Rules for maintaining work books. How to fill out a work book







In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 14, 1957 N 1104 State Committee The Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages decides:

Approve the Instruction on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations.


State Committee Council

Ministers of the USSR on labor issues

and wages





1. Labor books, in accordance with Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of December 20, 1938 N 1320, are kept for all workers and employees working in state and cooperative enterprises, institutions and organizations for more than 5 days, including seasonal and temporary workers.

Employment books are also maintained for non-staff workers, provided that they are subject to state social insurance.

For part-time employees, work books are kept only at the place of the main job.

2. The work book is the main document characterizing the labor activity of a worker and an employee.

3. Workers and employees entering work are obliged to present their Labor Book to the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization.

Employment without a work book is not allowed.

Persons entering work as a worker or employee for the first time, including persons who were previously members of collective farms or industrial artels, are required to submit to the administration a certificate of the last occupation issued at the place of residence by the house management, village or town council, street committee (certificate issued by the street committee must be certified by the District Executive Committee); soldiers demobilized from the Soviet Army are required to present a military ID to the administration.

4. For the illegal use of work books, transfer to other persons, forgery and erasure of their perpetrators shall bear criminal liability.


a) General instructions

5. Entries in the work book are made in the language in which office work is conducted in a given enterprise, institution or organization.

If office work is conducted in the language of the Union or Autonomous Republic, the Labor Book is filled out simultaneously in Russian.

6. The work book is filled in in the presence of the employee no later than five days after he was hired.

In the future, the employee is given the right to get acquainted with the keeping of records in his work book.

7. The following information must be entered in the labor books of workers and employees:

a) last name, first name and patronymic;

b) year of birth;

c) education;

d) profession;

e) information about work;

e) promotions and awards.

8. All entries in the Labor Book must be accurate and are made by the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization upon the issuance of an order or order to hire, relocate or dismiss an employee. The owner of the Labor Book must be familiar with the content of the record made.

Entries in the work book are made neatly, in ink.

9. Changes in the entries in the Labor Book about the last name, first name and patronymic, education and profession of the employee are made by the administration on the basis of documents and with reference to them (marriage certificate, registry office certificate, education documents, etc.), and must be certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise, institution, organization or a person specially authorized by him and the seal of the enterprise, institution, organization or the seal of the personnel department.

Only the enterprise, institution or organization that made an incorrect or inaccurate entry can make corrections in records about the timing and nature of the work performed or the position held, about the reasons for dismissal and other information about work. These corrections must fully comply with the original order or instruction, acceptance or dismissal note and are certified in the above manner. Witness testimony cannot serve as a basis for correcting previously made entries.

10. Responsibility for organizing the correct maintenance of labor books rests with the head of the enterprise, institution or organization.

The head of the personnel department or a special person appointed by order of the head of the enterprise, institution or organization is directly responsible for the timely and correct completion, storage, accounting and issuance of work books to employees.

b) Entering general information about the employee

11. On the first page of the work book are written general information about its owner.

Surname, name and patronymic (in full, without abbreviation or replacement of the name and patronymic with initials) and year of birth are indicated on the basis of a passport or birth certificate.

Education - secondary and higher is indicated only on the basis of documents (certificate, certificate, diploma); primary education may be indicated from the words of a worker or employee.

If the employee has an incomplete secondary or higher education, then in the column "education" the word "secondary" or "higher" is underlined and the word "incomplete" is added on top. An entry about incomplete secondary or higher education can also be made only on the basis of an appropriate document (student card, certificate, record book, etc.).

The profession is indicated on the basis of education documents or from the words of the worker or employee himself.

The Employment Book must contain the personal signature of its owner and the date of the initial filling of the book.

c) Entering information about work

12. In column 3, in the form of a heading, the full name of the enterprise, institution or organization that creates the Labor Book is written. If during the work of a worker or employee the name of this enterprise, institution or organization changes, then an entry is made about this in a separate line in column 3 of the Labor Book: "The enterprise is such and such, from such and such a date it was renamed to such and such", and in column 4 the basis for renaming is affixed - an order, an order, its date and number.

Under this heading in column 1 is the serial number of the entry being made;

column 2 indicates the date of employment;

in column 3 it is written "accepted or appointed to such and such a workshop or department, to such and such a position or job, indicating the category." At the same time, the name of the position or work for which the employee was hired is recorded in strict accordance with the staffing table or the tariff and qualification directory in force at the enterprise, institution or organization.

If a worker is assigned a new category during the period of work, then an appropriate record is made about this.

Column 4 indicates the date and number of the order, order or acceptance note.

13. In the same manner, movements and transfers of an employee from one job to another in the same enterprise, institution or organization are formalized.

14. If an employee, before entering this enterprise, institution or organization, already worked as a worker or employee, but for some reason a work book was not entered for him, then when filling out the work book in the section "Information about work" in column 3 first of all, a record is made of the total length of service as a worker and employee before entering a given enterprise, institution or organization.

The total work experience is recorded in total, that is, the total number of years, months, days of work is indicated without specifying in which enterprise, institution or organization, in what periods of time and in what positions the owner of the Labor Book worked in the past.

In column 4, respectively, it is written "the experience of so many years is confirmed by documents" and "the experience of so many years is recorded from the words."

Documents confirming the length of service are returned to the owner of the Labor Book.

15. The following entries are not indicated in the summarized total work experience, but are made in a separate line:

a) a record of the time of service in the ranks of the Soviet Army and Navy, in the troops and bodies of the Committee state security at the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in the militia, in all types of paramilitary fire and guard guards, on the time spent in partisan detachments, indicating the date of conscription or enrollment, the date of dismissal from service and the number of the military ID orthe relevant document;

b) a record of the time of study in schools and schools of the system of state labor reserves (in trade and railway schools, mining schools and schools, factory training schools, schools of agricultural mechanization, technical schools, etc.) and in other schools, schools and courses for personnel training, advanced training and retraining of personnel;

c) a record of the time of study at higher educational institutions, secondary specialized educational institutions (technical schools, pedagogical and medical schools, etc.), party schools, Soviet party schools, trade union schools, workers' faculties and about the time spent in graduate school, doctoral studies and clinical residency;

d) a record of work as a member of a collective farm - in those cases when the current legislation provides for the offset of this work in the total length of service of workers and employees;

e) a record of work as a member of a cooperative fishing artel upon transfer to work as a worker or employee in state enterprises, institutions and organizations.

d) Filling out the work book upon dismissal

16. An entry on the dismissal of an employee is made in compliance with the following rules:

in column 1 the serial number of the entry is put;

column 2 indicates the date of dismissal;

Column 3 indicates the reason for the dismissal.

Entries in the Labor Books about the reasons for dismissal must be made either in strict accordance with the wording of the current legislation, or in the form of a reference to the relevant article and paragraph of the law.

For example, upon dismissal in connection with admission to study, in connection with the birth of a child, in connection with illness or the transition to an old-age or disability pension, in connection with the relocation of one spouse to another and other valid reasons provided for by current legislation, in the column 3, a record of dismissal is made indicating these reasons.

When transferring from one enterprise, institution or organization to another, by order of higher authorities or by agreement between the heads of enterprises, institutions or organizations, the reason for the transfer is recorded in column 3 (due to downtime or production necessity, as agreed between the heads of enterprises, etc.) or reference to the decision of the relevant party, Soviet, trade union, economic and other bodies on the transfer.

Column 4 indicates the date and number of the order, order, dismissal or transfer note.

e) Entering information about incentives and awards

17. Only one-time individual incentives and awards related to work in an enterprise, institution or organization are recorded in this section of the Labor Book.

Such individual encouragement and awards include: awarding diplomas, badges and conferring honorary titles, acknowledgment, cash prizes.

Bonuses provided by the wage system are not recorded in the work book.

It also records the implemented inventions and technical improvements proposed by this employee, as well as the amount of remuneration received by the employee for these inventions and technical improvements.

Disciplinary sanctions are not recorded in the work book.

18. The procedure for entering information about incentives and awards is as follows:

in column 3 the name of the enterprise, institution or organization is written in the form of a heading;

column 1 below indicates the serial number of the entry (numbering that increases throughout the entire period of the employee's labor activity);

in column 2 the date of promotion or award is put;

in column 3 it is recorded by whom the employee was awarded or awarded and for what;

column 4 indicates the date and number of the order to encourage or reward the employee.


19. In cases where all the pages of the sections "Information about work" or "Information on incentives and awards" are filled out in the Labor books of workers and employees, the Labor books are supplemented with an "Insert in the Labor book".

20. An insert in the Labor Book is sewn in, filled out and maintained by the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization at the place of work of the worker or employee in the same manner as the Labor Book.


21. Upon dismissal of a worker or employee, all records of work, incentives and awards made during work at a given enterprise, institution or organization shall be certified by the signature of the head or a person specially authorized by him and the seal of the enterprise, institution, organization or the seal of the personnel department.

When if the Labor Book is filled out in the language of the Union or Autonomous Republic and simultaneously in Russian, then both texts are certified.

22. On the day of dismissal, the administration is obliged to issue to the worker or employee his Labor book with a record of dismissal made in it.

In the event of the death of a worker or employee, the Labor Book is issued into the hands of his closest relatives against receipt or sent by mail at their request.


23. The person who has lost the work book must immediately report this to the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization at the place of the last job.

Not later than 15 days after the application, the administration is obliged to issue a new Labor Book with the inscription "Duplicate" in the upper right corner of the first page.

In case of loss of the Labor Book by a worker or employee as a result of its negligent storage, the owner of the Labor Book shall pay the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization 25 rubles.

24. A duplicate of the work book is filled out according to the general rules. In the sections "Information on work" and "Information on incentives and awards", when filling out a duplicate, entries are made only about work and incentives and awards at the place of the last job on the basis of previously issued orders and instructions, and a record of the total work experience before entering this enterprise , to this institution or organization is carried out in accordance with clause 14 of this Instruction.

25. In the event of the loss of the Labor Book by an enterprise, institution or organization due to natural disasters or other reasons, its owner is kept a duplicate of the Labor Book without charging its cost.

At the same time, the administration is obliged to assist the employee in obtaining documents confirming his work experience prior to entering this enterprise, institution or organization.

26. If the work book is not completely destroyed, but has become unusable (burnt, torn, smeared, etc.) due to the fault of the owner, then the book is not destroyed, and at the end of the records "Information on work" and "Information on incentives and awards" is entered entry "continuation of entries in another work book", in this case, the employee is issued a second work book, in which subsequent entries are made. For the issuance of the second work book, 25 rubles are charged. Both work books are kept by the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization, and upon dismissal they are issued to their owner.

Upon admission to a new place of work, a worker or employee is required to present both Employment Books.


27. When filling out the forms of the Labor Books for persons who first entered the job, as well as when issuing a duplicate of the Labor Book, the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization charges the owners of the Labor Books a fee in the amount of 50 kopecks, and when filling out an insert in the Labor Book - in the amount of 30 kopecks. cop.

In the event of incorrect completion of the Labor Book or its insert, as well as in the event of damage to the forms of the Labor Books and inserts to them due to careless storage, the cost of the damaged forms is paid by the enterprise, institution or organization.



28. Labor books in accordance with Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 14, 1957 N 1104 are prepared by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages according to a single USSR sample.

Those kst Trade books are printed in Russian and in the language of the Union or Autonomous Republic.

29. Inserts in Labor Books are prepared by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Labor and Wages in the same manner as Labor Books.

30. The Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics, ministries and departments of the USSR submit to the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages reasonable applications for the required number of forms of Labor Books and inserts to them, drawn up taking into account the current need and planned receipts work force for the following year.

31. Forms of work books and inserts to them receive:

Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics, Union and Union-Republic ministries and departments of the USSR - in the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages;

economic councils and republican ministries for enterprises, institutions and organizations subordinate to them - in the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the corresponding union republic;

regional and city (cities of republican subordination) executive committees of Soviets of working people's deputies for enterprises, institutions and organizations subordinate to local Soviets - in the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the corresponding Union Republic;

enterprises, institutions and organizations - in the relevant economic councils, ministries, departments, executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies, depending on the subordination or jurisdiction.

32. The administration of enterprises, institutions and organizations is obliged to periodically check the availability of forms of work books and inserts to them.


33. The administration of an enterprise, institution or organization is obliged to organize the storage of labor books in conditions that exclude the possibility of damage, theft or destruction of them in the event of a fire or other reasons.

34. Labor books not received by workers and employees upon dismissal are stored for 2 years in the personnel department, separately from the Labor books of workers and employees who are at work. After that, they are handed over for 3-year storage to the archive of an enterprise, institution or organization, and after this period they are handed over to the State Archive of the October Revolution and Socialist Construction of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for permanent storage.


35. At enterprises, institutions and organizations, the following documentation is maintained for recording the forms of Labor Books and completed Labor Books:

a) income-expenditure book for accounting for forms of work books and inserts to them;

b) a book of accounting for the movement of labor books and inserts to them.

The income and expenditure book includes all transactions related to the receipt and expenditure of forms of work books and inserts to them. The book is maintained by the accounting department of an enterprise, institution or organization.

The book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them is maintained by the personnel department or other division of the enterprise, institution or organization that draws up the admission and dismissal of workers and employees.

This book registers all labor books received from workers and employees who have gone to work, as well as labor books and inserts to them issued to workers and employees again.

Upon dismissal from an enterprise, institution or organization of a worker or employee, the Labor Book is issued to him in his hands; On receipt of the book, the employee must sign in the book of accounting.

The income and expense book and the book of accounting for the movement of labor books must be numbered, laced and sealed with the signature of the head of the enterprise, institution, organization and a wax seal.

(The forms of the income-expenditure book for accounting for the forms of Labor books and inserts to them and the book of accounting for the movement of Labor books and inserts to them are attached.)

36. Forms of work books are stored in the accounting department of an enterprise, institution or organization on a par with strict reporting documents and are issued upon request to the accountable person responsible for maintaining work books.

37. At the end of each month, the accounting department requires the person responsible for maintaining the Labor Books to report on the availability of blank Labor Books and inserts to them and on the amounts received for the completed Labor Books and inserts to them, with the application of the receipt order of the cash desk of the enterprise, institution or organization. An act is drawn up on the forms of the Labor Books and inserts to them that are spoiled during filling (an approximate form of the act is attached).

38. Amounts received from workers and employees for completed Labor Books and inserts to them, amounts collected from workers and employees for the loss of Labor Books, as well as the cost of damaged forms are paid monthly by the accounting department of an enterprise, institution or organization to the State Bank for crediting to the income of the Union budget in accordance with Instructions of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR dated March 5, 1947 N 132.




39. The State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages exercises general control over both the provision of forms of work books and inserts to them by enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as compliance with the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books.

40. The Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics, the ministries and departments of the USSR, as well as the Councils of the National Economy of economic administrative regions, carry out systematic instruction and control over compliance with the established procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Public control over the correctness of maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations is carried out by trade union bodies.



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Enterprise manager

(institutions, organizations)

(M.P.) "__" __________ 195_

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(indicate position, surname, name and patronymic)

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(indicate in words)

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(language name)

The language that "__" ___________ 195_

destroyed by burning.

The act was drawn up to write off the damaged forms of work books

(or inserts to them) from the sub-report ________________________________


(full name of the enterprise, institution or organization)

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The employer must provide a well-filled work book for each of his employees who have worked for him for more than 5 days, including seasonal, temporary or freelance. The exception is those with whom the organization has a civil law contract. Nothing is recorded in the labor force for such employees, since the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not apply to contracts of the mentioned form.

If the employee is just starting his career and does not yet have a job, you need to take an empty form and fill it out in the presence of the employee within a week from the date of employment.

It happens that an employee brings several books at the time of employment. Lost in this case is not worth it. Data on the current place of work should be entered in any labor at the choice of the employee, and other books should be put in the safe along with the main one, because they can be useful for calculating the length of service.

Rules for filling out work books

It does not matter what type of information is entered into work books, you must follow the basic rules for their maintenance:

  • all data must be in Russian, and if the employer operates on the territory of a republic within the Russian Federation that has its own fixed state language, then data in Russian may be duplicated by entries in this language;
  • information in the book must be entered with a black, blue or purple gel, ballpoint or fountain pen;
  • the information entered must be without abbreviations (even generally accepted ones, such as “st.” instead of “article”), the numbers must be Arabic, and the dates must be in the format DD.MM.YYYY, without the abbreviation “y.” after specifying the year;
  • at the moment, changes are being prepared in the filling rules work books, one of which will allow the employer not to stamp the work book if he does not have a seal in principle (since 2015, organizations have been allowed not to have a round seal).

Important! Despite this rule, dates are often given in a mixed alphanumeric form. This is due to the peculiarities of the typographical printing of forms, in which the place for the number is marked with quotation marks, and the year is abbreviated. Since this contradiction is not regulated by law, when filling out the labor in this way, the employer does not bear any risks.

  • entries in the book must be numbered through the type, with the exception of those whose numbering is not provided for by the rules (for example, information about the employer).

Important! The same procedure applies to the design of the insert for the book as to filling out the labor itself.

Information about the employee in the work book

In most cases, the person filling out the labor is not required to enter information about the employee. It is contained on the title page and must fully match the content of the documents that the employee provides when applying for a job. The information is a list of the following information:

  • surname, name, patronymic (as in the passport, including the accuracy of the letter “Yo”);
  • date of birth (in the format DD.MM.YYYY Arabic numerals);
  • education (as in a diploma or certificate);
  • specialty (from the document on education, in the nominative case).

At the conclusion employment contract with the employee, you need to check the correctness of his personal data, as well as the mandatory presence of:

  • signature of the employee, which certifies his personal verification of the authenticity of information about himself;
  • signatures of the responsible person who filled out with a transcript;
  • the date of filling, corresponding to the five-day period from the date of employment;
  • company seal.

Important! Rostrud in its letters informs that the instructions for filling out work books (in terms of the need for an official stamp of the organization) can be interpreted not so literally and expresses the opinion that an internal seal is enough personnel service or affiliate of the campaign, if they have full details of the employer.

Filling out the title page may be required only if an insert is made in the book or a new work sheet - for the first time for a particular employee, after the loss of the previous one or in the form of a duplicate.

If the employee's personal data changes (for example, the last name after marriage), then the changes are recorded by entering new data above the old ones, crossed out with one thin line. Details of the supporting document are recorded on the cover of the book from the inside and are confirmed by the signature and seal of the employer.

Information about the employer

According to the rules, information about the employer is entered as a header before the main records of the employee's work without assigning a serial number and contains the full and abbreviated name of the organization.

In the event that the employer changes its name or undergoes reorganization, this fact must be entered in the work books of employees so that the records of hiring and dismissal correspond to each other. Information is entered in a separate line indicating the document on the basis of which the changes occurred and the date of the event.

Important! The date of change of the name of the employer is indicated not in column 2, but directly in the text of the entry in column 3 of the section "Information about work". The record of the renaming of the employer, as well as the entry of primary information about it, does not need to be numbered.

Making an entry in the work book

The work book should reflect all the important events that occur with the employee during his work activities, which are provided for by the Rules for maintaining and storing work books and the Instructions for filling out work books. The most common cases include:

  • recruitment;
  • record of military service;
  • changes in labor activity;
  • rewards and penalties;
  • dismissal;
  • reinstatement and annulment of the court decision on reinstatement;
  • the occurrence of a period not included in the continuous work experience.

The entry line in the work book is a list of data entered directly after the line with information about the employer or printing with all his data (for a job entry) or on the next line below the last entry made (for all other events) in the following columns of the unified forms:

  • Column 1 "Record number"– the number assigned to the current record, through, in order, starting from the first record of the block to the last. Must be filled in for any record type, except for the employer information line entered in the form of a subheading without a sequential number.
  • Column 2 "Date"– consists of three columns: day, month, year. It is filled in with Arabic numerals, in the first two columns - two digits, in the third - four digits. The date of the event that happened is entered here, and not the date the book was filled out. In most cases, it coincides with the date of the document confirming the entry. When filling out information about the dismissal, it contains the date of the employee's last working day.
  • Column 3 "Information on employment, on transfers to another job and on dismissal ”- the main part of the record, which contains a description of the event and its reasons (hired, transferred, fired). It is entered without abbreviations, includes wording that exactly matches the text of the order of the head (or other document confirming the event), and contains a reference to legislation (most often, article Labor Code). When registering the dismissal of an employee in the same column, after the text, there is a signature of the responsible person and a seal imprint.
  • Column 4 "Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made" - the exact details in the specified order of the document confirming the event (order, decision of shareholders, act, protocol, etc.)

Employment record

Information on employment is entered at the time of registration of the employee at the main place of work on the basis of a written employer. The entry must contain the name of the structural unit, position and details of the order.

IMPORTANT: When entering information about the hiring of a manager, the basis for the entry can be either an order or another document on the basis of which the manager was elected to this position.

Terms of probationary period and the nature of the work are not mentioned. However, when hiring on a rotational basis a separate indication of the shift work schedule is mandatory.

IMPORTANT: Before entering information about hiring an employee, make sure that the work book contains a record of dismissal from the previous job. Otherwise, there can be no confidence in the fact of termination of the employee’s previous work and a certified copy of the dismissal order from the previous employer is required to enter the relevant information into the book.

Information about part-time work are optional for fixation and are entered into the labor at the request and application of the employee and only at the place of the main job. The basis may be a duly certified copy of the order or a certificate from another place of work. In the text of the entry, instead of “accepted”, it is written “appointed as a part-time job”.

When registering an employee for remote work the entry is made in the usual manner, although this nature of cooperation allows not to enter information about such work in the work book. Then the text of the agreement on not making an entry in the labor contract is included in the employment contract. In this case, the employer is officially released from the obligation to make an entry, and the employee in the future will be able to confirm the period of his work experience at this place of work with copies of the contract and the order of admission.

Military service record

Entering information about the completed military service is done to correctly record the time of work, because this period is included in the continuous length of service of the employee. The entry is made on the basis of a military ID and contains in the text an indication of the exact period of stay in the ranks of the Russian Army.

Changes in work activity

This broad formulation implies many possible situations, which are drawn up in a standard way indicating the serial number and date of the entry, the text of the event, a link to the Labor Code and the details of the justification document:

  • an employee can be transferred to another position or to another department;
  • the staffing table can be renamed the position of the employee;
  • in the course of training, an employee may be assigned a new rank or other qualification.

Important! Training in courses and schools for advanced training is fixed in the labor in the usual manner, indicating the place and period of study. However, receipt time records higher education since December 2013, they are no longer made in books.

If there are changes in the terms of the employment contract with the employee, and they do not directly affect him labor function(for example, the mode of work or salary changes), then such data is not entered into the worksheet. Combination of positions, expansion of the service area or increase in the amount of work in the current position are also not fixed, temporary transfers or temporary performance of the duties of another employee, except for cases for which a fixed-term employment contract is issued.

Record of awards and penalties in the labor

Information about rewarding or encouraging an employee is entered in the work book within a week from the date of execution of the relevant order, drawn up or in the form provided for accounting policy organizations. The entry refers to the date and number of the order and, fully corresponding to the text of the document, contains information:

  • on awarding a state award;
  • on the assignment of various titles;
  • about receiving certificates of honor and badges;
  • on other awards provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the employer's charter or a collective agreement.

Important! The receipt of bonuses, which are provided for by the wage system or paid on a regular basis, is not recorded in the work book.

Disciplinary sanctions are not reflected in the work books of employees, with the exception of a measure in the form of termination of an employment contract with an employee.

Record of dismissal in the work book

Information about the dismissal is entered in the work book after the execution of the order of the head, issued in the form No. T-8 or in another form, which is assumed by the accounting policy of the organization.

The text of the entry must fully comply with the data of the order and the information entered in the employee’s personal card, and also quote as accurately as possible the paragraph of the Labor Code, according to which the employment contract with the employee is terminated. At the same time, the dismissal of the head provides for the possibility of indicating in column 4 both the order of dismissal and another document containing information on the termination of the employee’s labor activity in the position of head.

Important! In the case when an employee is granted leave before dismissal, the last day of the leave is considered the day of termination of his work, however, the work book, as well as the calculation, must be issued to him on the last day of his appearance at work before the start of the leave.

The current practice suggests the use of several wordings: “fired”, “employment contract terminated”, “employment contract terminated”. None of them is against the rules and can be used without risk to the employer.

Upon dismissal, all entries that were made in the employee's work book for the entire period of his work must be confirmed by his personal signature, the signature of an authorized person or manager, and certified by the seal of the organization.


It happens that a dismissed employee goes to court and proves that the employer illegally terminated the employment contract with him. The issued court order or court decision must be immediately enforced, and the employee reinstated in his previous position.

In the workbook at the time of restoration there is already a record of dismissal from this employer, which means that by default it is assumed that the next entry will be made by a new employer. To indicate who entered the data, information about the employer is again entered in the employee's book - in the form of a heading, without the serial number of the entry. But the next entry, numbered in the usual manner, is the cancellation of the dismissal entry (“Entry No. __ is invalid, restored to its previous position”)

However, after the reinstatement of an employee in a position, it is not uncommon for the employer to be able to appeal the court decision and fire the employee again. In this case, a dismissal entry is made in the work book in the usual manner, referring to paragraph 11 of part 1 of Art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The occurrence of a period not included in the continuous work experience

In some cases - for example, when an employee is assigned corrective labor in a court of law - information about the period that will not be taken into account when calculating the length of service must be entered in the work book. The information entered in the book is confirmed by an order issued by the head on the basis of a court decision, and contains an indication of the exact period not included in the length of service.

How to correct an entry in the work book?

No matter how carefully and carefully the documents are filled out, no one is immune from mistakes and blunders in the process of work. The method of correcting the data depends on the type of error and the place where it is contained:

In the block of personal information about the employee on the title page, the following may be incorrectly indicated:

  • Full Name- erroneous information is crossed out with a thin line, the correct ones are written next to it, and the details of the document confirming the new information, for example, the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, are entered on the inside of the cover with the data certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head. In this case, any deviation from the information contained in the employee’s personal documents (for example, “b” instead of “I” in the name “Natalia” or the letter “E” in the name “Artyom”) is recognized as an error.

IMPORTANT: If an error is made during the initial entry of data on the title page, including information about education, instead of correcting the form, it must be destroyed with the preparation of an appropriate act.

  • Date of Birth- if the error is actual (in the date itself), then it is corrected similarly to the error in the full name. If the question is that the date contains the letter name of the month instead of numbers, then this is not recognized as an error and cannot be corrected. A similar contradiction found on books issued earlier than 2003 is due to the fact that in the typographical form of the old-style work book, the place for indicating the month was allocated with quotation marks and assumed an alphabetic entry. This discrepancy is not regulated by law, and this type of recording will not entail risks for both parties to the employment contract.
  • Information about the level of education- if the first page of the book does not contain information about the education or specialty of the employee, then this information can simply be carefully entered in the required lines. If there is data on a new level of education or qualifications obtained, then they are entered in the labor as an addition to the information already available and do not cancel the previous information, i.e. old data does not need to be crossed out.
  • Requisites of assurance authenticity of information - if there are no signatures of responsible persons, an employee or a seal, then such a work book is invalidated. by the most in a simple way is the employee's appeal to the employer who started the labor force with a request backdating fill in the missing details.

In the blocks "Information about work" or "Information about awards" may contain the following errors:

  • incorrect numbering of records;
  • an indication of the event in a wording that does not correspond to the content of the supporting document;
  • incorrect order of specifying the details of the base document;
  • the absence after information about the dismissal of the employee's signature on familiarization with the record;
  • entering data in the wrong section of the book (for example, about awarding - in the block of information about work).

Erroneous information in all blocks, except for the title page, cannot be crossed out. Corrections and changes are made by invalidating the erroneous information.

A cancel entry can be made either by the employer who made the inaccuracy or by another, later employer who discovered the inconsistencies. In the latter case, the organization that made a mistake is required to have a document containing correct information, and it will be the basis for the entry in the work book and indicated in column 4.

In this way, not only factual inaccuracies can be corrected, but also errors in the numbering of records. The entire entry made under the wrong number is recognized as invalid, and then this information is duplicated under the correct number.

Issuance of an insert and a duplicate of a work book

An insert to the work book is issued when there is no space left in the book itself for entering information. Without the main booklet, the insert is considered invalid, therefore it is sewn into the last spread of the labor, must be certified on the title page with the seal of the organization and fixed with the stamp “Insert No. __ issued”.

The law provides for cases when an employer can issue a duplicate to an employee. Regardless of the reasons for issuing a duplicate, the information that fits into it must exactly match the documents on the basis of which it is filled out. In cases where the old work book has been preserved, it will be a supporting document for transferring information to a duplicate. In cases of loss of the old document, a duplicate is issued on the basis of certificates or acts indicating the loss.

Important! Only the information contained in supporting documents is subject to transfer to a duplicate. The person responsible for filling out the work book does not have the right to enter any other, even verified information.

An indication that the book is a duplicate is located in the upper right corner of the first page of the labor. It also records personal information about the employee.

  1. If an employee has lost his employment, then he needs to apply for a duplicate at the last place of work. Within 15 days after the acceptance of the application, the organization must issue for former employee duplicate workbook. In the section "Information about work" without indicating information about employers, information is entered on the total total length of service of the employee before working for this employer, and then all records that were made at the last place of work, up to dismissal, are restored.
  1. Duplicate labor can be issued instead of canceling entries when the details of the termination or transfer to another job are invalid. This is also done at the request of the employee. In a duplicate, the employer filling out the book must transfer all entries relating to the work of the employee with him, with the exception of the last invalid one.
  1. If the work book is not suitable for further use, for example, burned or torn, the employer can issue a duplicate to replace the damaged book. In this case, after completing the title page and putting the “Duplicate” mark, you just need to carefully rewrite all the information from the book that has become unusable.
  1. If work books disappeared en masse with the employer due to emergency, then duplicates are issued to all employees. This is done on the basis of an act of the commission of bodies executive power drawn up with the participation of all interested parties.

An organization that draws up a duplicate or an insert for a work book must necessarily record the fact of issuing work books and inserts to them in the Book of Accounts.

Registration of work books is based on a number of legislative documents that provide detailed instructions for their management and storage. Compliance with all rules relating to labor must be closely monitored by both the employer and the employee.

In case of violations, the organization is threatened with liability under the Code of Administrative Offenses, in the form of fines or suspension of activities.

And an employee who did not notice the absence of any details in the texts of the records may not confirm the length of his work experience and not receive the due amount of temporary disability benefits, and subsequently pensions.





In accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 N 225 "On work books" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 16, art. 1539) Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve:

Instructions for filling out work books in accordance with Appendix No. 1;

the form of the income and expense book for accounting for the forms of the work book and the insert in it in accordance with Appendix No. 2;

the form of the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them in accordance with Appendix N 3.

2. Recognize as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation:

Decree of the State Labor Committee of June 20, 1974 N 162 "On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations";

Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of August 2, 1985 N 252 "On the introduction of amendments and additions to the Instruction on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations, approved by the Decree of the State Labor Committee of June 20, 1974 N 162";

Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR of March 31, 1987 N 201 "On making additions to the Instruction on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions, organizations";

paragraph 2 of the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR of August 15, 1990 N 332 "On declaring invalid and amending the decisions of the State Committee for Labor on issues of combination employment";

Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of October 19, 1990 N 412 "On Amending the Instruction on the Procedure for Maintaining Labor Books at Enterprises, Institutions and Organizations, approved by the Decree of the State Labor Committee of June 20, 1974 N 162 (as amended by the Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of August 2 1985 N 252)".

Minister of Labor

and social development

Russian Federation


Appendix No. 1



This Instruction, in accordance with paragraph 13 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing blank work books and providing employers with them (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for maintaining work books), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 "On work books", establishes the procedure for filling out work books, inserts in them, duplicates of work books (hereinafter referred to as work books).

1. General Provisions

1.1. Date entries in all sections of work books are made in Arabic numerals (day and month - two-digit, year - four-digit). For example, if an employee was hired on September 5, 2003, an entry is made in the work book: "09/05/2003".

Entries are made neatly, with a fountain or gel pen, rollerball pen (including ballpoint), light-resistant ink (paste, gel) black, blue or purple and without any cuts. For example, it is not allowed to write "pr." instead of "order", "disp." instead of "instruction", "trans." instead of "translated", etc.

1.2. In the sections "Information about the work" and "Information about the award" of the work book, it is not allowed to cross out previously made inaccurate, incorrect or other invalid entries.

For example, if it is necessary to change a specific employment record in the "Employment Details" section, after the corresponding last entry in this section, the subsequent serial number, the date of the entry is indicated, in column 3 the entry is made: "The entry for the number such and such is invalid." After that, the correct entry is made: "Accepted by such and such a profession (position)" and column 4 repeats the date and number of the order (order) or other decision of the employer, the entry from which was incorrectly entered in the work book, or the date and number of the order are indicated ( order) or other decision of the employer, on the basis of which the correct entry is made.

In the same manner, an entry on dismissal, transfer to another permanent job in case of recognition of the illegality of the dismissal or transfer by the employer, the control and supervisory authority, the review body labor disputes or by the court and reinstatement in the previous job or change the wording of the reason for dismissal. For example: "The entry for the number such and such is invalid, restored to the previous job." When the wording of the reason for dismissal is changed, an entry is made: "The entry for the number such and such is invalid, dismissed (the new wording is indicated)". In column 4, a reference is made to the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer to reinstate at work or change the wording of the reason for dismissal.

If there is an entry in the work book about dismissal or transfer to another permanent job, subsequently recognized as invalid, a duplicate of the work book is issued upon a written application of the employee without making an entry declared invalid. At the same time, in the upper right corner of the first page of the duplicate work book, an inscription is made: "Duplicate". On the first page (title page) of the previous work book, it is written: "A duplicate was issued instead" indicating its series and number.

2. Filling in information about the employee

2.1. The information about the employee provided for by the Rules for maintaining work books, indicated on the first page (title page) of work books, is filled in as follows:

surname, name and patronymic are indicated in full, without abbreviation or replacement of the name and patronymic with initials, the date of birth is recorded in full (day, month, year) on the basis of a passport or other identification document (for example, a military ID, foreign passport, driver's license, etc. .);

a record of education (basic general, secondary general, primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher professional and postgraduate professional) is carried out only on the basis of properly certified documents (certificate, certificate, diploma, etc.);

a record of incomplete education of the appropriate level can be made on the basis of the submitted duly certified documents (student card, record book, certificate educational institution etc.);

profession and / or specialty are indicated on the basis of documents on education, qualifications or the availability of special knowledge (when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training) or other properly executed documents.

2.2. After indicating the date of filling out the work book, the employee certifies with his signature on the first page (title page) of the work book that the information entered is correct.

The first page (title page) of the work book is also signed by the person responsible for issuing work books, after which the seal of the organization (stamp of the personnel service) in which the work book was first filled out is affixed.

2.3. Changes in records in work books about last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth are made on the basis of a passport, birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, changes in last name, first name, patronymic and other documents and with reference to their number and date.

These changes are made on the first page (title page) of the work book. The former surname or first name, patronymic, date of birth is crossed out with one line and new data is recorded. Links to the relevant documents are made on the inside cover of the work book and are certified by the signature of the employer or a person specially authorized by him and the seal of the organization (or the seal of the personnel service).

2.4. Change (addition) on the first page (title page) of the work book of records of new education, profession, specialty received is carried out by supplementing the existing records (if they already exist) or filling in the corresponding lines without crossing out the previously made records.

3. Filling in job details

3.1. In column 3 of the section "Information about work" of the work book, the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any) are indicated in the form of a heading.

Under this heading, in column 1, the serial number of the entry to be made is placed, in column 2, the date of employment is indicated.

Column 3 records the acceptance or appointment in structural subdivision organization indicating its specific name (if the condition of working in a specific structural unit is included in the employment contract as essential), the name of the position (work), specialty, profession, indicating qualifications, and column 4 shall contain the date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, according to which the employee was hired. Records about the name of the position (job), specialty, profession, indicating qualifications are made, as a rule, in accordance with the organization's staffing table. If, in accordance with federal laws, the provision of benefits or restrictions is associated with the performance of work in certain positions, specialties or professions, then the name of these positions, specialties or professions and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements provided for by the relevant qualification reference books.

Amendments and additions made in accordance with the established procedure in qualification guides, the organization's staffing table are brought to the attention of employees, after which appropriate changes and additions are made to their work books on the basis of an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer.

If an employee is assigned a new category (class, category, etc.) during the period of work, then a corresponding entry is made in the prescribed manner.

The establishment of a second and subsequent profession, specialty or other qualification for an employee is noted in the work book indicating the categories, classes or other categories of these professions, specialties or skill levels. For example, a repairman was given the second profession "Electric and gas welder" with the assignment of 3rd category. In this case, in the workbook in column 1 of the section "Information about work" the serial number of the entry is put, in column 2 the date of establishment of the second profession is indicated, in column 3 the entry is made: "The second profession "Electric and gas welder" was established with the assignment of 3 categories", in column 4 indicates the relevant certificate, its number and date.

At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is recorded in the work book at the place of the main job on the basis of a document confirming part-time work. In column 1 of the section "Information about work" of the work book, the serial number of the entry is put, in column 2 the date of employment as a part-time worker is indicated, in column 3 an entry is made about the acceptance or appointment as a part-time worker in the structural unit of the organization indicating its specific name ( if the condition of working in a specific structural unit is included in the employment contract as an essential one), the name of the position, specialty, profession, indicating qualifications, column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number. In the same order, a record of dismissal from this job is made.

3.2. If the name of the organization changes during the work of the employee, then a separate line in column 3 of the section "Information about work" of the work book is written about this: "Organization such and such was renamed from such and such a date to such and such", and in column 4 it is affixed the basis for renaming is an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, its date and number.

3.3. In the work books of persons who have served their sentence in the form of correctional labor, an entry on the non-inclusion of the time of work during the period of serving the sentence in the continuous length of service is made as follows. In the "Information about work" section of the work book in column 1, the serial number of the entry is put, in column 2 - the date the entry was made, in column 3 the entry is made: "Working time from such and such a date (date, month, year) to such and such date (day, month, year) is not counted in the continuous length of service. Column 4 indicates the basis for making an entry in the work book - an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer (issued in accordance with the verdict (determination) of the court), its date and number.

3.4. When the continuous work experience is restored in accordance with the established procedure, an entry is made in the employee's work book at the last place of work in column 3 of the "Information about work" section: "The continuous work experience was restored from such and such a date, month, year", in column 4 a reference is made to the corresponding name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

4. Filling in information about the award

The procedure for entering information about the award is as follows: in column 3 of the section "Information about the award" of the work book, the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any) are indicated in the form of a heading; below in column 1 is the serial number of the entry (numbering that increases throughout the entire period of the employee's labor activity); column 2 indicates the date of awarding; column 3 records who awarded the employee, for what achievements and what award; column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

5. Filling in the information

5.1. An entry on the dismissal (termination of the employment contract) in the work book of the employee is made in the following order: in column 1 the serial number of the entry is put; column 2 indicates the date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract); in column 3, an entry is made about the reason for dismissal (termination of the employment contract); column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made - an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, its date and number.

The date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is the last day of work, unless otherwise provided by federal law, the employment contract or an agreement between the employer and the employee.

For example, when an employment contract with an employee is terminated due to a reduction in the staff, October 10, 2003 is determined as the last day of his work. The following entry must be made in the work book of the employee: in column 1 of the section "Information about work" the serial number of the entry is put, in column 2 the date of dismissal is indicated (10.10.2003), in column 3 the entry is made: paragraph 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation", column 4 indicates the date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer to dismiss.

5.2. Upon termination of an employment contract on the grounds provided for in Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (with the exception of cases of termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer and due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties (paragraphs 4 and 10 of this article), an entry on dismissal is made in the work book ( termination of the employment contract) with reference to the relevant paragraph of this article.

For example: "Fired by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" or "Dismissed by own will, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation".

5.3. When terminating an employment contract at the initiative of the employer, an entry is made in the work book about the dismissal (termination of the employment contract) with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other grounds for terminating the employment contract at the initiative of the employer, provided for by law.

For example: "Fired due to the liquidation of the organization, paragraph 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" or "Dismissed due to the termination of access to state secrets, paragraph 12 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation."

5.4. Upon termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, an entry is made in the work book on the grounds for termination of the employment contract with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For example: "Fired due to not being elected to a position, paragraph 3 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" or "Employment contract terminated due to the death of an employee, paragraph 6 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation."

5.5. Upon termination of an employment contract on additional grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws, entries on dismissal (termination of the employment contract) are made in the work book with reference to the relevant article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal law.

For example: "Fired due to a repeated gross violation of the charter of an educational institution during the year, paragraph 1 of Article 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" or "Dismissed due to reaching the age limit set for replacement public office public service, article 25 para. 2 (1) federal law dated 31.07.1995 N 119-FZ "On the fundamentals of the public service of the Russian Federation".

5.6. When terminating an employment contract at the initiative of an employee for reasons to which the law relates the provision of certain benefits and benefits, an entry on dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is made in the work book indicating these reasons. For example: "Fired of her own free will in connection with the transfer of her husband to work in another locality, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" or "Fired of her own free will in connection with the need to care for a child under the age of 14, paragraph 3 of the article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation".

6. Features of filling in information

about dismissal (termination of the employment contract)

and admission (appointment) to work in connection with the transfer

employee to another permanent job to another

employer (to another organization) or his

transition to elective work (position)

6.1. Upon dismissal (termination of the employment contract) in connection with the transfer of the employee to another permanent job to another employer (to another organization), column 3 of the section "Information about work" of the work book indicates in what order the transfer is carried out: at the request of the employee or with his consent .

Upon admission to a new place of work in the employee's work book in column 3 of the section "Information about work", an entry is made as provided for in paragraph 3.1 of this Instruction, indicating that the employee was accepted (appointed) in the order of transfer.

6.2. Upon dismissal (termination of the employment contract) in connection with the transfer of the employee to an elective job (position) to another employer (to another organization), an entry is made in the work book: "Dismissed due to the transfer to an elective job (position) in (the name of the organization is indicated) , paragraph 5 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation".

At the new place of work, after indicating the full name of the elected body, as well as the abbreviated name of the elected body (if any), in column 3 of the "Information about work" section of the work book, an entry is made about what job (position) the employee was elected to, and in column 4 indicates the decision of the elected body, the date and number of its adoption.

7. Features of filling out a duplicate work book

7.1. A duplicate of the work book is filled in in accordance with sections 1 - 6 of this Instruction.

7.2. If the employee had already worked before joining this organization (to this employer), then when filling out a duplicate work book in the section "Information about work" in column 3, first of all, an entry is made about the total and / or continuous work experience as an employee until admission to this organization (to this employer), confirmed by relevant documents.

The total work experience is recorded in total, that is, the total number of years, months, days of work is indicated without specifying which employer, in what periods of time and in what positions the owner of the work book worked in the past.

After that, the total and / or continuous work experience, confirmed by properly executed documents, is recorded for individual periods of work in the following order: column 2 indicates the date of employment; column 3 contains the name of the organization (employer) where the employee worked, as well as the structural unit and work (position), specialty, profession, indicating the qualification for which the employee was hired.

If the submitted documents confirm that the employee was transferred to another permanent job in the same organization (with the same employer), then a corresponding entry is also made about this.

Then, column 2 indicates the date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract), and column 3 - the reason (reason) for dismissal, if the document submitted by the employee contains such data.

In the event that the documents do not fully contain the above information about work in the past, only the information available in the documents is entered into the duplicate of the work book.

Column 4 indicates the name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the corresponding entries in the duplicate were made. The original documents confirming the length of service, after making copies of them and properly certifying them by the employer or the personnel department, are returned to their owner. The employer is obliged to assist the employee in obtaining documents confirming the length of service of his work prior to employment with this employer.

Appendix No. 2

to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia




Appendix No. 3

to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia



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Instructions for filling out work books - normative document, which contains the rules for correctly entering information about the specialist himself, as well as his entire work history, into the work book. A work book is a kind of biography of an employee, which confirms his resume and provides potential employer reliable information about the experience gained by the employee. That is why the correct filling of such books is extremely difficult. important point, which will be discussed in the article.

Maintenance and storage of work books: rules in the Russian Federation in 2017

The work book is a basic document, which over time is filled with information about the work experience of a specialist. According to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a newly hired employee must necessarily give his work book to the company in which he came to work (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The exception is valid only for persons who are part-time workers. If the applicant for work has not worked anywhere before (for example, a student after graduation), then the employer starts a work book for him.

NOTE!It does not matter if the candidate is 18 years of age at the time of registration. The firm is still obliged to get him a work book.

When maintaining such documents, the employer must be guided by the rules of the Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225), as well as the Instructions for filling out work books (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books" dated 10.10.2003 No. 69), effective in 2017.

The work book should contain information about all companies in which the specialist managed to work (as the main place of work) throughout his working life. At the same time, if an employee works part-time and wants information about his 2nd job to be also reflected in the work book, he has the right to apply at his main place of work with a corresponding request. It is important to remember that you need to contact your main employer, since it is he who keeps the specialist’s work book and has the right to make additions to it (clause 3.1 of Instruction No. 69).

In the future, during the entire period of the employee's work at the enterprise, the work book remains with the employer. However, this does not mean that it is stored unchanged. If during the work of a specialist there were any changes in his official position (transfer to another position, promotion, etc.) or if the employee was awarded any incentives (for example, awards), then the employer is obliged to reflect such facts in work book (clause 4 of Regulations No. 225).

IMPORTANT!The work book reflects information only about incentives. If there were any penalties, they should not be recorded there. An exception is provided for only one case: when, as a result of a misconduct, an employee was dismissed unilaterally. The employer is obliged to reflect this fact (clause 5 of Regulation No. 225).

If a specialist entering the company has lost his work book, the company will have to create a new one for him.

In order to ensure the correct accounting of work books available at the enterprise, the company must maintain a special book of their accounting and movement (clause 40 of Rules No. 225).

Upon dismissal, respectively, the employee receives his work book back. If he did not receive it back when leaving the company, then the company keeps such a book further in accordance with the rules of archiving (paragraph 43 of Rules No. 225).

How to fill out a work book: general requirements

The rules for storing work books and their maintenance, as well as the instructions for work books in 2017, fix some general rules for their correct completion.

So, the employer company, when reflecting facts from the employee’s professional life in the work book, must use a black, blue or purple fountain or gel pen (clause 1.1 of the Instruction for maintaining work books No. 69).

An equally important rule for maintaining work books is continuous numbering (clause 11 of Rules No. 225). This means that all the facts reflected in such a book must have their own serial number in accordance with the chronology of events in the employee's work biography.

With regard to the language requirements in the rules for filling out work books, it should be noted that according to general rule all of them must contain information in Russian. However, if in the territory where the employer operates, another language, except for Russian, is adopted (for example, in the republics), then in the work book, after recording in Russian, information can be duplicated already in the language of such a territory (clause 6 of Rules No. 225).

In addition, the employer should remember that all wording must be spelled out in full, that is, without any abbreviations (clause 1.1 of Instruction No. 69).

Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books: entering information about the employee himself

The rules for filling out work books in 2017 provide that information about the specialist himself is entered in his work book either if he first goes to work (he did not work anywhere before, so his first employer draws up the book), or if something changes for the employee something essential, that is, such information, the change of which should be reflected in his work book.

What exactly should the employer record in the document in question? Basic data about him (clause 2.1 of Instruction No. 69):

  • Full name of the specialist, his date of birth;
  • education received (for example, higher), qualifications, specialization, etc.

NOTE!All information about the employee must be recorded on the basis of supporting documents that the employee must provide. Such documents are, for example, a passport, a military ID, a diploma of higher (secondary, etc.) education.

All the above information is entered in the employee's book by his first employer, immediately after which the employee confirms the correctness of the information about him with his signature (on the 1st page) (clause 2.2 of Instruction No. 69). The representative of the company also signs here, after which the company must affix its seal on the first page, thus certifying everything written.

In the future, the change in information about the employee (for example, if the surname has changed) in the work book is also made by the employer, while a link to documents confirming the relevance of the newly entered information is required.

IMPORTANT!If an employee changes his last name, first name or patronymic, then changes in the work book are made by crossing out old information and indicating new ones. If it is necessary to change information about education / profession, then the previous data is not crossed out, but simply indicated below actual information(clauses 2.3-2.4 of Instruction No. 69).

Instructions for maintaining work books 2017: entering information about the place of work of a specialist

If, as a general rule, information about an employee is entered into the work book once, and then only updated (if necessary), then information regarding his place of work can be entered not only when he leaves his former company for the sake of new job, but more often.

So, let's start with the information that needs to be reflected in the book when applying for a job. Firstly, in the section "Information about work" you should indicate information about the employer company (name), as well as the date when the specialist went to work there (clause 3.1 of Instruction No. 69).

For information on the form in which you can indicate the name of the company in the work book, see the material .

NOTE!The basis for reflecting information about the company in which the employee came to work in the work book is the order of the company to hire such an employee. It is to such a document that you need to refer when making an entry.

In addition to information about the company itself, the work book should indicate what exactly the employee does in the company (what position he holds, in which department / department he works, etc.), i.e., information about the work is indicated.

IMPORTANT!Information about the direct work of the employee is entered in his work book on the basis of staffing. Therefore, if the staffing table has been changed, then the corresponding changes must be reflected in the work book.

For more information about the staffing form, see the article .

Secondly, it is important for the company not to forget that if the official position of an employee changes (for example, new production ranks are assigned to him or a second profession is added), then these facts must also be indicated in the work book.

A similar rule applies if the employee receives any rewards for the results of his labor activity. This information is also reflected in the work book, but already in the "Information about the award" section.

If the company is the main employer of an employee working part-time somewhere else, then you need to remember that such an employee may come with a request to make an entry about his part-time work in the work book. The main thing for an employee is not to forget a document confirming his part-time job (clause 3.1 of Instruction No. 69).

In addition to the above, it is important for any organization to know how to correctly reflect the departure of an employee from the company, since in this case it is also necessary to put a mark in his work book. So, the record of the departure of a specialist firm should be dated from his last working day.

IMPORTANT!It is imperative to indicate on what basis the employment contract was terminated (for example, at will in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If the employee's departure from the firm is related to reasons that require the employee to receive certain benefits, then such reasons must be indicated in the employee's dismissal record (for example, in connection with caring for a child under 14 years old).

If the employee, in the order of transfer, goes to work for another permanent job, then this is also recorded in his work book with reference to the order of the company on the transfer.

In addition, for a number of companies, the question of how to formalize the dismissal of employees in connection with the liquidation of the company may become acute. See this article .


The rules for maintaining work books and instructions for filling out work books in 2017 still require the employer to reflect in the work book all the facts of the employee’s professional biography: hiring, change in official position, receiving awards, transfer to another job, dismissal, etc. e. The employee should remember that his work book should contain up-to-date information about him. Therefore, if, for example, his surname, education, etc. have changed, then you should contact the employer as soon as possible so that he reflects these changes in the work book. In addition, it is important for a company to comply with a number of requirements for the design of entries in work books (through numbering, language design, etc.).

Is it necessary today to apply the instructions of the Ministry of Labor on filling out a work book? Yes, after all, a work book is actually a document of strict accountability. All actions with this document must be done by following the instructions for filling out the work book. We will analyze the nuances of maintaining work books in 2019 in the material of the article.

From the article you will learn:

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Employment book - the main document confirming labor activity

Today, upon registration, the employee is issued employment history, the sample of which was approved in 2003. It is designed taking into account the political changes that have taken place - the coat of arms of the USSR on it has been replaced by the coat of arms of Russia. New Form has an increased degree of protection against falsification:

  • sheets, in the amount of 44, are fastened with a special seam;
  • for the manufacture of special paper with watermarks;
  • in ultraviolet light, the inscription "Labor book" appears on the sheets.

Gradually, the work book loses its meaning. This is due to the fact that when calculating benefits for sick leave and for assigning a pension, it is already used insurance experience. Information about this experience is contained in the databases of the Social Insurance Fund and pension fund RF. The length of service, in addition, can be confirmed by copies of employers' orders for employment and layoffs.

With the transition to digital economy and electronic document management employment records on paper are likely to be canceled. But in any case, even when a decision on this is made at the level of law, this document will be in circulation in paper form during some transitional period. Therefore, they must be filled in with the rules that were established earlier.

How to apply for a job

All information about work, that is, admission, transfer, dismissal, is entered in the appropriate section of the form of the work book.

The section is a table with four columns:

  1. Sequence number of the record;
  2. Date of entry;
  3. information about hiring, transfer to another permanent job , advanced training;
  1. In the 1st column, the serial number of the record is put down.
  2. In the 2nd - the date of dismissal (the last day of work) is indicated.
  3. In the 3rd - the grounds for terminating the employment contract are entered, indicating the relevant paragraph of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, while the wording must also comply with the article and paragraph of the Code.
  4. The 4th column indicates the data of the order or order for dismissal (date, number).
  5. The line below the dismissal record contains the name of the position of the person responsible for maintaining work books (who made the record), his signature and transcript are affixed.
  6. Each notice of resignation must be certified by the seal of the organization.
  7. The employee is required to put his signature under the record of dismissal.

Sample letter of dismissal of an employee at his own request:

The procedure for making records of awards in the work book

All information about the awards is entered in the appropriate section of the work book form.

The section is also a table with four columns:

  1. Sequence number of the record;
  2. Date of entry;
  3. Type of award, when, by whom and for what exactly the employee was awarded;
  4. The name and details of the document, but on the basis of which the entry was made.

In accordance with the Instruction, information on the following types of incentives is entered in the work book:

    state awards and conferred honorary titles of the state level;

    awards received from the employer, including: diplomas, badges and badges, diplomas;

    other types of incentives provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation and local regulations employer.

Note! Prizes and others incentive payments , provided for by the remuneration system operating at the enterprise, are not reflected in the "Information on awards" section.

When it comes to awards received from the employer, the document on the basis of which an entry is made in the work book is the corresponding order. In the event that an employee is rewarded by a third-party or higher organization, the basis document is an order (order, decree) issued by the awarding organization. In some cases, award documents may be received without such an order, so the personnel officer responsible for maintaining work books will need to send a corresponding request to the awarding organization.

Note! If an employee who has already retired expresses a desire to make entries about the award in his work book, he will independently have to make inquiries to those organizations on behalf of which he was awarded.

Practice when information about applied to an employee incentives(acknowledgement, award diploma etc.) is not entered in the work book, a fairly common phenomenon. This is considered a violation not only of the established rules for maintaining this document, but also a violation of legislation . The employee has the right to demand that information about awards and incentives received by him during his employment at this enterprise be entered in the appropriate section of the work book in full.

Another common mistake is to enter information about the work in the "Award Details" section. Usually such an error is due simply to the inattention of the person responsible for maintaining work books, who did not notice that the previous section "Job Details" was already completely filled out.

Rules for correcting entries in the work book

How to be a personnel officer if, by chance or as a result of not knowing the rules and instructions for filling out work books 2019, a mistake was made when making entries?

Quite often there is a need making corrections to records made on the title page. For example, this will need to be done when changing the surname of an employee who got married or, conversely, divorced and returned her maiden name.

This case is also provided for by the Instructions for filling out a work book. According to this document, obsolete data must be carefully crossed out with one even horizontal line and a new entry should be made above them. Of course, all edits on the title page should be made only on the basis of the relevant documents. These documents include:

  • passport;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • divorce certificate;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of change of surname, name, patronymic, date of birth.

When changes are made to the title page, the name and details of the base document are indicated on the inside cover of the work book. The link must be certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head or responsible person.

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