sample warranty letter. How to write a letter of guarantee (sample, form)? How to draw up a letter of guarantee - the nuances of drawing up a letter of guarantee

Office correspondence abounds various types documentation. Among these or other business documents, entrepreneurs have to deal with letters of guarantee.

  • What are they used for, in what cases are they necessary, what legal norms are they regulated by?
  • What are the types of letters of guarantee?
  • How to write and issue a letter of guarantee?

Let's figure it out together.

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Definition and legal rules

From the point of view of legislation, a letter of guarantee is an element of the workflow, one of the types of business correspondence - as a rule, between legal entities. From the very title of the document it follows that letter of guarantee is a written way of confirming obligations or fulfilling certain conditions in the required time and to the required extent. This additional confirmation is used when conventional arrangements may not be sufficient.

IMPORTANT! The letter of guarantee is not a commercial document.

Letters of guarantee are often used in entrepreneurial activity, however, there are no special rules governing their design and use in Russian legislation. Therefore, one should be guided by standard business practices and strive to achieve the most clear and unambiguous language that accurately reflects the intentions and obligations of both parties.

Letter of guarantee instead of contract

In fact, drawing up a letter of guarantee is an alternative to concluding an agreement when such an action is inappropriate for some reason.

Unlike a contract, which includes an offer (offer) and obligations in accordance with this offer (acceptance), a letter of guarantee acts as one of these components.

Letter of guarantee as an offer

An offer always expresses a proposal sent to one or more addressees to enter into a certain relationship, and clearly declares the intentions of the addresser. From this point of view, a letter of guarantee may be considered an offer if it contains:

  • an offer to pay for services after they have been rendered;
  • an offer to perform work, to make a delivery, to provide a service.

The letter of offer must be formulated in sufficient detail, because it replaces a part of the contract, which means it must contain its main essential elements:

  • the subject of the offer (goods, services, types of work - a specific listing);
  • deadlines.

NOTE! The terms indicated in the guarantee letter-offer are crucial: sent to the addressee, it can no longer be canceled by the sender within the specified periods for response, unless other conditions are specified in the text itself or follow from it.

The recipient of such a letter of guarantee, in case of acceptance of the offer, can fulfill the conditions or simply explicitly express consent: this action is considered the appropriate response, that is, the fulfillment of the second part necessary for the conclusion of the contract. Thus, as a result of the action of the letter of guarantee and the response of the addressee, a legal action takes place between them, equivalent to the conclusion of an agreement (no one bothers to sign a standard bilateral agreement in addition to it).

Letter of guarantee as acceptance

This document can also act as the second element of the contract - acceptance, that is, the intention to accept contractual proposals, if such proposals have already been voiced to the counterparty before. For example, an organization received offer, made a decision on the basis of an advertisement or an information site of a partner. Then the direction of the letter of guarantee will actually be a response to the offer made, albeit in an implicit form, of a contractual relationship.

The requirements for the answer are not as strict as for the proposal: in such a letter it is enough to formulate an unambiguous and detailed answer - consent to accept the proposed conditions.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! If the sender decides to revoke his letter of acceptance, then this must be done immediately, preferably before it reaches the addressee or immediately after that - before any procedural actions are taken on it.

Pros and cons of a letter of guarantee as a substitute for a contract

Positive points:

  • you can not draw up a document signed by both parties;
  • if the requirements for the offer and acceptance are met, such legal relations are absolutely legal;
  • the court recognizes letters of guarantee on a par with the concluded contract.

Disadvantages of exchanging letters of guarantee:

  • volume limits detailed description conditions;
  • it is impossible to define all rights and obligations;
  • procedural points are not specified;
  • the responsibility of the parties is not always clearly defined.

Thus legally valid contractual relationship by means of letters of guarantee, however, controversial points that may lead to litigation are not ruled out.

Specific types of letters of guarantee

Depending on the function that this letter of guarantee is intended to perform, their types are distinguished.

  1. Letter of guarantee confirming payment obligations. Funds recognized under a letter of guarantee may be intended as payment for goods, services, performance of a particular work, or to pay off a debt. Such a letter is a fact of recognition of the debt. Most often, it is drawn up when, for some reason, the payment cannot be made immediately or it has to be postponed.
  2. A letter of guarantee confirming the commitment to work, goods or services. Such a document assures the recipient that the obligations indicated in it will indeed be fulfilled by the specified date in a certain amount. It is possible to indicate several time intervals when it comes to phased work. Such a document also confirms the required quality in accordance with certain standards (SNIPs, GOSTs, etc.). Such a letter of guarantee can be written if there is a possibility of violation of the terms according to the specification or other documents, or immediately before the conclusion of the relevant contract.
  3. A letter of guarantee confirming the intentions of the landlord. This refers to the guarantee of assigning a legal address. Such a document will be required for presentation to the tax office if the organization does not own certain real estate for placement and indication in founding documents. The legal entity has the right to rent such premises, providing the tax authorities with a guarantee that the landlord really intends to provide such services to him.
  4. Letter of guarantee confirming future employment. Such a letter may be needed in the case when hiring is of great legal importance for the future employee. For example, such a letter of guarantee has the right to ask for:
    • a student for presentation to a university (some educational institutions in certain specialties, especially in the case of training in the field of state order, issue a diploma only after providing a certificate of future official employment);
    • a foreign employee (he must take such a document to the migration service);
    • released prisoners embarking on a labor path (they will have to report to the administrative supervision authorities).

Features of compilation and design

As a rule, any letter of guarantee does not exceed a standard sheet of A4 format, is printed on a special letterhead of the sending legal entity, signed by the governing bodies (director, sometimes chief accountant), and sealed with the seal of the organization. Required details:

  • number and date (in accordance with the registration of outgoing documentation);
  • name of the recipient organization;
  • Full name of the recipient (usually this is the general director of the organization);
  • the subject of the letter (it is not necessary to write the words “letter of guarantee” themselves, since such a document as a type of business correspondence does not legally exist);
  • main content (guarantees of obligations, their volume and terms);
  • sender data;
  • position, personal signature and full name of the person signing the document (director, chief accountant).

Further nuances depend on the type of letter of guarantee. Let's take a closer look at them and specific example drawing up a letter of guarantee designed to perform a particular function.

We confirm payment guarantees

Such a document may be in circulation not only between organizations, but also between entrepreneurs - individuals.

A letter recognizing the debt and guaranteeing its repayment must necessarily have, in addition to the signature of the head, the signature of the financially responsible person (financial director, chief accountant).

Design subtleties:

  • the addressee is an organization or person who should receive guaranteed payment;
  • it is necessary to indicate the details of the document confirming the fact of the need for payment (invoice, acceptance certificate, contract, etc.);
  • debt repayment periods must be specified;
  • details of the organization that has the debt (future payer);
  • any information relating to the situation that has arisen (for example, the reasons for the impossibility of timely payment).

USEFUL INFORMATION! Most organizations do not include in the text of such a letter of guarantee an indication of their responsibility for breach of obligations, while the mention of sanctions for non-compliance with guarantees has a psychological impact on the counterparty.

Specific examples of letters of guarantee

Example of a letter of guarantee to confirm the debt

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to CEO
Spetsinvest LLC
Studentsov P.I.


about the delivery of goods

Ref. No. 124/56n

We hereby ask you to deliver a batch of products (means personal protection) according to application No. 46-18 dated 10.09.2016

We guarantee that payment for the delivery will be made before 10.10.2016.

If in set time payment will not be made in full, for each day of delay we undertake to pay a penalty in a percentage of 1% of the amount of unfulfilled obligations.

Bank details:

OJSC "Beta-bank", Ufa
account number xxxxxxxxxxx;
k / s xxxxxxxxxx;
BIC xxxxxxxx;
TIN xxxxxxx;
Checkpoint xxxxxxxx.

Domservis LLC (signature) N.P. Rabotnichenko

Accountant of Domservis LLC (signature) L.O. Raskidaylova

We confirm the execution

Assuring that the services or work will be completed by the specified date, the sender confirms the scope, timing and quality of the work.

Design specifics:

  • details are standard;
  • features of the main text - be sure to describe the types of services (works), clearly indicate the time frame and the guaranteed volume;
  • the details of the documentation that became the basis for potential works or services (for example, an agreement, a contract, etc.) must be indicated;
  • indicate the location and significant characteristics of the facility where work is performed or services are provided.

An example of a letter of guarantee confirming the completion of work

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OOO "Tertia"
Oliferenko M.V.


About Completion repair work

Ref. No. 124/1

We confirm with this document that Masterovoy LLC, as a performer of work at the facility located at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Dmitrovskaya, 28, apt. 115, in accordance with Contract No. 18 dated April 17, 2016, concluded with Tertsia LLC, guarantees the completion of all repair work (according to the specification of the above Contract Contract) by June 16, 2016 G.

In case of failure to fulfill this obligation, Masterovoy LLC is ready to pay 1.5% of the amount specified in the Contract for each day overdue.

Masterovoy LLC (signature) A.F. Zakrevsky

Chief Accountant
Masterovoy LLC (signature) S.E. frisky

We confirm the provision of a legal address

To issue a letter of guarantee confirming the intention of the landlord, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • the addressee of the letter is the local branch of INFS intending to register entity to whom the premises are rented;
  • information about the owner of the provided real estate (legal entity) is required - the name of the organization, its head;
  • there must be information about the newly created legal entity, at least the name;
  • it is necessary to list all the main characteristics of the leased premises (address, area, etc.);
  • a phrase is required that clearly declares the consent of the property owner to the conclusion with new organization lease agreements;
  • the letter of guarantee must have an attachment - a certificate of ownership or a real estate lease agreement drawn up for a potential lessor (a copy certified by a notary).

An example of a letter of guarantee confirming the intentions of the landlord

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INFS No. 2 for St. Petersburg


About providing a legal address

Saint Petersburg
October 18, 2016

Megapolis LLC, represented by CEO Samokhvalenko R.G., acting on the basis of the Charter, provides premises for an office with a total area of ​​​​60 sq.m., located at the address: St. Petersburg, Magnitogorskaya St., 15 .. office No. 4 for state registration OOO "Kodeks" Megapolis LLC guarantees the conclusion of a sublease agreement after registration is completed. The designated address can be used as a legal address in the constituent documents of Kodeks LLC.

The above premises are owned by Megapolis LLC on a leasehold basis (Lease Agreement No. 567/18 dated December 10, 2013) with the right to enter into sublease agreements.


  • a copy of the certificate of state registration of Megapolis LLC;
  • a copy of the Lease Agreement No. 567/18 dated 12/10/2013


Megapolis LLC (signature) R.G. Samokhvalenko

Confirming a job

This letter of guarantee is drawn up taking into account the following features:

  • a specific person or organization is indicated, but addressing “at the place of demand” is also acceptable;
  • mandatory affixing of the outgoing number and date in accordance with the Correspondence Registration Journal;
  • the name of the position to which the person with the specified personal data is accepted (full name without abbreviations);
  • the main points of future employment are prescribed (rate, salary, employer guarantees);
  • the letter can be transferred to the addressed organization or entrusted to the future employee himself.

Example of a job guarantee letter

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To whom it May concern


About hiring

Ref. No. 634/78

With this document, Home Teacher LLC confirms its intention to hire and the obligation to conclude an employment contract with Alenikova Polina Stanislavovna, taking her on staff as a teacher in English from 01.09.2016

Domashniy Uchitel LLC undertakes to provide Alenikova P.S. official wages in the amount of 65,000 rubles. per month plus monthly performance bonus. We guarantee official registration in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation and a full social package.

OOO Domashniy Uchitel (signature) V.K. Licensors

Chief Accountant
OOO Domashniy Uchitel (signature) Yu.L.Zarubinskaya

We are talking about a non-commercial document that is often used in business correspondence. The essence of the paper is that the sender undertakes to perform some action. In our case, transfer money to the contractor. These funds are usually either used to pay off debt.

A letter of guarantee on payment for services under the contract confirms the existence of a debt, which may be taken into account when considering a dispute in court.

Thanks to such a paper, the participants in the transaction can build a trusting relationship, postpone the payment date without fines and penalties, and prevent delays in the delivery of goods (rendering services, performing work).

When this paper may be needed and how to write a letter of guarantee for payment? As a rule, it is drawn up in the case when the customer cannot transfer money on time for one reason or another. And the reason for compiling such a document may be to the payer or the latter's own initiative.

How to issue

An approved sample of a guaranteed letter of payment for services or goods is not provided for by applicable law. However, it is part of the business document flow, so when it is issued, it is worth considering a few generally accepted rules.

Consider mandatory provisions, which should also be in it:

  1. Date and outgoing number.
  2. Details of the recipient of the money (name of the company or the name of the citizen, address).
  3. FULL NAME. representative of the recipient (for example, the head of the organization).
  4. Title of the document (optional).
  5. The main text, which guarantees the transfer of the required amount within a specific period.
  6. Details of the document on the basis of which the funds will be transferred (invoice, acceptance certificate, etc.).
  7. Information about the sender.
  8. Full name, position and signatures of the debtor's representatives.

Usually, the paper is drawn up on an A4 sheet on a letterhead, signed by the managers (general director and chief accountant) and sealed.

Such a document must be signed not only by the general director, but also by a financially responsible person (for example, Chief Accountant or CFO).

In the main text, among other things, you can briefly indicate the reasons for late payments. If the customer plans to pay the debt in installments, then a schedule should be drawn up.

For greater persuasiveness, the payer can also prescribe, which will be charged to him for each day of delay.

Payment guarantee letter example

What mistakes are made when compiling

Since we are dealing with such paper as, for example, a sample letter of guarantee for payment, it would be inappropriate to use informal words (slang, vernacular) here. It is also not worth describing in detail the events that led to the impossibility of transferring money on time. You can specify their very essence or even omit this moment. Warranty obligations must be written accurately, indicating the amount and date of its transfer.

All information in the text should be unambiguous for understanding (without ambiguous phrases) to prevent possible disputes.

Finally, it is desirable to receive notification from the creditor of receipt of the document. This will prevent papers from being lost along the way.

A guarantee or business letter is not a simple document, it is a confirmation of the performance of any actions and even compliance with the conditions set. In it, you can fix the deadline for the completion of work, a guarantee of the quality of the service provided, the fact of remuneration or cash payment. In order to correctly compose a letter of guarantee, it is worth relying on existing design samples and forms.

Note: To get the printed version, click on the image, then click on the preview and set up the appropriate print option.

A sample of filling and a form of a letter of guarantee for payment of debts and for payment for the purchased goods or products

Consider the form of a letter of guarantee for payment of debt and several examples of filling it out. It is desirable that you draw up a document on a special letterhead of the organization, as well as that there be a seal and signatures of the main persons of the company.

Designed samples:

A business letter to pay for purchased goods or products looks like this:

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for the performance of work

The document must contain a clause indicating the performance of work, as well as the deadline for fulfilling obligations to the organization.
Form of the letter:

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for the supply of goods from the manufacturer

Often, organizations themselves put forward requirements for the application for the receipt of goods. However, there is also a standard form:

Example of a letter for the delivery of goods:

Sample filling and letter of guarantee letter of employment or from the employer

The employment guarantee letter is a secondary document. It contains information that you have been considered for a specific position. In addition, your salary may be written. Some employers do without this document and simply prepare an order for admission to work. Here are some examples of an employment guarantee letter:

Most often, letters of guarantee are required by foreign citizens. They require a certified document to prove that the organization can employ them and provide conditions for the employee to work.

Sample filling and letter of guarantee for employment

This document differs from the previous one in that it must contain information about your admission to the organization - the exact date. Also, the employer is obliged to fix in it your salary, number employment contract and order number. Here is a letter of guarantee for employment and an example of filling out a sample:

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for inviting a foreigner

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for practice and training

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee to the tax

When registering an LLC, the tax authorities often require a letter of guarantee from the head of the company, which would confirm that the company has a legal address. Such a document must be written by the owner of the premises provided to the organization.
Letter of guarantee:

Sample Fill:

one of the forms of business correspondence between legal entities, confirming the existence of obligations of one party to the other, when ordinary agreements are not enough.

Obligations may arise when concluding purchase and sale transactions, when shipping products, performing contract work, etc.

There are no regulations governing the form of a letter of guarantee, therefore, the requirements for it are the same as for the design of other types of business correspondence.

It should be remembered that the letter of guarantee - this is not a commercial document, but a form of business correspondence, in writing confirming the obligations of the parties. When it is issued, one should be guided by standard business practices.

akin to a treaty, therefore, acquires legal force only when properly drafted.

More information about the types of letters of guarantee, the rules for their preparation will tell this publication. Some of them will be considered as examples.

What are the letters

Depending on the purpose of drawing up letters of guarantee are divided into the following varieties:

  • on the provision of non-residential premises for rent(the organization must be located at the legal address, that is, at the place of registration);

  • on debt payment(the letter contains the intention to meet financial obligations in full without delays and delays or to repay the debt according to the schedule);

  • on contractual obligations(this paper guarantees payment for goods or services within a certain time frame, the performance of any work, confirms the quality of the goods in accordance with GOST and other standards);

  • about hiring(guarantees hiring and payment according to the staffing table).

This document is necessary for a foreign specialist for employment in our country and obtaining a visa, as well as for a student during an internship.

The latter type of letters of guarantee is also in great demand and is required everywhere.

Yes, in some educational institutions Graduation diplomas are issued only after the provision of a certificate of employment. Released prisoners must report on employment to the supervisory authorities. Foreign employees deliver a letter of guarantee to the migration service.

How they are made and what they contain

Since there is no specific form of a letter of guarantee, which is provided for by law, it must comply with the general recommendations:

  • writing style - official business, as it is a document;
  • concise, clear and specific statement of the essence of the issue;
  • clear and simple content of the document;
  • correct formatting without spelling and syntactic errors.

Letter of guarantee on behalf of a legal entity completed on the institution's letterhead and must contain the necessary details.

Must be on letterhead stamp, are indicated Name of the organization And type of ownership. The details of the addressee are indicated in the upper right corner.

must be registered in the journal of outgoing documents.

It must contain the following requisites:

  • to whom it is addressed, from whom it was sent;
  • contacts and addresses of the parties;
  • outgoing number, departure date;
  • who and what guarantees, terms;
  • Full name, position of the person signing the letter;
  • power of attorney, information about the authorized person, certified by the seal of the organization;
  • contacts, data of the performer;
  • OGRN and TIN of the organization.

A letter of guarantee is drawn up on an A4 sheet, printed on a letterhead, signed by responsible persons and sealed.

All pages must be stitched as one document and decorated with a sealing sticker with a signature, a seal and an indication of the number of stitched pages. If it is not stitched, the pages must be numbered and signed by the responsible person on each.

If the letter of guarantee was individual entrepreneur, copies of all pages of the record sheet of the Unified state register individual entrepreneurs(EGRIP).

A letter of guarantee is drawn up not only by legal entities, it is a guarantee of the settlement of relations individuals.

Meaning and Strength of Warranties

A letter of guarantee is one of the ways to conclude a contract.

The offer must contain subject of the contract(offer - goods, services, types of work), described specifically and in detail. In addition, the letter of guarantee specifies the terms for the provision of the listed services.

Period specified in the offer letter plays a decisive role in determining the order of execution warranty obligations. If it is not written in the letter, it can't be canceled.

The response of the person to whom the proposal was sent, is the second part of the contract. The requirements for it are not so strict. It can be detailed or unambiguous (agreement or disagreement with the proposed conditions).

However, in any case, all business letters must have authentic signatures, otherwise the document is not legally binding.

If the response is retracted, it must be done quickly before any action is taken.

Of particular note are the letters of guarantee concerning financial obligations, as they make up a large proportion of the outgoing documentation of enterprises.

There are times when it is not possible to fulfill the terms of an agreement or pay in a timely manner.

Therefore, it is imperative warn the partner about the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances and ask him to push back the payment date.

It is better to do this in the form of a letter of guarantee indicating the details of the parties to the contract and payment obligations under it.

At the same time, it is imperative arrears interest is indicated, otherwise, 0.036% of the amount will be charged daily by default.

In addition, one must describe reason for which the obligation is to be rescheduled.

This type of guarantee letter must contain request not to impose penalties or agreement to pay damages. At the end of the document, the deadline for full payment should be indicated.

If the above form is not allowed, a notice should be issued in the manner prescribed by Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (“Grounds for Amending and Terminating the Contract”).

A notice is also issued if cash not listed to the customer or a new product range has appeared.

A letter of guarantee with a request to defer payment for a certain period can be written and to the bank, while indicating good reason for which the debt cannot be repaid. As a rule, banks in such cases go towards the debtors.


Concluding the above, we can note the pros and cons of letters of guarantee.

TO shortcomings letter of guarantee applies to him small volume, which does not allow details about write the terms of the warranty,determine in full all the rights and obligations of the parties, the extent of their responsibility to each other.

Does not stipulate itselfprocedure for the provision of services, in connection with which it is not excluded conflict situations which have to be resolved in court.

Despite the aforementioned shortcomings, positive moments refers to the fact that letter of guarantee mcan not be drawn up as a contract, since it has sufficient legal force Pri compliance with the requirements for its design.

When considering lawsuits, the letter is accepted on a par with the contract.

When a company interacts with each other, as well as with individuals, it often becomes necessary to draw up a letter of guarantee according to a certain model. There are no specific requirements for such a document in the legislation, so each company has the right to choose one form or another. About how to make it right, as well as real examples writing - next.

When compiling, it should be borne in mind that, regardless of the specific sample, this document confirms certain facts that are indicated in the text, for example:

  • intention to sign a contract (often a preliminary contract is also drawn up for this);
  • bank account information;
  • guarantees for the fulfillment of certain obligations.

It is always signed by the head of the company. Along with it, the deputy can also sign, as well as any other executive who is also responsible for the fulfillment of obligations (for example, the chief accountant).

NOTE. Regardless of the specific sample, the letter of guarantee is always printed on the letterhead of the company, which contains contact details, the full name of the institution. As a rule, the company seal is also put on the document.

For correct compilation, you can follow any pattern. The content of a particular document, as a rule, depends on the specific case, but should contain the following information:

  • the date of compilation and the outgoing number, which is registered in a special register of the company;
  • the name of the recipient, as well as the full name of the general director of the company or other employee in whose name it is sent;
  • the topic itself is usually indicated as the title of the document;
  • this is followed by a text that is concise and extremely specific (as a rule, the entire text fits on 1 printed page);
  • if documents are attached to the letter that confirm the fact of the guarantee, the “Appendices” section is filled in, which indicates the name of these documents, their number and type (original or copy).
  • at the end, the position and surname, name, patronymic of the employee who compiled it are indicated;
  • followed by the date and signature.

NOTE. If the employee acts on the basis of a power of attorney, he indicates the details of this document, and also attaches a copy of the power of attorney to them. In this case, the seal of the company, as a rule, is not affixed.


At the moment, a certain writing practice has developed in business document management, on the basis of which several types of this document can be determined:

Form and examples

In the simplest version, the sample includes only the most basic sections, namely:

  • to whom it is addressed;
  • who compiled it;
  • content;
  • date, signature and seal.

If we are talking about paying for a product that is currently being tested to make a final decision to purchase or refuse, you can use this sample.

In some cases, it has a different name, such as "Loan Payment Schedule". Then it is only important to prescribe a repayment schedule - i.e. terms and amounts.

If the employer gives a guarantee to employ a citizen, an example will look like this:

Rules for the preparation and execution

Regardless of the specific sample, when compiling, it is desirable to proceed from the following rules:

  1. The style of presentation is only formal business.
  2. The volume is not more than 1-2 printed pages
  3. In the text, it is undesirable to use complex syntactic constructions that make it difficult to understand.
  4. Any grammatical errors are not allowed.
  5. Since the letter must guarantee certain actions that the party intends to perform, they should be written in a separate paragraph and highlighted by different means (italic, bold or larger).
  6. The text of the promise itself should be extremely specific - for example: “We undertake to pay for the Internet connection service in accordance with the contract paid provision services dated May 22, 2014 no later than November 30, 2017” (and not in November of this year).

It is important to strengthen your pledge by backing it up with relevant documentary evidence, if possible.

Always made in 2 copies, each of which bears the signature of the CEO and a blue seal. One copy remains in the custody of the sender and is registered in the workflow register.

Delivery methods

  • personally in hand with a courier;
  • registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt;
  • by scanning a document through email- in this case, it is important to understand that the original is sent, which is scanned or photographed.

It is not sent by fax, because in this case it is not always known how well it will be printed and whether it will reach a specific addressee.

Legal force

Regardless of the content of the text, as well as the sample on which it was drawn up, the document has legal force. However, specific responsibilities are associated with those obligations that are indicated in the text:

  1. In most cases, it is drawn up as a declaration of intent that the company will enter into an agreement in the future on certain conditions. Then it is considered that the legal entity has only expressed its intentions, which it may refuse. Therefore, in this case, it has only an informative character.
  2. They are also compiled in cases where the company confirms its intention to pay for a product or service for a certain period of time. Be sure to provide links to specific agreements and other documents between counterparties.
  3. It is also compiled for the bank, when the company confirms the existence of debt obligations and the intention to make the next payment or pay off the entire debt before a specific date.

In the last 2 cases, the company that made up not only declares its intention to pay for a product, service or financial obligation, but also guarantees to do so within a certain period of time. Therefore, such a document has full legal force. Accordingly, the other party may use the letter as additional evidence if the need arises for litigation.