Festive program for mother's day at school. Unusual scenario for mother's day at school

Scenario for Mother's Day

Music sounds. The curtain is closed. The hall is dark.

How many stars in a clear sky!
How many spikelets in the fields!
How many songs does a bird have!
How many leaves are on the branches.
Only the sun is one in the world
Only mother is alone in the world.

The curtain opens. Children stand and say in turn:
1. The most beloved.
2. Kind.
3. Honey.
4. Delicate.
5. Beautiful.
6. Wonderful.
7. Beautiful.
8. The coolest.
9. The only one.
10. Unique.
11. The most patient.
12. Mommy dear.
13. You are the only one.
All: Happy Holidays to you!!!

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon dear friends!

Host 2:
Hello! Today we celebrate a big holiday -
Mothers Day! The mother has always been revered in Russia - the guardian of the clan, family, home. The words about the sanctity of the mother who gave life, about the need for a careful, loving, respectful attitude towards her are close and understandable to everyone.
We can consider today a truly good day, because it gave us a meeting with you, which happens not so often. And in honor of the national holiday - Mother's Day - we honor the women mothers, whose tireless work ensures the future.

I believe that a woman
Miracle of the earth?
What on the Milky Way
Don't find
And if a woman
holy word,
That is thrice sacred -
"Woman - Mother".

Host 2:
The word for greeting is given to the head
thin number. Amateur)

Mother! The most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word that
A person pronounces, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands - they can do everything. Mom
The most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it,
It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how much you
Five or fifty years old, you always need a mother, her caress, her look.
And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter her
A life.
Dear women we congratulate you on the holiday. We wish you. good health, a lot of happiness to you and your children.
This musical gift is for you!
thin number. Amateur)

Presenter 1:
November outside. And suddenly we are talking about mom. Usually this topic appears in the spring. Why are we talking about her today?
During the war, in 1944, when the country knew that Victory was coming soon, that the most terrible wound had to be healed - the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order "Mother Heroine" was established. On November 1, it was presented to Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region. In 1998 The State Duma adopted a Decree on the establishment of Mother's Day, which they decided to celebrate on the last Sunday of November. A mother woman creates a world in which the mind lives in harmony with the heart. Let the new holiday date on the calendar of Russia - Mother's Day - become a particularly domestic and national holiday.

We have many wonderful mothers visiting us.
And I want to talk about amazing families. Families with three or more children.

Presenter1: Judge for yourself: scientists have calculated that a woman raising two children and a husband does the work of a whole plant in a year consumer services. These are two children, but three, four?
Presenter 2: (lists large families)

Presenter 1:
The family is joy, it is mutual understanding and support, it is shelter, warm and dear, it is the reliable shoulder of the father and the surprisingly kind gentle hands of the mother. Thank you for your generous motherly heart. And this musical gift is for you!
thin number. Amateur)

"Mom got sick"

Coughing sounds at night
The old woman fell ill
For many years she has been in our apartment
She lived alone in a room.

There were letters, only very rarely
And then, without noticing us,
She kept walking and whispering: “Children,
You should come to me at least once.

Your mother bent over, turned gray.
What to do, old age has come.
How good would we be
Next to our table.
You walked under this table,
On holiday they sang until dawn,
And now they've gone, gone
They flew away, so collect it!”

Mom got sick the same night
The telegraph did not get tired of shouting:
“Children, urgently, children, very urgently
Come, mother is sick!”

From Odessa, Tallinn, Igarka,
Putting things aside for the time being
Children gathered, but it's a pity
By the bed, not by the table.

Stroking wrinkled hands
Light, silver strand.
Why did you give separation
So how long to stand between you?

Mother was waiting for you in the rain and in the snow,
In the painful insomnia of nights
Is it necessary to wait for grief,
To visit your mother?

Is it just telegrams?
They brought you to the fast trains?!
“Listen while you have a mother,
Come to her without telegrams!”

Host 2:
Mom, mommy ... How much warmth this little word conceals, which names the dearest, closest, the only person. Maternal love warms us to old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.
Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy, be caring and always remember that we are all indebted to them.

Presenter 1:
We bow to you, the great workers of the earth, who give everything and do not require anything in return. We bow to you, the guardians of our hearths, our memory.
Mother and child are two inextricable threads in trouble and in joy. And now your children congratulate all mothers on Mother's Day.
thin number. Amateur)

Host 2:
: We must remember that bright image mother was needed during the war years, that he saved then, that he helps now and that he will be needed in the future ... forever!

Presenter 1:
This is the man who gave us life, taught us everything. So let's not forget that. Go up to your mothers more often and tell them about your love, so that later you don’t scold yourself for saying so little about it.

Host 2:
In world art, the image of a mother is captured not only in words, but also in colors.
And when we talk about a woman, the Madonna rises before our eyes about the Mother.
Madonna, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Mother of God, Mother of God - in Christian religious and mythological ideas, this is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, it was she who was to give birth from the spirit of a holy son, doomed by the dignity of the messiah.
The Madonna is always depicted with a child.
The beauty embodied in the Madonnas and in the chubby bodies of babies is the reflection of the masters about the image of the mother, about her deep love for her son, translated by them into the language of painting.
thin number. Amateur)

Presenter 1:
The mother not only does not get enough sleep at night, she worries and bakes so that the child is full, healthy, cheerful, happy. Mother is the window Big world. It helps the child to understand the beauty of the world: the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars… These beauty lessons are for life…
- Son! Wake up, the first snow has fallen!
- Daughter! Look, the snowdrop has blossomed!
Mother is the miracle of the world. With her endless readiness for self-sacrifice, she inspires the child with a sense of reliability, security.

Host 2:
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything.
Our mothers can do everything in the world - they just don’t know how not to grow old!
Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart, she does not remain indifferent to anything.
And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life.

Presenter 1:
Mommy is sweet, kind, glorious!
I have you - this is the most important thing!
Accept congratulations on mother's day:
Health and happiness, success in everything!

Host 2:
Mom, the best in the world,
I want to wish good luck!
You are an adviser!
You are a friend
Sometimes even a doctor.
Let the reserve of vivacity
Rising every hour
Let fate shower the house
Only happiness and kindness!
thin number. Amateur)

Presenter 1:
Wherever the course of events beckons you,
Wherever you drag into your whirlpool,
Take care of your mother's eyes
From insults, from hardships and worries

Host 2:
Our dear mothers! Once again, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! May each of us on this day give warmth and attention to our mothers, may there be peace and comfort in your homes, and may the children grow up kind, attentive and generous! Happy holiday!

Presenter 1:
We wish you happiness, success,
God bless you and fate.
Let the sounds of childish laughter
They always ring in your house.

Everyone sing a song

MKOU Ust-Muravlyanskaya Main comprehensive school

Voronezh region

Schoolwide extracurricular activity

Mothers Day

Compiled by: Russian language teacher

and Literature Goncharova Elena Vasilievna

Theme: Mother's Day


Develop the emotional sphere, artistry of children;
- to cultivate a sense of respect, love for parents, elders.

Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children

Quiet music begins to play:
Stand up, all the way! Accept standing
Preserved in simple beauty
This word is ancient, holy!
Get up!.. Straighten up! Stand up everyone!
As forests rise in the hours of dawn
Like blades of grass tearing towards the sun again.
Stand up everyone, having heard this word,
As if love itself has come to you!
This word is a call, and a spell,
And a prayer in the far side
The word is the first ray of consciousness,
The groan of the last perishing in the fire.
In this word - the power of disinterestedness,
Kindness, which life is bright,
What the leaves whisper a little,
What the bells are ringing about
This word will forever be
And, breaking through any traffic jam,
Even in stone hearts will awaken
Hidden reproach of conscience.
The word both heals and hurts.
There is a life being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything. He has no end.
Get up!.. I pronounce it:

1 led. Good afternoon, our dear, relatives, our affectionate and gentle! Good afternoon, our dear and beloved mothers and grandmothers. Today we give these beautiful and warm words to you. There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of the holy, warm, affectionate words is the word mom. Because this word carries warmth, warmth of mother's hands, mother's soul. Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person, we congratulate all women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time to be a mother.

2 led. May your day be
Sunny, wonderful.
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening is starry
Clean, clear.
Oh mom!
Always be happy!

1 led. Poems 3 cells

1. Our dear mothers!
We tell you without embellishment
Honest, sincere and direct
We love you very, very much!
2. Our mothers are our joy,
There is no word for us relatives,
So be grateful
You are from loving children!
3. We wish you health, joy,
mental strength in reserve
Thank you dear
For everything you've done for us.
4. For tireless worries,
For the world of family warmth,
God grant that you are always in everything
And henceforth it was the same!

2 led. Students in grades 1-3 will sing the song "Dear Mom"

1 lead - Dear mothers!
Congratulations on Mother's Day.
Many nights have passed without sleep
Worries, worries can not be counted.
Earth bow to you all mothers
For the fact that you are in the world!

2 led. Mother! We wish you, dear,
Health, warm days, kindness!
And know that we need you
Like a ray of sunshine, like air, like water!

1 led. Mother! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the most affectionate and gentle hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart. It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is 5 or 50 years old, he always needs a mother ...

2 led. Mother's Day in Russia was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. You can talk about mom always and forever, never getting tired.
1 led. Scene "How I help my mother."
A girl sits at a desk in a room. Textbooks, notebooks and pens are on the table.

Then her phone rings, the girl picks up the phone and starts talking:
- yes, hello.
- what? No, I won't go down the street!
- Yes, we were asked to write an essay.
- Yes, the topic is - how I help my mother.
- Do I know how I can help her?
- to ask her? No.
- Okay, let's write.

Puts down the phone. Walks around the table
- So how can I help my mother? How?

Mom enters the room
Daughter, have you already done your homework?

Not yet, mom. (and sits at the table)

Mom starts sweeping under the table.

- Mom, I'm doing my homework, and you're bothering me!

- I'll just sweep up and go!

Mom starts dusting the table.

Mom goes to the table, on which her daughter's things are scattered.

- oh, what a dirty dress, wash it immediately!

Oops, I forgot what I'm cooking. Now the soup will be digested! (and runs away)

- this is my talent, I also cook!

All this the girl wrote down in a notebook, as if she were writing an essay. Then he raises the notebook higher, looks into it and says:
- yes, helping mom is a whole science! This is where talent is needed!

2 led. Song of the 5th grade "Far from mom"

1 led. Congratulations Grade 2 Poems

1. There is an eternal word in our world,
short but heartfelt.
It is beautiful and kind
it is simple and convenient.
It is soulful, beloved,
incomparable to anything in the world:
2. Today we will play games
We will sing and dance for you.
It is a pleasure for us to be here,
Thank you moms for being us!

3. We want our mothers
Became even more beautiful!
To make everyone happy
Our mothers are dear!
4. All mothers, like flowers, are always beautiful,
Each one has a different flavor...
As long as there is Mom, there is happiness on the planet!
As long as there are children, there is peace in the world!
5. There are a lot of kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important than all:
Of two syllables, a simple word: "mother"
And there are no words more precious than it.
6. Childhood is a golden time.
How wonderful to know what's wrong with me
Mom is like an angel of kindness
My best friend, dear.7. I love you mom, I don't know why.
Probably because I breathe and dream.
And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day,
For this, I love you dear.
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you mom, you are my best friend!

1 led. You will hear the song "For Mom"

2 led. Song of the 6th grade "My mother"

1 led. Mother! Mommy! How much warmth this magic word conceals. Maternal love warms us to old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, transmits her songs, protects us.

2 led. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them. And we will dedicate our holiday today to you, and we will speak all the words of love and tenderness not only now, but all our lives.

1 led. Mom is the sun
Mom is the light.
Nobody in the world
There is no better mom

2 led. Three people are born every second in the world. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. The child needs a mother. This is the meaning of her life. Love for your baby is as natural as lilac blossoms in spring. As the sun sends its rays, warming all living things, so the love of a mother warms the whole life of a child. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most kind and gentle hands that everyone can do. In her sensitive heart, love never goes out, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

1 led. In the performance of grades 2-4, the song "The Best" will be performed

1 led. Dance performed by the girls of our school

2 led. The song "The most best mom" 8th grade

1 led. Now we will ask you riddles about moms. Whoever guesses first raises their hand! Ready?

1. These balls on a thread
Don't you want to try on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box ... (beads)

2. In my mother's ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Drops-crumbs of jewelry are silvering ... (earrings)

3. Its edge is called fields,
The top is decorated with flowers.
Mystery headdress
Our mother has ... (hat)

4. Name the dishes:
The handle stuck to the circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense, it's ... (frying pan)

5. He has water in his belly
She churned with warmth.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly ... (teapot)

6. This food is for everyone
Mom will cook for dinner.
And the ladle is right there -
Will pour into bowls ... (soup)

7. Dust will find and instantly swallow -
Cleanliness for us.
Long hose, like a trunk-nose,
The rug is cleaning ... (vacuum cleaner)

8. Ironing dresses and shirts,
Iron our pockets.
He is a true friend in the household -
His name is ... (iron)

9. Here is a cap on a light bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges of his openwork -
This is wonderful ... (lampshade)

10. Mom's striped beast
The saucer will beg for sour cream.
And after eating a little
Ours purrs ... (cat)

What good fellows! It’s immediately obvious that moms have helpers!

2 led. Scene. 7th grade

Children come on stage and start a conversation among themselves.

Child 1:
Yes, here they are, adults, they just got it already, they don’t understand us at all!

Child 2:
It is correctly noticed - they do not understand. And most importantly, they want to deceive us, as if we are so stupid and unintelligent!

Child 3:
I sat down to dinner yesterday, and for dinner there was fish. After all, they know that I don’t like fish, but they still cook it for me! And most importantly they say this: eat fish, it is good for the mind. But I'm so smart! And then they add - fish is good for bones! Yes, I'm so skinny!

Child 1:
And I was punished for nothing at all !!!

Child 2:
What is it like? For nothing at all???

Child 1:
Well, yes. I was late for dinner, and my mother tells me not to say a word at dinner. I just open my mouth, and she immediately - not a word! And so the whole lunch. And when they ate, she asks me - what, they say, did you want to say? And I answer - the younger brother pours condensed milk on the shoes in the corridor! And I was punished for not saying it right away! And the whole dinner - be quiet! Be quiet!

Child 2:
No, well, sometimes it makes sense that you're still small.

Child 1:
For example?

Child 2:
So my parents make me play the violins twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. I do not want. So they buy me ice cream for what I play. And my neighbor buys me three ice creams so that I don't play. So I can manipulate both my parents and my neighbor, and these are three adults at once!

Child 3:
Yes, adults themselves happen, they will come up with this! Here, for example, how to understand the inscription in the zoo - do not feed the animals. But how do they live if they are not fed?

Child 1:
And my dad keeps telling me: why do you need this computer? Why do you need this phone? Why do you need this game console? This was not the case in my childhood! I even think my dad saw dinosaurs!

Child 2:
And my mother cleaned the fish, and I played nearby and constantly cursed a little. My mother says to me: if my father is not at home, this does not mean that I will not give you bream for him. And then it hits me on the head. Well, here's how to understand it - after all, my mother cleaned crucian carp, and threatened to give me bream? Yes, adults themselves lie all the time!

Child 3:
And here my dad recently told me what the difference is between a man and a woman.

Child 1:
Very interesting, what is it?
Child 3:
My dad says: I have a men's foot in size 44, and my mother has a women's foot in size 36. That's the difference between the legs!
Child 2:
Okay, we've got to go. Soon the flower stall will close, and we will not have time to buy flowers for our mothers, because today is Mother's Day.

Child 1:
Indeed, it's time to go!

1 led. Alexei Maksimovich Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero. All the joy of the world comes from mothers!”
If you want to make mom the most happy man, do so that she rejoices and can proudly say: “You know what good children I have!” .

2 led. Mom not only does not get enough sleep at night, she worries and takes care that the child is healthy, full, cheerful, happy. Mother is a window to the big world. It helps the child to understand the beauty of the world

1 led. Song "Mother's Hands"

2 led. Performing 4th grade. Poems.

1. From the bottom of my heart in simple terms
Come on, friends, let's talk about mom.
We love her like a good friend
For the fact that we have everything in common with her,
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry at our native shoulder.
2. We love her for the fact that sometimes
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles.
But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, tears will rush away.
For always without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts.
And just because she is our mother.
We deeply and absurdly love her!
3. Your kindness is endless,
And care knows no fatigue,
Mother's soul beauty
Unaffected by adversity and old age,
Let the years go by
And wrinkles fall stubbornly,
Be healthy you, mother, always,
Be happy, dear mother.
4. In the house she is busy with good deeds,
Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night
It was good yesterday.

And where, you ask,
So much kindness in the house
What of this kindness
Flowers take root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I will answer you directly:
It's mom, mom, mom!

2 led. The song "My Mom" ​​performed by grades 5-9

1 led. Mother! Listen to how proud this word sounds! The people live a lot of kind words about the mother.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

There is no better friend than your own mother.

Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, and the whole orphan.

There are many fathers, but only one mother.

2 led. Grandma dance. Grade 7 (The guys are dressed like grandmothers. The music of different directions changes in turn. The grandmothers dance to the music. At the end, modern music sounds and the grandmothers "light")

1 led. The song "For Mom" ​​performed by grade 5

2 led. Now it's time to say goodbye.
Our speech will be short:
We say to you: “Goodbye!
Until happy new meetings!”

1 led. Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter,

Mother's Day Holiday

My mother is the best in the world.

Purpose: to instill in younger students a sense of respect and love for the closest, faithful, devoted person - mother;

creating conditions for the successful interaction of classroom and parent teams;

the formation of a respectful attitude among children to their home, family and culture of relationships between parents and children;

promote rapprochement between adults and children, the formation positive emotions.

Quiet music sounds:

The day before the birth, the child asked God:

I don't know what I should do in this World.

God replied:

I will give you an angel who will always be by your side.

But I don't understand his language...

The angel will teach you his language.

He will protect you from all troubles.

How and when should I return to you?

Your Angel will tell you everything.

What is my Angel's name?

It doesn't matter what his name is...you will call him: MAMA...

Host: Mom! How capacious, how beautiful is this word! Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero.”

Mothers Day -

Worthy good holiday

Which is included

Sunshine for the family.

And unpleasant

Is every mother

When she is honored

Rightfully rewarded?

Burning with billions of stars


And in this burning -

The majesty of heaven...

But the greatest

Creation of nature

Is a woman -

Miracle of miracles.


Dear mothers, we are pleased to welcome you to the holiday dedicated to International Day mother.

In the rays of coolness, light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we enjoy it.

2. Know, mom, you are needed!

I need every moment and hour!

You are adored, loved

Then, recently and now!

3. How many stars in a clear sky!

How many spikelets in the fields!

How many songs does a bird have!

How many leaves on the branches!

There is only one sun in the world!

Only mom is alone in the world!

4. Let's help mom be beautiful,

Cheerful, kind, young!

A contented life and a happy one,

Careless, sincere, dear!

5. Mom is the sky! Mom is the light!

Mom is a blessing! Mom is no better!

Mom is a fairy tale! Mom is a joke!

Mom is a treat! Moms love everyone!

6. We often upset you,

What we sometimes don't notice

We love you very, very much.

Let's grow good

And we will always try

To behave!

7. Mom will smile, mom will be sad,

Mom will be sorry, mom will forgive.

Mom is golden autumn, mom is the dearest,

Mom is kindness, mom will always help out!

8. We promise, we promise:

First things first five

receive in the classroom.

Ride carefully downhill

Do not tear new trousers.

9. And do not fight, do not swear.

Do not hit glass with washers.

Do not climb into the attic.

Eat porridge - so be it.

10. Mom, you are not dearer,

Mom can do everything

Congratulations mom today

We wish moms happiness.

11. You, mothers, understand us

You, mothers, forgive us

We are such a people - boys

It's hard to readjust

But don't talk about us like that

Worry a lot!

12. Today we will play games,

We will sing and dance with you.

We are happy to see you here

Thank you moms for being you!


Mother! There is light in this word of the sun!

Mother! There is no better word in the world.

Mother! The song flows like a stream.

Mother! We will sing this song about her.

1. Song: "Song for Mom"

In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin No. 120 "On Mother's Day" dated January 30, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to maternal labor and their selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children.

13. Many nights have passed without sleep,

Worries, worries - do not count!

Earth bow to you native mother,

For the fact that you are in the world.

For kindness, care, golden hands,

For your maternal advice.

We all wish you together:

Live, dear, many years!!!

7. You are dear to me, you are priceless!

Your smile is precious

Understand, help and forgive

You, smiling - heal!

On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Thank you family! And let your beloved children say warm words to each of you more often! Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparks sparkle in their eyes when you are together!

Children give gifts to their mothers. (postcard)

2. Song: “Mom - best friend

Host: Being a mother is a big burden of responsibility. Here are the statistics of one magazine, which gives such figures:

Mothers spend more than 3000 thousand sleepless nights at the bedside of sick children.

Mothers prepare more than 500 types of a wide variety of dishes throughout their lives.

And they wash mountains of laundry. If you fold the laundry they washed, you get a mountain as high as Elbrus.

If you add up all the towels they ironed, you get a belt for the entire globe.

Mothers sing songs and read poetry, knit and sew, rejoice and grieve most often because of the children.

And mothers cry. Mother's tears are a sea or even an ocean, which can be called an ocean of sadness.

Being a mother means seeing the happy eyes of your children!

For YOU, dear mothers, ditties will sound!

Ditties for moms

1. Our dear mothers,

We will sing ditties to you.

Congratulations on the holiday

And a big hello to you!

2. I train with a barbell,

I started to pump muscles,

But here's mommy's bag

I can't lift it!

3. To get mom to work

The evil alarm clock did not wake up

I am for him tonight

Unscrewed three pieces.

4. The first quarter has passed,

We are glad to the ears.

And now we stand and sing

We are ditties for you.

5. Mom's anger, like the first snow,

Melting quickly,

Us for she pranks

Forgiving a hundred times a day!

6. Twos in our diaries

Let's not let it pass.

Promises third class

whole year try.

7. To make mom surprised

We cooked dinner

Only a cat for some reason

She ran away from the cutlets.

8. Why does our mother have

So few hands?

She has a couple more

To keep up everywhere!

9. So I decided that I was on holiday

I will do it for my dear mother -

I will become very obedient

For a whole week!

10. Mommy bakes a pie

With apple jam

Runs over the threshold

Bad mood!

11. I love my mother very much!

I state it directly.

There's a new star in the sky

I'll call you "mom"!

12. Let songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers.

We are for you, for everyone, relatives,

We say: "Thank you!"

13. I am very proud of the heroic

Your sweet mother!

Because our mother

Being everything is the hardest thing!

Leading: Repeating the movements of the lips of the mother, we pronounce our first word in life: mother. 10 years, 12, 50 years will pass... Many events, people and meetings will be forgotten in our memory. But no matter what we experience, memories will always bring us back to the bright world of childhood, to the image of the mother who taught us to speak.

We are a reflection of our mothers.

Scene 1: "Seryozha is hosting"

Mom leaves, hurries to the store.

"Seryozha, you are left alone."

Mom said:

"You serve me:

Wash the dishes, put your sister to bed.

Do not forget to chop firewood, my son,

Catch the rooster and lock it up."

Sister, plates, rooster and firewood ...

Serezha has only one head!

He grabbed his little sister and locked him in the barn.

He said to his sister: "You play here."

He diligently washed the firewood with boiling water,

Four plates smashed with a hammer.

But for a long time I had to fight with a rooster:

He didn't want to go to bed.

Scene "Sneak"

Teacher: Masha washed the dishes, her brother did not help her.

Mashenka broke the glass, Brother said cheerfully:

Boy: I saw everything, I saw everything! I'm watching you.

All I know! All I know! I'll tell my mom everything!

Boy: Masha washed the dishes! Mashenka broke a glass -

The newest, thinnest, with a golden border.

Mom: I'm in trouble with her, right?

I will never trust her again.

You, son, will always wash the dishes from now on.

Leading: Our mothers have many responsibilities. But, probably, the most important thing is to be the "Good Sun" of the family, to bring light and warmth to children, to become their soulmate.

3. Song: "About mom"

Leading: Today we congratulate the mothers of our mothers - grandmothers! We give them the scene "Grandmother and grandchildren."

Scene. "Grandmother and grandchildren"

Hello my dove! Won't you go out for a walk?

What the hell, I haven't done my homework yet.

Which lessons? Are you a child? You've been out of school for a hundred years!

Yeah? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren.

Yes, I have been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.

Truth? Is that how you pamper them?

I don't pamper! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always rewrite me cleanly.

Oh, really strict.

1. So if anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.

2. Well, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem Hm-hm ... “There is a green oak near the seashore; a golden chain on that oak ... "

1. So, okay

2. And day and night, the dog is a scientist ...

1. What kind of dog? What dog?

2. Well, I don't know what breed he has.

1. YES, not a dog, but a scientist cat, understand? Cat!

2. Ah - ah, I understand - I understand! I then first “At the seashore there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; And day and night the cat is a scientist ...

2. He goes to the grocery store with a shopping bag ...

1. From which string bag to which? Which deli? Where did you see this?

2. Oh, well, what are you, a friend! I have so many more lessons, I messed everything up.

2. She has already been named.

2. Col! It is put to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do homework.

Now watch a little scene "Homework".

presenter: Vitek leaned over the table

And squeezed the temples with his hands.

He writes an essay:

How do I help my mom?

Then Vitek will gnaw the pen,

Then the gloomy one will fall asleep.

Try it, come up with it!

But then from the kitchen mom suddenly

Silently calls his son:

Mom: Vitunchik! Run to the store.

I would like salt and matches.

Vitya: What are you! After all, I'm struggling with the essay,

Still a lot of work!

Presenter: Mom and son fell silent

In a notebook he wrote out the phrase:

Buy something for mom

I always run right away ... "

Mom opened the door:

Mom: Vityunya, I need you.

I'm going to the shop. Clean for now

Potatoes for dinner!

Vitya: What else!

Presenter: Vitek cried out,

Vitya: I'm even sick of listening to it!

Here is an essay, and you

With some potatoes...

Host: Mom disappeared. And the son summed up in a notebook:

Vitya: “I’ll cook breakfast for my mother myself ...

Lunch and dinner too…”

Five plus!...

Presenter: ... He rejoices.

-What does this scene teach us? (Mom must be loved. And help her not in words, but in deeds).

4. Song: "Mom".

Teacher: Mom is the most main man in the life of each of us. The kindness, caring and eternal concern of the mother for the fate of her children - this is what the painters tried to capture in their paintings and icons with admiration and a feeling of great gratitude.

The word "icon" is Greek; in Russian it means "image" (icons - images). These are paintings of special content, written on the board. One of them - "Our Lady of Vladimir" - was created in the first half of the 12th century. According to legend, the first icons of the Mother of God were painted during her lifetime, and they were painted by the disciple of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Luke. The icon "Our Lady of Vladimir" is considered the patroness, protector of the Russian land. This icon, since ancient times especially revered in Russia, is in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Look at her: the face of the Mother of God is sad, she mourns for the trials ahead of her son. Bowing her head to the baby Jesus, who gently presses against her cheek, the Mother of God extends her left hand to him with a pleading gesture, as if asking Jesus for protection for all of us. The baby Jesus is depicted not only in a childishly touching way. His gaze is full of wisdom and strength. The faces of the Mother of God and Jesus Christ are beautiful, because they are full of the kindest feelings.

Coming soon new holidayNew Year! By this holiday, in every family they try to get out better, that is, to become a general. The initiator of all affairs is, of course, mother ...


1. General cleaning.

For general cleaning

Everyone gets a five

When he can name

What to wash and wipe.

List what mother does during the general cleaning of the apartment. The one who says the last word wins.

2. Clean clothes.

While putting things in order, the younger brother was all messed up. We need to clean his clothes. On clothes - 10 clothespins. Blindfolded, you need to take them off. (2 girls and 2 boys participate)

3. Cook porridge.

A poem is read in which the products are listed. If the named product is needed to make porridge, the children say "YES", if not needed - "NO".

Magpie - white-sided

I thought about cooking porridge

To feed the kids.

Went to the market

And here's what I got...

Fresh milk - yes!

Chicken egg - no!

Semolina - yes!

Cabbage - no!

Pickled cucumber - no!

Meat jelly - no!

Sugar and salt - yes!

White beans - no!

Melted butter - yes!

Salted fish - no!

Bay leaf - no!

Chinese rice - yes!

Prunes and raisins - yes!

Chocolate delight - no!

Bulgarian pepper - no!

Tatar sauce - no!

Strawberry jam - yes!

Biscuits - no!


1. Teacher: Dear mothers, I have a magic chamomile in my hands. It will help you to know the features of your appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called "The Most-Most".

(moms tear off flower petals)

The most charming.

The most attractive.

The most tender.

The most beautiful eyes.

The most charming smile.

The most, the kindest.

The most affectionate.

The most caring.

The most beautiful.

The most charming.

The most beloved.

The cutest.

2. Competition "Interview": the presenter asks mothers questions about the school life of children.

The mother who answers large quantity questions (questions are chosen from the tray)

How many girls and boys are in the class?

List the names of the boys in grade 3.

Name a music teacher in English, physical education.

How many lessons foreign language per week for your children?

Are all the guys present today at our holiday?

Name the director. Head teacher and deputy educational work.

How many lessons does your child have on Wednesday?

What days of the week do physical education classes take place?

How many physical education lessons per week do your children have?

Leading: Wonderful! All mothers are interested in the school life of their children and are aware of all the cool things. Keep it up!

3. Comic test "Acquaintance"

Props: a bag with answers to questions printed on leaflets.

1. Do you like to visit?

2. Do you like to dance?

3. Do you like to interfere in other people's family affairs?

4. Do you always eat that much?

5. Do you have a habit of meeting people on the street?

6. Do you love children?

7. Do you want to win a million?

8. Do you like to solve crossword puzzles?

9. Do you like to swear?

11. Do you often borrow money?

12. Do you often climb into someone else's garden?

13. Do you snore in your sleep?

14. Do you hide your age?

15. Do you often fall out of bed?

16. Do you like to cook?

17. Do you use obscene words in conversation?

18. Do you like to laugh at others?

19. Do you like sweets?

20. Do you like washing dishes?

21. Do you have shortcomings?

22. Do you often stay away from home?

And under torture I will not tell!

Every day and not once.

Only awake and in slippers!

When there are guests in the house.

When no one sees me.

Otherwise life is boring!

It's so nice!

My hobby is this!

It happens, but only at night.

Every other day.

Don't talk about it out loud!

It wouldn't bother me!

Only in the bath!

Just on the edge of despair.

Only in moments of weakness.

Well, who doesn't?

When it's very tempting.

Is it invisible?

Well, do you have to do something?

I resist!

Sometimes you can take a risk!

Don't poke your nose into someone else's question!

4. Chamomile game

Teacher: Now we will listen to music and dance. But we will not just dance, but we will depict certain actions.

On the board is a flower made of colored cardboard. Everyone will take one piece of paper. On the reverse side petal, the task that you will show is written. And moms will try to guess what you are showing.

Tasks on the petals:

1 winter came

2. I have a toothache

3. play with the ball

4. cook dinner

5. guests came

6. I got a deuce

7.can't enter the house

8. wash the floor in the house

9. I sit and miss

10. I have a headache

11. I am swimming.

12. I am threading a needle.

13. I chop wood.

5.Collect a postcard (2 people participate)

Presenter: Our holiday is over

What else can we say?

Let me say goodbye -

Wish everyone good health!

Be cheerful, healthy

Give good light to everyone!

Come visit again

And live to be a hundred years old!!!

On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day. This year it is celebrated for the 18th time. So far, the holiday has not gained the popularity it deserves, which is a pity, because the holiday is very important, and undoubtedly useful. Important because this is a “legitimate” reason to express your gratitude to your dearest person. And the benefit of this day is to once again remind the child that not only his holidays are important in life, and gifts should not only be received, but also given with pleasure. Fortunately, children preschool institutions Don't forget about Mother's Day. But it would be nice if the family found time to congratulate their beloved mother.

Proposed script for Mother's Day "Who lives in the magical world?" will help, without special preparation, to arrange a home holiday or a celebration for mothers in kindergarten and in primary school. But, of course, specially prepared concert numbers, dances, poems, songs or just decorate the program.

Members: children, parents, teachers. Dad is the leader. (For home party: family, family friends with children)


The room can be decorated traditionally: balls, serpentine ribbons. And especially for mothers: a gallery of portraits of mothers painted by children. (For a home holiday, you can rummage through mom's archive and find portraits of mom that the children drew in different ages). You can make a photo exhibition (photo newspaper), providing photographs with appropriate captions: mother with her mother: mother - daughter; mother is small; mother is a schoolgirl; mother - mother, etc.


stickers - small stickers that can be glued on the hand, or on the child's face (some people love it very much) when he wins the competition

paper lanterns with "floating" candles (lanterns must be made from oiled paper, then they will not light up)

gnome costumes, or caps

Two - three hats for the contest "It's all about the hat"

Festive table:

Cookies that children and teachers will bake the day before (for a home party - you can organize a festive table, but on the condition that children and dad arrange it)

Music records

Introduction to the scenario "Who lives in the Wizarding World?"

Leading: Do you love holidays? I am very! A holiday is always fun, bright, a holiday is good mood and gifts, a holiday is a time when you can give up important things, and just rejoice from the bottom of your heart. And tell me, please, what holidays do you know?

An auction game is held, the winner is the one who has the last word.

Leading: And what is your favorite holiday?

As a rule, children name Birthday and New Year.

Leading: Yes, New Year is a holiday that everyone loves and always. As for other holidays, very often favorite holidays change with age. The kid will remember the New Year, the older child will remember his birthday, and in a family with children, for sure, the child’s birthday will be among the favorite days. But there is another very important holiday that children also love. Usually adult children. After our today fabulous day I think you will love it too. Does anyone know what holiday this is?

(Guests answer)

Now I will ask you, my dear children, to tell me what kind of mother she is.

Rehearse in advance who will speak and what. Words should be short, with a single characteristic. For example:

Katya: my mother is the most beautiful

Misha: my mom is very funny

Lisa: my mom is a very good cook, her cakes are yummy!

Denis: my mother sings very well!

The host can sometimes comment, something like this: Well, then we will all ask to visit you on some holiday.

Or we will definitely ask Denis's mother to sing at our holiday ...

Leading: Oh, what wonderful mothers you all have! They are smart, and beautiful, and they can do everything, and they do everything. Do you understand who lives next to you? It's simple - good Fairies, real Sorceresses!

W learns the beginning from the composition "Good Tale"

Leading: I'll tell you a little secret, guys, real sorceresses don't have days off. Even on holidays, our Fairies, our mothers are busy: they prepare gifts and a festive table, come up with various amusements and amuse guests, and after the holiday they put the kids to bed, clean everything and go to bed only late at night to wake up the very first and smile at you. But it's not fair! Let's give our kind, beloved sorceresses a gift: arrange a real holiday for them! And let's start with a good song.

Karaoke "Mommy dear, my mother!"

Leading: And now a question for mothers: tell me, please, do real sorceresses have children - ordinary boys and girls? Obedient and capricious, diligent and restless?

It turns out that our dear Fairies, behind your affairs and worries, you did not at all discern the abilities of your children. So for you, I have a secret that is worth revealing: your children are also wizards, only they are still small.

At this time, you can turn off the light and leave only burning luminous lanterns. Not the ones that the children did, but additional ones, especially for this moment. It can be Christmas tree garlands, and aroma lamps, and just candles in sleeves placed on tables and window sills. Children, on the other hand, put on their "gnome" caps.

Leading: See what glorious helpers you have. They still do not know how much, they are only mastering the secrets of magical sciences. But today, I think they will surprise you.

Another question for moms, what magical tools do gnomes have? With what help do they create their little miracles?

The correct answer is caps and flashlights, the one who gives the correct answer gets a sticker. But it may happen that the enumeration of various magical items begins. For example: walking boots, magic wand, pipe, etc. In this case, the host can arrange an additional auction. And then name the correct answers.

Competition "It's all in the hat"

Leading: So, we found out that the main magical tools of the gnomes are lanterns and hats. Well, everything is more or less clear with flashlights, but what can you do with a hat?

Now I will show you one of the possibilities of a magic hat. So tell me, who loves candy the most?

A child or adult is invited to eat candy.

Leading: Now with the help of magic words, we will return the candy to this Magic hat. Come on, let's all say "Crex, fex, pex!"

Everyone repeats the magic words three times, after which the host puts a hat on the head of the sweet tooth.

Leading: Woo-a-la! Candy in a hat!

Sometimes the audience does not always understand the meaning of the joke, explain to them that the candy is in the sweet tooth, and the sweet tooth is in the hat, so the candy is in the hat.

Leading: And now I ask everyone to come to me. We will conduct another test for this hat. Or rather, for several hats.

The host proposes to form two or three (as far as the room allows) teams of mothers and children. The teams line up in the back of the head to each other, in front of the kids, and behind the mother. At a distance of 4-5 meters in front of them is the Leader.

Leading: Now we will have a hat relay race. I explain the rules:

Hats are put on the heads of the first team members, standing behind them, take off their hat and put on their heads, those following them take off their hats and put on themselves ... The last one takes his hat and runs up to me. The fastest team wins.

You can put two or three chairs in front of the teams at a distance, then the hat will need to be put on the chair of your team.

Leading: Reade set Go!

All members of the winning team receive prize stickers.

Leading: Just look at what friendly, cheerful and dexterous teams gathered at our holiday! Sorry, on your holiday, our dear mothers, our good Fairies. And now we will ask you, our wise Sorceresses, to conduct a master class for your young colleagues - gnomes.

There are competitions for mothers.

Contests for moms

1. "Cinderella"


* for each participant two empty containers and one each with a mixture of red and white beans.

The facilitator invites the participants to sort out white and red beans as quickly as possible. The participant who divides the contents of the bowl into two parts faster and better is declared the winner.

The smartest one gets a sticker.

2. "Who milks more?"

Individual or team championship. In the second case, the leader will need assistants, to have time to quickly prepare the "cows".


* rubber gloves (according to the number of participants), filled with water, in the “fingers” of which small holes are made;

* basins , in which "milk" will be collected

Moms are invited to "milk the cow." The role of the cow will be performed by a rubber glove. The winner is the one that can milk more milk faster and more.

The winner gets a sticker.

3. "Nimble brooms"

Team championship. Fairy moms form two teams (if adults are not enough, you can attract gnomes - children)


* twigs for brooms according to the number of participants minus one

* two ropes for tying brooms

*two scoops

* small garbage: candy wrappers, small pieces of paper

*two chairs

Participants have to quickly sweep the floor. But before cleaning up, the teams will have to make their own brooms. Teams line up at the back of the head at the starting position.

In front of each team at a distance of several steps is a chair on which are several twigs (according to the number of team players minus one) and a rope. Candy wrappers or small pieces of paper are scattered behind the chairs. The chairs have scoops.

At the command of the leader, the players, starting from the last number, run up to the chair in turn, take the twig and give it to the first number. When all the twigs are collected, the first number runs to the chair, ties the broom and gives it to the last number. He again runs to a chair with a broom, and collects garbage in a scoop. The fastest win. As a reward - a sticker for everyone.

Leading: Well, now, while we are all here at the arena, let's have a common dance animation or, if it's completely grown-up, then a flash mob. Listen to the music, don't forget to change the rhythm, watch your Fairies, repeat the movements.

Dance Flash Mob Sounds.mp3

While mothers and children are dancing (it is better for them to think up and rehearse movements in advance), the organizers of the holiday are preparing a festive tea party. Of course, the tables must be set in advance, but you still need to turn on the kettle, and it won’t hurt to check everything on the spot.

The host's assistant (or better, several, it can be dads or moms, with whom you need to agree in advance) light candles in lanterns that the children have made.

Leading: I don't even know which team was the best. You all danced so well that even I could not stand still. Moreover, I could not determine the winner, and therefore all dancers receive award stickers.

Mothers sit down, and children remain in the center of the hall.

Leading: However, we still have one unresolved issue. We figured out the hats, but why do the gnomes need flashlights? Do not know? They will show you now!

Children take their paper lanterns, approach their mothers.

Leading: Children need flashlights to find miracles in life, to light the way, to give light to people, and to share joy.

Children at this time lead their mothers to the tea table.

Tea party (banquet)

Leading: Here are the cookies, our dear Sorceresses, our beloved mothers, the children themselves baked for this holiday. So our little gnomes are growing up, growing before our eyes!

During tea drinking, you can make riddles, show several concert numbers prepared by children and mothers, or play.

Magic ending

Leading: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's congratulate our mothers again. And yet, my wonderful little wizards, let's always remember that grown-up fairies get tired too, that fairies also love kind words, that your kind, still small hands are already capable of creating a miracle.

Karaoke "Song about Mom"

After the first verse, the children bring their mothers to the window. There are funny lights on the site. They illuminate the paths that lead to the most lit gazebo. In this gazebo - gifts for mothers, prepared by children.

Leading: Before we say goodbye, I want to ask everyone one last question. There are a lot of fairy tales in the world, but, no matter how hard I tried, I could only find one about my mother. Maybe because our mothers themselves work miracles, and in fact they themselves are fairy tales. Tales dedicated to you, children! Nevertheless, the question remains. What fairy tale, in which the main character is Mom, can you remember?

The children answer. The correct answer is "Wolf and seven kids".

The song "Mom is the first word" from the movie "Mom"

Scenario for Mother's Day "Heart for Mom"

Presenter 1:

Hello dear guests, teachers, masters and students! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate everyone on a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day.

Host 2:

In Russia, Mother's Day was established in 1998. In accordance with Decree of the President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin from January 30 1998 No. 120 "On Mother's Day" Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in November.

Presenter 3:

The initiative to establish this holiday belongs to the Committee State Duma for women, families and youth. This initiative belongs to Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the holiday is to support the traditions of caring for a woman, to consolidate family foundations, to emphasize the importance in our life of the main person - Mother.

Presenter 1:

This is the most tender and most touching holiday for everyone.

Presenter 4:

No matter how the course of events beckons you, No matter how it draws you into your whirlpool, Protect your mother's eyes more from insults, from hardships and worries.

Presenter 5:

Mom ... There are no more words in the world! Whatever path you follow, Mom's love shines over it, To help you in difficult times.

Mom illuminates with a tender heart Days, roads and your deeds. Justify your mother's hopes - Everyday only do good!

Presenter 3:

Samigullina Zulfiya Fanilovna, Deputy Director for Training and Production Work, is invited to the stage for congratulations.

Presenter 5:

And now, dear parents, your children will congratulate you with flowers!

Song "Pray for Parents"

Presenter 3:

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked in wreaths! The most beautiful of women A woman with a child in her arms. From any misfortune of a spell (She really shouldn’t take any good!), No, not the Mother of God, but an earthly, Proud, exalted mother.

Presenter 2: The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times, And so she stands for centuries: The most beautiful of women A woman with a child in her arms. Everything in the world is marked with traces No matter how many ways you walk, Apple tree - decorated with fruits. Woman - the fate of her children.

Presenter 3: May the sun applaud her forever, So she will live for centuries, The most beautiful of women - A woman with a child in her arms.

Presenter 2: - We are all someone's children, for everyone sitting in this room, the word mom is the most important and most beautiful. So let's warm the hearts of our mothers with our love. From the bottom of my heart, in simple words, let's talk friends about mom. Video "Moms" Presenter 1: - Beloved mothers, we congratulate you, On Mother's Day, we wish you happiness and health.

You are in our hearts, even if apart,

We always remember your tender hands. May your every day be filled with light, Be warmed by the love of your relatives, like the sun. Forgive me, at times we upset you, Believe that involuntarily ... We scold ourselves. We give you our love. For you, today we sing songs.

Song “Today to Mom ...” Presenter 2: Today is the holiday of women, mothers - And the young, whose babies are still in the stroller, And the elderly, who give fairy tales to their grandchildren, And those whose children are smarter at school ... To all mothers of all sizes, suits and positions We give a low bow to the ground! Let the house be a full bowl! You are the best example for your children! Bashkir dance

Presenter 3:

The boy chose the rose carefully, So that the others would not be crushed, The saleswoman looked anxiously: Help him, not help? With thin fingers in ink, Bumping into flower thorns, I chose the one that opened the petals in the morning today. Scooping out his change from his pockets, To the question - to whom did he buy? He was embarrassed in a very strange way: “Mom ...”, - he whispered barely audibly. - It's her birthday, she's thirty today... She and I are very close friends. Only now she lies in the hospital, Soon I will have a brother. Ran away. And we stood with the seller, I'm over twenty, she's over fifty. Women should have been born, To raise such children.

Latypova Aisylu Sagadatovna

They tell me that I give too much Love to my children, That maternal anxiety ages my life before the deadline. Well, what can I answer them, Hearts, As impassive as armor? The love I gave to my children makes me stronger. Everything is in it - And joy, And patience, And those crazy, nightingales ... For this pure burning Thank you, my Sons!

Presenter 1: - Mother's heart, it warmed us On days when it was not easy for us, Mother's heart only knew Where we are, close or far. Mother's heart, it alone was waiting for us Even if no one was waiting. From the bottom of our hearts, with love and joy, we present this wonderful cheerful number to our mothers.

Scene "On the school bench"

Social video "Take care of mothers" Presenter 2: To anyone who lives in this world, To love, who can, think and breathe, On our blue planet, there is no dearer word than a mother. Presenter 1: Thank you, dear mother For kindness, affection and love. I was not obedient and stubborn, But you, with patience, forgave everything again. Presenter 2: Over the years, becoming older, stricter in feelings. Suddenly, you begin to understand. There is no person closer and dearer. Than a woman whose name is Mother. Presenter 1: She is with you both in joy and in sorrow. She is with you, even if you are far away. And how much in her eyes lurk - Hearty, maternal warmth. Presenter 2: Hurry to her through the years and separation. To comfort and hug her. Kiss your hands reverently. That woman whose name is Mother! Presenter 1: Our mothers, dear mothers, will give us hearts and lives without words. For us, they are truly holy, It does not matter that there are no halos at the heads. Presenter 3: We walked different roads in life No matter how many winters and how many years, But this truth has long been known: There is no person more related than mother.

Presenter 1:

The PK-6 group is invited to the stage for congratulations

Song "Mom" Latypova Aisylu Sagadatovna: Our concert is over. Please accept our congratulations again. Thank you all for your attention!