Lyubov Rybakova: "From Geography Lessons to Trade Technologies". Lyubov Rybakova: Western retail chooses Russian solutions

From geography lessons to trading technologies

Before us is the story of a man who, as they say now, made himself. And he not only achieved success for himself and his company, but became his own in the fashion business - he is considered, consulted and cooperated with.

In the early 2000s, Lyubov Rybakova worked as a department director for a large Russian technology company. Its division was engaged in trading business management systems. Universal systems were in vogue, "for everyone and about everything." And gas stations, and grocery stores, and a clothing boutique - everyone was offered the same technological solutions. Love, on the other hand, believed that different business processes needed different systems.

Leave to return

She left the company where she worked for five years, and for a while she nurtured the idea of own business. Borlas Retail, established in 2001, became such a business. The focus of Lyubov Rybakova's business turned out to be Information Systems for a specific segment trading market- clothes, shoes and accessories stores. Thus, she returned to the IT market with a clear business idea, creating systems for each specific retail direction.

Bringing it to life was not easy. The first few years were hard work. Owner, she CEO, she is a salesperson, she is a marketer, she is also an “engineer of human souls” (literally, she gathered the staff person to person, she has been waiting for some great specialists in her company for years). I had to delve into every detail of business organization and also thoroughly understand the nuances of the trading processes of client companies. But the hard work paid off: today Borlas Retail is celebrating its 15th anniversary.

Could things have turned out differently? It could, and from the very start, because your professional path Love began ... with geography lessons.

Our dossier

Borlas Retail / Luxe Retail is a leading player in the information systems market for trade enterprises non-food spheres. The company develops systems for trade management, customer interaction, business intelligence, cash registers and bonus programs, mobile IT solutions.

The company's clients are both large retail chains, as well as individual boutiques and shops, foreign and Russian brands. Among them are Marella, Marks & Spencer, Chanel, Christian Dior, Benetton, GAP, Nike, Bosco di Ciliegi, Tsvetnoy department store, TSUM Trade House, Intersport, Kira Plastinina,, Ralf Ringer, Podium Market, Quiksilver , Salamander, Du Pareil au Meme, SMYK and many more.

In total, Borlas Retail projects cover about 6,000 stores throughout Russia and neighboring countries.

Globes and desks

Love grew up in a simple Moscow family: mom is a doctor, dad is a military pilot. She is very friendly with her twin sister, whom she once beat by 20 minutes. BUT professional choice the geography teacher predetermined - the children adored her, she literally "infected" them with her subject.

Therefore, the school was followed by a pedagogical university, where Lyubov received the profession of a teacher of geography and French. She recalls several years of work in the well-known metropolitan school No. 625 with joy: “We had a wonderful team led by a wonderful director. Teachers, children, parents - each side had its own nuances, but it was precisely such a multifaceted, difficult, rich communication that I really loved. I was both the party organizer of the school and the class teacher, I graduated a wonderful class and to this day I am friends with my children, I communicate with them through social networks.

Its graduates have achieved a lot, now they live and work in different parts of the world - from Russia and Denmark to England and New Zealand. Every year on September 30, they gather at her place to chat live. “Perhaps my geography lessons influenced the fact that the guys settled all over the world,” Lyubov jokes. And for her big lesson, received at school no longer as a student, but as a teacher, was the ability to communicate with people, see the good in them and just love ...

From Office Manager to Person of the Year

After a few years at school, she spent four years at home raising her daughter. And I would have gladly returned to school after the decree, if in the 90s a completely different life had not begun in the country, into which people were thrown like kittens into water. It was no longer a question of school, it became impossible to earn a normal life in it.

Everything came together by itself: French company, which automated retail chains, she was invited after her husband and sister, who were already there in good standing. “Everything has grown together: family ties, and knowledge of French,” says Lyubov. - I started as an office manager, not even knowing how to turn on the computer, and grew up to executive director companies: managed IT projects, recruited staff, communicated with clients.

Further on the career path of Love was big company IBS, in the 90s - the leader of the Russian information technology market. Here she worked for five years in the trading systems department and gained a lot of experience. And it was here that she became stronger in her opinion about the need to create “narrow” IT systems for certain areas of retail, after which she took the risk of launching her own business.

Combat arsenal of your store

According to Borlas Retail / Luxe Retail experts, in conditions of high competition in trade, the following are the most effective:

· cash program PosX;

· control system trading floor Visual Pos Manager;

Bonus programs (all operations with bonus cards) and "Queue Killer" (acceleration of the work of cashiers);

Trade management system TradeX;

· systems "Mobile assistant of the seller" and "Mobile printing";

· TradeX CRM customer loyalty management program;

CashBook program for creating and storing cash accounting documents Money;

· Oracle BI business analysis system.

We already know how difficult it was to run your own business, working for wear and tear. But in 2010, Lyubov Rybakova was recognized as the "Business Person of the Year" at the ceremony of presenting one of the professional awards of the fashion market. The company she created over the years has repeatedly received Golden Merchant awards in the nomination “ The best solution in the region of integrated automation chains of stores of industrial goods" and "Golden scales" in the nomination "The best solution for integrated automation of chains of non-food stores". Company - general supplier and center Maintenance KKM IBM-TOSHIBA, a certified partner of Microsoft and Oracle Corporation. And now it's time for the anniversary - the company is already 15 years old.

“The time is not easy, political and economic events brought instability, exchange rates jumped, buyers began to save money during the crisis ... As a result, the trading business sank and abandoned many long-term plans,” Lyubov says. – But we are like close relatives, we are generally very dependent on the success of our clients. However, we believe in the best, continue to work for them and expand the range of our IT systems. We still remain committed to specialization and cover the segment of retail chains of clothing, footwear, sporting goods, etc. At the same time, we have solutions that help any retail enterprise - VPM, BI, CRM. New opportunities to attract customers are emerging, such as applications on smartphones, electronic cards loyalty. There is a noticeable need for the use of mobile cash registers. And we see the growing introduction of online commerce as the key market trend, which means the transition to multi-channel. Anticipating an increase in demand for OMNI-channel solutions, we are ready to meet this demand.”

The life of Lyubov Rybakova is eventful. In addition to an IT company, she tries herself in new areas - she opened a beauty salon, created a tennis club. He considers his success in business as a success. “I was lucky, I’m generally lucky - in my life I met and meet a lot good people with whom I communicate and work.

But didn't she deserve this luck with her work?

Lyubov Rybakova: Western retail chooses Russian solutions

Russian retail is growing at a fast pace - both the grocery segment and the non-food sector - trade in clothing, footwear, and accessories. Increasing competition and the need to optimize costs cause an increase in IT consumption in this area. Lyubov Rybakova, General Director of Borlas Retail, told a CNews correspondent about the main trends in this segment, market prospects and why the company once relied on specialized solutions specifically for non-food

Russian retail is growing at a fast pace - both the grocery segment and the non-food sector - trade in clothing, footwear, and accessories. Increasing competition and the need to optimize costs cause an increase in IT consumption in this area. Lyubov Rybakova, General Director of Borlas Retail, told a CNews correspondent about the main trends in this segment, the market prospects and why the company once relied on specialized solutions specifically for non-food.

CNews: What trends can you highlight in the Russian trade automation market? How do these trends correlate with global ones?

Russian market solutions offered for trade automation is not inferior today to the world one, and in some aspects even surpasses it. This is also evidenced by the details of the arrival of foreign retailers on our market: Western companies are increasingly choosing and using Russian systems to manage your retail business. Entering the Russian market, they always look at what IT solutions we have and whether the customers who use them are satisfied. I can confidently say: solutions Russian companies not only are they not inferior to foreign ones, but, taking into account local characteristics, they surpass them.

Many Western companies use software products which were created a very long time ago. Coming to Russia, they choose to manage their retail business with more modern systems that provide significant benefits. For example, Borlas Retail solutions have a bilingual interface, which makes it possible, when implementing these systems in the stores of a Western company, say in Moscow, to closely integrate them with information systems that are used in the divisions of this company in other countries. For clients, this is an opportunity for prompt analysis and timely decision-making, and hence the issue of high competitiveness of their business. It is also essential that our systems take into account the nuances of domestic legislation. Finally, an important role is played by the fact that Western companies, choosing Russian IT solutions, can get their effective support here, on the spot.

The key trend in the development of the information technology market in the field of retail- industry specialization of solutions based on " best practices". In the vast majority of the world's largest retail chains, when building a corporate system, they are guided by the “best of breed” principle (building a system from the best in each class of specialized software products with their close integration into a single whole).

CNews: What is the general dynamics of the Russian IP market for commercial enterprises? Can you estimate the rate of growth?

As for the growth rate of the market for trade automation solutions, I can tell you about our activities in the non-food sector, in which the company has been operating for six years. In terms of market turnover, Borlas Retail is growing by an average of 45-50% per year. The number of clients is also constantly increasing. Of course, some of them are those clients who are actively developing their networks, increasing their presence in the regions and abroad. But there are also many new customers who want to use the latest technologies and automation systems to manage their retail business. To date, more than 200 trading companies entrusted their business to Borlas Retail, and we are grateful to each client for this choice.

CNews: What factors promote and what hinder the development of this segment of the IT market?

If we are talking about the fashion business automation segment, and these are our main clients, then almost all managers understand that it is impossible to manage a trading business today without modern technologies. When they open their first store, they think that they need a good IT system. And there is also an understanding that we need not just a system, but a reliable partner who creates, maintains and develops the system, a partner for the long term. After all, the success of the project and its further fate. This approach, this understanding contributes to the development of this segment of the IT market.

An obstacle can be called the view that is still present in some companies, which, I note, is changing more and more, that it is easier and more efficient to have an IT department that will develop a software product on its own. This is a rather risky way of development, and many already understand that such an approach is yesterday. More and more companies are realizing that they need to work with professionals. If we talk in this aspect specifically about the non-food sector, then such an obstacle now practically does not exist. Customers increasingly know exactly what they want from an IT system. Many businessmen travel abroad, visit exhibitions, develop contacts with Western partners, and thus gain experience in managing a trading business. Often after that, they want to use some technological moments already at home.

It is also gratifying that many of our regional partners in Russia today are so “advanced” that they help us develop software products in accordance with the latest technological innovations.

CNews: What is the structure of consumption of specialized IT systems in trade? Who is interested in such systems in the first place?

If we talk about the segment in which we operate, then these are, first of all, companies that develop chains of fashion business stores. For them, the most important is the reliability of the system, which allows you to control sales at each site with an accuracy of colors and sizes, receive the necessary information in a timely manner, and have tools for managing remote sites. Of course, it is important that the system can be quickly deployed on site and that its users, especially in remote stores, have the opportunity to get prompt advice on issues that arise during operation. Also, specialized trading systems are required in boutiques, department stores, department store chains. Particularly important here are such components of the system as control over sorting, the ability to account for goods by color and size, and track the movement of goods.

The main clients-users of information systems are, of course, the owners and top managers of trading companies, since they are the ones who are interested in getting a clear picture of their business, but both specialists of analytical departments and employees of IT services show an active interest in the capabilities of the systems. Moreover, in recent years, there has been an increasing interest in specialized solutions.

CNews: What are the key IT needs of retail in general and the non-food segment in particular today? What are the criteria for choosing an IT system for a store?

i> Lyubov Rybakova: Creating an information system now, as Ilf and Petrov would say, is not a luxury, but necessary condition for future development and successful competition in the market. Without automation of business processes, a trading company cannot be managed. In addition, no one now starts a trading business for the sake of one store, everyone plans to develop, create networks. And the network is an even more complex level of business and, accordingly, its management. Therefore, the owners of trading companies have the realization that an information system is vital for quality management.

As for the choice of an IT company, as a rule, they are looking for a partner who has been working professionally in the market for a long time and has a lot of successful projects. According to our experience, the owner of a trading company is always interested in the opinion of his colleagues, he travels to our clients. In retail, word of mouth is very developed, people communicate closely with each other. This is generally a very flexible and efficient business, and therefore success or failure in any project in this area is always noticeable.

In Russia, it has developed so that customers are looking for a company that will solve all their problems at once, in a complex. Clients here need one entry point, one point of responsibility. This is also extremely important for Western companies, which appear on the Russian market more and more.

CNews: Why did your company choose the non-food sector? What were the reasons for this decision? How big is the need for a custom IT solution for a fashion store? Isn't a universal system enough?

The choice of the non-food sector was due to several reasons. I have been automating the retail business for over 10 years. Until 2001, she worked in IT companies that offered universal solutions for retail, including supermarkets, filling stations, and so on. Such solutions were complex and cumbersome both in development and in support and operation. Each retail sector has a huge number of nuances and features, and it is extremely difficult to take everything into account in one product. I have seen development companies slow down in response to an ever-increasing stream of customer requests, they just couldn't keep up with customer demands. I was wondering how things are going in similar business in the West, where this direction has been developing for decades. It turned out - there are the same problems and their solution lies in line with industry specialization software products. In the West, they have long understood that it is impossible to grasp the immensity, that special developments are needed for each direction of retail. This is the only way to keep pace with the rapid development of this business and its technologies.

I myself have always been interested in the fashion business, and intuition, and great experience work, prompted me that it is necessary to move in this direction, and as time has shown, this choice turned out to be correct.

Today, when we receive proposals from Western IT companies to promote their software products, we already see that our solutions sometimes surpass them. During this time, we have successfully introduced our technologies into the business of dozens of fashion companies. Like a fashion business with its customers, we go through a new path with our customers, and each of them is dear to us in its own way - be it large network or single store, Western or Russian customer.

CNews: What is the share of IT in the budgets of trading companies today? Can you estimate the ratio of hardware and software?

In recent years, the situation has begun to change, I see that companies are ready to invest in IT. However, for many IT, this is a leftover task. Previously, many clients, when it came to the cost of an IT project, reported that they only had a certain amount to meet. Now this time has passed, perhaps due to the fact that the market is becoming more competitive. Trading companies are beginning to carefully evaluate competitors, and they are often Western companies using modern retail business management systems. The desire for such successful business encourages the use of equally effective information systems. In many cases, there is a "chain reaction" when one client brings another who asks "to do the same for him." And now often the costs of IT are no longer made according to the residual principle.

However, estimating how much of a retailer's budget is spent on IT is difficult today, as budgets vary from company to company. Moreover, not always serious budgets fall on the system deployment stage - often only the necessary system components are purchased at the implementation stage, and the main development occurs after the company has begun to benefit from the use of the automation system.

If we talk about the ratio of costs for hardware and software, then direct comparisons are hardly appropriate here. Hardware costs are understandable, they are necessary, for example, any system cannot do without a server. The cost of a software product is determined by the fact that it was developed by professionals, experts in their field, who at the same time thoroughly studied the business processes of successful companies. When you invest in software, you invest in quality.

CNews: Russian retail is currently experiencing a wave of mergers and acquisitions. Does this apply to all retail segments and what impact does it have on your business?

To a greater extent, this trend is typical for the grocery segment, although non-food sector chains are now beginning to unite. At the same time, I note that if one of the companies is our client, then usually, as a result, the second party involved in the merger begins to use our system. For the simple reason that the benefits of switching to a single solution from Borlas Retail are obvious.

CNews: What technologies in the field of trade informatization should be expected in the near future? How will the market develop in the future, in your opinion?

A lot of people are talking about RFID technology these days. I hope that next year Borlas Retail is implementing a similar project of a fairly large scale with one of our clients. However, in general, the cost of this solution is still expensive even for Western companies, to say nothing of Russian ones. However, I believe that this direction will develop in the future.

Continued growth of interest in mobile solutions, especially based on WiFi technology, which makes it possible to simplify many warehouse operations, as well as inventory and revaluation operations in the trading floors. Trade schemes are also being introduced, when a list of goods to be included in the receipt is formed using mobile devices.

Widely developed and marketing technologies that require their support from IT. These are loyalty systems, various certificates, and bonus programs. At the same time, messages transmitted via mobile communications can already be used as a basis for granting bonuses. All this requires the creation of new algorithms in software products.

Active business development, fierce competition in the market, a constant increase in the volume of processed information, and, as a result, the need for prompt adoption management decisions- these are the conditions that determine the key IT needs of retail in general and the non-food sector in particular, and hence the development trends for solutions for this market.

There is a growing interest in integration and analytical systems, the demand for them is increasing. And although today not many companies can afford to create, say, data marts for operational control business, but in the future the demand for such solutions will only grow.

In my opinion, the demand from the trade side will develop in two directions: either in the choice of a scalable platform - a powerful transactional system that will support the development of the business as a whole, or in the implementation of specialized applications that solve specific problems and improve efficiency in certain areas of the business . The future, I think, lies with such decisions.

CNews: What interesting projects have been implemented by your company lately?

I want to emphasize that all projects are important to us. Of the latest technologically interesting is the project implemented for the chain of department stores Marks & Spencer. In this project, it was possible to achieve maximum automation of the exchange of information between the Russian network and the parent company.

A lot of knowledge and experience was given to us by such a project as the automation of the Banana-Mama children's goods store chain. We have proven that our TradeX software package is able to work in a rapidly growing network of stores with a huge volume of transactions. In addition, a full-scale integration with SAP Retail was performed here.

Among the latest projects is an automation project for the Bosco di Ciliegi Family. We have already started interesting project integrated automation of the trading company Bosco Sport, which helps our Russian athletes and develops equipment for participants in the Olympics. We also successfully cooperate with the actively developing chain of stores Kira Plastinina.

Now we are working with other well-known networks, soon you will hear about these projects. But once again I want to emphasize that any client is dear to us, whether it be Russian or Western, a single store or a whole network.

Lyubov Rybakova: The Russian market of solutions offered for trade automation is not inferior today to the world one, and in some aspects even surpasses it

CNews: In what direction do you plan to develop your trading solutions in the future? What are your plans in general?

We are constantly developing our software products - we release several versions during the year. We include new functionality in them, the appearance of which is often due to the wishes of our customers, both Russian and Western. Or is it our own innovations based on knowledge trading business, assessment of market trends, attentive attitude to changes in legislation. In addition, various technological innovations appear, for example, from our long-term partner - Microsoft Corporation, which allow us to improve our solutions. However, with all the innovations, we profess the main principle - to keep everything that the client already has and works successfully, that is, to save the investments he has already made.

Let's say we recently released new version TradeX system, which has well-developed IT support for various marketing campaigns. In the next version, we plan to add functionality for shoe companies, for example, to implement accounting by boxes - this is important for some clients.

Sometimes you think - where to go next, because in our decisions almost everything has already been done? However, in reality, there are many ideas. I sometimes regret that earlier, in previous versions of the program, something was not there. At that time, we were only building a business, only developing solutions, as a result, some clients agreed to wait until we made new functionality, while others wanted to implement “here and now” and chose other solutions. Today the situation is fundamentally different - some customers do not even think that they will need any other functionality in the future, but we have already provided for this and have already implemented this functionality in the system. And the moment it is needed, we will be ready. For example, a year ago we implemented a warehouse management function using cells through an online terminal. So far, these opportunities are little used, but in the future they will be in great demand. Thus, we are constantly striving to move forward.

We are also developing new markets - for example, we began to work with Ukrainian clients. This year there will open their doors to customers department stores and stores that will work on our solutions. They plan to move to Ukraine and other retail chains that are already our clients, which means that for the sake of the success of their business, we simply have to come to new country with them.

We are also going to the Republic of Belarus: branches of trading companies, our current clients, are opening there, and new, Belarusian networks are appearing that are interested in our developments. So we are actively expanding the geography of our presence, our partner network.

I will also say that this fall we will launch another product for a different market segment. Our clients are growing, expanding their business areas, and we plan to develop together with them, for example, by closely integrating with modules for personnel management, financial flow management. To do this, we need a reliable partner, close to us in spirit, whom we could recommend to our clients.

Another direction of development is the integration of IT systems designed to solve the problems of various departments. The main task is to automate the exchange of information flows between these systems. It is far from always convenient and optimal to use a single ERP system to automate everything and everyone. For example, we successfully implemented a project for the French company Chanel - the integration of our trading system with Microsoft Dynamics AX. New integration projects are planned.

CNews: Tell us a little about yourself - how did you get into the IT business? Do you have to deal with prejudice against women in IT?

Initially, I did not plan to connect my life with information technology. I graduated from the Lenin Pedagogical University, worked as a teacher at a school for several years, I liked what I was doing. Later, life turned out so well that I ended up in the French company FIT - one of the leaders in the market for automating grocery chains. We found a common language with Guy Lemaire, the owner of the company, and he invited me to work. FIT was one of the first to offer high-tech solutions for retail chain stores in Russia.

It was in FIT that I learned the basics of managerial work, went a serious way, learned a lot. For example, for Guy Lemaire, our attitude towards customers was very important. He said: when you pick up the phone and talk to a client, he should feel that you are smiling. Everything is important - how you met the client, how you showed him the product. You even need to say “no” to the client, even refuse so that he still comes back to you. It would seem the simplest things, but everything big starts small. For me it was a good western school.

Then I got into a large Russian IT company IBS. There I also learned a lot, met with professional managers, I realized how important it is to be part of a team and be dedicated to your work. After working for almost 5 years at IBS, I decided to try and create my own business from scratch.

If we are talking about prejudice against women in the IT field, then this was not the case with me - I was lucky to meet understanding people and talented leaders. For example, this is the head of IBS, Anatoly Karachinsky, who supported me, this is the president of the Borlas group, Alexei Ananin, who has become a reliable business partner and just a friend. Working with them gave me a lot professionally. And, of course, this is my husband, largely thanks to whom we created the Borlas Retail company. If not for his support and faith in me, I would hardly have achieved such success.

As for women in IT... It is generally not easy for women in any business, although a smart man is well aware that a woman can also have professionalism and experience - and this is the main thing for business. But it often happens that male leaders forgive the mistakes and failures of male employees more easily than their female colleagues. That's why I understand well that I should be much more active, much smarter, much more successful, while not relying on anyone and always moving forward. I have to be better - strategically, tactically - whatever. I'm glad I can do it. Of course, this is largely due to the people with whom I work, and I always remember this.

Yulia Muromets, Ekaterina Tolkacheva

I was sure that you need to rely only on yourself, that you need to build a career and achieve everything yourself. I had an example of my parents, a strong and independent mother, who solved many issues herself. There is nothing my mom can't do. So, I can too.
Almost all my adult life, I proved to my dad that I am strong and can do anything. I didn't trust men.
And only my future husband seemed different to me. He allowed me to believe that I deserve more, something serious and real. Made me believe that a fairy tale is possible, and it is about to happen to me. And yes, I believed him. I wanted to believe it.
But a year later our family life turned into a nightmare. For some reason, the same man who looked after me so beautifully and instilled faith that I was worthy of love and care changed dramatically. Lost respect, lost care, evaporated attention. But I gave birth to two children! This was another proof that women keep the world!
During this difficult period, I opened business international real estate agency! With the goal of becoming an independent and self-sufficient woman. For almost a year and a half I worked 24 hours a day: I trained my staff, I was a lawyer and an accountant (I have two higher education) The family rested on her husband. I just didn't see it and didn't understand it. After working for a while, my business failed. The fiasco was in everything, both in personal life and in business. Why did it happen? After all, I tried for my family, I worked for them. I didn't know what to do. There were loans and debts. The children were on the side of the father, because the father became a true friend for them.
It was very embarrassing. No one taught me how to be a wife and mother. No one said what I would face and what to do about it. No one explained that you can change your specialty, take a break from work, and you will have to learn how to live in a family. Live in such a way that it is good not only for you, but also for others. But I was sure that it should work out on its own if "the man is right." And if it didn’t work out, it means that you simply made a mistake with the choice. That's what I thought then.
With all this source material, where am I supposed to be right now? Where it almost ended up. When our son was a few months old, I went crazy from groundhog day, his constant crying, problems with milk, life, money. Initially, I planned to give birth to a child, give it to nannies and start working from six months. Like, what he understands there, he doesn’t care who is next to him and why. But she couldn't. And it was unbearable to sit at home, but I could not give it to someone. And then there was the mortgage...
The husband did his best. But I really wanted to close the loans, buy a new car. There was no money, and along with all this, we squandered love for each other, tenderness, care. All in one go.
And so I put the house up for sale, file for divorce, realizing that it’s impossible to live like this. I'm running away from the pain that has been haunting me for a long time. I can't live like this. It's unbearable. No exit. But this is so close to the picture that has been in my head all this time.
And here I am - still seemingly young according to my passport, but aged in soul, completely disliked by myself, with insomnia and nervous exhaustion, all torn up by life, by collectors. I go to sleep and wake up from the fire. The neighbor's house is on fire. Like a nightmare, I remember this day when people were left in the same slippers. When the children were sleeping at home and the fire did not spread to our house! I don’t know what it was, but I realized what it means to live and what it means to feel alive, to know that you have a home, a family, to feel the love of relatives. It was at that moment, I was born again, I realized a lot and realized that what was happening to me was such trifles. The main thing is everyone is alive!
And it was at that moment that I decided to try to save something. According to all the canons of Russian classics, there was nothing to save. But I decided to try, although inside there was only fear, feelings of resentment, pain and anger. On fate, on my husband, on everyone ... With this condition, I got to a male psychologist, then he opened my eyes to many things. He quite cruelly showed me the whole truth about me, about my female role, and I had to react to it.
Today I get up at six in the morning. Sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later. But this is my current norm. Before, to me, the one who considered herself an owl and got up no earlier than 9-10-11, it seemed stupidity and torture. Today I get up easily and joyfully. And it's the same with going to bed. Today, going to bed at 24 o'clock for me is very late, and after all, once at this time I just started working. And you know, it really affects the well-being.
Today I eat and cook differently. Otherwise, I take care of myself, the space where we live, my children, my husband. It was as if I began to live anew, only in the female role, I stopped resisting - and instead of becoming a “humiliated slave”, I became a queen.
Today I look different. I have long hair, I wear beautiful dresses that my husband and I like. And this also greatly affects the feeling of oneself.
Today I can close my mouth in time - and this is a very valuable skill for such a "plug in every barrel" like me. I've always wanted to have the final say. And today I feel when it is worth stopping - and I stop. Especially with my husband.

I learned to accept my spouse for who he is, to trust him and respect him. Not so long ago, this seemed reckless and an unnecessary relic of the past. And my husband's wings spread from this. And he suddenly turned back into that caring and loving man, which he was when we met.
I learned to realize myself as a woman - I became a gymnastics instructor, I stopped running away from my family. Put family, husband, children in the first place among all other things. Even though it's not easy.
Money, travel, beautiful dresses appeared in our house. We were able to pay off all the debts that have been our companions for a long time. Creativity, love appeared in my life ...
I still can't do everything. But I know that the main thing is the Hearth, and together we can keep the fire of love in it!