Gleb Nikitin and his family. Gleb Nikitin who is it: biography, personal life, who works

On September 25, Vladimir Putin accepted his resignation own will Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Valery Shantsev. On the same day, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Gleb Nikitin was appointed acting head of the region. The career path of the new acting director of the Nizhny Novgorod region is in the material "360".

On September 25, Vladimir Putin dismissed the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Valery Shantsev. He wrote an application for early termination of his powers of his own free will.

On the same day, the President appointed Gleb Nikitin, Acting Governor of the region, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The corresponding order is posted on the Kremlin website. "To appoint Gleb Sergeevich Nikitin as the acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region until the person elected governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region takes office," the document says.

Experienced clerk

Gleb Nikitin was born on August 24, 1977 in Leningrad. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. In 2007 he defended his dissertation in economics at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Graduated a year later Russian academy civil service under the President of Russia.

Nikitin's political career began in the northern capital. Since 1999, he has served on the City Property Management Committee. In five years of service, he went from a leading specialist to the head of the state property management department.

From 2004 to 2012, he worked at the Federal Property Management Agency - first as head of the property department of organizations in the commercial sector, then as deputy head of the agency. During his time in the department, he took part in the implementation of important projects: in particular, the placement of Rosneft shares, the privatization of VTB Bank and the completion of transactions for the merger of large oil companies. In addition, Nikitin represented the interests of Russia in Transneft, Alrosa, Rosneft and many others. The last year of his work at the Federal Property Management Agency, he held the position of acting head of the department.

In 2012, Nikitin was appointed to the post of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov. A year later, he was promoted to first deputy - he oversaw the budgetary support of state programs and state policy in the field of property relations. As part of his work at the ministry, he was involved in regulating Russia's activities in the WTO and the Eurasian Economic Commission, and became one of the developers of the draft law "On Industrial Policy" and the concept of the Industrial Development Fund.

In 2009, Gleb Nikitin was awarded the medal "For Merit to the Fatherland, 2nd Degree." A year later received certificate of honor Government of Russia. Is a state adviser Russian Federation 1st class.

The head of the region took part in the All-Russian action "One day passing the exam parents."

Head of the Nizhny Novgorod region Gleb Nikitin took part in the action "A single day for passing the exam by parents" February 20, 2018. On this day in 60 special items in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the parents of schoolchildren wrote the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

“The exam has always been a kind of intrigue for me: when I was at school, we didn’t pass it. My children are still small, so my family and I have not yet gone through this. Through participation in this action, I saw that The exam allows you to assess the abilities of the child: you need not only to choose options from the proposed ones, but also to conduct a logical assessment of the text, ”shared his impressions Gleb Nikitin.

The head of the region noted that the exam is well organized in terms of the process itself. « It's impossible to write off- for the dealers full control. It is also impossible to know in advance what the questions will be. I think that everything is done at a high level," he added. Gleb Nikitin.

One of the tasks in the "parental exam" was writing an essay. According to Gleb Nikitina, he came across a close topic - besieged Leningrad. Answering a question about studying at school, the head of the region said that He was very fond of Russian and literature.

“After participating in this action, I understand what the exam is: now I have no fear that this exam does not require great knowledge of the subject. Vice versa - you need to master the logic, the structure of the language, prepare for real and read a lot", - said the head of the region.

Also on this day, members of the regional government, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, heads local government, heads of administrations municipalities, heads of educational organizations.

“When I was offered to participate in the exam, I immediately agreed. Firstly, to test the theoretical knowledge of the Russian language and see how difficult the exam tasks are. Secondly, this topic is also relevant for me - my eldest granddaughter will also have to take the exam in the future. In general, I want to say that the exam in the Russian language is not as scary as it seems. At least, it is much easier than those tickets that we crammed at the time. I believe that the knowledge that is required to obtain a successful result is practical, vital and necessary for every literate person,” said the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region Evgeny Lebedev.

According to the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the region, 50 subjects of the Russian Federation take part in the action. At the event, you could find out how is the registration for the exam and seating arrangements in the classrooms how the workplaces of the USE participants look like, how the printing and scanning of control measuring materials is organized at the exam point.


All-Russian action "A single day for passing the exam by parents", initiated by federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science, is being held for the second time. The campaign was first held on February 7, 2017. More than 3,000 parents from 50 regions joined that day.

Governor's press office

government of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Please enable JavaScript to view the In 1999, Nikitin received a degree from St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance.

In 2004, Gleb Sergeevich graduated from St. Petersburg State University, where he was qualified as a lawyer.

He is a candidate of sciences. The politician defended his dissertation on the topic “Managing the effectiveness of an organization in the interests of the owner”. In addition, Gleb Sergeevich has an MBA degree from the business school operating at Columbia University from the London Business School.


In 1999, Nikitin was appointed to the position of chief specialist, head of department, head of the state property management department of the St. Petersburg City Property Management Committee. He held this post for five years.

In 2004, Gleb Sergeevich headed the Property Department of Commercial Sector Organizations of the Federal Property Management Agency. Nikitin took part in the placement valuable papers OAO NK Rosneft (2006).

In 2007, Nikitin was appointed deputy head of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management. While in this position, he was responsible for the issue of privatization of shares in VTB LLC.

On December 26, 2011, he was appointed acting head of the Federal Property Management Agency in the government of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. This post was held until June 2012.

In July 2012, he became Deputy, and since June 2013 - First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

On September 26, 2017, by order of President Vladimir Putin, Nikitin was appointed Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. At the same time, the leader of the Russian Federation accepted the resignation at his own request, Valery Shantsev.

Nikitin is a member of the tripartite commission of the Russian Federation for the regulation of social and labor relations.

For his work he received the Order of Honor, the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. He also received an honorary diploma from the government of the Russian Federation.

Personnel changes in the leadership of the Russian regions continue. On Tuesday, Valery Shantsev, who has held the post of head of the Nizhny Novgorod region since 2005, resigned of his own free will.

Shantsev left the post with honors - the president awarded him the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, and the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region already presented the ex-governor with the Order "For Civil Valor and Honor."

Shantsev himself said goodbye to the townspeople in LiveJournal. “It seems to be natural to change jobs. But how? If you have become attached to the region, if you treat many projects like children, you put your soul into it, put it on the wing. [...] And then you realize that the children, perhaps, have already grown up and can do a lot. And it's time to turn the page. The day is exciting, even very. After all, we've been together for 12 years. I will, as before, worry about my beloved Nizhny Novgorod region. But already in a new capacity,” wrote the ex-governor.

Gleb Nikitin was appointed interim governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, previously former first Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade.

The new interim governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region is an example of the Kremlin's new policy in the regions. Both Nikitin and Dmitry Azarov, who was appointed acting governor of the Samara region on Tuesday, are "young technocrats."

Yevgeny Minchenko, Director General of the International Institute of Political Expertise, told Interfax that a younger generation, younger than 50, is coming into power.

“I would not call them both technocrats, because, in my opinion, Azarov is an accomplished public politician, a man who was the mayor of Samara, was very actively involved in local government issues. In my opinion, calling him a technocrat would be strange,” Minchenko said on Tuesday.

The expert believes that the status of "technocrat" suits Nikitin to a greater extent. “Gleb Nikitin is undoubtedly a technocrat. I remember him from his work at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The fact that both of them underwent retraining before their appointment to the post of interim is also of some importance, ”the agency’s interlocutor said.

At the same time, the question " Russian newspaper”, whether the future belongs to machines and robots, Nikitin once answered with a quote from the works of the American futurist professor James Woodhuizen.

“A robot can make a joke, it can put together a third joke from two, but it is not able to come up with a new one,” Nikitin replied.

“In our opinion, the president's image is formed on the basis of the 'experienced leader of a young team' principle,” Minchenko said.

In turn, political scientist Gleb Kuznetsov believes that the advantage of these appointments is that younger leaders already have a solid professional background.

“The trend started in the winter of this year continues. A generation of young technocrats is coming to power. They are younger than the outgoing generation and have already accumulated life experience. Also have experience in federal bodies. They know how decisions are made not only in the regions, but also in Moscow,” political analyst Gleb Kuznetsov told Interfax.

“People are very hopeful that with the advent of young, energetic, well-trained people, balanced but vigorous measures will be taken to improve the situation in the respective regions of the country,” Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with elected governors after a single voting day.

Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov also commented on the appointment of his deputy to the post of Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

“This is already a platinum reserve, the gold has been given away, the platinum has already been taken away,” the minister said with a smile.

Gleb Sergeevich Nikitin was born on August 24, 1977 in Leningrad. In 1999 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State University Economics and Finance, in 2004 - St. Petersburg State University with a degree in Jurisprudence. He worked in the government of St. Petersburg, and then in the Federal Property Management Agency.

In 2012, Nikitin was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Gleb Nikitin is also included in the reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation.

Several more resignations and appointments may take place this week.

In addition to the heads of the Samara and Nizhny Novgorod regions, there will be replacements for two more governors, an informed source close to the Kremlin told Gazeta.Ru.

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of Samara Governor Nikolai Merkushkin, who resigned of his own free will. Merkushkin has served as head of the Samara region since 2012.

Dmitry Azarov, who served as mayor of Samara from 2010 to 2014, and then became a senator, was appointed interim governor.

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Biography, life story of Nikitin Gleb Sergeevich

Nikitin Gleb Sergeevich - Russian statesman, politician.


After school, Gleb Nikitin entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. In 1999, he successfully graduated from this university, having received a diploma in the specialty "Finance and Credit". Then Nikitin entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Law and in 2004 received a document on the second higher education.

In 2007, Gleb Sergeevich defended his thesis at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and became a candidate of economic sciences. Subject it scientific work- "Managing the effectiveness of the organization in the interests of the owner."

In 2008 he graduated from the Russian Academy in Moscow public service under the President of the Russian Federation. In early 2012, Nikitin graduated with honors from the MBA programs at the Columbia University Business School and the London Business School. Four years later, Gleb successfully passed the certification in the Russian Project Management Association SOVNET and became a certified IPMA project director, level A.

Even in his youth, Gleb Nikitin mastered several foreign languages ​​quite well.


In the period from 1999 to 2004, Gleb Sergeevich was an employee of the St. Petersburg City Property Management Committee. At first, Nikitin was a leading specialist, then the head of a department, then the head of the Department for the Disposition of State Property.


In 2004-2012, Gleb Nikitin was the head of the Property Department of an organization in the commercial sector and deputy head of the Federal Agency for Management state property(Rosimuschestvo). In 2012, Nikitin became Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. In 2013 - First Deputy.

On September 26, 2017, Gleb Sergeevich was appointed to the post of Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Awards and titles

In 2003, Gleb Nikitin received a commendation from the Ministry of Property of the Russian Federation. In 2005, the politician was given a certificate of honor from the Ministry economic development. In 2009, Nikitin became the owner of the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. In 2010, Gleb Sergeevich received an honorary diploma from the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2011, Nikitin won the VI National Award "Director of the Year" in the nomination "For Contribution to the Development of the Institute of Independent Directors". In 2014 he received the title of Honorary Metrologist. In 2015, he became an active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 2nd class. In 2016, he replenished his collection of awards with the Order of Honor.

Personal life

Gleb Nikitin is married. He and his wife are raising a son and a daughter.