Pokémon GO does not work via mobile Internet - solution. Is it possible to play Pokemon GO without the Internet? Do you need internet for pokemon go

Despite the fact that the Pokemon go game was released recently and in a limited number of countries, it can be called a phenomenon. More than 20 million people have already joined the game, and even more wish to join. However, not everyone who wants to understand what the essence of the game is, so they often ask how to play Pokemon go without the Internet.

A new game created by Niantic and called Pokemon go, immediately after the release gained incredible popularity. But those who have not yet begun to catch and train cute little monsters often have questions. Let's figure out how to act and whether it is possible to run Pokemon go without the Internet.

What is the point?

The task of the Pokemon go participant is to collect Pokemon using special "traps" - Pokeballs. To catch the next monster, you must move, and the speed should not be too high. That is, you can move on foot or, for example, on roller skates, but not by car.

You can catch all Pokémon. Later, double monsters can be exchanged for sweets for their pets. The resulting candy must be given to the main Pokémon, and different types sweets "to taste" for certain types of monsters.

The more actively the player feeds the pet, the more likely it is to grow. In addition to candy, captured Pokémon need "stardust" to develop, and this substance is obtained in the same way as candy.

Advice! Experienced Pokemon Go players are advised to use Stardust sparingly, rather than spending it on characters with little potential.

Where to fish?

The uniqueness of Pokemon go lies in the fact that in it the real world is closely connected with the virtual one. On startup:

  • a real map of the surrounding area appears on the screen;
  • to make it easier to navigate, noticeable landmarks are marked on the diagram - monuments, bridges, shops, organizations, etc. These objects are called "pokestops"
  • the more a player passes through such objects, the higher his chance to catch a rare specimen;
  • when passing PokeStops, you need to not only look for monsters, but also collect items (Pokeballs, potions to restore Pokemon health, monster eggs, etc.). Many items become available only after reaching a certain level.

Do you need internet?

Those who are just planning to join the game often ask if it is possible to play without connecting to the Internet? Unfortunately, you can not play without the Internet. Moreover, the connection must be stable and have a sufficiently high information transfer rate. Otherwise, it will be impossible to play.

If the Internet is unstable or the speed is too low, then the map will load too slowly and the monsters will not appear. Internet is better to use mobile, as Wi-Fi may not be available everywhere.

The application works fine when using 3G or 4G. If the connection is unstable, then the application will constantly freeze, so it will be impossible to play. Traffic consumption is about 10 MB for every 40 kilometers, that is, about 5 MB per hour of activity.

So, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to join the Pokemon go game without an Internet connection is negative. The Internet is needed, and stable and with high speed, otherwise the application will constantly freeze and it will be impossible to play normally.

Quite often, comments flashed on the site in which players were interested: “why does Pokemon GO work only via wi-fi? why does not work through Mobile Internet?”. Of course, the reasons may be different. However, today I will describe several methods that should help you. In one article, I tried to fit all the known solutions to this problem (when Pokemon GO does not work via mobile Internet, but works via wi-fi). Hope they help you too. If you have questions or additions to the article - write in the comments. Let's solve all the problems with the game Pokemon GO together!

Pokémon GO only works over Wi-Fi

For some players, Pokemon GO often starts only via wi-fi. Moreover, if the application has started, you can switch to the mobile Internet and it will continue to work (it happens). However, it is not possible to launch the game initially via the mobile Internet. So what to do?

  • First of all, you need reset installed apps. In different versions of Android and shells, the location of these settings may differ, but the essence is the same. Usually you need to go to “Settings” - “application manager” (something like that) and reset the settings for all applications. This is the most efficient solution. For example, on my Xiaomi redmi 3 Pro with MIUI it looks like this:

If you want to make life easier for other coaches, you can write the Android version with the phone model in the comments, as well as where you need to click to reset the settings of all applications)

Attention! no need to reset your phone to factory settings! Enough reset app settings as shown in the screenshot.

  • Remove background data transfer restriction from google play services (google services). You can do it like this:

On Android 5.0 and older devices:
Go to Settings.
Under 'Wireless & Networks' or 'Connections', select 'Data Transfer'.

To enable background communication, select Allow Background Transfer. If you see the item “Limit background. Mode”, nothing needs to be done.

On Android 4.4 and below devices:
Go to Settings.
In the "Wireless networks" section, select Data transfer.
Click on the menu icon (three dots) in the top right corner.
Check the "Auto sync data" box.
In the "Turn on sync?" click OK.
Note. On some devices, the settings you need are here: Settings > Battery and data manager > Delivery > Background.

  • Download and install “Google Maps” from Google Play. This method Judging by the reviews, it rarely helps - well, what if?)

So, today we learned what to do if Pokemon GO only works via wi-fi and does not work via mobile Internet. I can say that only the first method is of practical use (in my opinion). Numerous positive reviews also confirm this. So start with it. From hopelessness, you can try others)

Unsubscribe according to the results, share with other trainers information about where the application settings reset is located in your device. I wish you a pleasant game!)

A lot of people have already joined the Pokemon Go community, and someone is still just planning to become a member of the game. And for beginners, of course, there are a lot of questions about setting up and passing the game. So, many people ask if the Internet is needed for Pokemon Go. Let's figure out if you can play Pokemon Go without connecting to the worldwide network.

The exciting game of Pokemon Go is taking over the world more and more. But to become a full member of the Pokémon trainer community, you need to be the owner of modern mobile technology. Besides, prerequisite For the passage of the game is the presence of an Internet connection. Without fulfilling this condition, it is impossible to play Pokemon Go.

Why is it needed?

Unfortunately, without an Internet connection, it is impossible to become a member of the Pokemon Go game. Moreover, it requires a stable connection with a sufficiently high data transfer rate. Only in this case the game will not freeze and slow down.

The work of only GPS for Pokemon Go is not enough, since it is through the Internet that all player actions are transmitted to game servers. Therefore, if the Internet does not work, it will be impossible to play. The player simply does not load the map and, of course, Pokemon will not appear.

Speed ​​and traffic consumption

Playing Pokemon Go with too slow data transfer will be problematic. After all, this is a game also on the speed of reaction. When the characters appear, you can’t hesitate, because he can just run away.

And if the map takes too long to load, then the application will constantly freeze, so success is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, you can play normally only if you can connect 3G or even better 4G.


Players need to tune in to the fact that the application is actively consuming traffic. The expense will depend on the player's activity:

  • about 10 Mb is consumed for every 40 km;
  • about 5 MB are consumed per hour of active actions;
  • several hours spent chasing Pokémon will use up to 5 GB of data.

Advice! An unlimited connection will be the best solution, this will allow you to optimize your traffic costs.

So, in order to get involved in the hunt for Pokemon, you definitely need the Internet, which works stably with a high data transfer rate. The optimal solution for normal operation applications: unlimited mobile internet 3G or 4G.

Without mobile Internet, if the mobile device does not support or is not connected to technologies such as GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G, or does not have a SIM card at all? If you also have a similar device on hand, then the only thing that can save you is the presence of a WiFi module. That is, if you do not have mobile Internet or the ability to connect to WiFi, unfortunately you cannot.

But if you have the ability to connect to WiFi networks, although it will be a little inconvenient, you can still play Pokemon Go and catch your own or other favorites. The action plan is simple:

  1. Go to the nearest park, bank, cafe or place where there is free WiFi. Ideally, you need to find a free access point next to and.
  2. Connect to WiFi and launch Pokemon Go. The main thing is to make sure that the WiFi signal strength is good enough.
  3. Wait until they appear and catch them. Of course, if there are a couple of free WiFi points nearby, do not sit in one place - go to other points, just for convenience, select the “Auto-connect to available WiFi networks” option in the smartphone settings.
True, it is highly likely that in such places you will not be able to catch everything, that is, only certain Pokémon will appear (although you can improve the situation by using). In addition, it will be very difficult to grow Pokemon from.

What should I do if there are no WiFi networks in my region?

It would seem that everything is lost, but no, even in this case there is a way out of the situation. Generally, Pokemon hunters hunt with friends, and if you're not a lone hunter, ask one of your friends who has mobile internet to set up a hotspot so you can connect to the internet through their device (of course, the internet isn't free, and it’s worth thinking about or agreeing on how to thank a friend). To turn on a hotspot and distribute your Internet to friends, in Android it is done like this:
  1. Open system settings
  2. In the "Wireless networks" section, click "More"
  3. Then open "tethering and hotspot"
  4. Turn on the "WiFi hotspot" option
  5. If necessary, click "Point Settings" wifi access» if you want to change the password or set the desired settings.
By the way, in case you didn’t know: several users can connect to one Wifi access point. Therefore, if one of your friends has unlimited Internet, in order to save money, you can all connect to his hot spot together.

Insofar as new project Niantic is a network application - that's for sure, you won't be able to play Pokemon Go without the Internet. It's all about the specifics of the game and what happens when it starts. It receives data from the satellite and developers' servers, which include geolocation and full account information for the logged in user. Therefore, in order to at least connect to the servers, you need a stable Internet connection.

In addition to the connection, for the full performance of Pokemon Go, you need a GPS module built into the phone. It needs to be set up correctly for the satellite data to be accurate, and this also requires good internet. Therefore, the answer to the question “Do I need the Internet for Pokemon Go” is unequivocal - yes, it is needed. Without a stable network connection, the application simply will not start and will display a No Internet Connectivity error.

Internet Requirements

Having dealt with the question “Is it possible to play the game without the Internet?”, You can move on to the network requirements. Even though the How to Play Pokemon Go guides say "Stable Internet Connection", not every connection will allow Pokemon Go to work.

  1. For full performance, the connection type must not be lower than 3G. The application accepts and sends in a short time a large number of data, updates the map, and receives data about the location of Pokémon - so the game needs a strong connection. Without it, you can not even check if the application works.
  2. A large amount of traffic is also desirable for the game Pokemon Go, or unlimited tariff. For an hour of play, the application processes about 5MB of data. It seems to be a small amount - but with active fishing, this can lead to zero traffic and disconnection of the Internet. And some operators have gone further and do not withdraw money for playing Pokemon Go - for example, Megafon.
  3. Connection stability is also important. The GPS module must be powerful and fast. Only in this way the movement on the map will be smooth, and all Pokémon will appear on time and in the right places.

In general, if you connect to any WiFi router, then it will be possible to enter Pokemon Go without the Internet. However, it will be possible to catch Pokemon only with the help of bait, as soon as the player leaves the coverage area, the program will immediately lose connection.

Playing Pokemon Go in other cities

Is it possible to catch Pokemon in other cities? Yes, of course - Pokemon Go was developed for this. She literally pushes a person to travel around the world to catch all the rare and unique pocket monsters. But it is worth considering that while playing in another city, the same roaming rates will apply to the tariffs as to other services. Therefore, be sure to make sure that you have an unlimited tariff connected - otherwise the money will fly away very quickly.