We will automate your restaurant in any part of the Russian Federation! Automation of turnkey restaurants using iiko. Automation of a cafe, snack bar or small restaurant Automated master r system for cafes

Establishments that do not use automation are becoming less and less common. The question of whether to automate a restaurant or not is no longer relevant; what system to install and why is being discussed.

“There are almost no people left who work the old fashioned way, even in the regions,” says Konstantin Popadiuk, CEO of MENUFORYOU. “According to consulting agencies, almost all restaurants are connected to cash register systems, such as R-Keeper, iiko and Tillypad.”

A consulting company can be a good assistant; it will select a solution taking into account the entire range of needs and niches towards which you can develop your business.


Denis Pashchenko, General Director of MANQRO RUS, identifies three waves of automation that formed along with the development of the industry and information technology.

The first dates back to the early 90s - this is the automation of accounting, warehouse, inventory management and other general economic functions. The undisputed leader is 1C.

The second, since the mid-90s, is POS systems, integration with receipt printers, kitchen management, sales, inventory, that is, the direct functions of the restaurant business. The leaders are UCS (R-Keeper) and iiko, they each have approximately 40% of the market.

The third wave of automation continues to this day - this is the automation of direct guest service: taking orders, loyalty programs, marketing, delivery, etc. There are solutions from both experienced UCS and iiko, as well as new companies - Plazius, Loyalty Factories.

Capitals and cities with a population of over a million are undergoing the third wave - accounting and POS systems are automated in all restaurants operating legally. The third wave has not yet hit the regions, but there is a demand for modern solutions, as well as an understanding that consumer expectations are growing.

In Russia, UCS (R-Keeper) and iiko are considered the absolute leaders in the cash register systems segment

There are no fundamental differences in the first two waves - the functions and their set are standardized, but there are nuances, for example, the level of prices and technical support (opinions vary, but in general it is believed that the smaller the company, the better the service). Solutions of the third wave of automation are very different from each other - there are no clear leaders and standards, there are serious differences in functionality. The exact set of solutions must be selected carefully; one of the functions, as a rule, is leading, the rest complement it and increase the scale of innovations being introduced.


Automation in HoReCa can be divided into several areas: cash register systems, KDS (Kitchen Display System) systems, reservation services, customer attraction services, increasing loyalty and retention, as well as ordering services, says Konstantin Popadiuk. They, in turn, are divided into three more categories:

In-house - for everything that is located inside a restaurant, cafe or hotel;

Outdoor – works “outside”. These include SaaS solutions (Software as a Service) and guest attraction services;

You can automate anything: receiving orders, entering orders into the cash register, sending orders to the kitchen, printing pre-checks, generating financial reports, monitoring the quality of waiter service. Some programs on the market are narrowly focused, but the line is blurring because it is profitable for service providers to satisfy all the customer’s needs - they are trying to sell a comprehensive solution, not a separate product.

The set of automation program modules is limited not only by the proposed solution of the supplier. “In practice, it is often necessary to individually develop or modify specific solutions for specific customer tasks,” explains Konstantin Popadiuk. ‒ The more experience and competence the supplier has, the more additional modules he offers. For example, in our company, in addition to the flagship product “Menu on a Tablet,” integration design modules have appeared that complement automation solutions - for example, karaoke, a banquet module, a module for monitoring and increasing sales for waiters (“Target”), a restaurateur’s personal account, a module waiter and manager’s mobile terminal.”

Ten years ago, it was enough for a restaurant to automate sales and warehouse accounting, but now more and more restaurateurs are using the systems very actively: updating programs, mastering new functions, using advanced financial planning and analytics tools, setting up motivational programs for staff and optimizing purchases, installing mobile applications to control the business.

The mobile “waiter notebook” allows you to significantly increase the speed of serving guests and reduce the burden on staff

The functions needed by a restaurant are listed using the example of VietCafe. Alexander Zolotarev, Director of Business Support and Financial Reporting Network:

Personnel identification using magnetic cards;
automated order entry and saving;
addition to a previously entered order;
transmitting special notices to the kitchen or base (for example, “cook later”, “with ice”, etc.);
transferring the order to another waiter or changing the table (for example, guests sat at the bar and then moved into the hall);
selecting the type of payment (cash or card);
providing discounts and bonuses;
printing orders on remote printing devices (kitchen, bar, etc.);
printing preliminary invoices for guests;
division, consolidation of accounts;
printing a fiscal receipt (regardless of the cash register used);
making final and current turnover reports (general, for waiters, cashiers, stations);
generation of final and current reports on the sale of dishes (general or divided by category);
generation of special reports (on discounts provided, balance, hourly turnover, etc.);
closing of the working day;
x-report, deposit/withdrawal of money, periodic fiscal reports;
transferring food orders from one table to another;
generation of reports on sales amounts based on personnel and other criteria;
control of the movement of goods;
monitoring the situation in the restaurant hall;
speed of work of bartenders and waiters and ease of serving guests;
reliable protection against personnel fraud.

System selection

The automation system should have a convenient interface for integration with third-party products, a kind of “socket” into which a new application can be plugged in, and it will work as a full-fledged part of the system - it can be a mobile application for guests or employees, a tool for remote control over an establishment , a widget for accepting delivery orders and much more.

The choice of program and necessary functions is influenced by the scale of the establishment, says Denis Pashchenko: “A small business with 15-30 seats can generally only install a POS system on a tablet and not automate the warehouse and marketing. Additional services often require their own automation systems, which do not always integrate successfully with POS systems. Small restaurants also often refuse technical support and cope on their own.”

Konstantin Popadiuk believes that it is not the scale itself that is important, but rather the format of the establishment and the way these services are provided to consumers: “It is the set of specific tasks for improving the quality of service, optimization and increasing profitability that determines specific software solutions for a given establishment. For example, in a small cafe, “Electronic menu” and “Mobile waiter terminals” will most likely be in demand, and in a large banquet restaurant, where all orders for events are accepted in advance, the “Banquet menu”, in which it is convenient to select dishes and coordinate all the details of the upcoming events.

Important factors when choosing an automation program Alexander Zolotarev believes:

Efficiency of data processing;
comprehensive service;
ease of use in the system;
technical support;
professionalism of the supplier;
the ability to work remotely;
openness of the system;
data exchange and synchronization;
complex system;
issue price.

A mobile application for couriers, such as iikoDeliveryman, controls every step of order fulfillment

Regarding payment for automation - Konstantin Popadiuk considers the SaaS business model to be the most popular: “The main advantage for the consumer is the absence of costs for installing, updating and maintaining the functionality of equipment and software; the restaurant only pays for monthly software maintenance. Another significant advantage is that the cost does not depend on the number of devices on which the restaurant plans to install the software.”

A consulting company can be a good assistant; it will select a solution taking into account the entire range of needs and niches in which the business can be developed.

Procurement automation

Modern electronic trading platforms (ETP) allow you to fully automate procurement - from planning and direct execution to reporting and analytics on past tenders.

Russian restaurateurs are only on the way to mastering them, says Andrey Boyko, commercial director of the universal platform for corporate e-commerce B2B-Center. He explains this by the peculiarities of the market: “The restaurant business is rather a creative process, when the chef independently selects suppliers and the necessary goods. ETPs are used by large energy and industrial companies, whose main task is to ensure an uninterrupted production process; it is more of a conveyor belt rather than piece purchases. Therefore, procurement automation using ETP is more suitable for large establishments and restaurant chains that order standard goods in large volumes - uniforms for employees, computer and office equipment, food. They want to purchase cheaper and on better terms, so they ensure a high level of competition among potential suppliers through publicity and openness of bidding. B2B-Center was actually the first to start working with restaurant customers. Currently, Burger King and Shokoladnitsa conduct electronic purchases; We are working with several more networks.”

“ETP makes it possible to conduct procurement for concluding long-term contracts. For example, choosing the best offer from a meat supplier, concluding a contract with him for a year, and a year later carrying out the procedure again, he gives an example Andrey Boyko. “This will ensure uninterrupted supply of necessary products and keep your traditional suppliers on their toes.”


Systems become interactive and intelligent; The restaurateur turns to them not only for the necessary data. Thus, iiko will soon begin to analyze sales statistics for past periods and create a forecast for the near future, taking into account current and planned events and circumstances; Based on this forecast, automatically calculate the procurement plan, production plan and the need for certain employees. That is, the system will inform the restaurateur that these products need to be purchased by this Friday (in this case, the electronic invoice has already been generated and is waiting to be sent to the supplier), this needs to be defrosted for tomorrow, and here is the optimized employee schedule taking into account workload during the day . In addition, it will automatically analyze the situation in the restaurant, track dangerous operations and deviations from planned indicators, and notify the manager via smartphone.

Another important area is the development of cloud technologies. It’s convenient: connect to the cloud server, download the cash register module onto inexpensive tablets, and the back office onto your laptop, and you can work. No need to buy and maintain an expensive server; data is always available from anywhere in the world. In addition, a cloud solution does not require large initial investments.

“The only thing that has not yet been automated is human communication with guests, an integral element of the service,” says Konstantin Popadiuk. ‒ However, some American, European and Japanese restaurants do not have staff, and all orders are taken using an electronic menu on a tablet; food is delivered via conveyor belt. Time will tell whether it will be successful."

Konstantin Popadyuk,


A good automation solution is a tool that benefits the establishment from the first days of installation: automatically registers guest orders at the checkout and kitchen, increases the average bill due to additional sales at the time of order, saves service time by monitoring the readiness of dishes in the kitchen, and much more .

Denis Pashchenko,

General Director of MANQRO RUS

There is no single automation program that takes into account all the needs of a restaurant’s business operations, marketing management, etc. The most impressive are the sets of modules in R-Keeper and iiko, but even they cannot cover everything completely. Players of the third wave of automation are creating additional opportunities for process optimization.

Andrey Boyko,

commercial director of B2B-Center

The larger the company and its purchasing costs, the more closely these costs need to be controlled. Therefore, large restaurants and chains will benefit most from purchasing automation.
Choose a large ETP that is already used by many customers from different industries and, accordingly, suppliers. This will provide an economic effect due to high competition in your purchases.

Pay attention to the reputation of the site. An independent ETP will ensure procurement transparency and accessibility for all potential suppliers. The convenience and functionality of the system are also important.

Alexander Zolotarev,

director of business support and financial reporting of the VietCafe chain

Our network uses R-Keeper, one of the most common automation systems. In general, it is convenient to work with, but each program has its own pros and cons, any program can fail - this, unfortunately, cannot be avoided. In such situations, the competence of the employees servicing the system plays an important role. Many issues have to be resolved on your own, since technical support is not always up to the task.

Privacy agreement

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Publication date: 12/01/2016

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In the restaurant there is constantly multidirectional movement of money and products. It is very important to track this movement using a control and accounting system. will help you balance debits with credits and understand how much your establishment earns or loses.

Automation of restaurant business

Nowadays, all accounting systems are automated (for example,). All you have to do is choose a specific supplier of restaurant automation systems.

Which automation system for restaurants should you choose?

There is a difficult situation with numerous control and automation systems in the restaurant business. It seems that there are many suppliers of such equipment, but few satisfied customers.

Currently, there are about 20 accounting and control automation systems on the market for software products for the restaurant business.

Several Russian developers occupy leading positions in this market. Among them, the most famous software product is R-Keeper, developed by UCS. This company was the first to offer its restaurant automation system, cheaper than Western ones and adapted to Russian business conditions.

The prices and quality level of restaurant automation systems are extremely heterogeneous. There are relatively inexpensive systems, and there are also very expensive ones, designed to operate an entire chain of restaurants. There are also restaurant automation systems that, despite their high cost, are not capable of much.

Why do some restaurant automation systems have problems?

This mainly happens because the programs are developed by specialists who have not studied the specifics of the restaurant business in practice. The programmer creates a certain algorithm that is designed to perfectly automate the restaurant business. But if for a programmer it’s always 2+2=4, then in a restaurant this is not always the case.

Therefore, restaurant automation should occur using not only a functional, but also a flexible system. This is one of the important requirements when choosing an RAS (restaurant automation system).

Another problem with automation systems in the restaurant business is service problem.

Single points or small networks with a modest budget suffer most from this problem. As a rule, beginning restaurant business entrepreneurs choose well-known systems that are widely represented on the market. At the same time, they think little about what service problems they will have to face from the supplier companies. After all, large suppliers of automation systems for restaurants have no time, and it is not profitable, to “stoop” to servicing small outlets. They serve such customers carelessly and slowly. And malfunctions in the operation of any automation system are the norm. Therefore, large sales companies have huge queues for service. You have to wait for a specialist for weeks, and sometimes months.

Thus, when choosing an automation system for his restaurant, a restaurateur must first of all have a clear idea of ​​what he expects from it, what exactly he wants to get.

Care must also be taken to ensure that the chosen system does not limit the development of his restaurant business in the future. Because the prospects of any enterprise may outgrow the capabilities of the automation program, and it will have to be replaced or upgraded. And this will require not only financial costs, but also emotional and psychological ones. Because for restaurant accounting and other employees, switching to a new automation system is tantamount to moving to another country, with new rules, laws and requirements.

The most famous restaurant automation systems

1. R-Keeper

R-Keeper is the market leader in automation systems for catering establishments. The developer of this system is UCS. Present on the automation market since 1992.

Its main software products:

  • Delivery is a system for managing the delivery of finished products.
  • TimeKeeper is a system for planning and recording employee working time.
  • "Premiere" is a cinema automation system.
  • Pool Jet is a billiard hall management system.
  • Shelter is a hotel automation system.
  • R-Keeper StoreHouse – warehouse accounting system.
  • R-Keeper is a restaurant automation system.

2. “Magic Restaurant”

The automation system "Magic-Restaurant" appeared on the market in 1996. The developer of the system is the IVS company. Today, more than 700 catering enterprises in Ukraine and Russia use this system.

3. TillyPad

This restaurant automation system was released onto the market in 1998. TillyPad XL is a new generation system that has been operating in the restaurant business market since 2008. Its purpose is to control the activities of chain establishments. Thousands of public catering enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries work with this automation system. The main office of the company is located in St. Petersburg. The company also has a representative office in Moscow. Regional and dealer implementation centers are represented throughout Russia.

4. "Expert"

The developer of the Expert system is AVERS Technology. The restaurant automation system "Expert" has been on the market since 2001.

5. "RST"

Appeared on the restaurant business market in 2002. Main products of the RST automation system:

  • "RST:Magnat" - for network enterprises.
  • "RST: Restaurateur".

This system has been installed in more than 2,000 catering establishments.

6. Z-Cash

The developer of the Z-Cash automation system is Z-Lab Tech. This is a relatively young product that is intended only for restaurants. This automation system is based on intranet technologies. Quarterly license fees are required.

Restaurant automation requires the restaurateur to be aware of all the latest automation systems. After all, the restaurant business market does not stand still. It often happens that a familiar system quickly becomes outdated and ceases to cope with new tasks. Therefore, it is better to always look forward and, if possible, take a “growth” system that involves constant modernization and offers regular updates.

Laser barcode scanner ATOL SB 1101, USB connection interface, black, with stand ATOL barcode scanner SB 1101 / 1101 Plus ATOL laser scanners series 1101 are ideal for small stores with an average flow of customers. They will become an indispensable cashier's assistant in minimarkets, pet stores, departments of household appliances, dishes and haberdashery, clothing, toys, and building materials stores. These scanners are truly workhorses at a more than affordable price. Both models are convenient and easy to use and work with most cash registers. A standard USB interface is used for connection. To get started, you just need to connect the scanner to your computer - the driver will install itself. Both models recognize damaged barcodes equally well, which means there won’t be a queue at the cash registers while the cashier enters the code manually. Your cashiers will not get tired of working with the scanner, as they have a comfortable handle and are lightweight. The ATOL SB 1101 scanner can also work in presentation mode if you choose the package with a stand. The cashier will only have to present the barcode to the scanner.

Metrologic MS5145 USB Eclipse gray

MS5145 Eclipse is a linear handheld scanner from Metrologic. Equipped with patented CodeGate technology, the Eclipse scanner can be used for a wide range of applications. CodeGate technology makes it easy to read a barcode, process it and transfer it to a computer with a simple click of a button, with full control over whether the barcode is read correctly. Optimize the process of menu scanning and service at cashiers' workstations, quickly automate document flow and inventory - all this can be done using the new CodeGate technology. This makes Eclipse an excellent tool for scanning from menus, counter work, document processing, and inventory management.

The MS 5145 Eclipse scanner, thanks to its high-tech “filling”, has a longer working distance and a larger scanning field width than a conventional CCD scanner. The scanning field width increases as the scanner moves away from the barcode. Additionally, the laser beam pulsates to make it easier to target the barcode, then when the scanner registers the barcode (CodeSenseTM Mode), the laser beam automatically enters read mode and activates CodeGate for fast and accurate scanning.

Modern scanning technologies created by Metrologic give Eclipse a number of advantages over CCD scanners. Among them, it is worth noting impact resistance, operating time, energy efficiency, and increased laser beam coverage. As the scanner moves away from the barcode, the laser beam capture width increases. Unlike other Metrologic scanners, Eclipse uses a unique CodeSense Mode technology. It makes it possible, when a barcode appears in the scanning area, to instantly switch the scanner to reading mode and activate CodeGate technology. The MS5145 Eclipse scanner is the best choice for fast and accurate scanning.

Standard features and functionality include: removable PowerLink cables, Bits ‘n’ Pieces® data editing, convenient programming with MetroSelect® barcodes, or the Windows MetroSet® 2 configuration utility.

Distinctive features:

  • Automatic scanning with CodeGate system
  • Replacement PowerLink cables
  • Compatible with OPOS and JPOS systems
  • Programmable via barcode or Windows software
  • USB and keyboard break interfaces combined in one model
  • Reading distance up to 14 cm
  • Reading speed: 72 scans per second
  • Remote control button makes operation easier

Line laser scanner Voyager 1200g USB

Built on the platform of the world's most popular linear laser scanner, the Honeywell Voyager® 1200g provides highly efficient scanning of virtually any linear bar code, including low-quality and damaged bar codes. Updated object detection technology, along with automatic cradle detection and configuration settings, deliver best-in-class stationary scanning performance for increased productivity. Superior scanning performance coupled with a rugged design makes the scanner versatile and suitable for a wide variety of applications. The intuitive design of the Voyager 1200g scanner enables fast and reliable scanning of linear bar codes across the entire operating range, minimizing the need for user training.

The Voyager 1200g easily decodes hard-to-read codes, including poorly printed, dirty, or faded bar codes. The Voyager 1200g also excels at scanning high-density bar codes down to 0.0875mm resolution, eliminating the need for dedicated scanners. The Voyager 1200g is designed to reduce downtime and maintenance costs by incorporating a printed circuit board , mounted on special shock absorbers, which improves impact protection. The recessed button, protected by a special rubber lip, reduces the likelihood of damage from accidental falls. The scanner's durability is enhanced by the IP42-rated, scratch-resistant glass window. The Voyager 1200g, the latest addition to the world-famous Voyager scanner family, delivers superior scanning performance and reliability for users who require high-performance scanning of linear barcodes.

Distinctive features

  • Superior scanning performance for low-quality and damaged barcodes: Maintain high productivity with a robust scanning system that minimizes the need for manual data entry.
  • Best-in-class fixed scanning performance: Increase throughput with object detection, automatic stand detection and configuration settings.
  • Multiple Interface Support: Reduce costs by supporting USB, RS232, and keyboard interfaces in a single scanner.
  • Easy setup: Get up and running quickly with tool-free stand assembly, auto stand detection and configuration, and auto interface detection and setup.
  • State-of-the-art ergonomic design: Provides operator comfort and productivity with finger grooves in a sleek, lightweight design designed for industrial applications that fits all hand sizes.
  • CodeGate® Technology: Allows the operator to ensure the correct code is scanned before transmitting data, making this scanner effective for menu scanning.

Metrologic MS9520 USB Voyager (gray)

Metrologic MS3780 USB Fusion (gray)

Metrologic MK 3780 Fusion is a handheld multi-plane barcode scanner. Possibility of selecting single-plane scanning mode. It can also be used as a stationary scanner, thanks to the energy-saving sleep mode and the ability to activate the scanner when objects move in the scanning area.

Metrologic MS7120 USB Orbit (black)

The stationary barcode scanner Metrologic MS7120 uses the principle of holographic scanning, which was previously used only in industrial barcode scanners. An excellent choice for stores selling both wholesale and retail. Thanks to its compact size, it is ideal for use in confined spaces. Can be effectively used as a stationary or portable scanner. An excellent choice for complex automation of a trade or logistics enterprise.

The clear scanning spot in the Metrologic MS 7120 orbit allows you to successfully read barcodes the first time. This improves productivity. You can change the tilt of the scanner's "head" without moving its center of gravity. You can also increase or decrease the reading range. A special device allows you to firmly fix the bar scanner on the counter by simply turning it 90 degrees around its axis. Withstands drops from a height of 1.2 meters.

Argox AS-8310 USB Scanner

Argox AS-8310 - a handheld barcode scanner from Argox combines the best advantages of LED and laser scanning technology: good quality and ultra-long reading range, as well as high operational reliability due to the absence of moving parts.

The clear and highly visible illumination beam ensures good reading of both standard and high-density linear bar codes (minimum bar code resolution can be 4 mil) regardless of their quality or ambient light intensity. A distinctive feature of the Argox AS-8310 model is the long reading range of standard linear barcodes - more than 60 cm. Reliable and fast scanning of barcodes is provided by both software and hardware of the scanner.

The scanner produced by Argox supports all common connection interfaces (RS-232, KBW “keyboard break”, USB) in one device, which ensures easy and quick integration of the scanner into any commodity accounting system. To change the scanner connection interface type, simply reprogram the scanner and replace the interface cable.

The Argox AS-8310 model has a sealed rubberized housing, thanks to which the scanner has a high degree of protection from dust and moisture, and can also withstand repeated drops onto a hard surface from a height of 1.5 meters.

Taking into account all of the above features, this scanner can be recommended for use in various areas of trade: at the checkout point of small-format stores; in POS systems as a second scanner for reading barcodes from large goods in supermarkets and hypermarkets; in pharmacies and jewelry stores for reading high-density barcodes; as well as in warehouses or logistics centers.

Metrologic MS3580 USB Quantum (black)

By running the MS3580 Quantum in multi-plane mode, you'll get faster scanning speeds than competitors (Quantum produces 1,650 scans per second), helping to increase checkout throughput and customer satisfaction. By operating the scanner in linear scanning mode, you can easily select and scan the desired barcode from the barcode menu.

The scanner is able to perform complex tasks in a small footprint, whether it is mounted on a checkout table, a wall, a stand, or left unattached like a hand-held scanner.

Other key features of the scanner include Metrologic's patented IR activation mode, programmable scanning mode and the ability to operate in primary and secondary scanning modes. Quantum is a multi-purpose, all-in-one barcode scanner that provides solutions for all retail scanning needs.

Metrologic MS9520 USB (black)

With futuristic styling and impressive performance, the MS9520 is undoubtedly the most advanced auto-activation scanner on the market.

Voyager can operate in both stationary and portable modes; it can be used as both a stationary and a hand-held scanner. In addition to a wealth of functionality, Voyager is equipped with detachable PowerLink cables, a power supply, MetroSelect® barcode programming utility, MetroSet® Windows configuration utility, Bits n" Pieces® data editing utility and Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) tracking functionality.

The MS9520 is ideal for many applications such as POS systems, inventory and warehouse management systems, and retail businesses. Voyager's performance and ease of use far exceeds even the most advanced scanners on the market.

Voyager is capable of decoding the recently introduced Reduced Space Symbology (RSS) standard. This standard is beginning to be used in the healthcare and pharmaceutical trade, as well as in supermarkets.

Metrologic MS9590 USB Voyager GS (black) + stand

The MS9590 VoyagerGS scanner is designed in a new ultra-compact ergonomic form factor. MS9590 VoyagerGS combines futuristic and ergonomic design, as well as high performance and quality of the scanner decoding system. The unique design of the scanner is based on a compact, lightweight and, at the same time, rubberized body on all sides. This compactness and shock resistance of the scanner ensures convenient operation with minimal operator space. The new MS9590 scanner has retained all the competitive advantages of its predecessors and supplemented them with new ones, thanks to which it has become even more competitive and 100% meets the modern requirements of the automatic identification market. Optionally, the scanner can be equipped with an EAS antenna to work with anti-theft RFID tags compatible with Sensormatic or Interlock systems.

The scanner is equipped with a removable PowerLink interface cable (the user can easily replace a faulty cable directly at the workplace). The MS9590 Voyager GS is equipped with CodeGate® data transfer technology, which allows the scanning beam to be more precisely positioned relative to the bar code being scanned before reading, which significantly reduces the likelihood of reading an unnecessary bar code. This scanner can be used in various areas of barcoding, such as: work as part of POS systems, in inventory and warehouse management systems, in small and large retail enterprises.


  • New ergonomic design;
  • Rubberized body on all sides;
  • Built-in EAS antenna (optional);
  • Increased scanning range up to 30.5 cm;
  • Low current consumption;
  • Supports various connection interfaces;

  • The MS5145 Eclipse handheld laser scanner is a descendant of the MS 9540 Voyager scanner, but is smaller in size. The main difference of the new model is that it comes without a stand and can only be used in manual mode. The MS5145 Eclipse scanner uses Code Sense Mode technology - the scanner waits for reading until a barcode appears in its field of view. Other unmarked items will not activate the scanner. This technology allows you to reduce power consumption and increase the service life of the scanner. The scanner also has the ability to connect via a USB interface.

At all stages of restaurant business development, it is important to monitor income and prevent theft. A restaurant automation program will help you cope with this and make managing your establishment easier. Restaurant automation is a set of services that includes fully equipping the entire establishment with iiko software, which monitors productivity throughout the entire working day and increases your profit by reducing costs, optimizing the wage fund and reducing costs associated with errors and abuses of staff. Take your business to a whole new level!

Ask a question, order restaurant automation

It's no secret that competition in the HoReCa market is very high. You can give hundreds of examples when a seemingly successful restaurant business was sold under the hammer after a couple of months. The reason for the collapse is, as a rule, standard: the owner of the company simply did not take care of timely accounting and was unable to analyze the actions of the staff in a timely manner. How to avoid mistakes? Implement a restaurant business automation system.

The world experience of successful restaurateurs and statistics on the growth of their income show and convincingly prove that a restaurant becomes truly profitable only after equipping it with a modern management and accounting system. Such as a restaurant automation program, which allows you to increase the speed of customer service and simplify the work of employees. Which ultimately leads to a stable increase in profits. In addition, with the help of an automation system, you can remotely monitor the operation of a restaurant, view detailed reports online on the movement of funds and personnel actions, and quickly make the right management decisions.

In small establishments, the procedure for accepting an order looks something like this: the waiter addresses the guests and takes the order, then goes to the POS terminal and transmits the information to the kitchen. In restaurants with large banquet halls, staff are equipped with a mobile terminal, which allows them to work quickly and comfortably. Additionally, you can “arm” waiters with personal pagers, thanks to which they will receive calls from the client in a timely manner and respond promptly.

The order is typed on the terminal, after which the information is instantly transmitted to the kitchen and printed there. The cooks see the task assigned to them and begin preparing the dishes. In large restaurants, data from the terminal is automatically divided into directions and sent to specific recipients: the kitchen, bar, confectionery shop.

Instead of a kitchen printer, or as an additional module, you can install a monitor that displays incoming orders. The advantage is that chefs can manipulate data and delete used information from the screen as they prepare dishes. Experience shows that it is much more convenient to work this way, because the receipt from the printer can simply be lost during the preparation of dishes.

That's it, the visitors had eaten and drunk, and asked for payment. Approaching the POS terminal, the waiter prints out a preliminary invoice. And passes it on to the client for review. Next, with the funds received from the guest, it is sent to the cashier. The cashier pays for the order through the terminal. The order in the system is closed, and the products used for preparing the dishes are written off from the balance. The waiter gives the change and fiscal receipt to the visitor.

Of course it’s beneficial, because the system is ready, upon the first request, to issue a report on the work of each of the divisions of the enterprise: bar, kitchen, warehouse, cash register. The service also does not forget about the waiters; their work is clearly visible in the report. By introducing a restaurant automation system, the manager gives the accounting department a powerful tool for conducting high-quality inventory, recording stock balances and entering information about new product arrivals, drawing up technological maps and costing. Moreover, the program is capable of independently uploading the received information to 1C.

Automation of restaurants is not only an analysis of the operation of an establishment online and a quick response in the chain of client - waiter - cook, it is also a dosed access of various groups of personnel to the reports issued by the system. For example, only the manager can see data on financial movements, but remote control of the work of employees can also be carried out by the administrator. All these measures allow you to raise the profitability of the establishment to a new level. But isn't that the goal of any business?

A restaurant with a bad reputation, tasteless food and rude staff is unlikely to be successful. The restaurant business automation system allows you to control the timing of general discounts for certain menu items, take into account personal bonuses and discounts for guests, issue information on discount cards and accept payment with gift points. The manager will be able to monitor the effectiveness of launched promotions and make changes, increasing the restaurant’s profits.

Are these all the advantages of a restaurant automation program?

No, in addition to the above, the program allows you to:

  • conduct video surveillance of the work of personnel with the display of individual video fragments;
  • scan primary documentation, freeing accountants from the routine;
  • carry out inventory in real time;
  • control the mood of visitors using a music track;
  • reserve tables and seat guests according to a given plan;
  • prompt the waiter about the client’s preferences based on an analysis of previously ordered dishes;
  • motivate waiters with the help of bonus programs, thus increasing sales;
  • automatically calculate bonuses and fines;
  • manage your establishment from anywhere in the world.

And these are not all the possibilities and advantages that a restaurant automation system gives you. Call us and we will tell you in more detail about the innovative restaurant business management system.