The rarest professions. The most unusual professions in Russia add your price to the database comment

Basically, employers need specialists who are familiar with the usual and familiar industries: economics, medicine, engineering, and the like. But in the world there are many other, most unusual and strange professions not known to most people, which few have heard of, and certainly no one knows where they teach professional ant catching, show a master class on pulling the brain out of the head of a slaughtered animal and explain how right to trade dreams. We will tell you about these and many other strange types of work in the continuation of the article.


1 Ant Catcher

The ant catcher must catch the best individuals in the anthill, which will subsequently serve to procreate on artificial ant farms.

2. Brain extractor

The place of work of the brain extractor is a slaughterhouse. His duties include putting the head of a slaughtered animal on the table and, after his skull is cracked, take out the brain from there, which is then sent to restaurants.

3. Mattress tester

Who among us did not like to jump on the bed as a child? True, then our parents scolded us for this, but Ruben Reynoso is paid money for this! A man works in a mattress factory and jumps on them as much as he wants.

4. An organizer who will help get your child to a children's camp

Going on vacation or any other long-distance trip, there is always the risk of forgetting something important, but for New Yorkers, this is no longer a problem. For less than a thousand dollars, an organizer will come to the Americans' house and collect everything necessary for the children's trip to summer camp.

5. People who live in luxury apartments and get paid for it

It is difficult to call this activity and work: live in luxurious apartments, enjoy life and get paid for it - paradise, and nothing more! But these people are essentially nomads, who only create the appearance of life in the house, observing the ideal cleanliness and order. And when there are buyers for the house, the family should immediately move to another luxury house.

6. Professional sleeper

7. Cliff diver

Jumping off a cliff into the unknown - what could be scarier? What if they pay for it? Red Bull cliff diving competitions are held all over the world, and today half of the competitions have already taken place, in which extreme sportsmen from different countries took part, having conquered a height of 27 meters.

SourcePhoto 8The Man Watching Paint Dry

And this job seems to be one of the most boring in the world, and perhaps it is. 34-year-old Dr. Thomas Curwen, during his working day, carefully observes how the paint dries, watches how its color and texture changes. The doctor must give a guarantee that the paint is durable and will not peel off in the near future.

9. Sellers of tears

In Asian countries, people are used to restraining themselves, so funerals are served by special mourners. The prices for the services of such personnel look something like this: crying - 1 coin; crying with howling - 3 coins; hysterical crying with howling and falling to your knees - 7 coins; sobbing with beating on the chest, tearing clothes and rolling on the ground - 20 coins. Before starting work, you must pass a test on knowledge of traditions, the ability to sob dramatically and instantly calm down.

10 Scarecrow Man

Perhaps one of the strangest professions is a scarecrow. Nevertheless, a young man who completed his studies at the institute got a job in this particular job. His duties included scaring away local birds with an accordion and a bell, and he had to wear a bright orange coat. For this performance he was paid £250 a week.

11. Dress Namer

A person of this profession comes up with sonorous names for the clothes of the new collection. "Drops of Blood on Garibaldi", "Jawaharlava Rice Pudding", "The Seduction of the Prince of Bohemia" and even "Hippie Boy Take Me!" is his handiwork.

12. Penguin Flippers

These people work in Antarctica and save poor birds that stare at planes and fall on their backs. After all, by their nature, penguins are not able to rise on their own.

13. Dream merchant

A postal clerk dreams of becoming a great actor for one night. A businessman dreams of managing a multi-ton train. The psychiatrist dreams of meeting 20 girls from 20 different countries in 20 days off. How can you make their dreams come true? One of the Chicago companies is engaged in the realization of any fantasies and desires of its customers. All you have to do is come to their office, tell them what you dream about and pay the amount that the experts will tell you. However, remember that the minimum cost of making a dream come true is $150,000.

14. Toilet guide

A new service has also appeared in China... On the streets of Chinese cities, you can now meet comrades who, for a fee of 4 cents, are ready to tell anyone where the nearest public toilet is. In their work books so it is written: "Civil servant - toilet guide"!

15. Condom Tester

One of large companies, which manufactures condoms, has opened several new vacancies. The office is recruiting young people for the positions of "Condom Testers"! An unlimited number of consumables are included in the tester's standard equipment. The one who best of all provides the office with useful information about the progress of the tests will receive a bonus of $1000!

16. Cookie Divination Writer

Fortune cookies, popular throughout the feast, need regular and correct compilation of these same predictions. Their author must certainly have a good imagination, because the prophecies must be clear, interesting, varied and unusual. At first glance, the work seems easy, but try to come up with at least a hundred such predictions!

17. Water slide tester

The main consumable material for this work is swimming trunks. They are rubbed with terrible speed, because here the main working weapon is the buttocks. And Tom Lynch's buttocks are known all over the world wherever there are water parks. With his fifth point, he tested hundreds of slides, while writing down his feelings in special forms.

18. Parmesan listeners

Do you know what absolute pitch is? In Italy, for example, this is the ability to clearly perform the song "O sole mia" on parmesan cheese. In the factories where it is produced, people with a musical education work. They tap the heads of the cheese with a silver mallet to determine if it is ripe. And it matures for 3 years, giving out new notes every day. The further you go, the louder the parmesan.

19. Egg sniffer

Some pastry shops have so-called egg sniffers. They make sure that rotten chicken eggs are not used for the production of confectionery.

20. Waiter in line

Frankly, you can be happy for the British. An office has appeared in the country that promises citizens that they will not stand in lines. A specially trained “stayer” will do this for them. Services are not cheap - almost 40 bucks an hour. If we consider that every Englishman stands in line for more than a year in his life, then the savings are obvious!

21. Breath Taster

Tests the effectiveness of chewing gums by sniffing the breath of people with bad teeth after eating garlic or alcohol. A good chewing gum should drown it all out.

22. Tasters from Amsterdam

At the annual marijuana festival in Amsterdam, weed producers compete in many categories: the most delicious marijuana, the most beautiful in color, the most fun, with the strongest effect ... The winner is determined by judges who have to taste up to 30 varieties of weed per day. And while the winners are being awarded for the most striking effect, they are trying to return the tasters from the Land of Laughter.

There are quite a lot of extremely rare professions in the world, for which applicants undergo a serious selection and a major competition. To get an unusual entry into the labor force, the applicant must have specific qualities that are not taught anywhere. The rarity of the profession is determined by the geographical features of the place, the increased requirements for the candidate and the low demand for specialists. Considering which rare professions happen, you can divide them by novelty, place of work, gender of employees and demand in the labor market.

New rare professions are constantly appearing in the world, which require workers of a specific profile. So, in rare professions of the 21st century, vacancies in the field of IT can be considered. Among programmers, it is extremely rare to find specialists who know lisp and haskell. In the field of development, gui designers and architects are rare information systems. No less rare in the field high technology erlang developers and agents of influence.

The rarest professions

However, the most interesting, rare and unusual professions still require moving to an equally exotic location. The rarest works are on the Australian island of Hamilton and in Antarctica.

Perhaps, considering all the rare highly paid professions, you will not find more entertaining than the caretaker of a paradise island. One of the travel companies, after a serious selection, hired a person who would look after the tourist island for 6 months. His duties included diving, golfing, swimming and blogging. For six months of "work" the caretaker received 110 thousand dollars.

There are also less than 10 penguin flippers in the world. They live near the airport and go out daily to rescue fallen birds. The thing is, penguins natural environment always fall on the stomach. However, upon spotting the aircraft, the curious bird tips over backwards and is unable to get up on its own. Therefore, specially hired people come to the aid of penguins.

Rare professions in Russia

There are also rare professions in Russia, the list of which can be divided by place of employment:

  • scent specialists in the perfume industry;
  • postigers and prompters in theaters;
  • operators of determining the sex of chickens on a poultry farm;
  • bell casters and icon painters in churches;
  • gerontologists in medicine.

Smellers or sniffers are the rarest professions in Russia that require a unique sense of smell. The specialist is required to distinguish and determine the qualities of the aroma in the manufacture and on the human body.

Almost all jobs from the list are rare professions in demand. The chick sexing operator must distribute day-old chicks by sex in huge numbers. Makers of false beards, mustaches, eyelashes and sideburns, as well as prompters of actors, are required in a small amount, but the level of productions depends on them.

Few people can cast bells and paint icons, but the demand for such work is very high. Gerontology as a field of medicine requires qualified specialists, while the theoretical basis for this profession has not yet been collected.

Rare professions in the world

You can also highlight 5 rare professions known all over the world, but practically not common:

  • sign language interpreter;
  • astronaut;
  • paleontologist;
  • glass blower;
  • oserivitel.

Quite a few people know the specific language of the deaf and dumb, although there is a demand for such specialists in various institutions. Enough is already known about the profession of an astronaut, but the financial costs of launching rockets make this specialty almost unique. Professors of paleontology conducting scientific excavations are also extremely rare. The once common professions of glass blowers and chimney sweeps can now be attributed to the rarest professions in the world. In the production of matches, a person is required to apply sulfur - there are very few specialists in this field.

There are also less known, rare and interesting professions. For example, in Sweden, due to the tax on pets, some owners hide them. It is the duty of the detective of dogs to detect such animals by any legal means. A specific position also exists on ant farms that breed ornamental insects. Ant catchers evaluate and select healthy insects before sending them to pet store shelves.

The rarest male profession

Since the end of the 19th century, there has been a rare male profession of a greenkeeper. The duties of such an employee include maintaining lawns of fields for football, rugby and baseball in proper condition. Although specialists from the USA and Great Britain are more often involved in the preparation of fields for competitions, in Moscow there is also a The educational center in this specialty.

In elite restaurants, there are very rare professions of fumeliers. Specialists select drinks for cigars, taking into account all their features, tastes and preferences of each individual client. For a candidate for the position of fumelier, a mandatory requirement is to thoroughly know the brands of spirits and cigars, as well as be able to find an approach to the client.

A rare profession for girls

Nowadays, the line between women's and men's professions is gradually blurring, but rare professions can still be added to the list. If you rank the five rarest professions, it will look something like this:

  1. Trucker.
  2. Glass blower.
  3. Bodyguard.
  4. Balloon pilot.
  5. Gondolier.

Given the peculiarities of the profession of long-distance cargo transportation, there are practically no women among drivers, but there are exceptions. It is a physically demanding and specific job to create glass pieces, and although women rarely do it, ladies' pieces are considered more refined. Men are traditionally hired for the position of bodyguard, but if a girl can demonstrate the necessary qualities, she may well protect important people.

One of the rarest female specialties is the pilot of a pleasure balloon, there are only a few of them in the world. And finally, the rarest profession among girls, in which only one representative of the fair sex has worked in the entire modern history - a gondolier in Venice.

Each person tries to choose a job in accordance with their basic needs. Some want a high-paying position, others think about prestige, and still others - about something original, unusual and exciting. But if everything is more or less clear with the first two categories, then what the list of unusual professions looks like is still not clear to everyone. Rare, unusual professions in modern life began to include several groups of specialties:

  • popular earlier, but having lost serious demand in recent years - chimney sweeps, telephone operators;
  • related to a narrow field of knowledge - tasters, paleontologists, tutors;
  • unusual professions of the 21st century, potentially in demand in the coming decades - conquerors of new lands, designers of animals, plants, microbiologists.

Unusual professions of the world

Are there many things that happen in life that seem to exist on their own, are organized and realized without the participation of a person? Indeed, there are enough such things in life, but they are not organized independently - a specially trained person, whom no one even suspects, can monitor the precise implementation of any little thing. The most unusual professions often become just that - inconspicuous, but very important.

  • unusual professions in the world:
  • Bridesmaid. This person is engaged in the selection of dresses, provides general assistance in preparation, accompanies the bride from the first to the last minute of the celebration.
  • Animal food taster. Responsibilities include testing food for many types of pets - hamsters, birds, dogs and cats. Tasters are competent in the knowledge of the taste preferences of animals and are ready to give useful advice animal owners. Sometimes such food is hard to digest, but the impressive salary compensates for the inconvenience.
  • Professional waiting in line. A special person will replace the customer of the service in a long queue, if necessary. Of course, such work is worthy of the category "the rarest unusual professions."
  • Bag packer. A special person is able to fit a huge amount of things into small bags and save a lot of time for people in a hurry on vacation.
  • The author of predictions for cookies.
  • Elite nomad. Some people or even families enter into an agreement with the owners of luxury homes. They must take care of the house at the time of the absence of the owners, living in it. When the owners return, the temporary workers are obliged to move out.
  • Drying paint watcher. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is quite a difficult job. An observer under a microscope examines the drying process in great detail. It should be whether the texture of the paint is changing correctly, the color is being transformed, and more.
  • Critics of restaurant dishes. Of course, many people dream of such a job.
  • Ball divers. Basically, we are talking about pulling balls out of water during golf games.
  • Penguin lifter. Despite its unusualness, the work is very important. Helicopters of geologists and other scientists studying Antarctica often fly in penguin habitats. Interested birds lift their heads high, trying to consider aircraft and fall on their backs. The penguins are not able to rise to their feet on their own, and then a person who is constantly on duty next to them comes to their aid and raises them.
  • Furniture tester. Many have heard about this job, however, it is quite rare and also belongs to the category of "the most unusual professions in the world."

Unusual professions in Russia

The most unusual professions in Russia are associated with conveyor production, ecology and agriculture.

Unusual professions in Russia list:

  • foreman of the yard of molds (moulds for metal in a liquid state);
  • procurer of niello (material for jewelry);
  • caretaker of lights (work related to lighting and lighting equipment);
  • forest pathologist (work related to identifying diseased trees, healing the forest);
  • cow pedicure master (neglected, damaged hooves can harm the health of the animal).

In the capital of Russia, as a progressive and modern city, you can find a lot of unusual professions.

Unusual professions in Moscow:

  • trend hunter;
  • web gardener. Works with unnecessary links and outdated information, simply by removing it;
  • pillow straightener;
  • stripper watcher.

The most interesting and unusual professions often attract not only originality, but also impressive pay.

Unusual highly paid professions look like this:

  • professional foreigner (you need to pose as an important person from abroad for 1500 euros per week);
  • hugger (you need to hug strangers all day for $ 80 per hour);
  • hotel tester (first of all, it refers to checking rooms for comfort).

In many original professions, creativity can also be shown.

Unusual creative professions:

  • tester computer games;
  • movie extras;
  • namer of clothing lines or individual items;
  • literary critic;
  • packaging designer.

Rare and unusual professions

There are also unusual women's professions which can be classified as rare. Not always only women work in such positions, but they are given preference.

Unusual professions for girls

  • wrinkle smoother on shoes;
  • wrinkle smoother on bed linen;
  • sleeping on request (in museums as part of an exhibition or at research institutes);
  • armpit taster (tests deodorant and odor changes throughout the day);
  • listener (waits for people in a special booth who just need to speak).

Perhaps you will be interested.

Every person, of course, needs a profession. From childhood, he begins to think about who he wants to become. Someone wants to be like dad or mom, someone relies on their own interests. But now it's time to make your choice. The professions of the whole world are open before you. The main thing is not to make a mistake.

Professions around the world. Where to stop?

So, in more detail. Professions around the world give everyone the opportunity to choose their own path in life. Often, this is not so easy to do. After all, I want the profession to be in demand and highly paid. True, we should not forget that there is nothing eternal in this world. The labor market is constantly changing. Once prestigious professions become irrelevant. They are replaced by more ambitious specialties - like marketers, advertising specialists, sales managers, etc. So what professions are the most in demand today? Let's try to figure it out.

genetic engineers

Describing the professions of the whole world, of course, it is impossible not to mention them. These people receive today about 98 thousand dollars a year. Constant population growth can lead to a serious problem - hunger on the planet. Even now in many underdeveloped countries there is a shortage of food. And the ability of the Earth to grow the right amount of food is not so great.

advertising managers

The rating of professions includes these guys in the top ten. The number of different services on the market and a variety of products is also growing very rapidly. Ways to promote them need the most original and bright. Today, simply producing a quality product is not enough. He needs a unique image, a positive image. The buyer should not want to buy it, but definitely do it. And so this specialty appeared.

IT specialists

The salary of some "IT people" is 100 thousand dollars a year. It's no secret that computer technology controls everything today. IT specialists protect systems from hacking, develop software. In short, this specialty is our technological future.


Professions all over the world include this specialty in the first places in the ranking in terms of demand. It is lawyers who deal with the settlement of all kinds of legal conflicts. IN modern world without their intervention, not a single contract is drawn up, not a single document is signed, and not a single major transaction is carried out.

Market Analysts

Let's look further at the rating of professions. Market analysts receive today about 112 thousand dollars a year. They help answer questions about whether it is worth releasing your product into circulation and when it is better to do it. Specialists collect the necessary information, conduct analysis, predict potential future sales, customer availability and business success.

The medicine

In the coming years - this is apparently in the field of medicine. For example, the demand for dental services is four times greater than the supply. New dental offices open regularly, but they still cannot completely fill this niche.

Anesthesiologists also earn a lot. This position is especially popular abroad. This is not just a doctor who chooses the dose of anesthesia during the operation. This is a professional who ensures the safety of the patient both during the operation and after its completion.

Surgeons receive about 350 thousand dollars a year. In addition to performing operations, their duties include a lot of "paperwork" and constant examinations of patients. Accordingly, such a high level of wages is well deserved.


Remember the nursery rhyme that "all professions are needed." Pilots are in demand today no less than doctors. Air transport is the fastest and most popular in the world. Therefore, the profession of a pilot is one of the most prestigious and highly paid. But there are a lot of requirements for it: precise skills, training, psychological stress, responsibility for people's lives. Today, of course, unmanned aircraft are already appearing. However, they will not be able to completely displace living people for sure not soon.

Senior managers

The directory of working professions, as a rule, does not include such specialties. In fact, these positions are very much in demand. These include the president of the company, and CEO. In essence, they are one and the same. The top manager is the main figure in the functioning of the enterprise. He needs to make important decisions, choose the course of the company, be responsible for the final result of the work. This position requires a lot of responsibility, therefore it often leads a person to stressful conditions.

social professions

Next item. Social professions have a lot of advantages. They provide an opportunity to engage in a variety of interesting activities, broaden horizons, provide self-realization of the individual.

Social and humanitarian professions include: coach, psychologist, sociologist, Social worker, social educator, ethnographer, archaeologist, blogger, copywriter, media employee, political scientist, educator, teacher, recruiter, tour guide, graphic designer, PR specialist, linguist, translator, speech therapist, culturologist, museum worker, librarian. Social and economic specialties include: accountant, marketer, manager, economist.

Rare Professions

So, the positions in demand are considered. Now you should turn your attention to the rarest professions in the world. This group includes the position of a sign language interpreter. The professions of a stylist (a person who makes wigs, beards, eyelashes, sideburns, mustaches and braids to order), a machine operator at a match factory (osierator), a kavist (a specialist in alcoholic beverages offering a specific wine for a specific dish), teatester (tea taster), greenkeeper (specialist responsible for the condition of green lawns for football, baseball, rugby, golf, etc.), oenologist (specialist who selects grape varieties for making wine) and speechwriter (writer for politicians and businessmen ).

Rare male professions

And now more specifically. The rarest professions in the world among men are sometimes simply striking in their originality. Among them: a dergal (a specialist who collects seaweed for three months a year), an organ builder, a climbing equipment tester, an aircraft washer, a monsterologist (a specialist in the study of monsters), a cow shearer, an observer at the work of strippers. The latter watch the dances of the girls for two months, make notes and receive wages in the amount of 10 thousand dollars a month.

Rare female professions

IN Lately the line between men and began to blur more and more. Nevertheless, there are such professions where meeting a woman is a rarity. For example, there is only one single female gondolier in the world. To master this profession, the Venetian had to undergo six months of training and pass exams.

Infrequently, you can also meet women truckers. However, such cases do occur. Women are driving huge trucks. At the same time, they build family life, raise children.

Women are also known to cope with the work of glassblowers no worse than men. Moreover, they can create masterpieces thanks to their subtle feminine taste.

The rarest profession in the world

The rarest profession in the world is considered to be the caretaker of a paradise island. It arose when a person was needed who could promote holidays on one of the Australian islands. One of the travel companies was looking for such a person. For six months, the man had to live in a villa on the island, swim in the pool, scuba dive, take pictures, play golf and blog. For six months spent on Hamilton Island, the happy owner of this profession was able to earn 110 thousand dollars.

Summing up, it is worth saying: "To each his own!". Do not forget about the above quote - "All professions are needed!".

Regarding the choice of an interesting profession at one time, the proletarian poet Mayakovsky, referring to a young man who is considering life and determining which of his contemporaries to choose as his life idol, they say, with whom to start life, suggested making Dzerzhinsky, who was a professional revolutionary, such.

Now, although the times are not easy, we do not need social revolutions and social cataclysms - there have been plenty of them in the last century. Therefore, we will consider what interesting professions there are to offer them to a modern person who is considering his life.

When determining the criteria for interest in a particular profession, one should nevertheless point out that interest is, in fact, answers to such questions:

The order of posing these questions is different for each person, some will have an emotional assessment of the profession in the first place, others will have a material one, the third will have the future prospects of the profession, and the fourth will have the exclusivity of professional activity.

Now there are very interesting professions that make it possible to work without even leaving home - these are the so-called remote work professions: freelancers, computer game testers, IT specialists, web designers, advertising and remote sales specialists, and other new interesting professions associated with the virtual space, but with a very real income. To master them, all you need is a computer, knowledge in a particular area of ​​computer and IT technologies.

However, people, as a rule, are more interested in professions that exist not in the virtual, but in the real world. So, the most interesting professions, their list, for example, may look like this:

  • snake and spider milking operator. His duties include the selection of poison from snakes and spiders, which are grown on their respective farms - serpentaria and spider spawners;
  • there is a dice tester in the centers of the world gaming industry in Las Vegas, as well as in Monte Carlo, his duties include monitoring the condition of dice;
  • hired groom or bride, they play the role of the groom or bride in front of relatives or friends of the client;
  • furniture set tester, who must check furniture for strength, identifying fragile places and uncomfortable areas in it;
  • a subway passenger rammer must ram passengers into subway cars during peak periods of their influx;
  • a frog breeder breeds amphibians that are used in restaurants for cooking.

Of course, this is by no means a complete list of top interesting professions.

As for Russia, there are also enough crafts in our country, which, despite their unusual and even strange names, can arouse considerable interest in someone.

Based on the criteria for unusual names, the most interesting professions in Russia are:

  • lazy breeder. This is not at all what many thought when they heard the derivatives of the words “freebie” and “breed”. In fact, a worker by profession, a breeder of freebies, must put the so-called freebies or otherwise glass ingots in furnaces for melting glass and monitor their remelting, mixing the molten glass mass or otherwise, diluting it;
  • the mold court worker also has nothing to do with the associations associated with the courtyard of any sultan and his concubines. Molds are molds for pouring molten metal, where, when the metal cools, it takes on the shapes of blanks corresponding to the shapes of the molds, and the yard of the molds is the place where the blanks are located during their cooling;
  • a worker cleaning the face of a hide, not a barber at all - he is engaged in cleaning blanks of animal skins for subsequent dressing;
  • a niello purveyor is not at all a caretaker for social group the population of the time of Ivan Kalita, which has the name mob. Niello is a special jewelry material used in engraving on metal. Niello consists of an alloy of silver, copper and sulfur and has a matte black color.

As can be seen from this partial list of uncommon job titles, Interesting Facts about professions can help one or another applicant for “his” profession to find one in the list of the above, or those that are similar to them.

In addition to the activities already mentioned, the most interesting professions in the world can be such as:

  • caretaker of the tropical islands. His duties include monitoring the state of the territory of the islands, their flora and fauna, describing the events taking place on the islands, maintaining text and video blogs. Search for local natural attractions to attract the flow of tourists. In fact, this is a year-round vacation with breaks for reporting work;
  • an antique wine taster who tests vintage wines for their suitability for consumption by those who can afford to shell out for this kind of artefact. At the same time, a taster of ancient alcohol has the opportunity not only to show interest in communicating with the "cream" of society, recommending certain types of wines to them, but also to enjoy both the wine itself and the worthy financial reward;
  • the forest pathologist is engaged in healing forests, and his task is to monitor forest plantations and identify their diseases in time - everyone needs good health, including forest plantations, which are considered the lungs of the entire planet;
  • companion - provides services to accompany the client during travel. In our time of high technology, a person sometimes lacks ordinary communication. Therefore, a fellow traveler should be a sociable and interesting conversationalist.

It should be borne in mind that in addition to this, far from complete list professions, of course, there are even more interesting and highly paid professions.

The most interesting professions for girls are listed in random order, so you should not complain if any of the professions did not make it into this short list of interesting professions for girls:

  • the profession of a stewardess, according to the girls, is one of the most attractive. Flights to the most different countries, communication with the most diverse, including famous passengers, what could be more interesting than such a wonderful profession?
  • the profession of a florist for a girl is also a very interesting profession related to handling flowers. For many of them, flowers are the object of dreams, and here is a daily stay surrounded by flowers;
  • the design profession brings together a large number of areas of design art, ranging from the designer of living space, and ending with the fashion designer and make-up designer.

However, interesting creative professions are far from exhausted, so everyone has the opportunity to think of what interesting professions for women and girls can still be added here.

Interesting professions await men in various fields human activity between the two poles and on all continents Zemshara, as Velimir Khlebnikov called the planet Earth. And even this sphere of male activity is not limited - a man, however, like a woman, seeks to conquer outer space.

As for what interesting professions there are after the 9th grade, for young men of this age, simple working specialties of construction workers, car service assistants, PC operators, supervisors, waiters, couriers, animators, DJs, photographers will be suitable and interesting , etc., subject to interest in these areas.

Regarding what interesting professions after the 11th grade, for guys, as well as for girls, such specialties as:

  • programmers, system administrators in the field of IT;
  • engineers various industries industry;
  • architects and designers;
  • marketers, logisticians, analysts, specialists in the field of advertising and remote sales.

True, it is impossible to imagine which of these or many others not listed here will become “their” profession for a person.