Remote warehouse: another solution. Does your business have a branch or remote warehouse? Benefits for buyers

Each such division needs its own database for keeping records, and full or partial data exchange with the central database is desirable. As practice shows, such a simple situation is often resolved by enterprises not just "unsuccessfully", but completely unacceptable. We will not consider in this article illustrative examples of unsuccessful implementations, on the contrary, we will sequentially consider the simplest and most effective way. So, the situation: In the city center there is an office of the enterprise, accounting is kept in a typical 1C Trade. The type of activity does not matter to us, well, for example, furniture. The enterprise has a territorially remote warehouse on the outskirts. Task:

  • The warehouse needs a database for the quantitative accounting of materials and components. Data on the receipt of goods and materials are received and loaded automatically from the office database (Database).
  • The reference book "Nomenclature" in the warehouse and office bases must be the same.
  • Primary documents (receipt of goods and materials, etc.) are entered in the office database. Their subsequent transfer to the warehouse DB (Database) is necessary. In the warehouse database, on the basis of receipt, picking documents and invoices are entered. After their creation, they are transferred to the office database.

Thus, in the office and in the warehouse there is a real picture of the movement of goods and materials. The question immediately arises. How to transfer data from database to database? It is clear that not every enterprise in the state has its own programmer. But you don't need it here. Both of these configurations are the same. Therefore, data transfer can be carried out using standard 1C company reports supplied with the program or with the ITS (Information and Technical Support) disk. Here is a small recommended description of such a system:

Basic provisions:

  • The Warehouse database is an exact copy of the Office DB, geographically located at a remote warehouse and exchanging with the Office DB documents for the receipt and consumption of goods and materials, as well as the corresponding directories.
  • Data exchange is performed using standard processing "Universal data upload" and "Universal data upload" (You can find them in the Service / Additional features section).

Work algorithm:

  • Documents of receipt of goods and materials (materials) are entered into the Office database (manually or automatically). In the process of entering documents, new nomenclature positions are introduced.
  • At the end of the working day (or if necessary), the entered documents are uploaded to a file using the standard processing "Universal data upload" through the menu Service / Additional features. This is done simply. Processing starts, the upload period is selected in it, and the documents that need to be uploaded are marked with checkmarks. The report then automatically generates a file. This is convenient in that it is possible for the user to select not only the types of documents for unloading, but also individual documents of each type. The whole procedure takes 1-2 minutes.
  • The data file is sent to a remote warehouse. Upon receipt, the data is loaded into the Warehouse database using the standard processing "Universal data loading" (Menu Tools / Additional features). Loading is performed completely automatically, in the process of loading new nomenclature positions are created (if necessary) with the preservation of the "reference tree" (hierarchy).
  • If necessary, a special document "Complete set" is made in the Warehouse database. The task of the document is to deregister the components that are part of the equipment set being sold and to formalize the receipt of this type of equipment at the warehouse. You can set the composition of the kit in the "Nomenclature" Directory / Directories / Components. Picking documents are located in the menu Documents / Sets / Picking documents log.
  • At the time of shipment of goods and materials at a remote warehouse (DB Warehouse), on the basis of the document "Packaging" (or, if there was no picking, then on the basis), the document "Sale" is made. The firm-buyer is selected as the counterparty. Implementation and packaging documents are uploaded to a file according to the algorithm described above and then sent to the Office DB. Prices for equipment can be omitted, since only quantitative records are kept in the Warehouse database.
  • In the Office database, the Implementation and Completion documents received from a remote warehouse are loaded in a standard way. Then the Completion document is posted (at the moment, the components included in the selected equipment are written off and the equipment itself is registered). The necessary retail prices are set in the Sales document and the document is also posted.

General remarks:

  • The organization of work at this stage assumes the presence of a qualified user in both information bases.
  • In the case of such specific situations as disassembly of equipment, return from the buyer, etc. the corresponding documents must be transferred from the DB Office to the DB Warehouse to match the quantitative accounting in both configurations. Data exchange is carried out according to the algorithm described above.
  • Any documents contained in databases can be transferred.

Both reports used are simple, and loading data does not require any action from the user at all, except for selecting a file. Does it make sense to pay for writing specialized porting systems that, with the slightest change in configuration, will require reconfiguration by the programmer? In the described algorithm, there is one key condition - the databases must be the same, so if you make changes to the configurator in the office database, then you need to make them in the warehouse database. In general, this algorithm is quite simple and does not require programming skills.

Kolyasnikov Sergey Anatolievich, OOO VK "Ural-Soft"

Many stores, either due to low purchasing power or the inability to bring a large amount of goods to the windows, began to sell it from the warehouse. Firstly, it gives a much larger assortment for the buyer than the presence of it in the window. You can choose expensive and exclusive models that are unlikely to be brought to the window to stand gathering dust or, moreover, be damaged. Secondly, the seller does not bother with the fuss associated with packing and unpacking the goods. Plus, you need to find it and bring it from the warehouse, wipe it off, turn it on and demonstrate its performance, fill out the warranty, make a “hole” after yourself, print and cut out the price tag for a new one, etc. and so on.

Also, the seller rests when the car arrives, because it does not come so loaded if it was all taken to the store.

In some companies, the seller earns even more for what he sells from a remote warehouse than he would have sold it from a showcase.

Benefits for buyers

  1. The buyer will be 100% sure that his product has never stood in the window, was not shown as a sample, the product will be in its original packaging and brand new.
  2. The time for making a purchase is reduced several times.
  3. No need to look for a car for delivery and people who will load the goods into the car.
  4. There will be no need to look for people who will lift the goods to the apartment and pay them for each floor passed.
  5. Delivery of goods will be carried out on any day chosen by the buyer.
  6. The buyer has the opportunity to choose a wider range of goods than in the store, as the showcase does not always show the full range.

Benefits of selling from stock by samples

Saving time and effort

  • no need to look for sold goods in stock
  • no need to check, unpack and pack
  • no need to issue a warranty card (if it is included)
  • there will be no “holes” that need to be closed when selling from a showcase (move, raise, lower, rearrange by price, etc.)
  • saving labor of loaders when unloading CBT, there is no need to order goods that can be sold according to samples in large quantities
  • when selling according to samples, it is not necessary to put up a new product in place of the sold one every delivery.
  • the uniform is always clean.

Improving the quality of customer service

  • increase the speed of sales
  • more time to serve other buyers
  • increasing the prestige of the store: we always have a full showcase and the opportunity to purchase a completely new product in the package, and not the last one from the showcase, as in many competitor stores
  • the risk of damage to goods packed in the original packaging is less than that packed in film.

Increase in store turnover

  • no restocking of warehouses
  • the ability to free up storage space for goods that cannot be sold from the warehouse according to samples
  • maintaining the full range
  • the possibility of selling goods in large quantities
  • the possibility of selling a set of "main product + gift" in the absence of a gift or main product in the store
  • the possibility of selling goods that are not in the assortment of the store
  • the possibility of selling an expensive segment through brand catalogs.

The store fulfills the sales figures from the warehouse.

Today, many enterprises are faced with the need to create geographically remote divisions. It can be a warehouse on the outskirts, a branch in another city, or a representative office in the capital. Each such division needs its own database for keeping records, and full or partial data exchange with the central database is desirable. As practice shows, such a simple situation is often resolved by enterprises not just "unsuccessfully", but completely unacceptable. We will not consider in this article illustrative examples of unsuccessful implementations, on the contrary, we will sequentially consider the simplest and most effective way. So, the situation: In the city center there is an office of the enterprise, accounting is kept in a typical 1C Trade. The type of activity does not matter to us, well, for example, furniture. The enterprise has a territorially remote warehouse on the outskirts. Task:

The warehouse needs a database for the quantitative accounting of materials and components. Data on the receipt of goods and materials are received and loaded automatically from the office database (Database).

The reference book "Nomenclature" in the warehouse and office bases should be the same.

Primary documents (receipt of goods and materials, etc.) are entered in the office database. Their subsequent transfer to the warehouse DB (Database) is necessary. In the warehouse database, on the basis of receipt, picking documents and invoices are entered. After their creation, they are transferred to the office database.

Thus, in the office and in the warehouse there is a real picture of the movement of goods and materials. The question immediately arises. How to transfer data from database to database? It is clear that not every enterprise in the state has its own programmer. But you don't need it here. Both of these configurations are the same. Therefore, data transfer can be carried out using standard 1C company reports supplied with the program or with the ITS (Information and Technical Support) disk. Here is a small recommended description of such a system:

Basic provisions:

  • The Warehouse database is an exact copy of the Office DB, geographically located at a remote warehouse and exchanging with the Office DB documents for the receipt and consumption of goods and materials, as well as the corresponding directories.
  • Data exchange is performed using standard processing "Universal data upload" and "Universal data upload" (You can find them in the Service / Additional features section).
Work algorithm:
  1. Documents of receipt of goods and materials (materials) are entered into the Office database (manually or automatically). In the process of entering documents, new nomenclature positions are introduced.
  2. At the end of the working day (or if necessary), the entered documents are uploaded to a file using the standard processing "Universal data upload" through the menu Service / Additional features. This is done simply. Processing starts, the upload period is selected in it, and the documents that need to be uploaded are marked with checkmarks. The report then automatically generates a file. This is convenient in that it is possible for the user to select not only the types of documents for unloading, but also individual documents of each type. The whole procedure takes 1-2 minutes.
  3. The data file is sent to a remote warehouse. Upon receipt, the data is loaded into the Warehouse database using the standard processing "Universal data loading" (Menu Tools / Additional features). Loading is performed completely automatically, in the process of loading new nomenclature positions are created (if necessary) with the preservation of the "reference tree" (hierarchy).
  4. If necessary, a special document "Complete set" is made in the Warehouse database. The purpose of the document is to deregister the components that are part of the equipment set being sold and to formalize the receipt of this type of equipment at the warehouse. You can set the composition of the kit in the "Nomenclature" Directory / Directories / Components. Picking documents are located in the menu Documents / Sets / Picking documents log.
  5. At the time of shipment of goods and materials at a remote warehouse (DB Warehouse), on the basis of the document "Packaging" (or, if there was no picking, then on the basis), the document "Sale" is made. The firm-buyer is selected as the counterparty. Implementation and packaging documents are uploaded to a file according to the algorithm described above and then sent to the Office DB. Prices for equipment can be omitted, since only quantitative records are kept in the Warehouse database.
  6. In the Office database, the Implementation and Completion documents received from a remote warehouse are loaded in a standard way. Then the Completion document is posted (at the moment, the components included in the selected equipment are written off and the equipment itself is registered). The necessary retail prices are set in the Sales document and the document is also posted.
General remarks:
  • The organization of work at this stage assumes the presence of a qualified user in both information bases.
  • In the case of such specific situations as disassembly of equipment, return from the buyer, etc. the corresponding documents must be transferred from the DB Office to the DB Warehouse to match the quantitative accounting in both configurations. Data exchange is carried out according to the algorithm described above.
  • Any documents contained in databases can be transferred.
Both reports used are simple, and loading data does not require any action from the user at all, except for selecting a file. Does it make sense to pay for writing specialized porting systems that, with the slightest change in configuration, will require reconfiguration by the programmer? In the described algorithm, there is one key condition - the databases must be the same, so if you make changes to the configurator in the office database, then you need to make them in the warehouse database. In general, this algorithm is quite simple and does not require programming skills.

Kolyasnikov Sergey Anatolievich
LLC VK "Ural-Soft"

In the recently released release 7.70.905 of the standard configuration "Trade + Warehouse" (version 9.0) for "1C:Enterprise 7.7", along with other changes, the "Remote Warehouse" web application was implemented. "Remote Warehouse" is designed to automate the trade of firms that have warehouses that are physically remote from the central office. This is a turnkey solution for ensuring the joint operation of a remote warehouse with a central office. In this material, the methodologists of the company "1C" talk about the possibilities of the new application. This and many other interesting articles are included in the next issue of the 1C:Enterprise Information Technology Support Disk (ITS disk). Ask about the subscription from the partners of the company "1C" in your region.

The new application is an example of using the "Web-extension" component developed for the "1C:Enterprise 7.7" platform and can be used as a template for creating other products based on it that use communication via the global Internet.

It implements the ability to draw up warehouse documents, such as an inventory of goods, an act of debiting and posting surpluses, to edit and print documents issued at the central office, as well as posting invoices directly at the time of receipt and / or shipment of goods de facto. In addition, the remote warehouse portal allows you to build warehouse reports: a report on the movement of goods in a warehouse and a report on the balance of goods.

The scheme of work with remote warehouses assumes that all documents related to the purchase (to receipt at a remote warehouse) of goods and their subsequent sale (shipment from the warehouse) are issued by a manager located in the central office. These documents are carried out directly by the storekeeper (materially responsible person) who receives or ships the goods from the warehouse. The storekeeper can independently change the composition of the invoice, for example, in the case when the amount of goods written out in the invoice exceeds the current warehouse stock. After that, he can swipe and print this document. On the other hand, the storekeeper can carry out an inventory at the warehouse and, on its basis, through the portal of a remote warehouse, generate such documents as an act of writing off goods and posting surpluses.

Web-application "Remote Warehouse" allows for close interaction of the warehouse with the central office in the "On Line" mode, without wasting time synchronizing the work of the warehouse and the office. This interaction takes place within the same information base, i.e. in the same information space, thanks to which both the "Remote Warehouse" portal and the central office have the opportunity to receive operational data on the state of the warehouse.

To connect a remote warehouse to the central office, it is enough to have a computer installed in the warehouse, connected to the Internet, with a navigation program such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator (Communicator) installed on it.

At the central office, to work with a remote warehouse, the "Web extension" component of the "1C:Enterprise 7.7" system must be installed on the computer. (See the "Web Extension" documentation for installation and prerequisites). Installation of the "Remote Warehouse" is similar to the installation of the sample Web application "Dealer's Portal" included in the "Web Extensions" distribution.


The "Remote Warehouse" web application supplied on this disk works with the "Retail+Warehouse" version 9.0 standard configuration starting from release 7.70.905.

Description of the remote warehouse site

The user can work on the site in the following modes:

  • Magazine;
  • Inventory;
  • Write-off of goods and materials;
  • Posting of goods and materials;
  • The rest of the goods;
  • Movement of goods.

To protect against unauthorized entry into the system, at the beginning of each session, the user's authorization on the site is checked. For authorization, the user (storekeeper) must enter his name and password. The username and password are specified in the configuration in the "Users" directory. The portal operation scheme assumes that the user works with documents issued to the warehouse selected as the "main warehouse" for this user on the "Default Values" tab of the "Users" directory element form. Only a wholesale warehouse can be selected as the main warehouse.

Site operation modes

1. Journal

This page appears immediately after logging in and is designed to receive a log of warehouse documents. The journal can include documents for this warehouse. It is possible to select documents by their number, type, status (posted or not posted), counterparty, date and company.

When you set the filter by the type of documents: "Sale", "Receipt of goods and materials", "Return to the buyer", "Return to the supplier" - both documents with the type of operation "purchase and sale" and documents with the type of operation "commission" will be selected.

The selection of the counterparty by which documents are filtered is done by clicking the "..." button, and the filter by counterparty is cleared by clicking the "X" button. When choosing a counterparty, a special window opens, in which it is possible to search for the necessary counterparty by code, by the beginning of the name and part of the name. Such a search can be performed by clicking on the "Find" label.

As a result of the search, in the lower part of the window, all elements and groups of the counterparty directory that satisfy the request will be displayed. You can also select the required counterparty without resorting to searching by code or name, but using a selection from the directory, the structure of which is presented in the list located at the bottom of the window.

Initially, this list contains all groups and elements of the directory of first-level counterparties. By clicking on a group of counterparties from this list, you can go down one level in this directory by expanding this group. To select a counterparty, click on the ">>" button located to the right of this counterparty. The Clear Filter button clears all log filters.

Attention! Setting any filter in a log does not automatically rebuild this log. In order to generate the journal again, click on the "Show Journal" banner.

The generated document log contains the following columns: document (document type), number, date, time, counterparty, company, and posted (document status). By clicking on the document number, you can view and edit this document. Only the following types of documents can be viewed and edited: "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)", "Receipt of goods and materials (commission)", "Sale of goods and materials (purchase and sale)", "Sale of goods and materials (commission)", "Return from the buyer ( purchase and sale)", "Return from the buyer (commission)", "Return to the supplier (purchase and sale)", "Return to the supplier (commission)", "Inventory of goods and materials (according to the warehouse)", "Write-off of goods and materials" and "Return of goods and materials ". For each of these documents, you can edit the "Quantity" column in the document specification and the "Comment" field. Modified documents can be saved and printed by clicking the "Save Changes" and "Print View" banners respectively. The documents "Sale of goods and materials (purchase and sale)" and "Sale of goods and materials (commission)" can also be printed in the form of the "TORG-12" form, for which you should click on "TORG-12". Based on these documents, you can issue the Invoice document or view this document if it has already been issued earlier. To do this, click on the inscription "Invoice". You should pay attention to the fact that if the invoice has already been issued earlier on the basis of an invoice, then with each subsequent opening of the invoice, its composition will be re-formed. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not view the invoice unnecessarily and open it only if the composition of the invoice has changed and you need to reissue the invoice. The invoice can be saved and printed.

In addition to editing, saving and printing, you can also post certain types of documents, namely: "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)", "Sale (sale and purchase)", "Receipt of goods and materials (commission)", "Sale (commission)". Documents of the types "Inventory of goods and materials", "Write-off of goods and materials", "Record of goods and materials" and "Invoice" are not allowed. The latest documents can only be held by the administrator or manager of the trading system.

2. Inventory

This page is designed to generate and save new inventory lists. To generate a new inventory, select a company and date and click on "Create a new Inventory". As a result of this operation, in accordance with the estimated warehouse balances, the composition of the new inventory will be automatically filled.

After that, the composition of the inventory can be edited. In the composition, you can change the number of goods actually present in the warehouse, you can add new goods to the composition. To add new products to the inventory, use the "Add product" link.

It opens a window for selecting goods, similar to the window for selecting a counterparty for a filter in the document journal (see above).

Using the ">>" buttons located to the right of the goods, you can select new goods for the inventory. In the field next to the ">>" button, the quantity of goods during the selection is set. If this quantity is specified, then each time you click ">>" an additional specified quantity of goods is selected. If the quantity is not set, then the first time you click ">>" one item is selected. The generated inventory has the ability to set a comment, it can be recorded and printed.

3. Write-off of goods and materials and Posting of goods and materials

These two pages are used to generate new documents "Write-off of goods and materials" and "Receipt of goods and materials". It is possible to generate new write-off and capitalization documents both without a basis and on the basis of a previously executed inventory of goods. In the first case, you should click on "Create an act without a reason", and in the second - first click on the "Show list of Inventories" button, and then in the list of inventories that appears, select the one on the basis of which you want to issue a new document. The required inventory is selected by clicking on the number of this inventory. The composition of the documents "Write-off of goods and materials" and "Accounting of goods and materials, formed on the basis of the inventory, is filled in automatically, based on the specification of the inventory itself.

After that, the "quantity" column can be changed in the document specification, new commodity items can be added to the document specification (see selection of goods in the inventory above), the document can be saved and printed.

4. Remaining goods

This page is intended for obtaining information about the calculated (based on the executed documents) balances of goods in the warehouse. The balances can be viewed on a specific date set on the page. Switching on the "In stock only" switch means that only those products with a balance greater than zero will be shown. It is also possible to filter products by group (or element) and property. Setting a filter by a group of goods or a property of goods is carried out in the same way as setting a journal filter by business partner. As a result of clicking on the "Show balances" button, a table will be generated containing information about the balances of goods in stock.

This table includes the following columns: "Description" (an item or a group of items) and "Remaining" (the balance of an item in stock in default units).

5. Movements of goods

This page is used to obtain information about the movement of goods in a given warehouse, i.e. on the quantity of goods received and shipped for a given period and on the balance of goods at the beginning and end of the period. In the settings, you can set the interval (borders of the reporting period), you can set a filter by products and their categories. Also, by setting the "With detailing by documents" switch, it is possible to turn on the detailing of goods movements by documents.

By clicking on "Show Movement" a table is formed with columns: "Description" (group of goods, goods or document), "Balance at the beginning" (balance of goods at the beginning of the reporting period), "Incoming" (incoming goods for the period), "Expense " (consumption of goods for the period), "Balance at the end" (balance of goods at the end of the reporting period).