Build a gym. How much does it cost to open a gym: a business plan

First of all, you need to decide on the level of clientele that will visit your gym. There are 3 options: high income elite, middle class and budget option. To do this, you should objectively weigh your strengths and financial capabilities, since a budget gym can be opened in a basement or a large garage, but for elite clients you will need a spacious room “with all amenities”, including a sauna, a swimming pool and free parking. Depending on this, you will need to decide what kind of room, decoration and equipment will be required. It is better to register your business after a place is found and the market is studied.

When it becomes clear what kind of visitor the gym is designed for, you need to choose a place and calculate the local market. You need to choose an area based on population density, average age and income. If this is a sleeping area with stalinkas and Khrushchevs, in which pensioners mostly live, or the territory of warehouses and outbuildings, your business is doomed. Those who decide to open a gym should not hope to make super profits, even with active traffic. This is a medium-cost and medium-income business, which is completely dependent on the availability of visitors and has a seasonality. For example, during the holidays in the summer months, there is a decline in visits.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

Having decided which gym you want to open and choosing the appropriate place, you need to register with the tax office. You will also need permission from the fire department and SES. In the course of his activity in this field, he will have to keep journals and send reports to labor protection inspectorates, fire safety, sanitary service. It is also necessary to provide for the existence of a book of complaints and suggestions and to regulate the possibility of opening a gym with BTI of the selected building. After solving these formalities, you can proceed to the arrangement of the premises.

Purchase of equipment

If it is not possible to purchase new modern equipment with numerous functions, you can first take a used, but well-known, reliable brand. Asian, even brand new hardware usually fails quickly, unable to withstand constant use. To reach the widest possible audience, which will include men and women with different physical fitness, you will need the following set of simulators:

    Exercise bikes.


  • Block expanders.

    Traction structures.

    Pushers, supports.

    Press benches.


    Training clubs.

    Dumbbells of various weights.

It’s also a good idea to hang a punching bag, buy 1-2 mats and stock up on belts, wristlets, knee pads and other means. personal protection, which can be rented or distributed to clients during training as a bonus.

In the gym, even in the most modest, there should be showers, changing rooms and bathrooms. An administrator's office, the role of which you can play yourself, is optional. Instead, a reception desk is suitable, behind which you can equip a rack with sports nutrition and arrange a store and a bar at the same time. If there is no hot water in the room, for example, in the basement, you need to put a boiler, preferably 180 liters.

For a rocking chair with simulators, it is important to properly equip the floor. Since this room is electrically hazardous, it is necessary to insulate and soften the floor. If there is a concrete screed, it must be removed, electrical communications (220 V) should be laid, moisture-proof PVC should be laid, then chipboard, foam plastic on it and finished with decorative plates. The floor in the area with equipment for lifting weights must be additionally laid with mats.

Walls and ceilings will require regular cosmetic repairs. Sufficient lighting is needed in the gym, it is better to mount fluorescent lamps, especially if the gym is planned to be opened in the basement or on the basement floor. Do not install powerful ventilation in the rocking chair. At the required temperature of +15 +18 degrees Celsius, a climate control system is required. Basements usually have the right temperature all the time. Humidity should be 50-60%. As a rule, it is possible to re-equip the premises for 180-210 thousand rubles.

The documents

The package of documents for opening is small, but then it will be important to draw up quite a lot of documents. If an additional range of services is opened (sales of sports nutrition, massage, and so on), it is necessary to register each type of future activity.

The gym opens with the registration of an LLC or an individual entrepreneur with the type of activity according to OKVED:

    92.62 "Other activities in the field of sports."

    96.04 "Services in the field of sports and recreational activities."

    93.11.10 "Services of sports facilities".

    93.19.12 "Services of sportsmen and athletes".

Registration will take a little time and will cost about 10,000 rubles. If you or your company is already registered, you just need to add this type of activity. It is more expedient to issue taxation as a simplified tax system with a tax payment of 6% of revenue. This approach will allow you not to pay a large tax with low attendance and minimize expenses in the off-season. The application for the choice of taxation is submitted together with the registration documents.

It will be necessary to maintain documents on the sanitary condition, fire safety, labor protection, have personnel documentation and monitor the timely passage of employees medical professionals, since the staff must have medical books. In the future, it is advisable to shift reporting and bookkeeping to consulting company or entrust the coming accountant.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Like every business, the gym has the risk of not only not making a profit, but going into losses. Everything will depend on the number of clients and prices for classes. On average, with a minimum number of services, the costs per month will be as follows:

    Rent - 40,000 rubles.

    Utility payments - 8,000 rubles.

    Accountant services - 4,000 rubles.

    The salary of 2 instructors is 40,000 rubles.

    Cleaning fee - 5,000 rubles.

    Taxes and other expenses - 5,000 rubles.

Total: 102,000 rubles per month.

A good source of income will be payment for coaching services. Classes with an instructor cost an average of 500 rubles. If at least 3 people wish to work with him a day, an additional 1.5 thousand rubles will go to the cashier. The instructor can conduct training with several visitors at once. Thus, subject to the lease of premises of 100 sq. m, hiring 2 instructors working in shifts, and installing equipment for 15 training places, subject to 20 visits per day, we will receive the following monthly income.

Gyms and fitness clubs are visited by a huge number of people every day. Basically, these are wealthy visitors who are used to exercising in elite and expensive fitness clubs, as for economy class gyms, the opening of new ones is relevant. In this article, we will look at how to open your own gym with the most necessary equipment and give an example of a business plan for a fitness center with calculations and minimum investment.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a gym as a business

Main target audience of visitors gym: youth 18-50 years old. The table below summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of opening a gym.

Advantages Flaws
High profitability (profitability) of the business ~ 35% High barrier to entry into the market. Requires large initial investments in the purchase of simulators and rent ~ 1.5-2 million rubles.
Year-round influx of visitors (with an emphasis in September-October). Requires large premises (>300m2) in proximity to residential areas, universities, offices
No specific sports knowledge is required: there are many coaches in the labor market The influx of visitors is not uniform throughout the day: the peak falls on the “prime-time” from 18-00 to 22-00.

According to RKB Research, the area of ​​fitness and accessible sports has an average growth rate of fitness centers and gyms of ~12.1%. The growth leader is the Moscow market. Regions are a promising direction for the development of this segment.

Stages of opening a gym

Click to enlarge

Gym business plan. Room search

First you need to find a place. Its area must be at least 150 square meters. m. We will consider a gym with two rooms. This is due to the fact that in addition to the gym there are technical and auxiliary rooms:

  • Changing rooms;
  • Bathroom, showers;
  • Wardrobe;
  • Administration premises.

Finding a room is priority, the success of the gym will depend on its location, accessibility to business centers, metro stations or residential areas.

Determining the price and opening hours

An economy-class gym, although it should have experienced instructors on staff, cannot be compared with a full-fledged elite fitness club in terms of the volume of services. The average price per hour of visiting is about 150 rubles.

As for the time - mostly people come to the gym in the afternoon. But there are those who practice in the morning.

The main flow of visitors falls on the so-called prime time:from 18-00 to 23-00. This is explained simply, the bulk of the population who are interested in fitness work until 17.18 pm.

Optimal room operation– from 11:00 to 23:00. It is recommended that the hall should function seven days a week, with a minimum number of breaks for holidays.

Calculation of working hours and number of employees

The gym is open for 351 days, we immediately took into account the holidays and sanitary days. Consider the description of the work schedule of employees:

  • Flexitime;
  • 2 days off (101 days per year);
  • Vacation 24 days;
  • We take into account the possible absence of an employee for various reasons - 14 days.

(351 - 101 - 24 - 14) * 8 = 1696 hours/year PS: (Employee's 8-hour day).

In total, it turns out that there are 1696 hours per employee per year. These data allow us to conclude that our gym needs 5 instructors. How did we calculate it?

  1. The total number of working hours in two halls per year: 351x12x2=8424.
  2. Required number of personnel (instructors): 8424/1696=4.96.
  3. Rounding up, it turns out 5 people.

Also, before you open a gym, you need to consider total number employees.

  1. Keep in mind that the duration of the gym is 12 hours. 351x12=4212 hours per year.
  2. The duration of the employee's working day is no more than 8 hours, no more than 1696 hours per year.
  3. 4212/1696=2.48 staff units for each workplace. These are administrators, cleaners, security guards.
  4. The gym needs a manager (director) and an accountant.

Gym staff:

Naturally, this math is needed to create a business plan, and things may be different in your gym. But to get acquainted with how it all works - our example is illustrative.

Video lesson "How to open a fitness club?"

In the video lesson Nazirov Samat tells how to open a gym in your city, what difficulties arise and where to start.

How to Open a Gym: Estimating Revenue

First you need to decide on the amount of revenue. To do this, you need to predict the number of visitors. It is also necessary to think over the system of subscriptions and unique offers for customers in time (at the stage of setting prices). When the picture is relatively complete, you can start planning for the annual revenue.

The annual total revenue of the gym

So, we proceed from the maximum parameters:

  • 351 working days (we cut off holidays);
  • 10 visitors at the same time;
  • 150 r. in hour.

In total, we receive 12,636,000 rubles a year, BUT: this is the maximum at 100% workload, which never happens. We use a reduction factor of 0.8%. We used it because experts say: attendance does not exceed 80%. In total, we have 10,108,800 rubles a year with an average stable attendance.

Estimation of current and initial costs

We buy simulators

An economy class gym must have equipment that:

  • Satisfies all requests and desires of visitors;
  • Is constantly in working condition;
  • It is inexpensive, pays off quickly;
  • Conveniently located in two halls of 30 sq. m each.

The ideal option here would be to use second-hand simulators. They are much cheaper, but the quality is not worse. We offer a calculation of the cost of gym equipment:

The choice of simulators depends on the direction. It is possible to distinguish two directions of the gym: aerobic loads and power loads. The example considered was for aerobic training. If you are considering power loads, then you need to focus on the ability to perform three basic strength exercises: bench press, squat and deadlift. This requires the presence of 3 bars, squat racks, floor covering for deadlift, a set of dumbbells up to 25 kilograms, starting from 2 kilograms in increments of 1.5 kg. You also need a bench press and an incline bench. Accordingly, it is necessary to have pancakes for shanga: 10 pcs. — 25 kg., 10 pcs. — 20 kg., 10 pcs. - 15 kg., 10 pieces - 10 kg. 8 pcs. - 5 kg., 6 pcs. - 2.5 kg., 4 pcs. - 1.25 kg. Auxiliaries may include deadlift belts, wrist wraps, chalk, etc. The total cost of this equipment will be more than 600 thousand rubles.

Costs for auxiliary funds (fixed assets)

Amortization of auxiliary funds is 20% (126.6 thousand rubles).

Note that you can save not only on simulators, but also on computers and other equipment. But everything must meet quality standards.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets include registration of a lease agreement, founding expenses, depreciation. Registration and expenses for founding expenses amount to about 5 thousand rubles. The latter make up 10%, which means - 500 rubles. in year.

Calculating employee salaries

The salary of each employee of the gym per month is:

As a result: 295 thousand rubles. per month or 3,540 thousand rubles. in year.

Production costs

Do not be naive to believe that everything ends with the above costs. The gym is the same enterprise where you need to consider:

  • Direct costs;
  • The cost of maintaining a gym as an enterprise;
  • Fund maintenance costs;
  • Depreciation;
  • Management costs;
  • Implementation costs.

Direct costs include instructors' salaries. For the rest of the employees, everything is included in the costs of management and office costs.

A special item of expenditure is the rent of the premises. In the case of our gym it is 160 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the specific premises, conditions and area.

So the cost per month is:

  • Rent: 160 thousand rubles.
  • Office expenses: 3 thousand rubles.
  • Landline phone: ~200 rub.
  • Advertising (usually SMM): 5 thousand rubles. per month.

It's time to take care of taxes

So, you need to take care of tax deductions:

  • Tax on arr. 1% payroll: 35.400 rubles;
  • Tax on the maintenance of the fund: 1.5% of income, 151.632 rubles.

Total: 187.032 rub.

balance sheet profit: 3,703.800–187.032=3,576.768 rubles

Net profit: 3,576.768–703.354=2,873.414 rubles (deductible income tax)

Gym Profitability: Assessment

We count specific profitability(the ratio of profit to the cost of resources): 3576768 / 10108800x100% = 35.38%.

We count estimated profitability(the ratio of net profit to costs): 2873414/6405000х100% = 44.86%

Now you know how to open a gym!

For a beginner, all these calculations may seem complicated. But from this example, we can conclude that the profitability of such a business is quite high. All costs from start-up capital will pay off. The main thing is that before you open a gym, think carefully about a business plan and choose comfortable spot for the gym. Almost everything depends on it.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine site

Business Profitability

(4.2 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.5 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
The gym is a promising line of business with a payback period of ~2 years and a profitability of ~35%. The initial investment for the lease of premises and the purchase of sports equipment will cost ~1.5-2 million rubles. key factor success is its location and accessibility office centers, universities, residential complexes. To quickly start a business, it is recommended to use a franchise, this will avoid many mistakes when building business processes due to support from the franchisee. If you are preparing a business plan to attract investors, it is necessary to describe the financial part of the plan as much as possible: profitability, payback period and necessary investment costs.

healthy lifestyle ( healthy lifestyle life) is an obligatory component of the image of any successful person. It is worth noting that fitness services are very popular these days. Therefore, it is not surprising that information on how to open a fitness club from scratch excites many novice businessmen. In terms of popularity, this direction is second only to information technology and entertainment business, for example,.

In big cities, there are a sufficient number of large fitness centers and very strong competition from network monsters. In the conditions of a small town, it is much easier to bring this idea to life. However, only a few are able to survive, namely those businessmen who can competently organize a business, soberly assessing their opportunities and possible risks. Let's talk about how to open a sports business from scratch and what awaits aspiring entrepreneurs who are going to develop this area.

How to open your own fitness club from scratch?

To open a sports center with start-up capital, you must:

  • decide what services the future fitness club will offer;
  • collect the required documentation;
  • choose a room;
  • to purchase equipment and shells;
  • hire qualified staff;
  • take care of advertising.

Fitness services

A modern sports club is not limited to a gym and a fitness training area. This is a whole project that brings together a large number of complexes designed to increase efficiency, develop and strengthen the body and spirit.

Over the past decades, the range of group programs has expanded significantly. Various types of yoga are increasingly found in the schedules of fitness clubs. All kinds of dance programs are offered and even author's training complexes, consisting of elements of yoga, Pilates and stretching. For lovers of the pool and those who want to lose weight, there are water aerobics classes.

In addition to the above services, fitness clubs can have in their arsenal:

  • gym;
  • massage and other medical procedures;
  • Spa;
  • sauna and/or hammam;
  • solarium;
  • manicure;
  • bar, etc.

A fitness club can offer either part or a whole range of these services. However, you need to start with a limited set, subsequently expanding this range. The presence of a swimming pool will have a positive impact on the status of the sports center, but, on the other hand, will lead to significant costs. After all, most likely, a novice businessman will have to build his own building in order to open a pool.

Required Documentation

Paperwork and business registration should not cause any difficulties, because their set, as well as the procedure for obtaining them, are standard:

  1. Registration legal form in the tax office. At the beginning of the activity, it is more expedient to use individual entrepreneurship (IP). This will allow working with a simplified taxation system in the future.
  2. Selection of OKVED indicating:
    • 04 - services in the field of sports and recreation;
    • 61 - activities of sports institutions;
    • 62 - other activities related to sports. If an entrepreneur plans to expand the list of services provided in the future, for example, add a solarium, massage, nail service, then all the necessary OKVED codes must be specified in advance.
  3. Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To complete such a document, you need:
  • contract for the maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • contract for the maintenance of a housing maintenance office;
  • an agreement with an organization licensed for the disposal of fluorescent lamps;
  • medical records for staff;
  • PPC (industrial control program) and institution passport.

If to open some grocery stores necessary, then to open a fitness club without additional services no license is required. The exception is institutions providing medical services.

Room selection

The area and location of the fitness club depend on its format. If you plan to open a sports facility for a narrow purpose, for example, for "neighbors", then you should not consider premises with an area of ​​more than 150 m². Moreover, it can be located in a residential building in one of the sleeping areas of the city. True, in this case it would be more expedient to buy a room, since in this format the rent will be a significant part of the costs.

If you plan to open a fitness club with the “All inclusive” way, then you should think about a larger room. The size will be influenced by the format of the sports facility, the presence of a swimming pool, sauna and other components of a modern club.

The best location in this case would be the city center. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy a room, because rent will not be an invoice for such an enterprise, since it will be able to bring good profits.

Large dimensions will accommodate a large number of visitors on its territory, expand the range of services offered to the maximum. And the presence of presentable premises equipped with modern equipment and simulators will interest respectable clients who are willing to pay good money, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in profits.

When choosing a suitable room, it is important to consider the size and terms of the lease agreement. It is clear that this document will differ from . The price for temporary use can be about 30-90 dollars per m². Of course, it is worth looking for areas in the lower price segment. The lease agreement should be concluded for a period of at least 4-5 years. It is this period that should be considered as the latest payback period for invested funds.


When choosing equipment for the gym, it is necessary to take into account the needs of clients when working with all muscle groups. The more such needs are satisfied, the more consumers will be.

The minimum set of simulators, which is ideal for quality training, includes the following items:

  • Treadmills(at least two);
  • fitballs;
  • exercise bikes;
  • steppers;
  • board with rack for horizontal/inclined bench press;
  • simulator for working out the pectoral muscles;
  • squat rack;
  • Smith machine;
  • exercise machine with free weights for leg flexion/extension;
  • barbells, dumbbells, pancakes, discs, yoga mats and other trifles.

Advice: don't buy a butterfly trainer, it's a completely useless trainer used mainly to satisfy curiosity.

Everything that was discussed above concerned only simulators. However, in addition to them, a good fitness club also needs equipment of a completely different kind. Locker rooms should be equipped with benches, wardrobes and showers. If the fitness club expects to offer clients the services of a beauty salon, then it will require a nail service, etc.


When all other points are considered and completed, you can proceed to the recruitment. Only experienced coaches should be hired who have the training and knowledge necessary to conduct effective sessions. The minimum staff in a small gym and shift work consists of:

  • administrators (2);
  • fitness instructors (2);
  • cleaners (2);
  • accountant (when opening an LLC).

Thus, to open a small fitness club from scratch, you need to hire 6-7 people. In the future, along with the expansion of the range of services offered, there will be a need for additional employees. Nurses, massage therapists, yoga or water gymnastics instructors, etc. may be required.

An important backbone of the team, of course, are the coaches. Their selection should be taken seriously. Preference should be given to former athletes, physical education teachers in schools and universities.

Advertising and promotion

This point should be given special attention, since each person approaches the choice of a gym and a fitness club very scrupulously.

Today, the choice of a sports institution begins with the Internet. And potential consumer is looking for a fitness club that best meets his needs, paying attention to the location, the presence of a sauna and a swimming pool, the qualifications of instructors, the availability modern equipment etc.

In this regard, the marketing plan should begin with the identification target audience. At the same time, the more specific this segment is, the easier it will be to promote the club and the more information about it will fall into the hands of potential consumers.

The first thing to do is to create a colorful website. It is important to fill it with useful and relevant articles about training and proper nutrition. This will cause genuine interest not only in the site, but also in the fitness club itself. The use of SMM technologies will make it possible to spread information about the gym in social networks.

How to open a gym from scratch?

Significant start-up capital is required to enter the market of sports and fitness services and become its full participant. Not all businessmen have the necessary amount, but this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​​​opening a fitness club or gym from scratch. There is a way out - go to the bank and take a loan. At the same time, it is important to understand that with a competent business organization, it may well pay off in 1-3 years. Another option is to enlist the support of private investors who want to improve their image.

Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a gym from scratch with a limited wallet. Consider a few simple ways budget savings.

What can you save on?

  1. Gym customers rarely pay attention to the decoration of walls and ceilings in the room. Refusal of elite materials in favor of conventional painting will save the lion's share Money on repair.
  2. Touching on the topic of simulators, it is worth noting that it makes no sense to buy expensive sports equipment. Consumers have little interest in the brand and manufacturer. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing inventory is quality and durability.
  3. An economy-format fitness club does not need expensive advertising (radio, television). It will be enough to put up leaflets around the area, at bus stops, make a beautiful and a bright sign. A good move is advertising on the Internet, for example, in in social networks. It is very important that the first customers leave positive feedback about the work of the gym on the network.

Where is the economy irrational?

  1. Staff salary. The staff should consist of highly qualified personnel, and professionals will never work for meager wages.
  2. If the gym is hot and stuffy, customers will simply go to another fitness club. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the room is equipped with high-quality air conditioning and ventilation. This will achieve a comfortable atmosphere in the halls.
  3. Each locker room should have at least 2-3 showers. For these premises, it is advisable to purchase high-quality and expensive sanitary ware that has a presentable appearance and is distinguished by a long service life.

How much does it cost to open a fitness club from scratch?

The lion's share of the costs will be associated with renting or buying premises for a gym. If we consider an average room (250 m²) in Moscow, then the rent for three months will be about 600,000 rubles and more. It is worth noting that not all premises meet the requirements of fitness clubs, which means that you will have to fork out for repairs, which is about 200,000 rubles.

AT recent times various fitness clubs have become popular. And this is not surprising. This area is developing at a rapid pace. In addition, a fitness center is a good option for business. What should you start with? How to open a fitness center for the disabled, pregnant women and those who take care of their bodies? Read about it in our review.

Since you can open your fitness center from scratch within a month, you should start by collecting documents and choosing a room. It is worth considering that there is little competition in this industry. You can enter this business without much difficulty. In order for a fitness center to make a profit, you need to choose the right place for it and correctly draw up a business plan.

Business Features

What is a modern fitness center? How to open it and where to start? First of all, you should understand the features of this type of activity. A modern fitness center is not quite an ordinary rocking chair. All amenities for visitors should be provided here. If this is not the case, then the institution will not be visited. After all, many people want to practice their favorite sport in more comfortable conditions. Agree, no one will pay money for visiting a regular gym with exercise equipment, where there is no shower and air conditioning. A modern fitness center should be equipped with innovative technology.

In order to visit the institution, it is not at all necessary to rent large premises where there is a pool. A gym located in such a fitness center will be more often visited. It is enough to find a room with a total area of ​​​​100 square meters. The main thing is to find professional trainers and purchase exercise equipment.

How much money do you need for a fitness center? How to open an institution and not spend too much? The cost depends on the location where the fitness center is located. It should be borne in mind that a room rented in the city center will cost more. Such an institution will pay off within a few years, and you will not receive profit during this time. It is for this reason that you should look for a hall in the rental price here is much lower.

Choosing the right room

How to open and simply for athletes and how to get a quick profit? As already mentioned, a lot depends on the room and its location. When choosing a suitable room, the following points should be considered:

  1. The fitness center should be located in a convenient location for visitors.
  2. The premises should be located away from competitors.
  3. It is worth choosing densely populated areas, where there are a lot of multi-storey buildings with residential apartments.
  4. Transport links are also very important.
  5. The room should be provided with a high-quality ventilation system, as well as bathrooms and showers.

A property purchased as a property is a better option than a rental property. How to make the fitness center more visited? How to open an institution and not burn out? Additional services, such as a sauna, will help here. Such additions have become very popular in recent years. Thanks to this service, the institution will become popular. As a result, attendance and profits will increase.

Also, when drawing up a business plan, it is worth considering that wealthier clients will only visit the fitness center where additional services are provided, for example, a bar, a solarium, beauty massage, and so on. In addition, this will increase profits by another 30%.

How to choose equipment

Since opening a fitness center is a costly task, you should choose not only the premises, but also the equipment. In this case, it all depends on the specialization of the institution. If you are planning to open a regular fitness center, then you will need the following equipment:

  1. The cost is from 24 thousand rubles and more.
  2. Running track, costing from 16 thousand rubles.
  3. The cost is about 19 thousand rubles.
  4. Equipment for the development of chest muscles. The approximate cost is 22 thousand rubles.
  5. Equipment for the press - from 5.5 thousand rubles.
  6. A barbell rack and a bench with a leg machine - from 4 thousand rubles.
  7. The bench is horizontal. The cost of such equipment is no more than 2.5 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need to purchase more discs, dumbbells, barbells and so on. If there is not enough money for equipment, then you can lease it.

Additional expenses

Before you open a fitness center from scratch, you need to foresee all the costs and evaluate your capabilities. Don't forget about monthly payments. The list of costs includes:

  1. Advertising.
  2. Taxes.
  3. Utilities.
  4. Maintenance staff wages.
  5. Equipment depreciation.

To open a fitness center from scratch, you should carefully consider the choice of staff. Coaches must be experienced and highly qualified. Many visitors refuse to visit their favorite fitness center only because of disagreements with a personal mentor. This should be taken into account.

The profitability of such a business

If you invested about 10 thousand dollars when opening a fitness center, and the cost of one visit is 50 rubles, then the business will pay off in 1.5 years. If the institution is an elite level, then first you need more investments. But, as a rule, the cost of one visit to such a fitness center is much higher.

According to statistics, the profitability of such an institution is about 30%.

Is it possible to save

So, how to open a fitness center and what can you save on? Getting Started new activity, many are worried how not to spend a lot of money. There are several ways that you can save on opening a fitness center:

  1. Interior decoration. Often, visitors to fitness centers do not pay attention to what the walls and ceiling of the institution are covered with. When finishing these surfaces, you can refuse expensive and elite materials. It is enough to cover the walls and ceiling with ordinary paint. This will save you a decent amount.
  2. Equipment can be purchased cheaper and not from well-known manufacturers. In addition, customers do not pay attention to the origin of the simulators. However, the equipment must be of high quality and durable.
  3. Advertising. If you open an inexpensive fitness center, then you do not need advertising on the radio or on television. It is enough to stick ads around the area, as well as make an attractive and bright sign. In addition, you can distribute leaflets, as well as advertise on the Internet, social networks, and so on.

What is not worth saving?

To open a good fitness center, you should not save on everything. Otherwise, only a few customers will visit such an institution, and you will not receive any profit. What not to save on:

What documents are needed

So, how to open a fitness center? Where to start and how to draw up documents? First of all, it is necessary to clarify all the nuances. Paperwork is a very important process. Since 2009, physical culture and health-improving activities have not been subject to licensing. This may be required to provide medical services.

To open a fitness center, you must register as an individual entrepreneur. This is required to pay the single tax. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that many customers are in no hurry to visit fitness centers opened by individual entrepreneurs. As a rule, they issue subscriptions only from legal entities. In order not to pay huge amounts in taxes, you can register an LLC.

As a result, all coaches are registered as individual entrepreneurs and must pay a single tax. The premises are being sub-leased to them. It is worth noting that start-up entrepreneurs may not pay income tax for several years.

Where to get start-up capital?

You have decided to open a fitness center. How to open an institution of such a plan if there is no start-up capital? To enter the market of sports and recreation services, considerable financial costs will be required. Many aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have free cash tend to open their own business without money. But not everyone knows how to do this. In any case, you will need initial capital. Where to get it? You can go to the bank and get a loan.

It is worth remembering that a fitness center opened from scratch pays off within a few years. In addition, to your business individual entrepreneur can attract private investors who seek to raise their image.

What is the result?

Since opening a fitness center in the basement is not the best option, you will have to look for a more comfortable room. It is worth noting that for an establishment of such a plan, a well-ventilated and lit room is required, equipped not only with exercise equipment, but also with a sauna, showers and, preferably, a massage room. To open such a fitness center will require about 40 thousand dollars. Such establishments pay off within a year. After that, the profitability of the fitness center depends on the number of regular customers, the availability of additional services, as well as on pricing policy. Of course, not everyone is able to open a good club. The income of a small year is from 1 to 10 thousand dollars.

In conclusion

It should be noted that a fitness center is a popular and rather promising service for residents of not only large cities, but also small towns. Among the advantages of this type of activity, one should highlight the wide opportunities for the development of such a business, high and stable demand, low level of competition, and so on. The only drawback is the large initial capital required to open a fitness center and purchase equipment.

With a properly and competently drawn up business plan, profits will begin to flow in a few years. After some time, you can create a whole network of fitness centers. This will bring even more profit. In addition, you can expand an existing establishment. To do this, you can increase the list of additional services. Ideally, a fitness center should have a bar, an aerobics room, massage, manicure and pedicure, shaping, fitness, a solarium, a room for pregnant women and the disabled.

In this material:

The fitness services market today can be called quite developed, but not yet oversaturated, so many are interested in how to open a gym. If a businessman has a desire to open his own gym, it is best to look at economy class establishments, as they are in demand in absolutely any locality. Moreover, even if the idea fails, it will not be a disaster.

Room selection

To deal with this issue, it is necessary first of all to take into account the number of rooms that will be provided in this fitness club. For a medium-sized gym, several rooms are enough, with a total area of ​​​​150 m². In such a room, you can mark out several halls with exercise equipment, locker rooms, showers, an administrator's room and a utility room. Approximately 2/3 of the total m² will be directly occupied by the gym. It is better if there are 2 of them, that is, one for women and the other for men.

The location of the room can be almost anything. Of course, renting a building on the very outskirts of the city is not worth it, as this will negatively affect attendance. For an economy-class sports institution, it is worth taking a closer look at large sleeping areas.

Opening hours and division of halls

A lot depends on the right time for the gym. You need to understand that not everyone has the opportunity to come to training in the daytime, and some like to spend their leisure time in the gym in the morning. And yet, most of the visitors to the fitness club are in the evenings and weekends.

Experts say that for the gym, you can limit yourself to working hours from 9 am to 9 pm. However, it is possible to extend the operating time of the "rocking chair" up to 22 hours. This will make it possible for people who work late into the hall to visit.

Recently, separate gyms with halls for men and women have become increasingly popular. This allows the fair sex to feel more free and confident during class.

If there is no opportunity to equip 2 separate rooms for classes at once, you can simply place the most popular simulators for a particular gender on opposite sides of the room. As for the locker rooms and showers, they, of course, should be separate.

How to choose trainers?

When deciding how to open a gym, the most important thing is the choice of equipment for classes. In order for the “rocking chair” to be popular, it is necessary to provide customers with a full range of exercise equipment for every taste.

Considering that in this case we are talking about an economy class establishment, you can reduce costs and purchase simulators from an average price category. However, all equipment must be of high quality in order to exclude injuries among customers. Experienced businessmen recommend paying attention to used simulators. If you find options in good condition, costs can be significantly reduced. For example, in the secondary market you can buy treadmills for 15 thousand, exercise bikes and power complexes for 12 thousand, as well as very cheap wall bars from good manufacturers.

If the simulators have been used for some time, but have not lost their appearance and functionality, you can buy them half the price than in the store. It is better to search for goods on specialized sales sites.

How much can you earn at the gym?

The business idea of ​​​​a fitness club involves careful calculations not only financial investments, but also profits, which will allow you to determine in advance the potential of the idea.

For a gym, the main profit comes from customer revenue. Thus, the greater the number of visitors, the higher the income will be.

For example, the capacity of 2 gyms of 30 m² is ten people. It can be assumed that an economy class gym will cost 150 rubles per hour. The facility will operate year-round and seven days a week. However, for about 2 weeks a year, a business (gym) will not be able to make a profit, since a festive downtime is inevitable. Given these data, you can calculate the approximate annual revenue from a fitness club. With the full capacity of the hall for 12 hours a day, the business will bring more than 12.5 million rubles a year.

Of course, it is unlikely to achieve such a result in reality, since it is very difficult to achieve absolute attendance. However, when good service and the level of marketing, you can reach an indicator of 80% occupancy of the hall. This is also an impressive figure, which allows you to earn about 10 million annually.

What will you need to spend on in the beginning?

Initial capital costs are an important factor for many businessmen. Opening a gym will require the purchase of exercise equipment, furniture for the administrator and director, office and computer technology, lockers in the locker room, equipment for the shower and bathroom, furniture and TV for the waiting room. If the fitness club will be additionally equipped medical office and massage parlor, amount initial investment there will be much more. The average cost in this case will be about 600 thousand rubles.

In addition, at the first stage, certain cash costs will be needed, which will be used to rent the hall, issue all kinds of papers and permits, and the first salaries for employees.

As for the workers, there should be several of them in the gym. The presence of at least one instructor in each hall is mandatory. In addition, shift administrators, security guards, cleaners and an accountant will be needed. Level wages for personnel, each entrepreneur sets it on his own, but on average it ranges from 10 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the position.

We must not forget about advertising. Attendance at the fitness club in the early stages directly depends on investments in this area. Advertising can be in the form of handing out flyers or commercials on local radio. should not be ignored and outdoor advertising which should be illuminated at night.

Documents for opening a gym

Special permits and licenses for the operation of the gym are not required, it is enough to obtain documents from the SES and the fire inspectorate.

An entrepreneur who is going to open his own fitness club must first go through the registration procedure with the tax authority. For the gym, the simplest and most convenient option, namely IP, is perfect. It is much easier for an individual businessman to conduct his business and pay taxes. In this case, you can even refuse an accountant, since the entrepreneur himself can carry out all the calculations.

Gyms as a business are a good option for investing money. The payback of the business is excellent and even with average attendance it will not exceed one year. If you approach the opening of your fitness club responsibly, you can make good profits from the very first month of the institution's operation. Given that sports are becoming more and more popular in our time, the growth of those who want to spend time in the “rocking chair” will be stable.

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