Yuzhno priobskoye field map of bushes. Priobskoye field

The country Russia
Region Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
Location 65 km from the city of Khanty-Mansiysk and 200 km from the city of Nefteyugansk, floodplain of the Ob River
Oil and gas province West Siberian oil and gas province
Coordinates 61°20′00″ s. sh. 70°18′50″ E d.
Mineral resource Oil
Characteristics of raw materials Density 863 - 868 kg / m 3;
Sulfur content 1.2 - 1.3%;
Viscosity 1.4 - 1.6 mPa s;
Paraffin content 2.4 - 2.5%
Rank Unique
Status Development
Opening 1982
Commissioning 1988
Subsoil user company Northern part - OOO RN-Yuganskneftegaz (PJSC NK Rosneft);
Southern part - LLC "Gazpromneft - Khantos" (PJSC "Gazprom Neft");
Verkhne-Shapshinskiy and Sredne-Shapshinskiy license areas - OAO NAK AKI OTYR (PJSC NK RussNeft)
Geological reserves 5 billion tons of oil

Priobskoye oil deposit - gigantic Russian field oil, located on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. It is considered the largest field in Russia in terms of current reserves and oil production.

General information

Priobskoye field refers to the West Siberian oil and gas province. It is located on the border of the Salym and Lyaminsky oil and gas regions, 65 km from the city of Khanty-Mansiysk and 200 km from the city of Nefteyugansk, and is confined to the local structure of the same name in the Sredneobskaya oil and gas region.

About 80% of the field area is located in the floodplain of the Ob River, which, crossing the site, divides it into 2 parts: left-bank and right-bank. Officially, the sections of the left and right banks of the Ob are called the South and North Priobskoye deposits, respectively. During the period of floods, the floodplain is regularly flooded, which, along with the complex geological structure, makes it possible to characterize the field as difficult to access.


The geological reserves of the field are estimated at 5 billion tons of oil. Hydrocarbon deposits were found at a depth of 2.3-2.6 km, the thickness of the layers reaches from 2 to 40 meters.

The oil of the Priobskoye field is low-resinous, the content of paraffins is at the level of 2.4-2.5%. They are characterized by medium density (863-868 kg/m³), but high sulfur content (1.2-1.3%), which requires its additional purification. The viscosity of oil is about 1.4-1.6 mPa*s.


The Priobskoye field was discovered in 1982 by well No. 151 of Glavtyumengeologia.
Operational oil production began in 1988 on the left bank from well No. 181-R by the flowing method. The development of the right bank began later, in 1999.


At the moment, the development of the northern part of the Priobskoye oil field (SLT) is being carried out by RN-Yuganskneftegaz LLC, owned by Rosneft, and the southern part (YULT) is being developed by Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC (a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft PJSC).

In addition, relatively small Verkhne-Shapshinskiy and Sredne-Shapshinskiy license areas are allocated in the south of the field, which have been developed since 2008 by OAO NAK AKI OTYR, owned by PJSC NK RussNeft.

Development Methods

Due to the specific conditions of the occurrence of hydrocarbons and the geographical location of the deposits, production at the Priobskoye oil field is carried out using hydraulic fracturing, which significantly reduces operating costs and capital investment.

In November 2016, the largest hydraulic fracturing of an oil reservoir in Russia was performed at the field - 864 tons of proppant were pumped into the reservoir. The operation was carried out jointly with specialists from Newco Well Service.

Current production level

The Priobskoye field is rightfully considered the largest oil field in Russia in terms of reserves and production volumes. To date, about 1,000 production and almost 400 injection wells.

In 2016, the field provided 5% of all oil production in Russia, and in the first five months of 2017, it produced more than 10 million tons of oil.

The Priobskoye field appeared on the map of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug in 1985, when its left-bank part was discovered by well number 181. Geologists received an oil fountain with a volume of 58 cubic meters per day. Four years later, drilling began on the left bank, and commercial operation of the first well on the right bank of the river began 10 years later.

Priobskoye field characteristics

The Priobskoye field lies close to the borders of the Salym and Lyaminsky oil and gas regions.

The characteristics of oil from the Priobskoye field make it possible to classify it as low-resinous (paraffins at the level of 2.4-2.5 percent), but at the same time with a high sulfur content (1.2-1.3 percent), which requires additional purification and reduces profitability. The viscosity of reservoir oil is at the level of 1.4-1.6 mPa*s, and the thickness of the reservoirs reaches from 2 to 40 meters.

The Priobskoye field, whose characteristics are unique, has geologically justified reserves of five billion tons. Of these, 2.4 billion are proven and recoverable. As of 2013, the estimate of recoverable reserves at the Priobskoye field was over 820 million tons.

By 2005, daily production reached high figures - 60.2 thousand tons per day. In 2007, over 40 million tons were mined.

To date, about a thousand production and almost 400 injection wells have been drilled in the field. The reservoir deposits of the Priobskoye oil field are located at a depth of kilometers.

In 2007, the annual volume of production of liquid hydrocarbons at the Priobskoye field reached 33.6 million tons (or more than 7% of the total production in Russia).

Priobskoye oil field: features of development

The peculiarity of drilling is that the bushes of the Priobskoye field are located on both sides of the Ob River and most of them are located in the river floodplain. On this basis, the Priobskoye field is divided into South and North Priobskoye. In the spring-autumn period, the territory of the deposit is regularly flooded with flood waters.

This arrangement was the reason that its parts have different owners.

From the northern bank of the river, Yuganskneftegaz (a structure that passed to Rosneft after Yukos) is developing, and from the south there are areas that are being developed by the Khantos company, the structure of Gazpromneft (except for Priobskoye, it also deals with the Palyanovsky project). In the southern part of the Priobskoye field, a subsidiary of Russneft, the company Aki Otyr, has been allocated insignificant license areas for the Verkhne- and Sredne Shapshinskiy blocks.

These factors, along with the complex geological structure (multiple reservoirs and low productivity), make it possible to characterize the Priobskoye field as difficult to access.

But modern technologies of hydraulic fracturing, with the help of pumping underground a large number water mixture, allow to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, all newly drilled pads of the Priobskoye field are being operated only with hydraulic fracturing, which significantly reduces the cost of operation and capital investment.

At the same time, three oil reservoirs are being fractured. In addition, the bulk of the wells are laid using the progressive cluster method, when lateral wells are directed at different angles. In cross section, it resembles a bush with branches pointing down. This method saves the arrangement of land sites for drilling.

The cluster drilling technique has become widespread, since it allows you to preserve the fertile soil layer and only slightly affects the environment.

Priobskoye field on the map

The Priobskoye field on the map of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is determined using the following coordinates:

  • 61°20′00″ north latitude,
  • 70°18′50″ East.

The Priobskoye oil field is located just 65 km from the capital of the Autonomous Okrug - Khanty-Mansiysk and 200 km from the city of Nefteyugansk. In the area of ​​development of the deposit there are areas with settlements of indigenous small nationalities:

  • Khanty (about half of the population),
  • Nenets,
  • Mansi,
  • Selkups.

Several nature reserves have been formed in the region, including Elizarovskiy (of republican significance), Vaspuholskiy, Shapshinskiy cedar forest. Since 2008, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (the historical name of the area with the center in Samarovo), a natural monument "Lugovskie mammoths" with an area of ​​161.2 hectares was established, on the site of which fossil remains of mammoths and hunting tools dating from 10 to 15 thousand years were repeatedly found back.

They are in Saudi Arabia, even a high school student knows. As well as the fact that Russia is right behind it in the list of countries with significant oil reserves. However, in terms of production, we are inferior to several countries at once.

There are the largest in Russia in almost all regions: in the Caucasus, in the Ural and West Siberian districts, in the North, in Tatarstan. However, far from all of them have been developed, and some, such as Tekhneftinvest, whose sites are located in the Yamalo-Nenets and neighboring Khanty-Mansiysk districts, are unprofitable.

That is why on April 4, 2013 a deal was opened with the Rockefeller Oil Company, which has already started in the area.

However, not all oil and gas fields in Russia are unprofitable. Proof of this is the successful mining that several companies are conducting at once in the Yamalo-Nenets District, on both banks of the Ob.

The Priobskoye field is considered one of the largest not only in Russia, but also in the whole world. It was opened in 1982. It turned out that the reserves of West Siberian oil are located both on the left and on the right bank. Development on the left bank began six years later, in 1988, and on the right bank, eleven years later.

Today it is known that the Priobskoye field is more than 5 billion tons of high-quality oil, which is located at a depth not exceeding 2.5 kilometers.

Huge oil reserves made it possible to build the Priobskaya gas turbine power plant near the field, operating exclusively on associated fuel. This station not only fully meets the requirements of the field. It is able to supply the produced electricity to Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug for the needs of the residents.

Today, several companies are developing the Priobskoye field at once.

Some are sure that during extraction, finished, refined oil comes out of the ground. This is a deep delusion. Reservoir fluid that exits

The surface (raw oil) is delivered to the workshops, where it will be cleaned of impurities and water, the amount of magnesium ions will be normalized, and associated gas will be separated. This is a large and high-precision work. For its implementation, the Priobskoye field was provided with a whole complex of laboratories, workshops and transport networks.

Finished products (oil and gas) are transported and used for their intended purpose, leaving only waste. It is they who create today the biggest problem for the field: there are so many of them that it is still impossible to eliminate them.

The enterprise, created specifically for recycling, today processes only the “freshest” waste. Expanded clay is made from sludge (as the company calls it), which is in great demand in construction. However, so far only access roads for the deposit are being built from the resulting expanded clay.

The field has another meaning: it provides stable, well-paid jobs for several thousand workers, among whom there are both highly qualified specialists and unskilled workers.

Oil fields of Russia

The northern three quarters of the field was controlled by YUKOS via an its daughter-company Yuganskneftegaz, and began oil production in 2000. In 2004 Yuganskneftegaz was bought by Rosneft, which is now the operating company for that portion of the field. The southern quarter of the field was controlled by Sibir energy, which began a joint venture with Sibneft to develop the field, with volume production beginning in 2003. Sibneft subsequently acquired complete control of the field via a corporate maneuver to dilute Sibir's holding. Sibneft is now majority controlled by Gazprom and renamed Gazprom Neft.

Priobskoye field (KhMAO)
Reserves, mt
АВС1 - 1061.5
C2 - 169.9
Production in 2007, million tons - 33.6

For many years, the largest field, both in terms of reserves and oil production, was the Samotlor field. In 2007, for the first time, it lost first place to the Priobskoye field, where oil production reached 33.6 million tons (7.1% of Russia's), and explored reserves increased by almost 100 million tons compared to 2006 (taking into account repayment at mining).

Abdulmazitov R.D. Geology and development of the largest and unique oil and oil and gas fields in Russia.


Priobskoye is a giant oil field in Russia. Located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, near Khanty-Mansiysk. Opened in 1982. It is divided by the Ob River into two parts - left and right bank. The development of the left bank began in 1988, the right bank - in 1999.

Geological reserves are estimated at 5 billion tons. Proved and recoverable reserves are estimated at 2.4 billion tons.

The deposit belongs to the West Siberian province. Opened in 1982. Deposits at a depth of 2.3-2.6 km. Oil density 863-868 kg/m3, moderate paraffin content (2.4-2.5%) and sulfur content 1.2-1.3%.

As of the end of 2005, the field has 954 production and 376 injection wells, of which 178 wells were drilled during the last year.

Oil production at the Priobskoye field in 2007 amounted to 40.2 million tons, of which Rosneft - 32.77, and Gazprom Neft - 7.43 million tons.

At present, the development of the northern part of the field is carried out by LLC RN-Yuganskneftegaz, owned by Rosneft, and the southern part by LLC Gazpromneft-Khantos, owned by Gazprom Neft.


PRIOBSKOYE: THERE ARE 100 MILLIONS! (Rosneft: Company Bulletin, September 2006) -
On May 1, 1985, the first exploration well was laid at the Priobskoye field. In September 1988, on its left bank, flowing production began from well No. 181-P with a flow rate of 37 tons per day. On the last day of July 2006, the oilmen of Priobsky reported on the extraction of the 100 millionth ton of oil.

The license for the development of the deposit belongs to OAO Yuganskneftegaz.
The largest field in Western Siberia - Priobskoye - is administratively located in the Khanty-Mansiysk region at a distance of 65 km from Khanty-Mansiysk and 200 km from Nefteyugansk. Priobskoye was discovered in 1982. It is divided by the Ob River into two parts - left and right bank. The development of the left bank began in 1988, the right bank - in 1999.

By Russian classification explored oil reserves amount to 1.5 billion tons, recoverable - more than 600 million tons.
According to the analysis prepared by the international audit company DeGolyer & MacNaughton, as of December 31, 2005, the oil reserves of the Priobskoye field according to the SPE methodology are: proven 694 million tons, probable - 337 million tons, possible - 55 million tons.

Reserves for the field according to Russian standards as of 01.01.2006: NGZ (Oil and gas reserves) - 2476.258 million tons.

Oil production at the Priobskoye field in 2003 amounted to 17.6 million tons, in 2004 - 20.42 million tons, in 2005 - 20.59 million tons. AT strategic plans The Priobskoye field has been assigned one of the main places in the development of the company - by 2009 it is planned to produce up to 35 million tons here.
On the last day of July 2006, the oilmen of Priobsky reported on the extraction of the 100 millionth ton of oil. 60% of the territory of the Priobskoye field is located in the flooded part of the Ob River floodplain; environmentally friendly technologies are used in the construction of well pads, pressure oil pipelines and underwater crossings.

History of the Priobskoye field:
In 1985, commercial oil reserves were discovered, according to the tests of well 181r, an inflow of 58 m3 / day was obtained
In 1989 - the beginning of drilling of 101 pads (Left Bank)
In 1999 - commissioning of wells 201 pad (Right Bank)
In 2005, the daily production amounted to 60,200 tons per day, the production fund of 872 wells, 87,205.81 thousand tons have been produced since the beginning of development.

Only in recent years, 29 underwater crossings have been completed at the field using the directional drilling method, including 19 new ones built and 10 old ones reconstructed.

Site objects:
Booster pump stations - 3
Multiphase pumping station Sulzer-1
Cluster pumping stations for pumping the working agent into the reservoir - 10
Floating pumping stations - 4
Oil preparation and pumping workshops - 2
Oil separation unit (USN) - 1

In May 2001, Sulzer's unique multiphase pumping station was installed at pad 201 on the right bank of the Priobskoye field. Each pump of the installation is capable of pumping 3.5 thousand cubic meters of liquid per hour. The complex is served by one operator, all data and parameters are displayed on a computer monitor. The station is the only one in Russia.

The Dutch pumping station "Rosskor" was equipped at the Priobskoye field in 2000. It is designed for intrafield pumping of multiphase fluid without the use of flares (to avoid associated gas flaring in the floodplain of the Ob River).

The drilling cuttings processing plant on the right bank of the Priobskoye field produces silicate brick, which is used as building material for the construction of roads, pad foundations, etc. To solve the problem of utilization of associated gas produced at the Priobskoye field, the first Gas Turbine Power Plant in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug was built at the Prirazlomnoye field, which provides electricity to the Priobskoye and Prirazlomnoye fields.

The power transmission line built across the Ob has no analogues, the span of which is 1020 m, and the diameter of the wire specially made in the UK is 50 mm.

November 5, 2009 was another significant day in the history of Yuganskneftegaz - the 200 millionth ton of oil was produced at the Priobskoye field. Recall that this giant oil field was discovered in 1982. The field is located near Khanty-Mansiysk and is divided into two parts by the Ob River. The development of the left bank began in 1988, the right bank - in 1999. The 100 millionth ton of oil was produced at the field in July 2006.

24.03.2010 In 2010, Rosneft Oil Company plans to produce 29.6 million tons of oil at the Priobskoye field, which is 12.4% less than was produced in 2009, the information department of the company says. In 2009, Rosneft produced 33.8 million tons of oil from the field.

In addition, according to the report, Rosneft today commissioned the first stage of a gas turbine power plant (GTPP) at the Priobskoye oil and gas field. The capacity of the first stage of the GTPP is 135 MW, the second stage is planned to be commissioned in May 2010, the third - in December. The total capacity of the station will be 315 MW. The construction of the station, together with auxiliary facilities, will cost Rosneft 18.7 billion rubles. At the same time, according to the report, due to the abandonment of hydraulic structures and the installation of steam power equipment, capital costs for the construction of the GTPP were reduced by more than 5 billion rubles.

The head of Rosneft, Sergey Bogdanchikov, noted that the commissioning of the Priobskaya GTPP simultaneously solves three problems: the utilization of associated gas (APG), the provision of electricity to the field, as well as the stability of work energy system region.

In 2009, Rosneft produced more than 2 billion cubic meters at the Priobskoye field. m of associated petroleum gas (APG), and used only a little over 1 billion cubic meters. m. By 2013, the picture will change: despite the decline in APG production to 1.5 billion cubic meters. m, its use will reach 95%, the report says.

According to S. Bogdanchikov, Rosneft is considering the possibility of providing Gazprom Neft with its pipe for transporting associated petroleum gas from the Priobskoye field for disposal at the Yuzhno-Balyksky gas processing complex of SIBUR. It is reported by RBC.

Rosneft provides up to 30% of its energy consumption with its own facilities. Power plants operating on associated gas have been built: at the Priobskoye field, at Vankor, in the Krasnodar Territory.

Gazprom Neft has put into operation the first phase of the Yuzhno-Priobskaya gas turbine power plant (GTPP) at the Priobskoye field (KhMAO), built by the company for its own production needs, the company said in a statement.
The capacity of the first stage of the GTPP was 48 MW. The volume of capital investments for the introduction of the first stage is 2.4 billion rubles.
At present, Gazpromneft-Khantos' electricity demand is about 75 MW of electricity, and according to the calculations of the company's specialists, by 2011 energy consumption will grow to 95 MW. In addition, in the coming years, the tariffs of the Tyumen energy system will increase significantly - from 1.59 rubles per kWh in 2009 to 2.29 rubles per kWh in 2011.
The launch of the second stage of the power plant will allow increasing the energy generating capacity of Gazpromneft-Khantos to 96 MW and will fully meet the company's needs for electricity.

The Priobskoye field is Gazprom Neft's key asset, accounting for almost 18% of the company's production structure.
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Downscaling of development objects as a method of enhanced oil recovery
At the Priobskoye field, three reservoirs are being developed jointly - AC10, AC11, AC12, and the permeability of the AC11 reservoir is an order of magnitude higher than the permeability of the AC10 and AC12 reservoirs. For the efficient development of reserves from the low-permeability AC10 and AC12 formations, there is no other alternative than the implementation of the ORRNEO technology, primarily in injection wells.

The method of complex interpretation of well logging results used in OAO ZSK "TYUMENPROMGEOPHYSICS" in the study of terrigenous sections

Frolovskaya facies zone of the Neocomian of Western Siberia in the light of an assessment of the prospects for oil and gas potential

Regional stratigraphic schemes of the Mesozoic deposits of the West Siberian Plain. - Tyumen. - 1991.
Geology of oil and gas in Western Siberia // A.E. Kontorovich, I.I. Nesterov, V.S. Surkov and others - M .: Nedra. - 1975. - 680 p.
Catalog of stratigraphic breakdowns // Tr. ZapSibNIGNI.-1972.- Issue. 67.-313 p.
Argentovsky L.Yu., Bochkarev V.S. Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic deposits of the platform cover of the West Siberian Plate // Problems of Geology of the West Siberian Oil and Gas Province /Tr. ZapSibNIGNI.- 1968.- Issue 11.- 60 p.
Sokolovsky A.P., Sokolovsky R.A. Anomalous types of sections of the Bazhenov and Tutleym formations of Western Siberia // Bulletin of the subsoil user KhMAO.- 2002.-11.- P. 64-69.

Efficiency of oil field development
In Russia, both horizontal wells and hydraulic fracturing are used in sufficient volumes in low-permeability reservoirs, for example, in the Priobskoye field, where the permeability is only from 1 to 12 millidarcies and hydraulic fracturing is simply indispensable.

A new environmental scandal in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Once again, the well-known company Rosekoprompererabotka, which became famous for polluting the Vakh River in the patrimony of TNK-BP, became its participant.

Improving the Quality of Casing Cementing at the Yuzhno-Priobskoye Field

Thermal gas impact and fields of Siberia
Thermogas method and Bazhenov formation

Implementation of simultaneous injection at the Priobskoye field
Transfer of wells of the Priobskoye field to an adaptive control system for an electric submersible pump

Analysis of ESP failures in Russian fields

Interruptions during the formation of Neocomian clinoforms in Western Siberia

Improving the technology of simultaneous-separate injection for multilayer fields

LLC "Mamontovsky KRS"
Work at the fields of Mamontovsky, Maisky, Pravdinsky, Priobsky regions

Even before the New Year, environmental checks were completed at the two largest fields in Yugra, Samotlor and Priobskoye. Based on the results, disappointing conclusions were made: oil workers not only destroy nature, but also underpay at least 30 billion rubles a year to the budgets of various levels.

"Siberian Oil", No. 4(32), April 2006. "There is room to move"

BP/AMOCO Withdraws from Priobskoye Project, 1999-03-28

A photo
Priobskoye field
"Priobskoye field, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. SGK-Burenie company".
Yuzhno-Priobskoye field

The Priobskoye oil and gas field is geographically located on the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District of the Tyumen Region Russian Federation. The city closest to the Priobskoye field is Nefteyugansk (located 200 km east of the field).

The Priobskoye field was discovered in 1982. The field is characterized as multi-layer, low-productive. The territory is cut by the Ob River, swampy and mostly flooded during the flood period; here are spawning grounds for fish. As noted in the materials of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma, these factors complicate the development and require significant financial resources to apply the latest highly efficient and environmentally friendly technologies.

The license for the development of the Priobskoye deposit belongs to subsidiary JSC "Rosneft", the company "Rosneft-Yuganskneftegaz".

According to experts, the development of the field at existing system taxation is unprofitable and impossible. Under the terms of the PSA, oil production over 20 years will amount to 274.3 million tons, state income - $48.7 billion.

The recoverable reserves of the Priobskoye field are 578 million tons of oil, gas - 37 billion cubic meters. The development period under the PSA is 58 years. Peak production level - 19.9 million tons. tons in the 16th year of development. Initial funding was planned at $1.3 billion. Capital costs - 28 billion dollars, operating costs - 27.28 billion dollars. Probable directions of oil transportation from the field are Ventspils, Novorossiysk, Odessa, Druzhba.

The possibility of joint development of the northern part of the Priobskoye field was discussed by Yugansneftegaz and Amoso ​​in 1991. In 1993, Amoso ​​took part in an international tender for the right to use the subsoil in the fields of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and was recognized as the winner of the competition for the exclusive right to become a foreign partner in the development of the Priobskoye field together with Yuganskneftegaz.

In 1994, Yuganskneftegaz and Amoso ​​prepared and submitted to the government a draft agreement on production sharing and Tenico-economic and environmental justification of the project.

In early 1995, an additional feasibility study was submitted to the government, which was amended in the same year in the light of new data on the deposit.
In 1995, the Central Commission for the Development of Oil and Oil and Gas Fields of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Protection environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation approved an updated scheme for the development of the field and the environmental part of the pre-project documentation.

On March 7, 1995, the then Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin issued an order on the formation of a government delegation from representatives of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and a number of ministries and departments to negotiate a PSA in the development of the northern part of the Priobskoye field.

In July 1996, in Moscow, a joint Russian-American commission on economic and technical cooperation issued a joint statement on the priority of projects in the energy field, among which the Priobskoye field was specifically named. The joint statement indicates that both governments welcome the commitment to conclude a production sharing agreement for this project by the next meeting of the commission in February 1997.

At the end of 1998, Yuganskneftegaz's partner in the Priobskoye field development project, the American company Amoso, was taken over by the British company British Petroleum.

In early 1999, BP/Amoso ​​officially announced its withdrawal from participation in the Priobskoye field development project.

Ethnic history of the Priobskoye deposit

Since ancient times, the area of ​​the deposit was inhabited by the Khanty. The Khanty developed complex social systems, called principalities and by the XI-XII centuries. they had large tribal settlements with fortified capitals, which were ruled by princes and defended by professional troops.

The first known contacts of Russia with this territory took place in the 10th or 11th century. At this time, trade relations began to develop between the Russians and the indigenous population of Western Siberia, which brought cultural changes to the life of the natives. Iron and ceramic household utensils and fabrics appeared and became a material part of the life of the Khanty. The fur trade acquired great importance as a means of obtaining these goods.

In 1581 Western Siberia was annexed to Russia. The princes were replaced by the tsarist government, and taxes were paid into the Russian treasury. In the 17th century, tsarist officials and servicemen (Cossacks) began to settle in this territory, and contacts between Russians and Khanty were further developed. As a result of closer contacts, Russians and Khanty began to adopt the attributes of each other's way of life. The Khanty began to use guns and traps, some, following the example of the Russians, started breeding large cattle and horses. The Russians borrowed some hunting and fishing techniques from the Khanty. The Russians acquired lands and fishing grounds from the Khanty, and by the 18th century most of the Khanty land had been sold to Russian settlers. Russian cultural influence expanded in the early 18th century with the introduction of Christianity. At the same time, the number of Russians continued to increase, and by the end of the 18th century, the Russian population in this area outnumbered the Khanty by five times. Most of the Khanty families borrowed knowledge from the Russians Agriculture, cattle breeding and horticulture.

The assimilation of the Khanty into Russian culture accelerated with the establishment of Soviet power in 1920. The Soviet policy of social integration brought to the region single system education. Khanty children were usually sent from families to boarding schools for a period of 8 to 10 years. Many of them, after graduating from school, could no longer return to the traditional way of life without having the necessary skills for this.

The collectivization that began in the 1920s had a significant impact on the ethnographic character of the territory. In the 50-60s, the formation of large collective farms began and several small settlements disappeared as the population united into larger ones. settlements. By the 1950s, mixed marriages between Russians and Khanty became widespread, and almost all Khanty born after the 1950s were born in mixed marriages. Since the 1960s, as Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Moldavians, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Avars and representatives of other nationalities migrated to the region, the percentage of Khanty decreased even more. Currently, the Khanty make up a little less than 1 percent of the population of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

In addition to the Khanty, the Mansi (33%), Nenets (6%) and Selkups (less than 1%) live in the territory of the Priobskoye field.

The Priobskoye oil field was discovered in 1982 by well No. 151 of Glavtyumengeologia.
Refers to the distributed subsoil fund. The license was registered by OOO Yuganskneftgegaz and NK Sibneft-Yugra in 1999. It is located on the border of the Salymsky and Lyaminsky oil and gas regions and is confined to the local structure of the same name in the Sredneobskaya oil and gas region. According to the reflecting horizon "B", the rise is contoured by an isoline - 2890 m and has an area of ​​400 km2. The foundation was opened by borehole No. 409 in the depth interval 3212 - 3340 m and is represented by metamorphoses. rocks of greenish color. Lower Jurassic deposits lie on it with angular unconformity and erosion. The main platform section is composed of Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits. The Paleogene is represented by the Danish Stage, Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene. The thickness of the Quaternary deposits reaches 50 m. The bottom of permafrost is noted at a depth of 280 m, the roof - at a depth of 100 m. yuteriva and barrel lenses. The reservoir is granular sandstones with interlayers of clays. Belongs to the unique class.