How to close a shift in the 1s program. Checkout shift error with examples

P at the opening checkout shift the error "Cash register shift is not closed at the cash register", "Cash register shift cannot be opened with this status of the cash register", "The shift is open for more than 24 hours" and so on.This means that the status parameters of the cash register shift in 1C and on the cash register are different, or the cash register shift is simply not closed. To resolve this issue, follow the steps below.

Example 1 If, when opening, an error occurs that the cash register shift in the system is not closed, this means that the cash register shift for the previous day is not closed, either in 1C or on the CCP. To fix this error, you need to close the RMK mode by clicking on the close button (if this button is not available, then you do not have enough rights: you need to log into 1C under the administrator user).

Rice. 1. RMK. Click the Close button

Rice. 2. Sales. Checkout shifts

Find the previous day's checkout shift in the list and make sure it's open.

Rice. 3. List of cash shifts. open

After that, close 1C and run the "Fito" program on the desktop (as the icon looks like in the screenshot below).

Rice. 4. Fito program

After the program opens, you need to click on the status button. After that, a window will open, you need to make sure that there is a checkmark next to the “Shift is open” item, therefore the cash register shift is open both in 1C and on CCP. Next, you need to go to 1C and simply close the shift by clicking on the "Close shift" button and after that you can open the cash register shift.

Rice. 5. Status of CCP. Shift is open

Example 2 If, when opening a cash register shift, an error occurs that the cash register shift in the system is not closed, the cash register shift is open for more than 24 hours, the cash register shift cannot be opened with this status of the cash register, you need to close the RMK mode.

Rice. 7. Sales. Checkout shifts

Find the cash register shift in the list for the last day of work, see that the status of the cash shift is closed (the status can also be open, but this is usually an error when the cash register shift is open for more than 24 hours, therefore the shift is not closed either in 1C or on CCP).

Rice. 8. List of cash shifts. Closed

Then you need to close 1C and run the "Fito" program.

Rice. 9. Launch Fito

After opening the program, you need to click on the status button.

Rice. 10. Select CCP status

In the window that opens, you need to make sure that there is a checkmark next to the “Shift is open” item.

Rice. 11. Open shift

Next, you need to go to the “testing” tab and open the “Print reports” item in the list that opens, select the item Print Z - report (shift closing report "and click the execute button, after which the cash register shift will be closed.

Rice. 12. Print Z-report

Rice. 13. Document closed

When closing a shift, an error occurs that a cash register shift cannot be closed with this CCP status. You need to close the RMK mode by clicking on the close button.

Rice. 14. Close RMK

Go to the sales tab, select the cash register shifts item, find the current cash register shift in the list, make sure that the shift status is “Open”

Rice. 15. Shift status Open

Rice. 16. Launch Fito

Then click on the "Status" button.

Rice. 17. Status of CCP

In the window that opens, you need to make sure that the checkboxes are opposite the document is closed (therefore, the cash register shift in 1C is open, but not on the CCP).

Rice. 18. Document closed

You need to go to the testing tab, expand the "Miscellaneous teams" item in the list of commands, find the "Shift opening" item and click on the "Run" button.

Rice. 19. Testing

Next, you need to make sure that the cash register shift at the cash register is open. you need to click on the "Status" button and make sure that there is a checkmark next to the "Change is open" item. After that, you can close the "Fito" program and open 1C. After that, you can close the shift.

Petropavlovsky Vladislav. Advice Line Specialist

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Ways to close a cash register shift

Step-by-step instructions on how to close a shift through the cashier's workplace (RCC)

Step 1. Go to the "Cashier Workplace" menu

To close the shift, you need to exit the "Registration of sales" in the menu " Workplace cashier."

Step 2. Closing the shift

Click the "Close Shift" button. Then "Yes" to continue.

Rice. 2. Confirmation of shift closure

After confirmation, the program will check the unbroken checks in the database and provide information about them. Click the "Close Shift" button.

The program will close.

Step 4. Printing a receipt

A check with a Z-report and a report on the closing of the shift will be issued from the fiscal device. The program will display a notification about the successful closing of the cash register shift.

Rice. 4. Shift closed

Step-by-step instructions on how to close a cash register shift through the "Sales" menu

Step 1. Select "Sales"

In the main menu of the program, select the "Sales" item.

In the window that opens, in the "Service" section, find the item "Closing the cash register shift" and click on it.

Step 2. Selecting a cash desk

In the "Closing a cash shift" window, select the desired cash register and click on the "Close shift" button.

Rice. 7. Closing the shift

Step 3. Checking for bad checks

The program will check unbroken checks in the database and display information about them. Click the "Close Shift" button.

Rice. 8. Checking for bad checks

The program will generate and display a notification on the screen.

Step-by-step instructions on how to close a cash register shift through the management of a fiscal device

Step 1. Select "Finance"

In the main vertical menu, select "Finance".

Find the "Service" section. Select "Fiscal device management".

"Management of the fiscal device"

Step 2. Managing the fiscal device

A separate window will open with commands for managing the cash register. Click the "Close Shift" button.

The program will prompt you to select from the list the shift you want to close.

Rice. 13. Checkout shift selection

After the successful completion of the operation, the shift will be closed.

When using online cash registers in trade, at the beginning of a cash register shift, you must open the shift. The information is sent to the OFD and contains information about the equipment, fiscal accumulator, shift and cashier. Do not open a shift if you are not sure that you will have a sale today. It is recommended to open a shift before the first buyer pays.

On a note: if the recommendations below are not clear to you, then I recommend that you contact us - Smart1С.ru.

So, the list of actions for opening a shift (using the example of Complex Configuration 1.1, Trade Management 10.3):

If you use Wi-fi technologies to connect to the network and Windows 10, when you turn on the "Airplane" mode, 1C is turned off. To disable this mode, you must perform the actions indicated.

Closing the shift and collection

At the end of the working day, the cashier closes the shift and hands over the cash. The closing report must be printed no later than 24 hours after opening. If the shift lasts longer, the cash desk will stop punching checks.

To close a shift:

  1. We tear off the tab - Service - Trade equipment - Work with cash registers - Cash shift
  2. We press the button "Z report, Close shift", when closing the shift cash register issues checks.

The shift closing report is also sent to the OFD. It states:

  • How many checks are printed per shift;
  • How many checks did not reach the OFD;
  • Information about the shift, cashier, etc.

If you have any difficulties when working with the 1C program, then I recommend contacting us - This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. .

If the cashier forgot to close the shift at the online checkout, the duration of which is already over 24 hours, then in order not to get punished by the tax inspectorate, the main thing is not to beat the checks.

According to clause 2 of article 4.3 of Federal Law-54, the duration of a shift at an online checkout should not exceed 24 hours.

Note: A cash shift is considered to be the time period starting from the moment the report on the opening is generated and until the report on the end of the working day is compiled.

Thus, before starting work, the cashier needs to draw up a report on the opening, and at the end of the day - about. After that, the totals for the day are reset, and the fiscal data operator (OFD) is sent information about sales for the working day.

However, there are situations when cashiers various reasons forgot to close the shift at online checkout or failed to generate a close report. This leads to a violation of cash discipline, because the duration of work at the checkout will be more than a day.

As you know, the work of the fiscal drive can be blocked if the duration of the shift at the online checkout exceeds 24 hours.

In this case, the online cash desk, the shift of which is not closed, ceases to put down the fiscal details on the checks, and, accordingly, send them to the fiscal data operator (OFD).

Note : Legislation prohibits the use of a cash desk in work, the session of which lasts longer than 24 hours!

Usually in blocking mode functionality of the machine are limited and allow only to generate a report on the closing of the cash register.

What to do if the checkout is blocked

To get out of the state of the so-called blocking, the cashier-operator needs to eliminate the cause that led to this situation.

In this case, you need to close the shift as soon as possible by generating a cash register closing report (x-report, z-report).

How to close a cash register shift at an online checkout

The algorithms for closing a shift at each cash register may be different. But in general, in order to close and print a report, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • go to the section "Closing the cash desk" and select "Close shift". After that, the cash desk will start printing the closing report on its own.

If the cash register does not allow you to close the cash register in automatic mode, you must print the x-report manually. To do this, go to the "Cash reports" section and select the appropriate report. Printing will happen immediately after the command is selected.

After the cash desk is closed, the cashier-operator can open a new shift and continue working at the online cash register as usual.

Will the tax office know about it?

With the introduction of new online cash registers tax office learns about the violation immediately with the help of the fiscal data operator (FDO).

When the cashier-operator generates a shift closing report, the cash register will send it to the fiscal data operator, who will be obliged to send it to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Liability for violation

Closing a shift after 24 hours is treated as a violation of the rules for the use of cash registers.

So, according to paragraph 4 of Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, there is a penalty for such actions in the form of a fine or a warning.

If the employees forgot to close the shift at the online checkout, but the checks were not knocked out, then there is no serious violation in this. However, when the cashier's session lasts more than a day with the beating of checks, that is, there is every reason to impose a punishment on the violator.

We offer program users"1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0practical advice on organizing work with cash register equipment(CRE) with the transfer of fiscal data to the Federal Tax Service (online cash registers) in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003.

The main purpose of "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0 is the automation of accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting. At the same time, the program supports integration with existing state information systems and work with online cash registers (with cash registers that provide online transmission of fiscal data to the tax authorities).

Consider how to organize work in the program with the cash desk of the enterprise in the new conditions.

How to get started with online checkout

Cash desk selection

Many more users will have to go through the checkout selection stage.

When developing models of online cash registers, manufacturers create special software components (device drivers). To support work in the new conditions, 1C is carefully testing joint work their programs and equipment connected using such drivers. If everything works correctly, then the manufacturer of the CCP model is issued a certificate “Compatible! 1C:Enterprise software system.

A complete list of certified CCP models with data transmission, as well as other commercial equipment, published on the site 1C. The list is constantly updated as new models of cash registers are certified.

A list of equipment models connected using certified drivers is also published on the 1C website. The work of application solutions with these models of equipment is guaranteed by the driver manufacturer.

Checkout connection

Connection of CCP is carried out in the form Connecting and configuring equipment, which is accessed from the section Administration - Connected Equipment.

The user needs to select the type of equipment: CCP with data transmission and create a new directory element Connected equipment. When creating a new instance of a connected CCP, you should specify the hardware driver by selecting it from the list of supported devices (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Online CCP connection

According to Law No. 54-FZ, the position and surname of the cashier must be printed on the check. The program will take this data from the card of an individual specified as the current user of the program. Before starting work with the cash register, it is necessary to check whether the necessary information for those users who will generate checks.

Registering a cash desk with the Federal Tax Service

In accordance with federal law dated 22.05.2003 No. 54-FZ, the key element of the cash register is a fiscal drive - a software and hardware encryption (cryptographic) tool.

It is this device, along with long-term data storage, that provides encryption and transmission of secure fiscal data to a fiscal data operator (OFD).

The fiscal drive is subject to replacement upon expiration or upon the exhaustion of its memory resource. A newly acquired CCP with a new fiscal accumulator is subject to mandatory registration with the Federal Tax Service.

Registration with the Federal Tax Service can be divided into the following stages:

  • filing an application for registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • registration on cash registers from the program "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0);
  • completion of registration with the Federal Tax Service.

It is recommended to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service in in electronic format through the personal account of a legal entity or the personal account of an individual entrepreneur (IP) on the website of the Federal Tax Service. If there is no connection to your personal account yet, then you can get it by contacting your tax office. To fill out an application for personal account it is necessary to prepare information about the cash register and its owner. After the tax office accepts this application, it will assign a CCP registration number.

Registration on CCP is performed directly from the program. To do this, in the CCP card (in the form of a directory element Connected equipment) you must select a command Operation with fiscal accumulator - Registration.

In the fiscal accumulator registration form (Fig. 2), it is necessary to indicate the registration number of the cash register, which was received from the Federal Tax Service. It is also necessary to indicate the details of the organization, the taxation system (it is permissible to set several flags when combining modes), as well as the details of the OFD. Signs in a group CCP setup depend on the specifics of the use of CCPs and must be determined and agreed upon jointly with the OFD.

Rice. 2. Registration of a fiscal drive

After pressing the button Continue operation the data will be transferred to the cash register and stored in the cash register registration card (group CCP registration parameters). A report will be printed on the CCP. To complete registration in your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you need to specify the data from this report: document number, fiscal sign, and the exact date and time of the transaction.

Upon expiration or upon the exhaustion of its memory resource, the used fiscal drive must be closed (menu Operations with fiscal accumulator - Close), and then register a new fiscal accumulator (menu Operations with fiscal accumulator - Changing registration parameters). In the form that opens, indicate the reason for changing the parameters - Change of fiscal drive. With the command Changing Registration Options you can also reflect a change in user details, a change in CRE or OFD.

Opening shift

Work with fiscal equipment is divided into cash register shifts. Before starting work, you must open the shift, and at the end - close the shift. The opening of the shift is carried out in the section . The list of cash shifts is in the section Bank and cash desk - Cash shifts.

At the time of opening in the form Cash shift the organization is indicated; KKM to which the device is connected; date and time the shift started. In field Status value is automatically set open. After closing the shift, the status will change to the value Closed.

How to generate a check in "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0)

Depending on the type and specifics trading activities enterprise, receipt printing is possible from the following program documents:

  • Retail sales (checks);
  • Cash flow;
  • Operations with payment cards.

Document Receipt (chapter ) is used in the case of small retail automation to reflect each sale to a retail (impersonal) buyer. After pressing the button Accept payment the form opens Payment, where you can specify the email address and / or phone number of the buyer. The receipt is printed after pressing the button Accept payment out of shape Payment. Sending an electronic check is carried out by means of OFD.

The check automatically reflects the item composition specified on the tab Goods and services document. For organizations that combine the OSNO or STS with special regimes (UTII, patent), one document can reflect sales related to only one taxation system.

Payment agent operations (for example, accepting payments in favor of the operator cellular communication) can be displayed on the tab Agency services. In the tabular part, you need to indicate the counterparty-committing party, in whose interests the payment is attracted, and the contract with him. The contract must look like With a committent (principal) for sale. In the contract card in the group Paying agent flag must be set The organization acts as a paying agent and filled in the relevant information. This information will be indicated on the check.

The sale of gift certificates (both own and third-party certificates) is reflected in the tab Sale of certificates. In this case, the name of the certificate will be indicated on the receipt.

Document Cash flow (chapter Bank and cash desk - Cash desk) with operation type Receipt from the buyer designed to reflect cash payments in cash from legal entities And individual entrepreneurs. This procedure is also used for sales made to individuals who need to be personally accounted for in the directory of counterparties (for example, when the moment of sale of goods (works, services) does not coincide with the moment of payment).

So that in a check generated from a document Cash flow, the nomenclature composition of goods (works, services) was reflected, the user must first issue an invoice and indicate it in the field An invoice for payment. If the invoice for payment is not specified, then instead of the names of the goods, the receipt will indicate that payment has been received from the buyer (his name is indicated) according to the basis document. Foundation document is indicated in the group Requisites printed form document Cash flow.

By button Print receipt a check is generated, and a preview form becomes available, where you can make adjustments if necessary. By button Proceed- The check is printed.

Document Payment card operation (chapter Bank and cash desk - Cash desk) with operation type Payment from the buyer is intended to reflect settlements by electronic means of payment (acquiring transaction) with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The same procedure can be applied to the settlements with individuals which need to be taken into account separately. The procedure for printing a receipt in the program for this document is similar to the procedure for printing a receipt from a document. Cash flow.

In the case of a refund to the buyer, a refund receipt can be printed from the documents Cash withdrawal And Payment card operation with type of operation Return to buyer. These documents must be formed on the basis of documents Cash flow or Return of goods from the buyer- only then the nomenclature positions will be filled in the checks.

Document cash receipt corrections (chapter Bank and cash desk) is available in 1C:Accounting 8 starting from version 3.0.45. This document is intended to correct a broken check in an open cash register shift and transfer this information to the fiscal data operator.

How to close the cash register

You can close your shift different ways. From forms:

  • management of the fiscal registrar (section Bank and cash desk - Fiscal device management);
  • cash shift;
  • list of checks (section Sales - Retail sales (checks)).

If the program takes into account retail sales, then it is preferable to close the shift from the receipt list form. Upon completion of the cash register shift, you must execute the command close shift, after which the program will prompt you to select the organization and equipment for which you want to perform the operation. As a result, a Z-report will be printed on the selected equipment, and documents will be generated. Report on retail sales And Cash flow according to receipts reflected on the specified equipment (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Closing the shift

How to work with cash registers in a non-automated outlet

Online cash desks provide the widest possible opportunities for settlements with customers (in wholesale and retail trade, in the provision of services, etc.) and work directly under the control of the program. However, the use of such a cash register requires an automated cashier's workplace.

Autonomous cash registers (KKM Offline) are designed to work in non-automated retail outlets.

Possibilities of working with KKM Offline are limited retail. Integration of 1C:Accounting 8 with such stand-alone cash registers is carried out manually through file exchange.

Small organizations and individual entrepreneurs who sell retail at non-automated outlets (including traveling and remote sales) and provide services can use the 1C: Cashier software and hardware complex, which is a ready-made cash solution that supports the requirements of Law No. 54 -FZ.

The complex "1C: Cashier" includes:

  • autonomous cash register "Shtrikh-MPAY-F" for the workplace of the seller with a fiscal drive;
  • a cloud application for an entrepreneur "1C: Cashier", which is designed to work with the nomenclature, maintain simple inventory records, adjust balances, analyze the efficiency of the store and perform other daily tasks. You can work with this application wherever there is Internet, many kilometers from the outlet.

Starting from version, 1C:Accounting 8 supports synchronization with the 1C:Kassa cloud application. To set up the exchange, you must specify a list of outlets whose cash desks will exchange data with the program (section Administration - Data Synchronization).

When the exchange is configured, information about the range and prices is transferred from 1C:Accounting 8 to the cloud application, and a retail sales report and information on returns are loaded into the program from 1C:Checkout. Using the program "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0 and setting up an exchange with different outlets, an outsourced accountant can effectively serve several organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

What to do if there are difficulties in working with the CCP

To simplify the connection of cash registers to fiscal data operators and interaction with them, the 1C-OFD service is intended. The following services are provided to users of the 1C-OFD service:

  • consultations on the issues of connecting the cash register to the system of transmitting and receiving OFD data and working with OFD;
  • assistance in identifying problems that impede the regular work on the transfer of data from the cash register (fiscal drive) to the OFD;
  • assistance in registering cash desks in the taxpayer's personal account with the Federal Tax Service;
  • assistance in obtaining and setting up a qualified electronic signature(CEP) to sign an application for registration of a CCP in the taxpayer's personal account on the website, as well as an application for joining the OFD offer.