Marketplace Russian auction house. New Electronic Marketplace Lot-Online

One of the most profitable places to make deals corporate clients, is "LOT ONLINE electronic platform". Service is located on site Russian Federation and is aimed at all citizens living in the specified territory. Provides the possibility of organizing the sale of property that is in private or public ownership. Also, by working with the LOT ONLINE electronic platform, you can organize the purchase of various goods, order a variety of services provided in a particular region of the country of work.

Positions Lot Online trading floor itself as an innovative project from the famous Russian Auction House, which was originally specially created with the subsequent goal of directly promoting the e-commerce mechanism. This e-commerce is focused directly on enterprises in different sectors of the economy, which allows for excellent interaction between partners, concluding an effective and profitable deal.

There are several main areas in which the site operates on the market.


It positions itself as a rather powerful, high-tech complex tool in the very structure of the site. Direction is oriented to clients who want to ensure the sale of property previously owned by debtors. Lenders will be able to use this service without any problems, given that the site has permission for such operations, issued in 2010 by the relevant body of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Currently, it occupies a leading position in the market, it includes the maximum a large number of partners, various organizations.

Important! When working with these services, the operator will be additionally insured, which will save him from possible risk loss of material resources, investment.


One of the important activities of the company and the platform in its composition is the provided unique opportunity reference trading activities, procurement of goods necessary for the work. The same category also includes the organization of various types of services, which are regulated by the Decree of the Federal Law No. 223. It is a fairly high-tech, practical service, a well-organized software package. The organizer has a unique opportunity to independently select the procurement mechanism itself, the use of their various modifications. Various procurement modifications are preliminarily determined, as well as obtaining the qualifications necessary for the implementation of operations. It is possible to work both on a single lot and, if necessary, on a multi-lot scheme.

"All Pledges"

A unique database, included in the list of all-Russian information programs, which helps to resolve issues of problem banking institutions and other owners. Remarkably, this type of site allows you to most effectively and efficiently sell various property at favorable prices for a potential visitor. Thanks to its capabilities, you can easily find a profitable offer, without involving third parties in the work. It should be noted that the Lot Online trading platform allows you to take part in the sale of real estate objects of Sberbank with a guarantee. It is the trust of such an official representative that allows the resource to be at the top of success, to guarantee the safety and honesty of the money investments made.

"Commercial auction"

A kind of unique service that specializes in subsequent work with the sale of various non-core assets. Such an approach, choosing this particular type of program as the basis of its activities, can be expected to attract the attention of the maximum number of potential participants. Such a resource is a unique solution for those who wish to provide automated trading operations, guaranteeing a simply impressive effect when minimal cost time and effort.


Another effective and actual direction activities of companies involved in trading activities. Such an operation, moreover, is mandatory for the subsequent sale of municipal and state real estate. Currently, this is the only platform that guarantees privatization, using for this electronic form starting directly from 2011. The excess coefficient in this case is about 1.7, which in practice shows the high efficiency of the LOT ONLINE site.

Efficiency from using the product

The site allows you to count on several of the most relevant benefits that a potential visitor can appreciate. For example, this is a significant saving of time and material resources, as managers will not be distracted by a long search process potential clients and future business partners for your organization. Great savings in every way to take advantage of.

JSC "RAD" is the operator of the electronic platform, where purchases are made under 223-FZ. The portal is dedicated to public procurement. We will talk about the features of the functioning of the auction site "Russian Auction House" below.

Electronic trading platform "Russian Auction House" 44-FZ

According to the Law on contract system Public procurement can be carried out on 6 trading platforms:

  • Unified electronic trading platform (, EETP JSC);
  • Electronic platform of JSC "RAD" (, JSC "RAD");
  • Electronic trading systems(, National electronic platform);
  • Agency for the State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan (, AGZ RT);
  • Sberbank automated system trading (, Sberbank-AST CJSC);
  • RTS-tender LLC (, RTS-tender).


In order to work on the "RAD" electronic trading platform of the Russian auction house, participants must obtain and pass accreditation. Please note that customers under 44-FZ do not need to register separately. They use accounts from the ENI portal.

To register on the Russian Auction House electronic platform, follow the "Register" link located in the upper right corner of the main page of the site. Download the digital signature and fill in the fields of the registration form. If everything is correct, you will receive an email containing an activation link. account. Follow the link, enter your username and password and log in Personal Area.

For further work, you need to fill out a user profile. After filling in all the required fields, check the box "I confirm the accuracy of the data I entered" and click the "Next" button. The system will ask you to confirm the creation of an electronic signature. Download everything Required documents and save the profile by sending it to the ETP operator for verification. In general, registration takes up to 5 days. . It takes 3 hours and costs 9000 rubles.

RAD tariffs

To participate in trading under 223-FZ on the electronic trading platform of JSC "RAD", you need to make a deposit:

  • 10 thousand rubles, if the NMCC is not defined or less than 50 million rubles;
  • 5.5 thousand rubles, if the initial price of the contract is more than 200 thousand rubles. up to 50 million rubles.

With an initial price of less than 200 thousand rubles. participation in the procedures at JSC "RAD" electronic trading platform is possible without making a deposit. The fee for participation in the purchase is charged in the amount of the deposit from the winner.

How to apply on the Russian auction site

To find a purchase on the Auction House of the Russian auction site, enter a search query. You can search by the following criteria:

  • lot code;
  • lot name;
  • lot description;
  • deadline for receiving applications;
  • procedure type;
  • status (published, bids are being accepted, bids are pending, bids are being considered, bidding is pending/bids are being accepted, etc.).

To apply for JSC "RAD" electronic trading platform, log in to the system and find the required procedure. Click on the name of the procedure to go to detailed information and submitting an application. Then click on the "Submit Application" button. The system will request access to certificates on the computer. In addition, it will automatically check for the availability of the required amount as a deposit to participate in the auction.

If there are enough funds, the system will open the application form. If you need to add any documents, click the "Add Document" button. If you do not need to add any documents, click on the "OK" button. The system will ask for confirmation of consent to block the deposit. If there is not enough money, the system will issue a warning about the impossibility of submitting an application.

To participate in the procedures, the participant must log in to the system, enter his personal account and select the “I participate” item in the “My procedures” section.

How to create a purchase

To enter the wizard for organizing new auctions, log in, enter your personal account and select the "Organize" item in the "My Procedures" section. In the window that opens, click on the "Create a new tender" button.

The customer has access to:

  • creation of notice;
  • making changes to the notice;
  • creating an explanation;
  • lot cancellation;
  • cancellation of the procedure;
  • transfer of the procedure to the “Completed” status with the option to select “Passed” or “Failed”;
  • adding information about contracts, etc.

First complete the section General information about the purchase"

  • sales direction - the field contains information about the selected sales direction;
  • state - the current status of the procedure is automatically set;
  • method - the type of procedure specified in the form for creating a notice of procurement is automatically set in the field;
  • Last update;
  • purchase name.

Next, go to the "Customer Information" section. When all the information has been entered, click on the "Next" button. The system will automatically go to the "Settings" tab. In it, you need to specify the order of placement of lots, as well as additional settings for the procedure.

You can go to the function of adding lots at the last step of setting up trading parameters. Fill in the fields:

  • information about the lot;
  • settings;
  • document requirements;
  • lot positions;
  • documents and photographs.

After filling in all the required fields, save the purchase and send it for review.

To participate in the auction, it is important to choose a convenient and universal resource, where a large number of assets are presented. "Lot Online" is a trading platform that fits this definition.

"Trading Lot-online" - a common request in search engines. This popular site often appears in our video reviews with examples of real objects that can be bought at auction with a discount of up to 90%. In this article I will tell you what is special about it.

The history of the emergence of Lot-online

Lot-online is an electronic trading platform that appeared in 2010. This is the brainchild of the Russian Auction House. The platform was created for the sale of services and goods in various economic sectors, and now its functionality has expanded even more.

In 2017, the resource was registered in unified system purchase search. The ETP has also been tested by the Ministry economic development and found eligible for bankruptcy bidding. It is included in the list of 8 sites approved for state auctions.

The Russian Auction House trading platform is one of the leading in Russia.

In a short video, I showed how to quickly find land plots, cars, securities and other lots with the biggest discount:

Lot Online. Review

Advantages of Lot-online

There is a lot of competition among trading resources, therefore Lot-online is an electronic trading platform that is maximally adapted for the convenience of users:

  • the registration procedure for participants is absolutely free;
  • all operations on the resource are carried out in accordance with the laws;
  • personal data about all participants is securely protected;
  • technical support works at any time of the day or night;
  • available mobile app, however, it is intended only for bidding with collateral.

It is convenient that all offers are divided into separate sections. For example, if you are interested in the property of debtors, then you can immediately go from the main page to the appropriate section - “ bankruptcy”. This approach saves time and simplifies the search for suitable lots.

What activities are held at the site?

"Russian Auction House" is an electronic trading platform with advanced features. Now there are different kinds tenders and purchases, but the resource has additional services and tools for work in all presented areas.

By the way, only on this trading platform it is possible to go through the privatization procedure in electronic mode. The option has been available since 2011, and many have already taken advantage of it.

On the site "Auction Competition House" you can participate only in commercial and public procurement. As I said, the potential of the RAD website is much greater. This option is also suitable for those who want earn money by buying property of debtors.

In the Lot Online: Bankruptcy section, there are already more than 158,000 offers for the sale of various assets: land plots, enterprises, cars, commercial and residential real estate. If you are looking for an apartment or are thinking about creating rental business, then I advise you to read the article in which I talked about how you can buy an apartment cheaply at such auctions:

On Lot-online, bankruptcy auctions are held regularly; new liquid lots appear in free access every day, which can be purchased for ridiculous money.

To learn how to buy the assets of bankrupt companies and how to make money on their resale or become a trading specialist and work with investors for a fee, sign up for our free master class:


How to get an electronic signature on Lot-online?

To participate in auctions, you will need electronic signature- a special cipher that serves as a digital analogue of the usual hand stroke. With the help of EDS, it is easy to identify the participant and confirm the accuracy of the information provided by him.

"Lot-online" (electronic platform) provides an opportunity to order a digital signature directly on the website. It is faster and more convenient than filling out an application on third-party services. You can also get an electronic signature in the certification centers "Takskom" or "Tensor"; they offer certificates suitable for many marketplaces.

Of the documents, only the TIN is required. To order, you just need to fill out the form:

When the application is completed, you must give your consent to the processing of personal data and send a request:

The auction site "Russian Auction House" works only with a qualified signature. It is she who gives the right to participate in any auction on the resource. You need to receive a ready-made EDS certificate in one of the certification centers of issuance accredited on the site.

About which EDS to choose to participate in the auction and where you can get it in just 1 day, I tell in the article:

System electronic trading The Auction House of the Russian Federation provides for a special browser setting, the use of Internet Explorer only, and the installation of cryptographic protection tools. If you ignore these rules, the data will not be displayed correctly.

Accreditation in the Auction House of the Russian Federation: a step-by-step algorithm of actions

To get the right to perform any actions on the site, the participant must be accredited on the site. The procedure is simple - filling out the form will take no more than 5 minutes.

To get started, you need to go to the desired section and fill in all the fields in accordance with the requirements:

You can go through not a general registration, but immediately choose the direction of sales. If this is done, the following form will open:

If you are interested in working on the Lot-online electronic platform, bankruptcy and buying property of debtors, then I recommend that you first obtain an EDS, and then undergo accreditation. If the electronic signature has already been issued, then it is better to upload the data immediately so that you do not have to return to this stage.

The next step is to send copies of documents.

At this stage, you should pay attention - if you send low-quality scanned copies, then you will be denied accreditation. You need to carefully check all the files and upload them to the system without haste.

Identifiers of documents that will help to pass accreditation for access to the section " bankruptcy":

I show the step-by-step registration process on the site in this video:

Lot Online. Registration

After the application is signed, saved and sent to the specified email a letter will come. It will contain a link that you need to follow to confirm the address.

If everything is in order with e-mail, the application for accreditation will go for consideration. Usually, the support service takes no more than 5 days to make a decision. If the answer is yes, then the Lot-online platform will give you access to all the opportunities for work.

Make money trading: learn how to make a profit without investing anything

I know that many people would like to try to buy the property of debtors and make money on it. The Auction House of the Russian Federation and its electronic platform are ideal for this purpose.

However, I also know that there are two main reasons why beginners are put off: lack of funds to purchase properties and lack of knowledge.

Our free master class takes both problems off your shoulders.

On it, we cover the intricacies of participation in the auction and show a lot of examples of buying objects from the experience of investors. The information will be useful both for those who are not in the subject at all, and for those who have already taken a step into this profitable business.

We will also introduce you to Dr. Watson's formula- a bidding strategy that allows buy bankrupt assets without investing your own money at all.

If you want to have even in a crisis good income and at the same time risk nothing, then register to participate in the master class:


Click the button and sign up for a free master class to learn about the 5 steps of Dr. Watson's Formula, how to buy cars, apartments and houses at a bankruptcy auction with a 50 - 90% discount!

At the end of 2016, on the basis of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, a new ETP began to function under the name lotonline, which is supervised by the ETP operator Joint-stock company"Russian Auction House", abbreviated RAD ( To clarify, then ETP lotonline exists and has been successfully operating since 2010, but the statute of the trading platform for 44 Federal Laws ETP lotonline appeared quite recently. In the near future, customers will be able to place their public procurement and conduct electronic auctions on the site lotonline(

I want to say right away that the RAD is an auction site for the sale of state and private property in the territory of the Russian Federation. ETP lotonline is an electronic platform (project) of the RAD (Auction House of the Russian Federation) and it will also hold auctions for the sale of public and private property, as well as the purchase of goods, works, services (state purchases).

Mainly on ETPlotonline There are several strategic directions, among which there are no auctions under FZ 44 yet, but one can observe the publication of auctions under FZ 223. Those. it can be concluded that in the near future a certain part of the tenders placed under the 44th Federal Law will be held at this new site. In the meantime, ETP Lot-Online works in the areas of Bankruptcy (sale of bankrupt property), commercial bidding and purchases under 223 Federal Laws, as well as the sale of state and municipal property.

You can see the list of certification centers that have the right to issue an electronic signature that allows you to work on the space of this site by clicking on the link You will not find purchases under 44 Federal Laws on this site yet, they are not there. But still, the question arises whether it is worth acquiring a signature in advance (adding the rights to the ETP Lot-Online to your current signature) and undergo Registration (Accreditation)? Do not hurry! Better take into account the information about this site, explore it, study its purchases under 223 FZ (, in a word, get used to it and its existence.

Objectively, this resource differs from the usual ETP Sberbank-AST, EETP Roseltorg, RTS-Tender, Zakaz.RF and MICEX ( MICEX, by the way, is now called the National Electronic Platform, interface and purely visually perceived differently than the state. sites. After visiting ETP Lot-Online, more one gets the feeling that you are really on the site for the sale of property, real estate, but not at all on the conservative resource of the state. venues for public electronic auctions. Moreover, customers will have to spend time to study the specifics of this site, which means that we have a month or two left to prepare for all these innovations.

Purchases on the All-Russian universal trading platform (Lot-Online) have been carried out since 2010. Supervises the work of the website of JSC Russian Joint-Stock House.

"Lot-Online" is used for the purchase and sale of public and private property, procurement of goods, services and works.

Since January 1, 2017, public procurements under 44-FZ have been carried out in a special section of the site (the platform has become the sixth in Russia, which is accredited by the Government for these purposes).

To participate in auctions on the Lot-Online website, a qualified electronic signature is required.

How to get an electronic signature for ETP "Lot Online"

To order an EDS, fill out the following application.

After sending the application, an employee of the certification center will call you within 30 minutes. He will answer your questions and send you an invoice and an EDS contract by e-mail.

After receipt of payment, the digital signature will be ready within 3 hours.

The cost of an electronic signature

The price of an EDS for the ETP RAD depends on which auctions you plan to participate in.

If this is your first e-auction, you may also need:

  • USB-token, on which your digital signature is recorded (cost - 1200 rubles)
  • annual license for the CryptoPro program (1200 rubles)

EDS works 1 year from the date of manufacture. After this period, a new signature must be ordered.

If you purchase an extended digital signature for 6300 rubles, then your electronic signature is valid:

  • at all federal public procurement sites
  • on dozens of commercial tender sites

How to register on the trading platform

Registration and accreditation on the AHRF trading platform is available without payment (in the general order). On average, it takes up to 3 days from the date of application. The application form can be downloaded from the website.

Express accreditation is also possible. This service paid and its cost is 9 thousand rubles. Registration on the trading platform takes place in an accelerated mode and takes no more than three hours.

Tariffs for participation in Lot-Online auctions

Participation in public procurement and auctions of debtors/bankrupts on the site of the Russian Auction House is free.

With regard to commercial purchases, the following tariffs apply:

  • To participate in the procurement procedure, it is required to deposit 10,000 rubles if the lot value is more than 50 million rubles.
  • With a lot amount from 200 thousand rubles to 50 million, the participant must deposit 5,500 rubles.
  • Participation in the auction up to 200 thousand rubles is free.

What auctions are held on Lot-Online

  • Bankruptcy - sale of property of companies declared bankrupt
  • Public procurement - bidding under 44-FZ and 223-FZ
  • Commercial purchases - purchases of goods, services and works by companies, regardless of the form of ownership
  • Pledges - an extensive database of distressed and non-core assets of banking and insurance institutions
  • Commercial auctions - sale of non-core assets, which takes place automatically
  • Privatization - sale of municipal and state property

Additional Information

Each section of the trading platform has a section with answers to the most common questions of bidders.

If after reading background information If you have any questions about working on the site, you can always ask the support service specialists by phone 8-800-777-57-57.