Are you a team player in business? Secrets of creating an effective business team What kind of people should a business team consist of?

No head of a company can get by on his own knowledge, experience and connections. To develop a business, everyone needs professional and effective management team. However, everyone has different ways of seeking loyalty and effective work from their inner circle. In this article, your fellow successful leaders talk about how they build their management teams.

What does a CEO need to form an effective management team?

    1. Strive for improvement: encourage the professional growth of each team member, expand them and your horizons, develop them and your intuition.
    2. Be able to choose direction: set priorities, focus on common goals for the team.
    3. Be capable of coordinated actions: encourage critical statements, constructive debates, be able to find rational grain in any point of view.

A management team is only effective if there is a worthy external competitor

Alexander Merenkov, General Director of the Northern Treasury company, Yekaterinburg

In business, a management team is only truly effective if it has a worthy opponent (or even an enemy).

I believe that top managers constantly need to find someone they have to fight with or something they have to overcome. Then they have the drive they need in their work.

When there is no crisis or other problems in the company or the economy, managers begin to lack adrenaline. And then leaving your team alone is a mistake. In my opinion, creating difficulties is useful. During prosperous periods for business, I talk with each of the top managers about his plans, worries, fears in order to present him with surmountable obstacles, the presence of which will invigorate and give strength.

For me, the most important principle for the functioning of a single cohesive team is to support everyone who is part of it. If one of the top managers stops helping his colleagues, he becomes uninteresting to me as a member of the management team - which means it’s time for him to get off the bus at the nearest stop.

For my part, I try to do everything so that every top manager feels that he belongs to a narrow circle of people who play an extremely important role in our business. I will list some mandatory actions.

Discussion of the goals and plans of the enterprise. I never issue orders for review and execution. People need to be given the opportunity to propose their own strategy and think together about each option put forward. To this end, we hold strategic sessions once a year where we discuss where and how our company should move. And once every three months we sum up the results of the quarter, compare plans with results, and outline further steps.

Regular management skills training. It is a mistake to think that all top managers know and can do everything. This is wrong. Even if a person has achieved mastery in something, the acquired skill must be honed, brought to perfection, setting an ever higher bar for oneself. Only in this case will employees stop solving problems using stereotyped, long-tested methods and begin to look for new options. To form and effectively unite a management team, I turn to traditional means - business trainings and informal joint events. For example, once a year we go on a week-long hike in the forest or in the mountains (there is no obligation - everyone decides for themselves whether to go or not). But every team member must undergo quarterly training to improve their skills.

Positioning yourself as a strong leader. Some people think that you can create a team, and then bask in the sun by the sea for six months. This is not true. The team must have a leader whose authority is determined not by his position, but by his professionalism. Therefore, I always try to soberly assess what I am currently strong at and what qualities need to be improved. And I always try to do more than my team members; I strive to perform a small miracle at least once a quarter - after all, a good example always inspires. In addition, my rule as a leader is not to make impossible promises, so that people always trust me.

Cultivating a sense of being chosen. Our team, for example, has its own words, stories, holidays, and even attributes and rituals that only we understand. In my opinion, the team should be such that everyone wants to get into it and is a little jealous of those who managed to do it. To stir up interest, you sometimes need to lift the veil of secrecy over what is happening in the team by inviting key employees to open meetings.

Encouraging loyalty to the company, not to the leader. I never hire people to join my management team just because they are loyal to me. I must be sure that all my deputies and key managers will make decisions based on the interests of the team and the company, and not out of a desire to curry favor or out of fear of disagreeing with my opinion. I test the quality of loyalty in “battles” when crises and problematic situations arise.

I would like to note that excessive informational secrecy is dangerous for the team. The fact is that the team of top managers is interested in hiding negative information from the General Director. Sitting in the crystal palace built by your deputies is an unforgivable mistake. I myself regularly “go among the people” to know what is happening. I travel to all regional divisions, communicate with employees, conduct strategic sessions for local managers, and participate in round tables for clients. Sometimes I even work a little in other positions in order to better understand the specifics of a particular activity. In addition, I maintain a blog on the company website to directly express my opinions to employees on various issues.

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Every member of the management team must believe in the business idea

Alexander Solomatin, Founder and Deputy General Director of the Solnechny Dom production and construction complex, founder of the Motivator company, Moscow

I form my management team based on several principles.

The main principle is sincerity. The idea of ​​a business should excite everyone who runs it. For example, our team could sell beer or do something even more profitable. But then none of us could honestly say what makes the world a better place. And I’m sure we do. The fact that my team members and I share common values ​​triples our strength and brings us very close, allowing us to save time and money that other companies spend on all sorts of “team-building” activities.

By the way, I used to think that friendly relations in the team should be encouraged in every possible way. Now I hold the opposite opinion. I have seen more than once how for one or another employee it turns out to be more important to maintain a good relationship with a colleague than to defend his point of view for the benefit of the company. And this is fundamentally wrong. Concern for the common cause should come first.

The second principle is the profitability of the business idea. Before starting a business, I always need to make sure that customers have a problem that we will offer a solution to, and this problem is so important that customers will give money to solve it, from which I can pay a decent salary to my team. Only when I have such confidence do I start selecting a team for a startup. I have not seen effective companies where people work for the boss - in all successful companies, on the contrary, the boss works for the employees.

The third principle is community of values. At first glance, it may seem that our country has one business culture: make money and get rich. This is wrong.

I believe people focus on money because they lack great ideas. In our team, it happens that after a couple of weeks of work, a new person wants not only to receive the agreed salary and bonuses for his work, but also to make the world a better place with us, to be useful.

  • How to create the perfect team: what Google research teaches

An effective management team can be formed from those people who already work for you

Evgeny Kornev, General Director of Mini-Loan Express, Moscow

Over the past 13 years, I have several times reformed enterprises that found themselves in crisis situations, and also launched new areas of company activity. Of course, faster returns come from completely replacing the top management team in a company experiencing a crisis. However, I take a different approach - I form a close circle of managers from among existing employees. The fact is that from the point of view of the long-term functioning of the enterprise, this is much more effective. Of course, this approach does not mean that not a single new person can be brought into the team - sometimes, on the contrary, it is useful.

It is clear that a team that is “inherited” from a predecessor most often greets the new boss with hostility, because it expects reprisals. To get everyone on track, I adhere to several important rules.

1. Set the pace. Once you start working with existing employees, you need to set a new, much more intense pace of work. Those who don’t fit in will “fall off” themselves, and you will get rid of the need to fire them on your own initiative. The rest - that is, those who managed to achieve the first positive results and were approved by you - will become, if not like-minded people, then at least loyal employees.

2. Give time. Managers and specialists from the inner circle must, after the first 100 days of working together, either begin to actively participate in the ongoing reforms, or give way to others. Moreover, it is not necessary to fire them (with the exception of saboteurs and intriguers) - you can simply demote them. I often do this: I select the most active and competent managers (about a month and a half after joining the company) and create freelance management bodies: a budget committee, a technical and economic council, working groups to solve non-standard and unplanned tasks. Another method is personal interviews. These interviews - or, as I call them, hearings - combine the features of a meeting, discussion of the results of the work done and employee certification.

The inner circle is finally formed after five to six months. The majority of employees turn into your like-minded people.
All other employees can be given more time to get used to the new conditions. Opponents of reforms from among non-key employees should be dealt with no earlier than after six months of work. Again, those who disagree do not always need to be fired: healthy criticism will never hurt.

3. Explain the essence of the reforms again and again. As a rule, the majority of ordinary workers at the beginning of reforms do not believe in the success of the plan and take a passive position (I call such people fellow travelers). It is important to carry out “political” work with them: explain, convince, explain again and convince again. And this should be done not so much by you personally, but by your loyal deputies, heads of services and departments, and heads of departments.

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Not all people are able to work effectively in a team. Some people are hampered by personal qualities, ambitions or self-will. In addition, the introduction of any changes - new technologies, information or organizational systems - inevitably faces resistance from staff. But in an effective team they take root faster. This is why it is so important to carry out team building work. What nuances should be taken into account to build a successful team?

Elena Stetsenko, director of the corporate culture department of a group of construction companies.

One of the values ​​in the organizational philosophy of our company (and there are six in total) is Team. This already suggests that we consider the well-coordinated work of the team to be decisive. Where to start working on team building? First of all, it is necessary to define the concept of a team at the top management level. After all, many still believe that team building in a company is when corporate events are held. Of course this is not true.

Firstly, we discussed what exactly we consider an effective team and identified its main elements (Common goals, Leadership, Specialization, Interaction).

Secondly, came to understand that team building work cannot be limited to a specific project or time. It must be carried out constantly and at all levels of management.

Third, we select people who are inclined and able to work in a team, to assess this ability we use behavioral interviews.

Fourth, have developed management technologies that support teamwork and use them in our daily activities.

And as a control, every year we conduct an assessment of the corporate environment, part of which is an assessment of the effectiveness of our team building activities. This gives us an understanding of what we are doing well and what needs to be adjusted in our management practices.

Egor Sedov, director of the regional branch of the cellular operator

The quality of the team building work done can be assessed by several components:

1. If your team is a team, it is easy to bring it together. In this case, the importance of the occasion does not matter much.
2. Each employee has a clear understanding of the team’s common goals and individual tasks, as well as plans and prospects for the future. At the same time, the views of individual team members do not fundamentally diverge from each other.
3. Any member of the team is personally interested in the team obtaining a common result. And you yourself, as a leader, understand perfectly well what this interest is based on. Otherwise, you don't have the tools to control individual players.
4. Information flows easily between individual team members., without temporary losses and distortions.
5. Within the team there is a system of rules and values ​​accepted by everyone.
6. The team has a leader, whose authority is undoubtedly recognized by everyone.
7. For each team member there is a clearly defined ( or better spelled out) personal area of ​​responsibility. At the same time, the manager strictly adheres to the rules for delineating the functional responsibilities of each person.
Based on my experience, work in four areas is effective: building a team based on emotional cohesion; role-based, problem-oriented and dynamic approaches.

Viktor Ulnitsky, manager of the bank's operational office

It is impossible to create an effective team overnight, because we work in conditions of fierce competition from successful teams. On the path of development there are both victories and difficulties. When interviewing a candidate, we jointly decide on the desired field of activity: active sales or office work. It is important to create an organizational climate in the team in which the mentoring institute operates and the team develops independently.

The team has its own value system and rules that absolutely everyone adheres to. In such an environment, people are proud of the overall result, there is encouragement and recognition of everyone's contribution. As in sports, skills are honed over years, and in the end, teams with a creative character win, and not with the participation of individual stars.

Alexander Vakulov, director of a real estate agency

Coherence and interchangeability – these are the fundamental principles of my team, which, of course, do not exclude the personal value of each employee. When hiring, I use several “secret” questions that help to correctly assess a potential applicant. But in general we use standard tests. I pay a lot of attention to little things, because a candidate must have a harmonious combination of individuality and team traits, and to identify the proportions of this combination, you need subtle tools.

In addition, team building work includes identifying unproductive personality traits and correcting them. The results of team building are measured by two final indicators: and the company’s profit.

» Alexey Barinsky spoke about his approaches to working relationships in the team.

To bookmarks

One way or another, I have been managing people for a short time – about 15 years. During this time, I tried to be authoritarian and democratic, engaged in micromanagement and management by objectives, used the HR practices adopted in the company and went on strike against them.

I experimented quite a bit with motivation, goal setting and organizational structures. And, probably, I could write a separate column for each of the above points.

But today I would not like to talk about choosing any individual of the listed parameters, but in general talk about such a very difficult situation - you enter a room, there are five (ten, one hundred) people standing there, ready to move mountains, and now it’s your turn .

I'm not the smartest person in the room

I negotiate this with myself from the very beginning. Because if that statement isn't true, then what the hell are we even doing? If I don't have the best people with me, then why are they with me?

In fact, it's not that simple. It always seems to me that I know everything better than others, I always have an opinion, I am good at negotiations and with a high degree of probability I am able to ensure that my decision is made.

But the point is to choose the smartest solution, not mine. In practice, this means that I have to take the personal off the table and frame the discussion from the perspective of the position, not the person. I'm just a CEO looking for the best solution possible, and that solution will most likely come from someone in the room.

I listen very carefully (not as usual), delve deeply into the essence, probe with questions to the most obvious things, and so on. Because I'm not the smartest person in the room.

My goals are only interesting to me

The fact is that the guys in the room have two things on which they all most likely disagree. The first is how they see the future of your company, what you are striving for. And the second is their own reason for being in the same room with you.

This always throws me off balance. It seems to me that I spend so much effort talking about the vision, our strategy, principles, I try to talk a lot about values ​​- and still. Very often I ask “what is a “Dump”?” from three employees and I get three different answers.

As a solution, I made the following - we just sit down and honestly tell each other what we associate with work. Financial success, thirst for fame, the opportunity to realize your desires or “work off karma” - whatever.

At the same time, it is important to set the degree of discussion yourself. I'm usually the first to be open about my goals and how I'm going to implement them in the project. After this, it is important to support the next speakers and help them speak openly.

After that, we together find what we have in common in our personal aspirations, and unite not around each other, but around this common goal. And it has never coincided with my personal one. In general, during such a dialogue, it usually turns out that what I want does not bother others at all.

No managers needed

I believe in the power of the sum of intelligences. I admit that one person can lead a company to success, if it’s Steve Jobs, for example, but I’m definitely not Steve Jobs. For me, this means, in particular, that the traditional vertically oriented structure does not suit me. I want as many goals and votes as possible.

In the company, we diligently get rid of appointed leaders, job descriptions, planning and management by objectives. The task comes down to ensuring the norms and hygiene of communication and enabling the team to organize independently into any organizational structures, departments and divisions that are suitable for the given moment.

Instead of appointed managers, the team itself chooses those who will be responsible for the results in the areas, and it itself records agreements between people in a convenient form and normalizes work processes. This replaces instructions for us. Instead of setting KPIs, there are general meetings, an open declaration of what a person plans to do, and feedback from everyone. As much feedback as possible.

Open salaries

This is a fundamental point. We want everyone at Svalka to know how much this or that person receives, without exception. This incredibly raises awareness, makes people more open, removes the ability to manipulate it, and has a bunch of other positive effects.

In addition, this is a very cool marker for making personnel decisions, and it makes planning our development much easier. I know that this is not accepted and even illegal, but I am ready to pay a fine if I have to. Open salaries make our team healthier, and I feel serious support from people in this matter. I think they feel more justice in this.

As many conflicts as possible

We love conflict. They turn us on, develop us, make us think, give rise to unexpected solutions, and so on. If in a conflict both sides are fighting for the smartest, fastest and easiest way to promote the company, and not to realize personal ambitions, then this is not a problem, but a gift.

Let opinions and people collide as often as possible, let there be a lot of feedback, let there be areas for development and problems uncovered. I appreciate that everyone can come up and argue with me about my not-so-smart decision. It is important to me that others are ready to participate so actively in my development.

I don't have to make decisions

The more decisions are made without my participation, the better. The sooner we make a decision, the sooner we will begin to act. We must make a lot of mistakes in order to be smarter and stronger. Every person on my team has the right to make any decision.

When hiring, I promised each employee the right to make mistakes. And I continue to constantly encourage them to make as many different decisions as possible, including those affecting the entire team. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort, and sometimes I just flat out refuse to solve something. After all, I also had a wagonload of pretty lousy ideas. I don’t think any of my colleagues will surpass me in this.

Be responsible for words

If I promised, it means I will do it. No options or excuses. Anyone on my team knows that they can take my word for it and respects that. As a rule, this always becomes mutual.

Strong external enemy

If I have gathered talented, smart, strong, active and ambitious people in one room, I must find them an external “enemy”, otherwise the war will inevitably start inside.


I have to know where to go. If I don't know, I have a responsibility to find out. There is nothing more tiring, even for a very strong person, than aimless activity with an unclear aim.

Even worse is constant maneuvers without achieving any clear results. This is terribly depressing. I even read somewhere that something similar was used in Nazi camps to suppress the will of prisoners. I readily believe that it worked.


Is it necessary to write about how invigorating victory is? Having tasted and celebrated overall success once, I will do anything to repeat it. These people in the room are no longer colleagues or friends, these are the guys with whom you went through a lot, broke big and important guys, earned money, became famous, lost everything, fixed it, cursed, put up with, despaired, got mad, loved, missed, tired.

It's a great sense of community, a feeling of being supported, a feeling that you're not alone - a feeling of being in the best team in the world.

Before we begin, I want to immediately clarify: this post is not written for the tops and gurus of arbitration with million-dollar turnover, but for ordinary average arbitrators! Everything I said is my personal opinion, I'm not a guru - I'm just learning :D

The topic was chosen by the FACEBOOK ADVERTISING chat participants.

Tale about Vasya:

Vasya decided to generate traffic, began to study the source of traffic, studied offers, it took him several days. That's it, it's time to start! To begin with, he bought domains, set up NS, made a creo, created creative for 3 hours, uploaded his first company and it didn’t catch on, the lead was expensive, Vasya decided to buy a creo for 500-1000 rubles per video. He uploaded a new creo and, lo and behold, the offer was hooked, Vasya pours in and thinks that everything has just begun, and now the profit will come, but then he encounters problems: bans, unwinding, expensive leads, and he decided to ask for help in chats , as a result, “TRU trolls” attacked him, who stupidly led him astray. Vasya decided to figure it out himself, and while he was figuring out the causes of the problems, the offer died, everything had to start again! The fairy tale is fucked, and those who listened - well done!

How to create a team? What are the pros and cons?
Let's define right away what I mean by the word TEAM. A team is a group of participating partners, among whom there are no bosses! There cannot be a leader in a team; in a team everything is decided through discussion, etc.

I’ll take our humble team as an example. At the moment we are working closely with Facebook + actively studying AdWords. We don’t pour crazy volumes, but we strive for it!

The team consists of me and three of my friends whom I met on the web in 2013-2014. Each has its own pros and cons, each is unique in its own way, everyone lives in a different geo.

Team advantages:

1. One head is good, but several are better;

2. Moral support + excitement in competition between team members;

3. Quick tests of all creos and hypotheses;

4. Joint analysis of problems and their solutions (bans, etc.);

5. Mutual assistance with turnover, etc.;

6. Joint purchase of access to paid information (forums, privates, etc.)

7. By creating a team, you get good and reliable friends!

There are actually a lot of advantages, and I don’t have the strength to describe them all.


If you select participants correctly, you will not have any disadvantages. There will be domestic disputes, but these are minor things =)


The most difficult thing is to assemble the core of a team of two or three people. You need to find people who will be responsible for all their actions, who will not cheat you out of money, who will not cheat. The Internet is very large and there is a lot of nonsense, be careful.

Don’t start a team of relatives or friends, in short, those who don’t know anything about CPA - there will be scandals, division of money, and they will simply drag you to the bottom. As a result, you will end up with problems with your nerves and will end up fighting with everyone!

Before you start assembling a team, you need to understand that you must trust the people on the team 100%. Just imagine that you are pouring traffic into someone else’s account and it has accumulated 100-200k, do you trust the person? This happens often at work.

The best option for finding a team is to go to at least 1-2 conferences, where you will definitely find people who pour from one source or another.

For example: I went to CPAConf 2017, in fact, I didn’t know anyone personally, only through communication from chats and forums. Arriving at the conference, I registered and went to the hall. The first thing I did was take a photo with Nail Baikov and post the photo in the profile chat on Facebook, and a minute later I was already standing talking with new acquaintances on various topics, half an hour later we had a small dream team of 10-15 people, which was connected by one traffic source , common cause, etc., I never talked to half of them even online, but they turned out to be cool guys. Someone left, someone came, and at the report on FB we completely occupied the entire row =) Well, then - alcohol, communication, and lots of chips.

Why did I tell all this? The best option is when you communicate with people in person and come to the point of working together =)


Stop doing sh*t already, thinking that they will squeeze your ligament out of you. Remember: there are thousands of web sites, and hundreds of people from thousands of accounts pour into one offer. The Internet is big, and if you think that your connection is super unique, that’s nonsense! As a team you will earn many times more!

Stages of team development:

1. Lapping in

You start working together, testing together, sharing experiences and what went well. If one has an offer, the second and third also launch this offer, there is enough audience for everyone =) If everyone in the team is too lazy to draw creatives (as in our case), you hire a creative person on a salary =) I know many guys who hired and didn’t regrets, because the average salary is 20-30k, and since you work in a team, dividing it among everyone, it comes out to pennies, and without wasting time on creo =)

We also teach our creatives how to cast. Personally, my task is to bring him to a minimum profit of 100k per month, and in the future I will join the team, because the creos come in with a bang =)

2. Scaling

Due to the fact that you are already working together, you have more established connections, creos, and at the same time you have a dozen accounts pouring into several offers.

You get tired of doing the routine and want to live like a person, you hire those who do the whole routine for a fixed salary + bonus. For example, to upload companies, you give the task of what and how to configure, what to upload, etc., while in the meantime you simply do further analytics of the created companies =)

Thus, it turns out that your team is a chat with partners who are united by one goal - PROFIT!

Some even open offices, put assistants there and pour ( Lidoff, Hello).

3. Volumes and Rest

Then you reach good volumes, affiliate managers give you private offers, increased deductions, etc., you work the same way, but with a lot of experience under your belt. You can launch any offer in the shortest possible time, and here development proceeds much faster.

As a recreation, you meet as a team and organize mini-corporate parties. In a word, you have surrounded yourself with people who will support you in any situation, who live the same life as you, with whom there is always something to talk about =) You get good friends!

What is all this for?

It's time to understand that working alone is becoming more and more difficult, costs are rising, and profits are falling. Look at your stats and try to see stability! Do you see a stable profit? Or its constant growth? NO? So it's time for you to think about the team.

This concludes the team topic, and I will be happy to answer all questions in the comments. Please do not write in PM, because the questions are usually of the same type.

What will happen in the next post?

Today I will give away the bundle= Offer + Several Creatives + Text + Targeting. ROI at the testing stage is 150-200%.

Don't like or press, I tried.

Thank you for your attention! Profit to everyone!

“Once you become a leader, other people become the main factors in your work. And your task is to walk around them with a glass of water in one hand and a bag of fertilizer in the other. Treat your team like seeds that will grow into a thriving garden. The point of your job is to manage the development of these people.”

Jack Welch - legendary CEO of General Electric from 1981 to 2001

Small business is one team. Your employees play a critical role in the life of your company. There is one formula for success for small businesses - the quality of your Team!

Commitment of all employees, including you, to growth both professionally and morally. Everyone must be dedicated to the common cause, interested in the development of the company, love changes (like love - in the Application) and be able to work in a team.

Popular wisdom: “The mind of a team member + The mind of the team itself = Great Mind!”

Team building

Team building - what is it? We can say this: A team in a small business company can be called a group of people united by common “grand” goals and objectives that correspond to the goals and objectives of the company’s founder. Such a Team is created under the direct supervision of a leader, the father (mother) of the founder, who will supervise its work, who will also train and create new connections between team members. This is the essence of the Team - its Leader. There is a leader, a professional and a teacher, all in one person, which means there is a full-fledged team. Also, the management style of a leader is very important. How you manage is what you will get! Therefore, next, we will look at the different styles of managing teams in different countries. It’s interesting to compare styles and see – what management style do you have?

How to create a strong team? The best minds in the field of management are struggling to create the structure and “spirit” of a quality team. Who doesn't dream of creating a strong championship team? There are many methods. Some create a team of their employees, others buy up the “stars” of their market. In all cases, the main thing that determines the effectiveness of such a team will be the following - each employee plays his own role, but at the same time fulfills all the instructions of the entrepreneur-director.

How to create a successful team?

One of the smart people said: “It’s difficult with three, and when you start organizing three, then their number doesn’t matter.”

Everything has its own rules. This also applies to teamwork.

Simple rules for creating and developing successful and effective teamwork in your company are:

  • Firstly, a communication system and a common language are being built that allows us to understand what is happening. To do this, you need to build open and honest relationships using direct exchange of truthful information. Which leads to the creation of trust in the team. It also contributes to the creation and development of emotional connections. Act honestly. Be friendly and have confidence that you are doing the right thing. This creates trust, its growth gives hope for the successful work of the team. Sharing information is important for understanding other people and setting the entire team up for success.
  • Secondly, welcome employee training. It is important that employees grow both personally and professionally. If there is no sense of growth, then there is no movement forward and teamwork is in danger. It’s like water – it doesn’t flow, which means it starts to bloom and mold. It is clear that the potential of any employee is not fully realized. So help him open up! You need to understand that learning contributes to the creation of new things and motivates people to search for innovations.
  • Third, create a positive team spirit (team spirit). It is a friendly and warm atmosphere. Almost family! This means that family values ​​are also inherent in the team - a willingness to help each other, to do a lot for each other. Working and relaxing together is quite difficult to do. But this is what distinguishes such relationships from typical ones (for our companies).
  • Fourth, generate passion and perseverance in achieving the goals of the team and each individual player of such a team. Everyone’s passion adds up to the passion of others and creates a synergistic effect - super energy to achieve a good result.

About loyalty in the team. Loyalty is not an innate quality. Usually there are no more than 10% of loyal people in society. This only means that loyalty needs to be created. Its appearance requires the team leader to master all management methods.

What is loyalty? There are different definitions, but most of all, the essence of the word loyalty is revealed by the following: “Loyalty as the willingness to voluntarily, without coercion, comply with both documented regulations and unspoken principles of team and corporate culture. In addition, unlike diligence, loyalty presupposes the voluntary performance of work that is not assigned, but useful for the business, which falls within the competence and authority of the team player.”

No loyalty - no team!

And this sets you up for sad thoughts and gives you a reason to say what you need to do so as not to “spoil” your team. Do not create:

An oppressive atmosphere in the team, which leads to indifference of team members to work and results. It's like the flu - everyone gets infected with tension, anger and other “negative bacteria”. The team is sick!

False communications. People don't listen to each other. Everything reasonable is rejected. Everyone for themselves. The conversation jumps from topic to topic - and it turns out like a conversation between a deaf person and a dumb person. Everyone says their own thing and about their own. Teamwork goals are at risk. By the way, communications are created by the team leader and it depends on him what kind of relationships between people will develop during the work.

A mechanism for suppressing people's initiative. Personal feelings are suppressed rather than expressed publicly. The team's false belief that it is indecent to expose one's feelings to everyone. This is not a melodrama. Hence, as a consequence, the team tends to remain silent about its activities and its mistakes. There is simply no trust between people.

Features of managing teams in different countries

You can't just ignore traditions!

Everything, or much, depends on traditional methods of managing teams that have developed in different countries, even regions. We can conditionally divide management systems into “European-American”, “Russian and CIS countries”, “Asian” and “Eastern”.

The “Asian” management system is distinguished by the fact that it is “hard-wired” into the obligation to unquestioningly comply with both the general rules of the company itself and any order of a superior manager. Attempts at willful actions are stopped quickly and demonstrably. Teams of this type are closed, issues are resolved slowly, and people lack initiative.

In the “Eastern” system there is no coercion. The peculiarity of this system is that the internal obligations of people to the company are very high. People work hard and are focused on improving the work process (for example, Kaizen, among the Japanese). The group – the team – is responsible for the results. Thus, Chinese companies successfully practice an incentive system focused on a team with group responsibility.

“Russian” and CIS countries management models. They cannot do without coercion. Do as they say. It is not customary to show the desire for achievements and upward strides towards a good life. Discipline is not in the first place, or simply absent. Observed readiness to break any rules. Therefore, rigidity is a necessity for such a control system.

In the “European-American” model, the system of coercion is, as always, Jesuitical and well disguised. The leader's constant smile is disarming. He speaks politely and is ready to listen to you. It lays softly, but it hurts to fall! And if you decide that you can be optional and lazy, then you will quickly and harshly be put in your place. And then, dismissal is just around the corner.