What patterns frost draws on glass. Presentation "winter patterns on the window" presentation on the topic

A couple of recipes for do-it-yourself winter window decor

Maybe someone does not know, but the easiest way to paint windows, in addition to stained glass paints and window chalk, is painting with toothpaste. Everything here is more than simple: you need to take white toothpaste, slightly dilute it with water to a paint-like state, and you can draw. If you add a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid to this mixture, then the dried paste will be washed off the windows even easier. Toothpaste can also be made multi-colored by adding paint to it (food coloring, watercolor, gouache, etc.). As for application, you can simply paint with a brush or sponge

Author of the master class: Apple and apple
Advice: until the paste has dried up, with a toothpick you can draw the details of Christmas trees, balls, muzzles of animals, etc.

If drawing doesn’t work out very well, then you can buy or cut out printed stencils and stick them on the windows, paint over with a sponge dipped in toothpaste

And another easy way to quickly decorate windows with toothpaste: stick paper-cut or purchased snowflakes on the windows and spray the entire window with a toothbrush dipped in paste. After the paint has dried, remove the snowflakes. Advice: for this method, the paste should be more liquid; it is better to shake off the first splashes into a container with paste, as they will look like streaks on the window. If you are using paper snowflakes, for better adhesion to the window, soak them in water and gently place them on the glass

And now the second way, more exotic, but very effective. In this way, you can achieve "ice", "frosty" patterns on the windows. For this, you will need Epsom salt, in our country known as magnesia (magnesium sulfate). In ampoules it is used in pregnant women and hypertensive patients, and in loose form it is used in gastroenterology as a remedy for constipation. It is also used in the production of cosmetics. Thus, magnesia can be bought in pharmacies and online stores for cosmetics. handmade. It costs about 60 rubles for a bag of 25 gr. Need magnesium powder

So, the proportions of the mixture are as follows: dissolve 50 g of magnesia in 100 g of light beer (beer here serves as a stabilizer of magnesia crystals, after drying the patterns on the windows are resistant to touch and do not crumble). For better dissolution of salt in beer, the mixture should be microwaved for 5-10 seconds or more until completely dissolved. We apply the resulting solution with a sponge on a window or mirror, imitating curls and intricate patterns. The mixture can be applied in several layers. As it dries, we observe the formation of crystals, this is an amazing sight. The end result is a silky frost-like pattern on the window. And, oddly enough, the room does not smell of beer afterwards. And after drying, the patterns are easily washed off with water.

Everything with windows! But let's continue about magnesium. The remaining solution can be applied to a sheet of dark-colored paper; the pattern looks very impressive on black paper. It can then be used for postcards, packaging, etc.

You can also pour the remaining solution into a transparent cap (from sour cream, for example). Depending on the amount of poured solution, either a light frosty pattern will be obtained ...

…or more serious crystals. Such lids can be used as home or street decorations or as an ice princess pendant)

There are several technologies for creating frost patterns on glass with your own hands. We will tell you about them.

Patterned frosts with their own hands. Option 1

This option is the easiest. To create frost patterns on glass with your own hands using this technology, you will need white toothpaste and brushes, preferably hard ones. Our parents drew such patterns with tooth powder.

First, dissolve the toothpaste in water and spray the glass with a spray bottle - this will create a haze. Then take toothpaste slightly diluted with water and start creating with light strokes. Apply strokes from the edge of the window glass to the center, creating shapes, imitating frost patterns. For example, you can keep several photographs of real frosty patterns on hand and draw from them, or you can create a stylized Christmas tree, snowman or other figures with similar strokes.

If you don't know how to draw - feel free to use stencils!

Plus this method in its simplicity and economy, and also in the fact that after new year holidays you easy to remove toothpaste from glass by simply washing it with a sponge and warm water.

Patterned frosts with their own hands. Option 2

A more cunning and complex, but also more naturalistic method of creating frost patterns on glass with your own hands - method with beer and magnesia. Wash and dry the glass. Dissolve 50 g of magnesia or urea in half a glass of light beer and apply to the glass in any way: you can use a brush, a sponge or a cotton swab.

When applied, mimic frosty "feathers" and swirls. When the liquid begins to dry, crystals similar to real ones will begin to appear on the glass. Frost patterns. You can use a hair dryer to speed up the drying of the glass. This solution is also fairly easy to wash off window panes.

Patterned frosts with their own hands. Option 3

Another way to imitate frosty patterns on window glass is to dissolve 30–40 g of sodium hyposulfite in half a glass of water (this photographic fixer, it is also called sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate, you can try to find it in stores for professional photographers or chemical stores). Apply the mixture to the glass using the method described above and wait for it to dry. In this case, the crystals are denser, white, opaque.

Patterned frosts with their own hands. Option 4

In order to write congratulations or draw some drawings on glass, you can use ordinary glue and powdered sugar. To make the drawings smoother, you can make a stencil: using a sponge, apply glue to the glass using a stencil and then apply powdered sugar to the glass with a powder puff or a powder brush. Powdered sugar can be substituted chives, baking soda, vanillin. The only negative is that your drawing may “float” if condensation accumulates on the glass, and this will be very noticeable (unlike the previous methods).

Having decorated the glass with frosty stains, do not forget about the window sill. Put a white cloth or batting on it to imitate snowdrifts, sprinkle with sparkles, lay out cones, toys, fruits (tangerines - by all means!). Above the window, you can hang gold and silver stars cut out of shiny cardboard or stick them with small pieces of double-sided tape in the upper corner of the glass.

If you don't really want to wash windows, decorate your house

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment for children. Children are constantly in one form or another in contact with nature. The endless diverse world of nature awakens a keen interest and curiosity in children. What amazing things does nature bring us? She is like us humans. She has different moods. funny - when the sun sad- when it rains, it happens - she angry, then winds blow, blizzards howl, thunder rumbles. Nature, like us, wears different clothes: summer - in bright floral prints, and in winter - in a white fluffy coat.



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Slides captions:

Winter patterns on the window.

Frost is the best artist, He walks around the city. Then he will blush his cheeks, He will pinch everyone by the nose And at night, while I was sleeping, He came with a magic brush, And on the window he painted Sparkling leaves

In winter they fall from the sky And circle over the earth Light fluffs, white Snowflakes

It turned white overnight everywhere And in our apartment a miracle The house disappeared outside the window There a magical forest grew ...

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of a lesson in decorative drawing in the senior group "Winter patterns on the window"

The lesson helps children to show creativity and imagination in drawing up a pattern from plant elements using cold-colored paint....

"Winter patterns on the windows"

"Winter patterns on the windows" (compendium of direct educational activities children in preparatory group)...

Summary of the integrated lesson in the preparatory group "Winter patterns on the windows"

The lesson involves continuing to acquaint children with seasonal changes in nature, with the characteristic signs of the winter season, and to correlate with this period the features of the life of animals, plants and phenomena.

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group Developed by the teacher of the speech therapy group - Shalamygina I.M. Topic: “Zimushka - Winter, the winter was snowy. Winter patterns on the windows.

Abstract complex lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group Developed by the teacher of the speech therapy group - Shalamygina I.M. Theme: “Winter - Winter, it was snowy. Winter patterns on the windows.

On frosty days, stunning ice patterns appear on the windows in the form of unusual stars, bizarre curls, fabulous trees and flowers. In order for ice gardens to bloom on the windows, it is necessary that the air in the room is humid, and the temperature outside the window is below zero.

Why do frosty patterns appear on the window

Everyone remembers the parable that Grandfather Frost draws frosty patterns on the window. He imperceptibly sneaks up to the window at night and draws unique frosty pictures on it with a thin ice brush. In fact, everything is much more prosaic. If there is humid air in the room, and the temperature outside is from zero degrees Celsius and below, then excess moisture condenses on the cold surface of the glass. Here, the water vapor cools and passes from a vaporous state to a solid state, forming thin crystals.

How ice crystals are formed

Any perfect-looking glass has microscopic notches and scratches. The moisture that settles on the surface of the glass crystallizes first of all on these smallest defects, and only then new and new ones cling to the first crystals, forming patterns. Sometimes, for the appearance of ice patterns, there are enough dust particles with which the surface of the glass is dotted, or streaks that remain after washing the windows. And drafts and air currents contribute to the appearance of patterns. According to the method of formation, frost patterns are divided into two types: dendrites - branching patterns that resemble trees, and trichites, which are more like stars.

Tree patterns dendrites

Dendrites form at the bottom of the glass, where the water layer is thicker. Wide trunks of frosty patterns appear here, on which thinner branches gradually grow. The dendrites at the bottom of the glass are wide and thick, while those at the top are narrower and thinner. Such a frosty pattern resembles a thicket of an impenetrable fairy forest.

trichyta star patterns

If there are a lot of notches, dust particles and scratches on the glass, then trichites appear on it - frosty patterns that look like stars. First, the epicenter of the pattern freezes - a speck of dust or a notch, and then other crystals join it, like rays. As a result, frosty patterns become similar to a cluster of snowflakes or. When the temperature outside the window drops, trichites form dense ice fibers.

When the patterns on the windows don't appear

If the air humidity in the room is low and the window has good thermal insulation, then condensation does not form on the glass and frost patterns do not appear. That is why ice paintings, so familiar to residents of houses with old wooden windows, do not indulge residents of apartments with high-quality plastic windows with their appearance.


On the windows, completely frosty,
February issued a frost
Plexus of herbs milky white
And silver-sleepy roses.
Tropical summer landscape
Draws a cold on the window.
Why does she need roses? Apparently, this
Winter yearns for spring...

How short-lived these works of nature are, but how beautiful!
From the contemplation of miraculous patterns, amazing fantastic artistic images are born. Sometimes exotic plants are seen: palm or lotus leaves or unprecedented birds with huge beautiful feathers. It is not surprising that people “peeped” fantastic snow patterns from nature and very talentedly transferred them to weaving lace (Vologda lace), knitting downy shawls and scarves, which are decorated with stylized snowballs, stars, snake-blizzards, snow-covered Christmas trees, white fluffy trees.

Artistic imitation of a pattern on glass.

Pictures on glass awaken fantasy.

How do such bizarre pictures appear?

In frost, drawings appear on the window glass.
On the one hand, the crystals themselves have their own structure, which determines the pattern. In addition, scratches on the glass surface, dust particles, humidity, air currents help "Santa Claus" create beautiful patterns on the windows.

These patterns have specific names: dendrites(tree formations) and trichitis(fibrous forms). If the cooling of the glass begins at a positive temperature and high humidity, then the film of water formed on it with a decrease in temperature environment begins to crystallize into dendrites.

The pattern first appears at the bottom of the window, where more water accumulates due to gravity. Here at the expense more moisture dendrites are more pronounced than at the top of the glass. With further cooling, the dendrites are overgrown with smaller processes and notches of ice.

Trichites, on the other hand, form along the edges of scratches from a hard body, creating slightly curved, parallel stripes of frost. When the air temperature drops, they are transformed into dense ice fibers.

It is easier to say this: "It is energetically more profitable for water vapor to crystallize on glass than in air. After the onset of crystallization, dendrites appear on the water surface of the glass - ice single crystals that grow with the influx of new vapor. The main fiber and the thin strips of frost adjacent to it are slightly curved Everything is simple This once again confirms the idea: "everything ingenious is simple."

Despite the simplicity of the physical processes involved in the creation of dendrites and trichites, it is impossible to anticipate the result of a future frosty pattern on glass. Hence, it remains to be hoped that the patterns on the windows will forever remain a pantry of masterpiece paintings.