Iq test in Sberbank reviews. Testing of Sberbank for senior positions

Gentlemen, I was going to write for a long time, and now, finally, there was time ... I worked in all of us "favorite" Sberbank for almost 2 years (Thank God I quit on time), so let's start in order ...

1. Test when applying for a job.
This is something, I will probably remember all my life, 400 questions about nothing and nothing ... Tests for visual logic, etc. I think many people went through this, given that a couple of months after my successful placement, they began to hire people who simply did not know how to speak Russian, why all this was necessary is not known ...

2. Communal.
Here, I think, I won’t say anything particularly new, but still I’ll throw my barrel of tar. I have a high typing speed and great attentiveness, I punched 800-900 (!) Receipts a day. Partners, grandmothers of retirement age, many times less. Logically, I thought that the better you work, the more you get paid. And now the time has come for the first prize, and how much I was surprised when the grandmothers of retirement age received many times more than me.

I still can’t understand the meaning of the complaint book, there were a huge number of complaints about the work of the entire branch, there were also thanks, both for me personally and for the work of the entire branch. For the most banal complaint from the series "you always have a line here" they were deprived of an average of 20% of the bonus, for gratitude, of course, there was nothing (thank God, at least nothing was deprived).

3. Checkout.
And now the big day has come! I finally became a senior cashier... Happiness was short-lived. I had to come to work by 6.30 in the morning, the first month in the evening I sat until 23.00, sometimes longer ... Sometimes I had to work 2-3 days in a row, taking into account the fact that I had to go home a little more than an hour. The happiness from the promotion was immediately forgotten when I had to work 3 shifts in a row. And it seemed that everything would be fine, you just need to be patient a little, but here the most interesting thing began ... A trifle ... A lot of trifles. Approximately 6-7 shipping bags per day. She still gives me my worst nightmares. Vagabonds and alcoholics, ancient old men and intelligent-looking young people, ALL OF THEM CARRIED CHARACTER BAGS! They did not replenish the contribution with it, did not pay for the communal apartment, they simply carried it to change, and it was impossible to refuse, under pain of 100% deprivation of the bonus.

The communal cashiers were constantly changing, because of them again I had to sit at work until late at night. There was always no connection, they promised to change the system printer from the first day of my work, but they never did. Heads of departments in the central branch do not know anything, there is one answer to any question, see the regulations, constant checks, delays in bonuses, and, well, the most important moment for all the time of my work.

The alarm is broken. The repair team's shift has already ended, and of course Sberbank does not have a team on duty for such cases, calls at the department ended with the order "Spend the night at work and guard the safe." But we have to pay tribute, we were sent a guard, I really find it difficult to say how many days in a row until this moment he was on a drinking binge. Who immediately fell asleep ... And it was not clear who to fear more, the robbers or the guard, who could begin an attack of delirium tremens. The night passed, everything was forgotten, but most importantly, our "beloved" Sberbank did not pay me a penny for this ...

4. Dismissal.
And finally, the really great day has come. On a day off on the phone, I had a little argument with the manager, spat on everything, bought a sick leave and came to work with him and the application ... 3 days signed a bypass sheet ... Another 2 weeks I waited for the calculation ...

And the only small bright spot in this whole story is the team. Of course, there were small quarrels and squabbles, but I will never say anything bad about these people.

P.S. Ladies and Gentlemen, don't be afraid to quit Sberbank.

In our time, employers in order to determine the choice of specialists, are increasingly resorting to the use of tests. Sberbank was no exception. This institution is quite prestigious and almost every person dreams of working in it. But not everyone can do it, because not many have it.

However, the majority is still trying to get at least some place in Sberbank, since in the future the employers of this banking organization promise career growth and wage increases. In addition, the bank's staff has the opportunity to receive material assistance, support in the learning process and a preferential lending rate. In case of accidents, medical insurance is paid by the bank in full. Agree, it's tempting.

How is the recruitment of employees in Sberbank

Sberbank almost always requires such specialists as:

  • Operator;
  • Cashier;
  • Operationist.

These are not very prestigious professions, but for people who aspire to work in a bank, this aspect is not so important. It's no secret that many people dream of not only getting a job at Sberbank, but also getting places such as an accountant, manager or broker. They are very prestigious, but, unfortunately, people for such professions are recruited by the head. Therefore, you need to carefully figure out what needs to be done in order to find yourself at work at Sberbank.

Initially, you need to fill out a questionnaire and resume, which will then go to the bank. If these documents comply, a person is invited for testing.

What you need to know to work at Sberbank

To get a job in this banking institution, first of all, you need to pass an interview. This will provide an opportunity to express yourself and show all your best qualities, such as competence in issues that often arise in the banking sector, communication skills and others.

At the interview, you will be taken by a large number of employees in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat kind of work you can handle and what kind of work you will not yet succumb to.

Before sending you to an interview, the recruiting manager will give you special tests to solve. Why is this, you ask? The fact is that testing when applying for a job at Sberbank is mandatory.

What exactly is the testing process?

  • Solving several problems and examples in mathematics (school level);
  • Filling out a special form.

After passing this group screening, you will be directed to participate in a face-to-face interview. After it, you will be asked to fill out another questionnaire, but in an extended version than the previous one.

Why does Sberbank conduct testing

The tests that the management of Sberbank offers to solve for candidates for a vacancy have a specific purpose. They are designed to identify certain qualities that are very important for productive work in the position for which the candidate has views.

There are several types of tests:

  • Personal, able to identify a feature in behavior, the ability to adapt to various conditions, recognize a person's social skills;
  • The intellectual test is aimed at assessing professional suitability and diagnosing personal qualities;
  • Linguistic - reveals the candidate's knowledge of foreign languages. Since English is used for business communication, the future employee must have a thorough command of it in order to do an excellent job.

Don't hesitate to take tests. They do not need to be afraid, this is a simple formality, during which the employer gets to know you in more detail.

In addition to tests, when applying to Sberbank for a job as an accountant, the candidate will have to answer several questions that will relate to the education he received. These questions will allow the employer to figure out how high the applicant's level of intelligence development is.

However, you must always remember that it is at the testing stage that the bulk of applicants are weeded out. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for this particular procedure.

No one says that the interview is much easier, but initially the candidate confirms his erudition, mathematical skills and intelligence.

What should be prepared for testing?

The tests offered to candidates for a position at Sberbank are simple. Recently, applicants are increasingly being assessed through the use of a psychological test. Knowledge is checked by the usual numerical examples and tests for the concept of instructions.

Tests sometimes change, more precisely, the one who creates them changes. Therefore, the candidate must still prepare by remembering and repeating mathematical functions and operations that are basic.

What about psychological tests? After all, it is almost impossible to prepare for them. That is why experts advise to sincerely answer, since a lie will be immediately visible to a professional.

All other tests must be carefully prepared. And the point is not that testing is difficult, no, but very little time is given for it, only 15 minutes. Therefore, in order to be in time, you need to know as much as possible.

What questions are asked most often in tests

If you want to know what kind of questions the tests in Sberbank contain, then you can find a sample of testing when applying for a job. These won't be exact questions, of course, but you'll have an idea of ​​what you'll be facing.

Since you will only have 20 seconds to solve one problem, it will be better if you familiarize yourself with all the tasks in advance. It is possible that some example will come across to you, and you will already know the answer, which will save time for solving other questions.

The found tests, numerical and verbal, will provide an opportunity to work out your skills. This, in turn, will help you become a leader in the testing process for Sberbank.

An interview for a position in a bank differs from others in that a serious check awaits the applicant. In order to successfully pass an interview at Sberbank, what questions are asked and how to answer them, it is worth studying the topic based on feedback from former and current employees, applicants and general recommendations from HR managers. At the end of the article you will find materials from the test for bank employees and for applicants - these materials will help you get an idea of ​​​​testing.

You should be prepared for the fact that during a personal conversation, recruiters will be interested in your personal and professional qualities.

When applying for any position in each enterprise, the applicant is tested in order to have an idea about the person, to understand how ready he is for such work and whether he will be useful to the company. The conversation itself can be divided into a number of stages:

  • The first step is to communicate with the HR manager. Usually, the latter does not know the specifics of the position and professional nuances. Therefore, the manager will be more interested in the social adaptability of the applicant in order to determine the degree of activity, purposefulness and life position of a person. At this stage, inactive people who do not know how to show themselves are weeded out.
  • The second stage involves an interview with a specialist. They can be an ordinary employee holding a similar position, a senior operator, a deputy head of a department in which a person wants to get a job. During the conversation, professional skills, level of training, and experience are clarified.
  • The final stage of testing takes place with the immediate supervisor or director of the branch. Here, the importance is given to how ready a person is to work, whether he understands the scope of duties, whether he is ready to fulfill them, how ambitious he is, what his expectations from the enterprise are, whether he is ready to develop the company, make suggestions for improving work.

An interview at a banking institution takes place in three stages

The division is conditional and does not always happen that way. Surprises are possible, you need to be prepared for this. For example, a personnel manager may well turn out to be a specialist in the banking sector and he may be interested in your professional training, and the boss himself will talk “for life” in order to understand how a person will fit into an established team.

What questions are asked and what do you need to know?

You need to study a lot of materials in order to pass an interview at Sberbank: what questions are asked, video instructions and tips from HR managers, take personal growth trainings that give confidence and teach you how to present yourself.

But you can't be fully prepared. Something may not happen according to the instructions and the applicant will need to be resourceful, use logic or ingenuity in order to get out of the situation with dignity. Therefore, you should just study the standard questionnaire and be ready for it. However, it is worth knowing that tricky tests that are not on the lists may also come across. In order not to blunder, it is better to outline a specific line of behavior in advance and stick to it.

To demonstrate your willingness to work in a banking structure, you need to study additional information about the bank

The entire list of interview questions at Sberbank can be conditionally divided into several sub-items:

  1. Personal. They relate to age, marital status, place of residence, hobbies, hobbies.
  2. Professional. The employer will be interested in the length of service, professional skills, job responsibilities at the previous job, additional experience and skills (even if they do not relate to the chosen position), the reason for leaving the previous enterprise or looking for a new job.
  3. Financial. What salary a person received earlier, what he expects now, whether he is ready to work for the salary intended for this position.
  4. Strategic. Is the applicant ready to build a career in the banking sector or is this a temporary occupation, how does he plan to improve his professional level, is he ready to take on increased responsibilities, what does he aspire to, what are his ultimate goals when working in a banking institution, where does he see himself in a certain future (after 5 years, 10 years).

How to successfully pass an interview at Sberbank?

Depending on the stage of the interview and the position you are looking for at Sberbank, you may be required to pass tests, group or individual testing, all this will require certain knowledge and skills. But you should always remember about the general approaches to testing in large companies, about this in the next video.

Test questions in Sberbank (download)

Testing is already a familiar procedure for many, but no less stressful. We have prepared for you a list of tests, divided into 4 blocks. After reading them, you will certainly feel more confident in a personal meeting and will be able to think over the answers in advance.

Additionally, a general psychological testing of 50 questions is presented, which is used in practice.

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Sberbank is a commercial bank, but its controlling stake is owned by the Central Bank, which, however, makes it even more attractive to depositors thanks to direct state support. Sberbank is attractive not only to depositors, but also to young professionals who seek to arrange their career in a prestigious bank, but first you need to pass Sberbank tests when applying for a job. Savings banks in Russia worked before the revolution, after it they continued to function as labor savings banks, there was also the Sberbank of the USSR, after which it was reorganized into the Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

Now Sberbank is the largest financial institution in Europe, the bank's assets account for a third of the assets of the Russian banking sector, the share of Sberbank is almost half of private deposits, the loan portfolio is almost 40 percent of all loans to the population of the Russian Federation. The bank's assets for 2014 are 25 trillion rubles, the number of employees is 330 thousand people.

The branch network covers all regions of Russia, many neighboring countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine). Geographically, Sberbank is divided into Baikal, Volga, West Siberian, Far Eastern, Moscow, Ural, Central Russian, Northern, Central Black Earth banks. There are subsidiaries of Sberbank in Europe and the CIS countries, these are Sberbank Switzerland, Europe, Serbija, subsidiaries in the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.

How I got a job at Sberbank. They invited me to a chic new building on the Moscow highway in the city of Samara. It is comparable in size to the Spaceport. A huge parking lot and a checkpoint gave importance to the place. At the entrance - large letters CSKO "Rook". Gathered in the assembly hall 60 people. And only then they announced the conditions of work. Salary dirty 24 thousand. On hand 21000. 3 months of work with a mentor. There are quarterly bonuses - 50% and annual - 100% of the salary. And then the tests began ... I could not understand why the position "Working with written appeals from citizens" required solving mathematical problems. (Example: There are 35 pencils in two boxes, 8 more in one box. How many in each box?)

Or strange, for example, If the horizon is a horizontal line, then the floor is ....

Bread weighs a kilogram and half a loaf more. How much does bread weigh?

A lot of tasks for attentiveness (The letters of the alphabet are mixed - find which letter is missing. Or numbers up to 26 are mixed - find which number is missing.

A whole page with jumbled lines of letters. In 4 minutes you need to find among them and circle the words (as many as possible).

Ask a few with English words. It is necessary to specify - How many absolutely identical pairs of words.

Then they asked to continue the logical series of numbers - 18,14,16,15,14,16 ....

On page A4, write an ESSAY in 25 lines on five proposed topics (examples: "People who travel a lot by nature are more ....", "More and more people prefer to shop in online stores", "Write a message to the descendants of the 3rd millennium" ....). Tasks - write without errors, with a breakdown of the test into an introductory part, content and final part.

The whole sheet is given for the same type of task of the type: A is 9 times more than B, and B is less than C by 4. Answer options are A more than C, A less than C. Further, only numbers and signs more and less are saved in the task letters.

I also remembered - At the factory for the collection of toy tractors, there are 2 boxes with large and small wheels (so many pieces). Question - how many tractors can be assembled?

Several cars were made at the plant for the amount of ...... .. (I don’t remember), then they were sold for the amount of ... (I don’t remember), which is 500 rubles more than the cost of each car. How many cars have been sold?

Working with figures from squares - which figure is superfluous. All were from 4 squares, and one of 5.

Find an extra word: Bag, wallet, zipper, book.

How many letters A and I are in the poem below (4 lines). List the numbers separately.

All given 1.5 hours. During the day, the “lucky ones” were promised to call back. I was confused by only one thing - to a specific question about a three-month internship - there was no specific answer: “Are we sure they will be paid for the first 3 months?”, Answer: “They will tell you at the interview with the manager.”

Bottom line: There are a lot of letters on the Internet, from visitors of this “Ladya” center, like me, for the purpose of testing. And each was in a group of 60 people. Question: How many vacancies are actually open with Sberbank? Why regularly round up people in droves and give hope? How objective are these tests?

PS/ I sent several responses with "hh" to numerous vacancies posted by Sberbank. The response came from the lowest paid. Others have not even been viewed by the employer. Are these vacancies a "Potemkin village" or a social order ...

Sberbank is a large and serious bank that constantly needs specialists. Work in it is a tempting offer both for students and graduates, and for those with experience in the banking sector. In order to be hired, you need to pass an interview at Sberbank. How the interview goes and how to prepare - this will be discussed further.

How to pass an interview for a consultant at Sberbank

The vacancy for a consultant remains the most vacant at Sberbank. This is entry level. Then you can get into sales managers. The bank monitors its reputation - it needs true professionals in their field, which implies a serious selection.

An interview at Sberbank for a consultant and subsequent employment takes place in several stages:

  • Interview with the HR manager. It often takes place in a group form and ends with a test that screens out most of the applicants.
  • Interview with a specialist.
  • Passing an internship for training.
  • Actually, the beginning of this work for the "survivors".

Not everyone will be able to go through this difficult path, but let's start from the very beginning. Before you pass an interview at Sberbank as a consultant, you should prepare well, otherwise you can ruin everything at the very beginning. It seems that being a consultant is easy, but it is not. It is necessary to have sufficient knowledge, patience, the ability to communicate with a variety of types of people. For preparation, it is better to know in advance how the interview at Sberbank goes, what questions will be asked, what future responsibilities are.

The first stage of a career at Sberbank

Before being interviewed at Sberbank for a consultant, the applicant fills out a questionnaire and provides a resume. Then he is waiting for the subsequent execution of all the above items. The HR manager usually asks superficial questions at an interview at Sberbank, allowing you to determine how confident and purposeful you are. After that, testing will be required.

How specialists are selected

Testing is a popular modern way of identifying unsuitable candidates. How to pass an interview at Sberbank on a test? Look for such tests online on the Internet - many banking companies use them to determine the sufficient intelligence, mathematical skills and erudition of a future employee.

Interview questions at Sberbank in tests are used of a psychological nature, tests for the ability to understand instructions and solve numerical examples.

The mass interview at Sberbank has also become permanent, because there are a lot of people who want to get a job. In this case, first everyone introduces themselves, then they can show some situation and ask to solve it. How to pass such a task? It is important to show goodwill, communication skills with the highest respect for the client.

An interview at Sberbank for the position of a consultant takes place in several stages, one of which is testing

Interview questions and answers

An interview with a specialist is an even more serious stage.

Questions asked at an interview at Sberbank when communicating with a specialist may be of a personal or professional nature:

  • What is leasing, liquidity, shares, bills, bonds?
  • If the ruble falls, is it good or bad?
  • Why do you want to get a job at Sberbank? Plans for the future (career growth)?

Answers to an interview at Sberbank should be clear, concise, and to the point. If you are an expert in your field (albeit a student), finding answers will not be difficult. Of course, knowing what questions will be asked at the interview at Sberbank, it will be easier to pass it.

It is often suggested to play a role-playing game, such as selling a deposit to an imaginary client. You need to be ready for this as well.

All questions and answers at an interview at Sberbank cannot be predicted - they can differ significantly, depending on who conducts it and what position they hold. If you want to get a job as a consultant in a bank, they usually don’t burden you with financial definitions. It is more important for such a candidate to pass the test and be able to show goodwill and customer focus.

Feedback on the interview

Before you pass an interview at Sberbank, you can search for reviews about it on the Internet. They are very different, because they also depend on the employee conducting the interview. But it’s better to be ready for anything - studying them will come in handy. Also on the network there are descriptions of how an interview is held at a Sberbank for a consultant in the first person.

Feedback on the interview at Sberbank and what questions the applicant is asked are quite contradictory, it all depends on the desired position and the manager conducting this interview

Questions of a personal nature are also asked by the Bank's security service. What are your relatives doing? Where do you live? What is the valuable property? Is there a car, etc. They can check your credit history and criminal record. Work with money will not be trusted to suspicious individuals.

Requirements for applicants to work in Sberbank

Having passed an interview at Sberbank for a consultant, the trainee begins a long and difficult journey of learning. In the process, you get the necessary skills, learn how to communicate with clients, get to know banking products in more detail, etc. The vacancy is not easy, so before you settle for it, you should know what to be prepared for.

The main responsibilities of a consultant in Sberbank:

  • Sale of banking services and products (mobile banking, auto payment, online deposits). Be sure to fulfill the given norm, and it is better to overfulfill.
  • Conducting explanatory work with the client about working with self-service devices. It is necessary to be able to explain what their advantage is and how to use them - often the consultant just has to do everything for the client.
  • It will also be necessary to offer the Bank's visitors the products or services of the day.
  • Meet the client, clarify the purpose of the visit and escort him to the right specialist (spend most of it "on his feet").

How to make a career in Sberbank

Requirements for the applicant:

  • ability to use Microsoft Word and Excel programs, Outlook e-mail and Internet browser Explorer;
  • the ability to communicate with people and find a common language with them;
  • readiness for a high pace of work;
  • stress resistance;
  • friendliness and ability to help

If you meet these requirements and are ready to fulfill the specified duties, your chances of successfully completing an interview at Sberbank are quite high.


Thus, before you pass an interview at Sberbank, you need to prepare well. Knowing how the interview at Sberbank goes, it will be much easier to pass it. Since Sberbank is a serious bank, you will have to prepare carefully and purposefully. Pass several tests online, look for videos with similar interviews, repeat the materiel.

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Stages of employment and tests of Sberbank

Sberbank is one of the world's leading banks not only in terms of capitalization, it adheres to the same corporate rules as other international companies. For applicants, this means that you need to fill out a questionnaire, attach a resume to it, and if the data suits HR managers, the candidate will move on to the testing stage, and after that there will be one or more interviews.

If our fellow citizens are already accustomed to interviews and various “tricky” questions, then tests at Sberbank when applying for a job cause certain difficulties. It is important that the main "screening out" of applicants occurs precisely with the help of tests, and then, to the interview stage, no more than a third of candidates pass. Interviews are also not a simple “walk”, but first you need to confirm your intelligence, erudition, mathematical skills, etc.

Tests: what to prepare for?

At Sberbank, the tests are not very difficult, more precisely, they are no more difficult than the tasks used by Big 4 companies and other multinational corporations. In recent years, Sberbank HR specialists have been assessing candidates using psychological tests, and using numerical examples and tests for understanding instructions to test general and specialized knowledge.

Tests for working at Sberbank may change, or rather, their creators may change, but the direction itself remains. If there are tasks in mathematics, then the candidate does not care who formed them, he needs to prepare, remember the basic mathematical functions and operations.

It is possible and necessary to prepare for mathematics, professional tests, but what about psychological testing? Experts themselves say that it is better to answer truthfully, since insincerity will manifest itself anyway, especially when you need to draw geometric shapes, “recognize” some images in blurry spots, and it is problematic to understand exactly how a non-specialist should answer.

It is not only possible for numerical, professional tests - you need to prepare, otherwise the result will most likely be unsatisfactory. Sberbank does not overcomplicate testing itself, but the main problem is lack of time. More than thirty tasks are given for solving, the time limit is fifteen minutes, that is, less than half a minute for an answer. The same conditions apply to professional tests.

Examples of Sberbank test questions

Testing tasks are not very difficult for an educated person, but they will have to be solved in the mind or extremely quickly calculated on a piece of paper, a calculator. Twenty seconds to answer - this is enough for a simple example, but not enough for a long reflection, sorting through memories from school textbooks, etc.

For example, there is a task that says that in five days the courier was allocated 66 dollars, one of his trips costs six dollars. Q: How many trips did he make per day on average? There are also five answer options that are close in meaning, so just picking up a number will not work. In general, the task is very simple, because you just need to divide 66 by five, and the resulting figure by another six. Can you answer in 20 seconds? It is possible, and if you count without hesitation, then some margin will remain for other issues.

Other tests when applying for a job at Sberbank are called tests for understanding instructions, and this name hides verbal tests common in foreign companies mixed with understanding real instructions for office equipment, computers, etc.

So, in one task it is said that checking the text with the help of computer programs does not allow to avoid all errors, since the program corrects possible typographical errors without meaning, although it is undoubtedly useful. After the computer, you should double-check the text yourself. Q: Why is verification necessary? The answer options indicate that the program may miss an error, it may change the word to another, or this is a new “raw” technology. The answer is quite simple if you carefully read the text and the answer options. Verbal tests from SHL or Talent Q are more difficult, since there each statement must be evaluated as "true", "false" or "little data".

The fact that you need to know mathematical operations (fractions, percentages, simple equations) is not worth talking about - this is understandable. It is also clear that one must have a good command of the subject of one's specialization, based on an open vacancy.

I must say that even with the "five" in higher mathematics, it is better to practice solving numerical examples, focusing on time. That is, at home, you should set the time one example less or as much as in real testing, then the level of both tests and the abilities of the applicant himself will become clear.

Separately, you should search the Internet for available numerical, verbal tests, possibly tasks in your specialty. Skills worked out on practice tests will make you a leader at the testing stage in Sberbank.

Best regards, team

How to pass an interview when applying for a position at Sberbank? This question is asked by everyone who wants to get a job in a bank. The proverb “meets by clothes” is very useful here.

Applicant's appearance

Clothing should look clean and tidy. Use perfume, but in moderation.

  • Men should wear a formal suit. Shirt and tie should not be bright (even if fashionable) colors. Elements of sports style - T-shirts, shorts, sneakers are not allowed.
  • Women are advised to familiarize themselves with the nuances of a business dress code and make-up. Too short skirts, translucent fabrics or revealing cutouts are not recommended. Do not go to extremes and try to impress with an outfit from a fashion boutique.

The most advantageous option is to wear clothes similar to the dress code accepted in the bank. The HR officer will accept such an applicant as part of an existing team.

A lot will depend on how you present yourself. A neat appearance, calm business attire, soft makeup, well-groomed hands with a calm color varnish, clear and competent speech using professional terms, the ability to conduct a conversation and the availability of pre-prepared documents - this is what they will pay attention to first of all.

Competent summary

The resume should be of interest to the employer, then he will send an invitation for an interview. This is the first opportunity to show yourself and stand out among other candidates for the position.

Your resume should contain information about your strengths, for example, about successful work experience in a similar position. If there is no such experience, then it is necessary to highlight the education that will be useful for future work.

Literacy and style of writing are of great importance. It is better if the text is written in a formal business style. Content is important - your resume should show the value you can bring to the organization.

Important qualities of a candidate:

  • Stress tolerance.
  • Workaholism.
  • Ability to work in a team.
  • Customer focus.
  • Accuracy.
  • Energy and activity.

Interview stages

When recruiting employees in such organizations, the personnel service conducts the selection of applicants more strictly, since there are a lot of applicants. The applicant must be prepared to answer questions, take a psychological test or lie detector test.

If you have a criminal record, a bad credit history, you are associated with dubious financial companies or individuals with a criminal record, then all this can lead to a refusal to work.

After you contact the department with an application, you will need to go through several stages of an interview:

  1. filling out a form with your details.
  2. personal communication, acquaintance, viewing informational materials. You will have to communicate with the HR manager, who usually does not understand the specifics of the position for which you are applying. His questions will be superficial in order to determine how purposeful, active, stubborn you are, what is your position in life. At this stage, they can say goodbye to an applicant who cannot present himself correctly and is inactive.
  3. passing a computer test for knowledge of basic economic terms and situations, logic, ingenuity. At this stage, there is a conversation with a specialist, that is, with an ordinary employee occupying a position of interest to you. It can also be a senior operator or deputy head of the department. During the conversation, it is worth talking about your professional skills, the level of preparation for such work, and your experience.
  4. personal communication with the head - the head or director of the branch. The main emphasis is on how ready a person is to work in a banking institution, whether he understands how much work is ahead, as well as what the applicant's expectations are and whether he is ready to make a significant contribution to the development of the company.
  5. passing an educational practice, which lasts no more than 5 days and is paid according to the contract (scholarship).

All these stages are conditional. Recruitment of certain employees in the company is carried out in different ways.

What questions to prepare for

You will be asked few economic questions , in most cases, the questions will be general.

  • Is it good that the ruble is falling or bad?
  • List all your strengths and all your weaknesses.
  • How did you study, do you have a red diploma?
  • Goals in life, where do you see yourself in the near future.
  • Tell us about yourself. Important facts from the biography that the applicant wishes to provide are an essential part of the interview. You don't have to go through your life step by step. You should briefly report on professional growth, qualifications and suitability for the chosen position. You can talk a little about family and hobbies.
  • What salary would you like to receive. About what numbers you should roughly count on is described in this article;
  • Why did you choose Sberbank? This question helps the employer to understand how much the applicant is interested in this particular organization, what plans he has. The answer should reflect an interest in banking, in a certain position. Be sure to mention that you want to build a career in this bank. Do not answer that you want to make money, it will make a negative impression.

You can also say that you consider this banking institution to be stable, reliable, that you want to become part of a promising bank team and succeed by applying your knowledge and experience.

Speech should be literate and concise, while you need to stay calm and friendly. You will definitely need to pass several tasks that will determine your professional suitability. It can be reading the balance sheet, compiling financial statements, role-playing.

All upcoming questions can be divided into several groups.

  • Personal (age, marital status, address of residence, hobbies and hobbies).
  • Professional. You need to interest the employer in your skills and abilities - job responsibilities at the previous place of work, additional experience, the reason for leaving the previous place of employment. The latter is necessary in order to determine whether the employee is conflicting and incompetent. The best answer should contain a positive review of the previous job, and the change of place is associated with the desire to fulfill oneself more fully and move on to a more interesting job.
  • Concerning wages. You will be asked how much you earned before, and how much you plan to receive while working at Sberbank.
  • About future work. The applicant will be asked how long he plans to work in the company, whether he is going to climb the career ladder, what are the final goals and how the employee sees himself after several years of work in the institution. A normal response should contain plans for career advancement in the company. This will allow the employer to see that the applicant is looking beyond today.

Why do many specialists look for work in Sberbank

You may be asked the same question in an interview. You need to know some points about the company's activities and read the feedback from employees in order to answer correctly.

  • Sberbank has a fairly high level of wages. The starting salary is not so high, but over time, wages increase significantly due to bonuses, bonuses and benefits. Therefore, experienced workers stay in this banking organization for a long time.
  • It is the largest bank in Russia, reliable and stable. Complies with labor laws. The salary of employees is charged on a plastic card. Paid sick leave, medical insurance, pension contributions. The employee bonus is calculated according to a certain algorithm.
  • Clear operating instructions. Each employee is informed about what to do in a given situation. The instruction sets out consumer service standards, clear algorithms for carrying out various banking operations.
  • Good education system. Conducted trainings and seminars for employees. Before performing certain operations, you need to pass special tests.
  • Each employee is responsible only for his own work.

What to prepare

Prepare a standard package of documents - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a completed resume, papers on obtaining primary and higher education (if available). If you have taken additional courses, certificates will not be superfluous.

For example, for the position of a consultant in Sberbank, it is enough to have any higher education. However, there is a difference whether you apply for a vacancy in Moscow and St. Petersburg, or in a small town. In the first case, you will need a diploma from an economic or financial university, and in the second, even a secondary education will do.

Features of working in Sberbank

We list the main nuances, based on the feedback from employees.

  • Large amount of work. Sometimes you have to perform several tasks at the same time, stay late or go out on weekends.
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