Engagement research. Employee Engagement Management: Current Practices and Tools

According to Gallup, companies with high employee engagement are 20% more productive and profitable. Study of the international consulting company AXES Management has shown that such organizations have an easier time retaining talent and 5% higher customer satisfaction. We tell you how to measure (and increase) the level of engagement of your employees.

The term "engagement" means the interest and attachment of an employee to his company. Often managers believe that their employees are 100% involved in the work. In fact, no company in the world can boast of such an indicator. It is possible to determine the involvement of personnel only on the basis of research.

Who needs it?

It is useful for any company to know the level of engagement of its staff, but it is especially useful if business performance is deteriorating. For example, startups often show rapid growth in their early years. There are few employees, they have a common goal - high involvement. But with the expansion of staff and the complexity of tasks, employee productivity decreases and staff turnover appears.

Engagement research will allow the company to understand its mistakes.

How to measure engagement?

Today, the questionnaire developed by Gallup is considered the most proven and clear methodology for medium and small businesses. For each of the 12 items of the questionnaire, the employee answers “yes” or “no”:

I know what is expected of me.

I have everything I need to do my job.

I have the opportunity every day to do what I do best.

Over the past seven days, I have been praised for my good work.

My manager takes care of me as a person.

My opinion is considered.

My colleagues consider it their duty to do a good job.

The challenges that the company sets for itself make me feel that my work is important.

One of my best friends works at my company.

Over the past six months, I have been interviewed about my progress at work.

During the past year, I have had the opportunity to study and grow professionally.

Based on the responses of employees, you will see what demotivates the staff. For example, if the majority of employees answered “no” to the last question, the company should provide them with an opportunity for corporate training.

The level (index) of involvement is determined by the arithmetic mean of positive responses. A good result is above 80%, a bad result is below 50%.

3 survey rules

Make the survey anonymous by asking employees only to indicate their gender, age, and the department they work in.

Ensure that at least 50% of employees participate in the survey.

Conduct research at least once a year.

How to increase engagement?

So, you have learned what factors negatively affect the staff by measuring the level of engagement, and you want to increase it. Here's what it takes.

Mentoring and corporate events. OBI in Russia for several years of systematic work with the staff was able to achieve 84% involvement. Team Insight is held annually at the company's headquarters - a meeting CEO with each department "no ties". All office employees regularly go to work in stores for informal communication with target audience. Twice a year, top management of the company visits each outlet and answers questions from employees of all levels. High engagement ultimately reduced employee turnover in the company by 40%.

Intangible motivation. In our agency, for example, a flexible schedule: you can come to 9, 10, 11 o'clock. Once a month, each employee can work from home. Russian startup CarFix is ​​offering employees a paid day off by September 1, a 10 percent discount at a nearby cafe, and corporate rates to visit the fitness club.

Gamification system. The company "Yulmart" has introduced a game on the theme of the film about the racers "Fast and the Furious". If an employee made an average check more than yesterday, he moved faster. Every day, an employee could see on a special website where his car was relative to other employees. The competitive spirit helped increase sales by 1.5 times without increasing staff. Another example: "Odnoklassniki" launched "Bagathlon", in which programmers competed in eliminating bugs, "pumped" and received reward points. As a result, in just 5 days, we managed to fix half of all the errors, and the employees played even in the evenings and on weekends.

constant feedback and teamwork over projects. The Enter company used the "IMAGO" project (imago - the stage of development of an insect from a larva to a butterfly). Each employee could suggest how to improve the work of the company (a special section was created on the corporate portal for this). The proposals were considered by the innovation committee, and the best ones were implemented. Since the company implemented a gamification system (on the portal, each employee saw how many points he had), the author of an effective idea became a project leader for the duration of its implementation and increased his rating. The employees with the most points went on a trip every six months at the expense of the company.

Mentoring or coaching. This function can be performed not only by an HR specialist, but by any employee. For example, there is a program "4 lunches". Each employee can choose a partner for himself - it does not matter whether a colleague from a department or a neighboring department, a secretary or a general director. During the month, partners have lunch or breakfast together once a week - regularly and voluntarily. The "mechanics" of lunch is as follows: in the first 30 minutes of the meeting, one interlocutor tells the other about his successes for the week. In the remaining half an hour, he makes a promise to a colleague that next week he will come with a new concrete result. Then the roles change. The one who acts as a listener cannot comment, redirect a colleague. His job is to listen and share his experience. This practice brings together and develops employees - besides, you can do without a professional coach: often motivation can be supported by a simple promise.

The formation of involvement is the highest managerial aerobatics. Yes, this long-term work does not give instant results. But such an investment will definitely give a commercial result.

In 2016, the companies lost 40 thousand rubles each. for every 10 employees who quit. main reason layoffs - job dissatisfaction. We suggest downloading a 12-question questionnaire that will reveal even the hidden reasons for the low performance of managers. You will not have to lose money if you weed out candidates at the interview who will leave the company as soon as possible.

Recently, it has become fashionable to talk about employee engagement. Even 30–40 years ago, this concept was not used. There was also no motivation in the broadest sense. There was no need to invent "goodies" for a person to go to work and perform their duties with high quality. An additional day off, a bonus or the thirteenth salary is the maximum that an employee received. The "right" people worked in the companies - those who wanted to work and did it with pleasure. Now they are called involved. If your managers break deadlines, quit after six months of work, and accept any innovations with hostility, it means that there is a problem in the company. We use engagement test Q12 which helps to avoid it.

Why employees do not show initiative and lose interest in work

Best Article of the Month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

According to the Gallup Institute, companies lose up to $340 billion annually due to dissatisfied employees. If a person does not like what he does, this leads to a decrease in labor productivity, poor customer service.

How to understand what your employees do not like. Analyze the situation from the outside, talk to your immediate supervisors. Pay attention to following points- they can be dangerous:

  • the “lifetime” of employees in your company is less than a year;
  • staff turnover has been growing over the past three to five years;
  • salaries are comparable to the average market and even higher, but this does not affect labor productivity;
  • deadlines are regularly violated;
  • employees do not show initiative;
  • any innovations are met with hostility by the team.

If at least three items on the list correspond to the state of affairs in your company, this is an occasion to think and study the problem in more depth. Questionnaire Q12 will help with this.

Rules of the Q12 survey and its purpose

The advantage of the method is that you can involve a full-time personnel officer or independently draw up questionnaire. For example, we used open sources and asked colleagues about similar experiences (sample document). Systematized knowledge, identified eight rules.

  1. There can be no more than 12 questions in the questionnaire.
  2. The optimal frequency of the survey is once a year, not more often.
  3. Anonymity is the key to the objectivity of information.
  4. The electronic version is convenient for employees and facilitates data analysis.
  5. All employees receive identical questionnaires.
  6. It is possible to draw conclusions only after analyzing additional criteria: work experience, labor productivity, general staff turnover, etc.
  7. The engagement index should be calculated not only for the entire company, but also for departments.
  8. It makes sense to analyze the data if at least 50% of employees in different positions give answers.

How to Calculate Engagement Percentage

To determine the engagement index, count the positive and negative responses in each questionnaire, and then add up the number of “yes” choices in all questionnaires. Do the same for "no" answers. Then the number of positive answers must be converted into percentages. For example, 100 employees participated in the survey. total amount positive answers - 612, the maximum possible number - 1200 (100 questionnaires with 12 questions each). Employee engagement - 51% (612 × × 100% : 1200).

What to do with Engagement Test Results

The survey does not give an exhaustive picture and exact figures, because the human factor cannot be ruled out. But thanks to the mass assessment, you can determine the direction in which it is worth moving. For example, after an assessment that we conducted in 2014, we realized that employees leave due to a lack of career growth and tense relationships with management. After analyzing the indicators of the sales department, we found out that everyone has problems with the director of the unit. He attributed the merits of the team to himself and was in no hurry to help his subordinates for fear of growing a competitor. We parted ways with the leader. And employees who had worked for a long time were offered new positions and paid bonuses.

Expert opinion

We offer newcomers to quit and get money - this is how we weed out the "superfluous"

Artem Agabekov,

owner of the Window Factory company, co-owner of the Adventum agency

New employees are trained within a few weeks. After newcomers immerse themselves in the philosophy of the company and study the product, we offer to leave if they do not share our corporate culture. When leaving, the employee receives twice as much as if he had stayed. An employee meaningfully makes a choice: money or commitment to corporate values. The one who stays in the company after such an offer loses in financial terms but finds meaning in the work he has to do.

The main "trick" of training is that potential employees are interviewed all this time. The coach constantly evaluates them. When candidates have to pass a mandatory exam, the receiving committee has much more information than after a standard hour-long interview. Thus, the chances of making an informed decision are significantly increased.

Employee engagement is the desire of employees to bring maximum benefit to the company and do everything possible to achieve its goals, performing actions that go beyond their direct duties.

Employee engagement is directly related to business success and customer satisfaction. Employee engagement is driven by curiosity, interest in the goals of the company and interest in the result, and not fear of fines, dismissal, etc.

2. Methodology for assessing the involvement of personnel

There is no single algorithm that answers the question “How to measure employee engagement?”, since each employee has his own specifics. Employee engagement is made up of three things, the first of which is what they say about their work. For example, the same HR manager conducts interviews, recruits employees, paints the company as if it were a paradise place and, in general, a dream job. But what do we actually see? In the evening, in a bar, to his friends, he expresses with a three-story obscenity how he hates his job and dreams of prescribing the crown "from the left" to the boss. It is a person's sincere feedback that tells whether he is involved or not.

The second question is how long is he willing to work in the firm? A year, two, ten, until something better comes along, or stay with the company as long as possible?

And the third point - how often does an employee think about work in his spare time? If a person before going to bed thinks about what he can do or offer useful at work, he can definitely be called engaged. Unfortunately, we are mere mortals and cannot read people's minds, so special companies develop tests to study and monitor employee engagement, and sometimes they consist of more than 70 questions.

3. Employee engagement as the highest level of motivation

Engagement is not a skill and cannot be taught or forced, it is a person's own conscious choice. Even if employees have exactly the same responsibilities, working conditions and payroll system, they will often be divided into several groups. For those who want to do nothing and “get away” from work as soon as possible, those who are satisfied in principle and will work for a long time without making additional efforts, and those who perceive the company’s business as their own, do everything possible for its prosperity and development.

Engagement is a valuable quality that can and should be developed in your wards, inspire them to new achievements, and motivate them.

For example, the Teplotekhnik company decided to increase employee engagement with the help of new ideas. The bottom line was that each employee can offer his ideas on how to improve the work of the company, in a short time it is considered by the managers and a decision is made whether to implement it or not. Then counted (if any) financial results from the innovation and the initiating employee receives a monetary incentive. Also, these factors are taken into account when calculating his KPI, the result is visible to everyone, and who wants to look bad in the eyes of their colleagues? Ideas came out actively one by one, the best idea generators got on the honor roll, employees thought about work not only at the allotted time, and this is involvement.

4. Impact of employee engagement on profit

Naturally, easily involved personnel are the most in demand, such people are many times more effective than ordinary uninvolved employees. The involved personnel do not think before each action “should I do this, or is it the work of Vasily from another department?” he takes responsibility and does. The more involved employees in the company, the less staff turnover, the more comfortable atmosphere, where “everyone is our own”, a well-coordinated work process and maximum return. All this contributes to improving the quality and productivity of labor, which provides additional profit for the business.

5. How to increase employee engagement

Each person has his own concept of a dream class job, for some it is a big wage others prioritize their own development, while others prioritize atmosphere and leadership. There are companies in the world that combine all these factors, and almost everyone dreams of working in them. So what needs to be done in order to involve staff in the goals of the enterprise and get closer to the status of a dream company?

Of course, you can’t force anyone, but to increase staff involvement, you can create the following favorable conditions:

Employee engagement is an integral part effective work the entire sales department. We are developing the necessary motivation system for maximum involvement of personnel within the framework of the "Creating a Sales System" service. To obtain free consultation For all your questions, just fill out the form below and we will contact you!

Any business owner is interested in the maximum return of the forces and knowledge of hired personnel. To improve the efficiency of use labor resources companies have different methods and policies for managing employees. Recent times The theory of employee engagement is gaining popularity. Its essence lies in the maximum focus on creating the overall result of each of the employees of the company.

The essence of the concept of staff involvement

Systems personnel management are constantly being improved. If earlier separate indicators of job satisfaction, loyalty to the employer were used, various methods of motivational stimulation of the employee were developed, now a complex method of staff involvement in work is used to achieve the final result.

Employee engagement is the degree of personal interest of each employee in achieving the company's goals. Such an employee management policy is aimed at creating the necessary motivation system for each employee to more fully devote their strengths and knowledge to the benefit of the company. This, in turn, is manifested in an increase in the productivity of both a separate staff unit or division, and the enterprise as a whole.

Ideally, the involvement indicators of an ordinary employee should be equal to the interest in the end result of the business owner. However, in practice, such performance is incredibly difficult to achieve and it all depends on the size of the company.

In small startups, where each employee is also a business creator, the level of involvement is almost close to ideal, in large ones, for a long time existing organizations, with a huge staff, it is difficult to achieve high engagement rates.

Research carried out in Western countries, show that the higher the employee engagement rate, the more efficient development firms and their financial results.

The optimal indicator of staff involvement is considered to be in the range of 60-90 points.

The lower it is, the less interested employees are. If the score does not even reach 30 points, then such a company has serious problems with its staff.

Most Engaged Employee:

  • actively participates in the activities of the company;
  • effectively uses work time without distraction to other unrelated official duties affairs;
  • does not need constant monitoring and planning by direct management;
  • is able to independently expand its functionality without additional stimulation.

In addition, increasing employee engagement reduces employee turnover, increases employee productivity, helps create internal reserves to "cultivate" leaders of different levels. At the same time, labor costs in organizations using this method of managing hired personnel are not higher than average values ​​for similar market segments.

The difference between the policy of engagement and other theories of personnel management

AT different time various methods of increasing the return on hired personnel were popular. This is:

  • job satisfaction;
  • loyalty to the employer;
  • creation of motivation systems based on the principle of "carrot and stick".

Satisfaction with the current place of work for each employee can be expressed in different ways. Basically, this is the level of payment and work functionality. However, this approach does not work in the long run. As soon as a competing company offers such an employee a higher salary or interests him in a similar but more promising project, he will immediately change his employer.

The disadvantage of the theory of loyalty is the coercion of staff, the imposition of a sense of duty on employees to the company. The employee actually performs his duties, because he has to do it. There is no personal interest in the final, global result.

Employee motivation systems, of course, play an important role in employee efficiency. However, there is no feedback from the employee to the employer. In fact, motivation comes down to the creation by the management of the company of conditions, as a rule, of a material nature, in which the employee conscientiously fulfills his official duties and shows the previously planned result in order to receive an additional reward. Such an employee does not care what happens in the team as a whole, he is not interested in expanding his functionality.

The methodology of personnel involvement uses the tools of other theories of personnel management that have shown their effectiveness, in addition, it creates feedback from employee to manager.

It also encourages employee initiative. He may offer various tools to improve not only their efficiency, but also the company as a whole. After all, a narrow-profile specialist sees better than any leader what exactly is missing to improve performance in his direction.

In addition, the stimulation of involvement creates the necessary atmosphere in the team, allows you to manage your working time as efficiently as possible, and develops the initiative of employees.

Ultimately, employee engagement can be described as the highest level of employee motivation.

Methods for assessing staff involvement

Evaluation of personnel involvement is subjective. It is based on the method of questioning employees. Depending on the size of the staff, organizations are considering the possibility of conducting a continuous or selective survey of employees. In a sample survey, it is necessary to observe the representativeness of the sample.

If opportunities allow personnel service, then the sample should be at least half of the employees and include categories of workers of different age and work experience.

Questions should be designed in such a way as to reveal the involvement of employees in three areas:

  • achievement of the overall result of the company;
  • work process;
  • increasing personal effectiveness.

Then each of the directions is assigned a coefficient of influence on total score involvement. The results of the assessment of participation in the achievement of common goals have the greatest weight. Depending on the direction of the business, the coefficient of influence on the overall engagement rate can reach 50%. The least influence is exerted by the personal effectiveness and development of the employee. No more than 20% of weight can be allocated to this indicator.

The survey is carried out in two ways. The first involves questions to which the interviewed employee gives unequivocal answers "yes" or "no". In the second case, the employee is asked to rate each group of questions on a scale of several gradations, for example, from "don't know", "not interested" to "fully informed" or "actively involved".

In the first case, the correct answer is estimated as 1 point, the wrong one - 0 points. In the second method, each of the answers is assigned a certain number of points, depending on the interest of the respondent. 0 points means complete indifference to the evaluation criteria, the highest interest is estimated at the maximum number of points, depending on the variability of the proposed answers.

In addition, surveys can be anonymized or personalized. That is, employees can answer questions anonymously or under their names.

Each of these survey methods has its own advantages, depending on the purpose of the diagnosis.

The impersonal method will more objectively show the involvement indicator for the whole organization. To assess each individual employee, a personalized questionnaire is more suitable.

The results of the assessment of staff involvement

Such employee surveys should be conducted on a regular basis. In addition to identifying problems, they will show the effectiveness of the efforts made to increase employee engagement. The current practice shows the need for at least an annual survey of employees.

After receiving an overall assessment of involvement, each of the areas is analyzed separately. With a low level of this indicator, one of the components of engagement may have a high level.

For example, employees can be completely satisfied with the organization of the work process and interaction between structural units that perform similar tasks. However, they may have low interest in the final result due to insufficient awareness of the impact on its achievement.

Or employees like that their ideas help in the development of the company as a whole, they see feedback, but there are no opportunities for personal development and professional development.

When analyzing each individual indicator and the totality of responses to it, the HR department can develop activities that will have the greatest effect in increasing staff involvement.

When developing measures to increase the interest of employees, it is necessary to act in two directions - the involvement of the company's management and ordinary employees.

Employee Engagement Activities

The involvement of hired personnel in achieving global results must be constantly maintained at an acceptable level. It is impossible to achieve a high value in one of the areas of involvement and in the next period to refuse to carry out activities that affect this indicator. This will immediately lead to negative consequences, and it will be very difficult to correct the situation.

Interest in the final result must be constantly nurtured, work with it must be systemic, not periodic.

First of all, it is necessary to interest the middle and lower management in increasing the involvement of personnel. Leaders should show their interest in the overall result by their example.

If the head of the department is indifferent to the achievement of the global efficiency of the company, then his subordinates will not be interested in participating in the overall result.

The leader must show subordinates a personal example of interest.

To do this, various seminars, meetings, meetings of senior staff are held, where the most effective managers share their experience in motivating staff.

It is also necessary to hold meetings at least once a month at regular intervals. structural divisions so that there is feedback between subordinates and management.

An important fact is that in every team there are informal leaders whose opinion or view of working moments are decisive for the behavior of most employees.

Companies will be very lucky if the functions of the informal leader are performed by the head of the unit. And he correctly motivates and interests his subordinates in the final result of the work.

After all, in case of disinterest of an employee whose behavior other members of the team are guided by, holding events to involve employees will have practically no effect.

The second direction in which it is necessary to move in the development of an involvement system are measures aimed at increasing the interest of ordinary employees.

Measures to increase employee engagement

In addition to the standard tools for motivating employees, there are several important aspects that increase employee engagement.

An important fact is the long-term routine execution of the same functional duties reduces the interest of any employee.

The methodology of personnel involvement shows its effectiveness over other theories of personnel management. On the one hand, it increases the interest of each employee in the final result, on the other hand, it increases labor productivity. An engaged employee fully uses the working time for its intended purpose, does not need additional supervision from the management, and its efficiency is many times better than that of an uninvolved one.

We will tell you what engagement is and why it is important for a company that employees are involved in their work. Let's share original ways to increase staff engagement that your colleagues use in their practice.

From the article you will learn:

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What is employee engagement

At first glance, the goals and objectives of the employer and employee do not coincide. The strategic task of the employer is to obtain maximum profit at minimal cost, and the worker - it is more expensive to sell his labor. For a long time, this state of affairs was considered quite natural and was the basis of many methods and theories. organizational management, which can not be called either effective or true. These approaches completely excluded the use of the most powerful motivational tool - staff involvement. Engagement is the interest of employees in the results of their work and the achievement of the company's strategic goals.

The involvement of employees is manifested not only in the fact that they are interested in the success of the company, are loyal to it and are satisfied with the content of their work. It is important that employees are proactive and have the prospect of personal and professional growth. This allows them to participate in the formation and development of corporate culture, maintain team spirit and healthy working relationships in the company.

Example: Energomash employee career card

Engagement doesn't happen in a vacuum. To ensure that employees are interested in the success of the business, that they, according to their inner conviction, work at maximum productivity and are creative in their attitude to job responsibilities, the employer must provide appropriate conditions, create such an atmosphere in which the employee wants and can realize his full potential.

What are the benefits of employee engagement for a company?

The fact that the involvement of personnel is a condition for high competitiveness and efficiency of the enterprise is evidenced by statistics. According to Gallup, on average, the number of engaged employees in stable growing companies is about 60%, while in those companies that occupy a leading position in the market, this figure is not lower than 90%.

High employee engagement has many benefits for the company. In particular:

  • productivity increases;
  • there are new methods and ideas based on knowledge of the characteristics of a particular production;
  • sales markets are expanding, new customers and partners are coming to the company;
  • getting bigger loyal employees who do not seek to change jobs;
  • you can save on the search, selection, adaptation and training of staff.

Action plan aimed at increasing staff engagement

How to evaluate employee engagement

An effective way to research employee engagement is to conduct a survey. It is best not to use standardized questionnaires such as Gallup's Q12. Such questionnaires show excessive involvement and do not reveal the true problems with the staff. Therefore, to assess the involvement of staff, it is better to compile your own questionnaire. Below is a step by step algorithm on how to do this.

Step 1. Rewrite the standard introduction to the questionnaire according to the methods of marketers. Employees do not complete the questionnaire when they do not understand their benefits or do not receive evidence of confidentiality. Remove these objections at the very beginning, even before the questions - in a personal letter asking you to take the survey and before the instructions in the questionnaire. When you ask employees to express a sincere opinion, people want to understand why. Otherwise, they won't waste time answering. Bonuses for everyone will cost the company dearly. It is more logical to promise free, but useful changes - for example, to optimize processes.

Step 2 Develop instructions for questions. Explain how to answer them, tell us about the gradation of points. Note that there are no right or wrong answers. There are only honest ones.

Step 3 Include no more than 15 questions in the questionnaire. One question per minute. This way you can keep the focus of your employees. The best format to use is 14 multiple choice questions + one open-ended question.

Step 4 Rephrase template questions to fit the realities of your company. It is important that they cover the situations employees face in the company.

Step 5 For different categories employees provide different questions. It is not possible to create a universal questionnaire for all positions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop different questionnaires for managers and line personnel.

Example of a questionnaire for line personnel

Download questionnaire

In addition to large-scale surveys, you can also conduct monthly or weekly pulse surveys. So you will not lose sight of important problems, you can quickly open and eliminate them.

How to conduct a pulse survey: instructions

How HR can manage employee engagement

Practice shows that the involvement of personnel is quite amenable to evaluation and administration. But in order to successfully manage employee engagement, several conditions must be met. The main thing is to increase confidence in the company's management and give employees the opportunity to understand the direction and goals of the organization's development. Since the personification of the company is its head and, as a rule, the entire team of the enterprise, from heads of departments to ordinary performers, is equal to him, his participation in the formation of personnel involvement is not a recommendation, but one of the requirements.

Staff, in addition, must clearly see the relationship between the conditions of their work, career, salary and the success of the company, the stability of its position in the market. The levers for managing involvement include the development perspective. HR should take into account that the formation of employee engagement must be carried out taking into account individual features, life values and the needs of each. But there are also general recommendations:

  • employees should have a voice and the opportunity to be heard, so that each of them would like to prove themselves and, therefore, to reveal their professional and personal potential as fully as possible;
  • a fair and open system of remuneration and distribution of non-material incentives will allow each employee to clearly see the relationship between their contribution to the common cause and the remuneration received;
  • the system of non-material incentives should be adapted to the real needs of employees, taking into account their preferences;
  • the possibility of development and growth, implementation in the enterprise educational programs and continuing education programs to help achieve these goals;
  • where there is no need for a strict hierarchy and command style of management, democracy in communication and respect for all employees, regardless of their position, have a positive effect.

How to increase staff engagement: 4 cases

Case #1: “I love my company”

The essence of the idea. Sometimes the management of the company does not take into account that the lack of understanding of the goals of the company, strategic objectives standing in front of her, her organizational structure and the activities of each unit can be a strong demotivating factor. An employee in such a situation feels detached, insecure. It is necessary to carry out a set of activities that will help employees feel like a team with common goals. Such events can include master classes for managers, as well as master classes for employees, which will be held by their immediate supervisors; thematic meetings with employees of other departments; competition "I love my company".

There are many options for holding such competitions, they can be found on the Internet and adapted to the characteristics of your company. In our case, we will consider working on an interview film as such a task, in which employees will talk about how they understand staff engagement and suggest ways to increase it.

How to organize the process. In order for the shooting of the film-interview to be successful, you must:

  • get the support of heads of departments and involve them in the shooting process;
  • gather teams and invite each to choose their own thematic focus of the film, so that united by a common theme, all films turn out to be different and reveal the idea from several points of view;
  • involve in the filmmaking process as much as possible large quantity employees who can act not only as interviewees, but also as screenwriters, assistant directors, administrators;
  • provide employees with the necessary equipment and resources, including time, space, access to the necessary information, etc.

Since there are no special requirements for the quality of shooting, employees can use the video cameras built into their phones, but they will need special programs for editing.

What is the advantage of the case. Collaboration on a film, the plot of which is united by themes of loyalty, job satisfaction and involvement, is not only an exciting process, but also a factor of non-material motivation for all its participants:

  • this will bring employees together and get to know each other better, since close communication is usually hindered by the lack of common work topics;
  • the spirit of competition is always an energy charge and positive emotions;
  • the theme of the importance of the company in the life of the staff will allow both ordinary employees and managers to comprehend this issue, to think about the values ​​of the corporate culture that unite them, the accepted norms and standards of behavior and management style;
  • a memorable, bright, motivating and uniting event for employees will be the discussion of the material filmed by the teams, the selection and awarding of the winners.

Case No. 2. We increase staff engagement by training managers

Managers of all levels will be able to openly discuss among themselves those management tools that they use in their work. Together, they will be able to find more effective approaches to subordinates, which will help to increase the level of staff motivation by an order of magnitude.

The essence of the idea . The involvement of personnel largely depends on the psychological climate in the organization, and it, in turn, depends on the direct manager and his management style. The competence of the manager includes increasing the motivation of employees and demonstrating their importance to the company.

The set of measures aimed at improving the psychological climate in teams depends on financial capabilities, corporate culture, and the specifics of the organization's activities. But the training of managers must be carried out first of all: they must learn to increase the level of motivation of employees, competently organize feedback and apply the most effective management methods and tools. Special trainings and master classes are a traditional form of training for managers.

What is the advantage of the case. The advantages of this method of training include not only the dissemination of the best practices of effective leaders, but also the fact that they can become a “work on mistakes” and help to avoid them in further interaction with subordinates. Discussion of issues that concern every manager, solutions offered by more experienced colleagues make training as effective as possible. To consolidate the received material and check how managers apply knowledge in practice, it is possible to hold a competition of implemented ideas between departments that helped increase the degree of involvement of staff and directly interest them in the development of the organization.

Case number 3. Story contest

HR managers who used this case to increase the level of engagement note that in addition to achieving main goal significantly improved the HR image of the organization.

The essence of the idea. In any organization, there are many positive examples when leaders helped employees realize their importance. The answer was a feeling of gratitude experienced by subordinates, which improved the results of their work and influenced the attitude towards the employer as a whole. Similar cases and stories are a source of case studies for HR professionals. If you introduce them to newcomers, this will increase the level of loyalty and involvement of the staff by an order of magnitude without any financial costs. Therefore, it is important that such stories are available in the company, and their participants become an example for other employees and managers.

How to organize a story contest . You will need:

  • inform employees about the competition and connect the management of the organization, which will advertise it and agitate employees to take part in it;
  • ask managers and other staff to remember such stories, write about them and send their stories about real events who helped to improve the climate in the team and the attitude towards the management of the competition;
  • edit stories and share them on the corporate portal for discussion and voting;
  • select and award a winner.

What to write about in a story to increase engagement

To choose a winner, you can use different ways: voting on the portal; jury discussion. Or you can refuse to award a sole victory and reward everyone who took part in the competition. In any case, try to mark all the participants. The best prize is an intangible award.


It is quite possible that employees will not show much interest in the competition at first. People generally don't tend to be enthusiastic and responsive to orders. In order for them to leave the comfort zone, the HR manager will have to actively implement the idea himself, be an example of activity and positive. When there are first results, many will catch up, because the process is quite exciting and allows you to show not only professional, but also communicative and organizational talents. The recognition of these talents by the employer will cause employees to respond with a sense of gratitude and a desire to demonstrate high results.

What is the advantage of the case. The competition will help not only increase staff loyalty and motivation, but also have a positive impact on the company's HR image - if such stories are posted online, even if they are published only on the corporate website. Applicants and those who are interested in the company's vacancies will be able to read them. This will help candidates better understand the corporate culture and its specifics, the style of leadership adopted in the company and the relationship between superiors and subordinates. Internal corporate information makes company vacancies more attractive. This simplifies and speeds up the search for suitable candidates.

Case number 4. The spirit of competition

Since the spirit of competition is one of the most effective tools not only to motivate to achieve the goal, but also a factor in uniting the team, it should be used to increase staff involvement by organizing a team game.

The essence of the game. There are many options corporate games and competitions. Quite simple and at the same time effective is the game "House", in which teams recruited from representatives of different departments must work together to as soon as possible solve a common problem - to build a model of a house from toy bricks.

How to organize the game "House". To play the game, purchase a children's construction set or order a special "Young Builder's Set", which will have enough details to, for example, build a model of your company's office building. Enlist the support of leaders, let them campaign, notify their subordinates about the competition, and gather participants into teams. Bring to the attention of each team the simple rules of the game:

  • bricks to the team will be issued for the completion of a corporate task - holding an event that improves the psychological climate or working conditions, helping employees of another department;
  • a team receives an additional number of bricks if it manages to attract a new team from another department to jointly carry out the task and join forces with it.

What is the advantage of the case. To differentiate each team's contribution to the layout, different teams' bricks can be painted a different color, or simply keep a record of the number of building pieces given to each team. This approach will help keep the competitive spirit until the end of the game.

Although each team is rooting for itself, but as a result, they are all engaged in one common cause and final result- built house - is a symbol of unity, friendship, one big family. The finished layout can become the main exhibit of the company's future museum or an award for the winning team of the competition.