What is considered normal internet speed for various tasks and how to measure it. What is considered normal Internet speed for various tasks and how to measure it How to improve connection speed on a computer and phone

A standard Internet connection speed test takes about 1 minute and is carried out in the following order:

Server selection

The service automatically determines the server closest to you, with which it will interact in order to test the Internet speed. If you wish, in most services you can choose the appropriate server yourself. The closer it is to you, the more accurate the measurement of the quality of network access will be.


The service determines the network response time from the moment a request is sent from your computer or smartphone to the server until the download starts. This delay is measured in milliseconds (ms). The lower this number, the better. A good ping is considered to be up to 120 ms, excellent - up to 45 ms. This parameter is especially important for online games like CS, World of Tanks or Heroes of the storm, where extra milliseconds of delay can deprive you of victory.

Incoming speed (download speed)

In the background, empty data packets with a total volume of 10 to 100 MB are downloaded from the server closest to you. Based on their download time, a conclusion is made about the reception speed. Speed ​​is measured in megabits per second, or Mbps (mbps). Do not confuse with megabytes, this unit is 8 times larger: 1 megabit = 0.125 megabytes. The higher the speed, the better: browser pages, videos, music, pictures will load faster.

Upload speed

The final stage of checking the speed of the Internet connection, during which empty data packets are transmitted in the opposite direction: now the traffic goes from you to the server. The units of measurement for the outgoing speed are the same as for the incoming speed: megabits per second (mbps). The higher the actual upload speed, the faster you can upload information and upload files to the Internet.

The speed test is the best way to check the speed and quality of your internet connection. Have you noticed that your files are loading at a slower speed? Do you feel that the sites you visit are loading too slowly? Check your Internet connection settings. With our tester you can now measure:

  • latency testing (ping, latency) – the average time of sending data packets to different servers at the same time is checked. Most testers only measure the time to send small data packets (less than 500 bytes), but in fact, browsers and web applications usually transfer and download large data packets, so our tester also checks the time to send large data packets (about 2-5 kilobytes). Result: the lower the ping, the better, i.e. makes it easier to use the Internet. This parameter is especially important in online games.
  • download testing - testing the download speed, which is measured as the total amount of data downloaded over a certain period of time (about 10 seconds) and expressed in units of Mbps Testing is carried out for different places at the same time, since using only one server is not reflects the actual throughput of the connection. the site tries to show measurements that are speed measurements outside of border routers. Download speed is an important parameter that determines the quality when watching movies on the Internet and the speed of downloading files.
  • Upload testing - the speed of sending data is checked, just as in the case of upload testing, the parameter is important, for example, when sending data to the server and mail messages with especially large attachments, such as photos.

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For those who do not just "surf" sites, but are tied to the network by work or games, the speed of the Internet connection is especially relevant. Slow connection speeds can result, for example, in incorrect updating of charts on stock exchanges or lags in online games. How to check connection speed? Let's consider several ways.

Checking internet speed via command line

You can check the speed of your Internet connection without using any programs or services, using the standard Windows operating system. The manipulations described below may require some basic knowledge of system software, but our instructions will allow you to more easily and quickly understand everything.

To do this, you need to do the following:

After that, the process of sending data packets with a size of 32 bytes will be visible on the screen. The main indicator that you should pay attention to is the transfer time. A period of up to 100-150 milliseconds is considered normal.

It is worth remembering that the speed of data transfer to a specific server also depends on the quality of the resource itself. That is, when accessing different sites, the speed and transmission time may vary.

How to check the connection speed through special services?

To check the speed of the Internet on your computer, you can use special online services. This is the most accessible and simple method that even inexperienced users can do. There are many verification resources, but we will look at 2 of the most popular and, in our experience, the most accurate.

All the resources described below can be used both to test the speed on laptops and desktop PCs. It also does not matter to them how the connection is made - via cable or via Wi-Fi.


Perhaps this resource is the most common among users. It has a clear graphical interface, and the verification procedure itself is accompanied by a nice animation. Using the service is quite simple:

A visual instruction for the online service is given in the following video:

It is important to note that the rates of providers always indicate the speed of receiving data, and not their return. The second indicator, as a rule, is always lower than the first, but this is not so critical and does not play a role for you as a user.


This site is multifunctional and gives access to various services that in one way or another relate to the Internet. Among them there is also a connection speed test. To open the test, go to the "Tests" tab and find "Internet connection speed" in the list:

This site also implies the possibility of choosing a server, but if you do not specify it, the system itself will select the most optimal option for you, in its opinion. To start the test, you must click the "Test" button located at the bottom of the active window:

On average, the check takes several minutes, and the result is displayed in the following form:

Thus, in a matter of minutes, you can find out the speed of your Internet connection without using any complex programs or manipulations.

Keep in mind that when connecting via Wi-Fi, the connection speed will be slightly slower than when connecting directly with a cable. This is due to the limitations of the hardware itself.

Checking Internet Speed ​​Using Torrent

There is another way to check the speed of your Internet. To do this, you will need to download any torrent client if it is not on your computer. After that, in the list of trackers, you need to find any file that is distributed by more than 1000 users, and the number of downloaders is minimal. It is this file that needs to be uploaded.

After the download starts, it should take about 2-5 minutes for the speed to reach its peak. It is this indicator that will be an indicator of the download speed, that is, the receipt of batch data. Usually it is equated to the one indicated by providers.

It is worth noting that kilobytes and megabytes are used as the main units of measurement on torrents. To convert data into kilobits and megabits, which are used by providers, you need to multiply them by 8. That is, with a download speed of 1 megabyte / sec, the Internet speed will be 8 megabit / sec.

The Internet has long been a real necessity for many users, and its speed plays an important role, so it is important to monitor its stability. The above methods will allow you to simply find out the speed of your connection, and in case of any problems, quickly begin to fix them.

Good day. Often, computer users experience discomfort when surfing and working on the World Wide Web. It is difficult to exchange data, download videos, gamers complain about slow pings and delays in games. Before making claims to your providers, you should make sure that the fault is not on our side, for this, in the article we will tell you how to check the Internet speed on a Windows 7,8,1 computer online using the most popular and popular services.

How to check internet speed online?

There are a huge number of online services for checking connection speed. Below we consider the time-tested most common Internet resources.

How to use Speedtest

The speedtest is perhaps the most famous among all, and we will begin today's review with it. Before starting the testing process, go to the website of your Internet provider, then to your personal account and see the declared speed. Often this item is displayed in the “Tariffs” column. When concluding a contract for the use of Internet services, it also indicates the speed. Many providers “sin” with a sudden change in tariffs and connection plans.

Please note that Internet service providers promise speeds “up to” a certain indicator. For example, the declared standard “up to 150 Mbps” per second can actually produce only 5-10 Mbps of real indicators. Small and young start-up firms often sin with this.

Another important point. Before launching various Internet tests, we must disable all file uploads. We turn off torrent trackers, tabs with running music or videos, programs that need access to the Internet such as STEAM (at this moment the game can easily be updated). Your best bet is to fire up your browser and open one tab.
Done? Let's get to the test.

Internet speed testing using 2ip.ru service

Users know our domestic service 2ip.ru. In addition to checking your IP, the site provides services for checking for viruses, ensuring anonymity on the network, as well as checking the speed of the Internet online for free.

As you can see, 2ip gave us better results than on SpeedTest, because their servers are closer to us.

How to check the speed of the Internet Rostelecom

Open the verification page. We are implementing these recommendations. The third point is very important. If the computer is connected directly by cable, great. When using a router, it is recommended to turn off Wi-Fi on connected devices: tablets, phones, laptops. We click on the blue button “Start testing” and wait for the table with the results.

Surprisingly, in this service, the ping turned out to be higher in comparison with the previous methods.
Not many people know that our Russian company Yandex also has an Internet connection tester, below we will briefly get acquainted with its capabilities and interface.

We test the Internet connection - Internetometer from Yandex

In addition to the usual test, a lot of useful information was displayed: IPv4 address and IPv6 address, browser version, operating system, location region, and even Flash version. By clicking on the yellow “Measure” button, the verification process will start. As a result, the result will be displayed in the plate.

Internetometer from Yandex - results

Many users often confuse speeds in Megabits and Megabytes, Yandex developers have foreseen this moment. As you can see, 18.22 Megabits equals 2.28 Megabytes per second. This is the speed at which files will be downloaded from the World Wide Web.

To convert Megabits to Megabytes yourself, it is enough to divide the result by 8.


Real Spartans have read to the end and tried the methods proposed above, we hope there will be no more questions about how to check the speed of the Internet on a Windows computer online 7,8,10. I wonder which of the methods our readers use? Write your answers in the comments on the site or our group in contact. If you have questions about online services, suggest topics that are interesting to your attention, which we will consider in future articles.
Do you want to pump to the maximum and increase the speed of the Internet?

To check the speed of the Internet connection as accurately as possible, we recommend that you stop downloading files, online radio and YouTube while the speedtest is in progress. For 100% certainty, repeat the speedtest by pressing the button again.

Questions and answers

Your IP:

Run test

What is Ping, Jitter, Upload and Download?

Through uploading and downloading the file, the service allows you to accurately determine the real speed of the Internet connection of your provider. The measurement results will show:

  1. Incoming speed (Download speed) - the speed of receiving data from the Internet.
  2. Upload speed - the speed of uploading data to the Internet.
  3. Ping (PING) - time, information transfer to the server and back.
  4. An IP address is the unique address of your computer on the network.

What factors affect connection speed?

The connection speed directly depends on the type of connection you are using. To date, the most popular types of connection are:

  • ADSL (Leased Line) - This data transfer technology uses a telephone line. This technology separates the frequencies used for data transmission from those used for voice transmission. Due to this, the telephone line is free, even with an active connection.
  • FTTB (fiber optic cable) - an optical cable is taken as the basis, which is brought to the switch in the subscriber's building, and then a twisted pair is already pulled from it. Today it is the most popular connection method.
  • 3G / 4G (mobile Internet) - this type of connection is used in the mobile networks of mobile operators. USB modems are used to connect laptops and computers, and 3G / 4G routers are used to organize a network.

As a rule, there are usually no problems with a cable connection, which cannot be said about the wireless connection method. The more devices connected to the router at the same time, the more likely it is to slow down. We advise you to always change the factory password of the WiFi network offered by the manufacturer to a more reliable one.

In addition to hardware, software can also affect the speed, which significantly uses your traffic.

If the speed is low and differs by more than 10% from the declared one, we recommend taking another measurement or using similar online services and applications, such as speedtest or Yandex internetometer. If the result remains unchanged, we recommend contacting the provider to find out the reasons.

How to improve connection speed on computer and phone?

Depending on the type of Internet connection you use, recommendations for increasing it will differ. But there are also basic things for any kind of connection.

The first and fastest way is to reboot the router (router). Then re-measure the speed of the Internet - our speed test is free, so you can do it indefinitely.

If the reason for the slowing Internet was an independent reconfiguration of the router, there is only one way out - reset the settings to factory settings. A little later we will publish a detailed article on how to do this.

Also, a common cause of slow Internet is the use of various VPN (VPN) services (especially free ones). Very often they underestimate the speed to 5 MB / sec. You can easily check this, just turn off the VPN and see the results. If the indicators correspond to the tariff, then you need to change the VPN.

If the pages of the site open slowly, then first of all you need to optimize the speed of your browser. Most often, you just need to not open too many tabs (more than 10 tabs is already too much for older devices). We recommend that you clean your browser history regularly. And of course, you need to remove unused plugins and extensions.

On a phone and laptop with a Wi-Fi connection

On laptops and phones, a WiFi connection is mainly used, so first of all we go to the router settings and select the 802.11ac standard, if this is not the case, then select 802.11n. Ideally, this should be done based on the characteristics of the wifi module of your device, but in 90% of cases this advice will work for you.

On a computer with a cable connection

On computers running the Windows operating system, by default there is a limit on the use of the Internet channel of 80%. Therefore, you can safely remove this restriction using the gpedit.msc utility. In Windows 10, you can simply find it through the search, and in Windows 7, open the Run program (Win + R) and insert the name of the utility. In the window that opens, go to the "Limit reserved bandwidth" tab and there in the "Bandwidth limit" field set the value to "0".

What is the optimal speed for games, video, skype?

Many people wonder how to determine the required minimum Internet speed. The answer is simple - it all depends on what purposes you plan to use it for.

If the Internet for you is just to sit on social networks, then you will not need more than 3 Mbps.

Can't imagine life without watching videos online? Less than 20 Mbps is not even worth considering - just waste your time and nerves!

Love to play online games? In this case, speed is not so important. Much more important is the quality of the connection, namely a small Ping (preferably up to 10 ms) and no packet loss.

The best providers in Russia for 2020

If you are not satisfied with the quality and cost of services, we have made for you a selection of the best wired and wireless providers in Ukraine:

Latest measurements in Russia

With our speed test you can compare your speed with the average in your city. The table shows the data for those cities where there were more than 1000 checks.

City Incoming, Mbps Outgoing, Mbps

Saint Petersburg



Nizhny Novgorod














