Highly paid job for men - rating of professions. The main activities of high-paying jobs for men

Demand for specialties directly depends on socio-economic conditions. This affects the level of wages, forms the specifics of the market. There are many professions that pay well in most countries of the world. There are such professions in every field of activity.

The highest paid professions in Russia

There are a lot of specialties, having mastered which you can make a good profit. Highly paid job in Russia:

  1. High level leader. This is the highest paid profession in Russia and other countries of the world. Executives in the banking sector receive more. The work involves maximum employment, you will have to work 14-15 hours a day. The salary is up to 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Manager internal communications. This specialty involves the organization of the work of employees of the company. You can get for this from 100 thousand rubles per month.
  3. IT specialist. Salary - from 60 thousand rubles. Knowledge of several programming languages ​​is required, world-class certificates, for example, Microsoft. This direction is in the lead among demanded.
  4. Accountant. A specialist with work experience can receive from 55 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that accountants have an enormous responsibility. Upper bar - 350 thousand rubles
  5. Auditor. Salary starts from 100 tr.
  6. Lawyer. Specialists in this field are in high demand. At the initial level, the salary is from 35 thousand rubles. You need to constantly improve your skills. A specialist with extensive work experience and education receives up to 350 thousand rubles.
  7. Sales and Purchasing Managers. The salary is influenced by the region, business area, corporate policy and other factors. The average level of payment is 45 thousand rubles.
  8. Marketer. A specialist with extensive experience and recommendations receives 100–200 thousand rubles.
  9. Logistician. The average payment is 45 thousand rubles. It is not theoretical knowledge that is important here, but practical skills and experience.

For girls

The popular belief that it is difficult for a woman to find a well-paid job is wrong. Profitable options for girls:

  1. Internal communications specialist - 100–300 thousand rubles
  2. Advertising manager. Girls are successful in this area. Having settled down as an advertising manager and having proved yourself at first, you can receive up to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Specialties in the beauty industry. There are many professions in this area, each can be highly paid. It is impossible to define salary limits. Income depends on the skill level of the girl, the range of services provided, and the degree of workload.
  4. Accountant - up to 350 thousand rubles
  5. Tourism manager. Having taken leadership position, you can receive up to 10 thousand dollars per month. An added bonus is frequent travel.

For men

Almost everything is available to the representatives of the stronger sex highly paid specialties. The following categories can be distinguished:

  1. Pilots. This work is responsible, so the salary is up to half a million rubles per month.
  2. Sphere of construction. Most of the professions in this category are male. Engineers and architects are especially valued. A construction specialist receives at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. SMM specialists. This direction has recently gained popularity, but is considered to be in demand and highly paid. SMM-specialists are engaged in promotion in social networks.
  4. Programmers (50 thousand rubles and above).

Medical specialties in Russia

Sadly, in our country, doctors do not earn too much. List of profitable medical positions:


Average monthly salary (rubles)




Ultrasound specialist





Working professions

Physical labor can also be profitable. For some working specialties, even higher education is not required. To receive good salary, you need to diligently fulfill duties and develop. You can become an employee big company, a small team or even open your own business. Rating of highly paid and demanded working specialties:

IT industry specialists

The pay in this area is good. Highest paid IT specialties:


Software Engineer

System engineer

System Administrator

Software developer


web developer

Graphic Designer

Systems Analyst

Analyst programmer

Financial analyst

In the gas and oil industry

The wages in this area are decent. Profitable jobs:


Average monthly salary (thousand rubles)

Director of Geology

Drilling Director

Simple or directional drilling engineer




Machine gunner and surveyor

Desalination and dehydration plant operator and technologist


For the humanities

To make good money, it is not necessary to have a technical mindset. There are many liberal arts professions that bring good income. Well paid are:

  1. Brand manager. These specialists are required in many enterprises. To be a good brand manager, you need to be creative. The salary is unlimited, depends on the level of the company, starts from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Etiquette Specialist. This direction has received a second life. A person who gives private etiquette lessons receives 70–100 thousand rubles.
  3. Politician. This profession also belongs to the category of humanitarian, there is no upper limit.

The highest paid job in Moscow

In the capital and regions, the level of salaries differs significantly. Muscovites receive about twice as much. What professions of capital residents are considered the highest paid:

  • IT specialist;
  • lawyer;
  • tax officer;
  • accountant;
  • marketing specialists;
  • auditor;
  • production manager.

Highly paid professions in the world

Each country creates certain socio-economic conditions. This also affects the formation of the list of highly paid professions in the world. It includes:

  • doctors: surgeons, anesthesiologists, dentists, etc. - 150-180 thousand dollars per year;
  • managing managers of the highest levels - an annual salary of $ 135,000;
  • airline pilots - $134,000;
  • market analysts - $111,000;
  • lawyers - $11,000;
  • IT specialists - $105,000;
  • advertising managers - $100,000;
  • breeders, genetic engineers - $97,000.

Professions of the future

Some time will pass, but IT-specialists, engineers, technicians will still be in demand. It is still difficult to predict how the level of wages will change in the future. According to experts, after 3–5 years, the following areas will become more popular:

  • scientists (biologists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians);
  • doctors;
  • aircraft designers;
  • professions in the field of nano- and biotechnologies;
  • rocket and space industry engineers;
  • builders;
  • professions related to the design and laying of roads;
  • shipbuilders;
  • test pilots.


Remember yourself in your youth, when after school you were faced with the choice of which institution of higher education you should choose to continue further education. Have you always pursued the goal of making good money and securing a stable future for yourself? Or maybe you longed to get a profession for the soul? A person was created for a good life, and if you share this opinion, the time has come to retrain and, after getting acquainted with the list of the most profitable professions in Russia, choose a more suitable occupation for yourself.

Profession "leader"

They say that leaders are not made, but born. Only a small percentage of Russians can feel like a company director, but it's worth the risk if you feel that this is really your calling. In Russia, the profession of director (of course, not a school director) is the highest paid. See for yourself on the example of average salaries in the country:

From heaven to earth: top 10 profitable professions

In order to make good money, it is not at all necessary to be born a Rockefeller or be a thief in law. And not everyone can become the head of the Investment Bank. The ability to direct one's forces and full dedication to one's favorite business is always generously paid. Despite the fact that for 2016-2017. the average salary in Russia is only 20 thousand rubles, a small percentage of narrowly focused specialists can always earn several tens of times more. Don't believe? Then check out the list of the most profitable professions in Russia with a description of the activity and the minimum wage.

Surely everyone today is trying to eat not only in order to satisfy the basic needs of the stomach, but also to get at least minimal pleasure from eating. That is why establishments where you can have a delicious meal are often chosen as a frequent place for meetings and holding various events. The most talented chefs today often surpass musicians and actors in popularity. The main thing is to show imagination in cooking and attract the attention of visitors to the establishment. Thus, today's chef can become the owner of a luxury restaurant, which will book a table months in advance.

To any large organization Logisticians are required today. A person of this specialty develops a route from the manufacturing organization to the point of cargo acceptance. It is important for the logistician to ensure that the goods are not idle, so good computer skills are always welcome. Doubt about wages logistician? Imagine the volume of goods with which the company works, and doubts will immediately dissipate.

Minimum salary: 45 thousand rubles.

They say that toothache is the most terrible in the world, so dental masters never remain without clients. It is important to get a narrow specialization and engage, for example, only in the examination of the oral cavity, the installation of a bracket system, caries treatment. Build a clientele for yourself and be sure that without your help they will not be able to live a single day.

Despite the fact that Chief Accountant company occupies a very modest place after the director, the success of the enterprise depends precisely on the person involved in finance. Of course, we are talking about the legal salary, which, as a rule, is very high for accountants.

Minimum salary: 30 thousand rubles.

In the age of computer technology, a programmer is like an almighty person. A qualified professional can count on good earnings, because every day there are people who need to change the firmware on the phone, reinstall operating system Or at least put a rare program. A programmer can work either in a company or take orders remotely at home.

An auditor, like an accountant, is a person whose activities extend to managing the company's finances. Today, the responsibility of the auditor includes the audit of financial statements, the disposal of financial documentation, as well as consulting in this area.

Minimum salary: 35 thousand rubles.

The reputation of the company depends on valuable advice in the business environment, so no one skimps on the salary of such specialists. The task of a business consultant is to find the most beneficial solution to a given situation. Often, people of this profession also master teaching activities and act as a speaker at business trainings and seminars.

Minimum salary: 40 thousand rubles.

An information technology specialist, or “IT specialist” for short, is the most revered employee in any structure. If you have a basic technical education, you are eligible to apply for this position, taking responsibility for maintaining the database.

Minimum salary: 60 thousand rubles.

No wonder oil is called “black gold”, because it is the workers in this industry who, as a rule, are underground millionaires. In connection with the need for constant production in the oil and gas industry, personnel are selected most carefully and generously paid for their work.

Minimum salary: 60 thousand rubles.

Without exaggeration, the success of the company as a whole depends on a good manager of the organization. A good manager should be able to distribute the work of all employees of the company and, if necessary, take over their load. Purposeful people will cope with the task even without special education.

Minimum salary: 100 thousand rubles.

The highest paid professions in Russia

If you think that the salary of dentists, managers and IT specialists is not for you, and you are born for more, it's time to find out who, with their real work, becomes a millionaire in a matter of years. Instead of lyrical digressions, you should go straight to the numbers. First, you should give up the belief that people from show business are the richest people. It's no secret that even with excellent parameters it is quite difficult to become an actress, model, and singer. It's a matter of chance and connections. Real money can only be earned with your own mind.

The managing director of an investment bank makes three million a year. And not dollars, but rubles! This is the highest paid profession in Russia in 2016, which only a small percentage of applicants can apply for, but it’s still worth a try.

People involved in obtaining and processing oil products are never poor, especially the leaders of this environment, who receive two million dollars a year (but it is impossible for an ordinary person to get into this position through an interview). Any manager can become a millionaire, the main thing is to correctly distribute the workload of employees, monitor the activities of the entire company and have patience. Understand for yourself that you can become the owner of the most highly paid profession in Russia, the main thing is to want it!


You can just work, or you can work to earn money. But where can you find such a job? Are there professions in demand for men that will provide for a family, help save up for a vacation and become a guarantor of a good future? Let's figure it out.

At present, the boundary between the so-called female and male professions is almost invisible. If earlier the professions in demand for boys and girls were outlined by their specificity, today this is not the case. But just recently, a woman could work in several professions, and the entrance, for example, to engineers was categorically closed to her. But still, these limits exist. Most often, men choose professions associated with the use of intelligence and physical strength, associated with risk, with effort and overcoming.

Demanded professions for men are professions where stress resistance, courage, determination, the ability to make a decision quickly, effort and quick reaction would be useful. Therefore, in such professions as policemen, firefighters, oil workers, pilots, rescuers, the majority of workers are men.

The most demanded profession for men

What professions are in demand for men now in the top? Among the most popular, in the first place, of course, are IT specialists. Everything related to the field of programming, system administration, application development is very perspective job for any male intellectual, versed in modern technology. Most of the professionals in these fields are men. In IT, in general, what is not a job is a very popular profession for a man and very well paid. In the near future, the demand for such specialists will steadily grow. Qualified IT-specialists are valued not only at home, but they are willingly invited to work by foreign employers. Even novice specialists will not remain unemployed, the demand in the market is very high.

In demanded professions for boys who today enter educational establishments, includes the profession of a bank employee, financier. Financial analysts, credit specialists, anti-crisis managers, stock market specialists, these specialties are among the most prestigious. in banks, in investment companies– experienced workers are required everywhere. This is an excellent and respectable choice for men, allowing you to realize your mind and personal qualities.

A sufficiently demanded profession for a man is the specialty of a lawyer. It requires a long study and not just anyhow, but preferably "excellent". It's also a great way to be successful. Unfortunately, the number of applicants for the position is large, but if you are different from other men, then you have prospects in the legal industry.

The profession of an SMM specialist is gaining popularity. These are people who are engaged in the promotion of any projects on social networks. Many companies are now actively entering the Internet space and are mastering this method of promotion. This is not yet such a sought-after profession, but very soon it will become one. Therefore, it gives a great chance to prove yourself and become a rare valuable specialist.

Traditional in-demand professions for men

Technical specialties, engineers, builders. Now there is a lot of active construction, even at the state level they support the construction industry. Originally male scope. High-altitude fitters, masons, welders - you rarely meet women among them. After all, here we need more physical strength beyond the engineering mindset. The demand for the technical elite - engineers, architects, designers is now greater than ever, and is constantly growing. This is due to a certain unpopularity for some time of work in the field of real production. The decline in the number of people wishing to study in these specialties has led to the fact that the demand for engineers now greatly exceeds supply. And now the demand for highly skilled workers is also growing, in general, these are now almost characters from the Red Book, although the need for them is great.

Modern demanded professions for men

A very popular profession for men is a manager. It's a lot of specializations. Managers work in advertising, in sales, in almost all areas of the national economy, from production to trade and the service sector. Not required for this profession. higher education although it would be an advantage. Natural business ability is important here.

Special mention should be made of sales managers. Men who choose this specialty must be ambitious, purposeful and tenacious. This is not such an easy profession, because you need to constantly be persuasive, communicate with people all the time, decide contentious issues. Profits in the field of trade are very good.

Remained from ancient times in the top of the most sought-after professions for men and the wonderful profession of a doctor. Doctors are always needed. Men work in surgery, dentistry, traumatology, cardiology and many other medical specialties. This is one of the most courageous and noble professions.

Marketer. They develop a sales strategy, organize advertising campaigns. Men work effectively in this area.

And this is not a complete list of professions for men. But these are some of the most popular.

Three decades ago, all the boys dreamed of becoming astronauts, pilots, policemen. It was believed that these were exclusively male professions, while the educator or teacher was female.

At present, the situation has changed in some way, and the representatives of the stronger sex are happy to work, it would seem, in fields of activity unusual for them, such as, for example, cooking or sewing fashionable clothes. At the same time, today a huge number of women do not consider it shameful to choose male professions, in particular, a trolleybus driver or a security guard at an enterprise.

Why is there a division of labor into "male" and "female"

This is how it happened historically. The man was traditionally perceived as a protector, earner and farmer. He was well developed physically, so he could perform hard work. Representatives were positioned as the keepers of the hearth and educators of children. Time passed, the range of spheres of activity expanded, but no one dared to challenge the principle of division of labor.

In other words, no one has canceled the division into male and female professions.

What kind of activities do men do?

The strong sex is involved in ensuring the country's defense capability, public order, automotive, metallurgy, chemical and oil and gas industry. In other words, power engineers, miners, drivers, police officers, sailors, firefighters - these are the most "male" professions. At the same time, one should not forget that in the fields of construction and rail transport mainly representatives of the stronger sex are involved. Workers working in conditions of hazardous production are also mostly men. What professions do they prefer today? Modern men's professions are represented by a business area that brings a stable profit. However, one should not think that all representatives of the stronger sex set themselves exclusively selfish goals. Today, male professions are a surgeon, a dentist, and an orthopedist.

Rating of the most demanded professions

“Well, what man does not dream of becoming a deputy, minister or even president?” - you ask.

Of course, a logical answer follows from this question: “Everyone dreams of this.” What are the popular professions for men today? The list begins just with those related to public administration.

"Men of State"

Today, the people's choice is a "tasty" profession for a man. At the same time, modern representatives of the stronger sex prefer to work not only in demanded, but also in highly paid areas of activity.

Creative people

So, what are these male professions? The list is as follows: singer, musician, writer, actor, screenwriter, director. Here, of course, talent is needed, otherwise success in the above field cannot be achieved.

"Popular" activities

However, do not forget about the traditional "profitable" specialties. We are talking about the fact that, as before, young students dream of the work of an economist, lawyer, banker, accountant, manager. Today is the age of computer technology, and many men prefer to work in the field software, telecommunications and creating innovative applications.

Of course, a programmer is a generalized field of activity, which implies a huge number of specializations: 1C programmer, web programmer, designer programmer, and so on.

culinary arts

Another profession in demand among the stronger sex is the chef. "Is it a man's job to mess around in the kitchen?" - you ask. Did you know that the majority of culinary professionals are men? Keep in mind that a cook is a multifaceted profession: he is also an accountant, because he must keep a calculation, fix an estimate, and an artist, because he needs to competently decorate a dish, and a mechanic, because he needs to be able to handle kitchen equipment.

Let's take a look at the statistics. Today, chefs - in the majority (82%) - are men. However, it should be noted that in recent years, male leaders in the field of catering have been replaced by representatives of the weaker sex.

One way or another, but the stronger sex does an excellent job with the duties in the kitchen, and if they are already aimed at preparing a savory dish, then rest assured that they will perform their task perfectly.

Scope of style creation

There is an opinion that the best specialists in creating an image and style come from men. We are talking about make-up artists, hairdressers, image makers. The stylist will always advise a person what to wear for a particular occasion, taking into account your preferred style, color and size. The above profession is in demand mainly in large metropolitan areas, where life is in full swing, and business people have absolutely no time to do their job. appearance. Today, famous actors, singers, politicians, businessmen are happy to use the services of experienced male stylists.

Traditionally male occupations

This point, of course, deserves the first place, since in these areas of activity, the representatives of the stronger sex fulfill their natural task: they save the health, life of people, protect the territorial integrity of the state.

First of all, we are talking about such professions as a policeman, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a firefighter, a representative of special forces and riot police, a sailor. Of course, you need to have remarkable courage, responsibility, courage, physical data in order to choose the above professions.


It should be noted that in our country there is also a rare male profession - dergal. What is this person doing? He collects algae, and the duration of his work is only three months a year.

In European countries, there is a vacancy for an explosive scuba diver. You need to have a certain courage and skill to lay mines deep under water. A person is working on the territory of the Frankfurt airport, whose duties include washing aircraft. An equine nutritionist is doing a very unusual job. His task is to follow the correct diet of Savraskas. And how do you like the profession - a consultant on rare names? He helps parents choose an extraordinary and unusual name for their children, his services are quite expensive. Abroad, even periodically opens a vacancy for the position of an observer for the work of strippers. One can only imagine how many men responded to it, especially since a very serious salary is offered for such a “non-dusty” job - $ 10,000 a month.

The rarest

Did you know that there is the rarest male profession?

It is called the "caretaker of the paradise island." The vacancy appeared at a time when it was necessary to raise the popularity of holidays on exotic islands. One travel agency announced a competition for the position of "caretaker", who was supposed to live on one of the Australian islands for six months, playing golf, swimming in the pool, photographing the surrounding nature. He should report on the results of the work done in his blog. As a result, the company managed to find a suitable candidate for the position of "caretaker". In six months, a man earned $ 100,000. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the rarest male profession is a dream for many.

Men can do everything: give birth, run a country, bake pies, write music, make laughs, build rackets, do hair, create religions. This means that the list male professions endless.

However, men very rarely like routine work. Men love to take risks and create, invent new things, explore the mysteries of nature. They are subject to highly abstract thinking and highly intellectual humor. They are aggressive. They are physically strong. They are better than women in hardware. And what does all this mean?

The most masculine profession

This means that an engineer, physicist, philosopher, firefighter, policeman, carpenter, boatswain, pilot, foreman, bonker, composer, programmer, cook, surgeon, stuntman, rescuer, pilot are, as a rule, the most masculine professions.

However, any profession is really subject to men. Men can work perfectly not only with their heads, but also with their hands. Male working professions live in the construction, manufacturing, transport, cultural, and agricultural sectors.

In real life, there is no time for romance. A man needs to earn money, and he is forced to look towards the most sought-after male professions (they are also the most popular professions). And this, as a rule, is a variety of engineering, information Technology, sales, logistics, catering, aviation, business, sports.

What profession to choose a man

There are many professions, and you are one. Maybe you like several professions. But you have to choose. Choosing a profession from everything in the world is a real job, and not just like that. If you don't go there, you'll lose years.

To determine which profession is right for you, we offer you 7 steps, after which you can choose a profession for yourself. We also offer