cannot always afford to sleep in a soft bed, sit behind the wheel for days, sleep little and get very tired of the monotony of the roadway. Large companies Trucking sometimes employs a separate staff of drivers to back up truckers if they realize midway through that they can no longer go anywhere. Sometimes such employees find a corporate vehicle abandoned on the side of the road, and there is no trace of the driver nearby, because he has a nervous breakdown and no longer has the slightest desire to sit in his truck.

7. Shabbat Goy or Shabbat Goy

We are talking about hired workers for believing Jews who are not Jews themselves (they are called goyim). Such workers during Shabbat do for pure-blooded Jews what the Jews themselves cannot do on this day according to the instructions of Torra. For example, they press the elevator buttons for them and much more.

6. Manufacturer of type cards for libraries

Now this is no longer so relevant, but before, a separate person was engaged in printing library cards for classifying and keeping records of books. Usually students took on this job as a part-time job.

5. Personal buyer

Yes, somewhere people are paid even for shopping. This specialty is especially popular in Asia, where wealthy families prefer to hire employees who would rather fly to the US or Europe for a worthwhile purchase than trust local shops, often selling brand name crafts.

4. Telephone service operators for the deaf and hard of hearing

Some countries have separate departments of telephone services that help deaf and hard of hearing people make and receive calls. Operators of such companies translate voice messages and the language of the deaf and dumb into text information to help everyone in the conversation understand each other.

3. Song players

These are specially trained people who are hired by radio stations to make up the music broadcast. Guided by a whole set of rules, such peculiar DJs decide which song and when to play, how often it can be repeated and in what order.

2. "Rectifiers" of lines

Today they have been replaced by computers, but in the past, these people were hired by large architectural companies to check all the drawings and lines of projects.

1. Livestock Identification and Cattle Care Specialist

Photo: Agricultural Research Service (public domain)

It sounds impressive, but in fact, these workers just watch the herd all day and are responsible for ensuring that no one escapes during grazing or from the paddock.

All photos except the last one are taken from the public domain of