Methodological aspects of determining the ethno-cultural potential of the region. Formation of the image of tourist areas Excursion as an element of the image of the region

Thesis: content author of the dissertation research: candidate of economic sciences, Lapochkina, Victoria Vladimirovna



1.1. Conceptual foundations of modern marketing and its role in the management of tourist areas.

1.2. Strategic directions of marketing of tourist territories. The role and place of image marketing in the system of strategic areas of territory marketing.

1.3. Territory image. Formation, promotion and management of the image of tourist areas.


2.1. Analysis of the main factors and conditions for the development of the Smolensk region as a tourist area.

2.2. Analysis of the competitiveness of the Smolensk tourist region in the market of tourist services.

2.3. Diagnosis of the existing image of the Smolensk region in the domestic and foreign markets.


3.2. Conceptual approach to the formation of the image of the Smolensk region.

Thesis: introduction in economics, on the topic "Formation of the image of tourist areas"

Relevance of the research topic. On the present stage development of the Russian economy and in the context of the transition to a post-industrial society, marketing activities. Marketing as a philosophy modern business, the strategy and tactics of market activity is in dynamic development, and any development is a rational combination of historical continuity with constant renewal. The development of marketing occurs, among other things, due to its new directions, taking into account the possibilities and conditions of specific regions. Territory marketing is becoming an important factor in successful regional development.

Despite the fact that territory marketing is still a little-studied economic tool, some of its elements are reflected in management theory and are used in foreign and Russian practice. In recent decades, various countries and individual regions have been trying to use the potential of marketing in order to increase the tourist and commercial attractiveness of the regions. First of all, this refers to the direction associated with attracting investors and consumers of the regional tourism product based on the formation of a positive image of the territory.

The image of territories in the modern world is becoming an important economic resource and one of the key factors competitiveness of a region, city or country. The image of the territory, its reputation in domestic and foreign socio-political and business circles is the basis successful promotion territory, increasing the attractiveness of territorial tourism products and services both in the domestic and international markets. famous name territory, supported by an attractive image, contributes to stable socio-economic development and attracting investment in its economy.

The state of scientific development of the problem. Bagiev G.L., Golubov E.P., Danko T.P., Dixon P., Kotler F., Lambena J.-J., Fatkhutdinov P.A. and others. The issues of regional management, territorial marketing and the formation of the image of the territory were studied by Arzhenovsky I.V., Belobragin V.Ya., Dzhandzhugazova E.A., Eliseeva E.A.,

Kiryunin A.E., Kotler A.P., Pankruhin A.P. and others. Works on local history and humanitarian geography by Vedenin Yu.A., Zamyatin D.N., Rodoman B.B., Kagansky V.L., Mitin I.I. are of undoubted scientific value. and etc.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation is to develop scientific and methodological provisions and practical advice on the formation of the image of tourist territories and the development on their basis of a program for the formation and promotion of the image of the Smolensk region.

The goal set predetermined the following tasks of the dissertation research:

Substantiate the role of marketing in managing the development of tourist areas;

To identify the main factors influencing the formation of the image of the territories;

Analyze the main marketing tools, which can be applied in the process of forming a positive image of tourist areas;

Assess the strengths weak sides and the degree of attractiveness of the Smolensk region to determine competitive advantage its tourist territorial product;

The object of the study is the image of tourist areas, as well as factors influencing its formation, change and promotion.

The subject of the study is the organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of formation and promotion of a positive image of tourist areas on the example of the Smolensk region.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the fundamental works of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of theory and practice of regional marketing and its strategic directions, in particular, the strategy of forming the image of territories, as well as works that reveal the features of managing tourist territories.

The dissertation research is based on a systematic and process approach, methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis, expert assessments, SWOT analysis, etc. were used. Of particular value is the sociological survey conducted by the author to identify the factors of attractiveness of the Smolensk region.

The information base of the study was the Laws Russian Federation and Smolensk region, other legislative and regulations. The study analyzed and systematized the materials of Rosstat and territorial authority Federal Service state statistics for the Smolensk region, the Department of the Smolensk region for culture, data from tourism and hospitality enterprises in the Smolensk region, periodicals, the Internet, as well as the results of marketing research conducted by the author.

The main scientific results obtained personally by the author consist in the development of methodological proposals and practical recommendations for the formation of the image of tourist areas on the example of the Smolensk region.

The following most significant scientific results of the study are submitted for defense.

Generalized and systematized specific features of territory marketing, which distinguish it from the "traditional" marketing of goods and services. The necessity of applying marketing concepts in the field of regional management is substantiated.

2. The objective and subjective factors influencing the formation, adjustment and promotion of the image of tourist areas in modern conditions. The nature of the impact of a positive image on regional development, which can contribute to a stable social economic growth and preservation of the cultural heritage and natural potential of the territory.

3. An algorithm for researching the attitude of consumers of a tourist territorial product to the image of a territory is proposed (on the example of the Smolensk region), which served as the basis for developing recommendations for creating a program for forming the image of tourist territories.

These provisions correspond to the following paragraphs of the Passport of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy: clause 3.2 " Methodological foundations and methodological apparatus of strategic and operational management marketing”, p. 3.3 “Directions and forms of marketing organization and their adaptation to the changing conditions of the Russian economy”.

4. An assessment of the attractiveness of the tourist areas of the Smolensk region was carried out and the localization of attractions was presented within a single scheme territorial planning to develop a competitive territorial tourism product.

These provisions correspond to the following paragraph of the Passport of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy: paragraph 5.17 "Regional strategic planning; regional programs development; problems of delimitation of powers and subjects of jurisdiction and efficiency government controlled in the territorial aspect; economic problems of local self-government”

Theoretical and practical significance work is that the methods, approaches and recommendations proposed in the dissertation work will contribute to the development and adoption of effective management decisions on the formation of the image of tourist areas, which will contribute to stable economic growth and improve the quality of life of the population.

The results of the research are used in the educational process in the training of specialists in the field of tourism.

Approbation of research results. The results of the dissertation research were reported by the author at a number of international and regional scientific and practical conferences, in particular, at the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Tourism: personnel training, problems and development prospects" (Moscow, 2006); at the 1Xth international scientific and practical conference on the problems of training personnel for the tourism sector (Moscow, 2007); at the 1Pth regional scientific and practical conference on the development of domestic tourism in central Russia (Yaroslavl, 2007) and at the 1Xth All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Problems of practical marketing in the service sector" (Moscow, 2008 G.) Methodological developments and the results of marketing research of the dissertation were used in the preparation of the educational and methodological complex and training sessions in the discipline "Marketing of tourist areas".

Publications on the topic of dissertation. The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation work are published in seven scientific papers volume of 4.3 p.l., including personally by the author 3.2 p.l.

The structure and content of the dissertation are determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices.

Yu. V. Taranova

Tourism image of the country

In international practice, there are a number of definitions of the concept of tourism. In most of them, there are three main points that characterize tourism:

1) change of place (travel and stay in places that are outside the usual environment of the tourist's residence);

2) the temporary nature of the trip (not exceeding one year in a row);

3) lack of communication with labor activity(remuneration) (without engaging in activities related to generating income from sources in the country (place) of temporary residence).

Defining tourist image of a territorial state subject, as a starting point, we will use the approach World Organization on tourism, understanding the image of the country as "a set of emotional and rational ideas arising from the comparison of all the features of the country, the actual experience and rumors that influence the creation of a certain image" . Below we give several examples of how the tourism image of a state-territorial entity is directly defined in the literature. It should be noted that when considering the tourist image of a territorial subject, we, as well as when considering the integral image of a territorial subject, are faced with various approaches and angles of consideration of this category presented in the literature - marketing, branding and image. Moreover, for various authors, these approaches interact and intersect within the same text.

So, M. A. Spirchenko considers the city as a kind of unique product that has specific properties inherent in it, and requires a certain positioning and promotion in order to obtain certain benefits. “Under the image of the city, one can understand the historically formed image of the city as a subject social relations in the system of a region or country, due to national, social, cultural and urban factors proper, which manifests itself in the accompanying communicative attributes ".

Applying a marketing approach in tourism, A.F. Gorokhov considers the concept of "tourist destination", defining this concept "as an intensively produced and consumed set of tourism products developed on the basis of tourism resources and infrastructure of a certain territory, concentrated in time and space and intended for certain categories of consumers. The concept of a tourist destination brand represents, according to the author, the dominant creative idea, built on the symbolization of the main values, resources of the territory, embodied in semantic, graphic, sound, animation expressions, etc. A. F. Gorokhov considers the study and formation of the image and branding strategy in formation marketing strategy tourism destination development.

In general, after analyzing the literature, we can conclude that the definition of the country's tourism image is similar to the definition of the country's image as such. The only thing that is added is a certain specification associated with the allocation of a narrower group of the public (and groups already within this group) and focusing on certain image characteristics - the components of the territory that are most important for this target group.

Thus, tourism image of the country can be defined as a set of symbolically expressed emotional and rational ideas about the originality and specificity of the country, formed in the minds of public groups (real and potential tourists).

The image of a territorial-state entity is formed in stages. When substantiating the technology for forming the image of a region / country, we rely on approaches well developed in PR theory to the formation of a company's image and use the Laswell communication model.

The following stages of the formation of the tourist image of a territorial state subject can be distinguished:

1) identifying the expectations of public groups in relation to the territorial-state entity;

2) identifying the features and advantages of the territory as an object for tourism;

3) comparison of the image of the territorial-state subject, which is necessary for public groups, with the real characteristics of the territory; wording of the message (messages should be consistent, but different for each group of the public and should take into account the specifics and interests of each group);

4) determination of priority communication channels through which the message (containing the characteristics of the region / country demanded by the public groups) will be sent to the public groups.

The main channels through which information is sent to public groups are:

— Internet (including blogs and forums);

- special events;

- personal meetings;

- intermediaries (travel agencies);

5) development and implementation of an appropriate action program, taking into account the interests of various subjects and the consistency of their actions;

6) efficiency analysis.

It is important not only to attract tourists, but also to encourage them to come regularly, to recommend the area to visit to their friends. Arriving guests have the right to expect a full-fledged tourist product, and not just to see the main attractions. This requires a specially designed program for the formation of the image of the territory.

Consider the presence of features of a territorial-state subject that are attractive to tourists, taking into account the specifics of this group of the public; as well as the channels that are used to convey the message of the tourist wealth of the territorial state subject to potential tourists.

What attracts tourists to a country or region?

The factors that form the brand of the territory are, for example:

- historical aspect, sights, various events and "common values, feelings, common ideas" (for example, London is a city of business prospects and educational opportunities);

- tourist resources and infrastructure of a certain territory. So, A.F. Gorokhov allocates primary and secondary resources. The main resources form the demand of tourists. Secondary resources are auxiliary components that provide standardized quality tourist trip: accommodation facilities, transport, all types of services for tourists, etc. Secondary resources are divided by A.F. Gorokhov into infrastructure and superstructure. The infrastructure is the whole complex of basic facilities necessary for the life support of the local population and tourists: water supply, sewerage, electricity, roads, communications, etc. The superstructure is defined by A.F. Gorokhov as a set of secondary resources of the tourism sector itself: hotels, beaches, service enterprises, etc. .

Tourists, no matter how focused on certain (cognitive, recreational, business) goals, still cannot but face the current state of the territorial subject. The cleanliness of the streets, the courtesy of local residents, their knowledge of languages, the ability to report interesting places to visit, the quality of service in cafes and restaurants, the availability of ATMs, the availability of means of communication - all this will be noticed by guests of the country, and they will tell their friends about everything when they return home. Restraining factors in the development of the tourism industry can be: lack of information, lack of clear positioning of a territorial entity in the domestic and international information space, infrastructural problems. Political problems, difficulties associated with obtaining visas, force majeure and crisis situations can also discourage tourists from visiting a particular country.

Thus, the level of infrastructure, quality of service contribute to the arrival of tourists to the country, and the unique features of the territory attract tourists to the country:

  • historical and cultural heritage, architectural monuments;
  • natural and geographical features of the territory;
  • opportunities for hunting, fishing, extreme tourism;
  • carnivals, festivals, holidays, sporting events and other spectacular events associated with this territory;
  • specific features of the territory (in terms of the interests and goals of specific tourists).

When constructing the image of a territory, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the set of image constructs contained in a message addressed to the audience and the channels through which this message reaches the audience are not the same for different groups of the public, but take into account the specifics, interests and preferences, goals, as well as the cultural level of each group. After all, tourists come to the country with different goals, have different financial resources and different cultural and educational levels.

Speaking about information transmission channels, we note that in order to attract tourists, it is possible to place the necessary information in the media, on websites tour operators, on the websites of regional administrations, on interregional and international exhibitions- that is, use those channels through which information is most likely to reach potential tourists.

Participation in specialized exhibitions contributes to the formation of the image of the territory as a major tourist center. Thus, the regions of the Russian Federation present their stands at international exhibitions held annually in Moscow - "Intourmarket" and "MITT-Travel and Tourism". Exhibition visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the programs of tour operators in rural, historical, ecological and other types of tourism. At the exhibitions, the regions demonstrate printed and video materials, present souvenirs.

As an example, we will give the following ways and channels to attract potential tourists, indicated in the law on regional target program"Development of tourism and recreation Leningrad region»:

1) cycles of TV and radio programs for Russia and foreign countries;

4) international exhibitions;

5) official website of the Administration of the Leningrad Region;

6) a network of tourist information centers for foreign and Russian tourists;

7) study tours around the Leningrad region for foreign journalists;

8) presentation of the tourism opportunities of the Leningrad region in the regions of the Russian Federation and the main countries that send tourists to the Leningrad region.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the tourist image of the country is one of the components of the overall image of the country. The connection of the country's tourist image with the natural-geographical, historical-cultural, socio-economic, political and mass-cult components of the Spheral structural model of the external image of the state is obvious. All these components influence each other within the framework of the macrostructural model of the image of a territorial subject. Tourism development plays an important role in solving economic, social problems countries, providing significant revenues to the budgets of the subjects of the Federation, contributing to the successful operation of small and medium-sized businesses, providing income for citizens employed in this area. Along with this, tourism has an impact on the preservation and development of cultural potential, leads to the harmonization of relations between different countries and peoples.

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The article deals with issues related to the need to brand the region in order to increase its tourist attractiveness and the impact of tourism development on world economy in general and the region in particular, the role and importance of territorial branding aimed at creating the competitive advantages of the region, the main tasks of branding a tourist territory, the conditions for creating a positive image of the region, as well as factors affecting the tourist attractiveness of the territory. Attention is paid to issues related to the characteristics of the main options for the development of tourist attractiveness and competitiveness of the region. A model for creating a branding concept for a region as a tourist territory has been developed. Within the framework of the article, the main provisions of the development of the concept of the brand of the tourist territory, the principles of creating the branding concept of the region are considered, a program for branding the region is proposed to increase its tourist attractiveness.

territorial branding

tourist area

region branding concept

tourist attraction

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2. Vazhenina I.S. Image and reputation of the territory // Regional economy. - 2006. - No. 23. - P. 2–12.

3. Morozova N.S. Theory and methodology of the formation and development of competition in tourism: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics. – M. : RosNOU, 2012.

4. Pankrukhin A.P. Territory marketing. - 2nd ed., add. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2006. - 416 p.

5. Selyukov M.V. To the question of the theory and practice of developing a brand platform at the regional level / M.V. Selyukov, N.P. Shalygina, E.V. Kurach // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2012. - No. 3; URL:

In the modern world, territories compete with each other, striving for self-affirmation and the choice of such economic structure, which will be able to ensure its secure position.

In the face of ever-increasing competition, equal conditions management marketing of any territory, namely such marketing categories as brand and image, have importance when comparing geographical areas that are practically same conditions management. In this regard, more and more countries and cities are purposefully engaged in the promotion of their territories and the formation of their own brand, which determine the tourist attractiveness of the area.

This trend is characterized by recent times tourism has become one of the most important industries world economy, which determines the welfare of the regions. It should be noted that tourism is a diversified industry, including hotel industry, transport, sector Catering, cultural and leisure organizations and sector additional services. Tourism is becoming a source of new jobs, as well as a source of development of tourism industry enterprises around the world. Nevertheless, the growing competition to attract tourists has required new methods and approaches from the administrative-territorial entities. One of the most effective methods at the same time, the branding of the region as a tourist territory has become - branding plays an extremely important role, since it includes the promotion of services and goods related to the tourism industry.

Currently, in any region, in order to develop tourism, there is a development of a complex of various marketing activities, among which the formation of a positive attitude towards the region and its recognition - territorial branding - is becoming increasingly popular. Positioning a positive image of the region, which should be unique, becomes necessary condition development of a branded tourist territory.

Territorial branding is aimed at creating competitive advantages of the region over other territories, as well as improving its image, increasing popularity and fame in the eyes of tourists. In this regard, it is important not only to attract potential consumers tourism product, but also recommendations for expanding the circle of people interested in visiting the tourist area, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the tourist flow.

Territory branding is the process of creating and managing a brand, which includes the formation, promotion, development and repositioning of the brand. The branding of the region is based on the use of technologies for creating its distinctive image and the formation of a specific attitude towards it. target audience. At the same time, branding is the preferred way to distinguish a region from others and, at the same time, one of the important ways to realize the competitive advantages of a territory. Thus, the branding of the region is created to attract the attention of potential consumers of tourism services to it.

The main task of branding a tourist area is to highlight, position and strengthen it. strengths which in most cases form the basis for the formation of a tourist brand. The brand of the region as a tourist territory expresses the main values ​​of the territory, its goals, mission in tourism and, in addition to the above, the main types of tourism resources.

The positioning of any territory is based on its uniqueness and originality. A tourist area is attractive to tourists only if it has interesting sights, rich natural resources, unique monuments of history, nature and architecture, religious sites, cultural and national characteristics population. In addition, an important role in creating a positive image of the region is played by a stable political and socio-economic situation, the development of a network of railways and roads, the availability of communications, a high level of development of modern tourist infrastructure, the absence of life-threatening natural phenomena and compliance of the price with the level of offered tourist services.

Tourist attractiveness, due to its inconsistency, can vary depending on many factors that can in one way or another affect the attractiveness of a tourist area. These factors may include: the availability of a modern material and technical base of tourism, namely the presence of the latest hotel complexes, specialized enterprises and institutions with a wide range the services they provide, etc.

Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to consider the existing options for developing the tourist attractiveness and competitiveness of the region.

1. If a tourist territory has a pronounced attractiveness, and there is already a certain tourist flow corresponding to this attractiveness, then the level of achievable competitiveness of the territory will be determined by the development of tourist infrastructure corresponding to this attractiveness. In this case, the costs of developing the territory to the level of realistically achievable competitiveness will increase life cycle region, the payback period of these investments will be much shorter than in the case of the creation of a new territory.

2. If the tourist area is just beginning to form or tourist attraction is created artificially, then the costs will be significantly higher. In addition, the costs of attracting tourist flows will be much higher, since it will be necessary to form a certain level of knowledge about this territory and stimulate tourist interest and the desire of tourists to come to it.

3. If the tourist area diversifies its attractiveness, i.e. artificially changes it, focusing, for example, on a different target market, then the costs of achieving competitiveness will be the highest, since this will require restructuring of the relevant infrastructure and a fundamental change in the target market. In addition, there is a risk that this territory may not be formed as a new tourist area with new attractiveness, because. old stereotypes regarding this territory will work. In this case, there will be an outflow of tourists focused on the old attraction, and a new tourist flow will not form.

Having considered the options for developing the tourist attractiveness and competitiveness of the region, we can say that a positive image of the tourist area today is mandatory. basic condition formation of attractiveness of the region for potential tourists. The image of the territory, which is formed in the mind of the tourist before the trip, is one of the fundamental factors influencing the choice of the tourist when determining the future place of stay.

At the same time, the process of branding tourist areas, in comparison with the process of forming a brand of goods and services, solves the following problem: search and optimal display using various integrated communication technologies exclusivity of the tourist area by building an effective brand.

Building a tourist territory brand is a complex creative process consisting of several levels, which is based on the following marketing approach- determining the place of the tourist territory in the global tourism market and identifying the main preferences of potential consumers of tourism services. Thus, the brand of a tourist territory is an image or an image that exists in the mind of the consumer and is automatically perceived by him. The branding concept, or the concept of the brand of the region as a tourist territory, is in this case the main creative idea, which is built on the symbolization of the main resources and values ​​of the region, which is expressed in graphic, sound, semantic, animation and other expressions.

When developing the concept of a tourist territory brand, in our opinion, it is necessary to be guided by the following main provisions:

1. Formation of the basic principles for the development of the tourist territory and brand management.

2. Identification of the initial mission of the region in the field of tourism.

3. Determination of the main resource values ​​of the tourist area.

4. Determination of the main consumer groups of the brand.

As part of the work on creating a branding concept for the region as a tourist territory, first of all, the study of existing brands of the territory, brands of individual tourism products and regions, as well as tourist centers is carried out. Then common communication elements are identified that are used or can be used in the territory branding process.

As a result of the study of brands, recommendations are made regarding the existing brands of the region as a tourist territory, as well as recommendations for their improvement, reorientation and repositioning to develop the concept of a new brand in case of its absence.

The process of creating a branding concept for a region as a tourist area in order to increase its tourist attractiveness is a system of consistent work and activities that can be represented as the following diagram (figure).

A model for creating a branding concept for a region as a tourist territory in order to increase its tourist attractiveness

In addition, it should be noted that when creating a branding concept for a region as a tourist territory, reflected in this model, one should be guided by the following principles:

1. The possibility of using the concept at the international level.

2. Intelligibility and ease of information exchange.

3. Complete and accurate perception of the brand by the potential consumer.

4. Strengthening the competitiveness of the region through branding by distinguishing it from the existing ones.

Based on the above, we can offer the following region branding program to increase its tourist attractiveness:

1. Selection of the tourist territory to be branded.

2. Determination of persons interested in branding the territory.

3. SWOT analysis of the branded region in order to identify external opportunities and threats, as well as strengths and weaknesses.

4. Analysis of the tourism potential of the region and assessment of its current state.

5. Setting goals and objectives for territory branding.

6. Design innovation activities in order to promote the region and increase its tourist attractiveness.

7. Development of a territory branding program.

8. Obtaining regional support of a special authority for branding the territory.

9. Implementation of the region branding program.

Thus, on this stage development in the formation of the tourist attractiveness of the region, branding plays one of the leading roles. The prosperity of the territory largely depends on the degree of tourism development, while the branding of the region is an important factor in the formation of its attractive sides. Branding contributes to the positioning and promotion of the region on tourist markets- both in Russian and internationally. Competent branding, the main task of which is to create a positive image of the region, can lead to the desired result - positioning the territory at various levels and attracting potential tourists to the region, which will increase income from the activities of tourism industry enterprises, increase the number of new jobs, additional financing in economy of the region and, accordingly, improve the quality of life of the population.

The article was made under financial support RGNF. Grant "Development of tools for the formation of a regional brand: an innovative approach" No. 13-32-01032. Head - Shalygina N.P.


Matuzenko E. V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department commercial activities and advertising of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Belgorod;

Usatova L.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department accounting and audit, NRU BelSU, Belgorod.

The work was received by the editors on July 11, 2013.

Bibliographic link

Shalygina N.P., Selyukov M.V., Kurach E.V. ON THE ROLE OF BRANDING IN FORMING THE TOURIST ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE REGION // Basic Research. - 2013. - No. 8-5. - S. 1165-1168;
URL: (accessed 10/11/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

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