Financial analysis software. Free programs for financial analysis in Excel (download) Additional features for professionals

The purpose of this work is to review the available software products used in complex economic analysis, as well as their capabilities.
In the first section course work The classification of software products available on the market in this area will be considered, as well as a comparative analysis of the main representatives of the domestic market will be carried out.

Introduction 3
1 Comparative analysis of programs used in complex analysis 4
1.1 Classification of offered software products 4
1.2 Automation systems for financial analysis 5
1.3 Automation tools for internal analysis economic activity 10
1.4 Systems for automating the analysis of investment projects 14
2 Example of a comprehensive analysis of an enterprise 16
2.1 Financial condition 16
2.2 Asset structure 17
2.2.1. Non-current assets 19
2.2.2 Current assets 19
2.3 Structure of liabilities 21
2.4 Operational efficiency 23
2.5 Financial sustainability 25
2.6 Comprehensive assessment of financial condition 27
Conclusion 29
References 30

The work contains 1 file

Course work

on the topic “Modern software products used in complex economic analysis and their capabilities”

in the discipline "Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity"



To make effective management decisions, it is necessary to use a variety of tools for analyzing the financial and economic activities of enterprises. The Russian software market offers a wide selection automated systems economic analysis of economic processes.

The purpose of this work is to review the available software products used in complex economic analysis, as well as their capabilities.

The first section of the course work will examine the classification of software products available on the market in this area, as well as conduct a comparative analysis of the main representatives of the domestic market.

The second section will give an example of a comprehensive analysis of an enterprise using the INEC-AFSP software product of the INEC company (demo version).

1 Comparative analysis of programs used in complex analysis

    • 1.1 Classification of offered software products

    There are three main types of problems that require the use of economic analysis, for the solution of which widespread software products are used.

    Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. Both internal and external users of economic information - investors, tax authorities, etc. - are interested in it. It makes it possible to assess the current financial condition of the enterprise and draw conclusions about the main trends in its development.

    Analysis tasks aimed at developing strategic management decisions for business development. Enterprise managers and potential investors are interested in this type of analysis in order to assess the effectiveness of investment projects. This type of analysis is designed to draw up long-term forecasts for business development and evaluate the effectiveness of new areas of activity.

    Analysis tasks aimed at developing tactical solutions for enterprise management. These tasks are the prerogative of the services operational management and are aimed at identifying optimal ways to solve problems of current business development.

    Currently, there are quite a lot of programs on the Russian software market aimed at preparing analytical information. They differ sufficiently both in the scope of tasks for analyzing the financial and economic activities of enterprises, and in the approaches to solving them implemented in them.

    The following main groups of software tools designed to solve problems of economic analysis can be distinguished:

    1) financial analysis automation systems;

    2) means of automating internal analysis of economic activities;

    3) systems for automating the analysis of investment projects;

    4) intelligent analytical systems.

    The most common and in demand are the first three groups of software. The fourth group includes, first of all, neural network analytical systems, which are so far used only by a small number of large financial and production structures. The opportunities they provide require separate consideration, and therefore their analysis is omitted in the further presentation.

  • 1.2 Financial analysis automation systems
  • Financial analysis automation systems allow you to analyze and evaluate individual indicators of the financial condition of an object and determine trends in their changes, carry out static and dynamic comparisons of indicators. In many programs, economic analysis can be carried out using various methods, including in accordance with international standards. It is often possible to calculate additional indicators using user algorithms. When carrying out the analysis, various factors of an economic and non-economic nature may be taken into account. The resulting information can be presented in the form of various kinds of tables and graphs.

    The basis of financial analysis are indicators derived in one way or another from data from standard accounting and static reporting, as well as other open sources of information. Most programs of this type use external reporting forms as source information: Balance Sheet (Form 1), Profit and Loss Statement (Form 2), Capital Flow Statement (Form 3), Cash Flow Statement (Form 4), Appendix to the balance sheet (form 5 – until 2011).

    Automation systems for financial analysis are either stand-alone programs or can be integrated into software for processing accounting information. Stand-alone programs require manual input of initial information or automatic downloading of it from external sources. Typically, such systems have standard settings that allow you to import data from the most common accounting programs. Financial analysis automation systems integrated into accounting information processing software are, as a rule, quite strictly tied to the data formats of programs from the same manufacturer, but a number of them allow you to download data from external sources. Currently, financial analysis tools are integrated into many accounting automation and integrated management automation systems.

    Let's consider the main capabilities of financial analysis automation systems using the example of several developments.

    1. INEC-AFSP program Inek company is designed to analyze the financial condition of enterprises and organizations of any type of activity based on external data financial statements(balance sheet, profit and loss statement) and monitoring of economic entities in cities, regions, republics.

    The system allows you to calculate up to 100 indicators characterizing the structure and sources of formation of the enterprise's property, liquidity, financial stability, return on capital and activity of the enterprise.

    The program allows you to:

    • take into account the industry and economic specifics of enterprises’ activities;
    • implement your own financial analysis methods;
    • receive almost all financial analysis techniques regulated by law;
    • consolidate and analyze the financial statements of enterprises included in the holding and financial and industrial groups;
    • compare and rank the activities of enterprises.

    To assess the financial condition of an enterprise it is used horizontal and vertical analysis of liabilities and assets of the analytical balance sheet, profit and loss indicators, operational efficiency, solvency, financial stability

    It is possible to receive a detailed “Conclusion on the financial condition of the enterprise” automatically prepared in text form. Along with the calculation of generally accepted indicators, the program allows you to calculate an indicator for a comprehensive assessment of the financial condition of an enterprise, classifying it into one of four groups (the first - highly profitable enterprises that have excellent chances for further development; the second - enterprises with a satisfactory level of profitability; the third - enterprises on the verge of financial stability; fourth - enterprises in deep crisis), which makes it possible not only to track changes in the financial position of the enterprise over time, but also to determine its rating in relation to other enterprises and organizations. A data bank can be created for an unlimited number of enterprises and enterprises can be ranked according to selected indicators (for example, by creditworthiness).

    The analysis results can be automatically converted into any currency. The balance sheet and income statement can be displayed in Russian and English in GAAP and IAS standards.

    Data output is possible in tabular and graphical form. The system allows tables with calculated indicators to be stored in DBF format and exported to Excel, Word.

    This program is a stand-alone system for automating financial analysis. There are various options for its delivery: a standard version and versions for users of accounting programs from specific manufacturers. For example, a version has been specially developed for users of 1C software products, which automatically accepts accounting data from various versions of 1C: Accounting.

    Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the INEC-AFSP program.

    Figure 1. – Block diagram of the INEC-AFSP program

    2. Module “Financial analysis”"Galaktika" systems of the "Galaktika" corporation. The main purpose of the module is to build a reporting system that includes indicators necessary for conducting economic analysis of any degree of complexity and detail. Any somewhat formalized source information can be used as a basis for analysis. An interesting feature of the program is that rules for transforming some indicators into others can be set in advance. This allows, in particular, the use of financial statements prepared in accordance with different accounting standards as basic information. The user can also use various mechanisms for indexing reporting indicators to bring them to a comparable form.

    The analysis can be carried out not only for the enterprise as a whole, but also for its individual branches, divisions or a selected combination of them. To do this, when preparing the module for work, the structure of the enterprise, the hierarchy of its branches and divisions are set. Responsibility centers can also be used as structural components.

    The procedure for calculating output indicators is completely customizable, which allows you to apply several different analysis techniques to the same source data. The procedure for compiling reports based on the results of the analysis is also flexible. The analyst can present the output information in the set of reports he needs, including the set of indicators that interests him.

    The main information base of the “Financial Analysis” module is the external reporting data of enterprises: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Financial Results Statement, etc. However, in addition to this, any other information can be used for analysis. In general, the user can define an arbitrary composition of internal forms that accept source data. Data entry can be done manually or automatically from already prepared sources. Such sources can be any reports prepared by the modules of the accounting and operational circuits of the Galaktika system, files in MS Excel format, as well as text files generated according to certain rules, which allows you to accept data from programs from other manufacturers.

    Based on the initial data determined by sets of incoming documents, the program " The financial analysis» calculates the indicators used by a specific analysis technique and, based on them, generates the necessary reporting. The program is not strictly tied to any specific financial analysis technique. In it, the most well-known techniques (V. Palia, V. Kovaleva, etc.) are formalized in a certain way and are open to change by the user. If you wish, you can even create and apply your own methodology, having first described it using the system.

    The indicators calculated by the program can be summarized in various reports. The composition of reports and the list of indicators included in them are not rigidly fixed and can be customized by the user. In particular, a setting is possible that allows you to include in the report not only indicators and coefficients, but also their interpretations proposed by the methodology (the structure of the module is shown in Fig. 2)

    Figure 2.– Structure of the “Financial Analysis” module of the Galaktika ERP system

    Let's summarize the data on the considered programs in a table (see table No. 1).

    Table 1. – Comparative analysis of financial analysis automation systems

    Index INEC-AFSP The financial analysis
    Information sources External reporting External reporting, other information may be involved
    Analyzed indicators Profitability of activities, solvency, financial stability and others Coefficients of financial stability, profitability, solvency and others
    Possibility of customization + +
    The ability to take into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities + +
    autonomy Autonomous Built-in module
    Output information Brief summary with graphics and text, Conclusion on the current financial condition of the organization, analytical tables Various reports
    Price from 54 000 from 70 000

    1.3 Automation tools for internal analysis of business activities

    Automation tools of this type are designed to solve problems of detailed analysis of trade, purchasing and production activities of enterprises. They can exist as built-in functional blocks of accounting and operational accounting software and as stand-alone software tools for solving internal analysis problems.

    Built-in functional blocks for internal analysis of business activities are available in many programs designed to solve accounting problems, and usually focused on generating one or another set of reports containing detailed analytical information on goods turnover, profitability of sales, etc. Computer analysis of detailed quantitative and total accounting data allows you to make operational tactical decisions on specific issues of the economic activity of an enterprise.

    For example, using the 1C: Trade + Warehouse program, you can generate analytical reports that allow you to evaluate the profitability of various types and groups of goods, their attractiveness for various categories buyers, draw up payment schedules, etc. Using the “Production + Services + Accounting” configuration tools of the “1C: Enterprise” program system, you can obtain reports that allow, based on existing orders, balances and material consumption rates, to assess the degree of availability of production inventories in order to plan the necessary purchases in advance.

    A significant number of such reports are available in the Galaktika system. With their help, you can trace the dynamics of the movement of inventory items in the context of suppliers, buyers and product range, which allows you to identify the most active (passive) suppliers and buyers, assess the turnover of inventories, the profitability of sales of individual groups and types of goods and finished products.

    Autonomous software tools for solving internal analysis problems are designed as separate software systems that can function either independently or in conjunction with any automation system for operational and accounting. In the first case, the program requires manual data entry or downloading from external sources; in the second, it automatically selects information from the information base of accounting programs.

    Let's consider the main capabilities of software tools for solving internal analysis problems using the example of several developments.

    1. BEST-Analysis system Intellect-Service company is intended for the management of trading companies and allows you to analyze trade turnover, purchases and prices for various periods of time. It is an addition to the BEST-4 software package, from the database of which all the necessary initial information on product distribution is extracted.

    The program allows you to solve problems of analyzing market conditions, identifying patterns in the sale of various goods, and the characteristics of consumer demand in different periods of time. Based on this information, the system makes sales forecasts, helps develop an effective assortment and pricing policy, determine areas for the rational use of labor resources, warehouse and retail space, optimize the work schedules of sales departments, timing and volumes of purchases. The system allows for static and dynamic analysis of trade turnover, both for the enterprise as a whole and for its structural divisions, in the context of product groups and individual types of goods. The data necessary for managing inventory is generated: assessing turnover, identifying illiquid product items, calculating the number of turnovers by item. The results are presented in the form of a variety of reports and graphs.

    2. INEC-ADP system Inek is designed for a comprehensive analysis of an enterprise’s activities. Including the capabilities of the previously discussed INEC-AFSP system, it allows you to solve a significantly wider range of problems. As the initial base, not only data from balance sheets and profit and loss statements are used, but also information about the structure of revenue (product range, cost, quantity, price), cost calculation, use of profits, receipt and expenditure of funds. Main functions of the program:

    • analysis of the rate of change in prices for the company’s products and
    • main types of material resources;
    • assessment of the efficiency of use of material, raw materials and fuel and energy resources;
    • analysis of the efficiency of production and sales of each type of product;
    • study of the dynamics of changes in the structure of cost and revenue, as well as the dynamics of the movement of products and resources in the warehouse; cash flow analysis;
    • calculation of the break-even point and the margin of financial strength of the enterprise; factor analysis of profit dynamics.

    3. Program "1C Integrated Automation" 1C company created for integrated automation of accounting, management, tax, trade, personnel, warehouse, production accounting, calculation wages and personnel management at the enterprise

    System capabilities in the field of analysis:

    Prompt assessment of key business performance indicators (in general, by area of ​​activity), quick identification of negative dynamics and growth points - using indicators. "The whole business at a glance." The program includes 42 pre-configured performance indicators. It is possible to develop your own indicators;

    A wide range of standard reports and developed tools for creating new reports to analyze all aspects of an enterprise’s activities using powerful and flexible tools for selecting, summarizing and grouping data (without programming). Presentation of data in the form of graphs and diagrams;

    Plan-actual analysis of sales, production, production costs;

    Analysis of needs for goods, finished products, materials;

    Analysis production costs, calculation of planned and actual costs;

    Analysis and control of transactions;

    Analysis of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns;

    And etc.

      • 1.4 Systems for automating the analysis of investment projects

      Systems of this type are focused on developing long-term plans for the development of an enterprise and analyzing the effectiveness of investment projects. The most powerful software products of this class are the INEC-Investor systems from INEC and Project Expert from Pro-Invest Consulting.

      1. INEC-Investor system INEC company is designed to assess the risk and effectiveness of investments in enterprises engaged in various types of activities (production, provision of services, trade); for the development, analysis and evaluation of investment projects that meet the requirements of Russian and foreign financial institutions. The system allows:

      • calculate integral assessments of the financial condition of investment objects and distribute them into groups of investment attractiveness;
      • conduct a comprehensive pre-investment analysis of production financial activities enterprises (assessment of solvency, financial stability, creditworthiness and probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise, analysis of the balance sheet structure, factor analysis of profit, assessment of the efficiency of use of labor, material and raw materials and fuel and energy resources);
      • develop financial plan investment project of enterprises and organizations of any type of activity, including planning production volumes and sales of products, calculating the costs of its production and sales, assessing the need for investment investments and attracting borrowed money taking into account specific loan agreements with a bank, government agency, foreign investor, etc.;
      • generate representative documents of the investment project (cash flow report, profitability achievement table, balance sheet forecast and financial results in the standards of Russia, the USA and EU countries, etc.);
      • assess the real value of the company;
      • compare the performance of investment projects and choose the most attractive one.

      The analysis can be carried out both for one enterprise and for a group of them.

      2. “Project Expert” system Expert Systems is a professional system for developing business plans. Its main purpose is to calculate the possible consequences of the implementation of economic plans and determine their need for resources, primarily financial.

      For example, the user determines the planned structure of product output, determines cost standards per unit of output of each type (in value and/or physical terms), selling prices for products and each type of resource, external characteristics affecting the implementation of the project - inflation rate, loan rates and taxes, exchange rates, etc. Based on all this information, the program calculates the main economic indicators of the enterprise's activity, which are formed from these assumptions.

      The obtained indicators are summarized in standard reporting forms: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Cash Flow Statement and others. Reporting forms comply with generally accepted international standards and are presented in dynamics - for each time period of the project. Standard indicators of financial analysis and assessment of the investment attractiveness of the project are calculated. Based on the results obtained, a ready-made business plan text is generated, which can be printed or uploaded to Word or HTML format.

      In its full version, the system contains tools for consolidating all or a group of projects of a corporation (holding) to assess the total need for financing and calculate aggregate performance indicators.

      To assess the sustainability of a project, What-If analysis can be used to assess the sensitivity of the project in relation to external and internal factors.

      2 Example of a comprehensive analysis of an enterprise

      We will carry out a comprehensive analysis of the enterprise OJSC "Enterprise" using the INEC-AFSP program, which allows for a comprehensive economic analysis of the external reporting of the enterprise. Let's take data for analysis for the period 2009.

    • 2.1 Financial condition
    • Let's analyze the financial condition of the Enterprise based on the profit and loss statements for the first quarter of 2009 and the fourth quarter of 2009 (see table No. 2).

      Table 2. – Analysis of financial condition according to the Profit and Loss Statement

      Indicator name for the 1st quarter 2009 for the 4th quarter 2009 Deviation
      Absolute. % Absolute. % Absolute. %
      1 2 3 4 5 6 = 4 - 2
      Net revenue 328 819,30 96,76 337 304,60 97,43 8 485,30 +2,58
      Cost of goods sold 193 934,92 57,07 204 002,48 58,93 10 067,56 +5,19
      Gross profit 134 884,38 39,69 133 302,12 38,50 -1 582,25 -1,17
      Total cost of goods sold 193 934,92 57,07 204 002,48 58,93 10 067,56 +5,19

      business expenses

      0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
      administrative expenses 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
      Result from core activities 134 884,38 39,69 133 302,12 38,50 -1 582,25 -1,17
      Other income 11 000,00 3,24 8 900,03 2,57 -2 099,97 -19,09
      Other expenses 7 116,67 2,09 6 987,02 2,02 -129,66 -1,82
      Result from other activities 3 883,33 1,14 1 913,01 0,55 -1 970,32 -50,73
      Profit (loss) before tax 138 767,71 40,84 135 215,14 39,06 -3 552,57 -2,56
      Income tax and mandatory payments 60 083,08 17,68 49 744,67 14,37 -10 338,4 -17,21
      Net income (loss) 78 684,63 23,15 85 470,46 24,69 6 785,83 +8,62
      For reference: Total income 339 819,30 100,00 346 204,63 100,00 6 385,33 0,00

      The Company's net revenue for the analyzed period increased by 8,485.303 thousand rubles, that is, by less than 5%. The main activity was profitable. The cost of products sold by the Enterprise increased by 10,067.556 thousand rubles. or 5.190%. As a consequence of this, the efficiency of the Company's core activities decreased, since the rate of change in revenue lagged behind the rate of change in the cost of goods sold.

      For 2009, the Company received a profit in the amount of 135,215.136 thousand rubles, which is 2.560% less than the profit at the beginning of the period, amounting to 138,767.706 thousand rubles. Tax and other mandatory payments at the end of the period amounted to 36.789% of profit before tax. The presence of net profit at the Enterprise in the analyzed period indicates an available source of replenishment of working capital.

      Figure 3. – Net profit of the Enterprise for 2009 (quarterly)

    • 2.2 Asset structure
    • Let us present an analysis of the assets of OJSC "Enterprise" based on the balance sheet as of 04/01/09 and 01/01/10 (see table No. 3)

      Table 3. – Analysis of the enterprise’s asset structure

      Indicator name as of 04/01/2009 as of 01/01/2010 Deviation
      Absolute. % Absolute. % Absolute. %
      1 2 3 4 5 6 = 4 - 2
      I. Non-current assets 1 298 417,00 69,62 1 316 901,20 66,91 18 484,20 +1,42
      Intangible assets 96,00 0,01 96,20 0,00 0,20 +0,21
      Fixed assets 1 249 933,00 67,02 1 184 158,00 60,17 -65 775,00 -5,26
      Investments in non-current assets 37 466,00 2,01 41 725,00 2,12 4 259,00 +11,37
      Long-term financial investments 10 922,00 0,59 90 922,00 4,62 80 000,00 +732,47
      Other noncurrent assets 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
      II. Current assets 566 501,00 30,38 651 259,80 33,09 84 758,80 +14,96
      Reserves 150 068,00 8,05 177 220,00 9,00 27 152,00 +18,09
      industrial stocks in warehouses 50 651,00 2,72 77 811,00 3,95 27 160,00 +53,62
      costs in work in progress 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
      finished products and goods in warehouses 99 417,00 5,33 99 409,00 5,05 -8,00 -0,01
      goods shipped 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
      Future expenses 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
      Long-term debtors 43 744,00 2,35 45 186,00 2,30 1 442,00 +3,30
      buyers and customers 43 744,00 2,35 45 186,00 2,30 1 442,00 +3,30
      Short-term receivables 312 559,00 16,76 367 921,00 18,69 55 362,00 +17,71
      buyers and customers 298 037,00 15,98 353 399,00 17,96 55 362,00 +18,58
      on advances issued 4 515,00 0,24 4 515,00 0,23 0,00 0
      with other debtors 10 007,00 0,54 10 007,00 0,51 0,00 0
      Short-term financial investments 4 436,62 0,24 4 858,69 0,25 422,07 +9,51
      Cash 546,38 0,03 75,31 0,00 -471,07 -86,22
      Other current assets 55 147,00 2,96 55 998,80 2,85 851,80 +1,54
      incl. VAT on purchased assets 55 147,00 2,96 55 998,80 2,85 851,80 +1,54
      TOTAL ASSETS 1 864 918,00 100,00 1 968 161,00 100,00 103 243,00 +5,54

      The Company's assets during the analyzed period increased by 103,243 thousand rubles, or 5.540%. The increase in assets was due to an increase in non-current assets by 1,420% (RUB 18,484,200 thousand) and current assets by 14,960% (RUB 84,758,800 thousand). In general, the growth of the Company's property is a positive fact. The main part of the property structure was occupied by non-current assets. The rapid growth rate of current assets indicates the expansion of the Company's production activities.

      Figure 4. – Asset structure for 2009 (quarterly)

      2.2.1. Fixed assets

      The Company's non-current assets remained virtually unchanged during the analyzed period, amounting to RUB 1,316,901.200 thousand at the end of the period, or 66.91% of the balance sheet currency. The main part was accounted for by fixed assets (89.920%).

      The structure of non-current assets during the analyzed period changed significantly. Fixed assets tended to decrease (from 96.270% to 89.920%), non-current assets, as well as long-term financial investments grew.

      2.2.2 Current assets

      At the end of the analyzed period, the share of current assets amounted to 30.38% of the balance sheet currency. During the period, there was an increase in current assets from 566,50 to 651,259.80 thousand rubles. The increase was due to an increase in the following elements:

      • stocks;
      • accounts receivable;
      • short term financial investments;
      • other current assets while reducing:
      • Money.

      The growth of working capital and the slowdown in their turnover indicate an irrationally chosen economic strategy, as a result of which a significant part of current assets is immobilized, which ultimately can lead to an increase in accounts payable and a deterioration in the financial condition of the enterprise.

      The structure of current assets during the analyzed period remained quite stable. In the analyzed period, the main part of current assets accounted for accounts receivable (63.43%).

      During the analyzed period, the volume of accounts receivable increased by 56,804 thousand rubles, which is a negative change and may be caused by problems associated with payment for the Company’s products, or the active provision of consumer loans to customers. Revenue from product sales increased to a lesser extent, which indicates an increase in non-payments from consumers.

      The negative point is the increase in the duration of turnover of short-term receivables by 14 days. compared to the beginning of the period.

      A comparison of the amounts of short-term accounts receivable and accounts payable shows that the Company during the analyzed period had a passive debt balance, that is, accounts payable exceeded accounts receivable by 361,793 thousand rubles. at the beginning and by 342,792 thousand rubles. at the end of the analyzed period. Thus, the Enterprise financed deferred payments of its debtors through non-payments to creditors (that is, the budget, extra-budgetary funds, etc.).

      Returning to the structure of current assets, it should be noted that during the analyzed period, against the backdrop of a fall in the share of long-term receivables, the share of short-term receivables, financial investments and cash increased from 56.050% to 57.250%. Consequently, we can conclude that the Company’s current assets have become more liquid.

    • 2.3 Structure of liabilities
    • Let's analyze the structure of liabilities (see table No. 4).

      Table 4. - Analysis of the structure of liabilities of the Enterprise

      Indicator name as of 04/01/2009 as of 01/01/2010 Deviation
      Absolute. % Absolute. % Absolute. %
      1 2 3 4 5 6 = 4 - 2
      I. Own capital (actual) 978 186,00 52,45 1 230 753,00 62,53 252 567,00 +25,82
      Authorized capital (actual) 532,00 0,03 532,00 0,03 0,00 0,00
      Own shares purchased from shareholders 14,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -14,00 -100,00
      Extra capital 1 267 882,00 67,99 1 267 882,00 64,42 0,00 0,00
      Special-purpose financing 1 129,00 0,06 1 129,00 0,06 0,00 0,00
      Reserves, funds, retained earnings (actual) -291 343,00 -15,62 -38 790,00 -1,97 252 553,00
      II. Long term duties 144 560,00 7,75 0,00 0,00 -144 560,00 -100
      Long-term loans 144 560,00 7,75 0,00 0,00 -144 560,00 -100
      III. Short-term liabilities 742 172,00 39,80 737 408,00 37,47 -4 764,00 -0,64
      Short-term loans 67 380,00 3,61 26 255,00 1,33 -41 125,00 -61,03
      Short-term accounts payable 674 352,00 36,16 710 713,00 36,11 36 361,00 +5,39
      to suppliers and contractors 360 384,00 19,32 310 386,00 15,77 -49 998,00 -13,87
      on bills payable 1 475,00 0,08 1 475,00 0,07 0,00 0,00
      to the organization's staff 25 672,00 1,38 25 672,00 1,30 0,00 0,00
      before the state off-budget funds 81 546,00 4,37 81 546,00 4,14 0,00 0,00
      before the budget 199 682,00 10,71 202 641,00 10,30 2 959,00 +1,48
      on advances received 0,00 0,00 83 400,00 4,24 83 400,00 -
      before other creditors 5 593,00 0,30 5 593,00 0,28 0,00 0,00
      Debt to participants (founders) 440,00 0,02 440,00 0,02 0,00 0,00
      LIABILITIES TOTAL 1 864 918,00 100,00 1 968 161,00 100,00 103 243,00 5,54

      The main source of formation of the Company's property in the analyzed period is its own funds, the share of which in the balance sheet increased from 52.450% to 62.530%.

      Own capital for the analyzed period increased by 252,567 thousand rubles. while simultaneously reducing the debt-to-equity ratio by 0.307. Thus, the financial stability of the Enterprise has increased. It should be noted that the increase in permanent sources of financing and long-term borrowed funds is higher than the increase in the non-current assets of the Enterprise for the analyzed period.

      During the analyzed period in the structure of equity capital, the share of additional capital tended to decrease, the share of reserves, funds and retained earnings tended to increase.

      By the end of the analyzed period, the enterprise had accumulated losses (on the balance sheet) in the amount of -38,790 thousand rubles. Wherein specific gravity losses in balance sheet currency decreased from 15.620% to 1.970%.

      In the structure of borrowed capital, long-term liabilities at the beginning of the period amounted to 144,560 thousand rubles. (the share was at the level of 7.7500%), and were absent at the end of the period.

      Long-term loans and borrowings (financial liabilities) at the beginning of the analyzed period amounted to 144,560 thousand rubles, and by the end of the period the Company fully repaid its debt to banks and other financial creditors.

      Short-term liabilities for the analyzed period practically did not change, amounting to 737,408 thousand rubles by the end of the period. Their share in the structure of borrowed capital increased from 83,700% to 100%.

      By the end of the analyzed period, short-term liabilities were represented by 3.560% financial and 96.440% commercial liabilities.

      Short-term loans and borrowings (financial liabilities) during the analyzed period decreased from 67,380 thousand rubles. up to 26,255 thousand rubles. or by 61.030%, which indicates partial repayment of the debt.

      Accounts payable for the analyzed period increased by 36,361 thousand rubles. (from 674,352 to 710,713 thousand rubles). The structure of accounts payable at the end of the analyzed period is dominated by obligations to suppliers and contractors (RUB 310,386 thousand), amounting to 43.670%. The second largest are liabilities to the budget (RUB 202,641 thousand), amounting to 28.510%.

      Figure 5. – Structure of the Company’s liabilities

    • 2.4 Performance
    • Let's summarize the calculated performance indicators of the Enterprise into one table (see table No. 5)

      Table 5.- Enterprise performance indicators

      Title of articles for the 1st quarter 2009 for the 4th quarter 2009 Deviation
      Return on assets on profit before tax 0,074 0,069 -0,005
      Profitability of all operations for profit before tax 0,408 0,391 -0,018
      Profitability of all operations based on net profit 0,232 0,247 0,015
      Profitability of production assets based on results from core activities 0,073 0,070 -0,003
      Return on sales (core activities) 0,410 0,395 -0,015
      Return on sales based on net profit 0,239 0,253 0,014
      Return on equity (actual) 0,080 0,072 -0,008
      Return on assets based on net profit 0,042 0,044 0,002
      Asset turnover 0,182 0,177 -0,005
      Turnover of production assets 0,178 0,178 0,000
      Turnover of inventories and other current assets 1,602 1,358 -0,244
      Duration of turnover of inventories and other current assets, days 56,169 66,254 10,086
      Short-term accounts receivable turnover 1,052 0,896 -0,156
      Duration of turnover of short-term receivables, days 85,549 100,464 14,915
      Accounts payable turnover 0,487 0,464 -0,023
      Duration of accounts payable turnover, days 184,695 193,796 9,101
      Net production working capital -157 018,000 -110 013,200 47 004,800
      -42,977 -27,078 15,899
      Net working capital (less credit debt) -152 035,000 -105 079,200 46 955,800

      The return on equity (actual) of the Enterprise was positive throughout the analyzed period, but decreased from 8.040% to 7.200%.

      Return on assets, which reflects the Company's ability to make a profit based on the assets at its disposal, ranged from 4.220% to 4.370%.

      The value of return on assets based on net profit at the end of the analyzed period indicates a fairly high efficiency in the use of property. The level of return on assets for net profit in the amount of 4.370% at the end of the analyzed period is ensured by low asset turnover, which amounted to 0.177 turnover per quarter at the end of the period, with a high (24.690%) profitability of all operations (for net profit).

      In general, the dynamics of asset turnover, which shows the speed at which the full cycle of production and circulation occurs, and also reflects the level of business activity of the Enterprise, is negative (over the analyzed period, there was a decrease in the value of the indicator from 0.182 to 0.177 turnover per quarter).

      The return on production assets remained virtually unchanged and amounted to 7.020% at the end of the period. This value of the profitability indicator consists of the return on sales (core activities), which at the end of the analyzed period amounted to 39.520%, and the turnover of production assets, equal to 0.178 turnover per quarter.

      A simultaneous decrease in profitability of sales and turnover of production assets is a “diagnosis” of the presence of problems associated with the sale of products and the work of the marketing department.

      The profitability of all operations (in terms of profit before tax) of the Enterprise at the end of the analyzed period amounted to 39.060% and was 0.460 points lower than the return on sales (core activities). Thus, the Enterprise loses part of its efficiency due to other activities.

      The duration of turnover of inventories and other current assets at the end of the period is 66 days, short-term accounts receivable 100 days, and accounts payable 194 days. Thus, the duration of the turnover of net production working capital is -28 days. and -43 days. at the beginning of the analyzed period.

    • 2.5 Financial sustainability
    • Let us summarize the calculated indicators of the financial stability of the Enterprise into one table (see table No. 6)

      Table 6.- Indicators of financial stability of the Enterprise

      Indicator name as of 04/01/2009 as of 01/01/2010 Deviation
      Debt to equity ratio (actual) 0,906 0,599 -0,307
      Equity level (actual) 0,524 0,625 0,101
      Coverage ratio of non-current assets with equity capital (actual) 0,729 0,904 0,175
      Own funds ratio -0,565 -0,132 0,433
      Coverage ratio 0,704 0,822 0,118
      Intermediate coverage ratio 0,428 0,506 0,078
      Quick liquidity ratio 0,007 0,007 0,000
      Cash flow coverage ratio (Beaver ratio) 0,115 0,143 0,027
      Self-financing interval, days 167,783 190,947 23,164

      An analysis of the financial stability of the Enterprise allows us to speak of a significant margin of safety due to the high level of equity capital (actual), which at the end of the analyzed period amounted to 0.625 (with a recommended value of at least 0.600). Thus, by the end of the analyzed period, the Enterprise had ample opportunities to attract additional borrowed funds without the risk of losing financial stability.

      The equity ratio was -0.132 at the end of the period, which is worse than the established standard value (0.10).

      The ratio of debt and equity capital (actual) at the beginning of the analyzed period was 0.906, at the end of the period 0.599 (with a recommended value of less than 0.700).

      The coverage ratio of short-term debt with current assets at the end of the period was 0.822 with a recommended value of 1.00 to 2.00. Thus, during the analyzed period, the Company remained unable to pay off current obligations through inventories, finished products, cash, accounts receivable and other current assets.

      The Beaver ratio, equal to the ratio of cash inflow to the total amount of debt, was 0.143 at the end of the analyzed period and 0.115 at the beginning. According to international standards, the recommended value of this indicator is in the range of 0.042 - 0.100 (annualized 0.17 - 0.4). The obtained value of the indicator allows us to classify the Enterprise as a low risk group of loss of solvency.

      The Company's self-financing interval at the end of the period was 191 days, which indicates a high level of reserves for the Company to finance its costs using working capital. IN international practice is considered normal if this indicator exceeds 90 days.

    • 2.6 Comprehensive assessment of financial condition
    • A comprehensive assessment of the Enterprise is carried out according to several indicators (see table No. 7). In accordance with the values ​​of the indicators, the enterprise belongs to one of four groups according to the point system:

  1. First group (sum of points 21-25)- The company has high profitability and is financially stable. The solvency of the Company is beyond doubt. The quality of financial and production management is high. The company has excellent chances for further development.
  2. Second group (sum of points 11-20)- Solvency and financial stability of the Enterprise are, in general, at an acceptable level. The company has a satisfactory level of profitability, although some indicators are below the recommended values. It should be noted that this Enterprise is not sufficiently resistant to fluctuations in market demand for products (services) and other factors of financial and economic activity. Working with the Enterprise requires a balanced approach.
  3. Third group (sum of points 4-10)- The enterprise is financially unstable, it has low profitability to maintain solvency at an acceptable level. As a rule, such an enterprise has overdue debt. To bring the Enterprise out of the crisis, significant changes should be made in its financial and economic activities. Investments in the Company involve increased risk.
  4. Fourth group (sum of points 0-3)- The company is in a deep financial crisis. The amount of accounts payable is large, it is not able to pay its obligations. The financial stability of the Enterprise is almost completely lost. The value of the return on equity indicator does not allow us to hope for improvement. The degree of crisis of the Enterprise is so deep that the likelihood of an improvement in the situation, even in the event of a radical change in financial and economic activities, is low.

Table 7. – Calculation of a comprehensive assessment of the financial condition of the Enterprise

Indicator name Groups
1 2 3 4
Return on equity (ROE, annualized), % > 10,500 5,250 - 10,500 0.001 - 5,249 <= 0
Level of equity capital, % >= 70 60 - 69.999 50 - 59.999 < 50
Coverage ratio of non-current assets with equity capital > 1.1 1.0 - 1.1 0.8 - 0.999 < 0.8
Duration of turnover of short-term debt for cash payments, days 1 - 60 61 - 90 91 - 180 > 180; = 0
Duration of turnover of net production working capital, days 1 - 30 > 30; (-10) - (-1) (-30) - (-11) < -30; = 0
Interval price 5 3 1 0
Sum of points 11

The data is presented on a cumulative basis as of 01/01/2010.

The enterprise belongs to the second group of investment attractiveness.

The solvency and financial stability of the Enterprise are, in general, at an acceptable level. The company has a satisfactory level of profitability, although some indicators are below the recommended values. It should be noted that this Enterprise is not sufficiently resistant to fluctuations in market demand for products (services) and other factors of financial and economic activity. Working with the Enterprise requires a balanced approach.


The Russian software market offers a wide selection of programs and software packages for operational analysis of an enterprise’s activities, for a comprehensive analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise at the current moment and over time, with the possibility of comparison with other enterprises, as well as for the analysis of investment projects at the implementation stage.

In this work, the most common software products in this area were considered, a comprehensive economic analysis of the enterprise was carried out according to reporting data (balance sheet, profit and loss statement) using a demo version of the INEC-AFSP software product from the INEC company. This program allows you to calculate most of the indicators used in complex analysis, and also provides an interpretation of the results obtained. But the last word always remains with the person who analyzes the information received and makes a decision based on the analysis.

List of used literature

  1. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On the forms of financial statements of organizations” dated July 22, 2003, No. 67n.;
  2. Bakanov M.I., Sheremet A.D. Theory of economic analysis: Textbook / M.I. Bakanov. – 4th ed. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. – 416 p.;
  3. Dontsova L.V., Nikiforova N.A. Analysis of financial statements / L.V. Dontsova. – M.: Business and Service, 2004. – 144 p.;
  4. Information systems in economics: a textbook for university students studying in the specialties “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” and specialties in Economics and Management / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2008. – 463 p.;
  5. Kovalev V.V. Financial analysis: Methods and procedures / V.V. Kovalev. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004. - 560 pp.;
  6. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of economic activity of the enterprise / G.V. Savitskaya. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - Minsk: New knowledge, 2004. – 688 p.;
  7. Chernysheva Yu.G., Kochergin A.L. Complex economic analysis of economic activity / Yu.G. Chernysheva. – Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2007. – 433 p.;
  8. Automated information systems for economic analysis [Electronic resource]// To help PMR students. – URL: ;
  9. Official website of the company "Inek" [Electronic resource] // URL: ;
  10. Official website of the company "Galaktika" [Electronic resource] // URL: ;
  11. Official website of the Expert Systems company [Electronic resource] // URL: com ;
  12. Official website of the Best company [Electronic resource] // URL: ;
  13. Official website of the 1C company [Electronic resource] // URL: .

Comparative analysis of software products
for financial analysis of enterprises (organizations)

"Alt-Finance 1.5", "Audit Expert 3.0" and "AFSP 2.2"

Software "Alt-Finance" developed by the research and consulting company "ALT".

Software "Audit Expert 3.0" developed by the company "Pro-Invest Consulting".

Software "Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise" developed by the company "INEK".

Similarities between software products

Software products "Alt-Finance", "Audit Expert" and "AFSP" are designed to analyze the financial condition of enterprises (organizations). Data from standard forms of accounting statements - Balance Sheet, Statement of Financial Results - are used as initial information for analysis.

Software products allow you to analyze the state of an enterprise (organization) in the following areas:

  • balance structure,
  • liquidity,
  • financial stability,
  • profitability,
  • turnover,
  • profitability,
  • labor efficiency analysis.

The calculation results are presented in the form of tabular forms and diagrams.

It is possible to format the calculation results in Russian and English.

"ALT-Finance 1.5"

"AFSP 2.2"

"Audit Expert 3.0"


By openness of the program we mean that the entire calculation algorithm is available for viewing and analysis. If necessary, the calculation formulas can be changed by the user without involving the developer.

Additional indicators, coefficients, tabular forms and diagrams without restrictions can be added to the program.

If necessary, the user can install/remove protection mode calculation formulas from changes.

Fully enclosed software.

Calculation formulas cannot be changed by the user. These changes can only be made by the developer

Calculation formulas are not available for viewing.

It is possible to enter additional calculated indicators and diagrams. In this case, only data from reporting forms can be used. It is not possible to enter additional initial information.

Open software.

The calculation algorithm is available for viewing.

Additional “user tables” can be added to the program, which allow you to set additional indicators and coefficients without restrictions.

The number of installations (and simultaneously working copies) within the user organization is not limited by the number of workstations and the number of copies per workstation.

There is no security key.

There is a "one key - one working copy" binding.

The program comes with a security key.

There is a "one key - one working copy" binding with an unlimited number of possible installations.

Network versions

It is possible to work with the program online without additional modifications To ensure network access to the program, you must purchase the network version To provide network access to the program, you must purchase a network package (implies the presence of the program and a network key) or purchase several local packages

The program is a workbook consisting of sheets of calculation tables and diagrams.

There is an automatic transition through tables and diagrams using the work menu.

The program is implemented as a system of dialog boxes.

Dialog boxes are intended for entering initial data, as well as describing individual areas of analysis.

General control of the program is carried out using dialog boxes.

The initial data and final results are presented in the form of tables.

The software product is implemented in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet environment. To work with the program, you must have the appropriate software. Independent software product. Designed in accordance with Microsoft interface standards. Working with the software product does not require additional software other than the Windows shell.

Formation of balance sheet according to GAAP, IAS standards

Not provided. Modification of the program is possible - automatic translation of data into the IAS standard It is possible to automatically generate GAAP* and IAS balances

It is possible to automatically generate an IAS balance

* The automatic conversion of the Russian balance sheet to the GAAP balance sheet is incorrect without additional postings.

An automatic calculation of liquidity and financial stability (autonomy) indicators acceptable for a given enterprise in the current operating conditions is provided. There is a database of recommended values ​​for liquidity and financial stability indicators for various industries.

Ability to analyze reporting forms of CIS countries

There are specialized versions of the program that take into account the specifics of reporting forms in Ukraine and Belarus.

Not provided

It is possible to analyze the reporting forms of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Uzbekistan in a single program.

Choosing a research horizon

It is possible to analyze reporting forms from 1995 to the present.

The duration of the analysis interval is any, a different combination of interval durations is possible.

It is possible to analyze reporting forms from 1991 to the present. It is possible to analyze reporting forms from 1994 to the present.

Methods of financial analysis used

Horizontal, comparative and vertical analysis is carried out. A factor analysis of liquidity, profitability and profitability indicators is carried out. Methods of horizontal and comparative analysis are used. There is no factor analysis of indicators. Methods of horizontal and comparative analysis are used. There is no factor analysis of indicators.

There is a possibility of “disclosing” analytical accounting for the components of permanent and current assets, as well as for accounts payable.

Preparation of text conclusions

The software package includes an example of a detailed analytical note on conducting an analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise (printed publication). The program contains a layout of an express report based on the results of an analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise.

Supporting documentation

The program delivery package includes a user manual, methodological literature on methods for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise, and an example of an analytical note.

The program contains comments on the calculations of various indicators.

The software package includes a user manual.

The program contains comments on the calculations of various indicators.

Comparative analysis of software products
for evaluating investment projects "Alt-Invest" and "Project Expert"

The software product "Alt-Invest" was developed by IKF "ALT".

The software product "Project Expert" was developed by a consulting firm "Pro-Invest Consulting".

Similarities between software products

Software products are designed to carry out a comprehensive assessment of investment projects, and allow the calculation of the entire set of efficiency and solvency indicators necessary for preparing a business plan for an investment project.

The software products are based on the methodology for evaluating investment projects developed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). At the same time, software products take into account the specifics of the Russian economy (taxation, inflationary processes).

Software products allow:

  • formulate the budget of the investment project taking into account changes in the external environment (inflation, refinancing rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation),
  • assess the financial viability of the project (calculate profitability, turnover and liquidity indicators),
  • evaluate the economic efficiency of investments,
  • generate basic forms of financial reporting (cash flow statement, profit statement, balance sheet),
  • receive calculation results in tabular and graphical form,
  • draw up calculation results in Russian and English.

Software products provide for an analysis of the sensitivity of the project to changes in its main parameters.

Working with these software products involves two stages. At the first stage, data on the project is entered, then the main indicators are automatically calculated and graphs are drawn to analyze the attractiveness of the investment project.

Main differences between software products


"Project Expert"

Availability of the calculation algorithm for viewing and changes

Open software

The calculation algorithm is available for viewing; If necessary, it can be adjusted.

Adaptable software

Using openness, the user has the opportunity to adapt it to the specifics of a particular industry, enterprise and project (both in terms of entering initial information and in terms of the calculation algorithm).

Fully enclosed software.

Calculation formulas and the principle of specifying initial data cannot be changed by the user. These changes can only be made by specialists from Pro-Invest Consulting.

Protection of calculation formulas from changes can be installed/removed at the request of the user of the software product.

In formula protection mode, only source data entry cells are available for changes.

Working with Alt-Invest does not require additional password entry.

Work possible only when availability the user has a special password - key.

Without a password, the user of the software product can only perform the first step - entering data; the module for calculating investment performance indicators will not be available to him.

Number of installations (installations)

Number of installations (copies) of the software product within the user organization not limited. Implemented only one installation software product on the user's personal computer.

Organization of the user interface

The software product implements an integrated documentation system.

The principle of an integrated documentation system assumes that when the initial data of a project changes, it is possible to quickly monitor the impact of this change on the performance indicators and financial solvency of the investment project.

"Project Expert" is implemented as a system of sequential windows.

These windows are intended for entering initial data for the project, or for displaying the final indicators of the project.

Specific program features

It is possible to assess the budgetary efficiency of the project from the point of view of federal and municipal authorities (version 3.0), as well as taking into account the requirements of SNiP. .
It is possible to construct a GANTT network diagram describing the stages of an investment project
The possibility of accounting and optimization of leasing operations is provided (version 3.0).
There is a version that allows you to combine several projects into a group and evaluate integrated indicators for the group of projects as a whole. It is possible to combine several projects into a group and view integrated performance indicators for the group as a whole (version 5.0).

Need for additional software

Implemented in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet environment. To work with the program, you must have the appropriate software. It is an independent software product developed in accordance with Microsoft interface standards. Working with the software product does not require additional software other than the Windows shell.

The chapter shows new possibilities for analyzing accounting (financial) statements when using computer analytical programs; The main software products presented on the Russian market are considered, and characteristics and analytical capabilities are given.
At the present stage of development of a market economy, full-fledged and promptly performed analytical processing of accounting and other economic information is unthinkable without the use of computer technology.
Automation of accounting has created a fairly solid foundation for its subsequent development in the practice of analytical research, since any type of analytical work is based on an information base, the basis of which is primarily accounting data and financial statements.
The introduction of interactive technologies into management practice and the transition to distributed data processing have made possible a qualitative leap in the organization of automated control systems (ACS), including economic analysis systems. The current stage of development of tools and programs for automated information processing is associated with the introduction into practice of managing business entities personal computers(PC). Distinctive Features Compared to previously used computers, PCs are characterized by their small size, increased reliability, ease of configuration changes and especially developed interactive functions. This made it possible to organize accounting and analytical work at an individual workplace without the help of a programmer. New possibilities for information processing associated with the introduction and use of computer technology in the process of managing the activities of business entities stimulated the development and creation of new software, which significantly increased the interest of end users, primarily accounting workers, in the practical use of PCs and related computer programs.
The active introduction of computer technologies into the practice of accounting work required the development of new approaches and justifications for design decisions for the creation of relevant software products, the creation of an integral scientifically based concept for accounting modeling in the design of appropriate software, based on a generalization of the accumulated experience in building software systems from the perspective modern information technologies.
The study of the development of automated control system software (ASS software), including software products for accounting and economic analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise, allows for the periodization of the development of tools and programs for automated processing of economic information. The periodization system reflects the consistent expansion of the functionality of domestic automated control system software, communication tools and other information technology components. Thus, we can distinguish eight main stages in the development of means of mechanization and automation of management of the activities of business entities, namely:
the stage of initial mechanization of individual economic calculations and calculations associated with the introduction of the first calculating machines into the practice of accounting and analytical work (late 19th century - early 20s of the 20th century);
the stage of introduction of keyboard and punching computers (KVM and PVM) for conducting mechanized accounting and simple analytical calculations at industrial enterprises in Russia (mid-20s - pre-war and war years (mid-40s));
the stage of introduction and use of various computer systems (accounting, invoicing, nomenclature-addressing machines), including machines with automatic input of initial data or counting and punching machines, for the mechanization of various stages of the accounting process, mainly in large enterprises (mid-40s -x - late 50s);
the stage of production and implementation for the purpose of mechanization of accounting, statistical and computing work of universal and specialized electronic counting (digital) machines - the stage of the beginning of automation of accounting work at enterprises of the country,
transition from mechanization of accounting work to its automated processing (late 50s - mid 70s);
stage of widespread implementation and development of automated control systems (mid-70s - late 80s);
the stage of introducing personal computers (PCs) into the practice of managing business entities, the beginning of the stage of computerization of the management process, the appearance of the first computer programs for accounting (late 80s - early 90s);
the stage of integration of PCs based on local area networks (LAN), the active introduction of computer technologies into practice, primarily accounting work, the rejection of distributed data processing in favor of centralized processing (mid-late 90s);
the stage of the emergence and implementation of the Internet and Internet technologies, the creation of a multi-user environment and, on this basis, a return to centralized data processing technologies (late 90s to the present).
The study of the development of methods of economic analysis and the possibilities of processing economic information allows us to highlight the increasingly widespread and active introduction and use of automation tools and technologies in the practice of analytical work as one of the main characteristics of the current stage of development of economic analysis. Only now scientific and technological progress makes it possible to develop software products that provide economic analysis in real time with necessary degree detail and complexity.
However, the complexity of solving the problems of theoretical substantiation of the organization of economic analysis in a computer environment and the development of software for automated systems of economic analysis (ASEA software) is predetermined not only by the wide range of areas of economic activity of enterprises in various sectors of the economy, their forms of ownership, but also by the variety of types and tasks of the analytical analysis itself. work required for effective management enterprise in the complex and dynamic conditions of a market economy. Today, due to the priority of analyzing the financial condition and profitability of the activities of business entities in a market economy in comparison with other areas of economic analysis, programs that allow assessing and analyzing the financial condition of an economic entity, as well as the achieved financial results of economic activities have received the greatest development. . These two areas of analytical research constitute the subject area of ​​study of financial analysis.
Among financial analysis software products, programs for final and forecast financial analysis have received the greatest development. Thus, in the group of final financial analysis programs, the software products of Inek, Intellect-Service, Pro-Invest IT, and Dolgoprudny Research Center (DRC) received the greatest development and practical application. The group of predictive financial analysis includes the Inek-Analyst and Investor software packages (Inek company), the Project Expert program (Pro-Invest IT company), as well as the investment design programs of the Alt-Invest company.
Despite the existing functional features, the Inek-Analyst, Investor, Project Expert programs, as well as the developments of the Alt-Invest company, allow the development of business plans and investment projects, as well as their evaluation. Using these software products, it is possible to generate forecast financial statements (balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement), as well as calculate the most important economic efficiency indicators, such as NPV and IRR, at various risk levels and loan repayment schemes.
However, initially the main attention of ASEA software development firms was aimed at creating programs for retrospective (final) analysis of the financial condition of an economic entity, carried out on the basis of data from the organization’s financial statements for several previous reporting periods. This is explained primarily by the presence of a calculation and analysis methodology that is quite well developed both in foreign and domestic scientific literature. financial ratios based on financial reporting data, as well as the availability information base carrying out such calculations.
As a result, this particular group of computer programs has today taken a leading position in the ASEA software market. Among them, retrospective (final) analysis programs have received the greatest development and distribution. Such software products include the Audit Expert program of the Pro-Invest IT company, analytical programs of the Analyst series - Inek-AFSP, Inek-
ADP", "Inek-Analyst"1 - Inek companies, the "Financial Analysis" program of the Dolgoprudny Research Center, the "Express Analysis of the Financial Condition of an Enterprise" program of the Alt-Invest company, the "Express Analysis" program of the Information Technology Center " Telecom-Service".
Analysis of the financial condition of the activities of an economic entity, carried out on the basis of these software products, includes the study of a wide range of issues - in particular, the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise, the level of its financial stability, turnover and profitability, cash flow, etc. During the analysis To characterize these aspects of financial condition, both absolute and relative indicators are used. Relative indicators, or financial ratios, are calculated in the form of ratios of absolute indicators of financial condition or their linear combinations. Data from the financial statements of the organization are used as the main source of information when calculating financial ratios in analytical computer programs.
Thus, the developers of the Audit Expert program define it as an analytical system for diagnosing, assessing and monitoring the financial condition of an enterprise. Indeed, this program allows the management of an enterprise to both carry out internal financial analysis and look at itself from the outside - from the position of the budget, regulatory agencies, creditors and shareholders. The basic information for the analysis is the financial statements of the enterprise: balance sheet and profit and loss statement. To conduct an in-depth analysis, Audit Expert allows you to use Additional information: information on the distribution of profit, property and debt, other data from accounting and management reporting, the content and format of the input tables of which the user can determine independently.
The Audit Expert system is based on bringing financial statements for a number of periods to a single comparable form that meets the requirements of international financial reporting standards. This approach makes the results of the system understandable throughout the world and allows you to assess the financial condition of the enterprise based on the data obtained.
In terms of retrospective production and financial analysis of the organization's activities.
Audit Expert converts the received balance sheet and income statement data into analytical tables.
The system allows you to revaluate items of assets and liabilities and convert data into a more stable currency.
The implementation of the ability available in the Audit Expert program to adjust the balance sheet indicators based on individually specified revaluation coefficients is a revaluation according to the model (method) of revaluation of accounting objects to current (market) value (Current Value Accounting - CVA or Current Cost Accounting - CCA). However, within the framework of the program under consideration, when applying a general price index to the recalculation of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet, taking into account changes in the purchasing power of the monetary unit, it is possible to adjust the indicators according to the model (method) for evaluating accounting objects in monetary units of the same purchasing power (General Purchasing Power - GPP or General Price Level - GPL). The range of specified revaluation coefficients is quite wide (from O to 1000), which makes it possible to take into account almost any inflationary and deflationary changes in the cost estimates of financial reporting indicators.
In addition, the Audit Expert program can present analytical tables taking into account the revaluation in US dollars, which is performed automatically by the program based on the exchange rate directory.
Thus, the Audit Expert program allows for flexible adjustment of the enterprise’s financial statements with further analytical processing of information within the framework of retrospective and prospective analysis. It should be noted that revaluation of balance sheet data is not a mandatory stage of processing initial information within the framework of the program under consideration, which gives the user the right to choose and make a decision regarding the advisability of making such an adjustment.
According to the analytical tables, standard financial ratios are calculated, the risks of loss of liquidity and bankruptcy are assessed, the value of net assets and the balance sheet structure are assessed, break-even analysis and factor analysis of return on equity are carried out.
IN general view The logical structure of analytical information processing in the Audit Expert program can be represented in the form of interconnected, sequentially implemented stages (see Fig. 11.1).
Stages of analytical information processing in the Audit Expert program
Output forms

In addition to solving standard problems, Audit Expert simultaneously provides the opportunity to implement the user’s own methods for solving a wide range of problems of analysis, diagnostics and monitoring of financial condition. Based on the data of analytical tables, it is possible to implement additional methods for assessing the analysis of the financial activities of an enterprise. The user can enter calculation formulas (templates) for additional analytical indicators that interest him. Calculation formulas are compiled in a direct dialogue with the system and are recorded, as in Excel, in tables. This toolkit allows you to use source data of any structure for analysis when creating your own methodology. At the same time, the ability to import data from source and analytical tables into an editable script allows you to get rid of the routine work of data entry and use previously created ones when constructing your own scripts for entering and processing financial data.
However, it should be emphasized that the implementation of the described functions of Audit Expert requires a high level of user training in the field of financial analysis.
The Audit Expert system allows you to build a forecast of financial indicators based on financial statements, i.e., calculate forecast data for financial statements, as well as the values ​​of financial ratios for the coming periods. Using the forecast function, you can estimate the time during which financial indicators will reach critical values ​​if the current trend continues.
Using a special application for the professional version of the Audit Expert system - Audit Integrator - it is possible to conduct a comparative analysis. In this case, you can use the database of financial statements of the largest Russian companies in various industries, presented on the website of the Pro-Invest IT company. The companies included in the database were selected on the basis of the annual rating of the largest companies in Russia "Expert-200", published by the magazine "Expert". In addition, the special file format converter included in the Audit Expert system allows, for the purpose of comparative analysis, to use the official financial statements of a large number of organizations contained in the public domain on the FCSM website. Data from the specified site is combined with data from the analyzed enterprise, which makes it possible to create a rating of the organization in accordance with user-selected criteria.
Based on the data presented in the Audit Expert tables, you can automatically obtain both standard built-in graphs or charts, and prepare additional ones that reflect the state and dynamics of analytical indicators.
Based on the results of the analysis, the system allows you to automatically obtain a number of expert opinions on your financial condition. The Audit Expert system is equipped with a report generator that allows you to prepare the necessary reports of any structure, as well as include tables, graphs, text information and illustrations. Analytical balance sheet data obtained in Audit Expert can be exported to the Project Expert program and used to describe the initial financial condition of the enterprise.
Currently, the most widely represented analytical programs on the market also include programs from the “Analyst” series of the Inec company. They differ in the range of tasks they solve. Thus, the original Inek-AFSP program contains a minimum set of calculations. At the same time, the Inek-AFSP program makes it possible to calculate a wide range of analytical indicators characterizing liquidity, financial stability, turnover, and profitability. The program is designed to analyze the financial condition, monitor and compare enterprises and organizations of various types of activities. He is a multiple winner of international software competitions in the field of finance and business.
Each subsequent program in the “Analyst” series, along with new functions, includes the capabilities of the previous one. Thus, the Inek-ADP program1, in addition to analyzing the financial condition, allows you to calculate additional indicators and conduct, for example, an analysis of the structure of financial results, the structure of revenue from the sale of products, factor analysis of financial results, and characterize the movement of inventories and finished products , determine the break-even level of the enterprise, measure the sales volume per one ruble of costs. It should be emphasized that the user does not have the opportunity to make changes to the algorithms for calculating certain analytical indicators or the methodology for conducting this or that analysis. For example, in the factor analysis of profit in the program under consideration, only two factors are identified - the efficiency of resource use and changes in prices for products and resources2. It seems that such an approach, both in terms of the number of selected factors and their qualitative characteristics, allowing, for example, the combination in one price factor of two factors with different directions in their effect on the performance indicator, does not provide the proper depth of analysis.
The “Inek-Analyst” software package, including the full capabilities of the “Inek-AFSP” and “Inek-ADP” programs, additionally allows you to perform a set of works on planning the activities of an enterprise. Today, there are two main versions of the “Inek-Analyst” software package: “Inek-Analyst” itself, designed for analyzing and planning the activities of enterprises and organizations whose main activity is the production of products or the provision of services, and “Inek-Analyst” (T)", intended for analysis and planning of the activities of organizations whose main activity is wholesale and retail trade.
In general, the use of the Inek-Analyst software package makes it possible to solve many problems of financial and economic analysis.
1ADP - analysis of the enterprise's activities.
The wording of the names of the factors is given in the version of the Inek-ADP program.
Thus, the Sales Expert program is designed to manage the company's sales activities. Its database stores all the necessary information about clients and the work carried out with them at all stages of transactions - from the first negotiations to payment and delivery of goods. Using this program, it is possible to quickly obtain accurate data on sales volumes presented in any required breakdown (by departments, managers, product groups, regions, industries and other aspects). The program allows you to determine the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and analyze the reasons for refusal to purchase, on this basis monitor the work of sales managers and adjust the marketing activities of the organization.
Based on the use of the Marketing Expert program, an assessment of the company’s position in the market, a comparative analysis of its sales activities is carried out, and an optimal product sales structure is formed. The system allows you to determine the profitability of various market segments and products, the company’s market share, and the growth rate of market share. The use of generally accepted analytical techniques (GAP analysis, segment analysis, SWOT analysis, Portfolio analysis) helps in developing the optimal strategy and tactics for the company’s work in the market, in assessing risks and calculating the main planned financial results. A marketing plan developed using Marketing Expert can be used to forecast sales volumes in the Project Expert program.
Forecast Expert is a forecasting tool economic indicators and analysis of market trends. With its help, it is possible to make a forecast regarding the company's future sales and income, the level of demand for services or products, exchange rates, stocks or futures, and account balances.
In general, the vast majority of programs for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise, as already noted, are programs for retrospective analysis of financial reporting data. The improvement of such programs over the years has been carried out mainly by quantitatively increasing the ability to calculate the widest possible range of financial ratios. At the same time, the qualitative side of the issue was practically not touched upon. As a result, programs were created that made it possible to calculate more than a hundred financial ratios.
However, such software products seem poorly adapted to the requirements of managing a business entity. When using them, a situation is created in which it becomes extremely difficult to formulate conclusions based on the results of the analysis, highlight problematic issues and areas in the economic activity of the subject. This situation is aggravated if the level of qualification of users of such software products is insufficient. It is no coincidence that some companies that develop programs for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise have introduced additional functions into their software products that allow them to automatically formulate conclusions based on the results of calculations of financial ratios (Intellect-Service company, Telecom-Service Information Technology Center), and also create quite voluminous analytical conclusions (Inek company). Such an expansion of the functionality of software products, which contributes to the wider use of computer technologies in the practice of analytical work, can be considered as a positive experience in their further improvement.
A certain problem in the practical application of analytical computer programs is the terminology used in them. Based on this, the direction of improving programs for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise can be called the work of programmers related to the systematization of terminology and algorithms for calculating financial indicators. It was along this path of improving software products that the Lately Most firms develop financial analysis programs.
As a result, it can be stated that today the vast majority of software products developed by leading companies for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise use more correct terminology and algorithms for calculating financial ratios.
At the same time, despite the rather in-depth study of the issues of methodology and techniques for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise in a market economy, there is a need for further improvement of already known analysis methods. As experience shows, most foreign and Russian publications in recent years have been mainly devoted to the analysis of individual financial ratios. Thus, an idea has emerged of the methodology of financial analysis as a set of financial ratios, sometimes unrelated to each other. This vision of financial analysis was reflected in the setting of tasks when developing appropriate analytical programs, which, as a result, affected the reduction in the effectiveness of the analysis itself as a tool for justifying management decisions.
Further improvement of existing and creation of new analytical software products for analyzing the financial state of activities are associated with the development of methods for analyzing financial statements, the development of new methodological approaches to conducting financial analysis based on the use of a broader information base, including data from both accounting and financial statements, as well as and statistical and other non-accounting information. Functionality practical application The most common analytical programs in Russia are presented in table. 11.1.
Table 11.1 i
Analytical capabilities of the most common modern software products, including analysis
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If, as part of the use of a particular software product, it is possible to implement a specific function, then in the table this is marked with a plus sign (“+”), if such a possibility is absent, then in the corresponding position of the table there is a minus sign (“-”) . If the function in question is represented to a much lesser extent than in other programs, in fact it is only designated and not actually implemented, then a plus or minus sign (“±”) is placed in the corresponding position of the table.
As can be seen from table. 11.1, the main capabilities of the most common analytical programs are related to conducting retrospective financial analysis. Among the least developed aspects of building such programs are the issues of methods for analytical adjustment of cost indicators of the information base of analysis, expansion of the information base itself by including data from accounting accounts, including analytical accounts, as well as non-accounting information.
In conclusion, we highlight the main features of modern economic analysis in a computer environment:
ensuring systematic economic analysis, which is due to the need for clear formalization of analytical tasks when solving them in an automated mode. Formalization of analytical tasks eliminates their duplication, contributes to a clearer definition of the volume and qualitative composition of the information base of economic analysis;
increasing the validity of management decisions, which is associated with the ability to analyze the impact of a fairly wide range of internal and external factors that have a significant impact on the object under study;
increasing the reliability and reliability of the results and conclusions obtained, since conducting economic analysis in a computer environment makes it possible to promptly adjust the cost indicators of the original forms of financial reporting and accounting, which is of particular importance and relevance in an inflationary economy;
expanding the capabilities of implementing analytical studies in real time, operational and situational types of analysis;
carrying out multivariate forecast analysis, which involves processing and calculating multivariate approaches and solutions to the problem in order to select the optimal management solution. It is in the computer environment that real conditions are created for conducting a multivariate operational economic analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise;
increasing the effectiveness of economic analysis, which is due to both the high degree of scientific validity of management decisions and the possibility of their timely adoption;
increasing opportunities for conducting complex analytical studies related to the processing of large amounts of initial analytical information.
The further development of economic analysis using modern computer technologies is associated not only with the improvement of computer technology and means of communication, but also with the development of more advanced methodological and methodological approaches to conducting economic analysis, taking into account new opportunities and changing internal and external operating conditions economic entities.

A selection of financial analysis of an enterprise in Excel tables from various authors:

Excel tables Popova A.A. will allow you to conduct financial analysis: calculate business activity, solvency, profitability, financial stability, aggregated balance sheet, analyze the structure of balance sheet assets, ratio and dynamic analysis based on Forms 1 and 2 of the enterprise’s financial statements.

Excel tables of financial analysis of the enterprise by Zaikovsky V.E. (Director of Economics and Finance of Tomsk Measuring Equipment Plant OJSC) allow, on the basis of forms 1 and 2 of external accounting reports, to calculate the bankruptcy of an enterprise according to the Altman, Taffler and Lis model, to assess the financial condition of the enterprise in terms of liquidity, financial stability, state of fixed assets, turnover assets, profitability. In addition, a connection is found between the insolvency of an enterprise and the state’s debt to it. There are graphs of changes in the assets and liabilities of the enterprise over time.

Excel tables for financial analysis from Malakhov V.I. allow you to calculate the balance in percentage form, assess management efficiency, assess financial (market) stability, assess liquidity and solvency, assess profitability, business activity, the company’s position on the market market, the Altman model. Diagrams of balance sheet assets, revenue dynamics, gross and net profit dynamics, and debt dynamics are constructed.

Electronic Excel tables financial analysis Repina V.V. calculate cash flows, profit-loss, changes in debt, changes in inventories, dynamics of changes in balance sheet items, financial indicators in GAAP format. Allows you to conduct a ratio financial analysis of the enterprise.

Excel tables Salova A.N., Maslova V.G. will allow you to conduct a spectrum of scoring analysis of your financial condition. The spectrum scoring method is the most reliable method of financial and economic analysis. Its essence is to analyze financial ratios by comparing the obtained values ​​with standard values, using a system for dividing these values ​​into zones of distance from the optimal level. The analysis of financial ratios is carried out by comparing the obtained values ​​with the recommended standard values, which play the role of threshold standards. The further the value of the coefficients is from the standard level, the lower the degree of financial well-being and the higher the risk of falling into the category of insolvent enterprises.

1. Financial analysis programs

To date, a number of software products have been created to perform a comprehensive assessment of an enterprise’s activities, identify the main trends in its development, calculate basic standards for planning and forecasting, and assess the creditworthiness of an enterprise.

Such programs include: "Inek-Analyst", software products of the "Intalev" series (for example, "Intalev: Corporate Finance", "Intalev: Budget Management", "Intalev: Business Processes"), "Financial Analysis 3.0" Investment analysis 1.6", "Microsoft Project", "Alt-finance", "Business Plan", "Marketing Analysis", "Commerce", "Analyzer", "Redictor", "Portfolio", etc.

Some programs, such as "INEK-Analyst" and "Financial Analysis", are made on the MS Excel program platform, which significantly expands the capabilities of the analyst using this program.

The use of these programs allows you, if necessary, to change all the formulas and macros in the program at your discretion.

Other programs are implemented on the platform of one of the specialized accounting programs. Thus, the Intelev: Corporate Finance program is implemented on the platform of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 program and is compatible with any accounting systems (1C, Parus, BEST, Komtech), and for the successful use of the BEST programs -F" and "BEST-ANALYSIS" will require skills in working with Windows and accurate registration of all business transactions in the BEST-4 system.

Let us consider the capabilities of some of the programs for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise in more detail.

1.1 Software package "INEK-Analyst"

Over the past decade, INEC has taken a leading position among analytical programs. This company was the first to release in 1990 domestic market programs for economic analysis activities of enterprises, and today its developments enjoy the trust of specialists from authorities government controlled, large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, commercial banks, auditing and consulting firms, educational institutions, insurance organizations.

The INEC-Analyst software package is designed to assess the financial and economic condition, develop, analyze and evaluate business plans of enterprises and organizations engaged in production and provision of services.

The software product of the "Analyst" series solves the following main tasks:

* detailed analysis of the financial and economic condition of enterprises engaged in production and provision of services;

* preparation, analysis and evaluation of enterprise development plans ( investment project, business plan, feasibility study, financial recovery plan);

* consolidation (merging) of enterprise data and analysis of the combined option;

* comparison of actual and planned data of enterprises according to financial and economic indicators.

The program allows you to view the results of work in tabular, graphical and text forms, as well as export them to MZ U/oga and Excel1.

Software products of the "Analyst" series ("INEK-AFSP", "INEK-ADP", "INEK-Analyst", "INEK-Holding", "Banking Analyst") differ in the range of tasks they solve. The first of the programs contains a minimum set of calculations, each subsequent one, along with new functions, includes the capabilities of the previous one.

The INEC-AFSP program is designed to analyze the financial condition of enterprises and organizations of any type of activity using balance sheet and report data.

The INEC-ADP program allows you to conduct a comprehensive financial and economic analysis of the activities of enterprises of any type of activity. The initial information for the analysis is external accounting data (balance sheet, profit and loss statement), as well as data on the structure of revenue, cost, receipts and expenditures.

The INEC-Analyst software package solves the problems of comprehensive financial and economic analysis, development, analysis and evaluation of the business plan of enterprises and organizations engaged in production and provision of services. "INEK-Analyst (T)" is intended for analysis and planning of the activities of trade organizations

The INEC-Holding software package is designed for analysis, planning and comparison of enterprises of various types of activities.

The Banking Analyst software package is designed for analysis, planning and comparison of enterprises of various types of activities.

The demo version of the program presents the following examples of enterprises and organizations:

JSC "Metallurg" (production) - plan and fact;

CJSC Telecom >> (services) - plan and fact;

Prometheus holding (a holding that combines the data of several enterprises).

A demo version of the INEC-Analyst program is available on the website www. inec. ru

1.2 Programs of the "Intalev" series

The consulting and implementation company "Intalev" is engaged in the installation and automation of control systems at enterprises. One of the company's activities is the development of standard software products and methodological manuals in the field of optimization of enterprise management systems.

Today, Intalev offers standard solutions in the field of budgeting, financial analysis, management accounting and management processes, which are used in their work by hundreds of enterprises in Russia and the CIS.

The field of financial management in our time is the most relevant for Russian enterprises. Experts in this field identify a number of tools, the use of which allows you to effectively manage the finances of a company and the company as a whole: budgeting (or budget management), management accounting, financial analysis.

The Intalev series of programs offers a number of specialized programs for analyzing the activities of an organization. "ITRP + Intalev: Production and Finance PROF" - The program is designed for complex automation of medium- and large-scale manufacturing enterprises.

"Intalev: Leasing Management" is a comprehensive software product for automating the management of leasing activities. It allows you to automate all stages of leasing management: planning leasing transactions, calculating payment schedules, budgeting cash flows and income and expenses of the leasing company.

"Intalev: Budget Management" version 3.0 is a program for automating budgeting for small and medium-sized enterprises, implemented on the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform. Allows you to plan, take into account and analyze the financial and economic operations of an enterprise in a unified information system. Characteristics of the program: visibility, ease of implementation and operation, versatility.

"Intalev: Corporate Finance" is a software product implemented on the "1C: Enterprise 7.7" platform, designed to automate management accounting, budgeting, control and analysis in all areas of the enterprise's economic activities. Focused on large trading and manufacturing enterprises, including holdings. The program implements a system of customizable and expandable budgets, and also has the ability to keep records on several charts of accounts. The program has extensive financial analysis capabilities.

"Intalev: Corporate Finance" includes the following capabilities: budgeting, management accounting, business design, forecasting, economic modeling, document flow, accounting capabilities and other capabilities of "1C: Enterprise 7.7".

Features of the program include: extensive financial management capabilities for enterprises in various industries, step-by-step guidance for independent organization and budget management in a company, business design capabilities (creating an enterprise model), the ability to describe routes for the flow of information and automation information processes in the company, drawing up long-term forecasts and economic models for the development of the enterprise. The program has special capabilities for automating planning, accounting and analysis for distributed holdings with heterogeneous types of business, implementation of national and international standards of planning, management accounting, analysis and control (all-Russian, GAAP, IAS, custom) in a single database, no double data entry and dedicated implementation support.

"Intalev; Financial Management" is a universal program for automating management accounting and financial management, is compatible with any accounting systems (1C, Parus, BEST, Komtech, etc.) thanks to the mechanism for importing and exporting information while maintaining the principle of one-time input of data into the system. It is characterized by holding accounting and the ability to evaluate the performance of various divisions of the company. The goal of the Intalev: Financial Management program is to improve the efficiency of the management system, which allows the company to receive maximum profit with the available resources. This goal is achieved by automating the company's management accounting, built on the basis of budget management technology.

Let's list the program's features:

· drawing up and monitoring the execution of cash flow budgets, income and expenses, purchases, sales, production;

· a wide range of reports characterizing the state and dynamics of the company’s performance indicators, including the use of the latest technologies (OLAP analysis);

· customizable security system that limits users' work only to their functional areas.

Features of the program include:

· the ability to organize joint work of the program with any accounting systems (1C, Parus, BEST, Komtech, etc.) thanks to the information import-export mechanism;

· maintaining the principle of one-time entry of data into the system; "holding accounting;

· the ability to evaluate the performance of various departments of the company.

1.3 Business process analysis programs of the "BEST" series

One of the foundations for successful business management in a trading company is a comprehensive analysis of business processes. To solve this important problem, programs of the BEST series have been created: BEST-F, BEST-ANALYSIS, etc.

To successfully work with these programs, you only need skills in working with Windows and accurate registration of all business transactions in the BEST-4 system.

"BEST-F" --- program financial analysis, designed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the financial and property position of an enterprise. It is addressed to managers and financial directors enterprises, as well as employees of auditing and consulting firms. The program allows you to analyze the structure of property, solvency and financial stability of the enterprise, business activity and profitability of economic activities, the policy of attracting borrowed funds, the use of profits, and analyze the business viability of banks and business partners. The program also allows you to analyze commercial activities, forecast the state of inventories for subsequent procurement planning, compare the conditions of supplier companies and choose the most profitable partner, evaluate the work of distributors and sales departments, study factors affecting profits, and conduct a structural analysis of distribution costs.

The BEST-F program works in a Windows system, it is easy to learn and operate, and does not require any special settings. The program can work in conjunction with BEST-4.

"BEST-ANALYSIS" is an information and analytical system for managers of trading companies. With the help of this system, executives and managers of trading companies will be able to study market conditions, identify the main patterns and trends in demand, predict sales progress, and rationally use labor resources, warehouse and retail premises. The program helps optimize the work schedule of sales departments and regulate the timing and volume of purchases. The results of the analysis can also be used in developing a turnover plan. When analyzing data, well-known statistical methods are used (averages, smoothed averages, calculation of square deviations, correlation curves, etc.).

The program will allow a financial specialist to analyze the turnover of the enterprise, structural divisions, product groups and products, analyze purchases, calculate marginal and specific marginal profits, as well as analyze changes in purchase and selling prices.

The program allows you to evaluate inventory management: assessing turnover, identifying illiquid product items, calculating the number of turnovers by product, as well as conducting a study of the dynamics of turnover for individual types of goods, product groups, trading divisions and the enterprise as a whole.

"BEST MARKETING" is a means of assessing the market position of an enterprise. The BEST-Marketing program is a convenient and effective tool that allows you to assess the market position of an enterprise in a competitive environment. The system is designed for the most ordinary user who does not have any special education in the field of marketing.

Information is entered in the form of natural, self-evident assessments according to the principle “worse/better”, “important/secondary”. The entered qualitative data is converted by the system into quantitative data, which makes it possible to carry out appropriate calculations.

The program will help identify promising market niches, analyze the competitiveness of products and advertising campaigns, and offer recommendations for increasing their effectiveness and stimulating sales. Using the program's tools, you can also conduct a comparative analysis of your own products with analogues of competing companies, forecast sales and develop a consolidated budget.

1.4 Program "Financial Analysis"

The program "Financial Analysis" allows you to determine the state of the enterprise in dynamics, make vertical and horizontal analysis financial statements taking into account inflation and without it, calculate more than 50 financial ratios. It automatically compiles about 40 analytical tables, helps to predict the further development of the enterprise, and avoid unpleasant relations with shareholders and counterparties who have access to the balance sheet.

The Financial Analysis program allows you to analyze not only new reporting forms, but also transform old ones. “Financial analysis” allows you to determine the state of the equipment fleet and intangible assets at the enterprise, analyze accounts payable and receivable, i.e. identify the real value of debtors' debts. Using the program, you can determine the real value of property and other balance sheet items over time, since the program introduces the ability to adjust the value of property taking into account inflation.

"Financial Analysis" version 3.0. calculates the break-even point, effect financial leverage and analyzes the creditworthiness of the enterprise using various methods given in it. It predicts further changes in balance sheet items and analytical ratios for the period ahead, and allows you to view reports in both Russian and English.

A demo version of the "Financial Analysis" program is available on the website www.

1.5 Alt-Finance program

A comprehensive assessment of the activity of an enterprise, identifying the main trends in its development, calculating basic standards for planning and forecasting, assessing the creditworthiness of an enterprise - these are the range of tasks that the Alt-Finance program solves.

The openness and adaptability of the Alt-Finance software product provide the user with the opportunity to independently make changes to the program, taking into account their requirements or specific conditions.

Using standard accounting data from the Alt-Finance program allows you to calculate financial indicators characterizing liquidity, solvency, turnover, financial stability, profitability and efficiency of use financial resources. The user also has the ability to perform financial analysis using both old and new accounting forms. Using a specially written macro command, accounting statements are automatically transferred from old to new format. The Alt-Finance software product uses the following main methods of analysis:

· horizontal - trend analysis, in which indicators are compared with similar ones for other periods;

· vertical - analysis, in which the structure of indicators is examined through gradual deepening and detailing;

· comparative - analysis in which the studied indicators are compared with similar industry averages or indicators of the main competitors.

In addition, the user has the opportunity to conduct factor analysis of changes in the indicator of general liquidity, return on equity and other indicators.

1.6 Project management program Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is one of the most widely used project management systems in the world. In many Western companies, Microsoft Project has become a common addition to Microsoft Office, even for ordinary employees who use it to plan schedules for simple sets of work.

Microsoft Project, due to its flexibility and accessibility, has become the de facto standard of the package general purpose, designed to work with small and medium-sized projects. It is a tool that allows you to efficiently manage projects with minimal costs time and money.

A project of five to ten stages (works), in which two or three performers are involved, is quite manageable with the help of a notebook or organizer. However, projects with more than ten jobs already require serious management tools, and this program is the undisputed leader among them. The package is simple. The program developers did not seek to incorporate complex scheduling or resource planning algorithms into it. At the same time, significant attention is paid to the use of modern standards that allow the package to be effectively integrated with other applications.

Microsoft Project allows you to facilitate and systematize group work with projects.

Setting up messages for the project team includes the ability to define the composition of project data sent to project participants via email, and set restrictions on the correction of sent information by recipients.

Creating a new project begins with selecting a template supplied with the program or previously created by the user. Then you need to indicate basic information about the project in a special window. First of all, these are, of course, the start and end dates, as well as the way the project is linked to these dates. Next you will work with the resources necessary to implement the project.

To quickly get a novice user up and running, Microsoft Project provides, in addition to the usual help tools, the possibility of step-by-step project development and intelligent hints.

Among the advantages of the package, it is worth noting quite convenient and flexible reporting tools. The main types of reports can be selected from the templates.

The ability to have multiple plans for each project at the same time will improve the efficiency of "what if..." analysis. At the same time, Microsoft Project provides a minimal set of tools for planning and resource management.

Additional features of Microsoft Project include import/export of data in various formats, macro recorders, Visual Basic.

1.7 Program "OLIMP:FinExport"

Another well-established company developing targeted analytical software packages is Rosexpertiza. It offers a software product from the OLYMP series: OLYMP:FinExport - a professional program for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise and forecasting its development; the program uses the best domestic and foreign methods of financial analysis. It was created by specialists from the information technology department of the Rosexpertiza company, and is addressed to the management of enterprises, financial managers, analysts, audit and consulting firms, credit and investment departments of banks.

The method of financial analysis, implemented in the OLIMP: Fin Expert program, uses data from external accounting reports and is a synthesis of the best methods and techniques of domestic financial analysis (V.V. Kovalev, A.D. Sheremet) and Western methods adapted to domestic practice (E. N. Stoyanova, V.V. Kovalev). This is primarily the calculation of the effects of financial and operating leverage, which is widely used in foreign practice.

The OLIMP:FinExpert program also implements a multifactor model of the DuPont Corporation for calculating key financial and economic indicators of enterprise development: return on net assets (RONA), economic growth company (SG), weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Factor analysis allows you to find the root causes of changes in these resulting indicators.

An original method for comparing the financial condition of enterprises and ranking enterprises by size integral indicator, implemented in the program, allows for an effective comparison of enterprises. An important advantage of the methodology contained in the OLIMP:FinExpert program is the possibility of mathematical and statistical forecasting of the balance sheet and modeling the consequences of management decisions.

The program operates in the following modes:

* checking reports;

* express analysis;

* full analysis;

* Methodology of the Federal Bankruptcy Administration;

* DuPont multifactor model for analyzing profitability and economic growth;

* comparison and ranking of enterprises based on comprehensive financial indicators;

* modeling and forecasting the financial condition of the enterprise.

The analyzed data is the balance sheet data (Form No. 1), profit and loss statement (Form No. 2), cash flow statement (Form No. 4) and other forms of external reporting. The main advantages and benefits of the OLIMP:FinExpert program are as follows:

* conducts a complete and detailed analysis of all sections of financial analysis, calculates more than 100 financial and economic parameters and ratios;

* provides detailed financial and economic information support for all sections, tables, financial and economic indicators, contains over 300 information blocks;

* automatically formulates the results of the analysis, generates conclusions based on the analysis and expert assessments of the financial condition of the enterprise;

* conducts a detailed analysis of the effects of financial and operational leverage, which allows us to assess the degree of total production and financial risk;

* allows you to clean data from inflationary distortion and analyze the dynamics of the balance in comparable prices;

* makes it possible to forecast the financial condition of the enterprise;

* imports accounting data from text, DBF and Excel files;

* its professional version allows the user to change formulas for calculating indicators, create new analytical tables, and implement their own methods of financial analysis in the program;

* implemented under Windows in the Excel1 environment, which allows you to use the technological and graphical capabilities of this environment.

Task 2. Perform financial calculations using Excel:

Option 1.

1. Using the BZ(BS) function.

BS (C4/C3; C3*C5; ; -C2)

2. Using the BZSCHEDULE function.

For a bond with a face value of 200 thousand rubles, issued for six years, the following procedure for calculating interest is provided: the first year 15%, the next two 20%, the remaining three years 25%. Calculate the future (accumulated) value of the bond at a compound interest rate.


4. Using the oil refinery (NPV) function.

Investments in the project by the end of 1 year of its implementation will amount to 10,000 rubles. In the next three years, annual income from the project is expected to be 2000, 4500 and 6500 rubles. Capital raising costs 8%. Calculate the net present value of the project = NPV(B1/B6; B3:B5)

5. Using the PURE function.

Investment of 12 million rubles. dated July 1, 1998, will bring income: 2550 thousand rubles. September 15, 1998, 4750 thousand rubles. November 1, 1998, 5350 thousand rubles. January 1, 1999 Discount rate 9%. Determine the net present value of the investment as of July 1, 1998 as of July 1, 1997.

PURE (B4 ;A3:E3; A2:E2)

PURE (B4;B3:E3;B2:E2)

6. Using the NPER function.

NPER (B4/B5; -B3; B2) = n (B8/B5)

8. Using the PLPROTS(PRPT) function.

Calculate interest payments for the first month on a four-year loan of 900 thousand rubles. at the rate of 12% per annum.

PRPLT (B3/B5; 1; B5*B4; B2)

9. Using the GENERAL PAYMENT function.

The loan for real estate was made on the following terms: interest rate 11% per annum; term 25 years, loan size 150 thousand rubles, interest is accrued monthly. Find the amount of interest payments for the second year and first month of the loan.

1= (B2/B4; B4*B3; B5; 13; 24; 0)

2= ​​(B2/B4; B4*B3; B5; 1; 1; 0)


1) Fedorova G.V. " Information Technology accounting, analysis and audit": textbook / G.V. Fedorova, - 2nd ed. - M.: Omega-L Publishing House, 2006-304 pp.: ill. - (Higher financial education )

2) Mikheeva E.V. "Information technologies in the professional activities of economists and accountants": study. allowance for students. avg. prof. education / E.V. Mikheeva, O.I. Titova - 2nd ed. erased - M.: Publishing house. house "Academy", 2006-208 p.