Is there government support to open a gym? How to open a gym, where to start? Video lesson "How to open a fitness club?"

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular, and the demand for the services of gyms, fitness centers and health centers is increasing. A good set of simulators in your apartment, compared to the price of a gym membership, pays off over the years, takes up a lot of space, and is rarely used, so gyms are the most accessible view wellness services are needed everywhere. If you are wondering how to open gym and whether it is worth taking on this project, do not hesitate: the need for gyms will only increase over time.

How beneficial is the gym?

A common belief is that a sports business is profitable, but it requires large initial investments and pays off no earlier than in 1.5 - 2 years. We will try to find ways to reduce the amount of start-up costs by several times and reduce the payback period without compromising the quality of services.

Choose a room

How can a hall be equipped in any residential area, based on the real requirements of the mass consumer? We will proceed from a set of services that are mandatory for maintaining and strengthening health, which can be provided without having any special opportunities.

A place

The best place to start a health business is the sleeping areas of the city. With one hall per 15,000 people, you can count on a solid income, and if there are more than 30,000 people per hall, then business development opportunities. Other factors (except for the height and area of ​​​​the room) are of no decisive importance. Active people will find their way to you, and citizens filled with beer on simulators cannot be dragged by force.


The area of ​​the room should be at least 2x2.5 m (5 sq. m per device) plus 25 - 30 sq. m. m for a shower and a changing room, plus 15 - 20 sq. m for a massage room. With a minimum set of 8 simulators, plus two free places for weight training, 90-100 sq. m. Of course, since there is no way without a shower, then appropriate communications are also needed - hot and cold water, drain.

If there is no hot water supply, we lay another 10 square meters. m for the boiler room; the boiler will need at least 180 liters. The power of such a boiler is from 5 kW, so with “hot self-supply”, reinforced electrical wiring will also be required.

Ultimately, the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 100 square meters. m.

Ceiling height

The height of the ceilings in the gym room is of paramount importance. It must be at least 3.5 m, otherwise it will be very difficult to ensure proper air purity. The meeting recommendation is 3 m, does not pass in physics. The people on the shells are sweating. It is impossible to solve the problem by increasing ventilation - drafts in the gym are contraindicated.

In the basement, oddly enough at first glance, the ceiling may be lower. The basement is not heated by the sun and in it, with the same ventilation power, air circulation will be more intense.

Having found a suitable room and agreed in advance on the lease, it is too early to immediately calculate the future gym. A business plan should not be drawn up until the staffing issue is resolved.


For a gym, generally speaking, you need at least three staff units: an administrator, an instructor and a massage therapist. At first, you need to take over the functions of the administrator. Entrusting cash receipts at the start even to an absolutely reliable person is too risky.

It is better to combine an instructor with a masseur (massage is not often required by the mass consumer) and take it hourly; perhaps several, so that at least a third of the working time of someone other than you is working with visitors. The matter is facilitated by the fact that the greatest attendance of the halls falls on the weekend, and potential candidates for the position will have free time for part-time work.

Of course, the instructor must be an athlete who knows how to massage and provide medical assistance if necessary. But the main requirement for him is moral stability. The instructor needs to control himself, even if some charming lady throws meaningful glances and frankly demonstrates the seductive lines of her figure.

If you don't have a trusted gym companion, you need to consider who to hire. In order of preference, the following sequence is viewed:

  • Physical education teachers from local schools. No matter how the media exaggerate “school scandals”, for the most part, physical education teachers are quite reliable people. They are professionally trained in team management, in the process of obtaining teacher education trained in massage and the basics of medicine. And they have enough free time on weekdays, and since there are at least two physical education teachers in a regular school, you can immediately ensure the constant presence of an instructor in the hall. Many more important point: teachers are not spoiled by salaries, and there is a chance to negotiate inexpensively.
  • Former servicemen from power branches of the armed forces: infantrymen, paratroopers, marines, special forces. In principle, they are in no way inferior to teachers, but many smoke, and a smoking instructor destroys the reputation of the gym once and for all.
  • Professional athletes of the middle hand. They can also do everything that is necessary for work, but for some, the termination of a sports career gives rise to moral emptiness and even hidden mental disorders. Before inviting such a person, make sure that he has not lost interest in life.

Having agreed with the instructors, you can figure out how much it costs to open a gym in a chosen room. For now, let's calculate the one-time costs.


The main costs will go to the purchase of exercise equipment, sports equipment and equipment. All this “iron” is not cheap, so we immediately look at ads for the sale of used branded ones.

We immediately exclude cheap analogues of Asian production with the epithet “homemade” from consideration: they will not withstand regular classes in the gym. But a second-hand “firm” can be bought quite inexpensively, and even with a warranty that has not yet expired.

For the sake of prestige, elite fitness centers are forced to update their equipment fleet quite often. A widely advertised novelty has appeared - you need to buy it, otherwise rich, fastidious customers will begin to wince in displeasure. There is a direct analogy here: a “cool” bigwig will not drive a car 4-5 years ago, and his “Mersu” or Audi will still run and run. There are not a lot of buyers for used sports equipment, so they sell it without being greedy, especially since it has already paid for itself a long time ago.

So, having pledged 200,000 rubles for the purchase of inventory, you will be able to look out for:

  • Two mechanical Treadmills.
  • Two also mechanical exercise bikes.
  • One or two complex simulators with counterweights - "deltas", as they are called, although you can pump on them not only the deltoid muscle.
  • Maybe one cardio machine.
  • A bar with a set of pancakes and a stand.
  • 4-6 benches, a couple of sets of dumbbells, expanders, etc.

In a residential area of ​​the middle class, a hall with such equipment will immediately attract customers with its “coolness”. It may be that used equipment will have to be touched up, sorted out, adjusted and lubricated in some places, but this work is certainly worth the extra 200,000 - 300,000 rubles that would have to be paid for a completely new one.


Let's analyze the most difficult case to start: how to open a gym in the basement. Other options will be cheaper in initial costs, but then regularly more expensive in rent.

The most important thing when looking for a suitable basement is the ability to equip a shower and toilet drain. A gym without a shower is nonsense and doomed to failure. There will be no problems with strengthening the electrical wiring in the basement: the house switchboard is nearby.

The next important point is gender. First, it must be insulated and softened. Secondly, make it dielectric, not electrically conductive. Only then can the basement be removed from the “electrical” category of premises with increased danger or especially dangerous to premises without increased danger, and 220 V wiring can be laid there.

The problem of the floor is solved simply: the concrete screed is removed to the monolith, PVC moisture insulation is laid with an overlap of 15 cm and with an inversion of 10 cm on the walls. Then, along the expanded clay backfill, laminated slabs (puffs) of chipboard - foam plastic - decorative chipboard are laid on glue, and the floor is ready. In places of training with weights, you need to put additional mats, otherwise the puffs will have to be changed there often.

For repairs and equipment, it is better to hire, through the chief engineer of local public utilities, their own team. So it will be easier to resolve the issue with the RES on the reclassification of the premises.

In total, the basement equipment for the gym will cost 150,000 - 200,000 rubles, including light partitions, lockers for changing rooms, forced ventilation, a shower with a toilet and a minimum of office furniture.

Documents and office work

No special permits or licenses for the actual gym are required. Fairly ordinary. You can entrust registration law firm, since there are now a lot of them and services of this kind are inexpensive: 6-12 thousand rubles. depending on the region, including state duty. But it's easy to register yourself.

Bookkeeping is best left to an accounting firm. Here the situation is the same as with lawyers: inexpensive and as many as you like. On your own, not being an experienced accountant, you can “cheat” in such a way that fines and sanctions will block the payment for the services of an accountant for years to come.

But if you are planning to sell special nutrition with bodybuilding drugs along the way, do not be tempted by the 100-300% mark-up. For official, legalized such trade, a lot of expensive and troublesome papers, a license, a special permit will be required.

It is better to arrange with the supplier to open with you outlet, or enter into a dealer agreement. Then you will be legalized immediately, and all that remains is to hang a framed copy of the license on the wall.

We draw up a business plan

So we figured out how to open a gym. It is not so difficult to draw up a business plan based on aggregated and generalized indicators, but, of course, it is necessary to clarify specific figures, knowing local conditions.

We have already determined a one-time initial investment: repairs with equipment and decoration - 362,000-412,000 rubles. A lot, but doable.

Now let's move on to the current costs for the year.

Let's sum up the total for the costs: 412,000 rubles. one-time, 816,000 current for the first year, total 1,228,000 rubles. And what will be the income and payback?

  • Let's say that our 10 training places will be loaded on average by 50% for a 10-hour working day. Then - 50 hours of classes per day. This is with a margin, the average value for budget halls is 60 hours / day.
  • 80 rubles per hour of training or 3000 rubles. for a monthly subscription, even in the outback is not considered excessive. Then we get 80x50x30 = 120,000 rubles / month.
  • Regular trainees prefer to buy subscriptions for a month; they need to be given a discount of at least 10%, i.e., if only subscribers deal with us, then we will receive 108,000 monthly income.
  • The initial investment of 412,000 will pay off in 3.8 months.
  • Monthly regular expenses will amount to 40,000 rent, 20,000 salaries and accounting payments and 8,000 utilities, total - 68,000; hence the profitability - 158.8%.

So, by applying two tricks: second-hand equipment and placement in the basement, we got impressive economic results.

But, of course, the initiators of the case must themselves be athletes and optimists. The main condition for the attendance of the training hall is its owner, a cheerful and charming strong man.

In this material:

The fitness services market today can be called quite developed, but not yet oversaturated, so many are interested in how to open a gym. If a businessman has a desire to open his own gym, it is best to look at economy class establishments, as they are in demand in absolutely any locality. Moreover, even if the idea fails, it will not be a disaster.

Room selection

To deal with this issue, it is necessary first of all to take into account the number of rooms that will be provided in this fitness club. For a medium-sized gym, several rooms are enough, with a total area of ​​​​150 m². In such a room, you can mark out several halls with exercise equipment, locker rooms, showers, an administrator's room and a utility room. Approximately 2/3 of the total m² will be directly occupied by the gym. It is better if there are 2 of them, that is, one for women and the other for men.

The location of the room can be almost anything. Of course, renting a building on the very outskirts of the city is not worth it, as this will negatively affect attendance. For an economy-class sports institution, it is worth taking a closer look at large sleeping areas.

Opening hours and division of halls

A lot depends on the right time for the gym. You need to understand that not everyone has the opportunity to come to training in the daytime, and some like to spend their leisure time in the gym in the morning. And yet, most of the visitors to the fitness club are in the evenings and weekends.

Experts say that for the gym, you can limit yourself to working hours from 9 am to 9 pm. However, it is possible to extend the operating time of the "rocking chair" up to 22 hours. This will make it possible for people who work late into the hall to visit.

IN Lately Separate gyms with halls for men and women are becoming more and more popular. This allows the fair sex to feel more free and confident during class.

If there is no opportunity to equip 2 separate rooms for classes at once, you can simply place the most popular simulators for one sex or another on opposite sides of the room. As for the locker rooms and showers, they, of course, should be separate.

How to choose trainers?

When deciding how to open a gym, the most important thing is the choice of equipment for classes. In order for the “rocking chair” to be popular, it is necessary to provide customers with a full range of exercise equipment for every taste.

Considering that in this case we are talking about an economy class establishment, you can reduce costs and purchase simulators from an average price category. However, all equipment must be of high quality in order to exclude injuries among customers. Experienced businessmen recommend paying attention to used simulators. If you find options in good condition, costs can be significantly reduced. For example, in the secondary market you can buy treadmills for 15 thousand each, exercise bikes and power complexes for 12 thousand, as well as very cheap wall bars from good manufacturers.

If the simulators have been used for some time, but have not lost their appearance and functionality, you can buy them half the price than in the store. It is better to search for goods on specialized sales sites.

How much can you earn at the gym?

The business idea of ​​​​a fitness club involves careful calculations not only financial investments, but also profits, which will allow you to determine in advance the potential of the idea.

For a gym, the main profit comes from customer revenue. Thus, the greater the number of visitors, the higher the income will be.

For example, the capacity of 2 gyms of 30 m² is ten people. It can be assumed that an economy class gym will cost 150 rubles per hour. The facility will operate year-round and seven days a week. However, for about 2 weeks a year, a business (gym) will not be able to make a profit, since a festive downtime is inevitable. Given these data, you can calculate the approximate annual revenue from a fitness club. With the full capacity of the hall for 12 hours a day, the business will bring more than 12.5 million rubles a year.

Of course, it is unlikely to achieve such a result in reality, since it is very difficult to achieve absolute attendance. However, when good service and the level of marketing, you can reach an indicator of 80% occupancy of the hall. This is also an impressive figure, which allows you to earn about 10 million annually.

What will you need to spend on in the beginning?

Initial capital costs are an important factor for many businessmen. Opening a gym will require the purchase of exercise equipment, furniture for the administrator and director, office and computer technology, lockers in the locker room, equipment for the shower and bathroom, furniture and TV for the waiting room. If the fitness club will be additionally equipped medical office and massage parlor, amount initial investment there will be much more. The average cost in this case will be about 600 thousand rubles.

In addition, at the first stage, certain cash costs will be needed, which will be used to rent the hall, issue all kinds of papers and permits, and the first salaries for employees.

As for the workers, there should be several of them in the gym. The presence of at least one instructor in each hall is mandatory. In addition, shift administrators, security guards, cleaners and an accountant will be needed. Each entrepreneur sets the level of wages for personnel independently, but on average it ranges from 10 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the position.

We must not forget about advertising. Attendance at the fitness club in the early stages directly depends on investments in this area. Advertising can be in the form of handing out flyers or commercials on local radio. should not be ignored and outdoor advertising which should be illuminated at night.

Documents for opening a gym

Special permits and licenses for the operation of the gym are not required, it is enough to obtain documents from the SES and the fire inspectorate.

An entrepreneur who is going to open his own fitness club must first go through the registration procedure with the tax authority. For the gym, the simplest and most convenient option, namely IP, is perfect. It is much easier for an individual businessman to conduct his business and pay taxes. In this case, you can even refuse an accountant, since the entrepreneur himself can carry out all the calculations.

Gyms as a business is a good investment option Money. The payback of the business is excellent and even with average attendance it will not exceed one year. If you approach the opening of your fitness club responsibly, you can make good profits from the very first month of the institution's operation. Given that sports are becoming more and more popular in our time, the growth of those who want to spend time in the “rocking chair” will be stable.

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  1. . At the initial stage, it is possible to register an individual entrepreneur. But keep in mind, when expanding your business, you need to register an LLC.
  2. . If you plan to expand the network of clubs, this option is suitable.

Type and opening hours

The goal of the project is to open an economy class gym for the population with low and middle income levels. Revenue is planned due to the large number of visitors.

Business plan involves daily work even on weekends and holidays. Sports club opening hours:

  • weekdays - 8.00-22.00;
  • Saturday - 9.00-21.00;
  • Sunday - 10.00-16.00.

The club should work from morning to late evening. Some prefer to study in the morning, but most people choose the time from 18 to 22 (after work). Detailed club rules can be found at.

It is supposed to open without additional complexes in the form of saunas, swimming pools, etc. Types and cost of services:

  • one-time lesson - 120 rubles;
  • lesson with an instructor - 200 rubles;
  • subscription for 8 lessons - 500 rubles;
  • monthly subscription: morning (until 15.00) - 600 rubles, for the whole day - 800 rubles;
  • annual subscription - 6,000 rubles.

The morning subscription is cheaper due to the minimum workload until 4-5 pm. Most of the visits come in the evening, keep this in mind.

Basic equipment for the gym

If you plan to visit men and women, you need to buy quality equipment for cardio exercises and take care of the sufficiency of dumbbells, vultures and plates. Equipment costs are substantial. The best option compared to buying -.

Cardio zone:

  • treadmill (3 pcs.);
  • exercise bike (2 pcs.);
  • orbitrek (1 pc.).

Strength trainers:

  • for top pull;
  • for lower pull;
  • block frame or four-position station with a single block frame;
  • chest machine;
  • hip extensor;
  • seated hip flexor;
  • lying leg press platform;
  • for the abductor muscles of the thigh;
  • for abdominal muscles;
  • shin machine.

Vultures, a set of pancakes and dumbbells:

  • free weights - from 1 to 40 kg in increments of 2 kg;
  • vultures - 6 pcs;
  • pancakes 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 kg.

Racks and benches:

  • Scott's bench;
  • roman chair
  • hyperextension angular
  • rack bars - press
  • bench press at an angle up
  • bench press at an angle down
  • adjustable bench (2 pcs.);
  • horizontal bench (6 pcs.);
  • racks for barbells (for chest press, squats), for dumbbells - if necessary.

The table shows the cost of equipping gyms with turnkey equipment from Techno Fitness.

Hall area, m2Col. work placesDescriptionBandwidth, people per dayprice, rub.
14 4 power rack, dumbbells, multistation, spinbike for cardio trainingfor home170000
38 7 power racks, dumbbell series, orbitrek, exercise bike, simulator for adductor/abductor muscles of the thighfor home380000
43 10 cardio area, dumbbells, aerobics area, weight machinesfor home750000
98 17 105 1200000
73 12 cardio area, aerobics area, weight training equipment100 1200000
180 17 cardio area, free weights area, weight machines105 1350000
317 54 277 2400000
450 72 cardio area, free weights area, personal cross training area, weight machines, aerobics area, massage and solarium area, bar, locker rooms670 2800000

Opening a fitness center or sports club is a difficult task, this business the plan involves daily work.

Required personnel:

  • 2 instructors, schedule - 1 through 1, salary - from 20,000 rubles. per month + percentage of individual training;
  • 3 reception administrators, salary - 12,000 rubles. per month;
  • cleaner - 10,000 per month, will come every morning to clean the hall.

Total costs for wages personnel - 86,000 rubles, per year - 1,032,000 rubles. For a serious club, it is desirable to organize.

Total opening costs

To find out how much it costs to open a gym, let's calculate all the expense items. Economy class involves renting a room of 180 m2 and equipment for 3 zones: cardio, free weights and strength. sports club.

Gym opening costs:

  • rent of premises -8 000 rubles. per month, 96 000 rubles. in year;
  • turnkey - 1,350,000-1,500,000 rubles;
  • staff salary - 1,032,000 rubles. in year;
  • depreciation of simulators - 4,000 rubles. per month or 48,000 rubles. in year;
  • furnishing , carpet , public Utilities- 50,000 rubles;
  • additional monthly expenses - 30,000 rubles. per month or 360,000 rubles. in year.

The total cost of opening a sports club plus expenses for the first year is 2 million rubles. If you don't have money, you can.

Payback of business, calculation of monthly revenue

If you definitely decide to open a gym, a business plan is required. It will help you calculate expenses, income and return on investment.

The total attendance of the hall per day is 100 people. Each person visits the gym 10 times a month on average. That is, you can safely count on the sale of 300 monthly subscriptions. The hall is open for 350 days a year (several days off for maintenance and big holidays). The average price for a monthly subscription (30% daily + 70% for the whole day) is 600*0.3+800*0.7=740 rubles.

The total income from visiting the hall per year is 300 subscriptions * 12 months * 740 r = 2,664,000 rubles. Given the workload of 90%, we calculate the annual revenue - 2,664,000 * 0.9 = 2,397,600 rubles.

Business payback:

  • capital costs for opening and maintaining the hall - 2,000,000 rubles;
  • profit - 2,397,600 rubles;
  • payback - 11 months.

Further, you will spend 700,000 rubles annually on servicing the club, net revenue in subsequent years - 1,700,000 rubles, monthly revenue - 142,000 rubles. A very good profit, especially considering that you can open a network of gyms.

Other options for making money on health and sports

Sports can make money different ways, here are some options:

  • dance or gymnastics training;
  • etc.

Download ready sample

If you are not satisfied with the investments or other items of the presented plan, we suggest you download ready plan. Also on the site there are many others for different directions.

From year to year, young people and the adult generation direct their gaze towards healthy lifestyle life. Going to the gym has become fashionable. When choosing a gym, amateur athletes pay attention to factors such as:

  • walking distance,
  • style and decoration of the room,
  • professionalism service personnel,
  • a variety of sports equipment and much more.

A preliminary analysis of this field of activity shows that the sports services market is very developed in our country and has high competition. However, not every potential competitor uses all the opportunities available to him and focuses on the long term.

There is still room on the market for entrepreneurs who want to provide the population with quality economy class services.

Many middle-class people would be happy to go to fitness clubs and gyms if they had sufficient financial resources for this.

The right approach to business organization and rational use available financial resources will allow you to implement your activities in such a way that even with the provision of quality services using advanced equipment, the cost of visiting the gym will be very attractive to all segments of the population.

In order to avoid possible mistakes and most effectively start the implementation of your project, any activity should begin with the process of drawing up a business plan. It is a map of your business, intentions on paper.

Only after the formation of a complete picture of the future business and the definition of an action plan is it worth taking on the active part of the project.

How to write a business plan for a gym

There are a number of key issues, without which you should not even think about starting a business. This:

  • Marketing
    Market and competitor analysis. Determination of the list of services provided and your competitive advantages.
  • Investment
    Room selection and decoration. Purchase of the necessary equipment.
  • Operating
    Determination of the operating mode, selection of service personnel.
  • Financial
    Definitions of fixed and variable costs. Profit planning and project payback.

A deep analysis and the decisions made as a result of it will make a ready-made plan for your future project at the end. Only such an approach guarantees minimization of risks and the fastest return on investment.

Competitor analysis

Having decided on the location of your future hall, you should first of all embark on "espionage". Visit the halls of your "colleagues" in the industry and conduct a comparative analysis.

During such an "operation" you will need to clarify:

  • average price per hour of visiting the gym,
  • quality of equipment and premises,
  • opening hours and availability of other related services.

Such a study will help you determine development priorities, draw up a rough picture and plan for action.

The range of services provided

To attract customers, you need to implement marketing plan.

For customer retention it is necessary to provide him with the maximum possible range of services at the lowest prices.

Among the additions to the gym services that you can offer clients, you should pay attention to the following:

  • massage room;
  • Swimming pool;
  • Sauna and separate shower cabins;
  • Small sporting goods store, non-alcoholic bar;

The services of the gym itself are usually provided in different forms:

  • self-study

Clients can only come to keep fit. For this category, it is necessary to provide the opportunity for a single visit to the hall.
Some visitors will want to come periodically, but to practice without a coach. For such visitors, you can introduce subscriptions, the purchase of which will help them save.

  • Classes with a trainer

Usually this form is preferred by a certain category of people - beginners who want to change their lifestyle, so they need a person who will constantly motivate them and push them forward.
For them, subscriptions to systematic training sessions with a trainer will also be attractive, as they will make them “work off” the money invested.

Selection and equipment of the premises for the hall

There are no special requirements limiting the choice of premises. The service is quite in demand among the population and over time, with a responsible attitude to business, good results can be achieved.

But to increase the potential for profit and customers, you should consider that:

  • It is better to open in areas with big amount population (sleeping areas). People are more willing to go to the gym if it is close to their home.
  • The absence of other halls nearby will save on marketing and promotions.
  • A premise located near the road with wide access roads and parking space will be another plus in your favor.
  • It is highly likely that you will redevelop the premises. It is necessary to agree in advance about this with the owner.

Room size and the possibility of redevelopment will play a key role in shaping its value.

When renting a room, please note that established norms in the gym for one person it is necessary to allocate 2 square meters. m. area.

If we take as a calculation unit 100 clients who can simultaneously be in the hall, then its minimum required area should be equal to 200 square meters. m.

At the design stage, you should consider that both men and women can be visitors to the gym.

In order for both parties to feel comfortable in your hall, it is worth separating the male half from the female. At a minimum, there should be 2 changing rooms and 2 showers in the room. The area of ​​the hall will also need to be divided into two parts.

Now you need to decide on the rest of the premises:

  • Area 40 sq.m. allocated to men's and women's locker rooms.
  • 100 sq.m. - to the pool (which will become a competitive advantage).
  • The reception area can be placed on an area of ​​20 sq.m.
  • Premises for sauna and massage will occupy 40 square meters. m.
  • In addition, a pantry, toilet and director's office will be needed. For these purposes, another 50 square meters will have to be allocated. m. area.

Thus, the rented premises for a gym for 100 people must be at least 450 sq.m.

Plan for the future sports complex and make an estimate for the renovation of the premises. Perhaps the best option would be to build your own building. After the project has paid for itself, you will have your own space and more gross profit than in the case of renting.

Purchase of equipment

It's no secret that the main thing in the gym are the simulators themselves. The wider and more varied their selection, the greater customer satisfaction.

We will focus on middle-class customers, so we will not be able to buy expensive equipment. Indeed, in this case, the project will pay off for too long.

Elite clubs are constantly updating their equipment, as they provide services to the most fastidious clients who want to train exclusively on new and modern simulators. For this reason, it is always easy to find high-quality and durable used exercise equipment on the market. Thanks to this feature, you will be able to purchase the most diverse and relatively new equipment for your fleet at a residual depreciation price.

In this way, investment in equipment in the amount of 750,000 rubles. will be more than enough.

Minimum a set of necessary shells and simulators(numbers are approximate and may vary):

  • Treadmill (stationary) - 6 pcs.
  • Exercise bike - 6 pcs.
  • Swedish wall - 6 pcs.
  • Power complex shells - 3 pcs.
  • Complex simulators for gymnastic exercises - 3 pcs.
  • Rowing machine — 4 pcs.
  • Abdominal trainers - 6 pcs.
  • Small sports equipment and equipment: dumbbells, gymnastic balls, steps and other fitness equipment

Also need to buy sports furniture, which is needed for other rooms:

  • Sofas, tables and chairs for the reception area, administration space and benches for the gym.
  • Wardrobes for staff clothes and other furniture for the administrative premises and director's office.
  • Lockers and benches for locker rooms.
  • Other interior items of the room and decoration of the hall (mirrors, hangers, etc.).
  • Equipment and furniture for the pool, sauna and massage room.
  • Office equipment, TV and music installation.

In order to provide the gym with the necessary furniture and equipment, it will be necessary to spend, according to average estimates, 200,000 rubles.

Calculation of working hours and selection of service personnel

A strict work schedule with the maximum use of the time of day will be another attractive factor for customers. The hall should work seven days a week from 7-00 to 24-00. For a working day lasting 14 hours, the workflow must be organized in two shifts. When distributing shifts and scheduling, leave workers should be taken into account.

In many ways, the attendance of the gym will depend on the attendants. Therefore, when hiring, you should pay attention not only to the professional merits of candidates, but also to their politeness and sociability.

The number of employees and their workload will depend on the number of shifts and work schedule. Female trainers are more suitable for fitness, while male trainers are more suitable for the gym.

It should be remembered that visitors will see their mentors as a benchmark to strive towards. Make sure trainers meet the required external criteria. It is better to take a girl who has a superficial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsports to work in the reception.

For the full functioning of the gym, it is necessary to create a staff of several groups of employees.


Service personnel:

  • Coaches and instructors - 8 people;
  • Masseurs - 2 people;

Support staff:

  • Technicians - 2 people
  • Reception - 2 people

Project organization calculations

Perhaps the largest item of expenditure will be salary. In general, the amount of salary will be considered individually, depending on the level of professionalism and value of the employee.

Below are indicative figures based on positions held:

  • The manager and accountant should receive a salary of 45,000-40,000 rubles.
  • Instructors and masseurs - 20,000 rubles.
  • Reception — 15 000 rubles.
  • Cleaning lady - 10,000 rubles.

For staff motivation working directly with clients, it is best to implement a bonus system.

The bonus can be calculated based on the income received from the sale of subscriptions to classes with trainers.

A lot of money is always required to quickly replace worn-out shells. Since the result of your activity directly depends on the quality of simulators, it is worth organizing a special sinking fund and make contributions to it in the amount of 10% of the profit. This will help to collect certain funds for a "rainy" day and survive it painlessly.

Premises for rent

Although we talked about the greater efficiency of building your own building, financial plan we will make up based on the cost of rent.

The average price per 1 sq.m. in the "sleeping" area varies at the level of 1,000 r. per 1 sq.m. Based on this, the monthly rent will be 450,000 rubles.

Communal payments- electricity, water, heating - 60,000 rubles.

Other expenses - stationery, telephone payments and advertising - 10,000 rubles.

Sample business plan for opening a gym

Expenditure part

D To determine the total amount of investment is traditionally calculated first. The calculation is made for the period of the first working year.

Initial investment costs - 7,350,000 rubles.

  • Room rental - 5,400,000 rubles. (an advance payment for the year).
  • Repair and rebuilding - (based on the estimate) up to 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 750,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture and appliances - 200,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses - 415,000 rubles.

  • Salary - 345,000 rubles.
  • Utility expenses - 60,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Depreciation deductions— 10% of the net profit for the reporting period (in this case, the project will not pay off in the first year).

Total expenditure in the first year - 7,765,000 rubles.

Revenue part

The daily work schedule provides for a 14-hour working day for the hall. The complex can serve up to 100 clients at the same time. The gym can serve up to 500 people per day.

However, when analyzing competitors who have been on the market for a long time, it turned out that on average, about 80% of its visitors visit the hall per day. bandwidth. Given the conditions of great competition and the likelihood of difficulties in attracting customers, assume that during the first year the hall will have approximately 20% of customers from daily potential. average cost to visit the hall with a subscription is 250 rubles.

Planned income = 100 people * 250 rubles. * 350 working days = 8,750,000 rubles. in year.

Payback of the project = 7,765,000 rubles / 8,750,000 rubles. ≈ 10-11 months.

The idea of ​​creating your own gym has a very good prospects. but key factor for its implementation is the correct organizational policy aimed at attracting and retaining customers.

The most efficient way is creation of a subscription system, according to which customers pay for their right to visit in advance.

An analysis of markets and competitors confirms the popularity of gyms among the population, so the provision of comprehensive and high-quality services should be your main guideline in striving to make a profit from the business you are creating.