Where can you send your resume? How to send a resume to HR

good, high paying job to the soul is the basis of a stable life for every person. But such a job is very difficult to get - it can take a lot of time to search.

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It greatly facilitates the fate of job seekers with a resume, which at the initial stage of the search can be sent to employers by e-mail.

What you need to know

A sample, resume form can be copied or compiled independently. But this will be a template option that will put the applicant on a par with the rest of the same applicants for the vacancy.

For a resume to be bright and noticeable, it must be unique, attract the attention of the employer.

The summary should be short and interesting so that you want to read it to the end. The attention of the employer should be focused on their own merits and pluses.

The indication of completed courses is necessary only for a small number of specific vacancies that require confirmation of the level of qualification. For example, welders in the gas and oil industries need a special permit.

Too short a presentation will look dry, too long will tire, so you should follow the rule of the golden mean.

With regard to the resume, you need to remember about modesty, so even in describing your merits and achievements, you need to know when to stop.

A separate resume is compiled for each employer, since it should include only the information that will be important for the chosen one.

It should make the employer want to meet the author of the resume in person. A photograph of the applicant added to the self-presentation, alas, does not always add chances for a careful study of the resume by the employer.

A candidate for a vacancy may, in principle, not be photogenic, but in a personal meeting he can make a completely different impression on the employer.

Basic concepts

When creating and sending a resume by e-mail, the following terminology is generally accepted:

Summary Brief information characteristic skills, skills, professional experience and education of the applicant for the vacancy. Considered by the employer when hiring
Internet Worldwide information network for communication, entertainment, education, data transmission, job search and fulfillment professional activity
Access to the Internet The ability to use network information received using a special cable, modem or mobile phone
Mail client A program capable of displaying information on the screen in an optimal form for perception. Used to receive, view and prepare and send response messages
Email One of the types of programs that allow you to exchange letters in in electronic format. A virtual analogue of regular mail, called electronic mail, abbreviated as e-mail
Email address A unique set of English characters and numbers invented by the user, eliminating the repetition of an address already created by another user

What is its role

A well-written resume is the key to successful employment.

Of course, it is not a 100% guarantee of the provision of work, but it can impress the employer if it is drawn up:

  1. Concisely, concisely, clearly and consistently.
  2. As structured text.
  3. No spelling or punctuation errors.

It is important not to list several vacancies in the resume for which the applicant is applying. The employer may decide that the applicant does not have sufficient experience and professionalism in any of them.

Regulatory regulation of the issue

The possibility of generating an electronic resume, its sending, receiving by employers is regulated in Russia by the following regulations:

An example of how to email a resume to an employer

You can write several different resumes, but in a metropolis it will take a lot of time and money to deliver them.

Sending them by email is by far the most convenient and fast way delivery to employers of a certificate of their desire to apply for a job.

However, knowing the employer's email address is not enough. Applicants need to have their own mailbox. Address as well as resume job seeker should be adequate.

A presentation sent from an email address containing the author's last name and numbers will cause much more confidence than with the words "lapulya" or "kisulya".

The attitude towards these summaries will be appropriate. You cannot send a letter empty, that is, only by attaching a file containing a resume to it.

In a specially designated field, you need to enter the subject of the message - a resume, and then the vacancy for which the applicant is applying.

When contacting large companies sometimes it is required to indicate the code of the vacancy, or the name of its contact person in charge of recruitment.

This is necessary in cases where a set of several vacancies is announced. Clarifications help speed up the process of sorting incoming resumes.

The cover letter should write:

  1. Addressing a specific person. If the name of the employee responsible for the recruitment is unknown, then there should be a general phrase-appeal to the company's employees.
  2. The position for which the applicant is applying.
  3. The source from which the information about the vacancy was obtained.
  4. Briefly about the advantages of the author of the resume.
  5. Contact details that the employer can contact if interested in the applicant (phone number, email address).
  6. Your first and last name after the phrase "with respect."

Before sending a resume, it does not hurt to check again for availability spelling mistakes. Further, the resume is placed as a file attached to the letter.

Usually the doc format is required, as one of the universal options. If you have to change the file type, then after saving it, you need to try to open and read the document. It may be unreadable.

If it is difficult for a job applicant to follow written instructions, then you can recommend him a special video "How to send a resume by e-mail to an employer."

Video instructions answer most of the questions that arise.

What are the available email services

There are plenty of services that allow you to send and receive emails. But you can use them only by registering a mailbox.

Boxes can be created on all types of mail services. A little imagination and the address of the box was invented, as well as the login and password for it.

The only difficulty you may encounter is the creation of a unique combination of letters and numbers. The procedure for creating mailboxes on all services is identical.

Their design may be different. The most popular mail services today are Yandex and Mile.

Although almost all e-mail users choose services to their taste, evaluating both the convenience and the speed of sending messages.

The algorithm for sending emails is identical. Consider it using the Yandex.

The “Write” tab is selected, which opens a window similar to that on a regular mail envelope. Here, in the "To" tab, the addressee is selected. There may be several.

The "Subject" column can be left blank, or you can get off with just one word - "Summary". But then you can not count on the employer to pay attention to this message.

In the Yandex service, you can use the "Edit a letter" tab. It attracts an editing panel with which you can emphasize the most important points summary.

No matter how cheerful and cheerful the applicant is, no faces and emoticons need to be inserted, even if a resume is sent for the vacancy of a clown.

Still, this is business correspondence and solving the problem is a serious, vital issue.

As well as in other mail services, resumes are sent through Yandex with an attachment, through the "Attach File" and "Open" buttons.

Before clicking the "Send" button, it must be highlighted in the recipient's mailbox as "Important".

A tick in the box "With notification" will add confidence that the letter will be read. No less popular is the mail service Mail.

The principle of working with shipments is the same as that of Yandex with a slight difference in names. For Yandex, for example, the button is labeled as “Write”, and for Mail “Write a letter”.

Video: how to write a resume

It is believed that Mail has much more features, but it receives a lot more messages than Yandex.

Features of the order of sending from the phone

You can send a resume to an employer without having a computer nearby. To do this, you need to find out the name of the mobile operator whose services are used by the recipient of the letter.

This can be done using special online directories to determine the operator by phone number. And, of course, access to the Internet.

With a professionally crafted CV in hand, you're wondering how to submit your CV to get the most bang for your buck. To do this, you need to learn more about the structure of the personnel market.

Today, this market is represented by employing companies that are directly engaged in the search for workers without outside help, as well as personnel services, which, in turn, are divided into employment agencies and recruitment agencies.

If you are interested in getting a position in a particular company, and you think that your professional level can correspond to its level, then for this you need to send your resume by fax to the company (directories with phone numbers and fax numbers can serve as a source of this information). you are interested in legal entity). In the event that today there is a need for a specialist like you, then, most likely, your candidacy will be considered. If there is no such need, then you should not expect a quick answer.

But, in our opinion, it would be more effective to find out what kind of specialists are required in this moment(this information must be present in Internet advertising on specialized sites that place job advertisements; in the means mass media, again specializing in this area; maybe on TV). If in this list you saw something suitable for yourself, then you should first call the indicated numbers to clarify the details.

If you decide to use the services personnel services, then it must be firmly understood that there are two categories mentioned above, namely: recruitment agencies and employment agencies.

Their main difference is WHO pays for their services.

Employment agencies are engaged in the employment of the population (the form of work is reflected in the name itself), and, therefore, applicants bear all the costs.

These agencies are LOOKING FOR JOBS for you based on your experience, professional level and personal wishes (pay, desired position and company profile, work location, etc.). The principle that works here is that it is you who dictate your conditions, and therefore pay for the work that is being done for your employment.

You are a customer, you pay money and, therefore, you have the right to count on the final result.

Recruitment agencies, or simply recruitment agencies, are engaged in the selection of personnel for companies, which implies that this service is paid for by firms.

The work of these agencies is aimed at SEARCHING FOR PERSONNEL, i.e. in this case, the customer is the employer, who puts forward certain requirements for the employees of interest to him, and therefore bears all the financial costs.

That is why the result, in this case, is not aimed at providing a job to the candidate as soon as possible, but at closing a vacancy.

After the crisis, a kind of "mixture of genres" took place. Many companies, turning to recruitment agencies for recruitment, refuse to pay for these services. Why, for their part, recruitment agencies are forced to take money from candidates. Therefore, in light of these changes, you should do the following: by dialing the number of the agency, first of all, you need to find out if they provide paid or free services. If paid, you need to immediately find out the prices: what is the cost of registering a resume, entering it into an electronic database, if any; what percentage of the first salary will have to be paid in case of employment, etc.?

Perhaps there are some other services, so you should not hang up immediately after an affirmative answer, you need to find out what these services are, what their cost is, whether there is a subscription service. Perhaps the proposals will interest you in some way, in which case your further actions should be dictated by the recommendations of the agency representative. This can be either sending a resume by fax, or a personal meeting with the agency manager. And don't forget to find out about the current vacancies, because. this information can help both you and the agency worker to concentrate their efforts on achieving a specific result.

Now let's move on to the question of how your first acquaintance with a recruitment agency should take place, whose services are free for job seekers.

Many send their resumes by fax or E-mail, and, moreover, to the entire list of recruitment agencies. This option, of course, is not excluded, but we again recommend starting your first conversation over the phone. If the agency meets your requirements, then the second step is to find out the vacancies for today. But it would be better not to inquire about the whole list, but to ask what interests you. If there is a vacancy for which you can apply, then you need to get acquainted with the personnel manager who leads this direction, and after talking with him personally, follow his instructions (the scheme is the same: either sending a resume, or your visit to the agency).

If, alas, today specialists are required, among which you are not included, then you can simply send your resume by fax or e-mail. Your data will be entered into the agency's database, which means that they will be periodically reviewed as vacancies become available for which you can potentially apply. If you are unable to use a fax or e-mail, then you need to clarify whether you can personally drive up to leave information about yourself. Even given the large influx of applicants in today's difficult time to find a job, you are unlikely to be denied this service.

You can also learn about recruitment agency vacancies from advertising in the media or the Internet (on sites that address employment problems or from the personal pages of agencies). This information is updated every week, and sometimes even more often, therefore, leafing through the latest magazines and newspapers, as well as browsing the news on the Internet, you can find out about the position you are interested in and get on the phones, faxes or e-mail recruitment agency. But in this case, it will be most effective to talk on the phone in advance to get recommendations from the recruiting manager.

So, it is necessary to draw the following conclusion: in order for the costs to pay off with maximum success, work with recruitment agencies must be built as follows:

  1. Finding out information about fresh vacancies agencies, which can be gleaned from advertising in the media or the Internet.
  2. A follow-up call for a preliminary conversation with the recruiting manager (if you simply call the recruitment agency phone number taken from a directory, magazine or newspaper, then this conversation should be the source of finding out the vacancies that the agency has open today).
  3. Strictly follow the recommendations of the agency representative (if there is a vacancy, then it may be necessary to come or send a resume, they will definitely tell you what to do; if not, then you just send a resume to the agency base).

Recruitment agency "QUARTA"

Let's be honest: a resume is not the main thing when applying for a job. A person with unique experience and competencies will be invited for an interview, even if his resume is written on a napkin. Another thing is if you do not yet belong to the category of rare super-professionals. Then the chance to meet competitors in the fight for the dream job increases, and the quality of the resume comes to the fore.

In this article, we've rounded up top tips for writing the perfect resume.

Photos and contacts - business

A photo on a resume will always be a plus, even if the position does not involve communicating with people. A photo will personalize your resume, making it easier to spot and making a response with a photo harder to miss or delete. But you need to choose a portrait for a resume critically:. A professional portrait photo, businesslike and neutral, is best.

In the contacts section, pay attention to the mailbox - it must correspond to a professional status. Address [email protected] emphasizes a non-business approach to work. And here [email protected]- already better. In general, there are a number of little things that can spoil the impression of a resume. More about them -.

Some job seekers include their home address on their resumes, right down to a specific apartment. It is enough to indicate the city or the nearest metro station, for example, "Mytishchi" or "the village of Mansurovo in the Kursk region."

Compare wages to the market

It is not necessary to include your desired salary on your resume, but if you do, employers will not come to you with inappropriate offers. Universal advice: write an amount 15-20% more than what you are earning now. This will make it possible to bargain without prejudice to their own interests. We talked about how to determine the desired income in more detail.

Compare your expectations with the average salary in the market: look at vacancies, statistics by region and professional field. A salary that is overpriced by 40% or more will definitely scare away a recruiter. See how many jobs in your area are offering in your specialty and skill set.

The exception is the resume of top managers. Executive salaries are calculated differently in different companies, so specific expectations can scare employers away.


If you are not a novice specialist, then experience is the main part of the resume. Approach this section with particular care.

  1. The experience should look like a whole, that is, without long breaks in a career. If there were breaks, then they should have explanations: maternity leave, doing business, freelancing and so on. We talked more about how to write about gaps in experience.
  2. If you change jobs more than once a year, this will alert the employer. You have been promoted - write about it in one block.
  3. Pay attention to the last three years of work, this is of interest to employers in the first place. About the initial stages of a career and about what happened more than 10 years ago, you can talk very briefly.
  4. If the company is unknown in the market, indicate its type of activity. Not just Romashka LLC, but the Black Sea branch of the Arbatov office for harvesting daisies. The activities of the company can be briefly described in brackets or in a block of responsibilities.
  5. In the headings, write job titles generally accepted in the market, it is not necessary to copy what is written in work book- the main point. For example, " Commercial Director is better than the vague "head of direction". "Project manager" looks more generic than "managing director of a business unit." Employers will find such a resume faster through the search.
  6. Never copy the list of duties from job descriptions. Highlight the most important and write down in an understandable language, without clericalism. For example, "optimization of business processes" instead of "implementation project activities for optimizing business processes. five to ten most key tasks will be sufficient.
  7. In addition to job responsibilities, be sure to include your and the results of the activity (for example, “together with the IT department, developed corporate standards business process control).

Avoid general phrases like "was the hardest working employee in the department" - this is an opinion that cannot be verified, therefore it is not interesting to the employer. But "became the best employee department at the end of the year "- a useful line.

Sometimes job seekers describe work in a particular company as if they were writing a chapter from their own biography: “Here I started my career from lower positions, diligently seeking promotion” or “From a cursory acquaintance, you might think that the work was given to me easily, but in fact it was even vice versa". These examples are the standard of how not to describe experience. The resume worked if the employer sorted through the experience in a few seconds and realized that this candidate was worth a closer look. And you can demonstrate enthusiasm in a cover letter.


All educational courses indicated in the summary must relate to professional activities. It is better to leave something out than to add dubious certificates - for example, about courses in massage - if this knowledge is not needed in the work.

ABOUT thorny path up is always better to tell at the interview. Therefore, you can omit your studies at a technical school or vocational school if you have a diploma of higher education in the same area.

key skills

Many applicants completely ignore this section, but in vain: often this is where the recruiter looks after getting acquainted with the experience and education of the candidate. Key skills are specific knowledge and skills that are directly related to work processes. For lawyers, this may be Arbitration courts" And " Corporate law”, for the logistics manager “Working with customs authorities”and“ Incoterms ”, for a financier -“ Statistical analysis and Budgeting, and so on.

The site system itself suggests the name of a particular skill, offering the shortest and most unified version - if possible, choose it.

Avoid the obvious: no need to write that you know Windows, Internet Explorer and use e-mail.

About me

Job seekers often confuse skills with personality traits. So in the skills are "Responsibility" or "Punctuality". We advise you to write about these qualities in the "About me" section and avoid platitudes. Instead of “Responsibility” and “Punctuality,” write “I am conscientious in completing tasks” and “I always meet the promised deadlines.” The essence of this will not change, but the wording will be remembered.

In some cases, you can specify personal qualities, which are not directly related to the profession - it can be good physical shape or sports achievements ("CCM in cross-country skiing"). The same applies to achievements in the intellectual sphere. If you are a city chess champion or have won a programming olympiad, this is interesting. If you're just into reading, then no. Add only what will help you get a job.

But in most cases it is better not to specify at all. The recruiter is not interested in it, and exotic activities (like esotericism and even yoga) can completely scare them away.

How to write

The final text of the summary should be a squeeze, from which everything that, in principle, can be removed without loss of meaning has been removed: introductory words, epithets, participles and participles, extra verbal adjectives and nouns.

Badly: Was engaged in the organization of carrying out inventories in divisions belonging to the company. Carried out activities for the organization of tenders, in particular, the preparation of an extensive package of documents on this issue.
Better: Taking stock of the departments of the company. Preparation of a package of documents for tenders.

The shorter and simpler the sentences, the better.


Insert marker words into your resume that a recruiter can use to find it through a search. For example, if you are an auditor and work with offshore companies, then your resume must include the word “offshore”.

Think about what keywords are related to your profession by imagining what terms the recruiter will use when searching for a resume. Use information from vacancies that interest you.

Covering letter

In the site system, the recruiter's acquaintance with you always begins with a cover letter. It usually begins with a greeting phrase: “Hello! My name is Kondraty Stepanov and I was interested in your vacancy as a city mayor.”

In a new paragraph, briefly describe your achievements and main skills (“led a department”, “participated in projects”, and so on). This paragraph should not be longer than three or four sentences.

The third paragraph is the key to the recruiter's heart. Write in it why you want to work for the company and why you think you are a suitable candidate. Try to avoid banal phrases like “I consider working in your company as an opportunity for further development” - such phrases will make the recruiter suspect that you are copying the same thing covering letter for different jobs.

Try to find information about the company on the Internet and indicate the fact of acquaintance with it already in the cover letter. Good example: "I was especially interested in your projects in telecom: I have been working in b2b sales for 4 years and constantly intersect with such clients."

It is customary to end your resume with a phrase confirming your readiness to come for an interview: “Thank you for your attention and I will be glad to meet you to answer your questions!”.

Resume check

If you want to show your resume to someone else, choose a person with experience as a recruiter - otherwise you are guaranteed to get a bunch of unnecessary advice. If you are considering several different positions - for example, "sales manager" and "head of sales" - make two different resumes.

Remember: every profession has its own characteristics. If lawyers are expected to have a perfect resume without a single mistake, then, for example, it is more important for accountants to indicate specific accounts and versions of 1C with which they worked. Differences between "subcultures" different professions do not allow you to make the only correct instruction for everyone. We have collected only general tips that apply to all job seekers.

Good luck in your job search!

Experience shows that contacting an employer can be quite difficult. If the phone number is still left, the next day after sending the resume, you can call the company and ask if they received your letter. The call will show that the offered position is really important to you, and also will not allow your letter to be ignored.

Job seekers often neglect the most important rule - correctly format the subject of the letter when sending a resume by e-mail. In no case do not leave this field empty: without a subject, your letter may end up in spam, or the employer simply will not notice it.

Writing a cover letter for a resume

You need to show that you are interested in the company. Read on their website what they do, read about the company, what kind of company it is and what it does or produces. Maybe you don't need to go there, just waste your time. Show interest in the employer. If you are unemployed, then you have a lot of time.

When submitting a resume, the body of the email should contain accompanying text. There are many options for writing such a text (maybe later I’ll somehow write options when I’m not too lazy or at the request). You can write a cover letter, so to speak, both in a formal style and in a friendly conversational style.)) Even so! The main thing is not to overdo it and follow certain rules.

Printed resume form. Also a convenient option for a job applicant. This is the more common form text document the necessary personal data, data on education, data on professional skills are indicated. This form is neat, you do not need to have special skills to compile it, such a resume is suitable for submission to any organization.

Electronic resume form. A convenient resume form for employers and job applicants. It will take several minutes to deliver such a resume, and the employer will not lose it. The summary should be written in a template text program on the computer.

How to write a cover letter

You can imagine that your resume is a product, and a cover letter is its packaging. Now remember how you choose products in the store. Decent packaging attracts attention and makes you come up and look at the product closer. Similarly, for our case - packaging is extremely important for a resume!

  • Good Technical Specialist(detailed in resume).
  • Balanced character. I can calmly carry out monotonous work on writing programs and developing technical documentation.
  • Strong analytical skills. In practice, this is reflected in the initial high-quality design of the program, a clear plan of action and a critically small number of errors in the work.

How to send a resume by email

Most job seekers find vacancies on specialized sites on the Internet. Many of the employers in the ad immediately indicate the email address to which the resume should be sent. But not everyone knows how to do it right. Can help step-by-step instruction how to send a resume to an employer by mail.

First of all, it is important to correctly compose specified document electronic. If you do not know how best to arrange it, then you can use the templates offered by our site and recommendations for filling out. In them you will find the main sections that you need to fill out when compiling a resume. Do not deviate too much from the set standard. It is convenient for recruiters to view a clear structured document in which all the information is arranged in the usual order for them. Such a resume is more likely to be read and appreciated.

Sending resume by email

The most common mistake of all applicants: they simply and “tastefully” call their document “Summary”. Now imagine how many of these "Resumes" a recruiter receives per day? He has to rename each file, that is, to make unnecessary gestures that waste time and effort of the employee.

If you send a resume to a recruiting agency, then its format should allow you to edit it in the future, because the recruiter needs to at least delete your personal information to send it to the employer (so that the latter cannot contact you directly). Accordingly, the PDF format disappears immediately. If, however, you are doing your own research, then PDF is quite suitable.

How to send resume by email? Business Etiquette

Large companies often require the name of the job to be indicated in the resume or to send it “in the body of the letter”, and not as an attachment, and sometimes they even ask to put down the name of the employee from the personnel department. Your task: before sending a resume by e-mail, carefully read all the requirements and conditions of the employer. Otherwise, your resume will not even get attention. After all, the conditions for sending are announced by companies not out of empty childishness, but in order to promptly consider all applications. And in the event that they have several vacancies open, your letter “to the village, grandfather” will most likely fly into the “basket”. The requirement to send a resume "in the body of the letter" is also not an empty ring - it saves the employer's time and saves the computer from possible viruses of the attached file.

If your mailing address has a frivolous login, for example "bol_tvoei_dushi", it is unlikely that you will be considered a worthy candidate and the letter will be opened. For business purposes, get yourself another box with a more respectable name containing your last name and first name. It is desirable that they be written in Latin letters. It is not recommended to write under a pseudonym.

Sample resume email to employer

  • Good quality white paper is used, clean and even.
  • The width of the left margin is not less than 2 cm. The text is printed on one page with 1-2 intervals. The paragraph starts with a red line. It is advisable not to transfer words.
  • The employer should be addressed by first name and patronymic.
  • No more than five merits of the candidate are indicated.
  • The signature is placed at the end in blue ink (to create a pleasant contrast).
  • Excessive use of the pronoun "I". Remember that you are not writing an autobiography, but business letter. Excessive use of this word interferes with the correct perception of information.
  • Expression of a request to consider a resume or invite for an interview. This approach demonstrates the weakness of the applicant and loses the interest of the reader.
  • There are no specific reasons why you should immediately be invited for an interview. The letter should convincingly highlight achievements and strengths candidate.
  • Duplication of the facts available in the summary. Advantages should be revealed more aphoristically. For example: “Thanks to communication skills and 4 years of experience public speaking, raised the level of sales by 3 times in 4 months.
  • Conclusion in a passive tone - please call or write a letter. Instead, write that you will contact the addressee after a certain time, or he himself can call back at the specified number.

Cover letter for resume

On the site http://hh.ru I learned that a vacancy for a sales representative is open in your company. After reviewing the list qualification requirements, I came to the conclusion that I can apply for this position, given the fact that I have been working in sales for almost 2 years, while effectively fulfilling my plans and tasks.

  • Thanks for taking the time to read the letter.
  • Thank you for your interest in my candidacy
  • I would be grateful / thankful if you can call me back
  • If necessary, I can come to you for an interview at any time convenient for you.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact me at the phone number below.
  • I would be happy to accept an offer to meet with you and talk in more detail about ...

How to write a cover letter for a resume

Over the past years, I have been successfully working in the chosen direction as part of the state veterinary and customs control authorities, I have established contacts and experience of cooperation with both the largest Russian enterprises food industry, and with leading foreign suppliers. The attached resume will give an idea of ​​my professional experience, qualifications and potential opportunities.

I learned from TV advertising that there are vacancies in your company in the field of Maintenance and control of fiber optic networks. In this regard, I want to offer my candidacy for consideration for a vacancy related to the implementation of the function of installation, installation and configuration of peripheral equipment for fiber optic networks. I assume that my work experience may be in demand as an installation foreman or maintenance manager.

05 Aug 2018 496

IN Lately Employers prefer to specify only e-mail as a method of communication in order to make an initial selection on a resume. According to statistics, more than 90% of applicants send their questionnaire by email incorrectly. To be in the remaining 10%, you must follow simple requirements.

The first step to the desired position

  • Each vacancy. Big mistake of all applicants - they send the same file to various vacancies. It must be edited before each submission. The requirements specified in the position description are the main hint of what should be in the resume and what should not be there.
  • Photo. There are vacancies with the requirement "Pleasant appearance" (as a rule, for secretaries and specialists in the beauty industry). It, as a rule, implies the presence of a photo in the resume. Do not send it separately. This is inconvenient for the employer. Also, the photo should be relevant (if you inserted a picture where you have long dark hair, and at the moment you are a blonde with an ultra-short haircut, then get ready for the fact that your interview will begin with a slight shock of the employer).
  • Decor. When composing the text, use the standard fonts Times New Roman or Arial (the rest may not be available from the employer and as a result the file will be unreadable). The most important can be italicized or bold.
  • Literacy. Errors will lead to the fact that the document is closed without reading to the end.
  • Specific and clear goals. Be sure to respond to a specific vacancy, because the personnel officer should not be engaged in guessing your desires. Even simple office vacancies involve a different nature of work. For example, a clerk is mainly engaged in the monotonous work associated with the registration of documents. It would seem that the vacancy of an office manager also involves working with documentation, however, as a rule, an office manager is a more multifunctional position. Most often, he must fully control everything that happens in the room up to its cleaning, so this work does not contain a routine. You must be clear about what you are willing to do.
  • Control. Check your email daily so you don't miss out feedback.

Your email

  • Nickname. The first thing an employer will see when they receive a response is your nickname. It will be highlighted in the From field. Therefore, there should be no "Happy Helen", "Brutal from Tyumen" and other nonsense. Enter your real data in Latin (for example, anna semjonova). Refrain from Russian letters due to inconsistency in encodings (the recipient may see a set of unreadable characters).
  • Logins like " [email protected]" And " [email protected]» will allow you to make a primary opinion about you and not the best. The email address must consist of your first and last name (simply full name is allowed).
  • Work mail. Get yourself a second e-mail, designed only for sending resumes and solutions to work moments. Treat your job search like a project.

Compliance with the required format

If you send a resume to, then its format should allow you to edit it in the future, because the recruiter needs to at least delete your personal information to send it to the employer (so that the latter does not have the opportunity to contact you directly). Accordingly, the PDF format disappears immediately. If, however, you are doing your own research, then PDF is quite suitable.

The size of the sent file should not exceed 250 Kb (if the resume is with a photo, then up to 1 Mb is allowed):

  • Required format. Most best format- this is RTF (MS Word: in the very top panel, the "Office" button, then the "Save as ..." item, then "Other formats". In the window that opens, in the "File type" field, select "Text in RTF format"). TXT format is allowed, but there is a nuance here. This format is only suitable if it is saved in the old version of the Microsoft Word editor, because you cannot know which version is on the PC of the personnel officer. The new edition, unfortunately, may not open.
  • Unnecessary format. Some organizations do not consider resumes in DOC format at all (there is a risk of infection with viruses), and they are automatically sent to the Spam folder.
  • Read the requirements carefully. Many people ask you to insert your "samari" directly into the letter, and not send it as a separate file. Violations of the requirements for the format of submitted resumes also create a negative impression of you. According to statistics, when asked to send a resume in RTF, 80 - 90% of people still send in DOC.

How to name files

The most common mistake of all applicants: they simply and “tastefully” call their document “Summary”. Now imagine how many of these "Resumes" a recruiter receives per day? He has to rename each file, that is, to make unnecessary gestures that waste time and effort of the employee.

To avoid dissatisfaction with the personnel manager, you simply need to add your personal data to the name (surname with initials and the desired position), for example, “rezume_semjonovaAN_manager”.

How to send a resume by mail

  • There is a contact. A new template will open through the "Write a letter" button. In order to avoid errors, it is better to copy the login directly from the ad (you must also copy it carefully without spaces or dots at the end, otherwise the letter will not reach the addressee).

    Also, the mail login can be found directly on the website of this company (sections "Career", "Jobs", "Contacts", etc.)

  • Attached files. Very often, personnel officers and recruiters receive responses from applicants with an empty attachment. It usually looks like this: “Good afternoon! Please consider my resume for the position of Clerk. Resume in attachment”, but it turns out to be empty ... The applicant simply forgot to attach a resume. It is unlikely that you will receive feedback in this case. First, the recruiter simply does not have time to answer everyone that the investment is empty. Secondly, he will draw a conclusion about you as an inattentive person. Even if you correct your mistake and resend the document, the opinion most likely will not change. You can attach a file using the special button "Attach file(s)" (Attachement).
  • Email subject it is better to write in Latin - CV (note: CV - "Curriculum vitæ", which is translated from Latin as "the course of life") or resume + the name of the position of interest. For example: "CV: IT" or "resume: office-manager". Do not use Russian letters in this field either.