Design of mini-refinery - plant of petrochemical equipment "OSRM". Design of oil refineries and mini refineries Marketing review of the market

Well made mini refinery project is a fundamental factor affecting the efficient and safe operation of the facility. In fact, mini refineries are oil refineries and small-scale hydrocarbon processing plants with a capacity of up to 1 million tons per year. The advantages of mini-plants (compared to large oil refineries) are the absence of the need for capital construction, small footprint, as well as short construction and installation work due to the possibility of supplying equipment in the form of technological modules. Typically, mini-refineries find their application in cases where transporting crude oil is less profitable than processing it at the production site, for example, in the most remote regions of the country.

Specialists of LLC "Neftegazinzhiniring" carry out design of high-tech packaged and modular mini refineries both by individual order and by available ready-made developments and projects, taking into account modern engineering and special design solutions.

Development of a mini refinery project

The development of the project begins with the receipt from the Customer of the technical requirements for the mini refinery, namely, the productivity, volume and range of refined products. Based on the provided initial data, our specialists perform turnkey mini refinery design, which includes a feasibility study of the construction project, engineering surveys, development of design documentation, equipment, project coordination with the Customer and regulatory authorities, obtaining a positive conclusion from the state examination.

The project itself of a mini oil refinery itself consists of design, estimate and working documentation, as well as special sections according to Decree No. 87. The project contains the main technical information about the construction object:

  • facility master plan
  • technological and architectural and construction solutions, conditions for placing a mini plant
  • composition of mini refinery equipment (installations for processing and distillation of oil, heat exchange equipment, tanks and containers, pumps, separators)
  • block diagram of an object with interacting technological chains and lines
  • description of auxiliary buildings and premises (change houses, warehouses, office buildings, control rooms, laboratory, etc.)
  • scheme of engineering networks and communications (water supply, sewerage, power supply), piping
  • construction organization project

Ready-made business plan for the construction of an oil refinery (refinery) with a capacity of 5 million tons per year developed in August 2018 d. specially for the oil refining industry according to the author's methods of ECC "Invest-Project" taking into account international recommendations UNIDO, therefore, it can be used both for internal purposes and for presentation to Russian and foreign banks, investors, partners, authorities.

Settlement date: 22.08.2018.

Payment currency: ruble.

Planning period: 12 years by year.

Planning methodology: UNIDO international recommendations, own methods.

The purpose of the business plan: building a financial model and calculating the key financial, economic and marketing parameters of the project for the construction of an oil refinery (refinery) to confirm its economic efficiency and attract investment.

The business plan contains consolidated data on the project, reflects the concept of creating an enterprise and is a technical task for the further development of design and construction documentation, coordination with contractors, investors, and authorities.

Production capacity of the enterprise: before 5 million tons of raw materials per year.

Output Structure

Need of an oil refinery (refinery) for investments

Investment is required to implement the project *** billion rubles from two sources:

    *** billion rubles at the expense of the project owner's own funds ( ** % investment),

    *** billion rubles in the form of a bank loan at a rate 14,0 % per annum ( ** % of investments), repayment of the loan body - from the **-th to the **-th year inclusive, payment of interest - from the moment the tranche is received.

Total term of use borrowed money - ** of the year.

Interest will be charged on the loan *** million rubles

The need of an oil refinery (refinery) for land resources

The size of the site, taking into account fire breaks for the construction of the refinery as a whole, taking into account the commodity park and off-site facilities, is estimated at *** ha.

Project implementation timeline:

    start of implementation: I quarter. 2019,

    refinery design and construction stage: ** years,

    commissioning and start of processing of raw materials: ***,

    reaching design capacity: ***.

Industry Marketing Review

In 2017, oil and gas condensate production in Russia decreased by 0,1 % and amounted to 546,8 mln t. As of January 1, 2018, oil and gas condensate (petroleum feedstock) were produced 288 organizations holding licenses for the right to use subsoil.

In 2017, Russia increased oil exports by 1,1 %, before *** million tons. In 2017, the average annual price for Russian oil on the world market reached 53,1 dollars / barrel According to Rosstat, the average annual price of oil producers on the Russian market in 2017 was *** thousand rubles / t.

According to Rosstat, *** million tons of oil goes for processing - this is ** % of all oil produced.

According to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, in 2017 Russian refineries produced the following types of oil products in total:

  • motor gasoline - *** million tons;
  • diesel fuel - *** million tons;
  • aviation kerosene - *** million tons;
  • fuel oil - *** million tons

In 2017, the depth of oil refining for the first time reached 81,0 %.

In Russia, in 2017, producer prices for motor gasoline increased by 12 % (*** thousand rubles/t), for diesel fuel - by 20 % (*** thousand rubles/ton). Prices for fuel oil and road oil bitumen increased by 59 % And 68 %. The average annual price for fuel oil was *** thousand rubles/t, bitumen cost *** thousand rubles / t.

The average retail price for AI-92 gasoline in 2017 was set at *** rub./l., AI-95 gasoline cost *** rub./l., diesel fuel - *** rub. / l.

The tax component in the final price of each liter of motor fuel sold in the country is about 60 %.

Export of petroleum products in 2017 amounted to 148 million tons

Technical and economic indicators of an oil refinery (refinery)

Prices for the company's products


base price, rub. / T

discount, %

opt. price, rub. / T

revenue, rub. / year

Diesel fuel

Road bitumen

For power generation, losses


*** billion rubles

Thus, the average annual revenue of the enterprise will be *** billion rubles.

Excises on petroleum products

* According to Art. 193 part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation from 08/03/2018.

Key indicators of the project



Production capacity, t / year

Production capacity, t / month

Revenue, rub. / month

Revenue, rub. / year

Cost of production, rub. / T

Average price of products sold, rub. / T

Cost of processing, %

When the production and economic parameters of the business plan for the project are met, the following performance indicators will be achieved.

Project performance indicators

Name of indicator



General indicators of the project

Total revenue for the planning period

billion rubles

Disposals for current activities

billion rubles

Operating balance

billion rubles

Net profit of the project

billion rubles

Amount of investments

billion rubles

Property on the balance sheet at the end of the planning horizon

billion rubles

Return on sales for the whole project

Net profit margin

Net profit per month at the end of the forecast period

billion rubles / month

Sales at the end of the forecast period

billion rubles / month

Indicators for the lender / lender

Amount of own funds

million rubles

Amount of borrowed funds

billion rubles

Total funding


billion rubles

Equity to Debt Ratio (D/E)

Loan rate (in nominal prices)

Accrued interest on loans

million rubles

Duration of repayment of the loan body


Loan terms

interval, years

Investment indicators of the project

Discount rate, annual

Discount rate, monthly

NPV of the project at the time of its inception

billion rubles

Project PI


Project IRR

Payback period (undiscounted)

interval, years

Payback period (discounted)

interval, years

Net present value(Net Present Value, NPV) of the project for the forecast period is *** billion rubles at discount rate 14,0 % per year (1.10% per month). When assessing the NPV value, it is important to take into account that the project is being implemented beyond the planning horizon.

Project Profitability Index, or the coefficient of return on investment funds (Payback Investments, PI) = ***. This means that for every ruble invested, the project will generate over the forecast period *** rub. (including discounting).

Internal rate of return(Internal Rate of Return, IRR) - ***%. This indicator demonstrates the stability of the project in relation to a possible increase in discount rates, construction and installation works and risks.

Ready-made business plan for an oil refinery (refinery) 153 pages, 44 tables, 34 graphic arts, 14 diagrams and 6 drawings.

Buy ready-made or order an individual business plan for the construction of an oil refinery (refinery): +7 (495) 617.39.02.

A completed business plan can be modified for the project:

  1. By power(1, 2, 3 or 10 million tons per year);
  2. By place location of the plant (Bryansk, Volgograd, Samara, Orenburg, Irkutsk regions, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar or Perm regions, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, YNAO, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan);
  3. by output structure products;
  4. at the cost of purchasing raw oil;
  5. by source and terms of financing, etc.


2.1. Inflation and GDP in Russia, 2003-2020

2.2. Analysis of the oil market in the Russian Federation

2.2.1. Oil production in Russia

2.2.2. The main regions of oil production in the Russian Federation

2.2.3. Production capacity for oil production

2.2.4. Oil resources of the Russian Federation

2.2.5. Export of crude oil

2.2.6. Oil prices

2.3. Classification of petroleum products

2.4. The market of oil products in the Russian Federation

2.4.1. Production of petroleum products

2.4.2. Producer prices for petroleum products

2.4.3. Retail prices for petroleum products

2.4.4. Export of petroleum products

2.5. Oil refineries in Russia

2.6. TOP-10 Russian refineries

2.7. Register of Russian refineries

2.8. Modernization of refineries in the Russian Federation

2.9. Modernization of the ROSNEFT refinery

2.9.1. JSC "Kuibyshev Refinery"

2.9.2. RN-Tuapse Refinery

2.9.3. Achinsk Oil Refinery VNK

2.9.4. RN-Komsomolsk Refinery

2.9.5. Saratov Oil Refinery

2.9.6. Ryazan Oil Refining Company

2.10. Refineries under construction and put into operation after 2000

2.10.1. JSC "Taneco"

2.10.2. Antipinsky Oil Refinery

2.10.3. Ilsky oil refinery

2.10.4. Novoshakhtinsk Oil Products Plant

2.10.5. Anzherska oil and gas company

2.10.6. Volkhov Oil Refinery

2.10.7. Yenisey LLC (Usinsky Oil Refinery)

2.10.8. OOO VPK-Oil (Kochenevsky Oil Refinery)

2.11. Structure of an oil refinery


3.1. Project production parameters

3.2. Oil refining plan

3.3. revenue plan

3.4. Operating cost parameters

3.5. Parameters of direct production costs


4.1. Need for staff and payroll


5.1. Structure and volume of necessary investments

5.2. Calendar plan for financing and project implementation


6.1. Qualitative risk analysis

6.2. Break even

6.3. NPV sensitivity analysis


7.1. Basic assumptions for calculations

7.2. Cash flow plan

7.3. Profit and loss plan (PLO)

7.4. Excises on petroleum products

7.5. Refinery taxation

7.6. Investor income forecast

7.7. Project owner income forecast

7.8. Financial analysis of the project


Total 153 pages, 44 tables, 34 graphic arts, 14 diagrams and 6 drawings.


List of tables

Table 1. The structure of output.

Table 2. Prices for the company's products.

Table 3. Excises on petroleum products.

Table 4. Key indicators of the project.

Table 5. Processing of raw materials and output of products (t / year.).

Table 6. Structure of investments.

Table 7. Distribution of tax deductions by budget levels.

Table 8. Project performance indicators.

Table 9. Largest oil producing companies in the Russian Federation, 2017, million tons

Table 10. Key indicators for the oil resources of the Russian Federation.

Table 11. List of oil and condensate fields in Russia.

Table 12. Export of crude oil in value and volume terms, 2010-2017.

Table 13. World prices for oil and natural gas in 2010-2017, USD/bbl

Table 14. Average producer prices for oil by federal districts, 2013-2018, RUB/t

Table 15. Production and refining of oil in Russia in 2010-2017

Table 16. Production of main oil products in the Russian Federation, 2012-2017, thousand tons.

Table 17. Average annual producer prices for the main oil products, rub./tn.

Table 18. Average producer prices for refined products in the Russian Federation, 2012-2017, rub. / T.

Table 19. Retail fuel prices, 2012-2018, rub. / l.

Table 20. Export of petroleum products in value and physical terms, 2010-2017

Table 21. TOP-10 Russian refineries in 2017.

Table 22

Table 23. The program of modernization of the refinery of the company "NK Rosneft".

Table 24. Project parameters.

Table 25. Plan for the production of petroleum products, 2019-2030, tons

Table 26. Revenue plan by years.

Table 27. Parameters of current costs.

Table 28. Plan of current expenses by years.

Table 29. Parameters of direct costs.

Table 30. Plan of direct costs by years.

Table 31. Refinery and payroll personnel.

Table 32. Structure of investments.

Table 33. Schedule of financing and implementation of the project.

Table 35. Calculation of the break-even point.

Table 36. Sensitivity of NPV to changes in key project parameters.

Table 37. Cash flow plan by years.

Table 38. Profit and loss plan by years.

Table 39. Excise rates for petroleum products.

Table 40. Taxation for the planning period by years.

Table 41. Plan for obtaining and returning funding.

Table 42. Investment performance indicators.

Table 43. Calculation of the NPV of the project.

Table 44. Financial analysis of the project (year 12).

List of charts

Graph 1. Production plan (t / year).

Chart 2. Dynamics of receipt of proceeds (rubles / year).

Chart 3. Dynamics of current costs.

Graph 4. Dynamics of direct costs.

Chart 5. Dynamics of net profit.

Chart 6. Collection and repayment of debt.

Graph 7. NPV of the project and undiscounted cash flow.

Chart 8. Dynamics of inflation and GDP in Russia, 2003-2020 (forecast), %.

Chart 9. Oil production in the Russian Federation, million tons

Graph 10. Dynamics of crude oil exports in physical terms, 2010 - 2016, t.

Chart 11. Dynamics of average prices for crude oil in the Russian Federation, 2013-2018, RUB/ton

Chart 12. Dynamics of primary oil refining in the Russian Federation, 2010-2017, million tons

Chart 13. Depth of crude oil refining in the Russian Federation, 2010-2016, %.

Chart 14. Change in average annual producer prices for basic oil products, rub. / tn.

Chart 15. Dynamics of average producer prices for main oil products, 2012-2017, rubles per ton.

Chart 16. Dynamics of retail fuel prices in the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2018, rub. / l.

Chart 17. Dynamics of exports of petroleum products in physical terms, 2010-2017, tons

Chart 18. Dynamics of exports of petroleum products in value terms, 2010-2017, million USD

Chart 19. Capital expenditures for the modernization of leading oil refineries.

Chart 20. Plan for the commissioning of installations that affect the depth of processing, 2014-2020.

Chart 21. Dynamics of production (t/year).

Chart 22. Dynamics of revenue receipt.

Chart 23. Dynamics of current costs, rub.

Chart 24. Dynamics of direct costs, rub.

Chart 25. Calculation of the break-even point.

Chart 26. Sensitivity of NPV to changes in key project parameters.

Chart 27. Revenue, costs, profit.

Chart 28. Dynamics of net profit.

Chart 29. Financial results.

Chart 30. Collection and repayment of debt.

Chart 31. Debt service.

Chart 32. Sensitivity of NPV to the discount rate.

Chart 33. NPV of the project and undiscounted cash flow.

Chart 34. Payments to the investor on an accrual basis.

List of diagrams

Diagram 1. Revenue structure.

Diagram 2. Distribution of crude oil production between Russian oil companies, 2017,%.

Diagram 3. Distribution of oil production by federal districts, 2017, %.

Diagram 4. Structure of production of main oil products in the Russian Federation, 2017, %.

Diagram 5. Dynamics of the number of vehicles in the Russian Federation, 2010-2017, units

Diagram 6. The structure of the output of petroleum products by the number of producers.

Diagram 7. The structure of output (tons).

Diagram 8. Output volumes (t/year).

Diagram 9. Refinery revenue structure, rub.

Diagram 10. Structure of current costs.

Diagram 11. Structure of direct costs.

Diagram 12. Structure of initial investments.

Diagram 13. Structure of tax deductions.

Diagram 14. Structure of costs in the 12th year of the project implementation.

List of drawings

Figure 1. Refinery block diagram.

Figure 2. Oil reserves in Russia.

Figure 3. Development of the oil industry in 2017.

Figure 4. Crude oil and refined products.

Figure 5. Map of Russian oil refining.

Figure 6. Block diagram of the complex of oil refineries and petrochemical plants of TANECO JSC.

Total 153 pages, 44 tables, 34 graphic arts, 14 diagrams and 6 drawings.

A mini-oil refinery is a fairly profitable business. Not everyone can organize such production with their own hands. But if you put in the maximum effort, everything will definitely work out.

What is this business?

Mini-refineries are a small plant that processes no more than 1 million tons of raw materials per year. This production is quite attractive, because at a relatively low cost (for this industry) you can earn a lot. Depending on the type of equipment and the required capacity, you need to invest from 3 to 30 million dollars.

The process of collecting and preparing oil

Mini-refineries of small sizes are a completely legal business that can be organized independently or involve partners in this. For the needs of the plant, you can easily organize uninterrupted supplies of oil.

Business Benefits

Mini-refineries have the following advantages:

  • maximum optimization of the process, which leads to a reduction in operating and capital costs;
  • the small dimensions of the plants for the processing of raw materials facilitate their transportation and reduce the cost of installation;
  • simple maintenance of all devices;
  • the possibility of adjusting the technological parameters of the plant;
  • efficient production does not require water, steam or other additional resources;
  • there is the possibility of full automation of the entire production process;
  • full compliance with fire safety and labor protection standards.

Necessary equipment

To organize a plant for the production of various fuels, first of all, it is necessary to purchase expensive equipment.

"Chechen" version

This equipment is the cheapest on the market, but it is also considered illegal. Its cost ranges from 25 to 40 thousand dollars. The quality of the resulting product is very low, which is combined with insufficient durability of such devices.

These installations are a distillation cube. During its operation, the next portion of the raw material is poured into the equipment, after which it is heated with an open fire. Pairs of light fractions are removed through a special long pipe. At the same time, the products are cooled to the optimum temperature. In the process of this distillation, first gasoline is obtained, then diesel fuel. The remnants of the processing of raw materials is fuel oil, which is considered unsuitable for further use. It must be disposed of by any available method.

Continuous plants

This equipment represents the second generation of units that operate on the principle of oil fractionation. It is able to process about 10-20 thousand tons of raw materials per year. The cost of such equipment is quite high - from 80 to 150 thousand dollars. To reduce the cost, use the following methods:

  • these devices are made of cheap steel, the service life of which is 1-2 years;
  • the use of water-cooled refrigerators;
  • do not use parts that allow automatic maintenance of the refinery.

This equipment consists of cubes in which evaporation and condensation of oil products occur several times. They can be additionally equipped with pumps, refrigeration units. Raw materials are heated using an oil or diesel burner.

Most often, after purchasing equipment of this type, you may encounter many problems:

  • lack of pipelines and fittings;
  • the presence of low-quality pipes - welded seam;
  • the installation package includes plumbing fittings, which are strictly prohibited for such equipment due to its unsafety;
  • this equipment is semi-legal. It is unrealistic to fully legalize its use;
  • the quality of the resulting gasoline and diesel fuel is low. It does not meet government standards.

Small-tonnage oil refinery equipment

It belongs to the third class of installations that can be used to equip a plant for the production of gasoline and other fuels. Their cost ranges from 400 thousand to several million dollars. With the help of this equipment it is possible to process up to 150 thousand tons of oil per year.

Such installations are completely legal and have all the necessary certificates that confirm the quality of the fuel obtained after distillation. This equipment is equipped with modern distillation columns. It separates the raw material into different fractions, each of which has the necessary performance characteristics. Due to the fact that all structural elements of such devices are made of alloy steels, their service life is at least 10 years.

Production business plan

Mini-refinery for the production of different types of fuel can result in:

  • 15-25% of gasoline from the total volume of raw materials;
  • 25-35% diesel fuel;
  • 35-55% fuel oil;
  • hydrocarbon gas - 3%.

There are also losses in the processing of raw materials. They make up no more than 2% when using efficient equipment.

The oil refinery should be located on a suitable site, the area of ​​​​which is:

  • 300 sq. m with a production capacity of 20-30 thousand tons of products per year;
  • 600 sq. m with a capacity of 50-65 thousand tons per year;
  • 1200 sq. m at a capacity of 100-120 thousand tons per year;
  • 2400 sq. m with a capacity of 200-250 thousand tons per year.

In order for a mini-factory for the production of gasoline to function, it is necessary to attract service personnel - no more than 6 people.

To save money when organizing a refinery, you can use improvised containers for transporting, storing gasoline and other combustible materials - metal barrels of various sizes, tank trucks and others. It is also recommended to buy a fuel oil waste disposer, which is a more profitable option than organizing special barns and storage facilities.

An oil refinery pays off in an average of 1-1.5 years, depending on the equipment used and sales volumes.

Video: Oil refining equipment

General information

The current situation in the oil refining market is significantly different from the situation that was 10 years ago.

There have been many proposals for the manufacture of installations that allow oil processing, do not require additional infrastructure, and which supposedly can be placed on small plots of land.

This option may have been acceptable 10 years ago, but the requirements of regulatory documents and the control of public services that monitor their implementation have become tougher.

These proposals do not have a HISTORY and no one can guarantee that after some time you will find responsible persons after stumbling upon certain difficulties.

Since 1991, NPP NOUprom LLC has manufactured and implemented over 130 mini refinery units in Russia and the CIS countries. We have always followed their work and participated in their development.

Therefore, today the only correct option is the construction of a Mini Oil Refinery in accordance with all standards, according to a project developed and protected in the examination, which excludes all kinds of leads and, as a result, the suspension of already operating production.

Equipment that allows oil processing is currently easy to order and buy at an affordable price ( ATTENTION: the cost is calculated individually). Production of a mini refinery atLLC NPP "NOUprom" is carried out on a turnkey basis, which means you do not needadditional infrastructure cost for your project will be calculated individually.

Our specialists will help design a mini refinery and launch it into production in a short time. Contact us in any way convenient for you, and we will help you buy all the materials for a mini refinery at the lowest price.

Permits for mini refineries

The LLC NPP NOUprom enterprise works according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Art. 7, clause 1 of Federal Law No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” Art. 20 of Federal Law No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" and Art. 8 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union of 10/18/2011 N 010/2011, all manufactured equipment is certified and declared for compliance with safety requirements.

Many companies that do not have the right to manufacture equipment for explosive objects, nevertheless offer their products made "on the knee in the garage." Therefore, we strongly recommend that you, even if you find options for which the price will be much lower, pay attention to the manufacturer's permits, as this may become a "stumbling block" for YOU.

Construction site requirements

The dimensions of the site for the construction of the Mini Refinery depend on the capacity of the planned production and auxiliary infrastructure.

For example:

    For a mini refinery with a capacity of 20 thousand tons / year, a tank farm of 1500 m 3 (consists of horizontal tanks), autoloading for 2 cars and railway reception of raw materials for 2 cars, with auxiliary infrastructure (fire extinguishing system, treatment facilities, boiler room, recycling system accidental emissions, etc.) the minimum size of the plot is 2.5 ha, provided that it is of a regular rectangular shape (100*250) and the railway siding is adjacent to one of the short sides;

    For a mini refinery with a capacity of 100 thousand tons / year, a tank farm of 15000 m 3 (consists of vertical tanks), autoloading for 8 cars and a railway overpass for 10 cars, with auxiliary infrastructure (fire extinguishing system, treatment facilities, boiler room, torch, etc. .e) the minimum size of the plot is 9.0 ha, provided that it is of regular shape (300*300 or 200*450) and a railway siding runs along one of the short sides of the edge of the plot.

It is important that mini-refineries have already been brought to the construction site, or passed nearby power lines, water supply (if not, it is necessary to make a well and a project for it), a gas pipeline (preferably; for large-capacity production it is mandatory).

When choosing a construction site, the requirements of the Town Planning Code, Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety, Sanitary rules and norms, Building norms and rules, and other regulatory documents must be observed. Below are the main (some of them) memory requirements:

    According to the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 / "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects", an oil refinery (including a bitumen plant) belongs to hazard class 1 and has SPZ 1000m. Therefore, within a radius of 1 km from the border of the site should not be: residential development, including individual residential buildings, landscape and recreational areas, recreation areas, territories of resorts, sanatoriums and rest houses, territories of gardening associations and cottage development, collective or individual country and garden plots, as well as other territories with standardized indicators of environmental quality habitats, sports facilities, playgrounds, educational and children's institutions, medical and preventive and health-improving institutions of general use, facilities for the production of medicinal substances, medicinal products and (or) dosage forms, warehouses of raw materials and semi-finished products for pharmaceutical enterprises; objects of the food industry, wholesale warehouses of food raw materials and foodstuffs, complexes of waterworks for the preparation and storage of drinking water, which may affect the quality of products.

    According to the Town Planning Plan, the land plot must be located on industrial lands or on the lands of settlements and have a permitted type of use: industrial enterprisesIhazard class, in compliance with the established SPZ.

    According to the requirements of SP 4.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protected facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions from buildings, structures and outdoor installations located on the storage site, fire breaks must be maintained up to the border of the right of way of general railways and public roads, the border of the forest and the area of ​​​​mass peat, to the banks of rivers and downstream (downstream) piers, river stations, large roadsteads and places of permanent parking of the fleet, hydroelectric power stations, shipbuilding and ship repair plants, bridges, water intakes, etc.

    From the territory of the enterprise there must be at least two exits to public roads or dead-end entrances to the territory of the enterprise.

To check the fulfillment of the requirements of clause 3, it is necessary to develop a preliminary master plan for the enterprise, with the placement of all the main technological facilities.

Having no experience in building a miniature, it is difficult to check for compliance of the memory with all the requirements of the Regulatory Documentation and Federal Laws, all the more so to develop a preliminary master plan. We provide services to support the procedure for choosing a storage facility, developing a GP of an enterprise, processing the necessary requests to the appropriate authorities. You can check the cost of these services with our managers.

Venue selection completed! What's next?

Form of ownership of ZU

You can either buy land or rent it. Regardless of the form of ownership, the construction of an oil refinery on it must be agreed with the district administration. In the case of a lease, d.b. public hearings were held to allocate a land plot for the construction of this enterprise.

Preliminary specifications for connection to all engineering networks have been coordinated with the administration and relevant management companies.

Design and turnkey production of a construction site

Design and object begins with the signing of the contract. A mandatory annex to the contract is a list of initial data necessary to start designing and the price for the provision of services. The timing of project development directly depends on the speed with which they will be provided. On average, the period for the development of Project documentation, in the presence of all the initial data, is 6-8 months. Next is the examination. By this time, all TRs should have been received. Depending on the hazard class of the enterprise, the Project undergoes state or non-state expertise. The normative term for the examination is 60 days. The production of equipment for the installation also provides for certain documentation. It is released in 1.5-2 months. after receiving a positive expert opinion. The price of equipment that you can buy from us is competitive ( the cost for your project will be calculated individually).

Enterprise construction

After receiving a positive opinion and collecting the necessary package of documents, you receive a permit for the construction of a mini refinery. In the event that an enterprise of hazard class 3-4 according to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 116-ФЗ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, a construction permit is issued by the local government at the location of the land plot.

Construction begins with geodetic and marking work. The vertical layout of the site is carried out, the earth masses are leveled, the fertile layer is removed

After the geodetic breakdown of the site, the following work begins:

  • excavation of soil for the foundations of objects.
  • formwork and foundations
  • pouring foundations
  • construction of buildings and structures
  • arrangement of on-site underground networks
  • installation of technological equipment
  • installation of auxiliary equipment
  • installation of supports
  • road construction
  • piping of technological equipment
  • auxiliary equipment strapping
  • installation of technological communications
  • installation of fire lines and equipment.
  • installation of power supply lines and power consumption; installation of shields.
  • installation of instrumentation and A lines installation of instrumentation and A switchboards
  • boiler room installation
  • track arrangement
  • beautification of the area.

Some of the above types of work can be carried out in parallel, which significantly saves construction time.

Author's supervision

During the construction of a mini-refinery, NPP NOUprom LLC carries out architectural supervision. Depending on the stages of construction, our specialists go to the construction site and identify deviations from design solutions, consult, fill in work logs: architectural supervision log, general work log, concrete work log, etc.

This type of work is necessary in order to identify the violations in time, eliminate them and warn the customer against further material costs.

installation chief

The NPP NOUprom LLC enterprise in Russia does not have a special team for installation work, since construction can be carried out from six months to a year for only one object. There can be several such objects and absolutely in different regions. As a rule, at the construction site it is much more profitable and cheaper at times to hire a specialized installation organization that will carry out the installation according to the project and adjust the equipment. We can offer the help of our specialists, who will constantly be at the construction site and control the work, and the price will be acceptable.

You are lined up, what's next?

  • Commissioning of the facility to the regulatory authorities.
  • Gosstroy
  • Rostechnadzor
  • Kotlonadzor
  • Ecology
  • local administration.

After the commissioning of the facility, you carry out commissioning and receive a PERMIT FOR THE USE OF THE OPERATION OF A FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDOUS FACILITY (according to the old - a Processing License).

LLC NPP NOUprom produces facilities for oil refining in a short time. You can always order the design and further production of a mini refinery from us, as well as buy all this at a low price (the cost is calculated individually).