Factory for the production of solar panels. Is it "green" electricity production with solar modules? Solar panel manufacturing technology

The use of solar energy is gaining more and more popularity, which invariably entails an increase in demand for equipment that converts solar radiation into electricity. The most common method of obtaining such is considered photovoltaics. Of course, one of the reasons is that the production of solar cells is based on the use of silicon. This chemical element is the second most abundant in the world.


Now huge global companies operate in the solar battery market, which have multi-million dollar turnover and many years of experience. The technologies underlying the production are being improved from year to year. You can easily find the solar panel you need. Whether it's a device for a car, a calculator or home lighting. If you purchase a single photocell, you will notice that they have very little power. Therefore, more often they are connected to a solar module. Let's figure out how.

Manufacturing technology of solar panels.

It is divided into stages, we will analyze each of them:

Of course, the first thing with which absolutely any production begins, and not only solar panels, is the preparation of raw materials (material). As mentioned earlier, the panels are mainly made of silicon, or to be more precise, from quartz sand of a certain breed. The material preparation technology includes two processes:

  1. high temperature melting.
  2. Synthesis with the addition of various chemical elements.

After passing through these processes, silicon purification up to 99.99% can be achieved.

Most often, polycrystalline or monocrystalline silicon is taken for the production of solar panels. And although their production technology is different, nevertheless, the production of polycrystalline silicon is considered more economical. Therefore, I choose a solar battery from such raw materials, you will pay less for it.

After cleaning the silicon, it is cut into thin wafers, which are then tested. It is produced by measuring electrical parameters using a very high power xenon lamp flash light. At the end of the testing of the plates, they are sent to the next stage.

  • At the second stage, the plates are soldered in sections, after which they are formed into blocks on the glass. Vacuum holders are used to transfer these sections to the glass. With their help, mechanical impact on the finished solar cell is excluded. Usually sections consist of 10 elements, and blocks of 4 sections, less often of 6.
  • The blocks obtained in the second stage are laminated with an ethylene vinyl acetate film and a special protective coating. Computer control allows you to monitor the temperature, pressure and vacuum level, as well as program the conditions for lamination.
  • This is the last step in the production of solar panels. It consists in mounting an aluminum frame and a junction box. A special adhesive-sealant ensures a secure connection between the module and the box. The solar arrays are then tested by measuring the short circuit current, the maximum power point voltage, and the open circuit voltage.

Equipment for the production of solar panels.

Only the best equipment is used in the production of solar panels. Thanks to high quality equipment, the minimum error is achieved when testing and measuring indicators. It also guarantees a longer service life, which in turn reduces the cost of purchasing new equipment. Poor quality entails violations in production technology.

The main equipment used in the manufacture of solar panels:

  • Cell cutting tool. The cells are cut with a fiber laser. Dimensions can be set using various programs.
  • Laminator. The name speaks for itself. Solar cells are laminated with it. It has special controllers to support the selected parameters. Laminators work in two modes: manual and automated.
  • Table for moving. It is very difficult to do without this item. It is on it that such operations as trimming the edges, laying the junction box and many others are performed. The tabletop has fixed balls, with which you can open and move the module without fear of damaging it.
  • Glass cleaning machine. It is used in the cleaning of glass substrates. The glass is first cleaned with detergent, then rinsed twice with deionized water. After the substrate is dried with cold and hot air.

Manufacturers of solar panels.

The manufacture of solar panels from silicon is quite promising and profitable business. The demand for solar panels is growing every year. Accordingly, sales volumes are growing.

Of course, the first place in the production of solar panels is occupied by the Chinese. Their main trump card is a very low cost. Naturally, many companies around the world cannot withstand the pressure and competition of Chinese companies. This was the result of the closure of, for example, four German brands in the last couple of years. These are such giants as Solon, Solarhybrid, Q-Cells and SolarMillennium. Following them, the American company FirstSolar closed its branch in Germany, followed by Siemens and Bosch. And this is not surprising. Chinese solar panels are half the price of their foreign counterparts.

Top solar panel manufacturing companies:

  • YingliGreenEnergy. YGE has installed more than 2 GW of solar panels during its existence.
  • FirstSolar. Despite the fact that the company had to close its plant in Germany, it has not lost its position in the top. Its profile is thin-film panels, which they produced more than 4 GW.
  • SuntechPower Co. The manufacturer has put on the market about 13 million batteries.

Russian popular battery manufacturers:

  • Plant "Solar wind".
  • Plant "Hevel".
  • Plant "Telecom-STV".
  • "Ryazan plant of ceramic-metal devices".
  • "Thermotron-plant".

The CIS countries also do not graze the back. For example, a plant producing solar cells from silicon was also launched in Astana. For Kazakhstan, this is a pioneer in this industry. It is planned to use silicon, which is located in Kazakhstan, as materials there. The equipment purchased for production meets all standards and is of high quality.

The high pace of plant construction indicates a high demand for solar panels. Therefore, in the near future we can expect the widespread use of solar modules. And this will definitely have a positive effect on our atmosphere, saving it from pollution and depletion of fuel reserves.

Quartz sand with a high mass content of silicon dioxide (SiO 2) is used as a raw material. It undergoes multi-stage purification to get rid of oxygen. Occurs by high-temperature melting and synthesis with the addition of chemicals.

  • Growing crystals.

    Purified silicon is just scattered pieces. To streamline the structure, crystals are grown using the Czochralski method. It happens like this: pieces of silicon are placed in a crucible, where they are heated and melted. A seed is lowered into the melt - so to speak, a sample of the future crystal. Atoms, arranged in a clear structure, grow on the seed layer by layer. The growth process is long, but as a result a large, beautiful, and most importantly homogeneous crystal is formed.

  • Treatment.

    This stage begins with the measurement, calibration and processing of a single crystal to give the desired shape. The fact is that when leaving the crucible in cross section, it has a round shape, which is not very convenient for further work. Therefore, it is given a pseudo-square shape. Further, the processed single crystal with steel threads in silicon carbide suspension or diamond-impregnated wire is cut into plates 250-300 microns thick. They are cleaned, checked for marriage and the amount of energy produced.

  • Creation of a photovoltaic cell.

    In order for silicon to generate energy, boron (B) and phosphorus (P) are added to it. Due to this, the phosphorus layer receives free electrons (n-type side), the boron side receives the absence of electrons, i.e. holes (p-type side). Because of this, between phosphorus and boron appears p-n junction. When light falls on the cell, holes and electrons will be knocked out of the atomic lattice, appearing in the territory of the electric field, they scatter in the direction of their charge. If you attach an external conductor, they will try to compensate for holes on another part of the plate, voltage and current will appear. It is for its development that conductors are soldered on both sides of the plate.

  • Assembly of modules.

    The plates are connected first into chains, then into blocks. Usually one plate has 2W of power and 0.6V of voltage. The more cells there are, the more powerful the battery will be. Their serial connection gives a certain level of voltage, parallel increases the strength of the resulting current. To achieve the required electrical parameters of the entire module, elements connected in series and in parallel are combined. Next, the cells are covered with a protective film, transferred to glass and placed in a rectangular frame, and a junction box is attached. The finished module passes the last test - the measurement of current-voltage characteristics. Everything can be used!

  • Russia produces relatively little solar panels, and the share of energy production from the sun in Russia is also small. Nevertheless, panel production exists and should probably be expected to increase due to sanctions.

    Russia exports its products (solar panels) to Germany and the Czech Republic. This is somewhat strange, since Russia also imports similar products from countries: Germany, China, Taiwan, Thailand. One would think that most of all imports are from China, but the source claims that this is not the case, most of all imports from Germany.

    Let's list Russian companies that produce solar panels (this information is taken from various sources, the enterprises may have been renamed or closed):

    1. Moscow, Zelenograd: CJSC "Telecom-STV".
    2. Moscow, Zelenograd: SolarInnTech LLC.
    3. Krasnodar: LLC "Solar Wind"
    4. Moscow: Moscow enterprise JSC "All-Russian Research Institute of Electrification of the Economy" (JSC "VIESKh").
    5. Krasnodar: OAO Saturn.
    6. Ryazan:"Soleks" LLC.
    7. Ryazan: JSC "Ryazan plant of metal-ceramic products".
    8. Moscow: NPP "Quantum".

    Production of technical silicon:

    1. Usolye-Sibirskoye of the Irkutsk region: Nitol Solar (Nitol company), Siberian Silicon project (RUSAL and RosNano).
    2. Novocheboksarsk, Chuvashia: Khimprom.
    3. Volgograd: Volgograd JSC Khimprom.
    4. Abakan, Khakassia: Abakan Plant of Semiconductor Materials (AZPM).
    5. Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory: Zheleznogorsk plant of semiconductor silicon on the basis of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Mining and Chemical Combine.
    6. Leningrad region: POLYSIL, international project Baltic Silicon Valley.

    Something has been preserved in Ukraine and Kazakhstan.


    Solar battery from the company "Quantum"

    Kvant (Moscow). This company produces solar panels, including for space.

    This company produces solar panels based on three-stage amorphous silicon. Its products can operate at temperatures from -40 to +75 degrees Celsius.

    This is an important indicator, because as the temperature rises, the performance of solar panels decreases. Therefore, most manufacturers usually indicate the upper limit at 60 degrees.

    Kvant produces models of solar batteries of the series: BSA (folding), EPS.

    BSA battery power: from about 642 W, at a voltage of 3.4 V to 15.408 W, at a voltage of 20.4 V. The open circuit voltage is slightly higher. In addition, the more powerful the panel, the stronger the current it produces.

    The power of EPS panels: 50 and 100 W at a voltage of 12.5 V. Various devices have been created based on these batteries.

    The efficiency of the panels from this company exceeds nineteen percent. And on some models, an efficiency of twenty-five to thirty percent has been achieved.

    The cost is about 90 rubles per watt.

    "Solar Wind" (Krasnodar). The company manufactures solar panels based on single-crystal silicon.

    Modules are produced from 5 to 160 watts, but you can order a module for 200 watts. The efficiency of these models is low - from 12 to 20 percent, depending on the coverage. Double-sided panels are also produced.

    The voltage on the panels for the FEM series (double-sided) is 12, 20 and 24 volts, but this is not for any power. The TSM series (produced in Zelenograd) produces voltages of 17, 19 and 34 volts.

    Solar battery from the company "Saturn"

    Telecom-STV (Zelenograd). The company produces solar panels with power from 30 to 250 watts of the TCM series (voltage: 16.6; 17; 19; 17.5; 30; 31; 34; 36; 38 volts). Their efficiency is from 24 to 26 percent, which is not bad. They can also be flexible and double-sided.

    Solar panels of the FSM series can have a power of 300 watts. The maximum voltage for such panels: 18; 19; 24; thirty; 36; 37; 38 volts.

    "Ryazan ZMKP" (Ryazan). The company's website presents two modules with efficiencies from 12 to 70% (relatively low). Power from 200 to 240 watts for voltages of 28-29 volts. The second panel produces power from 105 to 145 watts and voltage from 20 to 22 volts.

    Hevel (Novocheboksarsk). The company is engaged in both the production of solar panels and the construction of solar power plants. The power of the produced solar panels is 120 watts, and the output voltage is 100 volts.

    "Saturn" (Krasnodar). The company prepares solar panels, including those for space. For the geostationary orbit, panels are produced with an efficiency of 15.5 and 28%. Specific power 180 and 310 watts per square meter(respectively).

    SolarInnTech (Zelenograd). This company produces solar modules of the Sunways brand for houses.

    The panels give out power of 30 watts and a voltage of 18 volts. It costs 2200 rubles. The operating temperature is from minus forty to plus eighty-five degrees Celsius.

    The most expensive panel costs twenty-three thousand, produces a power of one hundred and ninety-five watts and a voltage of 33 volts.

    The coefficient of the presented panels, depending on the model, is fifteen and twenty percent.

    Overview of batteries manufactured in Russia

    A fairly wide range of solar panels is produced in Russia. They can have various purposes, including, they are also produced for space.

    The modules produce a fairly wide range of voltages and powers, which allows them to be used to power many household appliances and lamps. If this is not enough, then they can be connected in parallel and in series, thereby increasing either power or voltage.

    Structurally, modules can be single-sided, double-sided, flexible, folding, thin-film.

    Solar panels produced in Russia have a relatively low efficiency. As a rule, it is below twenty percent, but there are companies that produce solar panels with higher efficiency. However, it should be noted that in the stationary version, the efficiency is not such a critical parameter.

    If we take the worst efficiency of 12%, and the record efficiency at the moment of 46%, then the linear dimensions of the panels will differ by less than two times. In the industrial version, what can be bought for the same price, the linear dimensions will differ slightly if the efficiency of the solar panel is at least 17%.

    Solar energy market

    According to statistics, the solar energy market is developing very quickly. Since 1990, in twenty years, the production of solar cells has increased five hundred times. According to forecasts, in ten years, starting from 2008, the production of solar cells will increase two and a half times, and the total capacity of the solar energy used will increase five times.

    The most powerful of them and widespread today are hydroelectric power plants. In addition to those described, fundamentally different methods of producing renewable energy are being developed: obtaining energy using algae (somewhere light, and somewhere electricity or hydrogen), using the temperature difference in salt water (and possibly salinity, or in other cases) and so on.

    Solar panels on the ISS

    Solar panels are used on spacecraft. It is difficult to obtain energy in space, solar panels are in great demand there. On Earth, solar panels (and not only panels) are used to create power plants. Each time they become more and more powerful.

    As mentioned above, there are two approaches: converting solar energy directly into electricity and converting solar energy previously into heat. A fairly common element of solar panels are in the so-called ECO-houses and just houses. They are placed on the rooftops.

    Also, in such houses use the accumulation of heat from the sun. Suffice it to say that if the temperature outside is about zero, then, thanks only to the sun, you can get a temperature of eighteen to twenty degrees Celsius in the house. And it will be around the clock.

    IN Lately solar-powered lighting devices (using solar panels) began to become widespread. This became possible with the transition to (bulbs). Such installations are used in cities for street lighting. But in everyday life, such devices are also used. Traditionally, in everyday life, solar cells are used to recharge calculators.

    In addition, solar panels can be installed on airplanes, cars and yachts in order to generate electricity for the engine, or as additional energy.

    State policies also deserve attention. It is not known how it is now, but in 2010 in Ukraine it was proposed to introduce benefits for those energy consumers who use solar panels or other renewable sources. Similar policies are being pursued in other countries.

    The leaders in the production of solar energy are the following countries: China, USA, France, Italy, Germany, Japan.

    In Russia, the share of hydroelectric power plants in energy production reaches fifteen percent. But the share of other renewable energy sources in its production in Russia is less than one percent.

    World manufacturers of solar panels

    China has been the leader in the production of silicon and solar cells over the past decade. However, its share is somewhat declining, if in the year 2007 it accounted for sixty-eight percent of world production, then in the year two thousand and fourteen its share fell to fifty-eight percent.

    If we consider the production of solar panels, then after China the following countries follow: Japan, Taiwan, Germany.

    Here is a list of companies leading in the production of silicon for solar cells:

    1. South Korea: Dow Chemical Corporation (DCC).
    2. USA: Globe Metallurgian.
    3. Brazil: Cia Brasileira Carbureto de Cal-cio (CBCC), Camargo Correa Metais SA.
    4. Germany: Eckart GmbH & Co.
    5. Spain: Sdad Espanola de Carburos Metalicos SA.
    6. Norway: Elkem A/S silicon Metal Division.

    The idea of ​​using solar energy is being introduced very actively, especially in sunny countries. Therefore, it is a promising business. But any business must start with the right equipment for the production of solar panels. We invite you to familiarize yourself with technical equipment business.

    Although expensive, equipping a home with solar panels is a cheaper option for power supply than running power lines.

    What is solar energy used for?

    Nowadays, solar panels are widely used in different directions:

    • portable electronics - charging batteries of various electrical equipment;
    • electric vehicles;
    • aviation - the use of solar energy by aircraft;
    • energy supply of buildings - heating, water heating, lighting, etc., is very popular in tropical and subtropical countries;
    • used in space.

    Most promising business– providing energy to houses and other buildings. But one way or another, you need to buy equipment for the production of solar panels.

    Solar installation equipment

    Batteries solar energy storage. Without them, the work of solar panels is impossible. They accumulate energy during the day, and in the evenings and nights it can be used.

    inverters- an electronic device that converts the constant low voltage of charged batteries into a high variable industrial frequency.

    Uninterruptible power supply used for devices that are adversely affected by a sudden loss of voltage.

    Battery charge controller- a device that is responsible for the timely connection of the battery with consumers - if the battery is not sufficiently charged, the controller does not allow you to make a connection.

    Technical equipment for manufacturing

    High voltage testing equipment

    Each module is tested for suitability. Checks electrical safety, circuits for open circuits, conducts high voltage tests, insulation resistance. The design of the device is made of aluminum frames, sensory curtains. Its dimensions accommodate modules different sizes(3W - 400W).


    • dimensions, mm: 2500 x 1500 x 900;
    • maximum size of the tested module, mm: 1400 x 2100;
    • test parameters: voltage, acceleration time, current leakage;
    • Software: digital microprocessor with 50 programs;

    Travel table with positioning pads

    Applied to SPV modules for various actions. The table is equipped with aluminum guides. The tabletop is equipped with special balls along which the battery is moved. Pneumatic spacers, in turn, hold the object in one position.


    • dimensions, mm: 2000 x 1300 x 900;
    • maximum size of the tested module, mm: 2000 x 1200;
    • non-metallic balls;
    • polyurethane gaskets;
    • anodized aluminum frame;
    • lift by hand lever;
    • application: edge trimming, junction box connection, stacking, connection.

    framing machine

    Glues the edges of the tape, applies soapy water, frames and compresses solar modules. Includes rotating table with vacuum suction cups. The machine can be operated by one worker. The equipment is very versatile in use, accommodates modules of different sizes (100W - 300W). Additionally presses, compresses and glues the corners.

    Equipment characteristics:

    • dimensions, mm: 3000 x 1900 x 970;

    glass cleaning machine

    It is a PLC controlled horizontal brush system. It has a very strong structure.

    The working area is 2 m by 1 m. Glass thickness: 2 mm - 4 mm. Performs 7 steps of cleaning, leaves no streaks.

    Cleaning process:

    • glass is cleaned with a nylon brush;
    • rinsing with deionized water;
    • moving to the unloading chamber;
    • repeated rinsing with deionized water;
    • squeezing water from the substrates;
    • drying with cold air;
    • hot air drying.

    Equipment parameters:

    • dimensions, mm: 4,700 x 2,000 x 1,300;
    • productivity: 30 panels (2 m x 1 m) in 1 hour;
    • glass size, mm: 300x300 - 2,000x1,000;
    • multi-stage cleaning according to PV standards;
    • material: polypropylene.

    Cell cutting equipment

    Cutting is carried out with a fiber laser. With it, you can get any size. For one cut, 4 cells are obtained. The unit is very compact and has a convenient design.


    • device size, mm: 2000 x 1500;
    • table size, mm: 400 x 400 x (4 cells 156 mm x 156 mm);
    • display: Pentium 4, laser cutting software
    • laser: fibrous;
    • air cooling;
    • holder: vacuum suction cup;
    • minimum frame size, mm: 994 x 666 x 50;
    • hydraulic framing process.

    Mirror inspection table

    It is an important equipment for solar panels. It is used for visual inspection of solar modules. With the help of a mirror, an inspection is carried out, various defects can be detected: cell displacement, damage, etc. This stage is carried out before lamination.


    • maximum module size, mm: 2,000 x 1,000;
    • tabletop material: glass or acrylic;
    • manual inspection with a mirror;
    • presence of lighting.

    Solar PV Module Laminators

    Lamination protects the device from environmental influences. Special coatings are used organic matter. To prevent air molecules from entering the device, vacuum is used during lamination.

    The equipment consists of a laminating chamber (high-alloyed aluminum alloy). The chamber is divided into upper and lower. Between them is a silicon gasket. The entire process of heating the chamber is controlled by a given program. The equipment has fuses to protect the system and the worker.


    • working temperature: 150°C;
    • can work with 3-phase power supply;
    • automatic and manual mode.

    Video: the possibilities of modern production

    Production of solar batteries on the example of CJSC "Telecom-STV"

    Original taken from solar_front в Solar power generation is not so "green" at all.

    SF: The chatter about the environmental hazard or safety of solar panel production at the level of “heard” and “the expert told me” got me so I read this with pleasure:

    Photo: Imaginechina/Corbis.
    Quality control at a Chinese enterprise.

    The production of electricity by solar modules is not at all as "green" as many people think.

    Solar panels shimmering in the sun are an icon for all greens. But is solar power generation really more environmentally friendly than burning fossil fuels? Multiple Incidents environmental pollution associated with the production of these shining "green" symbols. And it turns out that the time it takes to offset the energy and greenhouse gases used and emitted in panel production varies greatly by technology and geography.

    This was bad news. The good news is that the industry can easily eliminate many of the side effects that exist. This is possible in part because, since 2008, photovoltaic production has moved from Europe, Japan and the United States of America to China, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan. Today, almost half of the world's solar modules are made in China. As a result, while the overall track record in the industry is good, those countries that produce the bulk of the production today tend to be the least concerned about protecting the environment and workers in production.

    To understand exactly what the problems are and how they can be solved, it is necessary to know a few things about how photovoltaic panels are made. While solar energy can be obtained using various technologies, the vast majority of solar cells today originate from the production of quartz, as the most common form of silica (silicon dioxide), which is processed into silicon. At this stage, the first problem arises: quartz is mined from mines, where miners are at risk of acquiring silicosis of the lungs.

    At the beginning of processing, quartz is converted into metallurgical silicon, a substance used mainly to harden steel and other metals. This happens in giant ovens and it takes a lot of energy to keep them hot (details below). Fortunately, at this stage, emissions, mainly carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, cannot harm people working in such plants or in the vicinity of the enterprises.

    The next step is the processing of metallurgical silicon into a purer one - polysilicon. The process produces silicon tetrachloride, a highly toxic silicon compound. The purification process includes the reaction of hydrochloric acid with metallurgical silicon to obtain trichlorosilane. The trichlorosilane is then reacted with hydrogen to produce polysilicon along with liquid silicon tetrachloride - three or four tons of tetrachloride for every ton of polysilicon.

    Most manufacturers recycle this waste to produce more polysilicon. Making silicon from silicon tetrachloride requires less energy than making it from raw silicon dioxide, so recycling this waste helps manufacturers save money. But such equipment can cost tens of millions of dollars. Thus, the by-product is often simply discarded. When interacting with water, and this is difficult to prevent, in environment turn out to be: hydrochloric acid and harmful fumes.

    When the photovoltaic industry was smaller, solar cell manufacturers purchased silicon from microelectronics manufacturers, who rejected this silicon due to lack of purity. But boom in solar energy demanded more silicon, and a large number of polysilicon production facilities were built in China. Few countries at the time had strict laws requiring the storage and disposal of silicon tetrachloride, and China was no exception, as Washington Post reporters discovered.