Accounting sheet transcript of letters. The meaning of letters and symbols in the timesheet

It is necessary to take care of the presence of the order of the head of the organization.

  • RP (31) or NP (32) - downtime through no fault of the employee. The order of the head of the organization is drawn up.
  • G (23) - absenteeism with the preservation of salary. It is necessary to draw up an order from the head of the organization.
  • PI (24) - absenteeism, which is absenteeism workplace for at least 4 working hours continuously. This category also includes administrative arrest, being in a sobering-up station, pseudo-strike, etc. The mark is put down on the basis of the submitted memos from the heads of departments, explanatory notes of employees, acts of commissions, etc.
  • HC (25) - hours worked within the framework of part-time work at the initiative of the employer. Marks in the report card are put on the basis of extracts from the employment contract, orders, etc.
  • In (26) - days off.

Designations and codes in the time sheet

B", digital (19);

  • temporary disability without benefit assignment: letter code "T", digital (20);
  • absenteeism: letter code "PR", digital (24);
  • weekends and non-working holidays: letter code, digital "B" (26);
  • absenteeism for unknown reasons (until the circumstances are clarified): letter code "НН", digital (30);
  • absenteeism: PR (24);
  • day off or non-working holiday: B (26);
  • downtime due to the fault of the employee: VP (33);
  • absence from work in connection with the performance of state or public duties: G (23);
  • additional paid leave in connection with education: U (11);
  • advanced training with a break from work: PC (07).

Notes in the time sheet are made by the person responsible for maintaining the primary document for recording working time.

The meaning of letters and symbols in the timesheet

L 16 9 Reduced work time for students HC 17 10 Additional study leave without pay LE 18 11 Maternity leave p 19 12 Parental leave (partially paid) Pts 20 13 Parental leave (unpaid) oj 21 14 Unpaid leave up to 22 15 Unpaid leave for reasons established by law HO 24 16 Sick leave B 25 17 Unpaid disability t 26 18 Hours of reduction of work ch 27 19 Downtime (for reasons not related to the employee) VP 28 20 Absence for reasons established by law (with preservation Wage) d 29 21 Unexcused absenteeism OL 31 22 Hours not worked (if the employer has established part-time work) NC 32 23 Holidays at 33 24 Strikes ST 34 25 Absenteeism for unclear reasons NR 35 The table discusses the most commonly used conventions in time sheet.

Symbols in the time sheet

More detailed description and a complete list is usually located on the first page of the form. This makes it easier to navigate the symbols and determine in what situation what to put in the cell. Usual filling out of the form Filling out the time sheet is painstaking work that requires attention.

It can be performed using, for example, the method of continuous attendance and absence. In this case, data is entered in each column. The symbols indicate both the presence of employees at the workplace and their absence, indicating the reasons. The number of hours spent at the place of work is also indicated.

In the time sheet itself, it will look like this: on a day off, put the letter “B”, under it 0, on a working day, respectively, “I” and the number of hours, for example 8. Similar to weekends, various reasons for absenteeism are noted, starting with business trips and ending with absence for unknown reasons.

Time sheet: transcript of abbreviations

  • with an automated processing method, it is recommended to use a time sheet of form No.


    Both forms were approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. Commercial-type organizations can use timesheet forms developed on an individual basis on the basis of articles 7 and 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of December 4, 2012 No. PZ-10 / 2012. Form No. T-13. You can download the form here In municipal organizations, the form of the time sheet No. 0504421 is used, using the instructions approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004, No. 1. Recommendations for entering designations in the time sheet form No. 0504421 are reflected in Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n.

    Online journal for an accountant

    New fields have been added to the formal part of the form to mark the accountant on the acceptance of the document, as well as the signature of the responsible executor and its transcript. In addition to the traditional paper form of keeping a time sheet, today they use electronic versions. It is desirable that the registers be duplicated, i.e. both options were applied.

    So the risk of loss will be minimal, and the reliability of the information will be maximum. The easiest way electronic maintenance timesheet - office programs. Best suited for this is Exce, which allows you to create tables of any type and size.
    The ability to set formulas simplifies the process of calculating both intermediate and resulting indicators. If experience with spreadsheets is not enough, special software can be used.

    Designations in the time sheet

    AT budget institutions the accounting form approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n is used, which uses other digital and alphabetic designations in the time sheet. 1. In what cases is the HH code put? The HH code, or the absence of an employee for unexplained reasons, is affixed every time and as long as the employee is not at work, and the responsible person does not have documents about the reasons for his absence. Even if the head of the absent person swears that the employee is absenteeism (PR code), do not rush to put this code in the primary accounting documents, wait until the person brings a document explaining his absence, otherwise it may happen that the time sheet with the wrong code will be provided to the accounting department, and later it turns out that the employee was absent due to good reason, and then you will have to make changes to the primary accounting documents.

    Page not found

    Vacation To designate public holidays during the annual basic and additional paid vacation (OT and OD), the letter “B” is used, which means a day off and a non-working holiday. The basis of such a rule is the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to Article 120, non-working holidays during paid holidays are not included in the number of calendar days of rest. A sample of filling out the T-13 form The procedure for filling out the form The new form of the time sheet (0504421) is a table consisting of a heading, content and formatting parts.


    The first part indicates the type of document, the number of the correction and the date of compilation. The work of filling in the content of the time sheet is painstaking. It must be done with special care. For convenience, you can use the method of continuous registration of attendance and non-attendance time.

    Each column is filled with the corresponding code.
    Code Name of the indicator A Absences with the permission of the administration B Temporary disability, disability due to pregnancy and childbirth C Weekends and non-working holidays D Fulfillment of state duties C Business trips H Work at night M Regular and additional holidays OR Leave to care for a child P Absenteeism C Hours overtime NN Absences for unknown reasons (until clarification of circumstances) additional leave ZN Substitution in grades 1-3 ZP Substitution in after-school groups AP Substitution in grades 4-11 RP Work on weekends and non-working holidays F Actual hours worked For convenience, we suggest downloading the file with the transcript of the 2018 time sheet.
    Workdays and life are presented different situations, therefore, you need to know how to skillfully reflect each full-time and not very situation in the time sheet. You also need to understand what letter designations in the time sheet to use. Subscribe to the accounting channel in Yandex Zen! Keeping a time sheet Working time is an important component of keeping records of any organization.
    With its help, it is possible to control the activities of the enterprise and discipline subordinates. To simplify the procedure, a unified form in the form of a time sheet was specially developed. Each enterprise appoints a responsible employee (from the personnel department, accounting, etc.)
    D.), which specializes in maintaining a time sheet. It is compiled based on the specifics of the company's activities and the number of employees.

T-12 time sheet - a form approved by the State Statistics Committee and is one of the register options for recording working hours. Where to download the form of the time sheet and what is the specifics of it practical application, we will tell in the article.

What is the form T-12 (time sheet)

On the basis of the T-12 form, introduced into the practice of document management by the State Statistics Committee in the resolution of 01/05/2004 No. 1, a time sheet is formed, which is intended for use for the following purposes:

  • keeping records of visits by employees to their place of work in accordance with the established schedule;
  • determining indicators for calculating the salaries of employees;
  • formation of certain statistical data on personnel (for example, sent to Rosstat or research agencies).

It should be noted that the form in question must be completed manually (on a PC using Word or a similar program, or printed out with a ballpoint pen). And the time sheet, designed to be filled in automatically when access control systems are activated, is compiled on the basis of another form of the State Statistics Committee - T-13. The selected form of the time sheet for 2017 must be indicated in the accounting policy.

Read about what the T-13 form is in the article. "Unified form No. T-13 - form and sample" .

When is it supposed to use the time sheet form 0504421 according to OKUD

The form of the time sheet corresponding to the OKUD number 0504421 (T-12 has a very similar name to it, so confusion can sometimes arise when applying a particular document) was introduced in business turnover The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, which issued an order dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n. This document is used for the same purposes as the T-12, but is subject to use in government agencies.

The timesheet corresponding to form 0504421 also has a rather similar structure with form T-12. Therefore, for an employee of the HR department, as a rule, it is not a problem to adapt to a document approved by the Ministry of Finance if he is used to using the form from the State Statistics Committee, and vice versa.

Is it allowed in private firms to use the time sheet f. 0504421

The use of a time sheet in form 0504421 is not prohibited for private companies. The fact is that from 01/01/2013, firms that are not directly required by law to use specific unified forms of primary sources are allowed to use any others. Therefore, a private company has the right to use, in order to monitor the time spent at work by employees, a time sheet on the form T-12, and form 0504421, or another form developed independently. One way or another, the company must have such a document - due to the fact that, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employer must monitor the time spent at work by hired employees.

Read more about filling out the T-12 form in the material "Unified form No. T-12 - form and sample" .

Where Form T-12 is available for download

You can download the time sheet - a form of a simple form T-12 - on our portal.

Time sheet, form 0504421 (download form)

Form 0504421 is also available for download on our website.

How are vacations shown on the time sheet?

Unified forms for maintaining a record sheet of visits to employees at Russian enterprises T-12 and T-13 assume the reflection of information about holidays using the codes given on the title page of the T-12 form.

These codes are presented in two varieties: alphabetic and numeric. The use of both is the same. Moreover, in the local standard of the organization, a certain mixed version of the application or involving the use of completely different codes can be fixed. The employer also has the right to independently develop and apply a form of a time sheet with symbols in it.

Let's see what designations apply to vacations.

Vacation basic and additional

When an employee goes on a regular paid vacation, and the company uses the T-12 or T-13 form, in the accounting table, which is given in the time sheet, the letter code OT or the numeric code 09 is recorded for each day of the employee's vacation.

If the rest is additional, then another code is put down: OD (10).

Educational and unpaid leave (administrative leave)

In the provisions of Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, leave at the expense of the employee is divided into 2 types:

  • provided by the employer voluntarily at the request of the employee - in this case, the DO code (16) is reflected in the report card;
  • mandatory provided by the employer at the request of the employee - the OZ code (17) is used.

study leave also labor law has 2 varieties (Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • vacation for study with the preservation of earnings - is reflected using the code U (11);
  • unpaid leave for passing entrance exams, sessions, state exams - is recorded in the report card using the UD code (13).

You can learn more about the legislative regulation of the provision of study leave in the article "Study leave under Article 173 of the Labor Code (nuances)".

Maternity and parental leave

Maternity leave provided in accordance with Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is reflected in the report card using the code P (14). Parental leave granted under Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is fixed using the coolant code (15).

A scenario is possible in which an employee who is on parental leave will work part-time. If so, then when taking into account her visits in the report card, the “double” code I (01) and OJ (15) will be used. These codes can be indicated in one cell of the time sheet using the “/” symbol (for example, I / OZh or 01/15), or an additional line can be added to the form of the time sheet.

Theoretically, there can be three codes in one cell. For example, if an employee agreed to go on a business trip and worked a day off there. In this case, the table will record: K / RV / OZH (06/03/15).

What to put in the report card if the vacation falls on a holiday

In accordance with Art. 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, non-working holidays falling on the period of the annual main or annual additional paid vacation are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation and are not taken into account.

Holidays established by regional legislation are also excluded from vacation (see Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 20-PV11).

It follows that holidays falling on vacation in the report card must be indicated by the code "B" or 26.

And if you want, you can install your own code for this. This was indicated by the Ministry of Labor in a letter dated April 27, 2017 No. 14-2 / ​​B-370.


The Russian legislator has put into circulation forms for monitoring the presence of employees at work, adapted for employers of any form (including firms, both private and public). Employers who are not related to government agencies have the right to use any form of relevant accounting documents. However, the T-12 form continues to be one of the most convenient.

If the company has adopted a different code system, the designation may change. Nuances From time to time, changes are made to the current legislation. They may also relate to fixing information about time off in the time sheet. So, a new rule came into force, which obliges the head to certify the changes made. At the same time, today it is allowed to keep a continuous time sheet or record in it any kind of rest for employees. There are other codes with which you can specify the reason for providing rest. The table may contain the following designations:

  1. (I, 01) - ordinary work time. The designation is supplemented by the number of hours worked.
  2. (С, 04) - overtime work.

How to correctly fill out a time sheet on weekends and holidays

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Filling out the time sheet in case of "deviations"

If the second wording is present, it means that cash listed in double. Paid and unpaid time off in the time sheet Today there are two types of time off: paid and unpaid. In the first situation, the activities fixed in the law are compensated by providing a paid day off.

Information in without fail recorded on the time sheet. For ease of filling the document, lettering is used. If a citizen was given a paid day off, the following mark will be placed in the report card (OB, 27).

The letter designation is affixed in the form of the document opposite the name of the employee. Additional payment is not always provided.

Registration of time off in the time sheet


According to part 4 of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee, for which a time sheet is used. In this case, the employer can use the forms of the time sheet No. T-12, No. T-13 (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1) or independently develop their own form of the time sheet. If an organization develops its own form of a time sheet, it must also determine the procedure for filling it out.

If the organization uses the time sheet according to the forms No. T-12, No. T-13, then when filling it out, you must be guided by the Instructions for filling them out. It follows from the Instructions that the duration of the employee's work on a particular day is indicated in the time sheet in hours and minutes, that is, the actual number of hours and minutes that the employee worked must be indicated. According to Part 1 of Art. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, night time is the time from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

How are holidays accounted for in the timesheet?

If your company is obliged to provide leave according to the Labor Code, for example, in the case of a wedding or the birth of a child, then reflect the OZ code in the time sheet (leave without saving wages under the conditions prescribed by law). Finally, leave at your own expense collective agreement or an industry agreement in the report card is marked with the code DB (annual additional leave without pay). A suitable code should be noted for all vacation days - both working and weekends.
Including holidays. After all, they are not included in the number of days only of annual paid leave. If the holiday falls on vacation at your own expense, then this does not affect its duration. Example 4: How to mark vacation days without pay in the report cardEmployee of Vector LLC Samokhvalov Yu.G.
wrote an application for leave at his own expense for family reasons in the period from 9 to 25 June.


Home/Time off/In the timesheet Employee, exercising labor activity on weekends or holidays, can count on getting time off. Information about it is recorded in the time sheet. An authorized person is responsible for entering the time off data into the time sheet.

Recording information is necessary for further payroll. The procedure is regulated by the current legislation. Attention It is necessary to reflect the data in the documentation correctly.
An error in the time sheet can lead to problems. In order to prevent this, the procedure should begin with an analysis up-to-date information on this topic. Labor Code of the Russian Federation Remuneration for holidays and non-working days regulated labor code RF.

How to reflect a holiday in the time sheet

Source: Glavbukh magazine When filling out the time sheet for each employee, you need to use a whole list of codes. And special confusion always arises in situations with holidays. Meanwhile, an error in the code is fraught with inaccuracies in the calculation of payments to employees.

This article will help you avoid this. AT unified form timesheet for each letter code has a digital counterpart. For example, vacation on the time sheet is marked with the code OT or 09. You can use any of them, but the letter codes are clearer.

There is no point in specifying both codes at once. For its own time sheet form, the company has the right to enter its own encoding, but this again can lead to confusion and incorrect payroll calculations. Therefore, it is easier to use the usual codes from a unified form.
The sheet is compiled in a single copy. It must be signed by the manager. structural unit and senior officer personnel service and take it to accounting. 3 The position - timekeeper, was removed from the enterprises due to the irrationality of maintaining an additional employee. The timesheet is filled in by a HR specialist, accountant or head of a structural unit. This duty, in addition to the main ones, is fixed by an order and instructions for the position.
4 The timesheet is maintained throughout the month. Forms T-12 and T-13 differ little from each other. At the end of the month, you must enter the total number of hours worked by each employee. General hours are calculated for the first and second half of the working month.
5 The rules for filling out the time sheet allow you to put down attendance or non-attendance for each day and month in the corresponding cell.

That is, Tarasov managed to take off only four days of vacation. He recovered only on June 16. By agreement of the parties, Tarasov finished his vacation immediately after his recovery. He returned to work on June 27. A sample of filling out the time sheet according to Tarasov - see.

below. The holiday falls on a holiday Suppose an employee is on annual paid leave from June 2 to June 30. June 12 is a holiday. In the timesheet, this day must be designated with code B (non-working day off). The fact is that holidays are not included in the number of calendar days of paid leave (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Marking them in the report card as vacation days with the OT code will be incorrect. But the usual days off (that is, Saturdays and Sundays) when the employee was in annual leave, in the report card it is not necessary to mark with code B. They are included in the number of calendar days of vacation.
Useful advice The form is partially filled out Computer Engineering, for example, the following details: structural department, position, last name and initials, personnel number. Heads of organizations rarely hire a separate specialist to fill out forms, considering it irrational. In this regard, the time sheet is supposed to be maintained by a trustee, who may be personnel specialist, accountant or head of the structural department. Sources:

  • how to fill out the time sheet

In order to understand what type of time (work, day off, holiday, etc.) is reflected in the time sheet, certain codes are used - alphabetic or numeric. Letters are used more often because visually they are more informative.

Time sheet: designations in 2018

Unified conditional codes can be found in the T-12 time sheet.

All designations in the table can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • Codes that indicate the type of working time when the employee performed his official duties;
  • Codes that indicate the periods of absence of an employee at the workplace.

Since at present it is not necessary to use unified forms of time sheets, the enterprise can also set the codes on its own. You can also supplement the unified list with your own code designations.

Note! If an enterprise sets some of its own codes, this must be reflected in local regulatory documents.

Symbols in the time sheet

Most enterprises still use unified letter designations in the report card, since they are the most convenient to use and provide for almost all situations.

Codes for designating working hours

The following codes are used to designate working hours:

  • "I" - means the employee's performance of official duties in a normal working mode;
  • "H" - working hours from 22-00 to 6-00, that is, work at night;
  • "RV" - going to work on weekends and holidays;
  • "K" - the employee is on a business trip, regardless of whether it is a working day or a holiday;
  • "C" - overtime hours, in cases where processing can be determined only on the basis of the results of the month, it is affixed only in the final columns of the time sheet;
  • “RP”, “VP” and “NP” - denote idle time in the time sheet: due to the fault of the employer, employee and due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, respectively.

These are the most commonly used codes.

Codes to indicate the absence of an employee

To indicate the time when a person does not fulfill his official duties, the following letter designations are used:

  • "B" - weekends and holidays when the employee rested;
  • "B" and "T" - in the report card indicate temporary disability, paid and unpaid, respectively;
  • "OT" - the duration of the annual paid rest (vacation);
  • "OD" in the report card means additional leave, which is paid;
  • "P" - this code indicates the sick leave, which is given to a woman in connection with pregnancy and childbirth;
  • "OJ" in the report card - the decoding of this code means leave provided to care for a child;
  • "U" and "UD" - study holidays, paid and at their own expense, respectively;
  • "TO" - means a vacation at your own expense, that is, without accrual of payment;
  • "PR" - absenteeism, established in the course of an internal investigation;
  • "НН" in the report card - the decoding of this code indicates the absence of an employee for unknown reasons. As a rule, it is subsequently replaced by one of the above reasons for not attending the workplace.

In more detail, you need to consider this type of time off from the workplace as a day off. The designation in the report card for it is not established. It will depend on how the time off is documented.

The fact is that there is no such thing as time off in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; by default, this term denotes the following types recreation:

  • Providing a day of rest at a time convenient for the employee, in the case when he worked on his days off (indicated by the code "B");
  • One day provided to the employee at his own expense (indicated by the OD code);
  • Absence of the employee to the workplace by agreement with the employer, only upon application, without reflection in the report card (will be reflected by the letter "I"). Although this case is contrary to labor laws.

In order to establish what type of time is reflected in the time sheet, alphabetic codes are used. They can be found in the unified report card T-12. The employer is not obliged to use them, but can approve their symbols.


If the employee worked on a holiday that you will be after, in the appropriate column in the first line, indicate the mark "RP", and the number of hours actually worked on that day - in the second.

If the employee was on a business trip on a holiday, mark the first line of the timesheet with an alphabetic code that corresponds to a business trip - “K”. Do not complete the second line. Also remember that by sending an employee, you guarantee him the preservation of the average salary.

If the employee is on vacation, then holidays that fall during his vacation must be included in the time sheet. This is done because, according to the law, these holidays will not be counted as calendar days holidays. Weekends, on the contrary, are included in vacation days and are not marked in the time sheet.

If you work with the 1C program, then the reflection of holidays will take place as follows. You probably know that the accrual of payment for work on holidays is made only on the basis of an order. Calculate this payment in the tab “Calculation of RFP”, where select the item “primary documents” and open the document “Payment for work on holidays”. Fill it out accordingly and, if you did everything right, after posting the document in the time sheet, all holidays will be visible.

The time sheet is very important document, on the basis of which all calculations and accruals will subsequently be carried out. Therefore, be very careful when filling it out in order to correctly reflect all weekends and holidays and indicate on which of them some employees went to work.


  • marked on the table

When an employee is sent on vacation, which is due to every specialist who has been fulfilling duties under an employment contract for more than six months, marks are made not only in the vacation schedule, but also in the time sheet. The latter is conducted for workers with a time-based form of remuneration. The document is filled in printed form(T-13) and by hand (T-12).

You will need

  • - notification form;
  • - order form (form T-6);
  • - timesheet form;
  • - a note-calculation form;
  • - vacation schedule.


When the rest time is set by the vacation schedule, two weeks before the start of the due vacation, the personnel officer draws up a notification to the employee. The employee is notified in writing. In the notice, write the period of vacation. On one copy of the document, the specialist affixes his consent in the form of a receipt and transfers it to the employer. The specialist keeps the second copy.

Three days before the start of the vacation, the director issues an order. Use Form T-6 for this. Specify in the order the number of days of rest. Enter the start and end date of the vacation. Assure the order with the signature of the director, head of the personnel service. Familiarize the employee with the administrative document against receipt.

With the vacation order, send the employee to the accounting department. There, a specialist fills out a note-calculation. It specifies the amount monetary compensation, which is calculated by the accountant on the basis of the average earnings of the employee.

In the timesheet, opposite the employee’s personal data, his position, written in the second column of the document, the personnel number indicated in the third column, enter the symbol “FROM” in the top line. Such a code is affixed when an employee is sent on annual basic leave. When an employee is required extra days rest, provided for by the collective or employment contract, put "OD". When granting leave without pay, in agreement with the employer, enter the letter code "OD".

According to the instructions for maintaining the time sheet, nothing needs to be entered in the bottom line, that is, this field remains empty. Many personnel officers mark the vacation period before it ends. But it is undesirable to do so. After all, the company may have circumstances in connection with which the head can recall the employee. In this case, the incorrect entry is crossed out with one line. top fit correct designation, is certified by the signature of the person responsible for maintaining the time sheet. After that, the document is given for signature to the head of the department, personnel officer. When the report card is certified, it is not allowed to correct the shortcomings.


  • Keeping a time sheet
  • vacation how to mark in the report card