Angry birds from plasticine step by step. How to make a Stella bird from the game Angry Birds from plasticine

A computer game with angry birds as the main characters is no longer new, but is gaining more and more popularity. The developers did not make a mistake by choosing birds of various breeds as a prototype of virtual objects, and even making them live projectiles. All boys in real life love to shoot from slingshots. In the virtual world, they are also given such an opportunity, and even some - angry birds Angry Birds fly out of the slingshot ( Angry Birds), and pig opponents must beware of them. Girls are also attracted to this game, because all the birds are depicted as bright and unusual. We offer to mold Angry Birds from plasticine. The given step-by-step modeling lesson is relevant for primary school children and preschoolers who are interested in modeling, for teenagers who are fond of computer games.

Red is a red bird with a stern look. This is the most standard Angri Birds, familiar even to novice players. In the real world, we suggest creating a miniature of this bird from plasticine with your own hands. This modeling will not cause any difficulties, just study the step-by-step lesson on sculpting an angry bird below.

To mold Angry Birds from plasticine, take:

  • red, black, white and yellow plasticine;
  • spatula-knife.

Master class "Red bird Angry Birds from plasticine step by step":

1) Stock up on the necessary plasticine for work. If you don’t have a whole red bar available, then use a small amount of it, but mask any damaged plasticine or a round object inside. So, red is the main color, the hero's spherical body will be made of it, all the rest will be used in much smaller proportions.

2) Roll into a ball the size of a walnut or larger. It all depends on your desire to create a craft of the right size and on the amount of plasticine.

3) On one side, pull the ball out with your fingers. You should get a figure resembling a drop in shape, but the upper sharp part should be shifted to the side, as it were.

4) Cut the protruding part in the form of a tuft with a stack. Smooth out the protrusions with your fingers.

5) On the front side of the craft - muzzle - stick black glasses. You need to make them from a crescent-shaped cake. It is convenient to cut such a part in a stack to get straight lines.

6) Stick white dots - eyes. Above them, press down the plasticine with a stack to show frowning eyebrows. Two thin strips are enough.

7) Stick even smaller black pupils on the white dots. Be sure to move them towards each other to make a really evil bird look. You can add white crumbs-glare to make the look lively.

8) Prepare a white flat cake suitable for the size of the abdomen.

9) Stick the cake on the bottom, but do not dock with black glasses, leave a small gap.

10) In the gap between the white and black parts, stick a bird's beak by making a miniature cone of yellow plasticine. When doing this detail, measure the size of the beak with the whole craft to guess its parameters.

A fascinating computer game of an unusual dynamic format was developed by Finnish specialists. It is called "Angry birds" for a reason, because angry birds are used as the main ammunition here for waging war. The enemies are cartoon pigs, and the player's task is to destroy them. Among children and teenagers this game popular because it captures players with special dynamics and high-quality animation. Like any other computer game, this version also involves the passage of several levels, on each of which the player has access to special types of shells - angry birds. At the very beginning of the battle, red birds are available to all participants in the battle. If your child is too keen on computer games, try to distract him with an interesting modeling lesson.

1. Prepare four colors of plasticine for work. Most of all, red material will be used, a little less - white and just a little bit of yellow and black.

2. Cut off the amount of red plasticine planned to form the body of the bird from the bar and knead thoroughly in your hands.

3. Roll a ball out of the resulting mass. This is the basis of the red angri birds, now we will create the corresponding look against the background of this detail.

4. First, form a flat cake from the white mass.

5. Stick a flat piece on the red ball and press firmly on all sides. Now the white side will become the bottom part.

6. Two small details for the formation of the front part - eyes and a yellow beak.

7. Attach them to the craft.

8. Place frowning black eyebrows above the eyes, they create the appearance of an angry bird. And one last detail is a small red tuft on the top of her head.

9. Attach the bangs to the craft to decorate the bird.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Here is such an interesting craft turned out in just 20 minutes. This easy option is perfect for preschoolers. Now they will be able to play with a real, not a virtual toy. We also recommend crafts such as plasticine crocodile or plasticine soldier.

Since we are creating a unique collection of Angry Birds figurines, you should not ignore the main enemy. As a matter of fact, because of harmful pigs, players have to use the services of angry birds, to release virtual projectiles in order to protect the eggs. We also mold a pig from plasticine. After all, it is as easy as doing all the other crafts. We saw the drawn figure, maybe even painted it, drew it, and now we have to work with soft mass.

What to consider when sculpting. First, unusual appearance pigs. These are green figurines, they are unusual for us, there is no hint of pink. And pigs are funny and round. Unlike the harsh and always serious angry birds, pigs are always smiling. Secondly, we need to analyze exactly what details we need in order to reproduce an exact copy, what materials to prepare. Let's start the lesson and understand everything in order. If this is on hand detailed instructions, then the work will be done quickly and fruitfully.

What to prepare for sculpting a pig:

Plasticine in three colors: green, black and white;
- A tool for the job.

How to mold a pig Angry Birds from plasticine

We need green color to create the body of a funny and unusual pig. In general, only a patch will remain of a real pig, which will also be green. Round pests squeal when angry birds overtake them, our figure will be silent, but we will defeat it quite successfully. As you can see, very few materials are required to complete the craft.

Let's start creating an exact copy of the pig. Roll up a green ball, as well as an additional oval patch and two small ears. Glue the base for the mouth onto the ball - this will be a black stripe. And glue three white teeth. A slightly open mouth with three sparse teeth makes the pig look stupid. We marked the place on the ball where the muzzle will be, then we will attach all the other parts here.

Glue the nose clearly above the mouth, add black dots for the nostrils. Glue white dots for eyes. They should be far set, they can be placed at the level of the nose. By itself, the green torso ball is small, so all the details should be compactly contained. That's all that is required of a young sculptor.

Make pupils, stick small black dots under the eyes (on the cheeks) - a kind of freckles. Or pierce the plasticine in these places with a sharp needle.

Glue on the top of the ears and add thin eyebrows. Now the pig smiles at us and looks so harmless, although we know that we need to be on the alert and protect eggs from it. Therefore, we used to make a brave four.

Silly pig, the enemy of evil birds is ready. We made this copy from plasticine. And now we have our own little collection of players. Without thinking about the scenario, you can play an exciting game in reality. On one side of the arena we have red, yellow, blue and black birds - a wonderful team of birds, on the other - a stupid green pig. Do you have a slingshot to launch, consider how to make it.

For proper and harmonious development, all children need to engage in creativity - modeling or drawing. In this article we will tell you how to mold "Angry Birds" from plasticine quickly and easily. You will not be required to special tools or skills.

The easiest way

Let's start with the basics. Making "Angry Birds" from plasticine is quite simple. At the heart of this figurine is a ball. Therefore, take red plasticine and roll up a neat ball. Then take a small piece of yellow mass, roll a ball out of it as well and form a drop out of it. Stack mark the beak. Then carefully stick the beak to the red ball.

Take two small pieces of white plasticine and make two round cakes out of them. These are the eyes of "Angry Birds" made of plasticine. Attach them as shown in the photo. From black plasticine, blind the eyebrows and pupils of the bird. In addition, blind a white breast from a small piece of white plasticine, so the bird looks much more beautiful. From red plasticine, form a small tuft. Now you know how to make Angry Birds from plasticine. Other birds are molded according to the same principle.

Other models

Please note that these figurines, in the photo below, have eyes blinded in a slightly different way. First, black circles are molded, and then white ones. So the look of the birds becomes more expressive. Moreover, you can make another crest. To do this, take a strip of red mass and give it the necessary shape with scissors. Then stick the crest to the bird.

To mold the ears of a green pig, take two pieces of plasticine of a suitable color and form balls out of them. Flatten them. Then take black plasticine and make smaller cakes. Connect the black and green circles together. Ears are ready. Now they can stick to the body.

More complex "Angry Birds" plasticine birds

But for birds on legs, a frame is required. It is best to take copper wire, as it is less flexible and better holds the weight of clay. So, first form a wire frame. Then begin to carefully cover it with plasticine.

After the body of the bird is formed, blind the beak, eyes and eyebrows. Don't forget the tails, tufts and breasts. Hold the bird while sculpting by the legs. Add texture to the feathers with a stack. And lastly, stick around the legs of the birds. Make them better from orange plasticine. You can stick small claws if desired.

Materials and tools

If you want to sculpt "Angry Birds" from plasticine with your child, remember that this material is soft, has a low price, is found in almost all children's stores and has a wide palette of colors.

If you want the birds to serve you for a long time, then it is better to take polymer clay. This material must be baked at the end. After baking, the plastic will become strong and flexible. True, keep in mind that plastic is by no means a cheap material. In addition, you can create birds from fondant and decorate a children's cake with them.

A funny and very dynamic game "Angry birds" for computers of an unusual format was developed in Finland. In this computer arcade game, angry colorful birds act as ammunition, and comical pigs act as their enemies. We offer you to learn how to sculpt angry birds quickly and simply from plasticine.

Figures of Angry Birds from the cartoon of the same name and a computer game have gained immense popularity among children. different ages. Toys, models, posters, stickers and other paraphernalia with the heroes of this game have gained wide popularity. If you are a parent with small children or even rather big ones, or you are just a creator who is fond of modeling, it's time to start creating homemade plasticine toys.

For those who like needlework or modeling, it would be a great option to make funny cartoon characters - bright angry birds, with their own hands. At home, together with your children, you can engage in an exciting creative process: create your favorite characters from a soft plasticine mass. Modeling will be very useful for children for the development of creative and mental abilities. A nice bonus from such a pastime will be plasticine models of your favorite cartoon characters Angry Birds.

Master class on modeling Red figurines from plasticine: instructions for angry birds

For everyone who even knows a little computer game or cartoon Angry Birds, a hero named Red is very, very recognizable. He is the protagonist of the arcade game that has been sensational all over the world. With a little effort, you will learn, thanks to our master class, to sculpt this hero from plasticine with your own hands.

We need a plasticine mass of red, black, yellow and white flowers, plank or mat for modeling, as well as a stack.

The procedure for performing work on creating a computer character:

  1. Knead the entire mass for modeling very well so that it becomes plastic. Now roll up a neat small ball from soft red plasticine, which will become the basis for the body of an angry bird. From the rest of the red mass, make two small sausages. Connect them together and glue on the top of the bird. Got feathers.
  2. Now we make Red's eyes. You need to pinch off two small pieces of white plasticine and roll two small balls out of them. Attach them to the body of our character, slightly flattening with your fingers.
  3. We take up the black plasticine mass. We twist a thin sausage out of it and cut it in half with a stack. We fasten Angry Birds over the eyes, slightly raising one of them - we got eyebrows!
  4. We sculpt two more small black balls and form the pupils of the bird.
  5. From the yellow mass for modeling we form a beak. Using a stack, divide the beak into two parts: upper and lower.
  6. It remains to blind the belly of an angry bird. We roll out a small ball from white plasticine, flatten it into a pancake and attach it to the body.

Ready. Look at the photo. This handmade figurine will surely become your child's favorite friend.

How to mold the character Bomb from Angry Birds from plasticine: photo

Another bright and memorable character of the game of the same name can be called the Bomb. The expressive black bird is familiar to many fans of Angry Birds. Having molded the Bomb figurine from plasticine, you will be able to replenish the collection of cartoon characters.

In order to make the Bomb character, you will need a plasticine mass of black, white, red, gray and yellow, as well as a board or mat for modeling, a stack.

Let's start sculpting:

  1. Knead the modeling mass well and roll a ball out of black color - the body of our future hero. From gray plasticine, make two balls and flatten them into pancakes. Attach these pancakes to the bird's body. It turned out spots near the eyes of the Bomb character.
  2. Next, roll up sausages for the eyebrows of an angry bird from white plasticine. Attach them above the eyebrows. Do not forget to fix a small white dot from plasticine between the eyes.
  3. Let's get to work with gray plasticine. Roll it into a small ball and flatten into a cake. Attach the pancake to the body of the bomb bird - you have a tummy.
  4. Twist the sausage from the black plasticine mass. This will be the crest of our Angry Birds. Attach it to the figure's body. Ready.

As a result of such simple manipulations, you will receive a figurine of the popular bird Angry Birds made of simple plasticine with your own hands.

Sculpting figurines from soft plasticine will cheer up any little fan of these funny computer characters.

Video on the topic of the article

We offer you to watch some interesting and useful selections of videos on sculpting the heroes of angry birds with your own hands from plasticine. Happy viewing.