The procedure for the final control. Complete and selective control

1. During the final control, the products are accepted by the QCD employees at the QCD post in accordance with the requirements of the current technical documentation (drawings, technical processes, specifications, instructions, standards).

The products are presented by the fitter or shift foreman, who must personally verify that the products comply with the technical documentation.

2. If the QCD controller detects the first non-compliance with the established requirements in the presented products, the controller is obliged to stop further inspection of the batch and return it to the contractor for processing and eliminating the discrepancy with an entry in the "Journal of delivery of QCD products from the first presentation" (hereinafter - in the Journal). A tag is attached to the container with the products indicating the discrepancy, the date, the signature of the QCD controller and the note: “For secondary presentation”. The term for the secondary presentation is determined in each specific case by the control foreman together with the shop foreman and is noted in column 12 of the Journal with the signature of the shop foreman on approval. The column also indicates the name of the performer, who has lowered the quality mark.

3. The QCD inspector is prohibited from sorting out parts, assembly units, products in the process of product acceptance, and also to accept products in the event of:

If the first three details were not presented;

Lack of cleanliness and order in the workplace;

The presence of defects in manufactured parts, as well as dirt and chips on parts;

Lack of drawings, technical processes.

4. If the QCD controller detects inconsistencies in the requirements of the technical documentation in the presented batch of products, the worker, in the presence of the foreman, is obliged to personally sort them and present them separately to the QCD employee for drawing up a marriage certificate.

5. Workers who have been transferred to self-control are given the right to hand over manufactured products without checking by the Quality Control Department. QCD employees carry out inspection control of the quality of products with a personal brand.

6. The secondary presentation of finished products (parts, assembly units, products) for acceptance by the QCD employees is carried out after they provide them with a memorandum with the permission of the shop manager. The memorandum is drawn up by the shop foreman in the name of the head of the shop after sorting this batch and eliminating deviations from the current technical documentation and is stored in the QCD along with the Journal.

The workshop foreman fills in column 13 “Measures taken or decisions to eliminate deviations” in the Journal according to table B.

For parts that have deviations from the current design documentation that do not affect the performance of the products, a Permit Card is issued by the unit that made this deviation.

7. The third presentation of products for acceptance by the QCD workers can be carried out by the head of the workshop after presenting a control memorandum to the foreman with the permission of the plant director or chief engineer. At the same time, the head of the shop must provide a written explanation in any form about the reasons for the return of products and about the measures taken to eliminate defective products.

8. The results of the acceptance of finished products during the final control are reflected in the "Journal of the delivery of products by the QCD from the first presentation" (Table B).

9. With positive results of the control on the accepted products, the QCD inspector puts the stamp of the QCD according to the technical documentation for the products.

10. Products with a deviation and a permission card for this deviation are also stamped by the Quality Control Department. Products are branded with a distinctive brand, if the "Permission Card" contains a special instruction from the head of the QCD about distinctive branding. As a distinctive hallmarking, a double stamping of the hallmark, a hallmark with the letters "KR" serves.

11. If the worker (manufacturer) detects non-conformity of products and presents them for control separately from suitable products, such a batch is considered accepted from the first presentation, and a marriage certificate is drawn up for rejected parts with a note in the “Journal of delivery of products by the QCD from the first presentation » on the presentation of marriage and the drawing up of a marriage certificate in column 13.

For the rational organization of technical control, it is necessary first of all to choose the right type of technical control (see Fig.).

When repairing electric rolling stock, almost all types of technical control are used.

Stationary control is carried out at a permanent specially equipped place. The objects of control must be delivered to the workplace of the controller. It is used when checking non-bulky and relatively light objects, as well as in those cases when special devices and instruments are needed for testing (magnetic and ultrasonic flaw detection of wheel sets, traction motor shafts, traction gear gears, test benches for various types of electric rolling stock protection devices). composition and power supply devices).

Mobile (volatile) control is carried out at the workplace where technological operations were performed. This type of control has become widespread when checking the quality of repair and maintenance of the contact network and equipment of traction substations, i.e. when checking bulky, non-transportable objects.

Acceptance parts, units of electric rolling stock after their repair at the workplace, in the workshop, at the factory, in the depot, as well as materials, semi-finished products and spare parts coming from outside are subjected to control. Acceptance control can be continuous or selective.

Target precautionary control - analysis of the quality of the technological process of repair and prevention of marriage. This type of control is widely used when checking the status of contact network devices.

Solid control is a 100% verification of objects or operations of the same name. It is used, as a rule, when the quality of the material or processing of controlled objects is not uniform, there is no interchangeability of parts or assembly units in the assembly, when performing the most critical and expensive operations (for example, when pressing the axles of wheel sets, impregnating anchors and pole coils of traction motors, etc.) .

Selective control is carried out when accepting a large number of parts, spare parts of the same name (for example, diodes, resistances, capacitors, etc.), when only part of the objects is checked using statistical control methods.

preliminary control operations are performed during the repair or manufacture of parts or assemblies of electric rolling stock. They check the quality of materials and semi-finished products received from supplier enterprises before the start of processing parts at the first operation, regardless of whether they were checked upon receipt at the warehouse. In its essence, preliminary control is preventive.

Intermediate quality control of the repair or manufacture of an object is control either after each operation or after a group of operations. Intermediate step-by-step control is widely used in the repair of parts, assemblies of electric rolling stock.

Final control is carried out upon acceptance of units, assemblies and apparatus of electric locomotives, contact network and traction substations after repair. It is accompanied by special tests. For example, after the repair of TR-Z is completed, stationary tests and verification of the operation of the equipment of an electric locomotive under voltage are carried out.

Types of control are established depending on the nature of production (complexity, labor intensity, interconnection of related operations) and product quality requirements. There are the following types of control:

  • a) group -- control of a group of related operations associated with the full or partial processing of a single part;
  • b) postoperative -- monitoring compliance with the established process and dimensions for each operation, carried out in industries of great complexity and accuracy;
  • in) selective-- control of individual objects of labor selected as representatives; selective control is established on processes (operations), where compliance with the established parameters (sizes, etc.) depends on the setting (adjustment) of the equipment used;
  • G) solid-- control of each subject of labor; it is installed in processes (operations) where compliance with the accuracy of the set parameters depends on the qualifications and attention of workers, for example, in manual plumbing operations.

By appointment, control is divided into intermediate and final. intermediate control(which can be systematic and volatile) is an operational current monitoring of product quality, carried out by checking compliance with the technological process for processing parts or assembling components and mechanisms. Final control-- this is a systematic and complete control of each finished product in order to establish its compliance with established requirements, standards or specifications.

This complex method of control sets the task of checking the quality of castings that have previously passed visual control by examining their properties. The basis for the control are GOSTs, TU and technological instructions. Control is carried out by laboratory staff.

Chemical composition. To determine it, two methods are used - chemical and spectral analyzes. To determine the chemical composition according to GOST 7565-81, a chip is used, obtained by drilling a cast (from the investigated alloy) sample in the form of a conical cylinder weighing no more than 1 kg for chemical analysis and less than 0.05 kg for spectral analysis.

Mechanical properties. The main indicators of mechanical properties are strength, hardness, elasticity, plasticity, etc.

The strength of the alloy is determined by the magnitude of the force applied to the destruction of the standard sample. In this case, steel, aluminum and other samples are tested for tension (rupture) and relative elongation, and cast iron - for bending. In addition, all casting alloys are tested for hardness.

The scheme for checking the tensile strength of cast iron alloys according to GOST 24806-81 is shown in fig. 12.5, a. A round sample 1 turned on a lathe is fixed in the clamps of the machine and stretched by applying force P. The magnitude of the breaking force per 1 mm 2 of the cross section of the sample determines the tensile strength σvr MPa (kgf / mm 2), and the elongation of the sample compared with its original dimensions characterizes the relative elongation δ.

When checking for bending in accordance with GOST 24804-81, a round sample 5 specially cast from gray cast iron with a diameter of 30 mm and a length of 300 and 600 mm is subjected to a load P according to the scheme shown in Fig. 12.5, b.

Rice. 12.5. Scheme of control of the main mechanical properties of cast iron alloys:
a - tensile strength, b - bending strength, b - casting hardness

In this case, the greatest breaking force P, ultimate strength in bending σben and the amount of deflection of the middle part of the sample are determined.

The hardness of the cast iron alloy is determined according to GOST 24805-81, usually on the Brinell device directly on the casting. On the surface, cleaned with emery or a file, they press through the holder 3 with a very hard steel ball 2 with a diameter of 10 mm (Fig. 12.5, c). The ball, pressed under the action of the load P (for steel and cast iron 30,000 N), leaves an imprint in the form of a hole with a diameter d on the surface of the casting 4. The value obtained by dividing the applied force by the area of ​​the imprint left by the ball characterizes the hardness of the alloy and is designated HB.

Elasticity is the ability of an alloy to return to its original shape and dimensions after the load is removed.

Plasticity (viscosity) - the ability of an alloy to change its original shape and dimensions under the action of a load and retain a new shape and dimensions after its termination.

Inspection and testing during production

Input control and testing

Control and testing

Quality control should confirm the fulfillment of specified product requirements.

It includes:

  • input control and testing;
  • intermediate control and testing during production;
  • final (final) control and testing;
  • permission to ship products;
  • inspection and test reports (recording of inspection and test data for compliance with predetermined product acceptance criteria).

The supplier shall establish and maintain documented inspection and testing procedures to verify that specified product requirements are met. The required types of controls and tests and protocols should be detailed in the quality program or in documented procedures.

1. The Supplier shall ensure that incoming product is not used or processed (except as described in paragraph 3) until it has passed inspection or some form of conformity check. The audit should be carried out in accordance with the quality program and/or documented procedures.

2. When determining the scope and nature of input control, the scope of management work carried out directly at the subcontractor's enterprise and registered evidence of ensuring compliance with the quality of supplies should be taken into account.

3. Where products supplied are sold prior to inspection due to urgency of production, they must be clearly identified and recorded so that they can be immediately returned or replaced in case of non-conformity.

The supplier must:

  • control and test products in accordance with the quality program and (or) documented procedures;
  • store the product until the appropriate controls and tests have been completed or the necessary reports have been received and verified, unless the product is released under well-defined return procedures.

The supplier shall carry out all types of final control and testing in accordance with the quality program and (or) documented procedures in order to obtain evidence of the conformity of the finished product to the established requirements.

The quality program and/or documented procedures for final inspection and testing shall require that all prescribed controls and tests, including those established either at product acceptance or during production, are carried out and the results satisfy the specified requirements.

Products should not be shipped until all activities specifically defined in the quality program and/or documented procedures have been completed with satisfactory results and until the relevant data and documentation are available and formally approved.

The Supplier shall maintain records confirming that the product has been subject to inspection and/or testing. These records should clearly indicate whether or not the product has passed inspection and/or testing against certain acceptance criteria. If the product fails inspection and/or testing, procedures for the management of nonconforming product shall be applied.

The protocols must indicate the control unit or official responsible for the release of products.